List of available JDBC drivers
Name | Dynamic | Other provider points |
---|---|---| | true | none |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | all-services |
Attribute | Value |
Type | OBJECT |
Nillable | true |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | runtime |
Access Type | read-only |
Attribute | Value |
Type | STRING |
Nillable | false |
Expressions Allowed | false |
Storage | configuration |
Access Type | read-write |
Restart Required | all-services |
Request Parameter | Type | Required | Expressions Allowed | Default value | Description |
class | STRING | false | false | Fully qualified name of the connection provider class (either Driver, DataSource or XADataSource) | |
module | STRING | true | false | Name of module providing this driver |