© 2021 The original authors.
Different flavors of WildFly
Beginning with the WildFly 22 release, the WildFly project began producing two variants of its landmark application server — the standard "WildFly" variant and the new "WildFly Preview".
The standard "WildFly" variant is the classic server that users have been familiar with for many years now. It’s a very mature server, with a lot of care taken to ensure new features are fully realized and to limit the number of incompatible changes between releases.
WildFly Preview is a tech preview variant of the server. The goal of WildFly Preview is to give the WildFly community a look at changes that are likely to appear in future releases of the standard WildFly server. The aim is to get feedback on in-progress work, so it is more likely that features will not be fully realized, and a greater number of incompatible changes may appear from release to release. The amount of testing WildFly Preview undergoes will generally not be as high as the standard WildFly variant.
The expectation is on any given release date, both standard WildFly and WildFly Preview will be released.
A WildFly Preview release will have the same version number and suffix (Beta, Final, etc) as the main WildFly release, but regardless of the suffix, a WildFly Preview release should be treated as a Technical Preview release. |
1. Getting WildFly Preview
The zip or tar.gz file for WildFly Preview is available at https://wildfly.org/downloads right next to the main WildFly release files for the same version.
For bootable jar users and Galleon CLI users, we provide a Galleon feature pack for WildFly Preview. The
Galleon feature pack location for the feature pack is wildfly-preview@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)
This feature pack is the WildFly Preview analogue to main WildFly’s wildfly@maven(org.jboss.universe:community-universe)
2. WildFly Preview and Jakarta EE 9
The primary thing currently being showcased in WildFly Preview is support for Jakarta EE 9. Jakarta EE 9 is primarily aimed at transitioning the EE APIs from the javax.* package namespace to the jakarta.* namespace. Some techologies were made optional in EE 9 and others were pruned from the platform, but for all the technologies retained from EE 8, the APIs and expected behaviors are unchanged from EE 8, except for the very significant change in the package names.
This package rename is a big change that is going to take a while to percolate through the EE ecosystem, e.g. for the many projects that compile against the EE APIs to provide versions that use jakarta.*. While this happens the WildFly project wants to continue to deliver new features and fixes to our community, so the standard WildFly distribution continues to provide the EE 8 APIs. But WildFly Preview’s remit of providing a look at coming technologies makes it a good fit for letting our users experiment with EE 9.
WildFly Preview is a compatible implementation of the Jakarta EE 9.0 Web Profile. Certification of the full platform is in progress.
2.1. EE 9 Via Bytecode Transformation and the 'wildfly-preview' Galleon Feature Pack
The large majority of the libraries included in WildFly Preview that were compiled against EE APIs were based on the EE 8 APIs in the javax.* packages. This includes the libraries produced from WildFly’s own code base. But the EE API libraries available in the WildFly Preview runtime all use the jakarta.* packages. How can this work?
The solution we’ve come up with for this is to use the new wildfly-preview
Galleon feature pack to convert any
code using the EE 8 javax.* APIs to jakarta.* at the time that it provisions a server installation. (Recall that any
WildFly server installation — including the ones we zip up and make available on https://wildfly.org/downloads — is produced by telling Galleon tooling to provision from a feature pack.)
The wildfly-preview
feature pack differs from the standard wildfly
one in a number of ways, with the key ones
relevant to EE 9 being:
Where suitable EE 9 spec API jars are available from Eclipse, those are used instead of the EE 8 spec jars used in standard WildFly.
Where suitable 'native' EE 9 implementation libraries (i.e. ones compiled against jakarta.*) are available, those are used. This includes Weld, Hibernate Validator, Mojarra, Yasson, Jakarta EL and Jakarta JSON.
When the feature pack is built any libraries that are using EE 8 APIs are detected and instructions are incorporated in the feature pack telling Galleon to do byte code transformation of that library whenever it provisions a server using the feature pack.
The last item is the key point. When Galleon provisions a wildfly-preview
server by pulling jars down from maven,
it knows that some artifacts were compiled against EE 8 javax.* packages. So it bytecode transforms those jars to alter
references to EE 8 packages in the class file constant tables to change from javax.* to jakarta.*. The transformation
goes beyond simple package renames; a number of other known differences between EE 8 and EE 9 are handled. We owe a
great deal of thanks to the community behind the Eclipse Transformer
project for their work on the underlying transformation tool.
You can use the Galleon CLI tool to provision a server from the wildfly-preview feature pack yourself:
galleon.sh install wildfly-preview:current --dir=my-wildfly-server
Note the use of 'wildfly-preview' instead of 'wildfly'.
As Galleon provisions the server it will log quite a bit of information about the transformation work it is doing.
Please note that the transformation adds a fair bit to the amount of time it takes to provision the server.
Of course, you’re not required to provision the server yourself; you can also download the WildFly Preview release zip or tarball and unpack it.
2.2. WildFly Preview Support for EE 8 Deployments
The APIs that WildFly Preview exposes to deployments are the EE 9 APIs, so all the classes and interfaces are in the jakarta.* packages. But what if you want to run an existing EE 8 application on WildFly Preview? We expect that to be a very important use case in the long run. Eventually the jakarta.* APIs will be what’s provided by the standard WildFly distribution, but many WildFly users will have existing applications that they’ll want to continue to run unchanged. So we wanted to make sure from the very beginning that that works.
What we’ve done is we’ve added to the server’s handling of managed deployments the same basic transformation that’s applied to the server artifacts when provisioning. A managed deployment is one where a management client (the CLI, HAL console or the deployment scanner) presents deployment content to the server and the server makes a copy of it in its internal deployment content repository. The content that gets installed into the runtime is that internal copy.
A WildFly Preview server, when it reads in deployment content to store in the content repository, will transform any EE 8 content into EE 9.
In the long run it’s better for users if they either convert their application source to EE 9 APIs, or use build-time tooling that we expect the Jakarta ecosystem to provide over time to do transformation at build time. But some applications just can’t be changed, so the server-side solution WildFly Preview provides can handle those cases.
3. Other Differences in WildFly Preview
Besides exposing EE 9 APIs, WildFly Preview is intended to help get community exposure for other changes we plan to make in the server. Here are the key ones:
WildFly Preview is not a Jakarta EE 8 compatible implementation. It also is not a MicroProfile platform compatible implementation. Most EE 8 and MicroProfile applications are expected to run well on WildFly Preview, but it is not certified compatible.
The legacy security subsytem is not supported. The standard configurations are all based on Elytron security. Our goal is to remove the underlying Picketbox libraries altogether. When this is done, security vault support will be removed as well. Elytron credential stores should be used.
The security vault tool (used to manipulate vault contents) is not provided.
The standard configuration files do not configure an embedded messaging broker. Instead they configure the 'messaging-activemq' subsystem to provide connections to a remote ActiveMQ Artemis broker. (It’s a task for the user to run such a broker or to update the config to integrate with a different broker.) We want WildFly out-of-the-box to be more of a cloud native appserver and having an embedded messaging broker in the default configuration is not cloud native. A WildFly container in the cloud running an embedded broker is not scalable, as multiple broker instances need separate configuration to act as a primary or backup. An embedded messaging broker also has more advanced persistent storage requirements than a server primarily dedicated to handling HTTP requests would have. Note however that running an embedded broker is still supported. We’ve added to the $WILDFLY_HOME/docs/examples/configs folder an example
configuration showing its use. -
The Picketlink extension is removed.
The JSR-77 extension is removed.
The extensions providing the legacy subsystems 'cmp', 'config-admin', 'jacorb', 'jaxr', 'messaging' (HornetQ based), and 'web' (not 'undertow') are removed. These were only used for domain mode to allow a Domain Controller to control hosts running much earlier WildFly versions where servers using these subsystems were supported.
4. WildFly Preview Known Issues
WildFly Preview has a number of known issues:
JBoss Modules modules installed by the user are not transformed. If such a module uses EE 8 APIs it will not work.
Deployment overlays are not transformed. So any overlay artifact that uses EE 8 APIs will not work.
Unmanaged deployments that use EE 8 APIs will not work. We transform managed deployments when we copy the deployment content into the internal content repo. For unmanaged deployments we use the original content file(s) the user provides, and WildFly Preview won’t modify those files as we don’t regard them as being 'owned' by the server.
Managed exploded deployments likely won’t work.
Alternate JPA and JSF providers that you can install with standard WildFly are not supported.