An address setting defines some attributes that are defined against an address wildcard rather than a specific queue.
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | PAGE |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Allowed Values | DROP PAGE BLOCK FAIL |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | true |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | true |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 10 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 0 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | BYTES |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 0 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | DAYS |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 5 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 10485760 |
Type | INT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | BYTES |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 0 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 1.0 |
Type | DOUBLE |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | false |
Type | BOOLEAN |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | 5 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Unit | SECONDS |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | NOTIFY |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Allowed Values | KILL NOTIFY |
Attribute | Value |
Default Value | -1 |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | true |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | no-services |
Request Parameter | Type | Required | Expressions Allowed | Default value | Description |
address-full-policy | STRING | false | true | PAGE | Determines what happens when an address where max-size-bytes is specified becomes full. (PAGE, DROP or BLOCK) |
auto-create-addresses | BOOLEAN | false | true | true | Determines whether ActiveMQ should automatically create an addresses corresponding to the address-settings match when a producer or a consumer is tries to use such a queue. |
auto-create-jms-queues | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Determines whether ActiveMQ should automatically create a JMS queue corresponding to the address-settings match when a JMS producer or a consumer is tries to use such a queue. |
auto-create-queues | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Determines whether ActiveMQ should automatically create a queue corresponding to the address-settings match when a producer or a consumer is tries to use such a queue. |
auto-delete-addresses | BOOLEAN | false | true | true | Determines Whether ActiveMQ should automatically delete auto-created addresses when they have no consumers and no messages. |
auto-delete-jms-queues | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Determines Whether ActiveMQ should automatically delete auto-created JMS queues when they have no consumers and no messages. |
auto-delete-queues | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Determines Whether ActiveMQ should automatically delete auto-created queues when they have no consumers and no messages. |
dead-letter-address | STRING | false | true | The dead letter address | |
expiry-address | STRING | false | true | Defines where to send a message that has expired. | |
expiry-delay | LONG | false | true | -1 | Defines the expiration time that will be used for messages using the default expiration time |
last-value-queue | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | Defines whether a queue only uses last values or not |
max-delivery-attempts | INT | false | true | 10 | Defines how many time a cancelled message can be redelivered before sending to the dead-letter-address |
max-redelivery-delay | LONG | false | true | 0 | Maximum value for the redelivery-delay (in ms). |
max-size-bytes | LONG | false | true | -1 | The max bytes size. |
message-counter-history-day-limit | INT | false | true | 0 | Day limit for the message counter history. |
page-max-cache-size | INT | false | true | 5 | The number of page files to keep in memory to optimize IO during paging navigation. |
page-size-bytes | INT | false | true | 10485760 | The paging size. |
redelivery-delay | LONG | false | true | 0 | Defines how long to wait before attempting redelivery of a cancelled message |
redelivery-multiplier | DOUBLE | false | true | 1.0 | Multiplier to apply to the redelivery-delay parameter |
redistribution-delay | LONG | false | true | -1 | Defines how long to wait when the last consumer is closed on a queue before redistributing any messages |
send-to-dla-on-no-route | BOOLEAN | false | true | false | If this parameter is set to true for that address, if the message is not routed to any queues it will instead be sent to the dead letter address (DLA) for that address, if it exists. |
slow-consumer-check-period | LONG | false | true | 5 | How often to check for slow consumers on a particular queue. |
slow-consumer-policy | STRING | false | true | NOTIFY | Determine what happens when a slow consumer is identified. |
slow-consumer-threshold | LONG | false | true | -1 | The minimum rate of message consumption allowed before a consumer is considered slow. |