Defines a managed connection factory.
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | true |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 60000 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 30000 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 30000 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | BYTES |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.loadbalance.RoundRobinConnectionLoadBalancingPolicy |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 60000 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Capability reference | |
Type | LIST |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 1048576 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | BYTES |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | OBJECT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LIST |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LIST |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 1048576 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LIST |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 1 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 1500 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | BYTES |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 20 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 2000 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 102400 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | BYTES |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 0 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 65536 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | BYTES |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 2000 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 1.0 |
Type | DOUBLE |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 5 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 30 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | xa |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Allowed Values | local none xa |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 1048576 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | true |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | true |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | true |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-only |
Request Parameter | Type | Required | Expressions Allowed | Default value | Description |
auto-group | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | The autogroup. |
block-on-acknowledge | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | True to set block on acknowledge. |
block-on-durable-send | BOOLEAN | false | true | true | True to set block on durable send. |
block-on-non-durable-send | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | True to set block on non durable send. |
cache-large-message-client | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | True to cache large messages. |
call-failover-timeout | LONG | false | true | 60000 | The timeout to use when fail over is in process (in ms). |
call-timeout | LONG | false | true | 30000 | The call time out. |
client-failure-check-period | LONG | false | true | 30000 | The client failure check period. |
client-id | STRING | false | true | The client id. | |
compress-large-messages | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Whether large messages should be compressed. |
confirmation-window-size | INT | false | true | -1 | The confirmation window size. |
connection-load-balancing-policy-class-name | STRING | false | false | org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.loadbalance.RoundRobinConnectionLoadBalancingPolicy | Name of a class implementing a client-side load balancing policy that a client can use to load balance sessions across different nodes in a cluster. |
connection-ttl | LONG | false | true | 60000 | The connection ttl. |
connectors | LIST | true | false | Defines the connectors. These are stored in a map by connector name (with an undefined value). It is possible to pass a list of connector names when writing this attribute. | |
consumer-max-rate | INT | false | true | -1 | The consumer max rate. |
consumer-window-size | INT | false | true | 1048576 | The consumer window size. |
credential-reference | OBJECT | false | false | Credential (from Credential Store) to authenticate the pooled connection factory | |
deserialization-black-list | LIST | false | true | A list of class names (separated by whitespaces) that are black-listed to be used in serialization of JMS ObjectMessage. | |
deserialization-white-list | LIST | false | true | A list of class names (separated by whitespaces) that are white-listed to be used in serialization of JMS ObjectMessage. | |
discovery-group | STRING | true | false | The discovery group name. | |
dups-ok-batch-size | INT | false | true | 1048576 | The dups ok batch size. |
enlistment-trace | BOOLEAN | false | true | Enables IronJacamar to record enlistment traces for this pooled-connection-factory. This attribute is undefined by default and the behaviour is driven by the presence of the ironjacamar.disable_enlistment_trace system property. | |
entries | LIST | true | true | The jndi names the connection factory should be bound to. | |
failover-on-initial-connection | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | True to fail over on initial connection. |
group-id | STRING | false | true | The group id. | |
ha | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Whether the connection factory supports High Availability. |
initial-connect-attempts | INT | false | true | 1 | The number of attempts to connect initially with this factory. |
initial-message-packet-size | INT | false | true | 1500 | The initial size of messages created through this factory. |
managed-connection-pool | STRING | false | true | The class name of the managed connection pool used by this pooled-connection-factory. | |
max-pool-size | INT | false | true | 20 | The maximum size for the pool |
max-retry-interval | LONG | false | true | 2000 | The max retry interval. |
min-large-message-size | INT | false | true | 102400 | The min large message size. |
min-pool-size | INT | false | true | 0 | The minimum size for the pool |
password | STRING | false | true | The default password to use with this connection factory. This is only needed when pointing the connection factory to a remote host. | |
pre-acknowledge | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | True to pre-acknowledge. |
producer-max-rate | INT | false | true | -1 | The producer max rate. |
producer-window-size | INT | false | true | 65536 | The producer window size. |
protocol-manager-factory | STRING | false | false | The protocol manager factory used by this pooled connection factory. | |
reconnect-attempts | INT | false | true | -1 | The reconnect attempts. By default, a pooled connection factory will try to reconnect infinitely to the messaging server(s). |
retry-interval | LONG | false | true | 2000 | The retry interval. |
retry-interval-multiplier | DOUBLE | false | true | 1.0 | The retry interval multiplier. |
scheduled-thread-pool-max-size | INT | false | true | 5 | The scheduled thread pool max size. |
statistics-enabled | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Define whether runtime statistics are enabled. |
thread-pool-max-size | INT | false | true | 30 | The thread pool max size. |
transaction | STRING | false | true | xa | The type of transaction supported by this pooled connection factory (can be LOCAL, NONE or XA, default is XA). |
transaction-batch-size | INT | false | true | 1048576 | The transaction batch size. |
use-auto-recovery | BOOLEAN | false | true | true | True to use auto recovery. |
use-global-pools | BOOLEAN | false | true | true | True to use global pools. |
use-topology-for-load-balancing | BOOLEAN | false | true | true | Whether to use topology information from the cluster to connect to it. If set to 'false', only the initial connector will be used. |
user | STRING | false | true | The default username to use with this connection factory. This is only needed when pointing the connection factory to a remote host. | |
jndi-params | STRING | false | true | The JNDI params to use for locating the destination for incoming connections. | |
rebalance-connections | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Rebalance inbound connections when cluster topology changes. |
setup-attempts | INT | false | true | The number of times to set up an MDB endpoint | |
setup-interval | LONG | false | true | The interval between attempts at setting up an MDB endpoint. | |
use-jndi | BOOLEAN | false | true | Use JNDI to locate the destination for incoming connections | |
use-local-tx | BOOLEAN | false | true | Use a local transaction for incoming sessions | |
allow-local-transactions | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Allow local transactions for outbond JMS Sessions (it does not apply to JMSContext that explicitly disallows it). |