Log files that are available to be read.
Attribute | Value |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | LONG |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Request Parameter | Type | Required | Expressions Allowed | Default value | Description |
encoding | STRING | false | true | The character encoding used to read the file. | |
lines | INT | false | true | 10 | The number of lines to read from the file. A value of -1 will read all log lines. |
skip | INT | false | true | 0 | The number of lines to skip before reading. |
tail | BOOLEAN | false | true | true | Reads from the end of the file. |