WildFly 34 Model Reference


Code Level Return Type Message
AMQ121003 INFO JMS Server Manager Running cached command for {0}
AMQ121004 INFO JMS Server Manager Caching command for {0} since the JMS Server is not active yet
AMQ121005 INFO Invalid "host" value "" detected for "{0}" connector. Switching to "{1}". If this new address is incorrect please manually configure the connector to use the proper one.
AMQ122007 WARN Queue {0} does not exist on the topic {1}. It was deleted manually probably.
AMQ122008 WARN XA Recovery can not connect to any ActiveMQ server on recovery {0}
AMQ122011 WARN error unbinding {0} from JNDI
AMQ122012 WARN JMS Server Manager error
AMQ122013 WARN Error in XA Recovery recover
AMQ122014 WARN Notified of connection failure in xa recovery connectionFactory for provider {0} will attempt reconnect on next pass
AMQ122015 WARN Can not connect to {0} on auto-generated resource recovery
AMQ122016 DEBUG Error in XA Recovery
AMQ122017 WARN Tried to correct invalid "host" value "" for "{0}" connector, but received an exception.
AMQ122018 WARN Could not start recovery discovery on {0}, we will retry every recovery scan until the server is available
AMQ124000 ERROR key attribute missing for JMS configuration {0}
AMQ124002 ERROR Failed to start JMS deployer


Code Level Return Type Message
ARJUNA012001 WARN ActivationRecord::set_value() called illegally
ARJUNA012002 WARN Invocation of ActivationRecord::restore_state for {0} inappropriate - ignored for {1}
ARJUNA012003 WARN Attempted abort operation on deleted object id {0} of type {1} ignored
ARJUNA012005 WARN DisposeRecord::save_state - failed
ARJUNA012006 WARN DisposeRecord::save_state - no object store defined.
ARJUNA012008 WARN DisposeRecord::topLevelCommit - exception while deleting state
ARJUNA012009 WARN PersistenceRecord::restore_state: Failed to unpack object store type
ARJUNA012011 WARN PersistenceRecord::save_state - packing top level state failed
ARJUNA012012 WARN PersistenceRecord::save_state - failed
ARJUNA012013 WARN PersistenceRecord::save_state - no object store defined for object
ARJUNA012015 WARN PersistenceRecord::topLevelAbort() - Could not remove state from object store!
ARJUNA012016 WARN PersistenceRecord::topLevelCommit - commit_state call failed for {0}
ARJUNA012017 WARN PersistenceRecord::topLevelAbort() - Received ObjectStoreException
ARJUNA012018 WARN PersistenceRecord.topLevelPrepare - write_uncommitted error
ARJUNA012019 WARN PersistenceRecord::topLevelCommit - no state to commit!
ARJUNA012020 WARN PersistenceRecord::topLevelCommit - caught exception
ARJUNA012021 WARN PersistenceRecord::topLevelCommit - no object store specified!
ARJUNA012022 WARN PersistenceRecord::topLevelCommit - commit_state error
ARJUNA012023 WARN PersistenceRecord deactivate error, object probably already deactivated!
ARJUNA012024 WARN PersistenceRecord.topLevelPrepare - setup error!
ARJUNA012025 WARN RecoveryRecord::setValue not given OutputObjectState.
ARJUNA012026 WARN RecoveryRecord::nestedAbort - restore_state on object failed!
ARJUNA012027 WARN LockManager::terminate() should be invoked in every destructor
ARJUNA012028 WARN StateManager::modified() invocation on an object whose state has not been restored - activating object
ARJUNA012029 WARN Delete called on object with uid {0} and type {1} within atomic action.
ARJUNA012030 WARN StateManager.cleanup - could not save_state from terminate!
ARJUNA012031 WARN Attempt to use volatile store.
ARJUNA012032 java.lang.String Volatile store not implemented!
ARJUNA012033 java.lang.String Invalid object state.
ARJUNA012035 WARN Activate of object with id = {0} and type {1} unexpectedly failed
ARJUNA012036 WARN StateManager::deactivate - object store error
ARJUNA012037 WARN StateManager::deactivate - save_state error
ARJUNA012038 WARN StateManager.destroy - failed to add abstract record to transaction {0}; check transaction status.
ARJUNA012039 WARN StateManager.destroy - caught object store exception
ARJUNA012040 WARN StateManager.destroy - called on non-persistent or new object!
ARJUNA012041 WARN StateManager.restore_state - could not find StateManager state in object state!
ARJUNA012043 WARN Mutex.unlock - called by non-owning thread!
ARJUNA012044 WARN cannot get local host.
ARJUNA012046 java.lang.String Uid.Uid recreate constructor could not recreate Uid!
ARJUNA012047 java.lang.String Uid.Uid string constructor could not create nullUid
ARJUNA012048 WARN Uid general parsing error: {0}
ARJUNA012049 FATAL Uid.Uid string constructor could not create nullUid for incorrect string: {0}
ARJUNA012050 java.lang.String Uid.Uid string constructor incorrect: {0}
ARJUNA012051 WARN Uid.generateHash called for invalid Uid. Will ignore.
ARJUNA012055 WARN Exception thrown creating Uid from bytes!
ARJUNA012056 WARN Exception thrown getting bytes!
ARJUNA012057 WARN Uid.Uid string constructor {0} caught other throwable
ARJUNA012058 WARN AbstractRecord.create {0} failed to find record.
ARJUNA012059 java.lang.String Memory exhausted.
ARJUNA012060 WARN Action nesting error - deletion of action id {0} invoked while child actions active
ARJUNA012061 WARN Aborting child {0}
ARJUNA012062 WARN BasicAction.restore_state - could not recover {0}
ARJUNA012063 WARN BasicAction.restore_state - error unpacking action status.
ARJUNA012065 WARN BasicAction.Begin of action {0} ignored - incorrect invocation sequence {1}
ARJUNA012066 WARN Destructor of still running action id {0} invoked - Aborting
ARJUNA012067 WARN BasicAction.Begin of action {0} ignored - no parent and set as nested action!
ARJUNA012068 WARN BasicAction.Begin of action {0} ignored - parent action {1} is not running: {2}
ARJUNA012070 WARN End called on non-running atomic action {0}
ARJUNA012071 WARN End called on already committed atomic action {0}
ARJUNA012072 WARN End called illegally on atomic action {0}
ARJUNA012073 WARN BasicAction.End() - prepare phase of action-id {0} failed.
ARJUNA012074 WARN Received heuristic: {0} .
ARJUNA012075 WARN Action Aborting
ARJUNA012076 WARN Abort called on non-running atomic action {0}
ARJUNA012077 WARN Abort called on already aborted atomic action {0}
ARJUNA012078 WARN Abort called illegaly on atomic action {0}
ARJUNA012079 WARN BasicAction {0} - non-empty ( {1} ) pendingList {2}
ARJUNA012080 WARN Transaction {0} marked as rollback only. Will abort.
ARJUNA012081 WARN Cannot force parent to rollback - no handle!
ARJUNA012082 WARN BasicAction::prepare - creating intentions list failed for {0}
ARJUNA012083 WARN BasicAction::prepare - intentions list write failed for {0}
ARJUNA012084 WARN One-phase commit of action {0} received heuristic decision: {1}
ARJUNA012085 FATAL BasicAction.onePhaseCommit failed - no object store for atomic action state!
ARJUNA012086 WARN Prepare phase of nested action {0} received inconsistent outcomes.
ARJUNA012087 WARN Activate of atomic action with id {0} and type {1} unexpectedly failed, could not load state.
ARJUNA012088 WARN Prepare phase of action {0} received heuristic decision: {1}
ARJUNA012089 WARN Top-level abort of action {0} received heuristic decision: {1}
ARJUNA012090 WARN Nested abort of action {0} received heuristic decision: {1}
ARJUNA012091 WARN Top-level abort of action {0} received {1} from {2}
ARJUNA012092 WARN Nested abort of action {0} received {1} from {2}
ARJUNA012093 WARN BasicAction.checkIsCurrent {0} - terminating non-current transaction: {1}
ARJUNA012094 WARN Commit of action id {0} invoked while multiple threads active within it.
ARJUNA012095 WARN Abort of action id {0} invoked while multiple threads active within it.
ARJUNA012096 WARN Commit of action id {0} invoked while child actions active
ARJUNA012097 WARN Deactivate of atomic action with id {0} and type {1} unexpectedly failed, could not save state.
ARJUNA012098 WARN Abort of action id {0} invoked while child actions active
ARJUNA012099 WARN Aborting child: {0}
ARJUNA012100 WARN Now aborting self: {0}
ARJUNA012101 WARN BasicAction.updateState - Could not create ObjectState for failedList
ARJUNA012102 WARN BasicAction.End - Could not write failed list
ARJUNA012103 WARN (Internal) BasicAction.merge - record rejected
ARJUNA012104 java.lang.String No object store for:
ARJUNA012105 WARN Could not remove intentions list:
ARJUNA012107 WARN CheckedAction::check - atomic action {0} commiting with {1} threads active!
ARJUNA012108 WARN CheckedAction::check - atomic action {0} aborting with {1} threads active!
ARJUNA012109 java.lang.String TransactionReaper - attempting to insert an element that is already present.
ARJUNA012110 WARN TransactionReaper::check successfuly marked TX {0} as rollback only
ARJUNA012111 WARN TransactionReaper::check failed to mark TX {0} as rollback only
ARJUNA012112 WARN TransactionReaper::check exception while marking TX {0} as rollback only
ARJUNA012113 WARN TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker {0} missed interrupt when cancelling TX {1} -- exiting as zombie (zombie count decremented to {2})
ARJUNA012114 WARN TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker {0} successfuly marked TX {1} as rollback only
ARJUNA012115 WARN TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker {0} failed to mark TX {1} as rollback only
ARJUNA012116 WARN TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker {0} exception while marking TX {1} as rollback only
ARJUNA012117 WARN TransactionReaper::check processing TX {0} in state {1}
ARJUNA012118 WARN TransactionReaper NORMAL mode is deprecated. Update config to use PERIODIC for equivalent behaviour.
ARJUNA012119 ERROR TransactionReaper::check worker zombie count {0} exceeds specified limit
ARJUNA012120 WARN TransactionReaper::check worker {0} not responding to interrupt when cancelling TX {1} -- worker marked as zombie and TX scheduled for mark-as-rollback
ARJUNA012121 WARN TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker {0} successfully canceled TX {1}
ARJUNA012122 WARN TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker {0} failed to cancel TX {1} -- rescheduling for mark-as-rollback
ARJUNA012123 WARN TransactionReaper::doCancellations worker {0} exception during cancel of TX {1} -- rescheduling for mark-as-rollback
ARJUNA012124 WARN TwoPhaseCoordinator.beforeCompletion - attempted rollback_only failed!
ARJUNA012125 WARN TwoPhaseCoordinator.beforeCompletion - failed for {0}
ARJUNA012126 WARN TwoPhaseCoordinator.beforeCompletion TwoPhaseCoordinator.afterCompletion called on still running transaction!
ARJUNA012127 WARN TwoPhaseCoordinator.afterCompletion - returned failure for {0}
ARJUNA012128 WARN TwoPhaseCoordinator.afterCompletion - failed for {0} with exception
ARJUNA012129 WARN TwoPhaseCoordinator.afterCompletion - failed for {0} with error
ARJUNA012130 WARN Name of XA node not defined. Using {0}
ARJUNA012131 WARN Supplied name of node is too long. Using {0}
ARJUNA012132 WARN Supplied name of node contains reserved character ''-''. Using {0}
ARJUNA012135 java.lang.String Could not create Store type:
ARJUNA012136 WARN Could not recreate abstract record {0}
ARJUNA012137 WARN Cannot begin new transaction as TM is disabled. Marking as rollback-only.
ARJUNA012138 java.lang.String Node name cannot exceed {0} bytes!
ARJUNA012139 WARN You have chosen to disable the Multiple Last Resources warning. You will see it only once.
ARJUNA012140 WARN Adding multiple last resources is disallowed. Trying to add {0}, but already have {1}
ARJUNA012141 WARN Multiple last resources have been added to the current transaction. This is transactionally unsafe and should not be relied upon. Current resource is {0}
ARJUNA012142 WARN You have chosen to enable multiple last resources in the transaction manager. This is transactionally unsafe and should not be relied upon.
ARJUNA012143 WARN unknown store: {0}
ARJUNA012144 java.lang.String unknown store:
ARJUNA012146 WARN ActionStatusService: searching for uid: {0}
ARJUNA012147 INFO transactionType: {0} uid: {1} Status is {2}
ARJUNA012148 WARN Other Exception
ARJUNA012149 WARN Exception retrieving action status
ARJUNA012150 INFO matching Uid {0} found
ARJUNA012151 WARN Exception when accessing transaction store
ARJUNA012152 WARN Connection Lost to Recovery Manager
ARJUNA012153 WARN RecoverAtomicAction.replayPhase2: Unexpected status: {0}
ARJUNA012154 WARN RecoverAtomicAction: transaction {0} not activated, unable to replay phase 2 commit. Check state has not already been completed.
ARJUNA012155 WARN RecoverAtomicAction - tried to move failed activation log {0}
ARJUNA012159 INFO Connected to recovery manager on {0}:{1}
ARJUNA012161 WARN Exception when accessing data store
ARJUNA012162 WARN Object store exception
ARJUNA012163 INFO Starting service {0} on port {1}
ARJUNA012167 java.lang.String Invalid host or port
ARJUNA012168 WARN Failed to create server socket on address {0} and port: {1}
ARJUNA012169 WARN Listener failed
ARJUNA012170 INFO TransactionStatusManager started on port {0} and host {1} with service {2}
ARJUNA012171 WARN Failed to setup class for {0}
ARJUNA012176 java.lang.String Could not get unique port.
ARJUNA012177 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_1 - Invalid input buffer: byte.
ARJUNA012178 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_10 - Invalid input buffer: string.
ARJUNA012179 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_11 - Invalid from buffer
ARJUNA012180 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_2 - Invalid input buffer: bytes.
ARJUNA012181 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_3 - Invalid input buffer: boolean.
ARJUNA012182 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_4 - Invalid input buffer: char.
ARJUNA012183 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_5 - Invalid input buffer: short.
ARJUNA012184 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_6 - Invalid input buffer: int.
ARJUNA012185 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_7 - Invalid input buffer: long.
ARJUNA012186 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_8 - Invalid input buffer: float.
ARJUNA012187 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.InputBuffer_9 - Invalid input buffer: double
ARJUNA012188 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_1 - Invalid input buffer: byte.
ARJUNA012189 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_10 - Invalid input buffer: string.
ARJUNA012190 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_11 - Invalid from buffer
ARJUNA012191 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_2 - Invalid input buffer: bytes.
ARJUNA012192 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_3 - Invalid input buffer: boolean.
ARJUNA012193 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_4 - Invalid input buffer: char.
ARJUNA012194 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_5 - Invalid input buffer: short.
ARJUNA012195 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_6 - Invalid input buffer: int.
ARJUNA012196 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_7 - Invalid input buffer: long.
ARJUNA012197 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_8 - Invalid input buffer: float.
ARJUNA012198 java.lang.String com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.state.OutputBuffer_9 - Invalid input buffer: double
ARJUNA012202 INFO registering bean {0}.
ARJUNA012203 INFO Instance already exists: {0}.
ARJUNA012204 WARN Error registering {0}
ARJUNA012206 WARN Unable to unregister bean {0}
ARJUNA012207 WARN Unable to unregister bean {0}
ARJUNA012208 WARN An error occurred while creating file {0}
ARJUNA012209 WARN Utility.getDefaultProcess failed
ARJUNA012210 WARN Unable to use InetAddress.getLocalHost() to resolve address.
ARJUNA012211 WARN Attempt to suspend a non-AtomicAction transaction. Type is {0}
ARJUNA012212 WARN StateManagerFriend.forgetAction
ARJUNA012213 WARN StateManagerFriend.destroyed
ARJUNA012214 WARN StateManagerFriend.rememberAction
ARJUNA012215 WARN className is null
ARJUNA012216 WARN attempt to load {0} threw ClassNotFound. Wrong classloader?
ARJUNA012217 WARN class {0} does not implement {1}
ARJUNA012218 WARN cannot create new instance of {0}
ARJUNA012219 WARN cannot access {0}
ARJUNA012220 WARN cannot initialize from string {0}
ARJUNA012221 WARN Commit state failed for {0} and {1}
ARJUNA012222 WARN Remove state failed for {0} and {1} and {2}
ARJUNA012223 WARN Write state failed for {0} and {1} and {2} and {3}
ARJUNA012224 WARN Unknown work type {0}
ARJUNA012225 java.lang.String FileSystemStore::setupStore - cannot access root of object store: {0}
ARJUNA012226 WARN FileSystemStore.removeFromCache - no entry for {0}
ARJUNA012227 WARN FileSystemStore.renameFromTo - from {0} not present. Possibly renamed by crash recovery.
ARJUNA012228 java.lang.String FileSystemStore::allObjUids - could not pack Uid.
ARJUNA012229 java.lang.String FileSystemStore::allObjUids - could not pack end of list Uid.
ARJUNA012230 java.lang.String FileSytemStore::allTypes - could not pack entry string.
ARJUNA012231 java.lang.String FileSystemStore::allTypes - could not pack end of list string.
ARJUNA012232 java.lang.String FileSystemStore::setupStore - error from unpack object store.
ARJUNA012233 java.lang.String FileSystemStore::allTypes - could not pack entry string.
ARJUNA012234 java.lang.String FileSystemStore::createHierarchy - null directory name.
ARJUNA012236 WARN invalid number of hash directories: {0}. Will use default.
ARJUNA012237 java.lang.String HashedStore.allObjUids - could not pack Uid.
ARJUNA012238 java.lang.String HashedStore.allObjUids - could not pack end of list Uid.
ARJUNA012239 WARN hide_state caught exception
ARJUNA012240 WARN remove_state - type() operation of object with uid {0} returns NULL
ARJUNA012241 WARN invalid initial pool size: {0}
ARJUNA012242 WARN invalid maximum pool size: {0}
ARJUNA012243 WARN initialise caught exceptionatorLoader_3
ARJUNA012244 WARN getState caught exception
ARJUNA012245 WARN removeFromCache - no entry for {0}
ARJUNA012246 WARN getPool caught exception
ARJUNA012247 INFO getPool - interrupted while waiting for a free connection
ARJUNA012248 WARN freePool - freeing a connection which is already free!
ARJUNA012249 WARN reveal_state caught exception
ARJUNA012250 WARN currentState caught exception
ARJUNA012251 WARN allObjUids caught exception
ARJUNA012252 WARN allObjUids - pack of Uid failed
ARJUNA012253 WARN allTypes caught exception
ARJUNA012254 WARN allTypes - pack of Uid failed
ARJUNA012255 WARN remove_state caught exception
ARJUNA012256 WARN remove_state() attempted removal of {0} state for object with uid {1}
ARJUNA012257 WARN JDBCImple:read_state failed
ARJUNA012258 WARN JDBCImple:write_state caught exception
ARJUNA012259 FATAL JDBCStore could not setup store < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA012260 FATAL Received exception for {0}
ARJUNA012261 WARN JDBCStore.setupStore failed to initialise!
ARJUNA012263 java.lang.String No JDBCAccess implementation provided!
ARJUNA012265 WARN ShadowingStore::remove_state() - state {0} does not exist for type {1}
ARJUNA012266 WARN ShadowingStore::remove_state() - unlink failed on {0}
ARJUNA012267 WARN ShadowingStore.remove_state() - fd error for {0}
ARJUNA012269 INFO UNKNOWN state for object with uid {0} , type {1}
ARJUNA012270 INFO HIDDEN state for object with uid {0} , type {1}
ARJUNA012272 WARN ShadowingStore.remove_state - type() operation of object with uid {0} returns NULL
ARJUNA012273 WARN ShadowingStore::write_state() - openAndLock failed for {0}
ARJUNA012274 WARN ShadowingStore::write_state - unlock or close of {0} failed.
ARJUNA012275 WARN ShadowStore::commit_state - failed to rename {0} to {1}
ARJUNA012278 WARN ShadowStore::hide_state - failed to rename {0} to {1}
ARJUNA012279 WARN ShadowStore::reveal_state - failed to rename {0} to {1}
ARJUNA012280 WARN ShadowingStore::read_state() - openAndLock failed for {0}
ARJUNA012282 WARN ShadowingStore::read_state() failed
ARJUNA012283 WARN ShadowingStore::read_state - unlock or close of {0} failed
ARJUNA012284 WARN ShadowingStore::remove_state() - access problems on {0} and {1}
ARJUNA012285 WARN oracle:read_state failed
ARJUNA012286 WARN oracle:write_state caught exception
ARJUNA012287 java.lang.String No typename for object:
ARJUNA012288 java.lang.String allTypes - could not pack end of list string.
ARJUNA012289 WARN RecoveryManagerStatusModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA012290 WARN failed to recover Transaction {0}
ARJUNA012291 WARN failed to access transaction store {0}
ARJUNA012292 WARN Connection error on running a work on the socket. IOException: {0}
ARJUNA012293 WARN Setting timeout exception.
ARJUNA012297 INFO ExpiredEntryMonitor - no scans on first iteration
ARJUNA012301 WARN ExpiredTransactionScanner - exception during attempted move {0}
ARJUNA012303 INFO ExpiredTransactionScanner - log {0} is assumed complete and will be moved.
ARJUNA012310 INFO Recovery manager listening on endpoint {0}:{1}
ARJUNA012318 WARN Could not create recovery listener
ARJUNA012326 WARN socket I/O exception
ARJUNA012327 WARN TransactionStatusConnector.delete called erroneously
ARJUNA012328 WARN Connection lost to TransactionStatusManagers'' process
ARJUNA012329 WARN Connection lost to TransactionStatusManagers'' process
ARJUNA012330 INFO TransactionStatusManager process for uid {0} is ALIVE. connected to host: {1}, port: {2} on socket: {3}
ARJUNA012331 INFO TransactionStatusManager process for uid {0} is DEAD.
ARJUNA012332 INFO Failed to establish connection to server
ARJUNA012333 WARN Problem with removing host/port item
ARJUNA012334 WARN Problem with storing host/port
ARJUNA012335 WARN Problem retrieving host/port
ARJUNA012336 WARN Failed to obtain host
ARJUNA012338 WARN Other Exception:
ARJUNA012339 WARN Cannot read line from the socket. IOException: {0}
ARJUNA012340 INFO RecoveryManager scan scheduled to begin.
ARJUNA012341 INFO RecoveryManager scan completed.
ARJUNA012342 FATAL RecoveryManagerImple: cannot bind to socket on address {0} and port {1}
ARJUNA012344 INFO RecoveryManagerImple is ready on port {0}
ARJUNA012345 WARN Transaction {0} and {1} not activate.
ARJUNA012346 WARN Error - could not get resource to forget heuristic. Left on Heuristic List.
ARJUNA012347 java.lang.String Could not get back a valid pid.
ARJUNA012348 java.lang.String Problem executing getpids utility:
ARJUNA012349 java.lang.String Problem executing command:
ARJUNA012350 java.lang.String Problem getting pid information from stream:
ARJUNA012351 WARN Encountered a problem when closing the data stream
ARJUNA012352 java.lang.String FileProcessId.getpid - could not locate temporary directory.
ARJUNA012353 java.lang.String FileProcessId.getpid could not create unique file.
ARJUNA012354 java.lang.String Could not get back a valid pid.
ARJUNA012355 java.lang.String getName returned unrecognized format:
ARJUNA012356 java.lang.String Could not get back a valid pid.
ARJUNA012359 java.lang.String SocketProcessId.getpid could not get unique port.
ARJUNA012361 INFO Error constructing mbean
ARJUNA012362 INFO Failed to create StateManagerWrapper
ARJUNA012363 java.lang.String Invalid rootName. Expected {0} but was {1}
ARJUNA012364 java.lang.String RecoveryActivator init failed for {0}
ARJUNA012365 java.lang.String Method not implemented
ARJUNA012366 WARN Unexpected data read from journal - file may be corrupt.
ARJUNA012367 java.lang.String Failed to create store dir {0}
ARJUNA012368 java.lang.String Node identifiers must be an integer and must be 1 or greater: {0}
ARJUNA012369 java.lang.String The node identifier was already set
ARJUNA012370 TRACE Previously committed row(s) deleted {0}
ARJUNA012371 WARN Image size {0} is greater than max allowed {1}
ARJUNA012372 FATAL The node identifier {0} was too long {1}, aborting initialization
ARJUNA012373 java.lang.String The node identifier {0} was too long {1}, aborting initialization
ARJUNA012374 FATAL The node identifier cannot be null, aborting initialization
ARJUNA012375 java.lang.String The node identifier cannot be null, aborting initialization
ARJUNA012376 WARN ObjectStore remove_state caught exception:
ARJUNA012377 WARN HornetqObjectStore remove_state caught exception:
ARJUNA012378 WARN ReaperElement appears to be wedged: {0}
ARJUNA012379 WARN ExpiredTransactionScanner - {0} is assumed complete and will be moved.
ARJUNA012380 INFO OSB: Error constructing record header reader
ARJUNA012381 WARN Action id {0} completed with multiple threads - thread {1} was in progress with {2}
ARJUNA012382 WARN Action id {0} could not be transitioned to committed
ARJUNA012383 WARN Action id {0} could not be updated during write_state
ARJUNA012384 WARN Action id {0} could not be inserted during write_state
ARJUNA012385 java.lang.String Could not read from object store
ARJUNA012386 java.lang.String Unexpected state type {0}
ARJUNA012387 FATAL Encoding {0} is not supported
ARJUNA012388 java.lang.String Encoding {0} is not supported
ARJUNA012389 INFO OSB: Error constructing record header reader: {0}
ARJUNA012390 WARN Error constructing mbean
ARJUNA012391 java.lang.String Could not initialize object store ''{0}'' of type ''{1}''
ARJUNA012392 WARN AbstractRecord.create {0} failed to create record class {1}.
ARJUNA012393 WARN The Artemis journal was requested to be AIO version but this is not available on your machine
ARJUNA012394 WARN Could not close transaction listener server socket ''{0}''
ARJUNA012395 WARN Could not close transaction listener socket connection ''{0}''
ARJUNA012396 WARN Cannot activate type ''{0}'' at object store ''{1}''
ARJUNA012397 WARN Could not extract elements from the cache store list
ARJUNA012398 WARN ObjectStoreException in doWork of CacheStore trying to perform state management
ARJUNA012399 WARN Problem in doWork of CacheStore trying to perform state management
ARJUNA012400 java.lang.String Cannot terminate the recovery manager as the implementation is not known. Could be the recovery manager was not started yet?
ARJUNA012401 java.lang.String There is already started a recovery manager in mode ''{0}'' which is different from the requested mode ''{1}''.If you consider starting in a different mode then first terminate the currently running recovery manager.
ARJUNA012402 java.lang.String PMemSlots instance already initialized, can't call init again
ARJUNA012403 java.lang.String Can't create pmem store in ''{0}'' - may not be an fs-dax location
ARJUNA012404 INFO Action id {0} - thread {1} at time {2} had stackTrace {3}
ARJUNA012405 INFO The asyncIO mode for the Artemis journal does not support maxIO=1, using the nearest value which is 2
ARJUNA012406 WARN Invalid class type in system property ObjStoreBrowserHandlers: ''{0}''
ARJUNA012407 INFO Skipping handler for bean type: '{0}'
ARJUNA012408 WARN One-phase commit of action {0} received heuristic decision: {1}
ARJUNA012409 WARN Could not get back a valid pid.
ARJUNA012410 WARN StateManager::object store problem
ARJUNA012411 WARN StateManager::log store problem
ARJUNA012412 WARN Unable to locate object store directory
ARJUNA012413 WARN Unexpected exception:
ARJUNA015001 WARN LockManagerFriend.getLink
ARJUNA015002 WARN LockManagerFriend.setLink
ARJUNA015004 WARN Object store exception on committing {0}
ARJUNA015009 WARN RecoveredTransactionalObject tried to access object store
ARJUNA015011 WARN RecoveredTransactionalObject::findHoldingTransaction - exception
ARJUNA015012 WARN Object store exception on removing uncommitted state: {0}
ARJUNA015017 WARN TORecoveryModule: searching for TOs:
ARJUNA015022 java.lang.String CadaverLockRecord::nestedAbort - no Current!
ARJUNA015023 java.lang.String CadaverLockRecord::nestedCommit - no Current!
ARJUNA015024 java.lang.String CadaverLockRecord::topLevelAbort - no Current!
ARJUNA015025 java.lang.String CadaverLockRecord::topLevelCommit - no Current!
ARJUNA015026 WARN LockManager: lock propagation failed
ARJUNA015027 WARN LockManager::unloadState() failed to remove empty lock state for object {0} of type {1}
ARJUNA015028 WARN LockManager.unloadState - could not save lock state: {0}
ARJUNA015029 WARN LockManager::unloadState() failed to write new state for object {0} of type {1}
ARJUNA015030 WARN LockManager::unloadState() failed to pack up new state for object {0} of type {1}
ARJUNA015031 WARN LockManager::setlock() no lock!
ARJUNA015032 WARN LockManager::setlock() cannot find action hierarchy
ARJUNA015033 WARN LockManager::setlock() cannot load existing lock states
ARJUNA015034 WARN LockManager::setlock() cannot activate object
ARJUNA015035 WARN LockManager::setlock() cannot save new lock states
ARJUNA015036 WARN Lockmanager::releaselock() could not load old lock states
ARJUNA015037 WARN Lockmanager::releaselock() could not unload new lock states
ARJUNA015038 WARN LockRecord::set_value() called illegally
ARJUNA015039 WARN LockRecord - release failed for action {0}
ARJUNA015040 WARN LockRecord::nestedAbort - no current action
ARJUNA015041 WARN LockRecord::nestedCommit - no current action
ARJUNA015042 WARN LockRecord - release failed for action {0}
ARJUNA015043 WARN LockRecord::topLevelCommit - no current action
ARJUNA015044 WARN Invocation of LockRecord::restore_state for {0} inappropriate - ignored for {1}
ARJUNA015050 WARN OptimisticLockRecord.topLevelPrepare state check failed for {0} will force rollback.
ARJUNA015051 WARN OptimisticLockRecord.topLevelCommit state check failed for {0} will force rollback.
ARJUNA015052 WARN LockManager::initialise() could not initialise lock store
ARJUNA015053 WARN Unexpected exception:
ARJUNA016001 WARN could not get all object Uids.
ARJUNA016002 WARN Cannot add resource to table: no XID value available.
ARJUNA016004 WARN XARecoveryModule setup failed
ARJUNA016005 WARN {0} - failed to recover XAResource. status is {1}
ARJUNA016006 WARN {0} - forget threw exception
ARJUNA016008 WARN {0} - caught exception
ARJUNA016009 WARN Caught:
ARJUNA016013 INFO Rolling back {0}
ARJUNA016016 INFO {0} not an Arjuna XID
ARJUNA016017 INFO No XA recovery nodes specified. May not recover orphans.
ARJUNA016018 WARN XARecoveryModule periodicWork failed
ARJUNA016019 WARN {0} exception
ARJUNA016020 WARN {0} exception
ARJUNA016021 INFO JTA recovery delayed for {0}; got status {1} so waiting for coordinator driven recovery
ARJUNA016022 WARN Recovery threw:
ARJUNA016023 WARN JTA failed to recovery {0}; got status {1}
ARJUNA016025 WARN Unexpected recovery error
ARJUNA016027 WARN {0} got XA exception {1}
ARJUNA016028 WARN {0} got exception
ARJUNA016029 WARN SynchronizationImple.afterCompletion - failed for {0} with exception
ARJUNA016030 java.lang.String XAOnePhaseResource.pack failed to serialise resource
ARJUNA016031 WARN XAOnePhaseResource.rollback for {0} failed with exception
ARJUNA016032 java.lang.String failed to deserialise resource
ARJUNA016033 java.lang.String Unknown recovery type {0}
ARJUNA016034 INFO Being told to assume complete on Xid {0}
ARJUNA016035 WARN {0} - null transaction!
ARJUNA016036 WARN commit on {0} ({1}) failed with exception ${2}
ARJUNA016037 WARN Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering non-serializable XAResource {0}
ARJUNA016038 WARN No XAResource to recover {0}
ARJUNA016039 WARN onePhaseCommit on {0} ({1}) failed with exception {2}
ARJUNA016040 WARN {0} - null transaction!
ARJUNA016041 WARN prepare on {0} ({1}) failed with exception {2}
ARJUNA016042 WARN {0} - null transaction!
ARJUNA016043 WARN Exception on attempting to restore XAResource
ARJUNA016044 WARN An error occurred during restore_state for XAResource {0} and transaction {1}
ARJUNA016045 WARN attempted rollback of {0} ({1}) failed with exception code {2}
ARJUNA016046 WARN {0} - null transaction!
ARJUNA016047 WARN Could not serialize a Serializable XAResource!
ARJUNA016048 WARN An error occurred during save_state for XAResource {0} and transaction {1}
ARJUNA016049 WARN {0} called illegally.
ARJUNA016051 java.lang.String thread is already associated with a transaction!
ARJUNA016053 java.lang.String Could not commit transaction.
ARJUNA016054 java.lang.String could not register transaction
ARJUNA016055 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA016056 WARN {0} - caught exception during delist : {1}
ARJUNA016058 WARN Ending suspended RMs failed when rolling back the transaction!
ARJUNA016059 java.lang.String Ending suspended RMs failed when rolling back the transaction, but transaction rolled back.
ARJUNA016060 WARN {0} - caught: {1}
ARJUNA016061 WARN {0} - XAResource.start returned: {2} for {1}
ARJUNA016062 java.lang.String illegal resource state
ARJUNA016063 java.lang.String The transaction is not active!
ARJUNA016064 java.lang.String The transaction is in an invalid state!
ARJUNA016066 ERROR Failed to create instance of TransactionImporter
ARJUNA016067 ERROR Failed to create instance of XATerminator
ARJUNA016068 java.lang.String Work already active!
ARJUNA016069 WARN failed to load Last Resource Optimisation Interface {0}
ARJUNA016070 WARN {0} - could not mark {1} as rollback only
ARJUNA016071 WARN {0} caught XAException: {1}
ARJUNA016072 java.lang.String No such transaction!
ARJUNA016073 WARN Current transaction is not an AtomicAction!
ARJUNA016074 java.lang.String no transaction!
ARJUNA016075 java.lang.String null synchronization parameter!
ARJUNA016076 java.lang.String Resource paramater is null!
ARJUNA016078 java.lang.String resource already suspended.
ARJUNA016079 java.lang.String Transaction rollback status is:
ARJUNA016080 java.lang.String Not allowed to terminate subordinate transaction directly.
ARJUNA016081 java.lang.String The transaction implementation threw a RollbackException
ARJUNA016082 java.lang.String Synchronizations are not allowed! Transaction status is
ARJUNA016083 java.lang.String Cannot register synchronization because the transaction is in aborted state
ARJUNA016084 java.lang.String The transaction implementation threw a SystemException
ARJUNA016085 WARN Caught the following error
ARJUNA016086 WARN {0} setTransactionTimeout on XAResource {1} threw: {2}
ARJUNA016087 WARN {0} - unknown resource
ARJUNA016088 WARN Could not call end on a suspended resource!
ARJUNA016089 WARN {0} - caught: {2} for {1}
ARJUNA016091 WARN Failed to lookup transaction manager in JNDI context
ARJUNA016093 WARN Failed to lookup user transaction in JNDI context
ARJUNA016096 java.lang.String Unable to instantiate TransactionSynchronizationRegistry implementation class!
ARJUNA016098 java.lang.String Null exception!
ARJUNA016099 java.lang.String Unknown error code:
ARJUNA016100 java.lang.String Xid unset
ARJUNA016101 java.lang.String Could not pack XidImple {0}
ARJUNA016102 java.lang.String The transaction is not active! Uid is {0}
ARJUNA016103 java.lang.String Error getting the status of the current transaction
ARJUNA016104 java.lang.String Error getting the current transaction
ARJUNA016105 java.lang.String Could not lookup the TransactionManager
ARJUNA016106 java.lang.String Could not lookup the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry
ARJUNA016107 java.lang.String Expected an @Transactional annotation at class and/or method level
ARJUNA016108 java.lang.String Wrong transaction on thread
ARJUNA016109 java.lang.String Contextual is null
ARJUNA016110 java.lang.String Transaction is required for invocation
ARJUNA016111 java.lang.String The node identifier cannot be null
ARJUNA016112 WARN Could not determine commit status of CMR resource {0} and transaction {1}
ARJUNA016113 INFO Xid {0} was committed by resource manager
ARJUNA016114 WARN Could not load {0} will try to get XAResource from the recovery helpers
ARJUNA016115 WARN Could not access object store to check for log so will leave record alone
ARJUNA016116 WARN Failed to create JMS connection
ARJUNA016117 WARN Failed to close JMS connection {0}
ARJUNA016118 WARN Failed to close JMS session {0}
ARJUNA016119 java.lang.String Failed to get transaction
ARJUNA016120 WARN Failed to get transaction
ARJUNA016121 java.lang.String Failed to get transaction status
ARJUNA016122 WARN Failed to get transaction status
ARJUNA016123 java.lang.String Failed to register synchronization
ARJUNA016124 WARN Failed to register synchronization
ARJUNA016125 java.lang.String Failed to enlist XA resource
ARJUNA016126 WARN Failed to enlist XA resource
ARJUNA016127 java.lang.String Failed to delist XA resource
ARJUNA016128 WARN Failed to delist XA resource
ARJUNA016129 WARN Could not end XA resource {0}
ARJUNA016130 FATAL Subordinate transaction was committed during prepare, this will look like a rollback {0}
ARJUNA016131 FATAL Subordinate transaction was not recovered successfully {0}
ARJUNA016132 WARN Cannot packt into output object state {0}
ARJUNA016133 WARN Cannot create a new instance of Xid of uid {0}, is branch: {1}, eisname: {2}
ARJUNA016134 WARN Cannot create a new instance of Xid of base xid {0}, is branch: {1}, eisname: {2}
ARJUNA016135 WARN Cannot read object {0} store for xid {1}
ARJUNA016136 WARN Cannot unpact state of the xid {0} loaded from recovery store {1} of txn type {2}
ARJUNA016137 ERROR Failed to get transaction status of {0}
ARJUNA016138 WARN Failed to enlist XA resource {0}
ARJUNA016139 ERROR Fail to cast class of transaction action {0}
ARJUNA016140 java.lang.String No subordinate transaction to drive for commit with xid: {0}
ARJUNA016141 java.lang.String Error committing transaction ''{0}'' for xid: {1}
ARJUNA016142 java.lang.String Not actived transaction ''{0}'' for xid: {1}
ARJUNA016143 WARN Problem during waiting for lock ''{0}'' whilst in state {1}
ARJUNA016144 java.lang.String No subordinate transaction to drive {0}, xid: {1}
ARJUNA016145 java.lang.String One phase commit for transaction ''{0}'' does not store data in the object store. Recovery is won''t able to decide about outcome. Transaction is marked as heuristic to be decided by administrator.
ARJUNA016146 java.lang.String Cannot work with the imported transaction as UID is null.
ARJUNA016147 java.lang.String Cannot recover imported transaction of UID ''{0}'' of transaction ''{1}'' as transaction base Xid is null.
ARJUNA016148 java.lang.String Cannot work further as the argument Xid is null.
ARJUNA016149 WARN Returned global transaction identifier and branch qualifier are null but format id is not -1. {0}
ARJUNA016150 INFO Returned global transaction identifier or branch qualifier is null. {0}
ARJUNA016151 java.lang.String Not supported for interception factory with non-weld CDI implementation for bean {0}.
ARJUNA016152 java.lang.String TransactionScoped context is not active as there is no active transaction on the thread
ARJUNA016153 java.lang.String Transaction is not allowed for invocation
ARJUNA016154 java.lang.String Unable to add multiple one-phase resources in the same transaction because this could result in partial commits and rollbacks. To fix this, either enable XA transaction support in your resources, or use a separate transaction for each resource, or as a last resort enable CoreEnvironmentBean.isAllowMultipleLastResources.
ARJUNA017001 java.lang.String Rollback not allowed by transaction service.
ARJUNA017002 java.lang.String Connection is already associated with a different transaction! Obtain a new connection for this transaction.
ARJUNA017003 java.lang.String Checking transaction and found that this connection is already associated with a different transaction! Obtain a new connection for this transaction.
ARJUNA017004 java.lang.String AutoCommit is not allowed by the transaction service.
ARJUNA017005 java.lang.String An error occurred during close:
ARJUNA017006 java.lang.String Invalid transaction during close {0}
ARJUNA017007 DEBUG Connection will be closed now. Indications are that this db does not allow multiple connections in the same transaction {0}
ARJUNA017008 INFO No modifier information found for db. Connection will be closed immediately {0}
ARJUNA017009 java.lang.String Commit not allowed by transaction service.
ARJUNA017010 java.lang.String JDBC2 connection initialisation problem
ARJUNA017011 java.lang.String Delist of resource failed.
ARJUNA017013 WARN Caught exception
ARJUNA017016 java.lang.String Failed to load dynamic class
ARJUNA017017 java.lang.String enlist of resource failed
ARJUNA017018 WARN Failed to get modifier for driver:
ARJUNA017020 java.lang.String Transaction is not active on the thread!
ARJUNA017021 java.lang.String Could not get transaction information.
ARJUNA017024 WARN {0} - failed to set isolation level
ARJUNA017025 java.lang.String Could not resolve JNDI XADataSource
ARJUNA017027 WARN An exception occurred during initialisation.
ARJUNA017028 WARN {0} could not find information for connection!
ARJUNA017029 WARN An exception occurred during initialisation.
ARJUNA017031 java.lang.String rollback(Savepoint) not allowed inside distributed tx.
ARJUNA017032 WARN {0} - could not mark transaction rollback
ARJUNA017033 java.lang.String rollback(Savepoint) not allowed inside distributed tx.
ARJUNA017034 java.lang.String Cannot set readonly when within a transaction!
ARJUNA017035 java.lang.String setSavepoint not allowed inside distributed tx.
ARJUNA017037 java.lang.String Could not resolve JNDI XADataSource
ARJUNA017038 WARN ConnectionSynchronization could not close connection
ARJUNA017039 java.lang.String BasicXARecovery did not have enough connection configuration
ARJUNA017040 ERROR Cannot create JDBCXARecovery datasource of jndi name ''{0}''
ARJUNA017041 ERROR Cannot create JDBCXARecovery connection of datasource ''{0}'', user: {1}, password: {2}
ARJUNA017042 java.lang.String Could not resolve JNDI ''{0}'' of XADataSource from jndi properties ''{1}''
ARJUNA017043 WARN TransactionalDriver problem: {0}
ARJUNA021001 WARN {0} caught exception whilst initialising Object Adapter.
ARJUNA021002 WARN {0}: exception caught for {1}
ARJUNA021003 WARN caught org.omg.CORBA.INITIALIZE whilst initialising Object Adapter. Check another ORB/service is not active on same port.
ARJUNA021004 WARN {0} - invalid POA: {1}
ARJUNA021005 WARN OA.createPOA - createPOA called without OA being initialised
ARJUNA021006 java.lang.String OA.initPOA called without initialised ORB.
ARJUNA021010 FATAL ORBInfo ORB specific class creation failed with exception
ARJUNA021013 WARN {0} - {1} option not supported by ORB.
ARJUNA021015 WARN Services.getService - could not find service: {0} in configuration file: {1}
ARJUNA021016 WARN {0} Suspect entry in configuration file: {1}
ARJUNA021017 WARN {0} - caught unexpected exception
ARJUNA021018 WARN Services.getService - {0} option not supported by ORB.
ARJUNA021019 WARN {0} - invalid bind mechanism in properties file
ARJUNA021021 WARN {0} - for: {1} threw exception
ARJUNA021023 WARN {0} called without root POA.
ARJUNA021025 WARN Exception whilst loading {1}
ARJUNA021026 WARN {0} - attempt to initialise {1} with null class name!
ARJUNA021032 java.lang.String caught unexpected exception
ARJUNA022003 INFO Removing old assumed complete transaction {0}
ARJUNA022006 FATAL The ORB has not been initialized yet
ARJUNA022008 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022009 WARN {0} does not support ORB: {1}
ARJUNA022010 java.lang.String Failed when getting a reference to PICurrent.
ARJUNA022011 WARN Failed to cancel transaction
ARJUNA022012 WARN Failed to mark transaction as rollback only
ARJUNA022013 WARN Failed to cancel transaction
ARJUNA022014 WARN {0} - default already set!
ARJUNA022015 WARN {0} - could not find {1} to remove.
ARJUNA022016 WARN Nested transactions not identical.
ARJUNA022017 WARN Interposed hierarchy is null!
ARJUNA022018 WARN TopLevel transactions not identical: {0} {1}
ARJUNA022019 WARN {0} - error, no child found!
ARJUNA022020 WARN {0} - not my child!
ARJUNA022021 WARN hierarchy: {0}
ARJUNA022022 WARN {0} for transaction {1} caught exception
ARJUNA022023 WARN {0} - no parent transaction given!
ARJUNA022024 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022025 WARN {0} attempt to mark transaction {1} as rollback only threw exception
ARJUNA022026 WARN Creation of RecoveryCoordinator for {0} threw exception
ARJUNA022027 java.lang.String not created!
ARJUNA022028 WARN {0} called on still running transaction!
ARJUNA022029 WARN {0} - could not get unique identifier of object.
ARJUNA022030 WARN {0} - none zero Synchronization list!
ARJUNA022031 java.lang.String could not destroy object:
ARJUNA022032 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022033 WARN {0} - synchronizations have not been called!
ARJUNA022034 WARN {0} - transaction not in prepared state: {1}
ARJUNA022035 WARN {0} could not destroy object
ARJUNA022036 WARN Could not remove child {0} from {1}
ARJUNA022037 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022038 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022039 WARN {0} - could not register interposed hierarchy!
ARJUNA022040 WARN {0} - could not register interposed hierarchy!
ARJUNA022041 WARN {0} - no coordinator to use!
ARJUNA022042 WARN {0} - no transaction!
ARJUNA022043 WARN {0} - attempt to commit with null control!
ARJUNA022044 WARN {0} - attempt to rollback transaction will null control!
ARJUNA022045 WARN {0} - could not register as no Coordinator has been given!
ARJUNA022046 WARN Failed to destroy server-side synchronization object!
ARJUNA022047 java.lang.String Concurrent children found for restricted interposition!
ARJUNA022048 java.lang.String {0} Concurrent children found for restricted interposition!
ARJUNA022049 WARN {0} - found concurrent ({1}) transactions!
ARJUNA022050 WARN {0} - found concurrent ({1}) transactions!
ARJUNA022051 WARN {0} status of transaction is different from our status: <{1}, {2}>
ARJUNA022052 WARN {0} - could not register interposed hierarchy!
ARJUNA022053 WARN {0} - could not register interposed hierarchy!
ARJUNA022054 java.lang.String Invalid Uid:
ARJUNA022069 WARN Failed to retreive the Object reference of the default RecoverCoordinator Object.
ARJUNA022071 WARN Failed to build service context with the ObjectId
ARJUNA022072 WARN Failed in ClientInitializer::post_init -
ARJUNA022075 WARN {0}.replay_completion got exception
ARJUNA022077 WARN RCManager.makeRC did not make rcvco reference
ARJUNA022078 WARN RCManager could not find file in object store.
ARJUNA022079 WARN RCManager could not find file in object store during setup.
ARJUNA022080 WARN Unexpected exception during IOR setup
ARJUNA022081 WARN Failed to create poa for recoverycoordinators
ARJUNA022083 WARN {0} - Failed to start RC service
ARJUNA022085 FATAL Unable to create file ObjectId - security problems
ARJUNA022087 INFO RecoveryServer using existing ORB
ARJUNA022089 WARN RootPOA is null. Initialization failed. Check no conflicting or duplicate service is running.
ARJUNA022091 WARN Failed in ServerInitializer::post_init -
ARJUNA022093 java.lang.String Cannot create a codec of the required encoding.
ARJUNA022094 WARN {0} - a failure occured when getting {1} codec - unknown encoding.
ARJUNA022095 WARN {0} - duplicate interceptor name for {1} when registering
ARJUNA022096 WARN Context interceptor caught an unexpected exception
ARJUNA022097 java.lang.String Invalid portable interceptor transaction parameter!
ARJUNA022098 java.lang.String A server-side request interceptor already exists with that name.
ARJUNA022099 WARN {0} caught an unexpected exception
ARJUNA022100 java.lang.String Cannot create a codec of the required encoding.
ARJUNA022101 WARN {0} - a failure occured when getting {1} codec - unknown encoding.
ARJUNA022102 WARN {0} - duplicate interceptor name for {1} when registering
ARJUNA022103 java.lang.String Invalid portable interceptor transaction parameter!
ARJUNA022104 java.lang.String A server-side request interceptor already exists with that name.
ARJUNA022105 WARN {0} caught an unexpected exception
ARJUNA022106 java.lang.String is not a valid unique identifier!
ARJUNA022107 WARN {0} for {1} caught exception
ARJUNA022108 WARN {0} attempt to clean up failed with exception
ARJUNA022109 WARN Resolution of OTS server failed
ARJUNA022110 WARN Resolution of OTS server failed - invalid name
ARJUNA022113 INFO Removing old contact item {0}
ARJUNA022116 WARN Could not locate supported ORB for RecoveryCoordinator initialisation.
ARJUNA022121 WARN The Recovery Service Initialisation failed
ARJUNA022125 FATAL RecoveryCoordinator service can only be provided in RecoveryManager
ARJUNA022127 WARN Problem with storing process/factory link
ARJUNA022128 WARN Attempted to read FactoryContactItem of different version
ARJUNA022129 WARN Stored IOR is not an ArjunaFactory
ARJUNA022130 WARN Problem with restoring process/factory link
ARJUNA022131 WARN Problem with restoring process/factory link
ARJUNA022132 WARN Problem with storing process/factory link
ARJUNA022133 WARN Problem with removing contact item
ARJUNA022138 WARN NoTransaction exception on trying to contact original process
ARJUNA022139 WARN CORBA exception on trying to contact original process
ARJUNA022140 WARN Exception on trying to contact original process
ARJUNA022142 WARN no known contactitem for {0}
ARJUNA022143 WARN surprise item in StatusChecker list for {0}
ARJUNA022145 WARN StatusChecked.getStatus - found intentions list for apparently unknown transaction: {0}
ARJUNA022151 WARN BAD_PARAM exception on trying to contact original process
ARJUNA022152 WARN {0} - being passed a null reference. Will ignore!
ARJUNA022156 WARN GenericRecoveryCreator: Missing params to create
ARJUNA022158 WARN System exception when creating RecoveryCoordinator object key
ARJUNA022159 WARN RecoveryCoordinatorId could not decode data {0}
ARJUNA022161 WARN Failure recovery not supported for this ORB.
ARJUNA022167 WARN Got TRANSIENT from ORB for tx {0}, unable determine status, will retry later
ARJUNA022169 WARN RecoveredServerTransaction: caught NotPrepared
ARJUNA022170 WARN RecoveredServerTransaction: caught unexpected exception
ARJUNA022171 WARN RecoveredServerTransaction: {0} is invalid
ARJUNA022175 WARN RecoveredServerTransaction - activate of {0} failed!
ARJUNA022178 INFO ServerTransaction {0} unable determine status - retry later
ARJUNA022179 WARN RecoveredServerTransaction.replayPhase2: unexpected Status: {0}
ARJUNA022183 WARN RecoveredTransaction activate of {0} failed
ARJUNA022184 WARN RecoveredTransaction activate of {0} failed
ARJUNA022186 WARN RecoveredTransaction.replayPhase2 for {0} failed
ARJUNA022188 WARN RecoveredTransaction.removeOldStoreEntry - problem
ARJUNA022190 INFO ServerTransactionRecoveryModule - First Pass
ARJUNA022191 INFO ServerTransactionRecoveryModule - Second Pass
ARJUNA022192 INFO ServerTransactionRecoveryModule - Transaction {0} still in ActionStore
ARJUNA022199 INFO TopLevelTransactionRecoveryModule First Pass
ARJUNA022200 INFO TopLevelTransactionRecoveryModule Second Pass
ARJUNA022202 WARN TransactionCacheItem.loadTransaction - unknown type: {0}
ARJUNA022206 INFO Transaction {0} assumed complete - will not poll any more
ARJUNA022207 INFO Transaction {0} recovery completed
ARJUNA022213 INFO TransactionRecoveryModule.periodicWorkFirstPass()
ARJUNA022214 INFO TransactionRecoveryModule.periodicWorkSecondPass()
ARJUNA022215 WARN TransactionRecoveryModule: transaction type not set
ARJUNA022217 WARN TransactionRecoveryModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA022219 INFO Transaction {0} still in ActionStore
ARJUNA022223 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022224 WARN {0} - no parent!
ARJUNA022225 WARN {0} called without a resource reference!
ARJUNA022226 WARN {0} failed. Returning default value: {1}
ARJUNA022227 WARN {0} called illegally!
ARJUNA022228 WARN {0} failed. Returning default value: {1}
ARJUNA022229 WARN {0} has no parent transaction!
ARJUNA022230 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022231 WARN {0} called illegally.
ARJUNA022232 WARN {0} called without a resource!
ARJUNA022233 WARN {0} caught unexpected exception
ARJUNA022234 WARN {0} called multiple times.
ARJUNA022235 WARN Could not rollback transaction {0}
ARJUNA022236 WARN Could not rollback transaction {0} as it does not exist!
ARJUNA022237 WARN {0} - cannot rollback {1}
ARJUNA022239 WARN {0} caught unexpected exception
ARJUNA022240 WARN {0} - no transaction!
ARJUNA022241 WARN {0} - terminated out of sequence {1}
ARJUNA022242 WARN {0} - running atomic transaction going out of scope. Will roll back. {1}
ARJUNA022243 WARN {0} - transaction unavailable.
ARJUNA022244 WARN Will roll back. Current transaction is {0}
ARJUNA022245 WARN Cannot determine transaction name!
ARJUNA022246 WARN {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022247 WARN Top-level transaction going out of scope with nested transaction {0} still set.
ARJUNA022248 WARN {0} - could not unregister from transaction!
ARJUNA022249 WARN {0} - could not resume transaction
ARJUNA022250 java.lang.String could not resume transaction:
ARJUNA022251 INFO The ORBManager is already associated with an ORB/OA.
ARJUNA022252 WARN Failed to remove old ObjectStore entry
ARJUNA022255 java.lang.String A client-side request interceptor already exists with that name.
ARJUNA022256 java.lang.String A client-side request interceptor already exists with that name.
ARJUNA022257 WARN {0} - unknown interposition type: {1}
ARJUNA022258 java.lang.String Transaction was inactive
ARJUNA022259 WARN ExtendedResourceRecord detected that the remote side had cleaned up, assuming 1PC resource
ARJUNA022260 DEBUG {0} caught exception
ARJUNA022261 WARN ServerTopLevelAction detected that the transaction was inactive
ARJUNA022262 java.lang.String The node identifier cannot be null
ARJUNA022263 INFO rollback for {0} was already rolled back
ARJUNA022264 INFO cannot read subordinate uid from object store {0} on input object state {1}
ARJUNA022265 INFO failure on processing doRecover for xid {0} and parent node name {1}
ARJUNA022266 WARN topLevelCommit of resource {0} failed
ARJUNA022267 WARN caught unexpected exception
ARJUNA024001 INFO XA recovery committing {0}
ARJUNA024002 INFO XA recovery rolling back {0}
ARJUNA024004 WARN Caught the following error while trying to single phase complete resource
ARJUNA024005 WARN Committing of resource state failed.
ARJUNA024006 WARN {0} caused an error from resource {1} in transaction {2}
ARJUNA024007 WARN You have chosen to disable the Multiple Last Resources warning. You will see it only once.
ARJUNA024008 WARN Adding multiple last resources is disallowed. Current resource is {0}
ARJUNA024009 WARN Multiple last resources have been added to the current transaction. This is transactionally unsafe and should not be relied upon. Current resource is {0}
ARJUNA024010 WARN You have chosen to enable multiple last resources in the transaction manager. This is transactionally unsafe and should not be relied upon.
ARJUNA024011 WARN Reading state caught exception
ARJUNA024012 WARN Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering non-serializable XAResource {0}
ARJUNA024013 WARN {0} caught NotPrepared exception during recovery phase!
ARJUNA024014 WARN {0} - null or invalid transaction!
ARJUNA024015 WARN XAResource prepare failed on resource {0} for transaction {1} with: {2}
ARJUNA024016 WARN Recovery of resource failed when trying to call {0} got exception
ARJUNA024017 WARN Attempted shutdown of resource failed with exception
ARJUNA024018 WARN Exception on attempting to resource XAResource
ARJUNA024019 WARN Unexpected exception on attempting to resource XAResource
ARJUNA024020 WARN Could not serialize a serializable XAResource!
ARJUNA024021 WARN {0} caught unexpected exception during recovery phase!
ARJUNA024022 WARN Updating of resource state failed.
ARJUNA024023 WARN {0} caused an XA error: {1} from resource {2} in transaction {3}
ARJUNA024024 java.lang.String thread is already associated with a transaction and subtransaction support is not enabled!
ARJUNA024025 WARN Delist of resource failed with exception
ARJUNA024026 WARN Ending suspended RMs failed when rolling back the transaction!
ARJUNA024027 java.lang.String Ending suspended RMs failed when rolling back the transaction, but transaction rolled back.
ARJUNA024028 java.lang.String illegal resource state:
ARJUNA024029 java.lang.String Transaction is not active.
ARJUNA024031 java.lang.String Invalid transaction.
ARJUNA024032 java.lang.String Work already active!
ARJUNA024033 WARN failed to load Last Resource Optimisation Interface {0}
ARJUNA024034 java.lang.String Could not enlist resource because the transaction is marked for rollback.
ARJUNA024035 java.lang.String No such transaction!
ARJUNA024036 WARN Current transaction is not a TransactionImple
ARJUNA024037 java.lang.String no transaction!
ARJUNA024038 java.lang.String no transaction! Caught:
ARJUNA024040 java.lang.String paramater is null!
ARJUNA024042 java.lang.String is already suspended!
ARJUNA024043 WARN An error occurred while checking if this is a new resource manager:
ARJUNA024044 WARN {0} could not mark the transaction as rollback only
ARJUNA024046 WARN {0} returned XA error {1} for transaction {2}
ARJUNA024048 java.lang.String Synchronizations are not allowed!
ARJUNA024049 WARN cleanup synchronization failed to register:
ARJUNA024050 java.lang.String The transaction implementation threw a RollbackException
ARJUNA024051 java.lang.String The transaction implementation threw a SystemException
ARJUNA024052 WARN Active thread error:
ARJUNA024053 WARN {0} attempt to delist unknown resource!
ARJUNA024054 java.lang.String The current transaction does not match this transaction!
ARJUNA024055 WARN Could not call end on a suspended resource!
ARJUNA024056 WARN {0} caught XA exception: {1}
ARJUNA024057 WARN {0} setTransactionTimeout on XAResource {2} threw: {1}
ARJUNA024058 WARN Could not deserialize class. Will wait for bottom up recovery
ARJUNA024059 java.lang.String Inflow recovery is not supported for JTS mode
ARJUNA024060 WARN Could not end XA resource {0}
ARJUNA024061 WARN Could not enlist XA resource {0} with params {1}
ARJUNA024062 WARN ORB ''{0}'' occured on one phase commit for xid {1}
ARJUNA024063 WARN Cannot save state of xid {0}
ARJUNA024064 java.lang.String The current transaction {0} does not match this transaction
ARJUNA024065 WARN Cannot save state of output object state {0} of object type {1}
ARJUNA024066 WARN Cannot restore state of input object state {0} of object type {1}
ARJUNA024068 WARN Caught exception:
ARJUNA032001 ERROR createConnection got exception
ARJUNA032002 ERROR createDataSource got exception during getXADataSource call
ARJUNA032003 WARN InstanceNotFound. Datasource {0} not deployed, or wrong name?
ARJUNA032004 ERROR createDataSource {0} got exception
ARJUNA032005 ERROR Unexpected exception occurred
ARJUNA032006 ERROR unknown Tx PropagationContext
ARJUNA032007 ERROR getCurrentTransaction() failed
ARJUNA032008 ERROR unknown Tx PropagationContext
ARJUNA032009 ERROR Unexpected exception occurred
ARJUNA032010 INFO JBossTS Recovery Service (tag: {0}) - JBoss Inc.
ARJUNA032011 java.lang.String No suitable recovery module in which to register XAResourceRecovery instance
ARJUNA032012 java.lang.String No recovery system in which to register XAResourceRecovery instance
ARJUNA032013 INFO Starting transaction recovery manager
ARJUNA032014 INFO Stopping transaction recovery manager
ARJUNA032015 java.lang.String Transaction has or will rollback.
ARJUNA032016 java.lang.String Unexpected error retrieving transaction status
ARJUNA032017 INFO JBossTS Transaction Service ({0} version - tag: {1}) - JBoss Inc.
ARJUNA032018 INFO Destroying TransactionManagerService
ARJUNA032019 WARN XAExceptionFormatters are not supported by the JBossTS Transaction Service - this warning can safely be ignored
ARJUNA032020 java.lang.String Transaction is completing!
ARJUNA032021 java.lang.String Transaction is inactive!
ARJUNA032022 java.lang.String Unexpected error!
ARJUNA032023 java.lang.String Work not registered!
ARJUNA032024 INFO JTS transaction recovery manager
ARJUNA032025 java.lang.String Transaction has or will rollback.
ARJUNA032026 java.lang.String Unexpected error retrieving transaction status
ARJUNA032027 java.lang.String Problem encountered while trying to register transaction manager with ORB!
ARJUNA032028 INFO registering transaction manager
ARJUNA032029 java.lang.String Transaction is completing!
ARJUNA032030 java.lang.String Transaction is inactive!
ARJUNA032031 java.lang.String Unexpected error!
ARJUNA032032 java.lang.String Work not registered!
ARJUNA032033 WARN AppServerJDBCXARecovery should no longer be used. See jira.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-756
ARJUNA032034 INFO Suspending transaction recovery manager
ARJUNA032035 INFO Resuming transaction recovery manager
ARJUNA032036 java.lang.String Unsupported transaction type. Transaction type is {0}
ARJUNA032037 java.lang.String Transaction listeners are disabled and should not be used. If you need them they can be enabled via -D{0}=true
ARJUNA032038 java.lang.String Invalid transaction local resource [{0}] associated with key {1}.
ARJUNA032039 java.lang.String Cannot lock a TransactionLocal after the Transaction [{0}] has ended
ARJUNA032040 java.lang.String Cannot store value in a TransactionLocal after the Transaction [{0}] has ended
ARJUNA032041 java.lang.String Unlock called from wrong thread. Locking thread: {0}, current thread: {1}
ARJUNA032042 java.lang.String Unexpected error!
ARJUNA033001 ERROR Unable to get subordinate transaction id
ARJUNA033002 ERROR Unable to recover subordinate transaction id {0}
ARJUNA033003 WARN prepare on Xid={0} returning Aborted
ARJUNA033004 ERROR commit on Xid={0} failed
ARJUNA033005 ERROR rollback on Xid={0} failed
ARJUNA033006 INFO InboundBridgeRecoveryManager starting
ARJUNA033007 INFO InboundBridgeRecoveryManager stopping
ARJUNA033008 ERROR problem rolling back orphaned subordinate tx {0}
ARJUNA033009 ERROR Problem whilst scanning for in-doubt subordinate transactions
ARJUNA033010 WARN prepare on Xid={0} failed, setting RollbackOnly
ARJUNA033011 WARN setRollbackOnly failed
ARJUNA033012 WARN stop failed for Xid {0}
ARJUNA033013 INFO OutboundBridgeRecoveryManager starting
ARJUNA033014 INFO OutboundBridgeRecoveryManager stopping
ARJUNA033015 WARN unexpected Status {0}, treating as ROLLEDBACK
ARJUNA033016 ERROR Unable to recover subordinate transaction id={0},
ARJUNA033017 ERROR Unable to enlist BridgeXAResource or register BridgeSynchronization
ARJUNA033018 ERROR Error on prepareVolatile of bridge wrapper {0}
ARJUNA041001 WARN allHighLevelServices threw exception
ARJUNA041002 WARN assembling contexts and received exception
ARJUNA041004 java.lang.String Failed to create doc
ARJUNA041005 WARN Activity.start caught exception
ARJUNA041006 WARN currentActivity.end threw:
ARJUNA041007 WARN Activity.completed caught exception
ARJUNA041008 WARN Activity.suspended caught:
ARJUNA041009 WARN Activity.resumed caught exception
ARJUNA041010 java.lang.String Unknown activity implementation!
ARJUNA041011 java.lang.String State incompatible to start activity:
ARJUNA041012 java.lang.String Cannot remove child activity from parent as parent''s status is:
ARJUNA041013 java.lang.String Activity cannot complete as it has active children:
ARJUNA041014 java.lang.String Cannot complete activity in status:
ARJUNA041015 java.lang.String Cannot set completion status on activity as the status is incompatible:
ARJUNA041016 java.lang.String Cannot change completion status, value is incompatible:
ARJUNA041017 java.lang.String Cannot enlist null child!
ARJUNA041018 java.lang.String Cannot enlist child activity with parent as parent''s status is:
ARJUNA041019 java.lang.String Cannot remove null child!
ARJUNA041020 java.lang.String The following child activity is unknown to the parent:
ARJUNA041021 WARN ActivityReaper: could not terminate.
ARJUNA041022 java.lang.String HLS not found!
ARJUNA041023 WARN ActivityHandleImple: could not get timeout.
ARJUNA042001 ERROR Unhandled error executing task
ARJUNA042002 java.lang.String Invalid fault type enumeration: {0}
ARJUNA042003 java.lang.String setNamespaceContext unsupported
ARJUNA042004 java.lang.String writeEndDocument unsupported
ARJUNA042005 java.lang.String close unsupported
ARJUNA042006 java.lang.String writeComment unsupported
ARJUNA042007 java.lang.String writeProcessingInstruction unsupported
ARJUNA042008 java.lang.String writeProcessingInstruction unsupported
ARJUNA042009 java.lang.String writeEntityRef unsupported
ARJUNA042010 java.lang.String writeDTD unsupported
ARJUNA042011 java.lang.String writeStartDocument unsupported
ARJUNA042012 java.lang.String writeStartDocument unsupported
ARJUNA042013 java.lang.String writeStartDocument unsupported
ARJUNA042014 java.lang.String End of stream
ARJUNA042015 java.lang.String Unexpected child node: {0}
ARJUNA042016 java.lang.String Unexpected type: {0}
ARJUNA042017 java.lang.String Unexpected type: {0}
ARJUNA042018 java.lang.String Unexpected event type
ARJUNA042019 java.lang.String Unsupported operation
ARJUNA042020 java.lang.String Unsupported operation
ARJUNA042021 java.lang.String CData sections not currently supported.
ARJUNA042022 WARN Service {0} received unexpected fault: {1}
ARJUNA042023 java.lang.String Unexpected start element: {0}
ARJUNA042024 java.lang.String Unexpected start element: {0}
ARJUNA042025 java.lang.String NotUnderstood elements cannot have embedded elements.
ARJUNA042026 java.lang.String Unexpected element: {0}
ARJUNA042027 java.lang.String Unexpected body element: {0}
ARJUNA042028 java.lang.String Did not understand header: {0}
ARJUNA042029 java.lang.String Encountered unexpected event type: {0}
ARJUNA042030 java.lang.String Text elements cannot have embedded elements.
ARJUNA042031 java.lang.String No response from RPC request
ARJUNA042032 java.lang.String Invalid destination URL
ARJUNA042033 java.lang.String Unsupported URL type, not HTTP or HTTPS
ARJUNA042034 java.lang.String Invalid response code returned: {0}
ARJUNA042035 java.lang.String Unexpected end element: {0}
ARJUNA042036 java.lang.String Unexpected end of document reached
ARJUNA042037 java.lang.String Unexpected start element: {0}
ARJUNA042038 java.lang.String Addressing context is not valid
ARJUNA042039 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042040 java.lang.String Invalid QName value for attributed QName
ARJUNA042041 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042043 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042044 java.lang.String Unexpected second element name: {0}
ARJUNA042045 java.lang.String Invalid QName value for attributed QName
ARJUNA042046 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042047 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042048 java.lang.String Addressing context does not specify destination.
ARJUNA042049 java.lang.String Invalid destination specified in addressing context.
ARJUNA042050 java.lang.String No SOAP client registered for scheme: {0}.
ARJUNA042051 java.lang.String Invalid replyTo specified in addressing context.
ARJUNA042052 java.lang.String Unexpected SOAP message type returned.
ARJUNA042053 ERROR Unhandled SOAP fault {0} during asynchronous execution of service.
ARJUNA042054 java.lang.String Arjuna context is not valid
ARJUNA042055 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042056 java.lang.String InstanceIdentifier elements cannot have embedded elements.
ARJUNA042057 java.lang.String non numerical value: {0}
ARJUNA042058 java.lang.String Coordination Context is not valid
ARJUNA042059 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042060 java.lang.String Create Coordination Context Response is not valid
ARJUNA042061 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042062 java.lang.String Create Coordination Context is not valid
ARJUNA042063 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042064 java.lang.String Register is not valid
ARJUNA042065 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042066 java.lang.String Register is not valid
ARJUNA042067 java.lang.String Unexpected element name: {0}
ARJUNA042071 java.lang.String Callback execution failed
ARJUNA042072 java.lang.String Callback was not triggered
ARJUNA042073 java.lang.String Callback execution failed
ARJUNA042074 java.lang.String Callback was not triggered
ARJUNA042075 java.lang.String Invalid create coordination context parameters
ARJUNA042076 java.lang.String Participant already registered
ARJUNA042077 java.lang.String Invalid protocol identifier
ARJUNA042078 java.lang.String Invalid coordination context state
ARJUNA042079 java.lang.String Unknown activity identifier
ARJUNA042080 java.lang.String Invalid create coordination context parameters
ARJUNA042081 java.lang.String Participant already registered for this protocol identifier
ARJUNA042082 java.lang.String Invalid protocol identifier
ARJUNA042083 java.lang.String Invalid coordination context state
ARJUNA042084 java.lang.String Unknown activity identifier
ARJUNA042085 WARN Failed to create service instance: {0}
ARJUNA042086 ERROR Empty messageId received by an async endpoint
ARJUNA042087 ERROR Failure to register protocol {0} and instance {1}
ARJUNA042088 ERROR Failure to create coordination context of type {0}
ARJUNA043001 java.lang.String Invalid outcome enumeration: {0}
ARJUNA043002 java.lang.String PrepareResponse elements cannot have embedded elements.
ARJUNA043003 java.lang.String ReplayResponse elements cannot have embedded elements.
ARJUNA043004 java.lang.String Invalid fault type enumeration: {0}
ARJUNA043005 java.lang.String Invalid vote enumeration: {0}
ARJUNA043006 java.lang.String State elements cannot have embedded elements.
ARJUNA043007 java.lang.String Invalid state enumeration: {0}
ARJUNA043008 java.lang.String Invalid soap fault type
ARJUNA043009 java.lang.String Invalid fault type enumeration: {0}
ARJUNA043010 java.lang.String Invalid state enumeration: {0}
ARJUNA043011 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043012 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043013 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043014 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043015 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043016 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043017 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to participant {0}
ARJUNA043018 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown coordinator completion participant
ARJUNA043020 java.lang.String Complete called on unknown participant
ARJUNA043021 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to coordinator for participant {0}
ARJUNA043022 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown coordinator completion participant
ARJUNA043023 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from aborted:
ARJUNA043024 WARN Aborted called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043025 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from committed:
ARJUNA043026 WARN Committed called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043027 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from prepared
ARJUNA043028 WARN Prepared called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043029 WARN Ignoring prepared called on unidentified coordinator until recovery pass is complete: {0}
ARJUNA043030 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from readOnly
ARJUNA043031 WARN ReadOnly called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043032 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from replay
ARJUNA043033 WARN Replay called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043034 java.lang.String Unknown Transaction.
ARJUNA043035 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from soapFault
ARJUNA043036 WARN SoapFault called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043038 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to participant {0}
ARJUNA043039 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown coordinator completion participant
ARJUNA043041 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to coordinator for participant {0}
ARJUNA043042 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown coordinator completion participant
ARJUNA043043 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from commit
ARJUNA043044 WARN Commit called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043045 WARN Commit request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043046 WARN Commit request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043047 WARN Commit request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-AT participant: {0}
ARJUNA043048 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from prepare
ARJUNA043049 WARN Prepare called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043051 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from rollback
ARJUNA043052 WARN Rollback called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043053 WARN Rollback request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043054 WARN Rollback request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043055 WARN Rollback request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-AT participant: {0}
ARJUNA043056 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from soapFault
ARJUNA043057 WARN SoapFault called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043058 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043059 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043060 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043061 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043062 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043063 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043064 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043065 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043066 java.lang.String Transaction rolled back
ARJUNA043067 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043071 WARN Faulted exception from participant compensate for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043073 WARN Unable to write log record during participant complete for WS-BA parfticipant {0}
ARJUNA043074 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during faulted for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043076 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during soapFault processing for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043077 WARN Compensating participant {0}
ARJUNA043078 WARN Notifying unexpected error for participant {0}
ARJUNA043079 java.lang.String Inconsistent internal state.
ARJUNA043080 WARN Unable to write recovery record during completed for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043081 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during completed for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043082 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during close for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043083 WARN Faulted exception from participant compensate for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043084 WARN Unexpected exception from participant compensate for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043085 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during compensate for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043086 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during faulted for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043088 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during soapFault processing for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043089 WARN Cancelling participant {0}
ARJUNA043090 WARN Notifying unexpected error for participant {0}
ARJUNA043091 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during prepare for participant {0}
ARJUNA043092 WARN Unable to delete recovery record at commit for participant {0}
ARJUNA043094 WARN could not delete recovery record for participant {0}
ARJUNA043095 ERROR Unrecoverable error for participant {0} : {1} {2}
ARJUNA043096 ERROR Unable to delete recovery record at commit for participant {0}
ARJUNA043097 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043098 ERROR Error persisting participant state
ARJUNA043099 ERROR Error restoring participant state
ARJUNA043100 WARN Error persisting participant state
ARJUNA043101 ERROR Error restoring participant state
ARJUNA043102 WARN Error persisting participant state
ARJUNA043103 WARN Error restoring participant state
ARJUNA043104 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043105 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043106 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043107 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043108 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043109 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043110 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to participant {0}
ARJUNA043111 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown coordinator completion participant
ARJUNA043112 WARN Cancel request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043113 WARN Cancel request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043114 WARN Cancel request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043115 WARN Close request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043116 WARN Close request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043117 WARN Close request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043118 WARN Compensate request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043119 WARN Compensate request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043120 WARN Compensate request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043122 WARN Complete request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043123 WARN Complete request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043124 WARN Complete request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043127 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to coordinator for participant {0}
ARJUNA043128 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown coordinator completion participant
ARJUNA043129 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from aborted
ARJUNA043130 WARN Aborted called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043131 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from committed
ARJUNA043132 WARN Committed called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043133 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from prepared
ARJUNA043134 WARN Prepared called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043135 WARN Ignoring prepared called on unidentified coordinator until recovery pass is complete: {0}
ARJUNA043136 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from readOnly
ARJUNA043137 WARN ReadOnly called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043138 java.lang.String Unknown Transaction.
ARJUNA043139 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from soapFault
ARJUNA043140 WARN SoapFault called on unknown coordinator: {0}
ARJUNA043143 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to participant {0}
ARJUNA043144 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown participant completion participant
ARJUNA043145 WARN Cancel request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043146 WARN Cancel request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043147 WARN Cancel request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043148 WARN Close request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043149 WARN Close request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043150 WARN Close request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043151 WARN Compensate request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043152 WARN Compensate request dropped pending WS-BA participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043153 WARN Compensate request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043154 INFO Unexpected exception while sending InvalidStateFault to coordinator for participant {0}
ARJUNA043155 java.lang.String GetStatus requested for unknown participant completion participant
ARJUNA043156 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from commit
ARJUNA043157 WARN Commit called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043158 WARN Commit request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043159 WARN Commit request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043160 WARN Commit request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-AT participant: {0}
ARJUNA043161 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from prepare
ARJUNA043162 WARN Prepare called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043163 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from rollback
ARJUNA043164 WARN Rollback called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043165 WARN Rollback request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager initialization for participant: {0}
ARJUNA043166 WARN Rollback request dropped pending WS-AT participant recovery manager scan for unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043167 WARN Rollback request dropped pending registration of application-specific recovery module for WS-AT participant: {0}
ARJUNA043168 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from soapFault
ARJUNA043169 WARN SoapFault called on unknown participant: {0}
ARJUNA043170 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043171 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043172 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043173 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043174 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043175 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043176 java.lang.String Unknown participant
ARJUNA043177 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043178 java.lang.String Transaction rolled back
ARJUNA043179 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043180 java.lang.String Invalid coordinator completion coordinator state
ARJUNA043185 WARN Unable to write log record during participant complete for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043186 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during failed for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043188 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during soapFault processing for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043189 WARN Cancelling participant {0}
ARJUNA043190 WARN Notifying unexpected error for participant {0}
ARJUNA043191 java.lang.String Unknown transaction
ARJUNA043192 WARN Unexpected exception while sending UnknownTransaction for participant {0}
ARJUNA043193 WARN Unable to write recovery record during completed for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043194 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during completed for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043195 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during close for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043196 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during compensate for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043197 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during failed for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043199 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during soapFault processing for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043200 WARN Compensating participant {0}
ARJUNA043201 WARN Notifying unexpected error for participant {0}
ARJUNA043203 WARN Unable to delete recovery record during prepare for participant {0}
ARJUNA043204 WARN Unable to delete recovery record at commit for participant {0}
ARJUNA043206 WARN could not delete recovery record for participant {0}
ARJUNA043207 ERROR Unrecoverable error for participant {0} : {1} {2}
ARJUNA043208 ERROR Unable to delete recovery record at commit for participant {0}
ARJUNA043209 java.lang.String Unknown error
ARJUNA043210 ERROR Error persisting participant state
ARJUNA043211 ERROR Error restoring participant state
ARJUNA043212 ERROR Error persisting participant state
ARJUNA043213 ERROR Error restoring participant state
ARJUNA043214 ERROR Error persisting participant state
ARJUNA043215 ERROR Error restoring participant state
ARJUNA043216 java.lang.String participant {0} has no saved recovery state to recover
ARJUNA043217 WARN XML stream exception restoring recovery state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043218 WARN I/O exception saving restoring state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043219 WARN Could not save recovery state for non-serializable durable WS-AT participant {0}
ARJUNA043220 WARN XML stream exception saving recovery state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043221 WARN I/O exception saving recovery state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043222 java.lang.String participant {0} has no saved recovery state to recover
ARJUNA043223 WARN XML stream exception restoring recovery state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043224 WARN I/O exception saving restoring state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043225 WARN Could not save recovery state for non-serializable WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA043226 WARN XML stream exception saving recovery state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043227 WARN I/O exception saving recovery state for participant {0}
ARJUNA043228 WARN SystemException thrown from rollback: {0}
ARJUNA043229 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from rollback: {0}
ARJUNA043230 WARN Unexpected exception thrown from commit: {0}
ARJUNA043231 WARN Faulted exception from participant cancel for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043232 WARN Unexpected exception from participant cancel for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043233 WARN Unexpected exception from participant close for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043234 WARN Unexpected exception from participant compensate for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043235 WARN Unexpected exception from participant complete for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043236 WARN Faulted exception from participant cancel for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043237 WARN Unexpected exception from participant cancel for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA043238 WARN Unexpected exception from participant close for WS-BA participant: {0}
ARJUNA044001 ERROR WSCF Initialisation: init failed
ARJUNA044002 ERROR WSCF11 Initialisation: init failed
ARJUNA044003 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044004 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044005 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044006 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044007 java.lang.String Could not find protocol:
ARJUNA044008 java.lang.String Failed to find document:
ARJUNA044009 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044010 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044011 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044012 WARN Failed to create {0}
ARJUNA044013 java.lang.String Could not find protocol:
ARJUNA044014 java.lang.String Failed to find document:
ARJUNA044015 WARN Participant failed to complete in activity {1}
ARJUNA044016 java.lang.String Null is an invalid parameter.
ARJUNA044017 java.lang.String Wrong state for operation!
ARJUNA044018 java.lang.String Removal of business activity synchronization is not allowed
ARJUNA044019 java.lang.String Unknown response!
ARJUNA044020 java.lang.String CoordinatorControl.begin:
ARJUNA044021 WARN SynchronizationRecord {0} - null participant provided!
ARJUNA044022 WARN ParticipantRecord {0} - null participant provided!
ARJUNA044023 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelOnePhaseCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044024 WARN ParticipantRecord.forgetHeuristic for {0} called without a resource!
ARJUNA044025 WARN ParticipantRecord.forgetHeuristic {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044026 WARN ParticipantRecord.complete {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044027 WARN ParticipantRecord.restore_state caught exception
ARJUNA044028 WARN ParticipantRecord.save_state caught exception
ARJUNA044029 WARN ParticipantRecord.setValue() called illegally.
ARJUNA044030 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedAbort {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044031 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044032 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedPrepare {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044033 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelAbort {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044034 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044035 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelPrepare {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044036 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedOnePhaseCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044037 java.lang.String ArjunaCore does not support removal of participants
ARJUNA044038 java.lang.String Null is an invalid parameter!
ARJUNA044039 java.lang.String Wrong state for operation!
ARJUNA044040 java.lang.String Unknown response!
ARJUNA044041 java.lang.String CoordinatorControl.begin:
ARJUNA044042 WARN ParticipantRecord {0} - null participant provided!
ARJUNA044043 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelOnePhaseCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044044 WARN ParticipantRecord.forgetHeuristic for {0} called without a resource!
ARJUNA044045 WARN ParticipantRecord.forgetHeuristic {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044046 WARN ParticipantRecord.restore_state caught exception
ARJUNA044047 WARN ParticipantRecord.save_state caught exception
ARJUNA044048 WARN ParticipantRecord.setValue() called illegally.
ARJUNA044049 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedAbort {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044050 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044051 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedPrepare {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044052 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelAbort {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044053 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044054 WARN ParticipantRecord.topLevelPrepare {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044055 WARN ParticipantRecord.nestedOnePhaseCommit {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044056 WARN SynchronizationRecord {0} - null participant provided!
ARJUNA044057 java.lang.String Failed to create:
ARJUNA044058 java.lang.String First parameter is null!
ARJUNA044059 java.lang.String Second parameter is null!
ARJUNA044060 java.lang.String not found
ARJUNA044061 java.lang.String Failed to create:
ARJUNA044062 INFO No protocol implementations configured
ARJUNA044063 ERROR Unable to identify protocol type for class {0}
ARJUNA044064 ERROR Unable to load protocol implementation class {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044065 INFO Installed implementation class {0} for protocol type {1}
ARJUNA044066 ERROR Unable to instantiate protocol implementation class {0} caught exception
ARJUNA044067 WARN SynchronizationRecord.beforeCompletion caught exception
ARJUNA044068 WARN Caught exception
ARJUNA045001 WARN Error in {0}
ARJUNA045002 WARN Error in {0} Unknown context type: {1}
ARJUNA045004 ERROR WSTX Initialisation: init failed
ARJUNA045005 java.lang.String {0} not found.
ARJUNA045006 java.lang.String Failed to create document: {0}
ARJUNA045007 java.lang.String Missing WSTX Initialisation
ARJUNA045008 WARN Error in {0}
ARJUNA045009 WARN Error in {0} Unknown context type: {1}
ARJUNA045011 WARN Error in {0}
ARJUNA045012 WARN Error in {0} Unknown context type: {1}
ARJUNA045014 ERROR WSTX11 Initialisation: init failed
ARJUNA045015 java.lang.String {0} not found.
ARJUNA045016 java.lang.String Failed to create document: {0}
ARJUNA045017 java.lang.String Missing WSTX Initialisation
ARJUNA045018 WARN Error in {0}
ARJUNA045019 WARN Error in {0} Unknown context type: {1}
ARJUNA045021 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045022 java.lang.String Invalid type URI:
ARJUNA045023 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045024 java.lang.String Invalid type URI:
ARJUNA045025 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045026 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045027 WARN ignoring context {0}
ARJUNA045028 java.lang.String One context was null!
ARJUNA045029 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045030 java.lang.String Invalid type URI:
ARJUNA045031 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045032 java.lang.String Not implemented!
ARJUNA045033 ERROR comms timeout attempting to cancel WS-AT participant {0}
ARJUNA045034 WARN comms timeout attempting to commit WS-AT participant {0} : {1}
ARJUNA045035 WARN comms timeout attempting to prepare WS-AT participant {0} : {1}
ARJUNA045036 java.lang.String Not implemented!
ARJUNA045037 java.lang.String Not implemented!
ARJUNA045038 java.lang.String Received context is null!
ARJUNA045039 java.lang.String Received context is null!
ARJUNA045040 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045041 java.lang.String Invalid type URI:
ARJUNA045042 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045043 java.lang.String Invalid type URI:
ARJUNA045044 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045045 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045046 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045047 WARN ignoring context {0}
ARJUNA045048 java.lang.String One context was null!
ARJUNA045049 java.lang.String Invalid type URI:
ARJUNA045050 WARN Invalid type URI: < {0} , {1}>
ARJUNA045052 java.lang.String Received context is null!
ARJUNA045053 java.lang.String No termination context!
ARJUNA045054 ERROR Participant not persistable.
ARJUNA045055 ERROR Error persisting participant.
ARJUNA045056 ERROR Error restoring participant.
ARJUNA045057 WARN ignoring context {0}
ARJUNA045058 WARN ignoring context {0}
ARJUNA045060 java.lang.String Received context is null!
ARJUNA045061 java.lang.String No termination context!
ARJUNA045062 WARN Coordinator cancelled the activity
ARJUNA045063 ERROR Wrong vote type {0} on prepare of volatile 2PC participant {1}.Expecting one from {2}.
ARJUNA045064 ERROR Calling prepare on volatile participant but participant is null.
ARJUNA045065 ERROR Cannot prepare participant {0}.
ARJUNA045066 ERROR Calling confirm on volatile participant but participant is null.
ARJUNA045067 ERROR Calling cancel on volatile participant but participant is null.
ARJUNA045068 ERROR cannot commit durable participant {0} : {1}
ARJUNA045069 ERROR Calling confirm on durable participant but participant with id {0} is null.
ARJUNA045070 ERROR cannot prepare durable participant {0} : {1}
ARJUNA045071 WARN cannot commit one phase durable participant {0} : {1}
ARJUNA045072 ERROR Calling cancel on durable participant but participant with id {0} is null.
ARJUNA045073 WARN Durable participant {0} : {1} was cancelled.
ARJUNA045074 ERROR Confirm one phase call of durable participant {0} : {1} failed.
ARJUNA045075 ERROR Calling confirm one phase on durable participant but participant with id {0} is null.
ARJUNA045076 ERROR Unknown call of participant {0} : {1} failed.
ARJUNA045077 ERROR One phase confirm of participant {0} : {1} returned not expected vote {2}.
ARJUNA046002 WARN RecoveryATCoordinator.replayPhase2 transaction {0} not activated, unable to replay phase 2 commit
ARJUNA046004 WARN RecoverySubordinateATCoordinator.replayPhase2 transaction {0} not activated, unable to replay phase 2 commit
ARJUNA046006 WARN RecoverBASubordinateCoordinator.replayPhase2 transaction {0} not activated, unable to replay phase 2 commit
ARJUNA046008 WARN RecoveryBACoordinator.replayPhase2 transaction {0} not activated, unable to replay phase 2 commit
ARJUNA046010 WARN RecoveryManagerStatusModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA046011 WARN failed to recover Transaction {0}
ARJUNA046012 WARN failed to access transaction store {0}
ARJUNA046013 WARN RecoveryManagerStatusModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA046014 WARN failed to recover Transaction {0}
ARJUNA046015 WARN failed to access transaction store {0}
ARJUNA046016 WARN RecoveryManagerStatusModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA046017 WARN failed to recover Transaction {0}
ARJUNA046018 WARN failed to access transaction store {0}
ARJUNA046019 WARN failed to recover Transaction {0}
ARJUNA046020 WARN failed to access transaction store {0}
ARJUNA046021 WARN RecoveryManagerStatusModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA046022 WARN RecoveryManagerStatusModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA046023 WARN failed to access transaction store {0}
ARJUNA046024 ERROR unable to load recovery record implementation class {0} for WS-AT participant recovery record {1}
ARJUNA046025 ERROR unable to instantiate recovery record implementation class {0} for WS-AT participant recovery record {1}
ARJUNA046026 ERROR unable to unpack recovery record data for WS-AT participant recovery record {0}
ARJUNA046027 ERROR missing recovery record data for WS-AT participant recovery record {0}
ARJUNA046028 ERROR unable to read recovery record data for WS-AT participant recovery record {0}
ARJUNA046029 WARN exception writing recovery record for WS-AT participant {0}
ARJUNA046030 WARN exception removing recovery record {0} for WS-AT participant {1}
ARJUNA046031 WARN exception reactivating recovered WS-AT participant {0}
ARJUNA046032 WARN no XTS application recovery module found to help reactivate recovered WS-AT participant {0}
ARJUNA046033 WARN Compensating orphaned subordinate WS-AT transcation {0}
ARJUNA046034 WARN RecoveryManagerStatusModule: Object store exception
ARJUNA046035 WARN failed to access transaction store {0}
ARJUNA046036 ERROR unable to load recovery record implementation class {0} for WS-BA participant recovery record {1}
ARJUNA046037 ERROR unable to instantiate recovery record implementation class {0} for WS-BA participant recovery record {1}
ARJUNA046038 WARN unable to unpack recovery record data for WS-BA participant recovery record {0}
ARJUNA046039 ERROR missing recovery record data for WS-BA participant recovery record {0}
ARJUNA046040 ERROR unable to read recovery record data for WS-BA participant recovery record {0}
ARJUNA046041 WARN exception writing recovery record for WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA046042 WARN exception removing recovery record {0} for WS-BA participant {1}
ARJUNA046043 WARN exception reactivating recovered WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA046044 WARN no XTS application recovery module found to help reactivate recovered WS-BA participant {0}
ARJUNA046045 WARN Compensating orphaned subordinate WS-BA transcation {0}
ARJUNA046046 ERROR Unable to load recovery module class {0}
ARJUNA046047 ERROR Not a recovery module class {0}
ARJUNA046048 ERROR Unable to instantiate module class {0}
ARJUNA046049 ERROR Unable to access module class {0}
ARJUNA046050 ERROR Unable to load recovery module class {0}
ARJUNA046051 ERROR Not a recovery module class {0}
ARJUNA046052 ERROR Unable to instantiate module class {0}
ARJUNA046053 ERROR Unable to access module class {0}
ARJUNA047001 ERROR Unable to load XTS initialisation class {0}
ARJUNA047002 ERROR Not an XTS initialisation class {0}
ARJUNA047003 ERROR Unable to instantiate XTS initialisation class {0}
ARJUNA047004 ERROR Unable to access XTS initialisation class {0}
ARJUNA048001 WARN Could not find manifest {0}
ARJUNA048002 WARN Could not find configuration file, URL was: {0}
ARJUNA048003 WARN className is null
ARJUNA048004 WARN attempt to load {0} threw ClassNotFound. Wrong classloader?
ARJUNA048005 WARN class {0} does not implement {1}
ARJUNA048006 java.lang.String cannot create new instance of {0}
ARJUNA048007 java.lang.String cannot access {0}
ARJUNA048008 WARN cannot initialize from string {0}


Code Level Return Type Message
AT027001 WARN Failure while removing participant information from the object store. '%s'
AT027002 WARN Failure while synchronizing participant url with RecoveryManager. '%s'
AT027003 WARN Failed to start the bridge. '%s'
AT027004 WARN Failed to stop the bridge. '%s'
AT027005 WARN Failed to enlist inbound bridge to the transaction '%s'
AT027006 WARN Failed to import transaction. '%s'
AT027007 ERROR FATAL System Exception '%s'
AT027008 WARN Exception while verifying/loading id isInStore InboundBridgeOrphanFilter.
AT027009 WARN Exception while verifying id isInStore InboundBridgeOrphanFilter.
AT027010 WARN XAException occured while subordinate rollback. '%s'
AT027011 WARN XAException occured while subordinate commit. '%s'
AT027012 WARN XAException occured while subordinate vote. '%s'
AT027013 WARN XAException occured while InboundBridgeRecoveryModule periodicWorkSecondPass. '%s'
AT027014 WARN XAException occured while InboundBridgeRecoveryModule addBridgesToMapping. '%s'
AT027015 WARN Exception occured while InboundBridgeRecoveryModule getUidsToRecover. '%s'
AT027016 WARN Exception occured while Tx Support getIntValue. '%s'
AT027017 DEBUG Exception occured while Tx Support HttpRequest. '%s'
AT027018 WARN Exception occured while Tx Support AddLocationHeader. '%s'
AT027019 WARN Exception occured while InboundBridgeParticipantDeserializer Participant deserialize. '%s'
AT027020 WARN Exception while recovering participant in Recovery Manager. '%s'
AT027021 WARN Exception while recovering participant in Recovery Manager. '%s'
AT027022 WARN Heuristic Exception while recreateParticipantInformation in Recovery Manager. '%s'
AT027023 WARN Participant Exception while recreateParticipantInformation in Recovery Manager. '%s'
AT027024 WARN Failure while persisting participant information. '%s'
AT027025 WARN Participant Exception while participant rollback in ParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027026 WARN Exception while participant rollback in ParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027027 WARN Exception while readOnly participant info in ParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027028 WARN ParticipantException while commitOnePhase in ParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027029 WARN ParticipantException while prepare in ParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027030 WARN Exception Before completion failed in VolatileParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027031 WARN Exception After completion failed in VolatileParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027032 WARN Exception while getUids in VolatileParticipantResource. '%s'
AT027033 WARN Exception could not reactivate pending transaction.'%s','%s'
AT027034 WARN Exception TM JAX-RS application failed to start.'%s'
AT027035 DEBUG Exception TM JAX-RS application failed to start.


Code Level Return Type Message
COM03000 DEBUG Reaping a reference failed
COM03100 WARN Property or feature %s not supported by %s


Code Level Return Type Message
EJBCLIENT-00001 INFO JBoss EJB Client version %s
EJBCLIENT-00001 java.lang.String No such EJB: %s
EJBCLIENT-00001 java.lang.String EJB is not stateful: %s
EJBCLIENT-00001 java.lang.String No such EJB method %s found on %s
EJBCLIENT-00001 java.lang.String Session is not active for invocation of method %s on %s
EJBCLIENT-00001 java.lang.String EJB view is not remote: %s
EJBCLIENT-00001 java.lang.IllegalStateException Context data under org.jboss.private.data was not of type Set
EJBCLIENT-00001 jakarta.ejb.EJBException IO channel timed out or closed. Check server endpoint read or write timeout settings
EJBCLIENT000000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Module name cannot be null or empty
EJBCLIENT000001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Bean name cannot be null or empty
EJBCLIENT000002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Bean interface type cannot be null
EJBCLIENT000003 INFO Incorrect max-allowed-connected-nodes value %s specified for cluster named %s. Defaulting to %s
EJBCLIENT000004 INFO Incorrect connection timeout value %s specified for cluster named %s. Defaulting to %s
EJBCLIENT000005 INFO Incorrect connection timeout value %s specified for node %s in cluster named %s. Defaulting to %s
EJBCLIENT000006 INFO No host/port configured for connection named %s. Skipping connection creation
EJBCLIENT000007 INFO Incorrect port value %s specified for connection named %s. Skipping connection creation
EJBCLIENT000008 INFO Incorrect connection timeout value %s specified for connection named %s. Defaulting to %s
EJBCLIENT000009 INFO Incorrect invocation timeout value %s specified. Defaulting to %s
EJBCLIENT000010 INFO Incorrect reconnect tasks timeout value %s specified. Defaulting to %s
EJBCLIENT000011 INFO Discarding result for invocation id %s since no waiting context found
EJBCLIENT000012 INFO Cannot create a EJB receiver for %s since there was no match for a target destination
EJBCLIENT000015 INFO Initial module availability report for %s wasn't received during the receiver context association
EJBCLIENT000016 INFO Channel %s can no longer process messages
EJBCLIENT000017 INFO Received server version %d and marshalling strategies %s
EJBCLIENT000022 java.lang.IllegalStateException No EJB client context is available
EJBCLIENT000024 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException No EJB receiver available for handling destination "%s"
EJBCLIENT000027 java.lang.IllegalStateException No EJBReceiver available for node name %s
EJBCLIENT000028 java.lang.IllegalStateException No EJB receiver contexts available in cluster %s
EJBCLIENT000029 java.lang.IllegalStateException No cluster context available for cluster named %s
EJBCLIENT000030 java.lang.IllegalStateException sendRequest() called during wrong phase
EJBCLIENT000031 java.lang.IllegalStateException No receiver associated with invocation
EJBCLIENT000032 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot retry a request which hasn't previously been completed
EJBCLIENT000033 java.lang.IllegalStateException getResult() called during wrong phase
EJBCLIENT000034 java.lang.IllegalStateException discardResult() called during wrong phase
EJBCLIENT000035 javax.naming.NamingException Not supported
EJBCLIENT000036 javax.naming.NamingException Read only naming context, operation not supported
EJBCLIENT000037 javax.naming.NamingException Could not load ejb proxy class %s
EJBCLIENT000038 java.lang.IllegalStateException Transaction enlistment did not yield a transaction ID
EJBCLIENT000039 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot enlist transaction
EJBCLIENT000041 java.lang.RuntimeException A session bean does not have a primary key class
EJBCLIENT000042 WARN Failed to load EJB client configuration file specified in %s system property: %s
EJBCLIENT000043 java.lang.RuntimeException Error reading EJB client properties file %s
EJBCLIENT000044 java.lang.IllegalStateException No transaction context available
EJBCLIENT000045 java.lang.IllegalStateException User transactions not supported by this context
EJBCLIENT000046 jakarta.transaction.NotSupportedException A transaction is already associated with this thread
EJBCLIENT000047 java.lang.IllegalStateException A transaction is not associated with this thread
EJBCLIENT000048 java.lang.IllegalStateException Transaction for this thread is not active
EJBCLIENT000049 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot proceed with invocation since transaction is pinned to node %s which has been excluded from handling invocation for the current invocation context %s
EJBCLIENT000050 java.lang.IllegalStateException Node of the current transaction %s does not accept %s
EJBCLIENT000051 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot proceed with invocation since the locator %s has an affinity on node %s which has been excluded from current invocation context %s
EJBCLIENT000052 java.lang.RuntimeException %s for cluster %s is not of type org.jboss.ejb.client.ClusterNodeSelector
EJBCLIENT000053 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create the cluster node selector for cluster %s
EJBCLIENT000054 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot specify both a callback handler and a username/password
EJBCLIENT000055 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not decode base64 encoded password
EJBCLIENT000056 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot specify both a plain text and base64 encoded password
EJBCLIENT000058 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to instantiate deployment node selector class "%s"
EJBCLIENT000059 WARN Could not send a message over remoting channel, to cancel invocation for invocation id %s
EJBCLIENT000060 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create scoped EJB client context
EJBCLIENT000061 WARN Cannot send a transaction recovery message to the server since the protocol version of EJBReceiver %s doesn't support it
EJBCLIENT000062 javax.naming.CommunicationException Failed to look up "%s"
EJBCLIENT000063 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException EJB proxy is already stateful
EJBCLIENT000064 INFO org.jboss.ejb.client.naming.ejb.ejbURLContextFactory is deprecated; new applications should use org.wildfly.naming.client.WildFlyInitialContextFactory instead
EJBCLIENT000065 javax.naming.CommunicationException Null session was created for "%s", affinity %s, identifier %s
EJBCLIENT000066 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Operation interrupted
EJBCLIENT000067 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot convert %s to stateful
EJBCLIENT000068 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to instantiate callback handler class "%s"
EJBCLIENT000069 INFO Using legacy jboss-ejb-client.properties security configuration
EJBCLIENT000070 INFO Using legacy jboss-ejb-client.properties Remoting configuration
EJBCLIENT000071 INFO Using legacy jboss-ejb-client.properties discovery configuration
EJBCLIENT000072 INFO Using legacy jboss-ejb-client.properties EJB client configuration
EJBCLIENT000073 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to construct Remoting endpoint
EJBCLIENT000074 java.lang.IllegalStateException Configured selector "%s" returned null
EJBCLIENT000075 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException No transport provider available for URI scheme %2$s for locator %1$s
EJBCLIENT000076 java.lang.IllegalStateException Configured selector "%s" returned unknown node "%s"
EJBCLIENT000077 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException EJB receiver "%s" returned a null session ID for EJB "%s"
EJBCLIENT000078 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException EJB receiver "%s" returned a stateful locator with the wrong view type (expected %s, but actual was %s)
EJBCLIENT000079 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException Unable to discover destination for request for EJB %s
EJBCLIENT000080 java.lang.IllegalStateException Request not sent
EJBCLIENT000081 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to instantiate cluster node selector class "%s"
EJBCLIENT000082 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Cannot outflow the remote transaction "%s" as its timeout elapsed
EJBCLIENT000100 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Object '%s' is not a valid proxy object
EJBCLIENT000101 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Proxy object '%s' was not generated by %s
EJBCLIENT000102 java.lang.IllegalStateException No asynchronous operation in progress
EJBCLIENT000200 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Cannot load from a module when jboss-modules is not available
EJBCLIENT000300 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No valid no-argument constructor on interceptor %s
EJBCLIENT000301 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Constructor is not accessible on interceptor %s
EJBCLIENT000302 java.lang.IllegalStateException Construction of interceptor %s failed
EJBCLIENT000400 java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException Remote invocation failed due to an exception
EJBCLIENT000401 java.lang.IllegalStateException Result was discarded (one-way invocation)
EJBCLIENT000402 java.util.concurrent.CancellationException Remote invocation request was cancelled
EJBCLIENT000403 java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timed out
EJBCLIENT000408 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Inflowed transaction is no longer active
EJBCLIENT000409 org.jboss.ejb.client.RequestSendFailedException No more destinations are available
EJBCLIENT000500 java.io.InvalidObjectException Protocol error: mismatched method location
EJBCLIENT000501 DEBUG Protocol error: invalid message ID %02x received
EJBCLIENT000502 java.io.IOException Protocol error: invalid transaction type %02x received
EJBCLIENT000503 java.io.IOException Protocol error: unable to inflow remote transaction
EJBCLIENT000504 java.lang.IllegalStateException Server error: no session was created
EJBCLIENT000505 java.lang.IllegalStateException No remote transport is present on the current EJB client context
EJBCLIENT000506 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Server error (invalid view): %s
EJBCLIENT000507 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Internal server error occurred while processing a transaction
EJBCLIENT000508 ERROR Failed to execute Runnable %s
EJBCLIENT000509 ERROR Unexpected exception processing EJB request
EJBCLIENT000510 java.io.IOException Failed to configure SSL context
EJBCLIENT000511 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot automatically convert stateless EJB to stateful with this protocol version
EJBCLIENT000512 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Server error (remote EJB is not stateful): %s
EJBCLIENT000513 ERROR Exception occurred when trying to close the transport provider
EJBCLIENT000514 INFO No URI configured for HTTP connection named %s. Skipping connection creation
EJBCLIENT000515 INFO HTTP connection was configured with invalid URI: %s .
EJBCLIENT000516 java.io.InvalidClassException Exception resolving class %s for unmarshalling; it has either been blocklisted or not allowlisted
EJBCLIENT000517 WARN Exception occurred when writing EJB transaction response to invocation %s over channel %s
EJBCLIENT000518 WARN Exception occurred when writing EJB transaction recovery response for invocation %s over channel %s
EJBCLIENT000519 WARN Exception occurred when writing EJB response to invocation %s over channel %s
EJBCLIENT000520 WARN Exception occurred when writing EJB session open response to invocation %s over channel %s
EJBCLIENT000521 WARN Exception occurred when writing proceed async response to invocation %s over channel %s
EJBCLIENT000522 WARN Exception occurred when writing EJB cluster message to channel %s
EJBCLIENT000523 WARN Exception occurred when writing module availability message, closing channel %s
EJBCLIENT000524 DEBUG JavaEE to JakartaEE backward compatibility layer have been installed


Code Level Return Type Message
ELY00000 java.lang.String Unexpected value for azp (issued for) claim
ELY00001 INFO WildFly Elytron version %s
ELY00002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Parameter %s is empty
ELY00003 java.lang.IllegalStateException This builder has already been built
ELY00004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unrecognized algorithm "%s"
ELY00005 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot instantiate self-referential factory
ELY00006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected trailing garbage in X.500 principal
ELY00007 WARN Credential destroying failed
ELY00008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The given credential is not supported here
ELY00009 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid name "%s"
ELY00011 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException Unable to create service for '%s.%s'
ELY00012 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to load OIDs database from properties file
ELY01000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Authentication name was already set on this context
ELY01001 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException No module found for identifier "%s"
ELY01002 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Invalid port number "%s" specified for attribute "%s" of element "%s"; expected a numerical value between 1 and 65535 (inclusive)
ELY01003 java.lang.IllegalStateException No authentication is in progress
ELY01005 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Realm map does not contain mapping for default realm '%s'
ELY01006 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException No realm name found in users property file - non-plain-text users file must contain "#$REALM_NAME=RealmName$" line
ELY01007 DEBUG JAAS authentication failed for principal %s
ELY01008 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Failed to create login context
ELY01009 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Failed to instantiate custom CallbackHandler
ELY01012 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm unexpectedly failed to open path "%s" for identity name "%s"
ELY01013 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm unexpectedly failed to read path "%s" for identity name "%s"
ELY01015 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid file content in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01016 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered missing required attribute "%s" in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01017 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid password format "%s" in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01018 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid password algorithm "%s" in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01019 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Unable to obtain exclusive access to backing identity
ELY01020 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm failed to update identity "%s"
ELY01021 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm failed to delete identity "%s"
ELY01022 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm failed to find identity "%s"
ELY01023 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm failed to write to file "%s" for identity "%s"
ELY01024 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm cannot create duplicate identity for identity "%s"
ELY01025 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid certificate format "%s" in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01026 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid key format "%s" in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01027 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid key algorithm for format "%s" in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01028 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid port number "%d"
ELY01029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid host specification "%s"
ELY01030 java.io.IOException Unable to read credential
ELY01033 java.lang.IllegalStateException User does not exist
ELY01034 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid credential type specified
ELY01035 java.io.IOException Unable to create key manager
ELY01036 java.io.IOException Unable to create trust manager
ELY01037 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Certificate chain is empty
ELY01041 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not obtain credential
ELY01042 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not obtain credential
ELY01043 java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid password key specification for algorithm "%s"
ELY01045 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not obtain PasswordFactory for algorithm "%s"
ELY01049 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Could not open connection
ELY01050 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Could not execute query "%s"
ELY01052 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Unexpected error when processing authentication query "%s"
ELY01053 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Insufficient data to form a digest and a salt
ELY01054 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid salt "%s%s"
ELY01055 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid rounds "%s%s%s%s"
ELY01056 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid salt "%s%s%s%s"
ELY01057 java.lang.IllegalStateException No DirContext supplier set
ELY01058 java.lang.IllegalStateException No principal mapping definition
ELY01059 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Public and private key algorithm names are mismatched
ELY01060 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not obtain principal
ELY01061 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Public key is null
ELY01062 java.lang.IllegalStateException No provider URL has been set
ELY01063 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Private key is null
ELY01064 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid identity name
ELY01065 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Pattern requires a capture group
ELY01066 WARN Invalid string count for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01067 WARN Invalid key exchange "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01068 WARN Invalid authentication "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01069 WARN Invalid encryption "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01070 WARN Invalid digest "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01071 WARN Invalid protocol "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01072 WARN Invalid level "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01073 WARN Invalid strength bits "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01074 WARN Invalid algorithm bits "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01075 WARN Invalid duplicate mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01076 WARN Invalid duplicate OpenSSL-style alias "%s" for mechanism database entry "%s" (original is "%s")
ELY01077 WARN Invalid alias "%s" for missing mechanism database entry "%s"
ELY01079 java.lang.RuntimeException Ldap-backed realm failed to obtain attributes for entry [%s]
ELY01080 java.lang.RuntimeException Attribute [%s] value [%s] must be in X.500 format in order to obtain RDN [%s].
ELY01081 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid OTP definition in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01082 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm encountered invalid OTP algorithm "%s" in path "%s" line %d for identity name "%s"
ELY01083 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm cannot to obtain not existing identity "%s"
ELY01084 java.lang.RuntimeException Error while consuming results from search. SearchDn [%s], Filter [%s], Filter Args [%s].
ELY01085 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException LDAP realm persister does not support given credential type
ELY01086 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Persisting credential %s into Ldap-backed realm failed. Identity dn: "%s"
ELY01087 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Clearing credentials from Ldap-backed realm failed. Identity dn: "%s"
ELY01088 org.wildfly.security.authz.AuthorizationFailureException Attempting to run as "%s" authorization operation failed
ELY01090 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unknown LDAP password scheme
ELY01091 WARN Post-association peer context action failed
ELY01092 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid mechanism realm selection "%s"
ELY01093 java.lang.IllegalStateException Mechanism realm was already selected
ELY01094 ERROR An event handler threw an exception
ELY01095 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Unable to create identity
ELY01096 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException No such identity
ELY01097 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm failed to delete identity from server
ELY01098 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm failed to create identity on server
ELY01099 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm is not configured to allow create new identities (new identity parent and attributes has to be set)
ELY01100 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm does not contain mapping to set Elytron attribute "%s" of identity "%s"
ELY01101 WARN Ldap-backed realm does not support setting of filtered attribute "%s" (identity "%s")
ELY01102 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm requires exactly one value of attribute "%s" mapped to RDN (identity "%s")
ELY01103 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm failed to set attributes of identity "%s"
ELY01104 java.lang.RuntimeException OAuth2-based realm failed to obtain principal
ELY01105 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException OAuth2-based realm failed to introspect token
ELY01106 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not obtain SSLContext
ELY01108 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm identity search failed
ELY01109 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm is not configured to allow iterate over identities (iterator filter has to be set)
ELY01112 java.lang.IllegalStateException Authentication cannot succeed; not authorized
ELY01113 java.lang.IllegalStateException Token-based realm failed to obtain principal from token using claim [%s]
ELY01114 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid token format. Tokens must have a signature part accordingly with JWS specification
ELY01115 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to parse token
ELY01116 java.lang.IllegalStateException Signature verification failed
ELY01117 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid signature algorithm [%s]
ELY01118 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Public key could not be obtained. Probably due to an invalid PEM format.
ELY01119 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to resolve MechanismConfiguration for mechanismType='%s', mechanismName='%s', hostName='%s', protocol='%s'.
ELY01120 java.lang.IllegalStateException Too late to set mechanism information as authentication has already begun.
ELY01121 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Unable to perform initial JAAS login.
ELY01122 java.security.GeneralSecurityException No Kerberos principals found.
ELY01123 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Too many Kerberos principals found.
ELY01124 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException The security realm does not support updating a credential
ELY01125 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Ldap-backed realm failed to obtain context
ELY01126 WARN Jwt-based token realm not configured with a list of valid issuers. Ignoring issuer verification.
ELY01127 WARN Jwt-based token not configured with a list of valid audiences. Ignoring audience verification.
ELY01128 WARN Jwt-based token not configured with a public key. Ignoring signature verification.
ELY01129 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Unknown SSL context "%s" specified
ELY01130 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Duplicate SSL context name "%s"
ELY01132 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Unknown authentication configuration "%s" specified
ELY01133 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Failed to create credential
ELY01134 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Duplicate authentication configuration name "%s"
ELY01135 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Failed to load keystore data
ELY01136 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Failed to create keystore
ELY01137 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Invalid key store entry type for alias "%s" (expected %s, got %s)
ELY01138 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Decoding hashed password from users property file failed - should not be set as plain-text property file?
ELY01138 INFO No Keystore password specified "%s"
ELY01139 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Failed to create credential store
ELY01140 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Wrong PEM content type; expected %s, actually was %s
ELY01141 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException No PEM content found
ELY01143 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Invalid URL [%s]
ELY01145 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Security realm [%s] must implement [%s]
ELY01146 INFO LDAP Realm unable to register listener, defering action.
ELY01147 java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid LDAP name [%s]
ELY01148 java.lang.IllegalStateException A SecurityDomain has already been associated with the specified ClassLoader
ELY01149 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can not use SecurityIdentity with SecurityIdentity from same SecurityDomain
ELY01150 javax.naming.NamingException Obtaining DirContext credentials from AuthenticationContext failed.
ELY01151 java.lang.SecurityException Evidence Verification Failed.
ELY01152 java.lang.SecurityException Authorization Check Failed.
ELY01153 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Direct LDAP verification failed with DN [%s] and absolute DN [%s]
ELY01154 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Failed to read key store
ELY01155 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Security domain mismatch
ELY01156 java.io.IOException Cannot obtain a credential from a security factory
ELY01157 WARN Unable to resolve MechanismConfiguration for MechanismInformation
ELY01159 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Key store entry for alias "%s" is missing.
ELY01160 java.io.IOException KeyTab [%s] does not exists.
ELY01161 java.io.IOException No keys for Kerberos principal [%s] was found in KeyTab [%s].
ELY01162 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Invalid GSS mechanism name "%s" - unable to convert to mechanism OID
ELY01163 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Mechanism OID conversion from string "%s" failed
ELY01164 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Unable to identify provider name=%s, for service type=%s, algorithm=%s
ELY01165 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Initial JAAS login skipped as it has failed in last %d seconds
ELY01166 WARN %2$s: Element "%1$s" is deprecated
ELY01167 java.lang.SecurityException Unable to construct provider '%s'.
ELY01168 java.lang.IllegalStateException JASPIC Configuration for messageLayer=%s, and applicationContext=%s already registered.
ELY01169 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Message type '%s' is not supported by authentication module '%s'
ELY01170 jakarta.security.auth.message.AuthException Unrecognised authContextId '%s'
ELY01171 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid message type '%s', expected '%s'.
ELY01172 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Message does not wrap existing message of type '%s'
ELY01173 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Message does not un-wrap existing message of type '%s'
ELY01174 java.lang.IllegalStateException Setting message of type '%s' not allowed at this time.
ELY01175 java.lang.IllegalStateException The wrapping or request / response messages is only allowed where AuthStatus==SUCCESS ServerAuthenticationModule=%s
ELY01176 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid AuthStatus %s returned from ServerAuthModule %s.
ELY01177 java.io.IOException Authorization failed.
ELY01178 WARN Unable to update jwk set from "%1$s".
ELY01179 WARN SSL not configured. jku claim will not be supported.
ELY01180 INFO Fetched jwk does not contain "%1$s" claim, ignoring...
ELY01181 WARN Not sending new request to jwks url "%s". Last request time was %d.
ELY01182 WARN Allowed jku values haven't been configured for the JWT validator. Token validation will fail if the token contains a 'jku' header parameter.
ELY02001 java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException Invalid key store entry password for alias "%s"
ELY02002 java.security.KeyStoreException Invalid key store entry type for alias "%s" (expected %s, got %s)
ELY02003 java.security.KeyStoreException Key store key for alias "%s" cannot be protected
ELY02004 java.io.IOException Key store failed to translate password for alias "%s"
ELY02005 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException Key store failed to identify a suitable algorithm for alias "%s"
ELY02006 java.io.IOException Unexpected whitespace in password file
ELY02007 java.io.EOFException Unexpected end of file
ELY02008 java.lang.IllegalStateException A reversible load is not possible until the KeyStore has first been initialized
ELY02009 java.io.IOException Unable to create a new KeyStore instance
ELY02010 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Unknown key store specified
ELY02012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException An empty alias filter was supplied
ELY02013 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Filter is missing '+' or '-' at offset %d
ELY02014 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid first word '%s', must be one of ALL/NONE
ELY02015 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to obtain DirContext
ELY02016 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to return DirContext
ELY02017 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to obtain alias [%s]
ELY02018 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to obtain certificate [%s]
ELY02019 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to obtain certificate chain [%s]
ELY02020 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to recover key of alias [%s]
ELY02021 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to obtain alias by certificate
ELY02022 java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException LdapKeyStore failed to recover key of alias [%s]
ELY02023 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to obtain creation date of alias [%s]
ELY02024 java.security.KeyStoreException Alias [%s] does not exist in LdapKeyStore and not configured for creation
ELY02025 java.security.KeyStoreException LdapKeyStore failed store alias [%s]
ELY02026 java.security.KeyStoreException LdapKeyStore failed to serialize certificate of alias [%s]
ELY02027 java.security.KeyStoreException LdapKeyStore failed to protect (pack into keystore) key of alias [%s]
ELY02028 java.security.KeyStoreException LdapKeyStore failed to delete alias [%s]
ELY02029 java.security.KeyStoreException LdapKeyStore failed to delete alias [%s] - alias not found
ELY02030 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to test alias [%s] existence
ELY02031 java.lang.IllegalStateException LdapKeyStore failed to iterate aliases
ELY02032 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException keySpec must be SecretKeySpect, given: [%s]
ELY02033 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException key must implement SecretKeySpec and keySpec must be SecretKeySpec, given key, keySpec: [%s]
ELY02034 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Alias must be specified if more than one entry exist in keystore
ELY02035 java.security.KeyStoreException KeyStore type could not be detected
ELY03010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Malformed PEM content at offset %d
ELY03011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid PEM type (expected "%s", got "%s"
ELY03012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Certificate parse error
ELY03013 java.lang.SecurityException Permission collection must be read-only
ELY03015 org.wildfly.security.permission.InvalidPermissionClassException Could not load permission class "%s"
ELY03016 org.wildfly.security.permission.InvalidPermissionClassException Could not instantiate permission class "%s"
ELY03017 org.wildfly.security.permission.InvalidPermissionClassException No valid permission constructor found on class "%s"
ELY03018 java.lang.SecurityException Cannot add permissions to a read-only permission collection
ELY03019 java.io.InvalidObjectException Failure to deserialize object: field "%s" is null
ELY03020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Expected empty actions string, got "%s"
ELY03021 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid permission type; expected %s, got %s
ELY03022 java.lang.SecurityException Permission check failed: %s is not implied by %s
ELY03023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException PublicKey parse error
ELY03025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Iteration count not specified for password based encryption
ELY03026 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Salt not specified for password based encryption
ELY03027 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Initial key not specified for password based encryption
ELY03028 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Security provider "%s" doesn't exist
ELY03029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No such key algorithm "%s"
ELY03030 java.io.IOException I/O operation failed: closed
ELY03031 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Too many KerberosTicket instances in private credentials
ELY03032 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Base64 string created with unsupported PicketBox version "%s"
ELY03033 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException PrivateKey parse error
ELY04001 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException No algorithm found matching TLS/SSL protocol selection criteria
ELY04002 java.security.cert.CertificateException Empty certificate chain is not trusted
ELY04003 java.security.cert.CertificateException Certificate not trusted due to realm failure for principal [%s]
ELY04004 java.security.cert.CertificateException Credential validation failed: certificate is not trusted for principal [%s]
ELY04005 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException No default trust manager available
ELY04006 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException No context for SSL connection
ELY04007 javax.net.ssl.SSLException SSL channel is closed
ELY04008 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException Initial SSL/TLS data is not a handshake record
ELY04009 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException Initial SSL/TLS handshake record is invalid
ELY04010 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException Initial SSL/TLS handshake spans multiple records
ELY04011 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException Expected "client hello" record
ELY04012 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException Unsupported SSL/TLS record
ELY04013 javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException Invalid TLS extension data
ELY04014 javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException Not enough data in record to fill declared item size
ELY04015 javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException Empty host name in SNI record data
ELY04016 javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException Duplicated SNI server name of type %d
ELY04017 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown authentication name "%s"
ELY04018 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown encryption name "%s"
ELY04019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown key exchange name "%s"
ELY04020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Mechanism "%s" not supported by transformation mapper
ELY04024 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid client mode, expected %s, got %s
ELY04025 java.lang.IllegalStateException DirContext tries to connect without ThreadLocalSSLSocketFactory thread local setting
ELY04026 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create trust manager [%s]
ELY04027 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException SecurityDomain of SSLContext does not support X509PeerCertificateChainEvidence verification
ELY04028 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException No default key manager available
ELY04029 java.lang.IllegalStateException Default context cannot be null
ELY04030 javax.net.ssl.SSLException No context for SSL connection
ELY04031 java.lang.IllegalStateException TrustManagerFactory algorithm [%s] does not support certificate revocation
ELY05001 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism exchange received a message after authentication was already complete
ELY05002 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism user name contains an invalid or disallowed character
ELY05004 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism authorization failed
ELY05005 java.lang.IllegalStateException Authentication mechanism authentication is not yet complete
ELY05006 java.lang.IllegalStateException Authentication mechanism does not support security layer (wrapping/unwrapping)
ELY05007 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid authentication mechanism negotiation message received
ELY05008 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No authentication mechanism login name was given
ELY05009 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No authentication mechanism password was given
ELY05010 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism authentication failed due to one or more malformed fields
ELY05011 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism message is too long
ELY05012 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism server-side authentication failed
ELY05013 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism password not verified
ELY05014 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism authorization failed: "%s" running as "%s"
ELY05015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected character U+%04x at offset %d of mechanism selection string "%s"
ELY05016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unrecognized token "%s" in mechanism selection string "%s"
ELY05017 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Token "%s" not allowed at offset %d of mechanism selection string "%s"
ELY05018 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Channel binding data changed
ELY05019 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No token was given
ELY05020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected end of mechanism selection string "%s"
ELY05022 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Initial challenge must be empty
ELY05023 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to set channel binding
ELY05024 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Failed to determine channel binding status
ELY05025 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Mutual authentication not enabled
ELY05026 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to map SASL mechanism name to a GSS-API OID
ELY05027 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to dispose of GSSContext
ELY05028 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to create name for acceptor
ELY05029 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to create GSSContext
ELY05030 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to set GSSContext request flags
ELY05031 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to accept SASL client message
ELY05032 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException GSS-API mechanism mismatch between SASL client and server
ELY05033 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Channel binding not supported for this SASL mechanism
ELY05034 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Channel binding type mismatch between SASL client and server
ELY05035 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Channel binding not provided by client
ELY05036 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to determine peer name
ELY05037 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism client refuses to initiate authentication
ELY05038 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Nonces do not match
ELY05039 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid length of nonce received
ELY05040 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Iteration count %d is below the minimum of %d
ELY05041 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Iteration count %d is above the maximum of %d
ELY05043 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid server message
ELY05044 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid server message
ELY05045 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid client message
ELY05046 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid client message
ELY05047 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException [%s] Authentication mechanism message is for mismatched mechanism "%s"
ELY05049 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Server authenticity cannot be verified
ELY05050 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler does not support user name
ELY05051 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler does not support credential acquisition
ELY05052 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler does not support authorization
ELY05053 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler failed for unknown reason
ELY05053 javax.security.sasl.SaslException Callback handler failed for unknown reason
ELY05055 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication rejected (invalid proof)
ELY05056 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Client sent extra message
ELY05057 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Server sent extra message
ELY05058 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication failed
ELY05060 java.lang.NumberFormatException Empty number
ELY05061 java.lang.NumberFormatException Invalid numeric character
ELY05062 java.lang.NumberFormatException Too big number
ELY05063 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Cannot get clear password from two way password
ELY05064 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Hashing algorithm not supported
ELY05065 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException keyword cannot be empty
ELY05066 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No value found for keyword: %s
ELY05067 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException '=' expected after keyword: %s
ELY05068 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unmatched quote found for value: %s
ELY05069 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Expecting comma or linear whitespace after quoted string: %s
ELY05070 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException MessageType must equal to %d, but it is %d
ELY05071 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Bad sequence number while unwrapping: expected %d, but %d received
ELY05072 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Problem during crypt
ELY05073 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Problem during decrypt
ELY05074 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unknown cipher "%s"
ELY05075 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authorization ID changed unexpectedly
ELY05076 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Problem getting required cipher. Check your transformation mapper settings.
ELY05077 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No common protection layer between client and server
ELY05078 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No common cipher between client and server
ELY05079 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No ciphers offered by server
ELY05080 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler not provided user name
ELY05083 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Missing "%s" directive
ELY05084 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException nonce-count must equal to %d, but it is %d
ELY05085 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Server is set to not support %s charset
ELY05086 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Charset can be only "utf-8" or unspecified (to use ISO 8859-1)
ELY05087 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Client selected realm not offered by server (%s)
ELY05088 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException digest-uri "%s" not accepted
ELY05089 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unexpected qop value: "%s"
ELY05090 java.lang.IllegalStateException Wrapping is not configured
ELY05091 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication name string is too long
ELY05092 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication name is empty
ELY05093 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authorization for anonymous access is denied
ELY05094 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Required padded length (%d) is less than length of conversion result (%d)
ELY05095 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid key provided for Digest HMAC computing
ELY05097 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to determine subject name from X.509 certificate
ELY05098 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to verify client signature
ELY05099 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to verify server signature
ELY05101 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler not provided server certificate
ELY05102 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler not provided client certificate
ELY05103 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Server identifier mismatch
ELY05104 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Client identifier mismatch
ELY05105 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to determine client name
ELY05106 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler not provided private key
ELY05107 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to create signature
ELY05108 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to create response token
ELY05109 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to create response token
ELY05110 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid value for trusted authority type; expected a value between 0 and 4 (inclusive)
ELY05111 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid value for a general name type; expected a value between 0 and 8 (inclusive)
ELY05112 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Getting authentication mechanisms supported by GSS-API failed
ELY05113 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to initialize OID of Kerberos V5
ELY05114 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Receive buffer requested '%d' is greater than supported maximum '%d'
ELY05115 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to wrap message
ELY05116 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to unwrap message
ELY05117 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to unwrap security layer negotiation message
ELY05118 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid message of length %d on unwrapping
ELY05119 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Negotiated mechanism was not Kerberos V5
ELY05120 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Insufficient levels of protection available for supported security layers
ELY05121 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to generate security layer challenge
ELY05122 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Client selected a security layer that was not offered by server
ELY05123 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No security layer selected but message length received
ELY05124 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to get maximum size of message before wrap
ELY05125 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to handle response from server
ELY05125 javax.security.sasl.SaslException Unable to handle response from server
ELY05126 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Bad length of message for negotiating security layer
ELY05127 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No security layer supported by server but maximum message size received: "%d"
ELY05128 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Failed to read challenge file
ELY05129 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Failed to create challenge file
ELY05130 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid non-ASCII space "0x%X"
ELY05131 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid ASCII control "0x%X"
ELY05132 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid non-ASCII control "0x%X"
ELY05133 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid private use character "0x%X"
ELY05134 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid non-character code point "0x%X"
ELY05135 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid surrogate code point "0x%X"
ELY05136 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid plain text code point "0x%X"
ELY05137 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid non-canonical code point "0x%X"
ELY05138 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid control character "0x%X"
ELY05139 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid tagging character "0x%X"
ELY05140 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unassigned code point "0x%X"
ELY05141 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid surrogate pair (high at end of string) "0x%X"
ELY05142 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid surrogate pair (second is not low) "0x%X 0x%X"
ELY05143 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid surrogate pair (low without high) "0x%X"
ELY05144 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid code point "0x%X"
ELY05145 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Disallowed R/AL directionality character in L string
ELY05146 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Disallowed L directionality character in R/AL string
ELY05147 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Missing trailing R/AL directionality character
ELY05148 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid escape sequence
ELY05150 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism authorization ID is too long
ELY05151 javax.security.sasl.SaslException Invalid OTP algorithm "%s"
ELY05151 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP algorithm "%s"
ELY05152 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP response type
ELY05153 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Incorrect parity in SASL client message
ELY05154 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid character in seed
ELY05155 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP seed, must be between 1 and 16 characters long
ELY05156 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP pass phrase, must be between 10 and 63 characters long
ELY05157 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP sequence number
ELY05158 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP
ELY05159 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException OTP pass phrase and seed must not match
ELY05160 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP alternate dictionary
ELY05161 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to retrieve password for "%s"
ELY05162 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to update password for "%s"
ELY05163 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism server timed out
ELY05164 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to obtain exclusive access for "%s"
ELY05165 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException OTP re-initialization failed
ELY05166 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.ScramServerException Server rejected authentication
ELY05167 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid OTP password format type
ELY05168 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unsupported algorithm selected "%s"
ELY05169 java.lang.String [%s] Clients response token does not match expected token
ELY05170 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Problem during crypt: The encrypted result is null. The input data has a length of zero or too short to result in a new block.
ELY05171 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Problem during decrypt: The decrypted result is null. The input data has a length of zero or too short to result in a new block.
ELY05172 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to locate MechanismConfiguration for mechanism.
ELY05173 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to obtain server credential.
ELY05174 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler has not chosen realm
ELY05175 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unable to determine bound server name
ELY05176 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Unsupported callback
ELY05177 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException One of "%s" and "%s" directives has to be defined
ELY06000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Status code can not be set at this time.
ELY06001 java.lang.String An incorrectly formatted '%s'header was encountered.
ELY06002 java.lang.String An authentication attempt for user '%s' failed validation using mechanism '%s'.
ELY06003 java.lang.String An authentication attempt failed validation.
ELY06005 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Attachments are not supported on this scope.
ELY06006 java.lang.String An authorization check for user '%s' failed.
ELY06007 java.lang.String Username or password missing from authentication attempt.
ELY06008 WARN Failed to logout participant [%s]. Participant will be removed from list of participants but its local session may still be active.
ELY06012 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid logout message received for local session [%s]
ELY06013 ERROR Failed to invalidate local session
ELY06014 org.wildfly.security.http.HttpAuthenticationException Authentication mechanism '%s' cannot be found
ELY06015 org.wildfly.security.http.HttpAuthenticationException Unable to authenticate using DIGEST mechanism - realm name needs to be specified
ELY06016 org.wildfly.security.http.HttpAuthenticationException HTTP authentication failed validating request, no mechanisms remain to continue authentication.
ELY06017 org.wildfly.security.http.HttpAuthenticationException HTTP authentication is required but no authentication mechansims are available.
ELY06018 org.wildfly.security.http.HttpAuthenticationException HTTP authentication none of the responders successfuly sent a response.
ELY06019 org.wildfly.security.http.HttpAuthenticationException Unable to authenticate using DIGEST mechanism - mechanism realm name (%s) is not valid
ELY06020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Scope unsuitable for use with authentication state '%s'
ELY06021 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to identify suitable HttpScope for mechanism state storage
ELY06022 org.wildfly.security.http.HttpAuthenticationException Invalid nonce count %s
ELY07001 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Unrecognized encoding algorithm [%s]
ELY07002 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid general name type
ELY07004 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Unexpected ASN.1 tag encountered
ELY07005 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Unable to read X.509 certificate data
ELY07006 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid general name for URI type
ELY07007 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid general name for IP address type
ELY07008 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception IP address general name cannot be resolved
ELY07009 java.lang.IllegalStateException No sequence to end
ELY07010 java.lang.IllegalStateException No set to end
ELY07011 java.lang.IllegalStateException No explicitly tagged element to end
ELY07012 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Unexpected end of input
ELY07013 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid number of unused bits
ELY07014 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Non-zero length encountered for null type tag
ELY07015 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid high-tag-number form
ELY07016 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Length encoding exceeds 4 bytes
ELY07017 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid OID character
ELY07018 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception OID must have at least 2 components
ELY07019 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid value for first OID component; expected 0, 1, or 2
ELY07020 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid value for second OID component; expected a value between 0 and 39 (inclusive)
ELY07021 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid length
ELY07022 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Unknown tag type: %d
ELY07023 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Unexpected character byte for printable string
ELY07024 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid length encountered for boolean type tag
ELY07025 org.wildfly.security.asn1.ASN1Exception Invalid general name for URI type: missing scheme
ELY08001 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unrecognized key spec algorithm
ELY08002 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Password spec cannot be rendered as a string
ELY08003 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unknown crypt string algorithm
ELY08004 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Invalid character encountered
ELY08005 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException No iteration count terminator given
ELY08006 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unexpected end of input string
ELY08007 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException No salt terminator given
ELY08008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid hash length
ELY08009 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unexpected end of password string
ELY08010 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unexpected end of password string
ELY08011 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Invalid minor version
ELY08012 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Invalid cost: must be a two digit integer
ELY08013 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException No such MessageDigest algorithm for "%s"
ELY08014 java.security.InvalidKeyException No such MessageDigest algorithm for "%s"
ELY08015 java.security.InvalidKeyException Cannot verify password
ELY08017 java.security.InvalidKeyException DES crypt password hash must be %d bytes
ELY08018 java.security.spec.InvalidParameterSpecException Salt must be %d bytes (%d bits)
ELY08020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid number of rounds. Must be an integer between %d and %d, inclusive
ELY08021 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid salt: must be %d bytes long
ELY08022 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException BSD DES crypt password hash must be %d bytes
ELY08023 java.security.spec.InvalidParameterSpecException Salt must be %d bytes
ELY08024 java.security.InvalidKeyException BSD DES crypt password hash must be %d bytes
ELY08025 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Expected to get a "%s" as spec, got "%s"
ELY08026 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unknown algorithm "%s" or incompatible PasswordSpec "%s"
ELY08026 java.security.spec.InvalidKeySpecException Unknown algorithm or incompatible PasswordSpec
ELY08027 java.security.InvalidKeyException Unknown password type or algorithm
ELY08028 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException Invalid algorithm "%s"
ELY08029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not obtain key spec encoding identifier.
ELY08030 java.security.spec.InvalidParameterSpecException Failed to encode parameter specification
ELY08031 java.io.IOException Failed to decode parameter specification
ELY08032 java.security.spec.InvalidParameterSpecException Invalid parameter specification type (expected %s, got %s)
ELY08033 java.io.IOException Invalid format given (expected %s, got %s)
ELY08034 java.lang.IllegalStateException Algorithm parameters instance not initialized
ELY08500 ERROR Failed to check permissions for protection domain [%s] and permission [%s].
ELY08501 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Invalid state [%s] for operation.
ELY08502 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can't link policy configuration [%s] to itself.
ELY08503 java.lang.IllegalStateException ContextID not set. Check if the context id was set using PolicyContext.setContextID.
ELY08504 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid policy context identifier [%s].
ELY08505 jakarta.security.jacc.PolicyContextException Could not obtain PolicyConfiguration for contextID [%s].
ELY08506 java.lang.IllegalStateException Policy configuration with contextID [%s] is not in service state.
ELY08508 DEBUG Could not obtain authorized identity.
ELY08510 java.lang.IllegalStateException Role mapper has already been initialized.
ELY08511 java.lang.IllegalStateException Role mapper hasn't been initialized yet.
ELY09000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Public and private key parameters are mismatched
ELY09001 java.lang.IllegalStateException Client credentials not provided
ELY09500 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException External storage key under alias "%s" has to be a SecretKey
ELY09501 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Duplicate attribute ("%s") found in configuration.
ELY09502 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Duplicate credential store name found in configuration "%s"
ELY09503 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Credential store name "%s" not defined
ELY09504 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Cannot acquire a credential from the credential store
ELY09505 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Cannot perform operation '%s': Credential store is set non modifiable
ELY09506 java.io.InterruptedIOException Credential store command interrupted
ELY09507 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Invalid protection parameter given: %s
ELY09508 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Cannot write credential to store
ELY09509 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.UnsupportedCredentialTypeException Unsupported credential type %s
ELY09510 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Invalid credential store keystore entry %s: expected %s
ELY09511 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Unable to read credential %s from store
ELY09512 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Unable to remove credential from store
ELY09513 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Unable to flush credential store to storage
ELY09514 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Unable to initialize credential store
ELY09515 DEBUG Ignored unrecognized key store entry "%s"
ELY09516 WARN Failed to read a credential entry from the key store
ELY09517 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException This credential store type requires a store-wide protection parameter
ELY09518 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Automatic storage creation for the Credential Store is disabled "%s"
ELY09519 java.io.IOException Unexpected credential store external storage file version "%s"
ELY09520 java.io.IOException Unrecognized entry type "%s"
ELY09521 java.io.IOException Internal encryption problem while reading "%s"
ELY09522 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException "%s" is not a block based algorithm
ELY09523 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Algorithm "%s" does not use an initialization vector (IV)
ELY09524 java.io.IOException The actual number of bytes read %d is different from the expected number of bytes %d to be read
ELY09525 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException location and externalPath initial attributes are the same. [location=%s, externalPath=%s]
ELY09526 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Unable to initialize credential store as attribute %s is unsupported in %s
ELY09527 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Invalid credential store reference
ELY09528 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException The externalPath attribute for key store type %s is missing.
ELY09529 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Unsupported algorithm "%s" for %s type
ELY10000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException X.509 certificate extension with OID %s already exists
ELY10001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No signature algorithm name given
ELY10002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Signature algorithm name "%s" is not recognized
ELY10003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No signing key given
ELY10004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Signing key algorithm name "%s" is not compatible with signature algorithm name "%s"
ELY10005 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Not-valid-before date of %s is after not-valid-after date of %s
ELY10006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No issuer DN given
ELY10007 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No public key given
ELY10008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Issuer and subject unique ID are only allowed in certificates with version 2 or higher
ELY10009 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Extensions are only allowed in certificates with version 3 or higher
ELY10010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException X.509 encoding of public key with algorithm "%s" failed
ELY10011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to sign certificate
ELY10012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Certificate serial number must be positive
ELY10013 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Certificate serial number too large (cannot exceed 20 octets)
ELY10014 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to sign certification request info
ELY10015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No certificate given
ELY10016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to determine key size
ELY10017 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No DN given
ELY10018 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to generate self-signed X.509 certificate
ELY10019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to determine default compatible signature algorithm name for key algorithm name "%s"
ELY10020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Creating an X.509 certificate extension from a string value is not supported for extension name "%s"
ELY10021 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid X.509 certificate extension string value "%s"
ELY10022 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to create X.509 certificate extension from string value
ELY10023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException X.509 certificate extension "%s" must be non-critical
ELY10024 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid X.509 certificate extension string value
ELY10025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Non-X.509 certificate found in certificate array
ELY10026 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Starting public key not found in certificate array
ELY10027 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Incomplete certificate array
ELY10028 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to create X.509 certificate chain from map of certificates
ELY10029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to generate ACME account key pair
ELY10030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No ACME server URL given
ELY10031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported ACME account signature algorithm "%s"
ELY10032 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to create ACME signature
ELY10033 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unable to retrieve ACME server directory URLs
ELY10034 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException No nonce provided by ACME server
ELY10035 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException No %s location URL provided by ACME server
ELY10036 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unable to obtain new nonce from ACME server
ELY10037 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unable to obtain JSON response from ACME server
ELY10038 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unexpected HTTP status code in response from ACME server "%d": "%s"
ELY10039 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Bad ACME replay nonce, maximum retries attempted
ELY10040 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unexpected content type in response from ACME server "%s"
ELY10041 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Invalid content type in response from ACME server
ELY10042 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Domain name is null
ELY10043 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Domain names is empty
ELY10044 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException No certificate URL provided by ACME server
ELY10045 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException No certificate will be issued by the ACME server
ELY10046 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unable to get encoded form of certificate to be revoked
ELY10047 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unable to determine key authorization string
ELY10048 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Challenge response failed validation by the ACME server
ELY10049 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unable to download certificate chain from ACME server
ELY10050 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException ACME account does not exist
ELY10051 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException User action required since the ACME server's terms of service have changed, visit "%s" for details
ELY10052 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Rate limit has been exceeded, try again after "%s"
ELY10053 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Rate limit has been exceeded
ELY10054 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Resource not supported by the ACME server "%s"
ELY10055 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported ACME account public key type "%s"
ELY10056 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to determine curve parameter from alg header "%s"
ELY10057 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException No ACME server staging URL given
ELY11001 FATAL Endpoint unable to handle SecurityEvent priority=%s, message=%s
ELY11002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid EventPriority '%s' passed to AuditEndpoint.
ELY11003 ERROR Unable to rotate log file
ELY11004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid suffix "%s" - rotating by second or millisecond is not supported
ELY11005 java.io.IOException Invalid unicode endoding, offending sequence: %s.
ELY11006 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException External storage key under alias "%s" does not exist
ELY11007 FATAL Endpoint unable to accept SecurityEvent.
ELY12001 java.io.IOException The maximum reconnect attempts value of %s was reached. The syslog endpoint will be shutdown.
ELY12002 java.net.PortUnreachableException The configured UDP port is unavailable.
ELY12003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The reconnect attempts value of %s is invalid. Please use an integer value >= -1.
ELY13000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Authorization principal cannot be null after transformation
ELY13001 WARN Realm is failing over.
ELY13002 javax.security.auth.callback.UnsupportedCallbackException %s does not handle a callback of type %s
ELY13003 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Failed to load JAAS configuration file.
ELY13004 DEBUG JAAS logout failed for principal %s
ELY13005 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm unable to decrypt identity
ELY13006 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Filesystem-backed realm unable to encrypt identity
ELY13007 org.wildfly.security.auth.realm.IntegrityException Signature for the following identity is invalid: %s.
ELY13008 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Unable to create a signature for the file: %s.
ELY13009 org.wildfly.security.auth.server.RealmUnavailableException Unable to locate the signature element for the file: %s
ELY13010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Both PrivateKey and PublicKey must be defined for realm at: %s
ELY13011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Integrity has not been enabled for the realm at: %s
ELY13012 WARN A realm within the distributed realm is unavailable. This realm will be ignored.
ELY14000 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException At least one of the '%s' and '%s' cipher-suite attributes must be provided
ELY14001 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Wrong Key content type; expected OpenSSH private key
ELY14002 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Unable to obtain SSLContext
ELY14003 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Name callback handling was unsuccessful
ELY14004 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Password callback handling was unsuccessful
ELY14005 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException Default SSL context in security provider creates infinite loop
ELY14006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Configuration file path passed to WildFlyElytronClientDefaultSSLContextProvider not found
ELY14007 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid path passed to WildFlyElytronClientDefaultSSLContextProvider
ELY14008 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException WildFlyElytronClientDefaultSSLContextProvider could not obtain client default SSLContext
ELY15000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown cipher suite name '%s' in names string '%s'
ELY15001 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException No '%s' provided by the configured providers
ELY16000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid replacement in regex role mapper.
ELY16001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid pattern in regex role mapper.
ELY16002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can not handle SecurityEvent with SecurityIdentity from other SecurityDomain
ELY17000 java.io.IOException Failed to create credential
ELY19000 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Invalid size value. Must be one of 128, 192, or 256
ELY19001 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Invalid prefix importing SecretKey
ELY19002 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Unsupported version '%d' the maximum supported version is '%d'
ELY19003 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Unexpected token type '%s', expected '%s'
ELY19004 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Unable to decode Base64 token.
ELY20000 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException The credential store file %s does not exist or cannot be accessed.
ELY20001 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException The credential store has not been initialised.
ELY20002 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException The required initialisation attribute '%s' has not been specified.
ELY20003 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Invalid CredentialStore property '%s'.
ELY20004 org.wildfly.security.credential.store.CredentialStoreException Can not load SecretKey for '%s'.
ELY21000 java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException Invalid algorithm parameter specification
ELY21000 java.lang.IllegalStateException DynamicSSLContext creates loop
ELY21001 java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException Invalid sequence number algorithm parameter "%s"
ELY21001 java.lang.IllegalStateException Received SSLContext from DynamicSSLContextProvider was null
ELY21002 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Dynamic SSLContext does not support sessions
ELY21003 java.lang.IllegalStateException Provider for DynamicSSLContextSPI threw an exception when getting configured SSLContexts
ELY21004 java.lang.IllegalStateException Provider for DynamicSSLContextSPI returned null configured SSLContexts
ELY21005 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot obtain default SSLContext from DynamicSSLContext implementation
ELY21006 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create URI from host and port
ELY21007 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create dynamic ssl context engine
ELY21008 java.lang.IllegalStateException Provider for DynamicSSLContextSPI returned null SSLContext
ELY21009 org.wildfly.security.dynamic.ssl.DynamicSSLContextException Obtaining of the default SSLContext from current authentication context resulted in exception.
ELY21010 org.wildfly.security.dynamic.ssl.DynamicSSLContextException Obtaining of all configured SSLContexts from current authentication context resulted in exception.
ELY21011 org.wildfly.security.dynamic.ssl.DynamicSSLContextException Obtaining of the SSLContext from current authentication context and provided URI resulted in exception.
ELY22000 WARN Changing the session ID has been disabled, ensure session tracking uses cookies only to avoid session fixation.
ELY22500 WARN Changing the session ID has been disabled, ensure session tracking uses cookies only to avoid session fixation.
ELY23000 org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcException Unexpected HTTP status code in response from OIDC provider "%d"
ELY23001 org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcException No entity in response from OIDC provider
ELY23002 org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcException Unexpected error sending request to OIDC provider
ELY23003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Either provider-url or auth-server-url needs to be configured
ELY23004 INFO Loaded OpenID provider metadata from '%s'
ELY23005 WARN Unable to load OpenID provider metadata from %s
ELY23006 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to decode request URI
ELY23007 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to write to response output stream
ELY23008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to parse token
ELY23009 java.lang.RuntimeException OIDC client configuration file not found
ELY23010 ERROR Failed to invoke remote logout
ELY23011 ERROR Refresh token failure
ELY23012 DEBUG Refresh token failure status: %d %s
ELY23013 DEBUG Failed verification of token: %s
ELY23014 ERROR Failed to refresh the token with a longer time-to-live than the minimum
ELY23015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No expected issuer given
ELY23016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No client ID given
ELY23017 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No expected JWS algorithm given
ELY23018 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No JWKS public key or client secret key given
ELY23019 org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcException Invalid ID token
ELY23020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid token claim value
ELY23021 org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcException Invalid ID token claims
ELY23022 java.lang.RuntimeException Must set 'realm' in config
ELY23023 java.lang.RuntimeException Must set 'resource' or 'client-id'
ELY23024 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException For bearer auth, you must set the 'realm-public-key' or one of 'auth-server-url' and 'provider-url'
ELY23025 java.lang.RuntimeException Must set 'auth-server-url' or 'provider-url'
ELY23026 WARN Client '%s' does not have a secret configured
ELY23027 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported public key
ELY23028 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to create signed token
ELY23029 java.lang.RuntimeException Configuration of jwt credentials is missing or incorrect for client '%s'
ELY23030 java.lang.RuntimeException Missing parameter '%s' in jwt credentials for client %s
ELY23031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to parse key '%s' with value '%s'
ELY23032 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to load key with alias '%s' from keystore
ELY23033 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to load private key from keystore
ELY23034 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to find keystore file '%s'
ELY23035 java.lang.RuntimeException Configuration of secret jwt client credentials is missing or incorrect for client '%s'
ELY23036 java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid value for 'algorithm' in secret jwt client credentials configuration for client '%s'
ELY23037 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to determine client credentials provider type for client '%s'
ELY23038 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to find client credentials provider '%s'
ELY23039 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to load keystore
ELY23040 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to load truststore
ELY23041 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to find truststore file '%s'
ELY23042 java.lang.String Unexpected value for at_hash claim
ELY23043 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Uknown algorithm: '%s'
ELY23044 WARN Failed to parse token from cookie
ELY23045 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to create redirect response
ELY23046 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to set auth server URL
ELY23047 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable resolve a relative URL
ELY23048 java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid URI: '%s'
ELY23049 WARN Invalid 'auth-server-url' or 'provider-url': '%s'
ELY23050 org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcException Invalid bearer token claims
ELY23051 org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcException Invalid bearer token
ELY23052 WARN No trusted certificates in token
ELY23053 WARN No peer certificates established on the connection
ELY23054 java.lang.String Unexpected value for typ claim
ELY23055 java.io.IOException Unable to obtain token: %d
ELY23056 java.io.IOException No message entity
ELY23057 DEBUG principal-attribute '%s' claim does not exist, falling back to 'sub'
ELY23058 java.io.IOException Invalid keystore configuration for signing Request Objects.
ELY23059 java.io.IOException The signature algorithm specified is not supported by the OpenID Provider.
ELY23060 java.io.IOException The encryption algorithm specified is not supported by the OpenID Provider.
ELY23061 java.io.IOException The content encryption algorithm (enc value) specified is not supported by the OpenID Provider.
ELY23062 WARN The OpenID provider does not support request parameters. Sending the request using OAuth2 format.
ELY23063 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Both request object encryption algorithm and request object content encryption algorithm must be configured to encrypt the request object.
ELY23064 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create the authentication request using the request parameter.
ELY23065 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create the authentication request using the request_uri parameter.
ELY23066 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to send a request to the OpenID provider's Pushed Authorization Request endpoint.
ELY23067 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot retrieve the request_uri as the pushed authorization request endpoint is not available for the OpenID provider.
ELY23068 WARN The request object will be unsigned. This should not be used in a production environment. To sign the request object, for use in a production environment, please specify the request object signing algorithm.
ELY23069 java.lang.RuntimeException The client secret has not been configured. Unable to sign the request object using the client secret.
ELY23070 java.lang.RuntimeException Authentication request format must be one of the following: oauth2, request, request_uri.
ELY24000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to parse string JWK
ELY24001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported key type for JWK: "%s"
ELY24002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported curve
ELY24003 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to create public key from JWK
ELY24004 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to generate thumbprint for the certificate
ELY26000 java.lang.RuntimeException JsonNode ["%s"] is not a object.
ELY40000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Malformed OpenSSH Private Key: %s
ELY40001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to Generate Key: %s
ELY40002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Malformed PEM content when parsing SSH at offset %d


Code Level Return Type Message
ELYEE00001 java.lang.IllegalStateException No ThreadLocal CallbackHandler available.
ELYEE00002 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unrecognised context type '%s'.
ELYEE00003 java.lang.IllegalStateException No registration for '%s'.


Code Level Return Type Message
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Command or alias "%s" not found.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Input data not confirmed. Exiting.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String %s %s
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Exception encountered executing the command:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Printing general help message:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Location of credential store storage file
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String "credential-store" command is used to perform various operations on credential store.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Implementation properties for credential store type in form of "prop1=value1; ... ;propN=valueN" .%nSupported properties are dependent on credential store type%nKeyStoreCredentialStore (default implementation) supports following additional properties (all are optional):%nkeyStoreType - specifies the key store type to use (defaults to "JCEKS")%nkeyAlias - specifies the secret key alias within the key store to use for encrypt/decrypt of data in external storage (defaults to "cs_key")%nexternal - specifies whether to store data to external storage and encrypted by keyAlias key (defaults to "false")%ncryptoAlg - cryptographic algorithm name to be used to encrypt/decrypt entries at external storage "external" has to be set to "true"
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Password for credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Password for KeyStore. Can also be provided by console prompt.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Name of an environment variable from which to resolve the KeyStore password.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Salt to apply for final masked password of the credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Iteration count for final masked password of the credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Password credential value
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The alias of the existing password entry to encrypt
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Type of entry in credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Comma separated list of JCA provider names. Providers will be supplied to the credential store instance.%nEach provider must be installed through java.security file or through service loader from properly packaged jar file on classpath.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Provider name containing CredentialStoreSpi implementation.%nProvider must be installed through java.security file or through service loader from properly packaged jar file on classpath.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Create credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential store type
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Add new alias to the credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Remove alias from the credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Check if alias exists within the credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Display all aliases
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Display all types of stored credentials for given alias
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Generate private and public key pair and store them as a KeyPairCredential
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Size (number of bytes) of the keys when generating a KeyPairCredential.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Encryption algorithm to be used when generating a KeyPairCredential: RSA, DSA, or EC. Default RSA
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Prints the public key stored under a KeyPairCredential as Base64 encoded String, in OpenSSH format.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Import a KeyPairCredential into the credential store.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The location of a file containing a private key.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The location of a file containing a public key.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The passphrase used to decrypt the private key.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String A private key specified as a String.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String A public key specified as a String.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Print summary, especially command how to create this credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Get help with usage of this command
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Alias "%s" exists
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Alias "%s" does not exist
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Alias "%s" of type "%s" does not exist
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Alias "%s" has been successfully stored
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Alias "%s" of type "%s" has been successfully stored
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Alias "%s" has been successfully removed
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Alias "%s" of type "%s" has been successfully removed
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential store command summary:%n--------------------------------------%n%s
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential store contains following aliases: %s
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential store contains no aliases
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.Exception Action to perform on the credential store is not defined
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential store password:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Confirm credential store password:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Passphrase to be used to decrypt private key (can be nothing if no passphrase was used to encrypt the key):
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Confirm passphrase to be used to decrypt private key (can be nothing if no passphrase was used to encrypt the key):
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Secret to store:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Confirm secret to store:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The retrieved PasswordCredential does not contain a ClearTextPassword
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String "mask" command is used to get MASK- string encrypted using PBEWithMD5AndDES in PicketBox compatible way.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Salt to apply to masked string
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Iteration count for masked string
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Secret to be encrypted
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Secret not specified.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String "vault" command is used convert PicketBox Security Vault to credential store using default implementation (KeyStoreCredentialStore) or custom implementation set with the "type" option.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault keystore URL (defaults to "vault.keystore")
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault keystore password:%n- used to open original vault key store%n- used as password for new converted credential store
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault directory containing encrypted files (defaults to "vault")
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String 8 character salt (defaults to "12345678")
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Iteration count (defaults to "23")
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault key alias within key store (defaults to "vault")
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Configuration parameters for credential store in form of: "parameter1=value1; ... ;parameterN=valueN"%nSupported parameters are dependent on credential store type%nGenerally supported parameters for default credential store implementation (all are optional):%ncreate - automatically creates credential store file (true/false)%nmodifiable - is the credential modifiable (true/false)%nlocation - file location of credential store%nkeyStoreType - specify the key store type to use
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault Conversion summary:%n--------------------------------------%n%s%n--------------------------------------%n
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault Conversion Successful%n
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String CLI command to add new credential store:%n
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Bulk conversion with options listed in description file. All options have no default value and should be set in the file.%nAll options are required with the exceptions:%n - "properties" option%n - "type" option (defaults to "KeyStoreCredentialStore")%n - "credential-store-provider" option%n - "other-providers" option%n - "salt" and "iteration" options can be omitted when plain-text password is used%nEach set of options must start with the "keystore" option in the following format:%n keystore:%nkeystore-password:%nenc-dir:%nsalt:%niteration:%nlocation:%nalias:%nproperties:=; ... ;=%ntype:%ncredential-store-provider:%nother-providers:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Print summary of conversion
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Converted credential store type (defaults to "KeyStoreCredentialStore")
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Location of credential store storage file (defaults to "converted-vault.cr-store" in vault encryption directory)
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault (enc-dir="%s";keystore="%s") converted to credential store "%s"
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential Store has been successfully created
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Vault password:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Mask secret:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Confirm mask secret:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Print stack trace when error occurs.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Exception encountered executing the command. Use option "--debug" for complete exception stack trace.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String In the message below, option '%s' refers to long option '%s'.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String "filesystem-realm" command is used to convert legacy properties files and scripts to an Elytron FileSystemRealm.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The relative or absolute path to the users file.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The relative or absolute path to the credential store file that contains the secret key.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The alias of the secret key stored in the credential store file. Set to key by default
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Whether or not the credential store should be populated with a Secret Key. Set to true by default.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Whether or not the credential store should be dynamically created if it doesn't exist. Set to true by default.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The relative or absolute path to the KeyStore file that contains the key pair. Only %napplicable if the filesystem realm has integrity verification enabled.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The type of KeyStore to be used. Optional, only applicable if the filesystem %nrealm has integrity verification enabled.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The alias of the key pair to be used, within the KeyStore. Set to integrity-key by default, only %napplicable if the filesystem realm has integrity verification enabled.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Password for KeyStore. Can also be provided by console prompt. Only applicable if %nthe filesystem realm has integrity verification enabled.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Name of an environment variable from which to resolve the KeyStore password. Only %napplicable if the filesystem realm has integrity verification enabled.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Input Realm location not specified.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Input Realm location directory does not exist.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Output Realm location not specified.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Credential Store location not specified.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String A required parameter is not specified.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The hash encoding to be used in the filesystem realm. Set to BASE64 by default.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String If the original realm has encoded set to true. Set to true by default.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The levels to be used in the filesystem realm. Set to 2 by default.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The absolute or relative location of the original filesystem realm.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The directory where the new filesystem realm resides.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The name of the new filesystem-realm.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The relative or absolute path to the roles file.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The relative or absolute path to the output directory.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Name of the filesystem-realm to be configured.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Name of the security-domain to be configured.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Bulk conversion with options listed in description file. Optional options have default values, required options do not.%nThe options fileSystemRealmName and securityDomainName are optional. %nThese optional options have default values of: converted-properties-filesystem-realm and converted-properties-security-domain. %nValues are required for the following options: users-file, roles-file, and output-location. %nIf one or more these required values are not set, the corresponding block is skipped. %nEach option must be specified in the following format:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Bulk conversion with options listed in description file. Optional options have default values, required options do not. %nThe options realm-name, hash-encoding, levels, secret-key, create, populate, keystore, type, password, password-env, and key-pair are optional. %nValues are required for the following options: input-location, output-location, and credential-store. %nThe default values of realm-name, hash-encoding, hash-charset, levels, secret-key, create, and populate are encrypted-filesystem-realm, BASE64, UTF-8, 2, key, true, and true respectively. %nIf one or more these required values are not set, the corresponding block is skipped. %nIf keystore is provided, then either password or password-env are required. %nEach option must be specified in the following format:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String * Bulk conversion with options listed in description file. Optional options have defaults and can be skipped ([type, default_or_NULL]), required options do not (). %nOne of either password or password-env is required. %nBlocks of options must be separated by a blank line; order is not important. Syntax: %ninput-location:%noutput-location:[directory,NULL]%nrealm-name:[name,filesystem-realm-with-integrity]%nkeystore:%ntype:[name,NULL]%npassword:[password,NULL]%npassword-env:[name,NULL]%nkey-pair:[name,integrity-key]%ncredential-store:[file,NULL]%nsecret-key:[name,NULL]%nlevels:[number,2]%nhash-encoding:[name,BASE64]%nhash-charset:[name,UTF-8]%nencoded:[bool,true]
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String "filesystem-realm-encrypt" command is used to convert non-empty, un-encrypted FileSystemSecurityRealm(s) to encrypted FileSystemSecurityRealm(s) with a SecretKey.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Secret Key was not found in the Credential Store at %s, and populate option was not set. Skipping descriptor file block number %d.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The directory where the new filesystem realm resides. If not provided, realm will be upgraded in-place (with backup), %nand realm-name option will not be used in file path.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The name of the new filesystem-realm. Will be appended to output-location path (if output-location is provided). %nWhen not set, nothing is appended to the path, and `filesystem-realm-with-integrity` is used for the WildFly resource name.%n
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The relative or absolute path to the KeyStore file that contains the key pair.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The type of KeyStore to be used. Optional.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The alias of the key pair to be used, within the KeyStore. Set to integrity-key by default.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The relative or absolute path to the secret-key-credential-store file. Only %napplicable if the filesystem realm is encrypted.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The alias of the secret key stored in the credential store file. Set to key by default, only %napplicable if the filesystem realm is encrypted.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The number of levels used in the input filesystem realm. Set to 2 by default.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The hash encoding used in the input filesystem realm. Set to BASE64 by default.%nRegardless of setting, the output realm will always be BASE64-encoded.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The character set used to convert the password string to a byte array. Defaults to UTF-8.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Indicates if the original realm used Base32-encoded identities as file names.%nSet to true by default. Regardless of setting, the output realm will always use Base32-encoding in file names.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException Both --bulk-convert and at least one other realm configuration option was specified. %nThe bulk-convert option may only be used with --help, --debug, --silent, and --summary options.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String 'FileSystem Realm Integrity' command is used to sign existing, non-empty FileSystem Security Realms with a key pair, for future integrity validation.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String KeyStore password:
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException KeyStore path not specified.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException KeyStore does not exist.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Encoded option must be set to 'true' or 'false'.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Suppresses all output except errors and prompts.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Provides a detailed summary of all operations performed, once the command finishes.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException No users file specified. Please use either --bulk-convert or specify a users file using --users-file
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException No roles file specified. Please use either --bulk-convert or specify a roles file using --roles-file
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException No output location specified. Please use either --bulk-convert or specify an output location using --output-location
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException Both --bulk-convert and one or more of --users-file, --roles-file, and/or --output-location were specified. Please only use --bulk-convert or all of --users-file, --roles-file, and --output-location.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException Both --bulk-convert and one or more of --old-realm-name, --new-realm-name, --input-location, --output-location, --credential-store, --secret-key, --keystore, --type, --key-pair, --password and/or --password-env were specified. Please only use --bulk-convert or all of the other others.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String No value found for %s.
ELYTOOL00000 java.io.FileNotFoundException Could not find the specified file %s.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Could not copy input filesystem realm at %s for in-place upgrade.%nOutput filesystem will be placed at %s
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to %s.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing input realm location.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing credential store location.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing output realm location.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing KeyStore path.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing KeyStore password.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to invalid KeyStore path.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to failure to load KeyStore.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to failure to load key pair.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing private key.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing public key.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to missing new filesystem realm name.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to no identities present in filesystem realm.%nKeys for this realm can be added via the management client.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Creating encrypted realm for: %s
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Creating filesystem realm with integrity verification for: %s
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String In-place upgrade for descriptor block %d: filesystem realm backed up at %s%nRealm name will not be used in output realm path.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Should file %s be overwritten? (y/n)
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Some of the parameters below are mutually exclusive actions which are marked with * in the description.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Key size (bits).
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Generate a new SecretKey and store it in the credential store.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Export existing SecretKey stored in the credential store.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Exported SecretKey for alias %s=%s
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The encoded Key to import.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Import an existing encoded SecretKey to the credential store.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String SecretKey to import:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Encrypt a clear text string using the SecretKey specified by .
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String The clear text to encrypt.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Clear text value:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Confirm clear text value:
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Clear text encrypted to token '%s' using alias '%s'.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Location that has been specified '%s' does not exist and automatic storage creation for the Credential Store is disabled.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential store contains credentials of types:%s for alias '%s'
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Invalid "%s" parameter. Default value "%s" will be used.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Invalid "%s" parameter. Generated value "%s" will be used.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Mask password operation is not allowed in FIPS mode.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Found credential store and alias, using pre-existing key
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Skipping descriptor file block number %d due to failure to load Credential Store.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Credential Store at %s does not support SecretKey. Skipping descriptor file block number %d.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String Exception was thrown while populating Credential Store at %s. Skipping descriptor file block number %d.
ELYTOOL00000 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException No Credential Store location or Secret Key Alias specified.
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String To get list of options for a specific command, please specify the command by using ./elytron-tool.sh [command] --help
ELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String A tool that assists with Elytron configuration
ELYTOOL00006 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Salt not specified.
ELYTOOL00007 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid "%s" value. Must be an integer between %d and %d, inclusive
ELYTOOL00008 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot locate admin key with alias "%s" or it is of improper type
ELYTOOL00009 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot parse credential store implementation properties from supplied parameter
ELYTOOL00010 java.io.IOException Cannot parse conversion descriptor file "%s" missing colon at line %s
ELYTOOL00011 java.io.IOException Unrecognized descriptor attribute at line %s
ELYTOOL00012 java.lang.Exception Problem converting vault (enc-dir="%s";keystore="%s")
ELYTOOL00013 java.lang.Exception Invalid option "%s" when performing bulk conversion. Use bulk conversion descriptor file.
ELYTOOL00014 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown entry-type "%s"
ELYTOOL00015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown provider "%s"
ELYTOOL00016 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Option "%s" is not specified.
ELYTOOL00017 java.lang.String Option "%s" specified more than once. Only the first occurrence will be used.
ELYTOOL00018 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Option "%s" does not expect any arguments.
ELYTOOL00019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Encryption directory "%s" does not contain "VAULT.dat" file.
ELYTOOL00020 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Alias was not defined.
ELYTOOL00021 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Location of the output file was not defined.
ELYTOOL00022 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Encryption directory was not defined.
ELYTOOL00023 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Vault password was not defined
ELYTOOL00024 java.io.IOException Cannot parse conversion descriptor file "%s". No keystore specified.
ELYTOOL00025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Credential store storage file "%s" does not exist.
ELYTOOL00026 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Credential store storage file "%s" already exists.
ELYTOOL00027 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Wrong masked password format. Expected format is "MASK-;;"
ELYTOOL00028 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException Location parameter is not specified for filebased keystore type '%s'
ELYTOOL00029 java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException Key Pair Algorithm: '%s' is not supported.
ELYTOOL00030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Key file '%s' does not exist.
ELYTOOL00031 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException No private key specified for importing.
ELYTOOL00032 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException No public key specified for importing.
ELYTOOL00033 org.apache.commons.cli.MissingArgumentException No PEM content found
ELYTOOL00034 java.security.InvalidParameterException Invalid keysize provided: %s
ELYTOOL00035 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Only one of '%s' and '%s' can be specified at the same time


Code Level Return Type Message
HHH000002 WARN Already session bound on call to bind(); make sure you clean up your sessions
HHH000006 INFO Autocommit mode: %s
HHH000008 WARN JTASessionContext being used with JDBC transactions; auto-flush will not operate correctly with getCurrentSession()
HHH000010 INFO On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements
HHH000021 DEBUG Bytecode provider: %s
HHH000022 WARN c3p0 properties were encountered, but the %s provider class was not found on the classpath; these properties are going to be ignored.
HHH000023 WARN I/O reported cached file could not be found: [%s]: %s
HHH000024 INFO Cache provider: %s
HHH000025 INFO Second-level cache region factory [%s]
HHH000026 INFO Second-level cache disabled
HHH000027 WARN Calling joinTransaction() on a non JTA EntityManager
HHH000031 DEBUG Closing
HHH000032 INFO Collections fetched (minimize this): %s
HHH000033 INFO Collections loaded: %s
HHH000034 INFO Collections recreated: %s
HHH000035 INFO Collections removed: %s
HHH000036 INFO Collections updated: %s
HHH000037 INFO Columns: %s
HHH000038 WARN Composite-id class does not override equals(): %s
HHH000039 WARN Composite-id class does not override hashCode(): %s
HHH000040 INFO Configuration resource: %s
HHH000041 INFO Configured SessionFactory: %s
HHH000042 INFO Configuring from file: %s
HHH000043 INFO Configuring from resource: %s
HHH000044 INFO Configuring from URL: %s
HHH000045 INFO Configuring from XML document
HHH000048 INFO Connections obtained: %s
HHH000050 ERROR Container is providing a null PersistenceUnitRootUrl: discovery impossible
HHH000051 WARN Ignoring bag join fetch [%s] due to prior collection join fetch
HHH000053 INFO Creating subcontext: %s
HHH000059 WARN Defining %s=true ignored in HEM
HHH000065 WARN DEPRECATED: use [%s] instead with custom [%s] implementation
HHH000067 INFO Disallowing insert statement comment for select-identity due to Oracle driver bug
HHH000069 WARN Duplicate generator name %s
HHH000070 WARN Duplicate generator table: %s
HHH000071 INFO Duplicate import: %s -> %s
HHH000072 WARN Duplicate joins for class: %s
HHH000073 INFO entity-listener duplication, first event definition will be used: %s
HHH000074 WARN Found more than one , subsequent ignored
HHH000076 INFO Entities deleted: %s
HHH000077 INFO Entities fetched (minimize this): %s
HHH000078 INFO Entities inserted: %s
HHH000079 INFO Entities loaded: %s
HHH000080 INFO Entities updated: %s
HHH000082 WARN Entity Manager closed by someone else (%s must not be used)
HHH000084 WARN Entity [%s] is abstract-class/interface explicitly mapped as non-abstract; be sure to supply entity-names
HHH000085 INFO %s %s found
HHH000086 INFO %s No %s found
HHH000087 ERROR Exception in interceptor afterTransactionCompletion()
HHH000088 ERROR Exception in interceptor beforeTransactionCompletion()
HHH000089 INFO Sub-resolver threw unexpected exception, continuing to next: %s
HHH000091 ERROR Expected type: %s, actual value: %s
HHH000092 WARN An item was expired by the cache while it was locked (increase your cache timeout): %s
HHH000094 INFO Bound factory to JNDI name: %s
HHH000096 INFO A factory was renamed from [%s] to [%s] in JNDI
HHH000097 INFO Unbound factory from JNDI name: %s
HHH000098 INFO A factory was unbound from name: %s
HHH000099 ERROR an assertion failure occurred (this may indicate a bug in Hibernate, but is more likely due to unsafe use of the session): %s
HHH000102 INFO Fetching database metadata
HHH000105 INFO Flushes: %s
HHH000106 INFO Forcing container resource cleanup on transaction completion
HHH000107 INFO Forcing table use for sequence-style generator due to pooled optimizer selection where db does not support pooled sequences
HHH000108 INFO Foreign keys: %s
HHH000109 INFO Found mapping document in jar: %s
HHH000113 WARN GUID identifier generated: %s
HHH000114 DEBUG Handling transient entity in delete processing
HHH000116 WARN Config specified explicit optimizer of [%s], but [%s=%s]; using optimizer [%s] increment default of [%s].
HHH000117 DEBUG HQL: %s, time: %sms, rows: %s
HHH000118 WARN HSQLDB supports only READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation
HHH000119 WARN On EntityLoadContext#clear, hydratingEntities contained [%s] entries
HHH000120 WARN Ignoring unique constraints specified on table generator [%s]
HHH000122 ERROR IllegalArgumentException in class: %s, getter method of property: %s
HHH000123 ERROR IllegalArgumentException in class: %s, setter method of property: %s
HHH000125 WARN Mapping metadata cache was not completely processed
HHH000126 INFO Indexes: %s
HHH000127 DEBUG Could not bind JNDI listener
HHH000130 INFO Instantiating explicit connection provider: %s
HHH000132 ERROR Array element type error %s
HHH000134 ERROR Application attempted to edit read only item: %s
HHH000135 ERROR Invalid JNDI name: %s
HHH000140 INFO JACC contextID: %s
HHH000141 INFO java.sql.Types mapped the same code [%s] multiple times; was [%s]; now [%s]
HHH000142 java.lang.String Bytecode enhancement failed: %s
HHH000143 java.lang.String Bytecode enhancement failed because no public, protected or package-private default constructor was found for entity: %s. Private constructors don't work with runtime proxies
HHH000144 WARN %s = false breaks the EJB3 specification
HHH000151 java.lang.String JDBC rollback failed
HHH000154 INFO JNDI InitialContext properties:%s
HHH000155 ERROR JNDI name %s does not handle a session factory reference
HHH000157 DEBUG Lazy property fetching available for: %s
HHH000159 WARN In CollectionLoadContext#endLoadingCollections, localLoadingCollectionKeys contained [%s], but no LoadingCollectionEntry was found in loadContexts
HHH000160 WARN On CollectionLoadContext#cleanup, localLoadingCollectionKeys contained [%s] entries
HHH000161 INFO Logging statistics....
HHH000162 DEBUG *** Logical connection closed ***
HHH000163 DEBUG Logical connection releasing its physical connection
HHH000173 INFO Max query time: %sms
HHH000174 WARN Function template anticipated %s arguments, but %s arguments encountered
HHH000177 ERROR Error in named query: %s
HHH000178 WARN Naming exception occurred accessing factory: %s
HHH000179 WARN Narrowing proxy to %s - this operation breaks ==
HHH000180 WARN FirstResult/maxResults specified on polymorphic query; applying in memory
HHH000181 WARN No appropriate connection provider encountered, assuming application will be supplying connections
HHH000182 INFO No default (no-argument) constructor for class: %s (class must be instantiated by Interceptor)
HHH000183 WARN no persistent classes found for query class: %s
HHH000184 ERROR No session factory with JNDI name %s
HHH000187 INFO Optimistic lock failures: %s
HHH000193 WARN Overriding %s is dangerous, this might break the EJB3 specification implementation
HHH000194 DEBUG Package not found or no package-info.java: %s
HHH000195 WARN LinkageError while attempting to load package: %s
HHH000196 ERROR Error parsing XML: (%s) %s
HHH000197 ERROR Error parsing XML: %s(%s) %s
HHH000198 ERROR Warning parsing XML: (%s) %s
HHH000199 WARN Warning parsing XML: %s(%s) %s
HHH000200 WARN Persistence provider caller does not implement the EJB3 spec correctly.PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() is null.
HHH000201 INFO Pooled optimizer source reported [%s] as the initial value; use of 1 or greater highly recommended
HHH000202 ERROR PreparedStatement was already in the batch, [%s].
HHH000203 WARN processEqualityExpression() : No expression to process
HHH000204 INFO Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [name: %s]
HHH000205 INFO Loaded properties from resource hibernate.properties: %s
HHH000206 DEBUG 'hibernate.properties' not found
HHH000207 WARN Property '%s' not found in class but described in (possible typo error)
HHH000209 WARN proxool properties were encountered, but the %s provider class was not found on the classpath; these properties are going to be ignored.
HHH000210 INFO Queries executed to database: %s
HHH000213 INFO Query cache hits: %s
HHH000214 INFO Query cache misses: %s
HHH000215 INFO Query cache puts: %s
HHH000218 INFO RDMSOS2200Dialect version: 1.0
HHH000219 INFO Reading mappings from cache file: %s
HHH000220 INFO Reading mappings from file: %s
HHH000221 INFO Reading mappings from resource: %s
HHH000222 WARN read-only cache configured for mutable collection [%s]
HHH000223 WARN Recognized obsolete hibernate namespace %s. Use namespace %s instead. Refer to Hibernate 3.6 Migration Guide
HHH000225 WARN Property [%s] has been renamed to [%s]; update your properties appropriately
HHH000226 INFO Required a different provider: %s
HHH000227 INFO Running hbm2ddl schema export
HHH000228 INFO Running hbm2ddl schema update
HHH000229 INFO Running schema validator
HHH000230 INFO Schema export complete
HHH000231 ERROR Schema export unsuccessful
HHH000232 INFO Schema update complete
HHH000233 WARN Scoping types to session factory %s after already scoped %s
HHH000235 INFO Searching for mapping documents in jar: %s
HHH000237 INFO Second level cache hits: %s
HHH000238 INFO Second level cache misses: %s
HHH000239 INFO Second level cache puts: %s
HHH000240 INFO Service properties: %s
HHH000241 INFO Sessions closed: %s
HHH000242 INFO Sessions opened: %s
HHH000245 WARN Manipulation query [%s] resulted in [%s] split queries
HHH000247 WARN SQL Error: %s, SQLState: %s
HHH000248 INFO Starting query cache at region: %s
HHH000249 INFO Starting service at JNDI name: %s
HHH000250 INFO Starting update timestamps cache at region: %s
HHH000251 INFO Start time: %s
HHH000252 INFO Statements closed: %s
HHH000253 INFO Statements prepared: %s
HHH000255 INFO Stopping service
HHH000257 INFO sub-resolver threw unexpected exception, continuing to next: %s
HHH000258 INFO Successful transactions: %s
HHH000259 INFO Synchronization [%s] was already registered
HHH000260 ERROR Exception calling user Synchronization [%s]: %s
HHH000261 INFO Table found: %s
HHH000262 INFO Table not found: %s
HHH000263 INFO More than one table found: %s
HHH000266 INFO Transactions: %s
HHH000267 WARN Transaction started on non-root session
HHH000268 INFO Transaction strategy: %s
HHH000269 WARN Type [%s] defined no registration keys; ignoring
HHH000270 DEBUG Type registration key [%s] overrode previous key: %s
HHH000271 WARN Naming exception occurred accessing Ejb3Configuration
HHH000272 ERROR Error while accessing session factory with JNDI name %s
HHH000273 WARN Error accessing type info result set: %s
HHH000274 WARN Unable to apply constraints on DDL for %s
HHH000276 WARN Could not bind Ejb3Configuration to JNDI
HHH000277 WARN Could not bind factory to JNDI
HHH000278 INFO Could not bind value '%s' to parameter: %s; %s
HHH000279 ERROR Unable to build enhancement metamodel for %s
HHH000280 INFO Could not build SessionFactory using the MBean classpath - will try again using client classpath: %s
HHH000281 WARN Unable to clean up callable statement
HHH000282 WARN Unable to clean up prepared statement
HHH000283 WARN Unable to cleanup temporary id table after use [%s]
HHH000285 INFO Error closing InitialContext [%s]
HHH000286 ERROR Error closing input files: %s
HHH000287 WARN Could not close input stream
HHH000288 WARN Could not close input stream for %s
HHH000289 INFO Unable to close iterator
HHH000290 ERROR Could not close jar: %s
HHH000291 ERROR Error closing output file: %s
HHH000292 WARN IOException occurred closing output stream
HHH000294 ERROR Could not close session
HHH000295 ERROR Could not close session during rollback
HHH000296 WARN IOException occurred closing stream
HHH000297 ERROR Could not close stream on hibernate.properties: %s
HHH000298 java.lang.String JTA commit failed
HHH000299 ERROR Could not complete schema update
HHH000300 ERROR Could not complete schema validation
HHH000301 WARN Unable to configure SQLExceptionConverter: %s
HHH000302 ERROR Unable to construct current session context [%s]
HHH000303 WARN Unable to construct instance of specified SQLExceptionConverter: %s
HHH000304 WARN Could not copy system properties, system properties will be ignored
HHH000305 WARN Could not create proxy factory for:%s
HHH000306 ERROR Error creating schema
HHH000307 WARN Could not deserialize cache file [%s]: %s
HHH000308 WARN Unable to destroy cache: %s
HHH000309 WARN Unable to destroy query cache: %s: %s
HHH000310 WARN Unable to destroy update timestamps cache: %s: %s
HHH000312 java.lang.String Could not determine transaction status
HHH000313 java.lang.String Could not determine transaction status after commit
HHH000314 WARN Unable to evictData temporary id table after use [%s]
HHH000315 ERROR Exception executing batch [%s], SQL: %s
HHH000316 WARN Error executing resolver [%s]: %s
HHH000318 INFO Could not find any META-INF/persistence.xml file in the classpath
HHH000319 ERROR Could not get database metadata
HHH000320 WARN Unable to instantiate configured schema name resolver [%s] %s
HHH000321 WARN Unable to interpret specified optimizer [%s], falling back to noop
HHH000322 WARN Unable to instantiate specified optimizer [%s], falling back to noop
HHH000325 WARN Unable to instantiate UUID generation strategy class: %s
HHH000326 WARN Cannot join transaction: do not override %s
HHH000327 INFO Error performing load command
HHH000328 WARN Unable to load/access derby driver class sysinfo to check versions: %s
HHH000329 ERROR Problem loading properties from hibernate.properties
HHH000330 java.lang.String Unable to locate config file: %s
HHH000331 WARN Unable to locate configured schema name resolver class [%s] %s
HHH000332 WARN Unable to locate MBeanServer on JMX service shutdown
HHH000334 WARN Unable to locate requested UUID generation strategy class: %s
HHH000335 WARN Unable to log SQLWarnings: %s
HHH000336 WARN Could not log warnings
HHH000337 ERROR Unable to mark for rollback on PersistenceException:
HHH000338 ERROR Unable to mark for rollback on TransientObjectException:
HHH000339 WARN Could not obtain connection metadata: %s
HHH000342 WARN Could not obtain connection to query metadata
HHH000343 ERROR Could not obtain initial context
HHH000344 ERROR Could not parse the package-level metadata [%s]
HHH000345 java.lang.String JDBC commit failed
HHH000346 ERROR Error during managed flush [%s]
HHH000347 java.lang.String Unable to query java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
HHH000348 ERROR Unable to read class: %s
HHH000349 INFO Could not read column value from result set: %s; %s
HHH000350 java.lang.String Could not read a hi value - you need to populate the table: %s
HHH000351 ERROR Could not read or init a hi value
HHH000352 ERROR Unable to release batch statement...
HHH000353 ERROR Could not release a cache lock: %s
HHH000354 INFO Unable to release initial context: %s
HHH000355 WARN Unable to release created MBeanServer: %s
HHH000356 INFO Unable to release isolated connection [%s]
HHH000357 WARN Unable to release type info result set
HHH000358 WARN Unable to erase previously added bag join fetch
HHH000359 INFO Could not resolve aggregate function [%s]; using standard definition
HHH000360 INFO Unable to resolve mapping file [%s]
HHH000361 INFO Unable to retrieve cache from JNDI [%s]: %s
HHH000362 WARN Unable to retrieve type info result set: %s
HHH000363 INFO Unable to rollback connection on exception [%s]
HHH000364 INFO Unable to rollback isolated transaction on error [%s]: [%s]
HHH000365 java.lang.String JTA rollback failed
HHH000366 ERROR Error running schema update
HHH000367 ERROR Could not set transaction to rollback only
HHH000368 WARN Exception while stopping service
HHH000369 INFO Error stopping service [%s]
HHH000370 WARN Exception switching from method: [%s] to a method using the column index. Reverting to using: [%
HHH000371 ERROR Could not synchronize database state with session: %s
HHH000372 ERROR Could not toggle autocommit
HHH000373 ERROR Unable to transform class: %s
HHH000374 WARN Could not unbind factory from JNDI
HHH000375 java.lang.String Could not update hi value in: %s
HHH000376 ERROR Could not updateQuery hi value in: %s
HHH000377 INFO Error wrapping result set
HHH000378 WARN I/O reported error writing cached file: %s: %s
HHH000380 WARN Unexpected literal token type [%s] passed for numeric processing
HHH000381 WARN JDBC driver did not return the expected number of row counts
HHH000382 WARN Unrecognized bytecode provider [%s]; using the default implementation [%s]
HHH000383 WARN Unknown Ingres major version [%s]; using Ingres 9.2 dialect
HHH000384 WARN Unknown Oracle major version [%s]
HHH000385 WARN Unknown Microsoft SQL Server major version [%s] using [%s] dialect
HHH000386 WARN ResultSet had no statement associated with it, but was not yet registered
HHH000387 DEBUG ResultSet's statement was not registered
HHH000388 ERROR Unsuccessful: %s
HHH000390 WARN Overriding release mode as connection provider does not support 'after_statement'
HHH000391 WARN Ingres 10 is not yet fully supported; using Ingres 9.3 dialect
HHH000392 WARN Hibernate does not support SequenceGenerator.initialValue() unless '%s' set
HHH000393 WARN The %s.%s.%s version of H2 implements temporary table creation such that it commits current transaction; multi-table, bulk hql/jpaql will not work properly
HHH000394 WARN Oracle 11g is not yet fully supported; using Oracle 10g dialect
HHH000396 INFO Updating schema
HHH000398 INFO Explicit segment value for id generator [%s.%s] suggested; using default [%s]
HHH000399 INFO Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
HHH000400 DEBUG Using dialect: %s
HHH000404 ERROR Don't use old DTDs, read the Hibernate 3.x Migration Guide
HHH000409 WARN Using %s which does not generate IETF RFC 4122 compliant UUID values; consider using %s instead
HHH000410 INFO Hibernate Validator not found: ignoring
HHH000412 INFO Hibernate ORM core version %s
HHH000413 WARN Warnings creating temp table: %s
HHH000414 INFO Property hibernate.search.autoregister_listeners is set to false. No attempt will be made to register Hibernate Search event listeners.
HHH000416 WARN Write locks via update not supported for non-versioned entities [%s]
HHH000417 INFO Writing generated schema to file: %s
HHH000418 INFO Adding override for %s: %s
HHH000419 WARN Resolved SqlTypeDescriptor is for a different SQL code. %s has sqlCode=%s; type override %s has sqlCode=%s
HHH000420 DEBUG Closing un-released batch
HHH000421 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as %s is true
HHH000422 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as connection was null
HHH000423 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as JDBC driver reported JDBC version [%s] less than 4
HHH000424 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as createClob() method threw error: %s
HHH000425 INFO Could not close session; swallowing exception[%s] as transaction completed
HHH000426 WARN You should set hibernate.transaction.jta.platform if cache is enabled
HHH000428 INFO Encountered legacy TransactionManagerLookup specified; convert to newer %s contract specified via %s setting
HHH000429 WARN Setting entity-identifier value binding where one already existed: %s.
HHH000432 WARN There were not column names specified for index %s on table %s
HHH000433 INFO update timestamps cache puts: %s
HHH000434 INFO update timestamps cache hits: %s
HHH000435 INFO update timestamps cache misses: %s
HHH000436 WARN Entity manager factory name (%s) is already registered. If entity manager will be clustered or passivated, specify a unique value for property '%s'
HHH000437 WARN Attempting to save one or more entities that have a non-nullable association with an unsaved transient entity. The unsaved transient entity must be saved in an operation prior to saving these dependent entities. Unsaved transient entity: (%s) Dependent entities: (%s) Non-nullable association(s): (%s)
HHH000438 INFO NaturalId cache puts: %s
HHH000439 INFO NaturalId cache hits: %s
HHH000440 INFO NaturalId cache misses: %s
HHH000441 INFO Max NaturalId query time: %sms
HHH000442 INFO NaturalId queries executed to database: %s
HHH000443 WARN Dialect [%s] limits the number of elements in an IN predicate to %s entries. However, the given parameter list [%s] contained %s entries, which will likely cause failures to execute the query in the database
HHH000444 WARN Encountered request for locking however dialect reports that database prefers locking be done in a separate select (follow-on locking); results will be locked after initial query executes
HHH000445 WARN Alias-specific lock modes requested, which is not currently supported with follow-on locking; all acquired locks will be [%s]
HHH000446 WARN embed-xml attributes were intended to be used for DOM4J entity mode. Since that entity mode has been removed, embed-xml attributes are no longer supported and should be removed from mappings.
HHH000447 WARN Explicit use of UPGRADE_SKIPLOCKED in lock() calls is not recommended; use normal UPGRADE locking instead
HHH000448 INFO 'jakarta.persistence.validation.mode' named multiple values: %s
HHH000449 WARN @Convert annotation applied to Map attribute [%s] did not explicitly specify attributeName using 'key'/'value' as required by spec; attempting to DoTheRightThing
HHH000450 WARN Encountered request for Service by non-primary service role [%s -> %s]; please update usage
HHH000451 WARN Transaction afterCompletion called by a background thread; delaying afterCompletion processing until the original thread can handle it. [status=%s]
HHH000452 WARN Exception while loading a class or resource found during scanning
HHH000453 WARN Exception while discovering OSGi service implementations: %s
HHH000456 WARN Named parameters are used for a callable statement, but database metadata indicates named parameters are not supported.
HHH000467 DEBUG Creating pooled optimizer (lo) with [incrementSize=%s; returnClass=%s]
HHH000468 WARN Unable to interpret type [%s] as an AttributeConverter due to an exception: %s
HHH000469 org.hibernate.HibernateException The ClassLoaderService can not be reused. This instance was stopped already.
HHH000470 WARN An unexpected session is defined for a collection, but the collection is not connected to that session. A persistent collection may only be associated with one session at a time. Overwriting session. %s
HHH000471 WARN Cannot unset session in a collection because an unexpected session is defined. A persistent collection may only be associated with one session at a time. %s
HHH000472 WARN Hikari properties were encountered, but the Hikari ConnectionProvider was not found on the classpath; these properties are going to be ignored.
HHH000473 INFO Omitting cached file [%s] as the mapping file is newer
HHH000474 java.lang.String Ambiguous persistent property methods detected on %s; mark one as @Transient: [%s] and [%s]
HHH000475 INFO Cannot locate column information using identifier [%s]; ignoring index [%s]
HHH000476 DEBUG Executing script [%s]
HHH000477 DEBUG Starting delayed evictData of schema as part of SessionFactory shut-down'
HHH000478 ERROR Unsuccessful: %s
HHH000479 java.lang.String Collection [%s] was not processed by flush(). This is likely due to unsafe use of the session (e.g. used in multiple threads concurrently, updates during entity lifecycle hooks).
HHH000480 WARN A ManagedEntity was associated with a stale PersistenceContext. A ManagedEntity may only be associated with one PersistenceContext at a time; %s
HHH000481 WARN Encountered Java type [%s] for which we could not locate a JavaType and which does not appear to implement equals and/or hashCode. This can lead to significant performance problems when performing equality/dirty checking involving this Java type. Consider registering a custom JavaType or at least implementing equals/hashCode.
HHH000483 WARN An experimental - and now also deprecated - feature has been enabled (hibernate.create_empty_composites.enabled=true) that instantiates empty composite/embedded objects when all of its attribute values are null. This feature has known issues and should not be used in production. See Hibernate Jira issue HHH-11936 for details.
HHH000484 WARN Vibur properties were encountered, but the Vibur ConnectionProvider was not found on the classpath; these properties are going to be ignored.
HHH000485 ERROR Illegally attempted to associate a proxy for entity [%s] with id [%s] with two open sessions.
HHH000486 WARN Agroal properties were encountered, but the Agroal ConnectionProvider was not found on the classpath; these properties are going to be ignored.
HHH000487 WARN The query: [%s] attempts to update an immutable entity: %s
HHH000488 java.lang.String Bytecode enhancement failed for class: %1$s. It might be due to the Java module system preventing Hibernate ORM from defining an enhanced class in the same package as class %1$s. In this case, the class should be opened and exported to Hibernate ORM.
HHH000489 INFO No JTA platform available (set 'hibernate.transaction.jta.platform' to enable JTA platform integration)
HHH000490 INFO Using JTA platform [%s]
HHH000491 WARN '%1$s.%2$s' uses both @NotFound and FetchType.LAZY. @ManyToOne and @OneToOne associations mapped with @NotFound are forced to EAGER fetching.
HHH000492 INFO Query plan cache hits: %s
HHH000493 INFO Query plan cache misses: %s
HHH000494 WARN Attempt to merge an uninitialized collection with queued operations; queued operations will be ignored: %s
HHH000495 WARN Attaching an uninitialized collection with queued operations to a session: %s
HHH000496 INFO Detaching an uninitialized collection with queued operations from a session: %s
HHH000497 WARN The increment size of the [%s] sequence is set to [%d] in the entity mapping while the associated database sequence increment size is [%d]. The database sequence increment size will take precedence to avoid identifier allocation conflicts.
HHH000498 DEBUG Detaching an uninitialized collection with queued operations from a session due to rollback: %s
HHH000502 WARN The [%s] property of the [%s] entity was modified, but it won't be updated because the property is immutable.
HHH000504 WARN Multiple configuration properties defined to create schema. Choose at most one among 'jakarta.persistence.create-database-schemas' or 'hibernate.hbm2ddl.create_namespaces'.
HHH000505 WARN Ignoring ServiceConfigurationError caught while trying to instantiate service '%s'.
HHH000506 WARN Detaching an uninitialized collection with enabled filters from a session: %s
HHH000508 org.hibernate.HibernateException The Javassist based BytecodeProvider has been removed: remove the `hibernate.bytecode.provider` configuration property to switch to the default provider
HHH000509 WARN Multi-table insert is not available due to missing identity and window function support for: %s
HHH000510 WARN Association with `fetch="join"`/`@Fetch(FetchMode.JOIN)` and `lazy="true"`/`FetchType.LAZY` found. This will be interpreted as lazy: %s
HHH000511 WARN The %2$s version for [%s] is no longer supported, hence certain features may not work properly. The minimum supported version is %3$s. Check the community dialects project for available legacy versions.
HHH000512 WARN The database version version for the Cockroach Dialect could not be determined. The minimum supported version (%s) has been set instead.
HHH000513 DEBUG Unable to create the ReflectionOptimizer for [%s]: %s
HHH000514 WARN PostgreSQL JDBC driver classes are inaccessible and thus, certain DDL types like JSONB, JSON, GEOMETRY can not be used.
HHH000515 org.hibernate.HibernateException Can't retrieve the generated identity value, because the dialect does not support selecting the last generated identity and 'hibernate.jdbc.use_get_generated_keys' was disabled
HHH000516 WARN Failed to discover types for enhancement from class: %s
HHH000517 WARN UCP properties were encountered, but the UCP ConnectionProvider was not found on the classpath; these properties are going to be ignored.
HHH015001 INFO Bound Ejb3Configuration to JNDI name: %s
HHH015002 INFO Ejb3Configuration name: %s
HHH015003 INFO An Ejb3Configuration was renamed from name: %s
HHH015004 INFO An Ejb3Configuration was unbound from name: %s
HHH015005 WARN Exploded jar file does not exist (ignored): %s
HHH015006 WARN Exploded jar file not a directory (ignored): %s
HHH015007 ERROR Illegal argument on static metamodel field injection : %s#%s; expected type : %s; encountered type : %s
HHH015008 ERROR Malformed URL: %s
HHH015009 WARN Malformed URL: %s
HHH015010 WARN Unable to find file (ignored): %s
HHH015011 WARN Unable to locate static metamodel field : %s#%s; this may or may not indicate a problem with the static metamodel
HHH015012 INFO Using provided datasource
HHH015013 DEBUG Returning null (as required by JPA spec) rather than throwing EntityNotFoundException, as the entity (type=%s, id=%s) does not exist
HHH015014 WARN DEPRECATION - attempt to refer to JPA positional parameter [?%1$s] using String name ["%1$s"] rather than int position [%1$s] (generally in Query#setParameter, Query#getParameter or Query#getParameterValue calls). Hibernate previously allowed such usage, but it is considered deprecated.
HHH015015 INFO Encountered a MappedSuperclass [%s] not used in any entity hierarchy
HHH015016 WARN Encountered a deprecated jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider [%s]; [%s] will be used instead.
HHH015017 WARN 'hibernate.ejb.use_class_enhancer' property is deprecated. Use 'hibernate.enhance.enable[...]' properties instead to enable each individual feature.
HHH015018 WARN Encountered multiple persistence-unit stanzas defining same name [%s]; persistence-unit names must be unique
HHH025001 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Pending-puts cache must not be clustered!
HHH025002 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Pending-puts cache must not be transactional!
HHH025003 WARN Pending-puts cache configuration should be a template.
HHH025004 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Pending-puts cache must have expiration.max-idle set
HHH025005 WARN Property 'hibernate.cache.infinispan.use_synchronization' is deprecated; 2LC with transactional cache must always use synchronizations.
HHH025006 ERROR Custom cache configuration '%s' was requested for type %s but it was not found!
HHH025007 ERROR Custom cache configuration '%s' was requested for region %s but it was not found - using configuration by type (%s).
HHH025008 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Timestamps cache must not use eviction!
HHH025009 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Unable to start region factory
HHH025010 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Unable to create default cache manager
HHH025011 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Infinispan custom cache command factory not installed (possibly because the classloader where Infinispan lives couldn't find the Hibernate Infinispan cache provider)
HHH025012 WARN Requesting TRANSACTIONAL cache concurrency strategy but the cache is not configured as transactional.
HHH025013 WARN Requesting READ_WRITE cache concurrency strategy but the cache was configured as transactional.
HHH025014 WARN Setting eviction on cache using tombstones can introduce inconsistencies!
HHH025015 ERROR Failure updating cache in afterCompletion, will retry
HHH025016 ERROR Failed to end invalidating pending putFromLoad calls for key %s from region %s; the key won't be cached until invalidation expires.
HHH025017 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Unable to retrieve CacheManager from JNDI [%s]
HHH025018 WARN Unable to release initial context
HHH025019 WARN Use non-transactional query caches for best performance!
HHH025020 ERROR Unable to broadcast invalidations as a part of the prepare phase. Rolling back.
HHH025021 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Could not suspend transaction
HHH025022 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Could not resume transaction
HHH025023 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Unable to get current transaction
HHH025024 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Failed to invalidate pending putFromLoad calls for key %s from region %s
HHH025025 ERROR Failed to invalidate pending putFromLoad calls for region %s
HHH025026 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Property 'hibernate.cache.infinispan.cachemanager' not set
HHH025027 org.hibernate.cache.CacheException Timestamp cache cannot be configured with invalidation
HHH025028 WARN Ignoring deprecated property '%s'
HHH025029 WARN Property '%s' is deprecated, please use '%s' instead
HHH025030 WARN Transactional caches are not supported. The configuration option will be ignored; please unset.
HHH025031 WARN Configuration for pending-puts cache '%s' is already defined - another instance of SessionFactory was not closed properly.
HHH025032 WARN Cache configuration '%s' is present but the use has not been defined through hibernate.cache.infinispan.%s.cfg=%s
HHH025033 WARN Configuration properties contain record for unqualified region name '%s' but it should contain qualified region name '%s'
HHH025034 WARN Configuration for unqualified region name '%s' is defined but the cache will use qualified name '%s'
HHH025035 ERROR Operation #%d scheduled to complete before transaction completion failed
HHH025036 ERROR Operation #%d scheduled after transaction completion failed (transaction successful? %s)
HHH035001 DEBUG Using dialect: %s
HHH100001 WARN JDBC driver did not return the expected number of row counts (%s) - expected %s, but received %s
HHH100501 ERROR Exception executing batch [%s], SQL: %s
HHH100502 ERROR Unable to release batch statement...
HHH100503 INFO On release of batch it still contained JDBC statements
HHH10000001 WARN Malformed URL: %s
HHH10000002 WARN File or directory named by URL [%s] could not be found. URL will be ignored
HHH10000003 WARN File or directory named by URL [%s] did not exist. URL will be ignored
HHH10000004 WARN Expecting resource named by URL [%s] to be a directory, but it was not. URL will be ignored
HHH10000005 java.lang.String File [%s] referenced by given URL [%s] does not exist
HHH10001002 WARN Using built-in connection pool (not intended for production use)
HHH10001005 INFO Database info: %s
HHH10001006 WARN No JDBC Driver class was specified by property `jakarta.persistence.jdbc.driver`, `hibernate.driver` or `javax.persistence.jdbc.driver`
HHH10001008 DEBUG Cleaning up connection pool [%s]
HHH10001009 WARN Problem closing pooled connection
HHH10001010 WARN Could not destroy connection pool
HHH10001011 DEBUG Could not instantiate connection pool
HHH10001012 DEBUG Configuring connection pool [%s]
HHH10001501 INFO Connection obtained from JdbcConnectionAccess [%s] for (non-JTA) DDL execution was not in auto-commit mode; the Connection 'local transaction' will be committed and the Connection will be set into auto-commit mode.
HHH10005001 WARN An explicit CDI BeanManager reference [%s] was passed to Hibernate, but CDI is not available on the Hibernate ClassLoader. This is likely going to lead to exceptions later on in bootstrap
HHH10005002 INFO No explicit CDI BeanManager reference was passed to Hibernate, but CDI is available on the Hibernate ClassLoader.
HHH10005004 DEBUG Stopping BeanContainer: %s
HHH10010001 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as %s is true
HHH10010002 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as connection was null
HHH10010003 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as JDBC driver reported JDBC version [%s] less than 4
HHH10010004 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as Dialect reported it is not supported
HHH10010005 DEBUG Disabling contextual LOB creation as createClob() method threw error : %s
HHH10010006 DEBUG Disabling contextual NCLOB creation as createNClob() method threw error : %s
HHH90000004 WARN embed-xml attributes were intended to be used for DOM4J entity mode. Since that entity mode has been removed, embed-xml attributes are no longer supported and should be removed from mappings.
HHH90000005 WARN Defining an entity [%s] with no physical id attribute is no longer supported; please map the identifier to a physical entity attribute
HHH90000007 WARN Attempted to specify unsupported NamingStrategy via command-line argument [--naming]. NamingStrategy has been removed in favor of the split ImplicitNamingStrategy and PhysicalNamingStrategy; use [--implicit-naming] or [--physical-naming], respectively, instead.
HHH90000008 WARN Attempted to specify unsupported NamingStrategy via Ant task argument. NamingStrategy has been removed in favor of the split ImplicitNamingStrategy and PhysicalNamingStrategy.
HHH90000009 WARN The outer-join attribute on has been deprecated. Instead of outer-join="false", use lazy="extra" with , , , , or , which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed.
HHH90000010 WARN The fetch attribute on has been deprecated. Instead of fetch="select", use lazy="extra" with , , , , or , which will only initialize entities (not as a proxy) as needed.
HHH90000012 WARN Recognized obsolete hibernate namespace %s. Use namespace %s instead. Support for obsolete DTD/XSD namespaces may be removed at any time.
HHH90000013 WARN Named ConnectionProvider [%s] has been deprecated in favor of %s; that provider will be used instead. Update your settings
HHH90000014 WARN Found use of deprecated [%s] sequence-based id generator; use org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator instead. See Hibernate Domain Model Mapping Guide for details.
HHH90000015 WARN Found use of deprecated [%s] table-based id generator; use org.hibernate.id.enhanced.TableGenerator instead. See Hibernate Domain Model Mapping Guide for details.
HHH90000018 WARN Found use of deprecated transaction factory setting [%s]; use the new TransactionCoordinatorBuilder settings [%s] instead
HHH90000021 WARN Encountered deprecated setting [%s], use [%s] instead
HHH90000025 WARN %s does not need to be specified explicitly using 'hibernate.dialect' (remove the property setting and it will be selected by default)
HHH90000026 WARN %s has been deprecated
HHH90000026 WARN %s has been deprecated; use %s instead
HHH90000027 WARN Encountered deprecated setting [%s]; instead %s
HHH90000028 WARN Support for `` is deprecated [%s : %s]; migrate to orm.xml or mapping.xml, or enable `hibernate.transform_hbm_xml.enabled` for on the fly transformation
HHH90000029 WARN The [%s] configuration is deprecated and will be removed. Set the value to [%s] to get rid of this warning
HHH90000030 WARN The [%s] configuration is deprecated and will be removed.
HHH90000031 WARN The native query colon escaping used for the [%s] operator is deprecated and will be removed. Use [%s] instead.
HHH90000032 WARN The support for passing arrays to array_contains() is deprecated and will be removed. Use array_includes() instead.
HHH90001001 WARN Attempt to restart an already started RegionFactory. Use sessionFactory.close() between repeated calls to buildSessionFactory. Using previously created RegionFactory.
HHH90001002 WARN Attempt to restop an already stopped JCacheRegionFactory.
HHH90001003 WARN Read-only caching was requested for mutable entity [%s]
HHH90001004 WARN Read-only caching was requested for mutable natural-id for entity [%s]
HHH90001005 INFO Cache[%s] Key[%s] A soft-locked cache entry was expired by the underlying cache. If this happens regularly you should consider increasing the cache timeouts and/or capacity limits
HHH90001006 WARN Missing cache[%1$s] was created on-the-fly. The created cache will use a provider-specific default configuration: make sure you defined one. You can disable this warning by setting '%2$s' to '%3$s'.
HHH90001007 WARN Using legacy cache name [%2$s] because configuration could not be found for cache [%1$s]. Update your configuration to rename cache [%2$s] to [%1$s].
HHH90001008 WARN Cache [%1$s] uses the [%2$s] access type, but [%3$s] does not support it natively. Make sure your cache implementation supports JTA transactions.
HHH90003001 ERROR Error in named query: %s
HHH90003002 INFO Unable to determine lock mode value : %s -> %s
HHH90003003 INFO Ignoring unrecognized query hint [%s]
HHH90003004 WARN firstResult/maxResults specified with collection fetch; applying in memory
HHH90003501 ERROR Error in named query: %s
HHH90005601 INFO Envers-generated HBM mapping...%n%s
HHH90005901 WARN `%s#%s` was mapped with explicit lazy-group (`%s`). Hibernate will ignore the lazy-group - this is generally not a good idea for to-one associations as it would lead to 2 separate SQL selects to initialize the association. This is expected to be improved in future versions of Hibernate
HHH90006001 WARN Encountered incubating setting [%s]. See javadoc on corresponding `org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings` constant for details.


Code Level Return Type Message
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String MassIndexer operation
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Indexing instance of entity '%s' during mass indexing
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Fetching identifiers of entities to index for entity '%s' during mass indexing
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Loading and extracting entity data for entity '%s' during mass indexing
HSEARCH-00001 org.hibernate.search.mapper.pojo.common.annotation.impl.SearchProcessingWithContextException %1$s
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Background indexing of entities
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Index Merge operation on index '%1$s'
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String This multi-valued field has a 'FLATTENED' structure, which means the structure of objects is not preserved upon indexing, making object projections impossible. Try setting the field structure to 'NESTED' and reindexing all your data.
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String The default backend can be retrieved
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String The default backend cannot be retrieved, because no entity is mapped to that backend
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Failed to resolve bean from Hibernate Search's internal registry with exception: %1$s
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Failed to resolve bean from bean manager with exception: %1$s
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Failed to resolve bean using reflection with exception: %1$s
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Make sure the field is marked as searchable/sortable/projectable/aggregable/highlightable (whichever is relevant). If it already is, then '%1$s' is not available for fields of this type.
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Some object field features require a nested structure; try setting the field structure to 'NESTED' and reindexing all your data. If you are trying to use another feature, it probably isn't available for this field.
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String Make sure the field is marked as searchable/sortable/projectable/aggregable/highlightable (whichever is relevant) in all indexes, and that the field has the same type in all indexes.
HSEARCH-00001 java.lang.String If you are trying to use the 'nested' predicate, set the field structure is to 'NESTED' in all indexes, then reindex all your data.
HSEARCH000017 ERROR Work discarded, thread was interrupted while waiting for space to schedule: %1$s
HSEARCH000027 INFO Mass indexing is going to index %d entities.
HSEARCH000028 INFO Mass indexing complete. Indexed %1$d entities.
HSEARCH000030 INFO Mass indexing progress: indexed %1$d entities in %2$d ms.
HSEARCH000031 INFO Mass indexing progress: %3$.2f%%. Mass indexing speed: %1$f documents/second since last message, %2$f documents/second since start.
HSEARCH000034 INFO Hibernate Search version %1$s
HSEARCH000036 WARN Unable to guess the transaction status: not starting a JTA transaction.
HSEARCH000039 WARN Unable to properly close scroll in ScrollableResults.
HSEARCH000041 INFO Index directory does not exist, creating: '%1$s'
HSEARCH000052 WARN An index writer operation failed. Resetting the index writer and forcing release of locks. %1$s
HSEARCH000055 WARN Unable to close the index reader. %1$s
HSEARCH000058 ERROR %1$s
HSEARCH000062 ERROR Mass indexing received interrupt signal: aborting.
HSEARCH000075 WARN Missing value for configuration property '%1$s': using LATEST (currently '%2$s'). %3$s
HSEARCH000114 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Resource does not exist in classpath: '%1$s'
HSEARCH000135 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No default value bridge implementation for type '%1$s'. Use a custom bridge.
HSEARCH000159 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No property annotated with %1$s(markerSet = "%3$s"). There must be exactly one such property in order to map it to geo-point field '%2$s'.
HSEARCH000160 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple properties annotated with %1$s(markerSet = "%3$s"). There must be exactly one such property in order to map it to geo-point field '%2$s'.
HSEARCH000177 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to define a document identifier for indexed type '%1$s', The property representing the entity identifier is unknown. Define the document identifier explicitly by annotating a property whose values are unique with @DocumentId.
HSEARCH000216 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException %1$s defines includePaths filters that do not match anything. Non-matching includePaths filters: %2$s. Encountered field paths: %3$s. Check the filters for typos, or remove them if they are not useful.
HSEARCH000221 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Infinite embedded recursion involving path '%2$s' on type '%1$s'
HSEARCH000225 WARN Unable to acquire lock on the index while initializing directory '%s'. Either the directory wasn't properly closed last time it was used due to a critical failure, or another instance of Hibernate Search is using it concurrently (which is not supported). If you experience indexing failures on this index you will need to remove the lock, and might need to rebuild the index.
HSEARCH000226 TRACE %s: %s
HSEARCH000228 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to parse '%1$ss' into a Lucene version: %2$s
HSEARCH000230 DEBUG Starting executor '%1$s'
HSEARCH000231 DEBUG Stopping executor '%1$s'
HSEARCH000234 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity types for types %1$s These types are not indexed entity types, nor is any of their subtypes. Valid indexed entity classes, superclasses and superinterfaces are: %2$s.
HSEARCH000237 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid range: at least one bound in range predicates must be non-null.
HSEARCH000242 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type '%1$s': missing constructor. The type must expose a public, no-arguments constructor.
HSEARCH000274 TRACE Executing Lucene query: %s
HSEARCH000276 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No transaction active. Consider increasing the connection time-out.
HSEARCH000284 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to open index readers: %1$s
HSEARCH000295 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value for type '$2%s': '$1%s'. %3$s
HSEARCH000297 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to convert '%2$s' into type '%1$s': value is too large.
HSEARCH000329 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply analysis configuration: %1$s
HSEARCH000337 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Conflicting usage of @Param annotation for parameter name: '%1$s'. Can't assign both value '%2$s' and '%3$s'
HSEARCH000337 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Ambiguous value for parameter '%1$s': this parameter is set to two different values '%2$s' and '%3$s'.
HSEARCH000342 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both analyzer '%1$s' and normalizer '%2$s' are assigned to this type. Either an analyzer or a normalizer can be assigned, but not both.
HSEARCH000344 WARN Invalid normalizer implementation: the normalizer for definition '%s' produced %d tokens. Normalizers should never produce more than one token. The tokens have been concatenated by Hibernate Search, but you should fix your normalizer definition.
HSEARCH000345 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both analyzer '%1$s' and sorts are enabled. Sorts are not supported on analyzed fields. If you need an analyzer simply to transform the text (lowercasing, ...) without splitting it into tokens, use a normalizer instead. If you need an actual analyzer (with tokenization), define two separate fields: one with an analyzer that is not sortable, and one with a normalizer that is sortable.
HSEARCH000353 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown analyzer: '%1$s'. Make sure you defined this analyzer.
HSEARCH000501 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value for configuration property '%1$s': '%2$s'. %3$s
HSEARCH000502 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value: expected either an instance of '%1$s' or a String that can be parsed into that type. %2$s
HSEARCH000503 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Boolean value: expected either a Boolean, the String 'true' or the String 'false'. %1$s
HSEARCH000504 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Integer value: expected either a Number or a String that can be parsed into an Integer. %1$s
HSEARCH000505 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Long value: expected either a Number or a String that can be parsed into a Long. %1$s
HSEARCH000506 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi value: expected either a single value of the correct type, a Collection, or a String, and interpreting as a single value failed with the following exception. %1$s
HSEARCH000514 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field name '%1$s': field names cannot be null or empty.
HSEARCH000515 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field name '%1$s': field names cannot contain a dot ('.'). Remove the dot from your field name, or if you are declaring the field in a bridge and want a tree of fields, declare an object field using the objectField() method.
HSEARCH000516 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid polygon: the first point '%1$s' should be identical to the last point '%2$s' to properly close the polygon.
HSEARCH000519 java.lang.String Hibernate Search encountered %3$s failures during %1$s. Only the first %2$s failures are displayed here. See the TRACE logs for extra failures.
HSEARCH000520 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Hibernate Search encountered failures during %1$s. Failures: %2$s
HSEARCH000521 TRACE Hibernate Search encountered a failure during %1$s; continuing for now to list all problems, but the process will ultimately be aborted. %2$s Failure:
HSEARCH000522 WARN Exception while collecting a failure -- this may indicate a bug or a missing test in Hibernate Search. Please report it: https://hibernate.org/community/ Nested exception: %1$s
HSEARCH000525 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid call of ifSupported(...) after orElse(...). Use a separate extension() context, or move the orElse(...) call last.
HSEARCH000526 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException None of the provided extensions can be applied to the current context. Attempted extensions: %1$s. If you want to ignore this, use .extension().ifSupported(...).orElse(ignored -> { }).
HSEARCH000528 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Security manager does not allow access to the constructor of type '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH000530 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.classpath.spi.ClassLoadingException Unable to load class '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH000533 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No backend with name '%1$s'. Check that at least one entity is configured to target that backend. The following backends can be retrieved by name: %2$s. %3$s
HSEARCH000534 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No index manager with name '%1$s'. Check that at least one entity is configured to target that index. The following indexes can be retrieved by name: %2$s.
HSEARCH000540 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to instantiate class '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH000542 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type '%1$s': this type cannot be assigned to type '%2$s'.
HSEARCH000543 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type '%1$s': this type is an interface. An implementation class is required.
HSEARCH000544 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type '%1$s': missing constructor. The type must expose a public constructor with a single parameter of type Map.
HSEARCH000546 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cyclic recursion starting from '%1$s' on %2$s. Index field path starting from that location and ending with a cycle: '%3$s'. A type cannot declare an unrestricted @IndexedEmbedded to itself, even indirectly. To break the cycle, you should consider adding filters to your @IndexedEmbedded: includePaths, includeDepth, excludePaths, ...
HSEARCH000547 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid BeanReference value: expected an instance of '%1$s', BeanReference, String or Class. %2$s
HSEARCH000551 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of per-field boost: the predicate score is constant. Cannot assign a different boost to each field when the predicate score is constant.
HSEARCH000553 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid slop: %1$d. The slop must be positive or zero.
HSEARCH000554 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid maximum edit distance: %1$d. The value must be 0, 1 or 2.
HSEARCH000555 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid exact prefix length: %1$d. The value must be positive or zero.
HSEARCH000557 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value for type '%1$s': '%2$s'. The expected format is '%3$s'.
HSEARCH000558 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid %1$s value: expected either a Number or a String that can be parsed into a %1$s. %2$s
HSEARCH000559 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid string for type '%2$s': '%1$s'. %3$s
HSEARCH000560 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value for enum '%2$s': '%1$s'.
HSEARCH000561 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple hits when a single hit was expected.
HSEARCH000562 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to submit work to '%1$s': thread received interrupt signal. The work has been discarded.
HSEARCH000563 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to submit work to '%1$s': this orchestrator is stopped. The work has been discarded.
HSEARCH000564 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid geo-point value: '%1$s'. The expected format is ', '.
HSEARCH000565 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown aggregation key '%1$s'. This key was not used when building the search query.
HSEARCH000566 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid configuration property checking strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH000567 INFO Configuration property tracking is disabled; unused properties will not be logged.
HSEARCH000568 WARN Invalid configuration passed to Hibernate Search: some properties in the given configuration are not used. There might be misspelled property keys in your configuration. Unused properties: %1$s. To disable this warning, set the property '%2$s' to '%3$s'.
HSEARCH000569 ERROR The background failure handler threw an exception while handling a previous failure. The failure may not have been reported.
HSEARCH000570 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field template name '%1$s': field template names cannot be null or empty.
HSEARCH000571 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field template name '%1$s': field template names cannot contain a dot ('.').
HSEARCH000572 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Inconsistent index data: a supposedly single-valued field returned multiple values. Values: [%1$s, %2$s].
HSEARCH000573 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid configuration passed to Hibernate Search: some properties in the given configuration are obsolete.Configuration properties changed between Hibernate Search 5 and Hibernate Search 6 Check out the reference documentation and upgrade your configuration. Obsolete properties: %1$s.
HSEARCH000575 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No default backend. Check that at least one entity is configured to target the default backend. The following backends can be retrieved by name: %1$s.
HSEARCH000576 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException Ambiguous bean reference to type '%1$s': multiple beans are explicitly defined for this type in Hibernate Search's internal registry. Explicitly defined beans: %2$s.
HSEARCH000577 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException No beans defined for type '%1$s' in Hibernate Search's internal registry.
HSEARCH000578 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException No beans defined for type '%1$s' and name '%2$s' in Hibernate Search's internal registry.
HSEARCH000579 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException Unable to resolve bean reference to type '%1$s' and name '%2$s'. %3$s
HSEARCH000580 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException Unable to resolve bean reference to type '%1$s'. %2$s
HSEARCH000581 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to resolve backend type: configuration property '%1$s' is not set, and there isn't any backend in the classpath. Check that you added the desired backend to your project's dependencies.
HSEARCH000582 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Ambiguous backend type: configuration property '%1$s' is not set, and multiple backend types are present in the classpath. Set property '%1$s' to one of the following to select the backend type: %2$s
HSEARCH000583 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type for DSL arguments: '%1$s'. Expected '%2$s' or a subtype.
HSEARCH000584 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type for returned values: '%1$s'. Expected '%2$s' or a supertype.
HSEARCH000586 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchTimeoutException Operation exceeded the timeout of %1$s.
HSEARCH000587 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to provide the exact total hit count: only a lower-bound approximation is available. This is generally the result of setting query options such as a timeout or the total hit count threshold. Either unset these options, or retrieve the lower-bound hit count approximation through '.total().hitCountLowerBound()'.
HSEARCH000588 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple entity types mapped to index '%1$s': '%2$s', '%3$s'. Each indexed type must be mapped to its own, dedicated index.
HSEARCH000589 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException Unable to create bean using reflection: %1$s
HSEARCH000590 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException No configured bean manager.
HSEARCH000591 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException Unable to resolve '%2$s' to a class extending '%1$s': %3$s
HSEARCH000592 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException Invalid bean reference: '%1$s'. The reference is prefixed with '%2$s', which is not a valid bean retrieval prefix. If you want to reference a bean by name, and the name contains a colon, use 'bean:%1$s'. Otherwise, use a valid bean retrieval prefix among the following: %3$s.
HSEARCH000593 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Named predicate name '%1$s' is invalid: field names cannot be null or empty.
HSEARCH000594 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Named predicate name '%1$s' is invalid: field names cannot contain a dot ('.'). Remove the dot from your named predicate name.
HSEARCH000596 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Different mappings trying to define two backends with the same name '%1$s' but having different expectations on multi-tenancy.
HSEARCH000597 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Different mappings trying to define default backends having different expectations on multi-tenancy.
HSEARCH000598 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type: %1$s is not composite.
HSEARCH000599 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type: %1$s is not an object field.
HSEARCH000600 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type: %1$s is not a value field.
HSEARCH000601 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Inconsistent configuration for %1$s in a search query across multiple indexes: %2$s
HSEARCH000602 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Inconsistent support for '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH000603 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Attribute '%1$s' differs: '%2$s' vs. '%3$s'.
HSEARCH000604 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot use '%2$s' on %1$s: %3$s
HSEARCH000606 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' can be used in some of the targeted indexes, but not all of them. %2$s
HSEARCH000609 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException This field is a value field in some indexes, but an object field in other indexes.
HSEARCH000610 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown field '%1$s'.
HSEARCH000611 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target fields: fields [%1$s, %3$s] are in different nested documents (%2$s vs. %4$s). All target fields must be in the same document.
HSEARCH000612 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to close saved value for key %1$s: %2$s
HSEARCH000613 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to access the Search integration: initialization hasn't completed yet.
HSEARCH000614 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot project on entity type '%1$s': this type cannot be loaded from an external datasource, and the documents from the index cannot be projected to its Java class '%2$s'. %3$s
HSEARCH000615 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to resolve field '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH000616 DEBUG Ignoring ServiceConfigurationError caught while trying to instantiate service '%s'.
HSEARCH000617 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Parameter with name '%1$s' was not defined on projection definition '%2$s'.
HSEARCH000618 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type for entity projection on type '%1$s': the entity type's Java class '%2$s' does not extend the requested projection type '%3$s'.
HSEARCH000619 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException 'includePaths' and 'excludePaths' cannot be used together in the same filter. Use either `includePaths` or `excludePaths` leaving the other one empty. Included paths are: '%1$s', excluded paths are: '%2$s'.
HSEARCH000620 DEBUG Multiple configuration providers are available for scope '%1$s'. They will be taken under consideration in the following order: '%2$s'.
HSEARCH000621 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot use rewrite method '%1$s': this method requires parameter 'n', which was not specified. Use another version of the rewrite(...) method that accepts parameter 'n'.
HSEARCH000622 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot use rewrite method '%1$s': this method does not accept parameter 'n', but it was specified. Use another version of the rewrite(...) method that does not accept parameter 'n'.
HSEARCH000624 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Query parameter '%1$s' is not set. Use `.param(..)` methods on the query to set any parameters that the query requires.
HSEARCH000625 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Expecting value of query parameter '%1$s' to be of type %2$s, but instead got a value of type %3$s.
HSEARCH000626 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Named value '%1$s' has not been defined.
HSEARCH000627 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Expecting value of named value '%1$s' to be of type %2$s, but instead got a value of type %3$s.
HSEARCH000628 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to get a thread group from the SecurityManager: %1$s
HSEARCH400007 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Elasticsearch request failed: %3$s Request: %1$s Response: %2$s
HSEARCH400008 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Elasticsearch bulked request failed: %3$s Request metadata: %1$sResponse: %2$s
HSEARCH400010 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Elasticsearch response indicates a timeout (HTTP status 408)
HSEARCH400020 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to update mapping for index '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400022 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index status: '%1$s'. Valid statuses are: %2$s.
HSEARCH400024 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Index '%1$s' failed to reach status '%2$s' after %3$sms.
HSEARCH400034 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to retrieve index metadata from Elasticsearch: %1$s
HSEARCH400035 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to update schema for index '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400050 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing index: index names [%1$s, %2$s] do not point to any index in the Elasticsearch cluster.
HSEARCH400053 TRACE Executing Elasticsearch query on '%s' with parameters '%s': <%s>
HSEARCH400055 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate tokenizer definitions: '%1$s'. Tokenizer names must be unique.
HSEARCH400056 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate char filter definitions: '%1$s'. Char filter names must be unique.
HSEARCH400057 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate token filter definitions: '%1$s'. Token filter names must be unique.
HSEARCH400067 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to update settings for index '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400069 INFO Closed Elasticsearch index '%1$s' automatically.
HSEARCH400070 INFO Opened Elasticsearch index '%1$s' automatically.
HSEARCH400073 WARN Hibernate Search will connect to Elasticsearch with authentication over plain HTTP (not HTTPS). The password will be sent in clear text over the network.
HSEARCH400075 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply analysis configuration: %1$s
HSEARCH400076 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid analyzer definition for name '%1$s'. Analyzer definitions must at least define the tokenizer.
HSEARCH400077 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid tokenizer definition for name '%1$s'. Tokenizer definitions must at least define the tokenizer type.
HSEARCH400078 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid char filter definition for name '%1$s'. Char filter definitions must at least define the char filter type.
HSEARCH400079 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid token filter definition for name '%1$s'. Token filter definitions must at least define the token filter type.
HSEARCH400080 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to detect the Elasticsearch version running on the cluster: %s
HSEARCH400081 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incompatible Elasticsearch version: '%s'. Refer to the documentation to know which versions of Elasticsearch are compatible with Hibernate Search.
HSEARCH400082 DEBUG Executed Elasticsearch HTTP %s request to '%s' with path '%s', query parameters %s and %d objects in payload in %dms. Response had status %d '%s'. Request body: <%s>. Response body: <%s>
HSEARCH400085 WARN Unknown Elasticsearch version running on the cluster: '%s'. Hibernate Search may not work correctly. Consider updating to a newer version of Hibernate Search, if any.
HSEARCH400089 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to parse Elasticsearch response. Status code was '%1$d', status phrase was '%2$s'. Nested exception: %3$s
HSEARCH400090 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Elasticsearch response indicates a failure.
HSEARCH400093 TRACE Executed Elasticsearch HTTP %s request to '%s' with path '%s', query parameters %s and %d objects in payload in %dms. Response had status %d '%s'. Request body: <%s>. Response body: <%s>
HSEARCH400502 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi-index scope: a scope cannot span both a Elasticsearch index and another type of index. Base scope: '%1$s', incompatible (Elasticsearch) index: '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400503 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi-index scope: a scope cannot span multiple Elasticsearch backends. Base scope: '%1$s', incompatible index (from another backend): '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400506 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target for Elasticsearch extension: '%1$s'. This extension can only be applied to components created by an Elasticsearch backend.
HSEARCH400508 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search predicate: '%1$s'. You must build the predicate from an Elasticsearch search scope.
HSEARCH400511 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search sort: '%1$s'. You must build the sort from an Elasticsearch search scope.
HSEARCH400515 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi-tenancy strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH400516 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid tenant identifiers: '%1$s'. No tenant identifier is expected, because multi-tenancy is disabled for this backend.
HSEARCH400517 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing tenant identifier. A tenant identifier is expected, because multi-tenancy is enabled for this backend.
HSEARCH400518 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid requested type for client: '%1$s'. The Elasticsearch low-level client can only be unwrapped to '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400519 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid requested type for this backend: '%1$s'. Elasticsearch backends can only be unwrapped to '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400520 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate index field definition: '%1$s'. Index field names must be unique. Look for two property mappings with the same field name, or two indexed-embeddeds with prefixes that lead to conflicting index field names, or two custom bridges declaring index fields with the same name.
HSEARCH400525 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid field reference for this document element: this document element has path '%1$s', but the referenced field has a parent with path '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400526 org.hibernate.search.util.common.AssertionFailure Missing data in the Elasticsearch response.
HSEARCH400529 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple conflicting minimumShouldMatch constraints for ceiling '%1$s'
HSEARCH400530 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Conflicting index names: Hibernate Search indexes '%1$s' and '%2$s' both target the Elasticsearch index name or alias '%3$s'
HSEARCH400531 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to resolve index name '%1$s' to an entity type: %2$s
HSEARCH400532 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to convert DSL argument: %1$s
HSEARCH400533 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid requested type for this index manager: '%1$s'. Elasticsearch index managers can only be unwrapped to '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400534 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid typed analyzer definition for name '%1$s'. Typed analyzer definitions must at least define the analyzer type.
HSEARCH400535 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both analyzer '%1$s' and normalizer '%2$s' are assigned to this type. Either an analyzer or a normalizer can be assigned, but not both.
HSEARCH400536 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both analyzer '%1$s' and sorts are enabled. Sorts are not supported on analyzed fields. If you need an analyzer simply to transform the text (lowercasing, ...) without splitting it into tokens, use a normalizer instead. If you need an actual analyzer (with tokenization), define two separate fields: one with an analyzer that is not sortable, and one with a normalizer that is sortable.
HSEARCH400537 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Ambiguous value for parameter '%1$s': this parameter is set to two different values '%2$s' and '%3$s'.
HSEARCH400538 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search projection: '%1$s'. You must build the projection from an Elasticsearch search scope.
HSEARCH400544 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to shut down the Elasticsearch client: %1$s
HSEARCH400545 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No built-in index field type for class: '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400553 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Full-text features (analysis, fuzziness, minimum should match) are not supported for fields of this type.
HSEARCH400554 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incomplete field definition. You must call toReference() to complete the field definition.
HSEARCH400555 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple calls to toReference() for the same field definition. You must call toReference() exactly once.
HSEARCH400556 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Elasticsearch version: '%1$s'. Expected format is 'x.y.z-qualifier', where 'x', 'y' and 'z' are integers, and 'qualifier' is an string of word characters (alphanumeric or '_'). Incomplete versions are allowed, for example '7.0' or just '7'.
HSEARCH400557 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Elasticsearch version: '%1$s'. Expected format is 'x.y.z-qualifier' or ':x.y.z-qualifier' or just '', where '' is one of %2$s (defaults to '%3$s'), 'x', 'y' and 'z' are integers, and 'qualifier' is an string of word characters (alphanumeric or '_'). Incomplete versions are allowed, for example 'elastic:7.0', '7.0' or just '7'. Note that the format '' without a version number is only useful for distributions that don't support version numbers, such as Amazon OpenSearch Serverless.
HSEARCH400558 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Elasticsearch distribution name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH400559 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unexpected Elasticsearch version running on the cluster: '%2$s'. Hibernate Search was configured for Elasticsearch '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400560 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot skip analysis on field '%1$s': the Elasticsearch backend will always normalize arguments before attempting matches on normalized fields.
HSEARCH400562 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both null token '%2$s' ('indexNullAs') and analyzer '%1$s' are assigned to this type. 'indexNullAs' is not supported on analyzed fields.
HSEARCH400563 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple values assigned to field '%1$s': this field is single-valued. Declare the field as multi-valued in order to allow this.
HSEARCH400564 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of explain(Object id) on a query targeting multiple types. Use explain(String typeName, Object id) and pass one of %1$s as the type name.
HSEARCH400565 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid mapped type name: '%2$s'. This type is not among the mapped types targeted by this query: %1$s.
HSEARCH400566 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid document identifier: '%2$s'. No such document in index '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400567 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: missing decimal scale. Define the decimal scale explicitly. %1$s
HSEARCH400569 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to encode value '%1$s': this field type only supports values ranging from '%2$s' to '%3$s'. If you want to encode values that are outside this range, change the decimal scale for this field. Do not forget to reindex all your data after changing the decimal scale.
HSEARCH400570 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: decimal scale '%1$s' is positive. The decimal scale of BigInteger fields must be zero or negative.
HSEARCH400572 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search predicate: '%1$s'. You must build the predicate from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given predicate was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH400573 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search sort: '%1$s'. You must build the sort from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given sort was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH400574 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search projection: '%1$s'. You must build the projection from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given projection was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH400576 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both analyzer '%1$s' and aggregations are enabled. Aggregations are not supported on analyzed fields. If you need an analyzer simply to transform the text (lowercasing, ...) without splitting it into tokens, use a normalizer instead. If you need an actual analyzer (with tokenization), define two separate fields: one with an analyzer that is not aggregable, and one with a normalizer that is aggregable.
HSEARCH400580 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid range: '%1$s'. Elasticsearch range aggregations only accept ranges in the canonical form: (-Infinity, ) or [, ) or [, +Infinity). Call Range.canonical(...) to be sure to create such a range.
HSEARCH400581 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search aggregation: '%1$s'. You must build the aggregation from an Elasticsearch search scope.
HSEARCH400582 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search aggregation: '%1$s'. You must build the aggregation from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given aggregation was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH400585 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate aggregation definitions for key: '%1$s'
HSEARCH400587 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: search analyzer '%1$s' is assigned to this type, but the indexing analyzer is missing. Assign an indexing analyzer and a search analyzer, or remove the search analyzer.
HSEARCH400588 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Call to the bulk REST API failed: %1$s
HSEARCH400589 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid host/port: '%1$s'. The host/port string must use the format 'host:port', for example 'mycompany.com:9200' The URI scheme ('http://', 'https://') must not be included.
HSEARCH400590 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchTimeoutException Request execution exceeded the timeout of %1$s. Request was %2$s
HSEARCH400591 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid name for the type-name mapping strategy: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH400592 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing field '%1$s' for one of the search hits. The document was probably indexed with a different configuration: full reindexing is necessary.
HSEARCH400593 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Elasticsearch index layout: index names [%1$s, %2$s] resolve to multiple distinct indexes %3$s. These names must resolve to a single index.
HSEARCH400594 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Elasticsearch index layout: primary (non-alias) name for existing Elasticsearch index '%1$s' does not match the expected pattern '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400595 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Elasticsearch index layout: unique key '%1$s' extracted from the index name does not match any of %2$s.
HSEARCH400596 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid Elasticsearch index layout: the write alias and read alias are set to the same value: '%1$s'. The write alias and read alias must be different.
HSEARCH400597 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing or imprecise Elasticsearch version: configuration property '%1$s' is set to 'false', so you must set the version explicitly with at least as much precision as 'x.y', where 'x' and 'y' are integers.
HSEARCH400598 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The lifecycle strategy cannot be set at the index level anymore. Set the schema management strategy via the property 'hibernate.search.schema_management.strategy' instead.
HSEARCH400600 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for fields in nested documents.
HSEARCH400601 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for String fields. Only MIN and MAX are supported.
HSEARCH400602 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for temporal fields. Only MIN, MAX, AVG and MEDIAN are supported.
HSEARCH400603 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for a distance sort. Only MIN, MAX, AVG and MEDIAN are supported.
HSEARCH400604 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort filter: field '%1$s' is not contained in a nested object. Sort filters are only available if the field to sort on is contained in a nested object.
HSEARCH400605 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search predicate: %1$s. This predicate targets fields %3$s, but only fields that are contained in the nested object with path '%2$s' are allowed here.
HSEARCH400606 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid aggregation filter: field '%1$s' is not contained in a nested object. Aggregation filters are only available if the field to aggregate on is contained in a nested object.
HSEARCH400607 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate index field template definition: '%1$s'. Multiple bridges may be trying to access the same index field template, or two indexed-embeddeds may have prefixes that lead to conflicting field names, or you may have declared multiple conflicting mappings. In any case, there is something wrong with your mapping and you should fix it.
HSEARCH400608 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value type. This field's values are of type '%1$s', which is not assignable from '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400609 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown field '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400613 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid cardinality for projection on field '%1$s': the projection is single-valued, but this field is multi-valued. Make sure to call '.multi()' when you create the projection.
HSEARCH400617 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Implementation class differs: '%1$s' vs. '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400618 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Field codec differs: '%1$s' vs. '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400621 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid dynamic type: '%1$s'. Valid values are: %2$s.
HSEARCH400625 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to update aliases for index '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400626 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target hosts configuration: both the 'uris' property and the 'protocol' property are set. Uris: '%1$s'. Protocol: '%2$s'. Either set the protocol and hosts simultaneously using the 'uris' property, or set them separately using the 'protocol' property and the 'hosts' property.
HSEARCH400627 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target hosts configuration: both the 'uris' property and the 'hosts' property are set. Uris: '%1$s'. Hosts: '%2$s'. Either set the protocol and hosts simultaneously using the 'uris' property, or set them separately using the 'protocol' property and the 'hosts' property.
HSEARCH400628 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target hosts configuration: the 'uris' use different protocols (http, https). All URIs must use the same protocol. Uris: '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400629 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target hosts configuration: the list of hosts must not be empty.
HSEARCH400630 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target hosts configuration: the list of URIs must not be empty.
HSEARCH400631 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to find the given custom index settings file: '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400632 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Error on loading the given custom index settings file '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400633 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException There are some JSON syntax errors on the given custom index settings file '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400634 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of 'missing().first()' for an ascending distance sort. Elasticsearch always assumes missing values have a distance of '+Infinity', and this behavior cannot be customized.
HSEARCH400635 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of 'missing().last()' for a descending distance sort. Elasticsearch always assumes missing values have a distance of '+Infinity', and this behavior cannot be customized.
HSEARCH400636 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of 'missing().use(...)' for a distance sort. Elasticsearch always assumes missing values have a distance of '+Infinity', and this behavior cannot be customized.
HSEARCH400637 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The index schema named predicate '%1$s' was added twice.
HSEARCH400638 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Predicate definition differs: '%1$s' vs. '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400640 WARN A search query fetching all hits was requested, but only '%2$s' hits were retrieved because the maximum result window size forces a limit of '%1$s' hits. Refer to Elasticsearch's 'max_result_window_size' setting for more information.
HSEARCH400641 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incompatible Elasticsearch version: version '%2$s' does not match version '%1$s' that was provided when the backend was created. You can provide a more precise version on startup, but you cannot override the version that was provided when the backend was created.
HSEARCH400648 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid backend configuration: mapping requires multi-tenancy but no multi-tenancy strategy is set.
HSEARCH400649 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid backend configuration: mapping requires single-tenancy but multi-tenancy strategy is set.
HSEARCH400650 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Param with name '%1$s' has not been defined for the named predicate '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400651 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to find the given custom index mapping file: '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400652 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Error on loading the given custom index mapping file '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400653 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException There are some JSON syntax errors on the given custom index mapping file '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH400654 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid context for projection on field '%1$s': the surrounding projection is executed for each object in field '%2$s', which is not a parent of field '%1$s'. Check the structure of your projections.
HSEARCH400655 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid cardinality for projection on field '%1$s': the projection is single-valued, but this field is effectively multi-valued in this context, because parent object field '%2$s' is multi-valued. Either call '.multi()' when you create the projection on field '%1$s', or wrap that projection in an object projection like this: 'f.object("%2$s").from().as(...).multi()'.
HSEARCH400656 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unexpected mapped type name extracted from hits: '%1$s'. Expected one of: %2$s. The document was probably indexed with a different configuration: full reindexing is necessary.
HSEARCH400657 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to export the schema for '%1$s' index: %2$s
HSEARCH400658 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of 'missing().lowest()' for an ascending distance sort. Elasticsearch always assumes missing values have a distance of '+Infinity', and this behavior cannot be customized.
HSEARCH400659 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of 'missing().lowest()' for a descending distance sort. Elasticsearch always assumes missing values have a distance of '+Infinity', and this behavior cannot be customized.
HSEARCH400660 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid highlighter: '%1$s'. You must build the highlighter from an Elasticsearch search scope.
HSEARCH400661 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid highlighter: '%1$s'. You must build the highlighter from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given highlighter was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH400662 WARN No fields were added to be highlighted, but some query level highlighters were provided. These highlighters will be ignored.
HSEARCH400663 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot find a highlighter with name '%1$s'. Available highlighters are: %2$s. Was it configured with `highlighter("%1$s", highlighterContributor)`?
HSEARCH400664 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Named highlighters cannot use a blank string as name.
HSEARCH400665 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Highlighter with name '%1$s' is already defined. Use a different name to add another highlighter.
HSEARCH400666 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' highlighter type cannot be applied to '%2$s' field. '%2$s' must have either 'ANY' or '%1$s' among the configured highlightable values.
HSEARCH400667 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot use 'NO' in combination with other highlightable values. Applied values are: '%1$s'
HSEARCH400668 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The '%1$s' term vector storage strategy is not compatible with the fast vector highlighter. Either change the strategy to one of `WITH_POSITIONS_PAYLOADS`/`WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS_PAYLOADS` or remove the requirement for the fast vector highlighter support.
HSEARCH400669 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Setting the `highlightable` attribute to an empty array is not supported. Set the value to `NO` if the field does not require the highlight projection.
HSEARCH400670 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Highlight projection cannot be applied within nested context of '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400671 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The highlight projection cannot be applied to a field from an object using `ObjectStructure.NESTED` structure.
HSEARCH400672 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' cannot be nested in an object projection. %2$s
HSEARCH400673 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The targeted Elasticsearch cluster is reachable, but does not expose its version. Check that the configured Elasticsearch hosts/URI points to the right server. If you are targeting Amazon OpenSearch Serverless, you must set the configuration property '%1$s' explicitly to '%2$s'. See the reference documentation for more information.
HSEARCH400674 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot check the Elasticsearch version because the targeted Elasticsearch distribution '%s' does not expose its version.
HSEARCH400675 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unexpected Amazon OpenSearch Serverless version: '%1$s'. Amazon OpenSearch Serverless doesn't use version numbers. Set the version to simply '%2$s'.
HSEARCH400676 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot execute '%s' because Amazon OpenSearch Serverless does not support this operation. Either avoid this operation or switch to another Elasticsearch/OpenSearch distribution.
HSEARCH400677 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The targeted Elasticsearch cluster does not expose index status, so index status requirements cannot be enforced.
HSEARCH400678 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No built-in vector index field type for class: '%1$s'.
HSEARCH400679 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: missing vector dimension. Define the vector dimension explicitly. %1$s
HSEARCH400680 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Fields of this type cannot be multivalued.
HSEARCH400681 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Vector field '%1$s' is defined as a '%2$s' array. Matching against '%3$s' array is unsupported. Use the array of the same type as the vector field.
HSEARCH400682 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Vector field '%1$s' is defined as a vector with '%2$s' dimensions (array length). Matching against an array with length of '%3$s' is unsupported. Use the array of the same size as the vector field.
HSEARCH400685 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The targeted %1$s version is not compatible with the Hibernate Search integration of vector search. To get vector search integration, upgrade your %1$s cluster to version %2$s or later, and if you configured the %1$s version in Hibernate Search, update it accordingly.
HSEARCH400687 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException An OpenSearch distribution does not allow specifying the `required minimum similarity` option. This option is only applicable to an Elastic distribution of an Elasticsearch backend.
HSEARCH400688 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The OpenSearch distribution does not allow using %1$s as a space type for a Lucene engine. Try using a different similarity type and refer to the OpenSearch documentation for more details.
HSEARCH400689 WARN Using a knn predicate in the nested context when tenant or routing filters are required will lead to unpredictable results and may return fewer documents then expected.
HSEARCH400690 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException A single-valued highlight projection requested, but the corresponding highlighter does not set number of fragments to 1.
HSEARCH600001 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Path '%1$s' exists but does not point to a writable directory.
HSEARCH600005 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid target for Lucene extension: '%1$s'. This extension can only be applied to components created by a Lucene backend.
HSEARCH600010 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search predicate: '%1$s'. You must build the predicate from a Lucene search scope.
HSEARCH600014 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search sort: '%1$s'. You must build the sort from a Lucene search scope.
HSEARCH600015 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to initialize index directory: %1$s
HSEARCH600016 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to index entity of type '%2$s' with identifier '%3$s' and tenant identifier '%1$s': %4$s
HSEARCH600017 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to delete entity of type '%2$s' with identifier '%3$s' and tenant identifier '%1$s': %4$s
HSEARCH600019 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to commit: %1$s
HSEARCH600024 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi-index scope: a scope cannot span both a Lucene index and another type of index. Base scope: '%1$s', incompatible (Lucene) index: '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600025 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi-index scope: a scope cannot span multiple Lucene backends. Base scope: '%1$s', incompatible index (from another backend): '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600027 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to execute search query '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH600030 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi-tenancy strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH600031 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid tenant identifiers: '%1$s'. No tenant identifier is expected, because multi-tenancy is disabled for this backend.
HSEARCH600032 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing tenant identifier. A tenant identifier is expected, because multi-tenancy is enabled for this backend.
HSEARCH600033 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid requested type for this backend: '%1$s'. Lucene backends can only be unwrapped to '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600034 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate index field definition: '%1$s'. Index field names must be unique. Look for two property mappings with the same field name, or two indexed-embeddeds with prefixes that lead to conflicting index field names, or two custom bridges declaring index fields with the same name.
HSEARCH600039 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid field reference for this document element: this document element has path '%1$s', but the referenced field has a parent with path '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600044 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Computed minimum for minimumShouldMatch constraint is out of bounds: expected a number between '1' and '%1$s', got '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600045 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple conflicting minimumShouldMatch constraints for ceiling '%1$s'
HSEARCH600049 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid field path; expected path '%1$s', got '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600050 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to convert DSL argument: %1$s
HSEARCH600051 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid requested type for this index manager: '%1$s'. Lucene index managers can only be unwrapped to '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600052 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to create analyzer for name '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH600053 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to create normalizer for name '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH600054 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown normalizer: '%1$s'. Make sure you defined this normalizer.
HSEARCH600055 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search projection: '%1$s'. You must build the projection from a Lucene search scope.
HSEARCH600061 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to shut down index: %1$s
HSEARCH600062 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No built-in index field type for class: '%1$s'.
HSEARCH600067 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to delete all entries matching query '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH600070 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Full-text features (analysis, fuzziness, minimum should match) are not supported for fields of this type.
HSEARCH600071 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incomplete field definition. You must call toReference() to complete the field definition.
HSEARCH600072 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple calls to toReference() for the same field definition. You must call toReference() exactly once.
HSEARCH600073 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both null token '%2$s' ('indexNullAs') and analyzer '%1$s' are assigned to this type. 'indexNullAs' is not supported on analyzed fields.
HSEARCH600074 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple values assigned to field '%1$s': this field is single-valued. Declare the field as multi-valued in order to allow this.
HSEARCH600075 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of explain(Object id) on a query targeting multiple types. Use explain(String typeName, Object id) and pass one of %1$s as the type name.
HSEARCH600076 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid mapped type name: '%2$s'. This type is not among the mapped types targeted by this query: %1$s.
HSEARCH600077 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid document identifier: '%2$s'. No such document for type '%1$s'.
HSEARCH600078 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to merge index segments: %1$s
HSEARCH600079 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to close the index writer after write failures: %1$s
HSEARCH600080 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: missing decimal scale. Define the decimal scale explicitly. %1$s
HSEARCH600081 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to encode value '%1$s': this field type only supports values ranging from '%2$s' to '%3$s'. If you want to encode values that are outside this range, change the decimal scale for this field. Do not forget to reindex all your data after changing the decimal scale.
HSEARCH600082 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: decimal scale '%1$s' is positive. The decimal scale of BigInteger fields must be zero or negative.
HSEARCH600084 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search predicate: '%1$s'. You must build the predicate from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given predicate was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH600085 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search sort: '%1$s'. You must build the sort from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given sort was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH600086 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search projection: '%1$s'. You must build the projection from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given projection was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH600087 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid filesystem access strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH600088 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid locking strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH600089 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect sharding strategy implementation: strategy '%1$s' did not declare any shard identifiers during initialization. Declare shard identifiers using context.shardIdentifiers(...) or, if sharding is disabled, call context.disableSharding().
HSEARCH600090 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException When using sharding strategy '%1$s', this configuration property must be set.
HSEARCH600091 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid routing key: '%1$s'. Valid keys are: %2$s.
HSEARCH600094 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: both analyzer '%1$s' and aggregations are enabled. Aggregations are not supported on analyzed fields. If you need an analyzer simply to transform the text (lowercasing, ...) without splitting it into tokens, use a normalizer instead. If you need an actual analyzer (with tokenization), define two separate fields: one with an analyzer that is not aggregable, and one with a normalizer that is aggregable.
HSEARCH600098 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search aggregation: '%1$s'. You must build the aggregation from a Lucene search scope.
HSEARCH600099 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search aggregation: '%1$s'. You must build the aggregation from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given aggregation was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing
HSEARCH600102 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate aggregation definitions for key: '%1$s'
HSEARCH600104 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: search analyzer '%1$s' is assigned to this type, but the indexing analyzer is missing. Assign an indexing analyzer and a search analyzer, or remove the search analyzer.
HSEARCH600108 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid I/O strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH600109 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Index does not exist for directory '%1$s'
HSEARCH600110 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to validate index directory: %1$s
HSEARCH600111 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to drop index directory: %1$s
HSEARCH600114 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for fields in nested documents.
HSEARCH600115 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for String fields. Only MIN and MAX are supported.
HSEARCH600116 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for temporal fields. Only MIN, MAX, AVG and MEDIAN are supported.
HSEARCH600117 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort mode: %1$s. This sort mode is not supported for a distance sort. Only MIN, MAX, AVG and MEDIAN are supported.
HSEARCH600118 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException A failure occurred during a low-level write operation and the index writer had to be reset. Some write operations may have been lost as a result. Failure: %1$s
HSEARCH600120 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid sort filter: field '%1$s' is not contained in a nested object. Sort filters are only available if the field to sort on is contained in a nested object.
HSEARCH600121 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid search predicate: %1$s. This predicate targets fields %3$s, but only fields that are contained in the nested object with path '%2$s' are allowed here.
HSEARCH600122 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid aggregation filter: field '%1$s' is not contained in a nested object. Aggregation filters are only available if the field to aggregate on is contained in a nested object.
HSEARCH600123 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value for IndexWriter setting '%1$s': '%2$s'. %3$s
HSEARCH600124 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value for merge policy setting '%1$s': '%2$s'. %3$s
HSEARCH600125 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Duplicate index field template definition: '%1$s'. Multiple bridges may be trying to access the same index field template, or two indexed-embeddeds may have prefixes that lead to conflicting field names, or you may have declared multiple conflicting mappings. In any case, there is something wrong with your mapping and you should fix it.
HSEARCH600126 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid value type. This field's values are of type '%1$s', which is not assignable from '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600127 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown field '%1$s'.
HSEARCH600131 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid cardinality for projection on field '%1$s': the projection is single-valued, but this field is multi-valued. Make sure to call '.multi()' when you create the projection.
HSEARCH600135 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Implementation class differs: '%1$s' vs. '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600136 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Field codec differs: '%1$s' vs. '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600141 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to compute size of index: %1$s
HSEARCH600142 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to create instance of analysis component '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH600143 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The index schema named predicate '%1$s' was added twice.
HSEARCH600144 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Predicate definition differs: '%1$s' vs. '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600146 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply query caching configuration: %1$s
HSEARCH600148 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid backend configuration: mapping requires multi-tenancy but no multi-tenancy strategy is set.
HSEARCH600149 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid backend configuration: mapping requires single-tenancy but multi-tenancy strategy is set.
HSEARCH600150 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Param with name '%1$s' has not been defined for the named predicate '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600151 java.io.IOException Offset + limit should be lower than Integer.MAX_VALUE, offset: '%1$s', limit: '%2$s'.
HSEARCH600152 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid context for projection on field '%1$s': the surrounding projection is executed for each object in field '%2$s', which is not a parent of field '%1$s'. Check the structure of your projections.
HSEARCH600153 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid cardinality for projection on field '%1$s': the projection is single-valued, but this field is effectively multi-valued in this context, because parent object field '%2$s' is multi-valued. Either call '.multi()' when you create the projection on field '%1$s', or wrap that projection in an object projection like this: 'f.object("%2$s").from().as(...).multi()'.
HSEARCH600154 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to start index: %1$s
HSEARCH600155 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unexpected mapped type name extracted from hits: '%1$s'. Expected one of: %2$s. The document was probably indexed with a different configuration: full reindexing is necessary.
HSEARCH600156 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Nonblocking operation submitter is not supported.
HSEARCH600157 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to export the schema for '%1$s' index: %2$s
HSEARCH600158 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid highlighter: '%1$s'. You must build the highlighter from a Lucene search scope.
HSEARCH600159 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid highlighter: '%1$s'. You must build the highlighter from a scope targeting indexes %3$s or a superset of them, but the given highlighter was built from a scope targeting indexes %2$s, where indexes %4$s are missing.
HSEARCH600160 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Overriding a '%2$s' highlighter with a '%1$s' is not supported. Overriding highlighters should be of the same type as the global is if the global highlighter was configured.
HSEARCH600161 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot find a highlighter with name '%1$s'. Available highlighters are: %2$s. Was it configured with `highlighter("%1$s", highlighterContributor)`?
HSEARCH600162 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' highlighter does not support '%2$s' boundary scanner type.
HSEARCH600163 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Named highlighters cannot use a blank string as name.
HSEARCH600164 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Highlighter with name '%1$s' is already defined. Use a different name to add another highlighter.
HSEARCH600165 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' highlighter type cannot be applied to '%2$s' field. '%2$s' must have either 'ANY' or '%1$s' among the configured highlightable values.
HSEARCH600166 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot use 'NO' in combination with other highlightable values. Applied values are: '%1$s'
HSEARCH600167 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The '%1$s' term vector storage strategy is not compatible with the fast vector highlighter. Either change the strategy to one of `WITH_POSITIONS_PAYLOADS`/`WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS_PAYLOADS` or remove the requirement for the fast vector highlighter support.
HSEARCH600168 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Setting the `highlightable` attribute to an empty array is not supported. Set the value to `NO` if the field does not require the highlight projection.
HSEARCH600169 WARN Lucene's unified highlighter cannot limit the size of a fragment returned when no match is found. Instead if no match size was set to any positive integer - all text will be returned. Configured value '%1$s' will be ignored, and the fragment will not be limited. If you don't want to see this warning set the value to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
HSEARCH600170 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Lucene's unified highlighter does not support the size fragment setting. Either use a plain or fast vector highlighters, or do not set this setting.
HSEARCH600171 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Highlight projection cannot be applied within nested context of '%1$s'.
HSEARCH600172 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The highlight projection cannot be applied to a field from an object using `ObjectStructure.NESTED` structure.
HSEARCH600173 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' cannot be nested in an object projection. %2$s
HSEARCH600174 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Vector '%1$s' cannot be equal to '%2$s'. It must be a positive integer value lesser than or equal to %3$s.
HSEARCH600175 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No built-in vector index field type for class: '%1$s'.
HSEARCH600176 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Vector field '%1$s' is defined as a '%2$s' array. Matching against '%3$s' array is unsupported. Use the array of the same type as the vector field.
HSEARCH600177 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Fields of this type cannot be multivalued.
HSEARCH600178 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Vector field '%1$s' is defined as a vector with '%2$s' dimensions (array length). Matching against an array with length of '%3$s' is unsupported. Use the array of the same size as the vector field.
HSEARCH600179 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field type: missing vector dimension. Define the vector dimension explicitly. %1$s
HSEARCH600180 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException An error occurred while parsing the query string '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH600181 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException An analyzer '%1$s' cannot be found.
HSEARCH600182 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException A normalizer '%1$s' cannot be found.
HSEARCH600183 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Failed to apply '%1$s' to '%2$s': '%3$s'
HSEARCH600184 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The cosine vector similarity cannot process vectors with 0 magnitude. The vector violating this constraint is %1$s.
HSEARCH600185 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The dot product vector similarity cannot process non-unit magnitude vectors. The vector violating this constraint is %1$s.
HSEARCH600186 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException A single-valued highlight projection requested, but the corresponding highlighter does not set number of fragments to 1.
HSEARCH600187 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to refresh an index reader: %1$s
HSEARCH700001 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No default identifier bridge implementation for type '%1$s'. Implement a custom bridge and assign it to the identifier property with @DocumentId(identifierBridge = ...). See the reference documentation for more information about bridges.
HSEARCH700003 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Empty binder reference.
HSEARCH700005 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Ambiguous value bridge reference: both 'valueBridge' and 'valueBinder' are set. Only one can be set.
HSEARCH700006 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Ambiguous identifier bridge reference: both 'identifierBridge' and 'identifierBinder' are set. Only one can be set.
HSEARCH700007 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Empty scope. If you want to target all indexes, pass 'Object.class' as the target type.
HSEARCH700010 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid bridge for input type '%2$s': '%1$s'. This bridge expects an input of type '%3$s'.
HSEARCH700011 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing field name for @GeoPointBinding on type %1$s. The field name is mandatory when the bridge is applied to a type, optional when applied to a property.
HSEARCH700015 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to interpret the type arguments to the ContainerExtractor interface in implementation '%1$s'. Only the following implementations of ContainerExtractor are valid: 1) implementations setting both type parameters to *raw* types, e.g. class MyExtractor implements ContainerExtractor; 2) implementations setting the first type parameter to an array of an unbounded type variable, and setting the second parameter to the same type variable, e.g. MyExtractor implements ContainerExtractor 3) implementations setting the first type parameter to a parameterized type with one argument set to an unbounded type variable and the other to unbounded wildcards, and setting the second type parameter to the same type variable, e.g. MyExtractor implements ContainerExtractor, T>
HSEARCH700016 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid container extractor for type '%3$s': '%1$s' (implementation class: '%2$s')
HSEARCH700017 DEBUG Type manager for indexed type '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH700018 DEBUG Detected entity types: %1$s, indexed types: %2$s, initial mapped types: %3$s.
HSEARCH700019 DEBUG Type manager for contained type '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH700020 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to find the inverse side of the association on type '%2$s' at path '%3$s'. Hibernate Search needs this information in order to reindex '%2$s' when '%1$s' is modified. You can solve this error by defining the inverse side of this association, either with annotations specific to your integration (@OneToMany(mappedBy = ...) in Hibernate ORM) or with the Hibernate Search @AssociationInverseSide annotation. Alternatively, if you do not need to reindex '%2$s' when '%1$s' is modified, you can disable automatic reindexing with @IndexingDependency(reindexOnUpdate = ReindexOnUpdate.SHALLOW).
HSEARCH700021 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply path '%2$s' to type '%1$s'. This path was resolved as the inverse side of the association '%4$s' on type '%3$s'. Hibernate Search needs to apply this path in order to reindex '%3$s' when '%1$s' is modified. Nested exception: %5$s
HSEARCH700022 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The inverse association targets type '%1$s', but a supertype or subtype of '%2$s' was expected.
HSEARCH700023 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException @AssociationInverseSide.inversePath is empty.
HSEARCH700027 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to index type '%1$s': this type is not an entity type. If you only expect subtypes to be instantiated, make this type abstract. If you expect this exact type to be instantiated and want it to be indexed, make it an entity type. Otherwise, ensure this type and its subtypes are never indexed by removing the @Indexed annotation or by annotating the type with @Indexed(enabled = false).
HSEARCH700029 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException @IndexingDependency.derivedFrom contains an empty path.
HSEARCH700030 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to resolve dependencies of a derived property: there is a cyclic dependency starting from type '%1$s'. Derivation chain starting from that type and ending with a cycle:%2$s A derived property cannot be marked as derived from itself, even indirectly through other derived properties. If your model actually contains such cyclic dependency, you should consider disabling automatic reindexing, at least partially using @IndexingDependency(reindexOnUpdate = ReindexOnUpdate.NO) on one of the properties in the cycle.
HSEARCH700031 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply property mapping: this property mapping must target an index field of standard String type, but the resolved field type is non-standard or non-String. This generally means you need to use a different field annotation or to convert property values using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder. If you are already using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder, check its field type. Details: encountered type DSL step '%1$s', which does not extend the expected interface '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700037 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for type identifier '%1$s'. Either this type is not an entity type, or the entity type is not mapped in Hibernate Search. Valid identifiers for mapped entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH700038 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException The entity identifier must not be null.
HSEARCH700039 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' cannot be assigned to '%2$s'
HSEARCH700040 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity type for type identifier '%1$s'. Either this type is not an entity type, or the entity type is not indexed in Hibernate Search. Valid identifiers for indexed entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH700041 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid reference to default extractors: a chain of multiple container extractors must not include the default extractors. Either use only the default extractors, or explicitly reference every single extractor to be applied.
HSEARCH700042 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException %1$s failure(s) occurred during mass indexing. See the logs for details. First failure: %2$s
HSEARCH700043 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception creating URL from String '%1$s'.
HSEARCH700044 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception creating URI from String '%1$s'.
HSEARCH700045 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException A PojoModelPath must include at least one property.
HSEARCH700046 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply path '%2$s' to type '%1$s'. This path was declared as a path to collect entities of type '%3$s' to be reindexed. Hibernate Search needs to apply this path in order to reindex '%3$s' when '%1$s' is modified. Nested exception: %4$s
HSEARCH700047 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid use of 'fromOtherEntity': this method can only be used when the bridged element has an entity type, but the bridged element has type '%1$s', which is not an entity type.
HSEARCH700048 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type passed to 'fromOtherEntity': the type must be an entity type. Type '%1$s' is not an entity type.
HSEARCH700049 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect binder implementation: the binder did not declare any dependency to the entity model during binding. Declare dependencies using context.dependencies().use(...) or, if the bridge really does not depend on the entity model, context.dependencies().useRootOnly().
HSEARCH700050 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect binder implementation: the binder called context.dependencies().useRootOnly() during binding, but also declared extra dependencies to the entity model.
HSEARCH700051 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply property mapping: this property mapping must target an index field of standard, scaled-number type (BigDecimal or BigInteger), but the resolved field type is non-standard or non-scaled. This generally means you need to use a different field annotation or to convert property values using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder. If you are already using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder, check its field type. Details: encountered type DSL step '%1$s', which does not extend the expected interface '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700052 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unexpected extractor references: extractors cannot be defined explicitly when extract = ContainerExtract.NO. Either leave 'extract' to its default value to define extractors explicitly or leave the 'extractor' list to its default, empty value to disable extraction.
HSEARCH700053 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No container extractor with name '%1$s'. Check that this name matches a container extractor, either a builtin one whose name is a constant in '%2$s' or a custom one that was properly registered.
HSEARCH700058 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect binder implementation: binder '%1$s' did not call context.bridge(...).
HSEARCH700059 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect binder implementation: binder '%1$s' did not call context.marker(...).
HSEARCH700060 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to trigger entity processing while already processing entities. Make sure you do not change entities within an entity getter or a custom bridge used for indexing, and avoid any event that could trigger entity processing. Hibernate ORM flushes, in particular, must be avoided in entity getters and bridges.
HSEARCH700061 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to index-embed type '%1$s': no index mapping (@GenericField, @FullTextField, custom bridges, ...) is defined for that type.
HSEARCH700064 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple entity names assigned to the same type: '%1$s', '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700065 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply property mapping: this property mapping must target an index field of standard type, but the resolved field type is non-standard. This generally means you need to use a different field annotation or to convert property values using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder. If you are already using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder, check its field type. Details: encountered type DSL step '%1$s', which does not extend the expected interface '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700066 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply property mapping: this property mapping must target an index field of non-standard type, but the resolved field type is standard. Switch to a standard field annotation such as @GenericField. Details: encountered type DSL step '%1$s', which does extend the interface '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700067 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid annotation processor: '%1$s'. This processor expects annotations of a different type: '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700068 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Empty annotation processor reference in meta-annotation '%1$s'.
HSEARCH700069 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Ambiguous @IndexedEmbedded name: both 'name' and 'prefix' are set. Only one can be set. Name is '%1$s', prefix is '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700070 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid index field name '%1$s': field names cannot contain a dot ('.').
HSEARCH700071 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No property annotated with @Alternative(id = %1$s). There must be exactly one such property in order to map property '%2$s' to multi-alternative fields.
HSEARCH700072 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple properties annotated with @Alternative(id = %1$s). There must be exactly one such property in order to map property '%2$s' to multi-alternative fields.
HSEARCH700073 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid routing bridge for entity type '%2$s': '%1$s' This bridge expects an entity type extending '%3$s'.
HSEARCH700075 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect routing bridge implementation: routing bridge '%1$s' did not define any current route. In the implementation of RoutingBridge.route(...), define exactly one current route by calling 'routes.addRoute()', or explicitly indicate indexing is not required by calling 'routes.notIndexed()'.
HSEARCH700076 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect routing bridge implementation: routing bridge '%1$s' defined multiple current routes. In the implementation of RoutingBridge.route(...), define at most one current route by calling 'routes.addRoute()' at most once.
HSEARCH700077 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect routing bridge implementation: routing bridge '%1$s' did not define any previous route. In the implementation of RoutingBridge.previousRoutes(...), define at least one previous route by calling 'routes.addRoute()' at least once, or explicitly indicate no prior indexing was performed by calling 'routes.notIndexed()'.
HSEARCH700078 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No readable property named '%2$s' on type '%1$s'.
HSEARCH700079 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while retrieving property type model for '%1$s' on '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700080 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to infer index field type for value bridge '%1$s': this bridge implements ValueBridge, but sets the generic type parameter F to '%2$s'. The index field type can only be inferred automatically when this type parameter is set to a raw class. Use a ValueBinder to set the index field type explicitly, or set the type parameter F to a definite, raw type.
HSEARCH700081 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to infer expected identifier type for identifier bridge '%1$s': this bridge implements IdentifierBridge, but sets the generic type parameter I to '%2$s'. The expected identifier type can only be inferred automatically when this type parameter is set to a raw class. Use an IdentifierBinder to set the expected identifier type explicitly, or set the type parameter I to a definite, raw type.
HSEARCH700082 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to infer expected value type for value bridge '%1$s': this bridge implements ValueBridge, but sets the generic type parameter V to '%2$s'. The expected value type can only be inferred automatically when this type parameter is set to a raw class. Use a ValueBinder to set the expected value type explicitly, or set the type parameter V to a definite, raw type.
HSEARCH700083 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while building document for entity '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH700084 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while resolving other entities to reindex as a result of changes on entity '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH700085 WARN Multiple getters exist for property named '%2$s' on type '%1$s'. Hibernate Search will use '%3$s' and ignore %4$s. The selected getter may change from one startup to the next. To get rid of this warning, either remove the extra getters or configure the access type for this property to 'FIELD'.
HSEARCH700086 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unexpected entity name for entity loading: '%1$s'. Expected one of %2$s.
HSEARCH700087 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid indexing request: if the entity is null, the identifier must be provided explicitly.
HSEARCH700088 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid indexing request: the add and update operations require a non-null entity.
HSEARCH700089 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for name '%1$s'. Either this is not the name of an entity type, or the entity type is not mapped in Hibernate Search. Valid names for mapped entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH700101 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException %1$s failure(s) occurred during mass indexing. See the logs for details. First failure on entity '%2$s': %3$s
HSEARCH700102 ERROR The mass indexing failure handler threw an exception while handling a previous failure. The failure may not have been reported.
HSEARCH700103 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Mass indexing received interrupt signal. The index is left in an unknown state!
HSEARCH700104 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Param with name '%1$s' has not been defined for the binder.
HSEARCH700105 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot work with the identifier of entities of type '%1$s': identifier mapping (@DocumentId, ...) is not configured for this type.
HSEARCH700107 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No main constructor for type '%1$s': this type does not declare exactly one constructor.
HSEARCH700109 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No constructor with parameter types %2$s on type '%1$s'. Available constructors: %3$s
HSEARCH700110 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while retrieving parameter type model for parameter #%1$s of '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700111 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while retrieving constructor handle for '%1$s' on '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700112 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid object class for projection: %1$s. Make sure that this class is mapped correctly, either through annotations (@ProjectionConstructor) or programmatic mapping. If it is, make sure the class is included in a Jandex index made available to Hibernate Search.
HSEARCH700113 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid declaring type for projection constructor: type '%1$s' is abstract. Projection constructors can only be declared on concrete types.
HSEARCH700114 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing parameter names in Java metadata for projection constructor. When inferring inner projections from constructor parameters, constructor parameter names must be known. Either make sure this class was compiled with the '-parameters' compiler flag, or set the path explicitly with '@FieldProjection(path = ...)' or '@ObjectProjection(path = ...)'.
HSEARCH700115 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid parameter type for projection constructor: %1$s. When inferring the cardinality of inner projections from constructor parameters, multi-valued constructor parameters must be lists (java.util.List<...>) or list supertypes (java.lang.Iterable<...>, java.util.Collection<...>)
HSEARCH700116 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple projection constructor are mapped for type '%1$s'. At most one projection constructor is allowed for each type.
HSEARCH700117 DEBUG Constructor projection for type '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH700118 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cyclic recursion starting from '%1$s' on %2$s. Index field path starting from that location and ending with a cycle: '%3$s'. A projection constructor cannot declare an unrestricted @ObjectProjection to itself, even indirectly. To break the cycle, you should consider adding filters to your @ObjectProjection: includePaths, includeDepth, excludePaths, ...
HSEARCH700119 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while retrieving the Jandex index for code source location '%1$s': %2$s; %3$s
HSEARCH700120 WARN Both "dropAndCreateSchemaOnStart()" and "purgeAllOnStart()" are enabled. Consider having just one setting enabled as after the index is recreated there is nothing to purge.
HSEARCH700121 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid ObjectPath encountered '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH700122 WARN An unexpected failure occurred while configuring resolution of association inverse side for reindexing. This may lead to incomplete reindexing and thus out-of-sync indexes. The exception is being ignored to preserve backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Hibernate Search. Failure: %3$s %2$s Association inverse side: %1$s.
HSEARCH700123 org.hibernate.search.mapper.pojo.search.definition.impl.ConstructorProjectionApplicationException Could not apply projection constructor: %1$s
HSEARCH700124 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Indexing failure: %1$s. The following entities may not have been updated correctly in the index: %2$s.
HSEARCH700125 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException %1$s failures went unreported for this operation to avoid flooding. To disable flooding protection, use 'massIndexer.failureFloodingThreshold(Long.MAX_VALUE)'.
HSEARCH700126 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Target path '%1$s' already exists and is not an empty directory. Use a path to an empty or non-existing directory.
HSEARCH700127 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to export the schema: %1$s
HSEARCH700128 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Indexing plan for '%1$s' cannot be created as this type is excluded by the indexing plan filter.
HSEARCH700129 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException '%1$s' cannot be included and excluded at the same time within one filter. Already included types: '%2$s'. Already excluded types: '%3$s'.
HSEARCH700130 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for class '%1$s'. Neither this class nor any of its subclasses is mapped in Hibernate Search. Note interfaces are not considered superclasses and are not permitted here. Valid classes are: %2$s
HSEARCH700131 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for name '%1$s'. This is not the name of an entity type in Hibernate Search. Valid entity names are: %2$s
HSEARCH700132 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for type '%1$s'. Neither this type nor any of its subclasses is mapped in Hibernate Search. Note interfaces are not considered superclasses and are not permitted here. Valid types are: %2$s
HSEARCH700133 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No parameter at index '%2$s' for constructor '%1$s'.
HSEARCH700134 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple projections are mapped for this parameter. At most one projection is allowed for each parameter.
HSEARCH700135 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Incorrect binder implementation: binder '%1$s' did not call context.definition(...).
HSEARCH700136 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid projection definition for constructor parameter type '%2$s': '%1$s'. This projection results in values of type '%3$s'.
HSEARCH700137 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid multi-valued projection definition for constructor parameter type '%2$s': '%1$s'. This projection results in values of type '%3$s'.
HSEARCH700138 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing parameter names in Java metadata for projection constructor. When mapping a projection constructor parameter to a field projection without providing a field path, constructor parameter names must be known. Either make sure this class was compiled with the '-parameters' compiler flag, or set the path explicitly with '@FieldProjection(path = ...)'.
HSEARCH700139 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing parameter names in Java metadata for projection constructor. When mapping a projection constructor parameter to an object projection without providing a field path, constructor parameter names must be known. Either make sure this class was compiled with the '-parameters' compiler flag, or set the path explicitly with '@ObjectProjection(path = ...)'.
HSEARCH700140 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Missing parameter names in Java metadata for projection constructor. When mapping a projection constructor parameter to a highlight projection without providing a field path, constructor parameter names must be known. Either make sure this class was compiled with the '-parameters' compiler flag, or set the path explicitly with '@HighlightProjection(path = ...)'.
HSEARCH700141 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid constructor parameter type: '%1$s'. The highlight projection results in values of type '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700142 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException %1$s defines excludePaths filters that do not match anything. Non-matching excludePaths filters: %2$s. Encountered field paths: %3$s. Check the filters for typos, or remove them if they are not useful.
HSEARCH700143 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cyclic recursion when applying the default container extractors to type '%1$s'. Container extractors applied to that type and resulting in the same type: %2$s. To break the cycle, you should consider configuring container extraction explicitly, possibly disabling it for this part of your mapping. See the reference documentation for more information.
HSEARCH700144 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply property mapping: this property mapping must target an index field of vector type, but the resolved field type is non-vector. This generally means you need to use a different field annotation or to convert property values using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder. If you are already using a custom ValueBridge or ValueBinder, check its field type. Details: encountered type DSL step '%1$s', which does not extend the expected interface '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700145 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Vector dimension is a required property. Either specify it as an annotation property (@VectorField(dimension = somePositiveInteger)), or define a value binder (@VectorField(valueBinder = @ValueBinderRef(..))) that explicitly declares a vector field specifying the dimension.
HSEARCH700146 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Vector fields require an explicit extraction path being specified, i.e. extraction must be set to DEFAULT and a nonempty array of container value extractor names provided, e.g. @ContainerExtraction(extract = ContainerExtract.DEFAULT, value = { ... }).
HSEARCH700147 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for entity name '%1$s'. Either this is not the name of an entity type, or neither the entity type nor any of its subclasses is mapped in Hibernate Search. Note interfaces are not considered superclasses and are not permitted here. Valid entity names are: %2$s
HSEARCH700148 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple entity types configured with the same name '%1$s': '%2$s', '%3$s'
HSEARCH700149 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple secondary entity names assigned to the same type: '%1$s', '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700150 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple entity types configured with the same secondary name '%1$s': '%2$s', '%3$s'
HSEARCH700151 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type for '%1$s': the entity type must extend '%2$s', but entity type '%3$s' does not.
HSEARCH700152 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity types for entity names %1$s. Either these are not the names of entity types, or neither the entity types nor any of their subclasses are indexed in Hibernate Search. Valid entity names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH700153 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity types for classes %1$s. Neither these classes nor any of their subclasses are indexed in Hibernate Search. Valid classes are: %2$s.
HSEARCH700154 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity type for name '%1$s'. Either this is not the name of an entity type, or the entity type is not indexed in Hibernate Search. Valid names for indexed entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH700155 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot load entities of type '%s': no selection loading strategy registered for this type.
HSEARCH700156 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot load entities of type '%s': no mass loading strategy registered for this type.
HSEARCH700157 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Type mismatch when applying loading binder to type '%1$s': the binder expects the entity type to extend '%2$s', but entity type '%1$s' does not.
HSEARCH700158 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException A non-string tenant ID '%1$s' cannot be used with a default TenantIdentifierConverter. Provide your custom implementation of TenantIdentifierConverter to use non-string tenant identifiers.
HSEARCH700159 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid constructor parameter type: '%1$s'. The distance projection results in values of type '%2$s'.
HSEARCH700160 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Requesting a schema drop-create on start is not allowed when multitenancy is enabled. Schema would be dropped for all tenants, but data will only be indexed for tenant ids '%1$s'. Do not use the schema drop-create on start when providing tenant ids. If schema drop is actually required, do it through an SearchSchemaManager.
HSEARCH700161 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid mass indexing default clean operation name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH700162 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Using non-default `valueModel=ValueModel.%1$s` and `convert=ValueConvert.%2$s` at the same time is not allowed. Remove the `convert` attribute and keep only the `valueModel=ValueModel.%1$s`.
HSEARCH800001 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Hibernate Search was not initialized.
HSEARCH800003 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid automatic indexing strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH800007 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to resolve path '%1$s' to a persisted attribute in Hibernate ORM metadata. If this path points to a transient attribute, use @IndexingDependency(derivedFrom = ...) to specify which persisted attributes it is derived from. See the reference documentation for more information.
HSEARCH800008 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Path '%1$s' points to attribute '%2$s' that will never be reported as dirty by Hibernate ORM. Check that you didn't declare an invalid indexing dependency.
HSEARCH800009 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply container value extractor with name '%2$s' to Hibernate ORM metadata node of type '%1$s'.
HSEARCH800011 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to create a SearchSession for sessions created using a different session factory. Expected: '%1$s'. In use: '%2$s'.
HSEARCH800012 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to retrieve property type model for '%1$s' on '%2$s': %3$s
HSEARCH800016 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to access Hibernate ORM session: %1$s
HSEARCH800017 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Underlying Hibernate ORM Session is closed.
HSEARCH800018 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid entity loading cache lookup strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH800019 DEBUG The entity loader for '%1$s' is ignoring the cache lookup strategy '%2$s', because document IDs are distinct from entity IDs and thus cannot be used for persistence context or second level cache lookups.
HSEARCH800020 DEBUG The entity loader for '%1$s' is ignoring the second-level cache even though it was instructed to use it, because caching is not enabled for this entity type.
HSEARCH800021 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to access Hibernate ORM session factory: %1$s
HSEARCH800022 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Indexing failure: %1$s. The following entities may not have been updated correctly in the index: %2$s.
HSEARCH800023 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to process entities for indexing before transaction completion: %1$s
HSEARCH800024 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to index documents for indexing after transaction completion: %1$s
HSEARCH800025 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to handle transaction: %1$s
HSEARCH800027 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown type: '%1$s'. Available named types: %2$s. For entity types, the correct type name is the entity name. For component types (embeddeds, ...) in dynamic-map entities, the correct type name is name of the owner entity followed by a dot ('.') followed by the dot-separated path to the component, e.g. 'MyEntity.myEmbedded' or 'MyEntity.myEmbedded.myNestedEmbedded'.
HSEARCH800032 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid schema management strategy name: '%1$s'. Valid names are: %2$s.
HSEARCH800033 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity type for class '%1$s'. Either this class is not an entity type, or the entity type is not indexed in Hibernate Search. Valid classes for indexed entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH800034 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity type for name '%1$s'. Either this is not the name of an entity type, or the entity type is not indexed in Hibernate Search. Valid names for indexed entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH800035 ERROR Unable to shut down Hibernate Search:
HSEARCH800036 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot use scroll() with scroll mode '%1$s' with Hibernate Search queries: only ScrollMode.FORWARDS_ONLY is supported.
HSEARCH800037 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot scroll backwards with Hibernate Search scrolls: they are forwards-only. Ensure you always increment the scroll position, and never decrement it.
HSEARCH800038 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot set the scroll position relative to the end with Hibernate Search scrolls. Ensure you always pass a positive number to setRowNumber().
HSEARCH800039 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot use this ScrollableResults instance: it is closed.
HSEARCH800040 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple instances of entity type '%1$s' have their property '%2$s' set to '%3$s'. '%2$s' is the document ID and must be assigned unique values.
HSEARCH800041 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.bean.spi.BeanNotFoundException No such bean in bean container '%1$s'.
HSEARCH800042 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot customize the indexing plan synchronization strategy: the selected coordination strategy always processes events asynchronously, through a queue.
HSEARCH800053 WARN Configuration property '%1$s' is deprecated; use '%2$s' instead.
HSEARCH800054 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot determine the set of all possible tenant identifiers. You must provide this information by setting configuration property '%1$s' to a comma-separated string containing all possible tenant identifiers.
HSEARCH800055 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot target tenant '%1$s' because this tenant identifier was not listed in the configuration provided on startup. To target this tenant, you must provide the tenant identifier through configuration property '%3$s', which should be set to a comma-separated string containing all possible tenant identifiers. Currently configured tenant identifiers: %2$s.
HSEARCH800056 INFO Ignoring unrecognized query hint [%s]
HSEARCH800057 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot set the fetch size of Hibernate Search ScrollableResults after having created them. If you want to define the size of batches for entity loading, set loading options when defining the query instead, for example with .loading(o -> o.fetchSize(50)). See the reference documentation for more information.
HSEARCH800059 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching indexed entity type for type identifier '%1$s'. Either this type is not an entity type, or the entity type is not indexed in Hibernate Search. Valid identifiers for indexed entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH800060 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for class '%1$s'. Either this class is not an entity type, or the entity type is not mapped in Hibernate Search. Valid classes for mapped entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH800061 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for name '%1$s'. Either this is not the name of an entity type, or the entity type is not mapped in Hibernate Search. Valid names for mapped entity types are: %2$s
HSEARCH800064 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException No matching entity type for name '%1$s'. Either this is not the Hibernate ORM name of an entity type, or the entity type is not mapped in Hibernate Search. Valid Hibernate ORM names for mapped entities are: %2$s
HSEARCH800121 WARN An unexpected failure occurred while resolving the representation of path '%1$s' in the entity state array, which is necessary to configure resolution of association inverse side for reindexing. This may lead to incomplete reindexing and thus out-of-sync indexes. The exception is being ignored to preserve backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Hibernate Search. Failure: %3$s %2$s
HSEARCH800122 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Both '%1$s' and '%2$s' are configured. Use only '%1$s' to set the indexing plan synchronization strategy.
HSEARCH800123 WARN Configuration property '%1$s' is deprecated; use '%2$s' instead.
HSEARCH800124 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unable to apply the given filter at the session level with the outbox polling coordination strategy. With this coordination strategy, applying a session-level indexing plan filter is only allowed if it excludes all types.
HSEARCH800125 WARN Configuration property '%1$s' is deprecated. This setting will be removed in a future version. There will be no alternative provided to replace it. After the removal of this property in a future version, a dirty check will always be performed when considering whether to trigger reindexing.
HSEARCH800126 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Both '%1$s' and '%2$s' are configured. Use only '%2$s' to enable indexing listeners.
HSEARCH900000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%1$s' must not be null.
HSEARCH900001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%1$s' must not be null or empty.
HSEARCH900002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%1$s' must be positive or zero.
HSEARCH900003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%1$s' must not be null or empty.
HSEARCH900004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%1$s' must not be null or empty.
HSEARCH900005 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while invoking '%1$s' on '%2$s': %3$s.
HSEARCH900006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Requested type argument %3$s to type %2$s in implementing type %1$s, but %2$s doesn't declare any type parameter.
HSEARCH900007 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Requested type argument %3$s to type %2$s in implementing type %1$s, but %2$s only declares %4$s type parameter(s).
HSEARCH900008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Requested type argument index %3$s to type %2$s in implementing type %1$s should be 0 or greater.
HSEARCH900009 INFO Unable to access the value of containing annotation '%1$s'. Ignoring annotation.
HSEARCH900010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%1$s' must be strictly positive.
HSEARCH900011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%1$s' must not contain any null element.
HSEARCH900012 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while invoking '%1$s' with arguments %2$s: %3$s
HSEARCH900013 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while accessing Jandex index for '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH900014 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while building Jandex index for '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH900015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Property name '%1$s' cannot contain dots.
HSEARCH900016 java.io.IOException Cannot open filesystem for code source at '%1$s': %2$s
HSEARCH900017 java.io.IOException Cannot interpret '%1$s' as a local directory or JAR.
HSEARCH900018 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Cannot open a ZIP filesystem for code source at '%1$s', because the URI points to content inside a nested JAR. Run your application on JDK13+ to get nested JAR support, or disable JAR scanning by setting a mapping configurer that calls .discoverAnnotatedTypesFromRootMappingAnnotations(false). See the reference documentation for information about mapping configurers.


Code Level Return Type Message
HV000001 INFO Hibernate Validator %s
HV000002 DEBUG Ignoring XML configuration.
HV000003 DEBUG Using %s as constraint validator factory.
HV000004 DEBUG Using %s as message interpolator.
HV000005 DEBUG Using %s as traversable resolver.
HV000006 DEBUG Using %s as validation provider.
HV000007 DEBUG %s found. Parsing XML based configuration.
HV000008 WARN Unable to close input stream.
HV000010 WARN Unable to close input stream for %s.
HV000011 WARN Unable to create schema for %1$s: %2$s
HV000012 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to create annotation for configured constraint
HV000013 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The class %1$s does not have a property '%2$s' with access %3$s.
HV000016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s does not represent a valid BigDecimal format.
HV000017 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The length of the integer part cannot be negative.
HV000018 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The length of the fraction part cannot be negative.
HV000019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The min parameter cannot be negative.
HV000020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The max parameter cannot be negative.
HV000021 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The length cannot be negative.
HV000022 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid regular expression.
HV000023 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Error during execution of script "%s" occurred.
HV000024 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Script "%s" returned null, but must return either true or false.
HV000025 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Script "%1$s" returned %2$s (of type %3$s), but must return either true or false.
HV000026 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Assertion error: inconsistent ConfigurationImpl construction.
HV000027 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to find provider: %s.
HV000028 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unexpected exception during isValid call.
HV000029 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Constraint factory returned null when trying to create instance of %s.
HV000030 jakarta.validation.UnexpectedTypeException No validator could be found for constraint '%s' validating type '%s'. Check configuration for '%s'
HV000031 jakarta.validation.UnexpectedTypeException There are multiple validator classes which could validate the type %1$s. The validator classes are: %2$s.
HV000032 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to initialize %s.
HV000033 jakarta.validation.ValidationException At least one custom message must be created if the default error message gets disabled.
HV000034 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is not a valid Java Identifier.
HV000035 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to parse property path %s.
HV000036 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Type %s not supported for unwrapping.
HV000037 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Inconsistent fail fast configuration. Fail fast enabled via programmatic API, but explicitly disabled via properties.
HV000038 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid property path.
HV000039 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid property path. Either there is no property %2$s in entity %1$s or it is not possible to cascade to the property.
HV000040 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Property path must provide index or map key.
HV000041 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Call to TraversableResolver.isReachable() threw an exception.
HV000042 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Call to TraversableResolver.isCascadable() threw an exception.
HV000043 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException Unable to expand default group list %1$s into sequence %2$s.
HV000044 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException At least one group has to be specified.
HV000045 jakarta.validation.ValidationException A group has to be an interface. %s is not.
HV000046 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException Sequence definitions are not allowed as composing parts of a sequence.
HV000047 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException Cyclic dependency in groups definition
HV000048 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException Unable to expand group sequence.
HV000052 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException Default group sequence and default group sequence provider cannot be defined at the same time.
HV000053 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException 'Default.class' cannot appear in default group sequence list.
HV000054 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException %s must be part of the redefined default group sequence.
HV000055 jakarta.validation.GroupDefinitionException The default group sequence provider defined for %s has the wrong type
HV000056 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method or constructor %1$s doesn't have a parameter with index %2$d.
HV000059 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to retrieve annotation parameter value.
HV000062 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method or constructor %1$s has %2$s parameters, but the passed list of parameter meta data has a size of %3$s.
HV000063 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate %s.
HV000064 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate %1$s: %2$s.
HV000065 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to load class: %s from %s.
HV000068 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Start index cannot be negative: %d.
HV000069 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException End index cannot be negative: %d.
HV000070 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid Range: %1$d > %2$d.
HV000071 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A explicitly specified check digit must lie outside the interval: [%1$d, %2$d].
HV000072 java.lang.NumberFormatException '%c' is not a digit.
HV000073 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Parameters starting with 'valid' are not allowed in a constraint.
HV000074 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException %2$s contains Constraint annotation, but does not contain a %1$s parameter.
HV000075 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException %s contains Constraint annotation, but the payload parameter default value is not the empty array.
HV000076 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException %s contains Constraint annotation, but the payload parameter is of wrong type.
HV000077 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException %s contains Constraint annotation, but the groups parameter default value is not the empty array.
HV000078 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException %s contains Constraint annotation, but the groups parameter is of wrong type.
HV000079 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException %s contains Constraint annotation, but the message parameter is not of type java.lang.String.
HV000080 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Overridden constraint does not define an attribute with name %s.
HV000081 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException The overriding type of a composite constraint must be identical to the overridden one. Expected %1$s found %2$s.
HV000082 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Wrong type for attribute '%2$s' of annotation %1$s. Expected: %3$s. Actual: %4$s.
HV000083 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The specified annotation %1$s defines no attribute '%2$s'.
HV000084 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to get attribute '%2$s' from annotation %1$s.
HV000085 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No value provided for attribute '%1$s' of annotation @%2$s.
HV000086 java.lang.RuntimeException Trying to instantiate annotation %1$s with unknown attribute(s): %2$s.
HV000087 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Property name cannot be null or empty.
HV000088 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Element type has to be FIELD or METHOD.
HV000089 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Member %s is neither a field nor a method.
HV000090 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to access %s.
HV000091 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s has to be a primitive type.
HV000093 jakarta.validation.ValidationException null is an invalid type for a constraint validator.
HV000094 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Missing actual type argument for type parameter: %s.
HV000095 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate constraint factory class %s.
HV000096 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to open input stream for mapping file %s.
HV000097 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate message interpolator class %s.
HV000098 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate traversable resolver class %s.
HV000099 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate validation provider class %s.
HV000100 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to parse %s.
HV000101 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %s is not an annotation.
HV000102 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %s is not a constraint validator class.
HV000103 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %s is configured at least twice in xml.
HV000104 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %1$s is defined twice in mapping xml for bean %2$s.
HV000105 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %1$s does not contain the fieldType %2$s.
HV000106 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %1$s does not contain the property %2$s.
HV000107 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Annotation of type %1$s does not contain a parameter %2$s.
HV000108 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Attempt to specify an array where single value is expected.
HV000109 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unexpected parameter value.
HV000110 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Invalid %s format.
HV000111 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Invalid char value: %s.
HV000112 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Invalid return type: %s. Should be a enumeration type.
HV000113 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %s, %s, %s are reserved parameter names.
HV000114 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Specified payload class %s does not implement jakarta.validation.Payload
HV000115 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Error parsing mapping file.
HV000116 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s
HV000118 java.lang.ClassCastException Unable to cast %s (with element kind %s) to %s
HV000119 DEBUG Using %s as parameter name provider.
HV000120 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate parameter name provider class %s.
HV000121 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to parse %s.
HV000122 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unsupported schema version for %s: %s.
HV000124 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Found multiple group conversions for source group %s: %s.
HV000125 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Found group conversions for non-cascading element at: %s.
HV000127 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Found group conversion using a group sequence as source at: %s.
HV000129 WARN EL expression '%s' references an unknown property
HV000130 WARN Error in EL expression '%s'
HV000131 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException A method return value must not be marked for cascaded validation more than once in a class hierarchy, but the following two methods are marked as such: %s, %s.
HV000132 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Void methods must not be constrained or marked for cascaded validation, but method %s is.
HV000133 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %1$s does not contain a constructor with the parameter types %2$s.
HV000134 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to load parameter of type '%1$s' in %2$s.
HV000135 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %1$s does not contain a method with the name '%2$s' and parameter types %3$s.
HV000136 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The specified constraint annotation class %1$s cannot be loaded.
HV000137 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The method '%1$s' is defined twice in the mapping xml for bean %2$s.
HV000138 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The constructor '%1$s' is defined twice in the mapping xml for bean %2$s.
HV000139 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException The constraint '%1$s' defines multiple cross parameter validators. Only one is allowed.
HV000141 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException The constraint %1$s used ConstraintTarget#IMPLICIT where the target cannot be inferred.
HV000142 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Cross parameter constraint %1$s is illegally placed on a parameterless method or constructor '%2$s'.
HV000143 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Cross parameter constraint %1$s is illegally placed on class level.
HV000144 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Cross parameter constraint %1$s is illegally placed on field '%2$s'.
HV000146 java.lang.IllegalStateException No parameter nodes may be added since path %s doesn't refer to a cross-parameter constraint.
HV000147 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %1$s is configured multiple times (note, and nodes for the same method are not allowed)
HV000148 WARN An exception occurred during evaluation of EL expression '%s'
HV000149 jakarta.validation.ValidationException An exception occurred during message interpolation
HV000150 jakarta.validation.UnexpectedTypeException The constraint %1$s defines multiple validators for the type %2$s: %3$s, %4$s. Only one is allowed.
HV000151 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException A method overriding another method must not redefine the parameter constraint configuration, but method %2$s redefines the configuration of %1$s.
HV000152 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Two methods defined in parallel types must not declare parameter constraints, if they are overridden by the same method, but methods %s and %s both define parameter constraints.
HV000153 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException The constraint %1$s used ConstraintTarget#%2$s but is not specified on a method or constructor.
HV000154 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Cross parameter constraint %1$s has no cross-parameter validator.
HV000155 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Composed and composing constraints must have the same constraint type, but composed constraint %1$s has type %3$s, while composing constraint %2$s has type %4$s.
HV000156 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Constraints with generic as well as cross-parameter validators must define an attribute validationAppliesTo(), but constraint %s doesn't.
HV000157 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Return type of the attribute validationAppliesTo() of the constraint %s must be jakarta.validation.ConstraintTarget.
HV000158 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Default value of the attribute validationAppliesTo() of the constraint %s must be ConstraintTarget#IMPLICIT.
HV000159 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Only constraints with generic as well as cross-parameter validators must define an attribute validationAppliesTo(), but constraint %s does.
HV000160 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Validator for cross-parameter constraint %s does not validate Object nor Object[].
HV000161 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Two methods defined in parallel types must not define group conversions for a cascaded method return value, if they are overridden by the same method, but methods %s and %s both define parameter constraints.
HV000162 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The validated type %1$s does not specify the constructor/method: %2$s
HV000163 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The actual parameter type '%1$s' is not assignable to the expected one '%2$s' for parameter %3$d of '%4$s'
HV000164 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s has to be a auto-boxed type.
HV000165 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Mixing IMPLICIT and other executable types is not allowed.
HV000166 jakarta.validation.ValidationException @ValidateOnExecution is not allowed on methods overriding a superclass method or implementing an interface. Check configuration for %1$s
HV000167 jakarta.validation.ValidationException A given constraint definition can only be overridden in one mapping file. %1$s is overridden in multiple files
HV000168 org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.messageinterpolation.parser.MessageDescriptorFormatException The message descriptor '%1$s' contains an unbalanced meta character '%2$c'.
HV000169 org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.messageinterpolation.parser.MessageDescriptorFormatException The message descriptor '%1$s' has nested parameters.
HV000170 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException No JSR-223 scripting engine could be bootstrapped for language "%s".
HV000171 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000172 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Property "%2$s" of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000173 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Method %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000174 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Parameter %3$s of method or constructor %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000175 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The return value of method or constructor %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000176 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Constructor %2$s of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000177 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Cross-parameter constraints for the method or constructor %2$s of type %1$s are declared more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000178 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Multiplier cannot be negative: %d.
HV000179 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Weight cannot be negative: %d.
HV000180 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%c' is not a digit nor a letter.
HV000181 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Wrong number of parameters. Method or constructor %1$s expects %2$d parameters, but got %3$d.
HV000182 jakarta.validation.ValidationException No validation value unwrapper is registered for type '%1$s'.
HV000183 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to initialize 'jakarta.el.ExpressionFactory'. Check that you have the EL dependencies on the classpath, or use ParameterMessageInterpolator instead
HV000185 WARN Message contains EL expression: %1s, which is not supported by the selected message interpolator
HV000189 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException The configuration of value unwrapping for property '%s' of bean '%s' is inconsistent between the field and its getter.
HV000190 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to parse %s.
HV000192 WARN Couldn't determine Java version from value %1s; Not enabling features requiring Java 8
HV000193 jakarta.validation.ValidationException %s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint definition API.
HV000194 jakarta.validation.ValidationException An empty element is only supported when a CharSequence is expected.
HV000195 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to reach the property to validate for the bean %s and the property path %s. A property is null along the way.
HV000196 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to convert the Type %s to a Class.
HV000197 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException No value extractor found for type parameter '%2$s' of type %1$s.
HV000198 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException No suitable value extractor found for type %1$s.
HV000200 DEBUG Using %s as clock provider.
HV000201 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate clock provider class %s.
HV000202 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to get the current time from the clock provider
HV000203 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDefinitionException Value extractor type %1s fails to declare the extracted type parameter using @ExtractedValue.
HV000204 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDefinitionException Only one type parameter must be marked with @ExtractedValue for value extractor type %1s.
HV000205 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Invalid unwrapping configuration for constraint %2$s on %1$s. You can only define one of 'Unwrapping.Skip' or 'Unwrapping.Unwrap'.
HV000206 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate value extractor class %s.
HV000207 DEBUG Adding value extractor %s.
HV000208 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDeclarationException Given value extractor %2$s handles the same type and type use as previously given value extractor %1$s.
HV000209 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException A composing constraint (%2$s) must not be given directly on the composed constraint (%1$s) and using the corresponding List annotation at the same time.
HV000210 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to find the type parameter %2$s in class %1$s.
HV000211 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Given type is neither a parameterized nor an array type: %s.
HV000212 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Given type has no type argument with index %2$s: %1$s.
HV000213 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Given type has more than one type argument, hence an argument index must be specified: %s.
HV000214 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The same container element type of type %1$s is configured more than once via the programmatic constraint declaration API.
HV000215 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Calling parameter() is not allowed for the current element.
HV000216 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Calling returnValue() is not allowed for the current element.
HV000217 jakarta.validation.ValidationException The same container element type %2$s is configured more than once for location %1$s via the XML mapping configuration.
HV000218 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDefinitionException Having parallel definitions of value extractors on a given class is not allowed: %s.
HV000219 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Unable to get the most specific value extractor for type %1$s as several most specific value extractors are declared: %2$s.
HV000220 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDefinitionException When @ExtractedValue is defined on a type parameter of a container type, the type attribute may not be set: %1$s.
HV000221 jakarta.validation.ValidationException An error occurred while extracting values in value extractor %1$s.
HV000222 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDeclarationException The same value extractor %s is added more than once via the XML configuration.
HV000223 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException Implicit unwrapping is not allowed for type %1$s as several maximally specific value extractors marked with @UnwrapByDefault are declared: %2$s.
HV000224 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unwrapping of ConstraintDescriptor is not supported yet.
HV000225 jakarta.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractorDefinitionException Only unbound wildcard type arguments are supported for the container type of the value extractor: %1$s.
HV000226 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Container element constraints and cascading validation are not supported on arrays: %1$s
HV000227 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The validated type %1$s does not specify the property: %2$s
HV000228 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDeclarationException No value extractor found when narrowing down to the runtime type %3$s among the value extractors for type parameter '%2$s' of type %1$s.
HV000229 java.lang.ClassCastException Unable to cast %1$s to %2$s.
HV000230 DEBUG Using %s as script evaluator factory.
HV000231 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate script evaluator factory class %s.
HV000232 org.hibernate.validator.spi.scripting.ScriptEvaluatorNotFoundException No JSR 223 script engine found for language "%s".
HV000233 org.hibernate.validator.spi.scripting.ScriptEvaluationException An error occurred while executing the script: "%s".
HV000234 DEBUG Using %1$s as ValidatorFactory-scoped %2$s.
HV000235 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to create an annotation descriptor for %1$s.
HV000236 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to find the method required to create the constraint annotation descriptor.
HV000237 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to access method %3$s of class %2$s with parameters %4$s using lookup %1$s.
HV000238 DEBUG Temporal validation tolerance set to %1$s.
HV000239 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to parse the temporal validation tolerance property %s. It should be a duration represented in milliseconds.
HV000240 DEBUG Constraint validator payload set to %1$s.
HV000241 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Encountered unsupported element %1$s while parsing the XML configuration.
HV000242 WARN Unable to load or instantiate JPA aware resolver %1$s. All properties will per default be traversable.
HV000243 jakarta.validation.ConstraintDefinitionException Constraint %2$s references constraint validator type %1$s, but this validator is defined for constraint type %3$s.
HV000244 java.lang.AssertionError ConstrainedElement expected class was %1$s, but instead received %2$s.
HV000245 java.lang.AssertionError Allowed constraint element types are FIELD and GETTER, but instead received %1$s.
HV000246 DEBUG Using %s as getter property selection strategy.
HV000247 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate getter property selection strategy class %s.
HV000248 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to get an XML schema named %s.
HV000250 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Uninitialized locale: %s. Please register your locale as a locale to initialize when initializing your ValidatorFactory.
HV000251 ERROR An error occurred while loading an instance of service %s.
HV000252 DEBUG Using %s as property node name provider.
HV000253 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate property node name provider class %s.
HV000255 DEBUG Using %s as locale resolver.
HV000256 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to instantiate locale resolver class %s.
HV000257 WARN Expression variables have been defined for constraint %1$s while Expression Language is not enabled.
HV000258 java.lang.IllegalStateException Expressions should not be resolved when Expression Language features are disabled.
HV000259 java.lang.IllegalStateException Provided Expression Language feature level is not supported.
HV000260 DEBUG Expression Language feature level for constraints set to %1$s.
HV000261 DEBUG Expression Language feature level for custom violations set to %1$s.
HV000262 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Unable to find an expression language feature level for value %s.
HV000263 WARN EL expression '%s' references an unknown method.
HV000264 ERROR Unable to interpolate EL expression '%s' as it uses a disabled feature.
HV000265 jakarta.validation.ValidationException Inconsistent show validation value in trace logs configuration. It is enabled via programmatic API, but explicitly disabled via properties.


Code Level Return Type Message
IJ000100 INFO Closing a connection for you. Please close them yourself: %s
IJ000102 INFO Throwable trying to close a connection for you, please close it yourself
IJ000103 INFO Could not find a close method on alleged connection object (%s). Please close your own connections
IJ000201 ERROR SecurityContext setup failed: %s
IJ000202 ERROR SecurityContext setup failed since CallbackSecurity was null
IJ000301 INFO Registered a null handle for managed connection: %s
IJ000302 INFO Unregistered handle that was not registered: %s for managed connection: %s
IJ000303 INFO Unregistered a null handle for managed connection: %s
IJ000305 WARN Connection error occured: %s
IJ000306 WARN Unknown connection error occured: %s
IJ000307 WARN Notified of error on a different managed connection
IJ000311 INFO Throwable from unregister connection
IJ000312 ERROR Error while closing connection handle
IJ000313 ERROR There is something wrong with the pooling
IJ000314 WARN Error during beforeCompletion: %s
IJ000315 ERROR Pool %s has %d active handles
IJ000316 ERROR Handle allocation: %s
IJ000317 ERROR Transaction boundary
IJ000318 ERROR Delisting resource in pool %s failed
IJ000401 WARN Error during tidy up connection: %s
IJ000402 WARN ResourceException in returning connection: %s
IJ000403 WARN Reconnecting a connection handle that still has a managed connection: %s %s
IJ000404 WARN Unchecked throwable in managedConnectionDisconnected() cl=%s
IJ000405 WARN Multiple LocalTransaction connection listeners enlisted for %s, cl=%s
IJ000406 ERROR Throwable in returning connection: %s
IJ000407 WARN No lazy enlistment available for %s
IJ000408 WARN Deprecated pool: %s, using %s instead
IJ000501 WARN Thread %s is not the enlisting thread %s
IJ000502 WARN Transaction %s error in beforeCompletion %s
IJ000503 WARN Transaction %s error in afterCompletion %s
IJ000504 WARN Transaction not found: %s
IJ000601 INFO ConnectionValidator has been interrupted
IJ000602 WARN ConnectionValidator ignored unexpected runtime exception
IJ000603 WARN ConnectionValidator ignored unexpected error
IJ000604 WARN Throwable while attempting to get a new connection: %s
IJ000605 WARN Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched %s for %s
IJ000606 WARN Throwable while trying to match managed connection, destroying connection: %s
IJ000607 WARN ResourceException cleaning up managed connection: %s
IJ000608 WARN Destroying returned connection, maximum pool size exceeded %s
IJ000609 WARN Attempt to return connection twice: %s
IJ000610 WARN Unable to fill pool: %s
IJ000611 WARN Warning: Background validation was specified with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory interface
IJ000612 WARN Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched: %s
IJ000613 WARN Throwable while trying to match managed connection, destroying connection: %s
IJ000614 ERROR Exception during createSubject() for %s: %s
IJ000615 WARN Destroying active connection in pool: %s (%s)
IJ000616 ERROR Leak detected in pool: %s (%s) (%d)
IJ000617 WARN Invalid incrementer capacity policy: %s
IJ000618 WARN Invalid decrementer capacity policy: %s
IJ000619 WARN Invalid property '%s' with value '%s' for %s
IJ000620 WARN Warning: ValidateOnMatch validation was specified with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory: %s
IJ000621 WARN Destroying connection that could not be validated: %s
IJ000622 WARN Unsupported pool implementation: %s
IJ000701 WARN Exception during unbind
IJ000901 WARN Error during connection close
IJ000902 ERROR Error during inflow crash recovery for '%s' (%s)
IJ000903 ERROR Error creating Subject for crash recovery: %s (%s)
IJ000904 WARN No security domain defined for crash recovery: %s
IJ000905 WARN Subject for crash recovery was null: %s
IJ000906 ERROR Error during crash recovery: %s (%s)
IJ001001 WARN No users.properties were found
IJ001002 ERROR Error while loading users.properties
IJ001003 WARN No roles.properties were found
IJ001004 ERROR Error while loading roles.properties
IJ001005 WARN No callback.properties were found
IJ001006 ERROR Error while loading callback.properties
IJ001101 WARN Prepare called on a local tx. Use of local transactions on a JTA transaction with more than one branch may result in inconsistent data in some cases of failure
IJ010001 ERROR Parsing error of ra.xml file: %s
IJ010002 ERROR Parsing error of ironjacamar.xml file: %s
IJ010003 ERROR No @Connector was found and no definition in the ra.xml metadata either
IJ010004 ERROR More than one @Connector was found but the correct one wasn't defined in the ra.xml metadata
IJ010005 WARN Datasource pools with allow-multiple-users cannot be prefilled. Prefill setting will be ignored.
IJ020001 INFO Required license terms for %s
IJ020002 INFO Deployed: %s
IJ020003 WARN Failure during validation report generation: %s
IJ020004 WARN Only one connection definition found with a mismatch in class-name: %s
IJ020005 WARN Only one admin object found with a mismatch in class-name: %s
IJ020006 ERROR ConnectionFactory is null
IJ020007 ERROR Exception during createSubject(): %s
IJ020008 WARN Invalid config-property: %s
IJ020009 WARN Invalid connection definition with class-name: %s
IJ020010 ERROR Connection definition with missing class-name
IJ020011 ERROR Admin object with missing class-name
IJ020012 WARN Admin object not bound: %s
IJ020013 WARN Connection factory not bound: %s
IJ020014 INFO Admin object not specification compliant. See for additional details: %s
IJ020015 INFO Connection factory not specification compliant. See for additional details: %s
IJ020016 WARN Missing element. XA recovery disabled for: %s
IJ020017 WARN Invalid archive: %s
IJ020018 INFO Enabling for %s
IJ020019 INFO Changed TransactionSupport for %s
IJ020020 WARN Connection Properties for DataSource: '%s' is empty, try to use driver-class: '%s' and connection-url: '%s' to connect database
IJ030000 WARN Unable to load connection listener: %s
IJ030001 WARN Disabling exception sorter for: %s
IJ030002 WARN Disabling exception sorter for: %s
IJ030003 WARN Error checking exception fatality for: %s
IJ030004 WARN Disabling validation connection checker for: %s
IJ030005 WARN Disabling validation connection checker for: %s
IJ030006 WARN Disabling stale connection checker for: %s
IJ030007 WARN Disabling stale connection checker for: %s
IJ030008 WARN HA setup detected for %s
IJ030020 WARN Detected queued threads during cleanup from: %s
IJ030021 WARN Queued thread: %s
IJ030022 WARN Lock owned during cleanup: %s
IJ030023 WARN Lock is locked during cleanup without an owner
IJ030024 WARN Error resetting transaction isolation for: %s
IJ030025 WARN Error during connection listener activation for: %s
IJ030026 WARN Error during connection listener passivation for: %s
IJ030027 WARN Destroying connection that is not valid, due to the following exception: %s
IJ030028 WARN Error notifying of connection error for listener: %s
IJ030040 WARN Closing a statement you left open, please do your own housekeeping for: %s
IJ030041 WARN Error during closing a statement for: %s
IJ030042 WARN Closing a result set you left open, please do your own housekeeping for: %s
IJ030043 WARN Error during closing a result set for: %s
IJ030050 WARN Error creating connection for: %s
IJ030051 ERROR Unable to load undefined URLSelectStrategy for: %s
IJ030052 ERROR Unable to load %s URLSelectStrategy for: %s
IJ030053 ERROR Unable to load %s URLSelectStrategy for: %s
IJ030054 WARN Error creating XA connection for: %s
IJ030055 ERROR Unable to load undefined URLXASelectStrategy for: %s
IJ030056 ERROR Unable to load %s URLXASelectStrategy for: %s
IJ030057 ERROR Unable to load %s URLXASelectStrategy for: %s
IJ030060 WARN Error checking state
IJ030061 WARN Error resetting auto-commit for: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
IPROTO000001 WARN Field %s was read out of sequence leading to sub-optimal performance
IPROTO000002 WARN Field %s was written out of sequence and will lead to sub-optimal read performance
IPROTO000003 org.infinispan.protostream.MalformedProtobufException Input data ended unexpectedly in the middle of a field. The message is corrupt.
IPROTO000004 org.infinispan.protostream.MalformedProtobufException Encountered a malformed varint.
IPROTO000005 org.infinispan.protostream.MalformedProtobufException Encountered a length delimited field with negative length.
IPROTO000006 org.infinispan.protostream.MalformedProtobufException Protobuf message appears to be larger than the configured limit. The message is possibly corrupt.
IPROTO000007 java.io.IOException Ran out of buffer space
IPROTO000008 org.infinispan.protostream.exception.ProtoStreamException The nested message depth appears to be larger than the configured limit of '%s'.It is possible that the entity to marshall with type '%s' can have some circular dependencies.


Code Level Return Type Message
ISPN-00001 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot instantiate class '%s'
ISPN000016 ERROR Problem encountered when applying state for key %s!
ISPN000021 WARN Expected just one response; got %s
ISPN000025 INFO wakeUpInterval is <= 0, not starting expired purge thread
ISPN000026 WARN Caught exception purging data container!
ISPN000028 WARN Unable to passivate entry under %s
ISPN000034 org.infinispan.jmx.JmxDomainConflictException The '%s' JMX domain is already in use.
ISPN000036 WARN Did not find attribute %s
ISPN000037 WARN Failed to update attribute name %s with value %s
ISPN000042 WARN Did not find queried attribute with name %s
ISPN000043 WARN Exception while writing value for attribute %s
ISPN000044 WARN Could not invoke set on attribute %s with value %s
ISPN000046 ERROR Unknown responses from remote cache: %s
ISPN000047 ERROR Error while doing remote call
ISPN000048 ERROR Interrupted or timeout while waiting for AsyncCacheWriter worker threads to push all state to the decorated store
ISPN000052 ERROR Interrupted on acquireLock for %d milliseconds!
ISPN000053 WARN Unable to process some async modifications after %d retries!
ISPN000055 ERROR Unexpected error in AsyncStoreCoordinator thread. AsyncCacheWriter is dead!
ISPN000065 ERROR Exception while marshalling object: %s
ISPN000071 WARN Caught exception when handling command %s
ISPN000073 ERROR Unexpected error while replicating
ISPN000078 INFO Starting JGroups channel `%s`
ISPN000078 INFO Starting JGroups channel `%s` with stack `%s`
ISPN000079 INFO Channel `%s` local address is `%s`, physical addresses are `%s`
ISPN000080 INFO Disconnecting JGroups channel `%s`
ISPN000081 ERROR Problem closing channel `%s`; setting it to null
ISPN000083 ERROR Class [%s] cannot be cast to JGroupsChannelLookup! Not using a channel lookup.
ISPN000084 ERROR Errors instantiating [%s]! Not using a channel lookup.
ISPN000085 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration file: %s
ISPN000086 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration XML: %s
ISPN000087 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration string: %s
ISPN000088 INFO Unable to use any JGroups configuration mechanisms provided in properties %s. Using default JGroups configuration!
ISPN000089 ERROR getCoordinator(): Interrupted while waiting for members to be set
ISPN000093 INFO Received new, MERGED cluster view for channel %s: %s
ISPN000094 INFO Received new cluster view for channel %s: %s
ISPN000097 ERROR Error while processing a prepare in a single-phase transaction
ISPN000098 ERROR Exception during rollback
ISPN000100 WARN Stopping, but there are %s local transactions and %s remote transactions that did not finish in time.
ISPN000101 WARN Failed synchronization registration
ISPN000102 WARN Unable to roll back global transaction %s
ISPN000104 INFO Using EmbeddedTransactionManager
ISPN000105 ERROR Failed creating initial JNDI context
ISPN000107 INFO Retrieving transaction manager %s
ISPN000108 ERROR Error enlisting resource
ISPN000109 ERROR beforeCompletion() failed for %s
ISPN000110 ERROR Unexpected error from resource manager!
ISPN000111 ERROR afterCompletion() failed for %s
ISPN000112 WARN exception while committing
ISPN000115 WARN Recovery call will be ignored as recovery is disabled. More on recovery: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16646
ISPN000116 WARN Missing the list of prepared transactions from node %s. Received response is %s
ISPN000117 ERROR There's already a prepared transaction with this xid: %s. New transaction is %s. Are there two different transactions having same Xid in the cluster?
ISPN000121 ERROR Unable to set value!
ISPN000126 WARN Attempted to stop() from FAILED state, but caught exception
ISPN000128 DEBUG Infinispan version: %s
ISPN000133 WARN Attempted to register listener of class %s, but no valid, public methods annotated with method-level event annotations found! Ignoring listener.
ISPN000134 WARN Unable to invoke method %s on Object instance %s - removing this target object from list of listeners!
ISPN000135 WARN Could not lock key %s in order to invalidate from L1 at node %s, skipping....
ISPN000136 ERROR Error executing command %s on %s, writing keys %s
ISPN000137 INFO Failed invalidating remote cache
ISPN000141 WARN Could not rollback prepared 1PC transaction. This transaction will be rolled back by the recovery process, if enabled. Transaction: %s
ISPN000144 WARN Failed loading value for key %s from cache store
ISPN000147 ERROR Error invalidating keys from L1 after rehash
ISPN000149 WARN Fetch persistent state and purge on startup are both disabled, cache may contain stale entries on startup
ISPN000152 INFO Passivation configured without an eviction policy being selected. Only manually evicted entities will be passivated.
ISPN000160 WARN Could not complete injected transaction.
ISPN000161 INFO Using a batchMode transaction manager
ISPN000162 INFO Could not instantiate transaction manager
ISPN000177 WARN %s has been deprecated as a synonym for %s. Use one of %s instead
ISPN000188 ERROR Error while processing a commit in a two-phase transaction
ISPN000189 WARN While stopping a cache or cache manager, one of its components failed to stop
ISPN000194 WARN Failed loading keys from cache store
ISPN000195 ERROR Error during rebalance for cache %s on node %s, topology id = %d
ISPN000196 WARN Failed to recover cluster state after the current node became the coordinator (or after merge), will retry
ISPN000197 WARN Error updating cluster member list for view %d, waiting for next view
ISPN000201 TRACE This cache is configured to backup to its own site (%s).
ISPN000202 WARN Encountered issues while backing up data for cache %s to site %s
ISPN000203 WARN The rollback request for tx %s cannot be processed by the cache %s as this cache is not transactional!
ISPN000204 WARN The commit request for tx %s cannot be processed by the cache %s as this cache is not transactional!
ISPN000205 WARN Trying to bring back an non-existent site (%s)!
ISPN000207 WARN Could not interrupt as no thread found for command uuid %s
ISPN000208 ERROR No live owners found for segments %s of cache %s. Excluded owners: %s
ISPN000209 WARN Failed to retrieve transactions of cache %s from node %s, segments %s
ISPN000210 WARN Failed to request state of cache %s from node %s, segments %s
ISPN000214 WARN Unable to remove entry under %s from cache store after activation
ISPN000215 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown migrator %s
ISPN000216 INFO %d entries migrated to cache %s in %s
ISPN000217 org.infinispan.remoting.RemoteException Received exception from %s, see cause for remote stack trace
ISPN000218 INFO Timeout while waiting for the transaction validation. The command will not be processed. Transaction is %s
ISPN000222 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Custom interceptor missing class
ISPN000223 WARN Custom interceptor '%s' does not extend BaseCustomInterceptor, which is recommended
ISPN000224 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Custom interceptor '%s' specifies more than one position
ISPN000225 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Custom interceptor '%s' doesn't specify a position
ISPN000228 ERROR Failed to recover cache %s state after the current node became the coordinator
ISPN000229 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected initial version type (only NumericVersion instances supported): %s
ISPN000230 ERROR Failed to start rebalance for cache %s
ISPN000234 WARN Root element for %s already registered in ParserRegistry by %s. Cannot install %s.
ISPN000235 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Configuration parser %s does not declare any Namespace annotations
ISPN000238 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Directory %s does not exist and cannot be created!
ISPN000242 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Missing foreign externalizer with id=%s, either externalizer was not configured by client, or module lifecycle implementation adding externalizer was not loaded properly
ISPN000243 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Type of data read is unknown. Id=%d is not amongst known reader indexes.
ISPN000244 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException AdvancedExternalizer's getTypeClasses for externalizer %s must return a non-empty set
ISPN000245 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Duplicate id found! AdvancedExternalizer id=%d for %s is shared by another externalizer (%s). Reader index is %d
ISPN000246 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Internal %s externalizer is using an id(%d) that exceeded the limit. It needs to be smaller than %d
ISPN000247 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Foreign %s externalizer is using a negative id(%d). Only positive id values are allowed.
ISPN000249 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The cache loader configuration %s does not specify the loader class using @ConfigurationFor
ISPN000252 ERROR Error executing parallel store task
ISPN000255 ERROR Error while processing prepare
ISPN000259 ERROR Async store executor did not stop properly
ISPN000261 ERROR Failed to execute outbound transfer
ISPN000262 ERROR Failed to enlist TransactionXaAdapter to transaction
ISPN000264 WARN Not using an L1 invalidation reaper thread. This could lead to memory leaks as the requestors map may grow indefinitely!
ISPN000267 WARN Problems creating interceptor %s
ISPN000268 WARN Unable to broadcast invalidations as a part of the prepare phase. Rolling back.
ISPN000269 WARN Cache used for Grid metadata should be synchronous.
ISPN000270 WARN Could not commit local tx %s
ISPN000271 WARN Could not rollback local tx %s
ISPN000272 WARN Exception removing recovery information
ISPN000273 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Indexing can not be enabled on caches in Invalidation mode
ISPN000274 ERROR Persistence enabled without any CacheLoaderInterceptor in InterceptorChain!
ISPN000275 ERROR Persistence enabled without any CacheWriteInterceptor in InterceptorChain!
ISPN000276 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Could not find migration data in cache %s
ISPN000277 WARN Could not migrate key %s
ISPN000278 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Indexing can only be enabled if infinispan-query.jar is available on your classpath, and this jar has not been detected.
ISPN000279 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Failed to read stored entries from file. Error in file %s at offset %d
ISPN000280 org.infinispan.commons.CacheListenerException Caught exception [%s] while invoking method [%s] on listener instance: %s
ISPN000281 org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException %s reported that a third node was suspected, see cause for info on the node that was suspected
ISPN000282 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot enable Invocation Batching when the Transaction Mode is NON_TRANSACTIONAL, set the transaction mode to TRANSACTIONAL
ISPN000283 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A cache configured with invocation batching can't have recovery enabled
ISPN000284 WARN Problem encountered while installing cluster listener
ISPN000285 WARN Issue when retrieving cluster listeners from %s response was %s
ISPN000286 WARN Issue when retrieving cluster listeners from %s
ISPN000287 java.lang.SecurityException Unauthorized access: subject '%s' lacks '%s' permission
ISPN000288 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A principal-to-role mapper has not been specified
ISPN000289 WARN Cannot send cross-site state chunk to '%s'.
ISPN000291 WARN Cannot apply cross-site state chunk.
ISPN000292 WARN Unrecognized attribute '%s'. Please check your configuration. Ignoring!
ISPN000293 INFO Ignoring attribute %s at %s, please remove from configuration file
ISPN000293 INFO Ignoring XML attribute %s, please remove from configuration file
ISPN000294 INFO Ignoring element %s at %s, please remove from configuration file
ISPN000295 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No thread pool with name '%s' found
ISPN000296 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Attempt to add a %s permission to a SecurityPermissionCollection
ISPN000297 java.lang.SecurityException Attempt to add a permission to a read-only SecurityPermissionCollection
ISPN000298 DEBUG Using internal security checker
ISPN000299 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Unable to acquire lock after %s for key %s and requestor %s. Lock is held by %s
ISPN000300 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException There was an exception while processing retrieval of entry values
ISPN000302 WARN Issue when retrieving transactions from %s, response was %s
ISPN000304 WARN More than one configuration file with specified name on classpath. The first one will be used: %s
ISPN000305 org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException Cluster is operating in degraded mode because of node failures.
ISPN000306 org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException Key '%s' is not available. Not all owners are in this partition
ISPN000307 org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException Cannot clear when the cluster is partitioned
ISPN000308 INFO Rebalancing enabled
ISPN000309 INFO Rebalancing suspended
ISPN000310 DEBUG Starting new rebalance phase for cache %s, topology %s
ISPN000321 WARN Cyclic dependency detected between caches, stop order ignored
ISPN000322 WARN Cannot restart cross-site state transfer to site %s
ISPN000323 org.infinispan.commons.IllegalLifecycleStateException %s is in '%s' state and so it does not accept new invocations. Either restart it or recreate the cache container.
ISPN000324 org.infinispan.commons.IllegalLifecycleStateException %s is in 'STOPPING' state and this is an invocation not belonging to an on-going transaction, so it does not accept new invocations. Either restart it or recreate the cache container.
ISPN000325 java.lang.RuntimeException Creating tmp cache %s timed out waiting for rebalancing to complete on node %s
ISPN000326 WARN Remote transaction %s timed out. Rolling back after %d ms
ISPN000327 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot find a parser for element '%s' in namespace '%s' at %s. Check that your configuration is up-to-date for Infinispan '%s' and you have the proper dependency in the classpath
ISPN000328 DEBUG Rebalance phase %s confirmed for cache %s on node %s, topology id = %d
ISPN000329 WARN Unable to read rebalancing status from coordinator %s
ISPN000331 WARN Unable to invoke method %s on Object instance %s
ISPN000335 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Two-phase commit can only be used with synchronous backup strategy.
ISPN000336 DEBUG Finished rebalance for cache %s, topology %s
ISPN000337 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Backup configuration must include a 'site'.
ISPN000338 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException You must specify a 'failure-policy-class' to use a custom backup failure policy for backup '%s'.
ISPN000339 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Remote cache name is missing or null in backup configuration.
ISPN000340 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Remote cache name and remote site is missing or null in backup configuration.
ISPN000343 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Must have a transport set in the global configuration in order to define a clustered cache
ISPN000344 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException reaperWakeUpInterval must be >= 0, we got %d
ISPN000345 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException completedTxTimeout must be >= 0, we got %d
ISPN000350 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Enabling the L1 cache is only supported when using DISTRIBUTED as a cache mode. Your cache mode is set to %s
ISPN000351 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Using a L1 lifespan of 0 or a negative value is meaningless
ISPN000352 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Enabling the L1 cache is not supported when using EXCEPTION based eviction.
ISPN000354 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot define both interceptor class (%s) and interceptor instance (%s)
ISPN000355 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Unable to instantiate loader/writer instance for StoreConfiguration %s
ISPN000357 ERROR end() failed for %s
ISPN000358 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A cache configuration named %s already exists. This cannot be configured externally by the user.
ISPN000359 org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException Keys '%s' are not available. Not all owners are in this partition
ISPN000360 WARN The xml element eviction-executor has been deprecated and replaced by expiration-executor, please update your configuration file.
ISPN000361 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Cannot commit remote transaction %s as it was already rolled back
ISPN000362 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Could not find status for remote transaction %s, please increase transaction.completedTxTimeout
ISPN000363 WARN No filter indexing service provider found for indexed filter of type %s
ISPN000364 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Attempted to register cluster listener of class %s, but listener is annotated as only observing pre events!
ISPN000365 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Could not find the specified JGroups configuration file '%s'
ISPN000366 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to add a 'null' Custom Cache Store
ISPN000371 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot remove cache configuration '%s' because it is in use
ISPN000372 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Statistics are enabled while attribute 'available' is set to false.
ISPN000373 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Attempted to start a cache using configuration template '%s'
ISPN000374 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No such template '%s' when declaring '%s'
ISPN000375 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No such template/configuration '%s'
ISPN000376 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Interceptor stack is not supported in simple cache
ISPN000377 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Explicit lock operations are not supported in simple cache
ISPN000378 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invocation batching not enabled in current configuration! Please enable it.
ISPN000381 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException This configuration is not supported for simple cache
ISPN000382 WARN Global state persistence was enabled without specifying a location
ISPN000384 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to broadcast invalidation messages
ISPN000386 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Failed to read persisted state from file %s. Aborting.
ISPN000387 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Failed to write state to file %s.
ISPN000388 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The state file %s is not writable. Aborting.
ISPN000389 INFO Loaded global state, version=%s timestamp=%s
ISPN000390 INFO Persisted state, version=%s timestamp=%s
ISPN000391 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Recovery not supported with non transactional cache
ISPN000392 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Recovery not supported with Synchronization
ISPN000395 INFO Transaction notifications are disabled. This prevents cluster listeners from working properly!
ISPN000396 DEBUG Received unsolicited state from node %s for segment %d of cache %s
ISPN000397 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Could not migrate data for cache %s, check remote store config in the target cluster. Make sure only one remote store is present and is pointing to the source cluster
ISPN000398 java.lang.IllegalStateException CH Factory '%s' cannot restore a persisted CH of class '%s'
ISPN000399 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timeout while waiting for %d members in cluster. Last view had %s
ISPN000400 org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException Node %s was suspected
ISPN000401 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Node %s timed out, time : %s %s
ISPN000402 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timeout waiting for view %d. Current view is %d, current status is %s
ISPN000403 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No indexable classes were defined for this indexed cache. The configuration must contain classes or protobuf message types annotated with '@Indexed'
ISPN000404 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The configured entity class %s is not indexable. Please remove it from the indexing configuration.
ISPN000405 ERROR Caught exception while invoking a cache manager listener!
ISPN000406 WARN The replication queue is no longer supported since version 9.0. Attribute %s on line %d will be ignored.
ISPN000407 org.infinispan.topology.CacheJoinException Extraneous members %s are attempting to join cache %s, as they were not members of the persisted state
ISPN000408 org.infinispan.topology.CacheJoinException Node %s with persistent state attempting to join cache %s on cluster without state
ISPN000409 org.infinispan.topology.CacheJoinException Node %s without persistent state attempting to join cache %s on cluster with state
ISPN000410 org.infinispan.topology.CacheJoinException Node %s attempting to join cache %s with incompatible state
ISPN000412 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot determine a synthetic transaction configuration from mode=%s, xaEnabled=%s, recoveryEnabled=%s, batchingEnabled=%s
ISPN000413 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Unable to instantiate serializer for %s
ISPN000414 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Global security authorization should be enabled if cache authorization enabled.
ISPN000415 WARN The %s is no longer supported since version %s. Attribute %s on line %d will be ignored.
ISPN000417 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException It is not possible for a store to be transactional in a non-transactional cache.
ISPN000418 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException It is not possible for a store to be transactional when passivation is enabled.
ISPN000419 WARN Eviction of an entry invoked without an explicit eviction strategy for cache %s
ISPN000420 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot enable '%s' in invalidation caches!
ISPN000421 ERROR Error while handling view %s
ISPN000422 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Failed waiting for topology %d
ISPN000423 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Duplicate id found! AdvancedExternalizer id=%d is shared by another externalizer (%s)
ISPN000424 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Memory eviction is enabled, please specify a maximum size or count greater than zero
ISPN000427 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timeout after %s waiting for acks (%s). Id=%s
ISPN000428 WARN '%1$s' at %3$s has been deprecated. Please use '%2$s' instead
ISPN000429 org.infinispan.transaction.WriteSkewException On key %s previous read version (%s) is different from currently read version (%s)
ISPN000430 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException %s cannot be shared
ISPN000432 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Missing configuration for default cache '%s' declared on container
ISPN000433 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A default cache has been requested, but no cache has been set as default for this container
ISPN000435 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cache manager initialized with a default cache configuration but without a name for it. Set it in the GlobalConfiguration.
ISPN000436 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cache '%s' has been requested, but no matching cache configuration exists
ISPN000437 WARN Unable to validate '%s' with the implementing store as the @ConfigurationFor annotation is missing
ISPN000438 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cache with name '%s' is defined more than once!
ISPN000439 INFO Received new cross-site view: %s
ISPN000440 ERROR Error sending response for request %d@%s, command %s
ISPN000441 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Unsupported async cache mode '%s' for transactional caches
ISPN000443 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid cache loader configuration for '%s'. In order for a cache loader to be transactional, it must also be shared.
ISPN000444 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid cache loader configuration for '%s'. A cache loader cannot be both Asynchronous and transactional.
ISPN000446 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Multiple sites have the same name '%s'. This configuration is not valid.
ISPN000448 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException 'awaitInitialTransfer' can be enabled only if cache mode is distributed or replicated.
ISPN000449 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Timeout value for cross-site replication state transfer must be equal to or greater than one.
ISPN000450 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Wait time between retries for cross-site replication state transfer must be equal to or greater than one.
ISPN000451 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timed out waiting for view %d, current view is %d
ISPN000452 ERROR Failed to update topology for cache %s
ISPN000453 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Attempt to define configuration for cache %s which already exists
ISPN000455 ERROR Failure during leaver transactions cleanup
ISPN000461 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Class %s should be a subclass of %s
ISPN000462 java.lang.IllegalStateException ConflictManager.getConflicts() already in progress
ISPN000463 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to retrieve conflicts as StateTransfer is currently in progress for cache '%s'
ISPN000464 WARN The partition handling 'enabled' attribute has been deprecated. Please update your configuration to use 'when-split' instead
ISPN000466 WARN Exception encountered when trying to resolve conflict on Keys '%s': %s
ISPN000467 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Scattered cache supports only single owner.
ISPN000468 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalidation batch size configuration options applies only to scattered caches.
ISPN000469 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Scattered cache does not support transactional mode.
ISPN000470 ERROR Failed confirming revoked segments. State transfer cannot continue.
ISPN000471 ERROR Failed processing values received from remote node during rebalance.
ISPN000472 org.infinispan.commons.IllegalLifecycleStateException Cache manager is stopping
ISPN000473 ERROR Invalid message type %s received from %s
ISPN000474 ERROR Error processing request %d@%s
ISPN000475 ERROR Error processing response for request %d from %s
ISPN000476 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timed out waiting for responses for request %d from %s after %s
ISPN000477 ERROR Cannot perform operation %s for site %s
ISPN000478 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Couldn't find a local transaction corresponding to remote site transaction %s
ISPN000479 java.lang.IllegalStateException LocalTransaction not found but present in the tx table for remote site transaction %s
ISPN000480 WARN Ignoring versions invalidation from topology %d, current topology is %d
ISPN000481 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Cannot create remote transaction %s, the originator is not in the cluster view
ISPN000482 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Cannot create remote transaction %s, already completed
ISPN000484 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Wildcards not allowed in cache names: '%s'
ISPN000485 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Configuration '%s' matches multiple wildcard templates
ISPN000486 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Cannot register Wrapper: duplicate Id %d
ISPN000487 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Wrapper with class '%s' not found
ISPN000488 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Wrapper with Id %d not found
ISPN000489 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Cannot register Encoder: duplicate Id %d
ISPN000490 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Encoder with class '%s' not found
ISPN000491 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Encoder with Id %d not found
ISPN000492 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Cannot find transcoder between '%s' to '%s'
ISPN000495 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException %s encountered error transcoding content
ISPN000497 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException %s encountered unsupported content '%s' during transcoding
ISPN000499 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Could not serialize the configuration of cache '%s' (%s)
ISPN000500 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot create clustered configuration for cache '%s' because configuration %n%s%n is incompatible with the existing configuration %n%s
ISPN000501 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot persist cache configuration as global state is disabled
ISPN000502 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Error while persisting global configuration state
ISPN000504 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Size (bytes) based eviction needs either off-heap or a binary compatible storage configured in the cache encoding
ISPN000506 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Biased reads are supported only in scattered cache. Maybe you were looking for L1?
ISPN000507 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cache %s already exists
ISPN000508 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot rename file %s to %s
ISPN000509 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to add a 'null' EntryMergePolicyFactory
ISPN000510 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException ConfigurationStrategy set to CUSTOM, but none specified
ISPN000511 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException ConfigurationStrategy cannot be set to MANAGED in embedded mode
ISPN000512 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot acquire lock '%s' for persistent global state
ISPN000513 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Exception based eviction requires a transactional cache that doesn't allow for 1 phase commit or synchronizations
ISPN000514 org.infinispan.interceptors.impl.ContainerFullException Container eviction limit %d reached, write operation(s) is blocked
ISPN000515 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException The configuration is immutable
ISPN000516 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The state file for '%s' is invalid. Startup halted to prevent further corruption of persistent state
ISPN000517 WARN Ignoring cache topology from %s during merge: %s
ISPN000518 DEBUG Updating topology for cache %s, topology %s, availability mode %s
ISPN000519 DEBUG Updating stable topology for cache %s, topology %s
ISPN000520 DEBUG Updating availability mode for cache %s from %s to %s, topology %s
ISPN000521 DEBUG Cache %s recovered after merge with topology = %s, availability mode %s
ISPN000522 DEBUG Conflict resolution starting for cache %s with topology %s
ISPN000523 DEBUG Conflict resolution finished for cache %s with topology %s
ISPN000524 ERROR Conflict resolution failed for cache %s with topology %s
ISPN000525 DEBUG Conflict resolution cancelled for cache %s with topology %s
ISPN000527 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Maximum startup attempts exceeded for store %s
ISPN000528 org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException Cannot acquire lock %s as this partition is DEGRADED
ISPN000529 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Class '%s' blocked by deserialization allow list. Include the class name in the server allow list to authorize.
ISPN000530 WARN Unsupported async cache mode '%s' for transactional caches, forcing %s
ISPN000531 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store or loader %s must implement SegmentedLoadWriteStore or its config must extend AbstractSegmentedStoreConfiguration if configured as segmented
ISPN000532 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid cache loader configuration for '%s'. If a cache loader is configured with passivation, the cache loader cannot be shared in a cluster!
ISPN000533 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Content '%s (MediaType: '%s') cannot be converted to '%s'
ISPN000534 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Grouping requires OBJECT storage type but was: %s
ISPN000535 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Grouping requires application/x-java-object storage type but was: {key=%s, value=%s}
ISPN000537 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Factory doesn't know how to construct component %s
ISPN000538 ERROR Error stopping module %s
ISPN000539 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Duplicate JGroups stack '%s'
ISPN000540 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No such JGroups stack '%s'
ISPN000541 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Error while trying to create a channel using the specified configuration '%s'
ISPN000542 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid parser scope. Expected '%s' but was '%s'
ISPN000543 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot use stack.position when stack.combine is '%s'
ISPN000544 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The protocol '%s' does not exist in the base stack for operation '%s'
ISPN000545 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Inserting protocol '%s' in a JGroups stack requires the 'stack.position' attribute
ISPN000546 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Duplicate remote site '%s' in stack '%s'
ISPN000547 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException JGroups stack '%s' declares remote sites but does not include the RELAY2 protocol.
ISPN000548 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException JGroups stack '%s' has a RELAY2 protocol without remote sites.
ISPN000549 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A store cannot be shared when utilised with a local cache.
ISPN000550 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalidation mode only supports when-split=ALLOW_READ_WRITES
ISPN000551 WARN The custom interceptors configuration has been deprecated and will be ignored in the future
ISPN000553 WARN Ignoring 'marshaller' attribute. Common marshallers are already available at runtime, and to deploy a custom marshaller, consult the 'Encoding' section in the user guide
ISPN000555 ERROR Unable to set method %s accessible
ISPN000556 INFO Starting user marshaller '%s'
ISPN000557 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Unable to configure JGroups Stack '%s'
ISPN000558 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The store location '%s' is not a child of the global persistent location '%s'
ISPN000559 WARN Cannot marshall '%s'
ISPN000560 WARN The AdvancedExternalizer configuration has been deprecated and will be removed in the future
ISPN000561 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Chunk size must be positive, got %d
ISPN000562 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid cache loader configuration for '%s'. If a cache loader is configured with purgeOnStartup, the cache loader cannot be shared in a cluster!
ISPN000563 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid cache loader configuration for '%s'. This implementation does not support being segmented!
ISPN000564 WARN Configured store '%s' is segmented and may use a large number of file descriptors
ISPN000565 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Index.%s is no longer supported. Please update your configuration!
ISPN000566 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Thread Pool Factory %s is blocking, but pool %s requires non blocking threads
ISPN000569 WARN Unable to persist Infinispan internal caches as no global state enabled
ISPN000570 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected response from %s: %s
ISPN000571 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException RELAY2 not found in the protocol stack. Cannot perform cross-site operations.
ISPN000572 WARN index mode attribute is deprecated and should no longer be specified because its value is automatically detected. Most previously supported values are no longer supported. Please check the upgrade guide.
ISPN000573 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot recreate persisted configuration for cache '%s' because configuration %n%s%n is incompatible with the existing configuration %n%s
ISPN000574 WARN Global state cannot persisted because it is incomplete (usually caused by errors at startup).
ISPN000575 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException PartitionStrategy must be ALLOW_READ_WRITES when numOwners is 1
ISPN000576 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cross-site replication not available for local cache.
ISPN000577 org.infinispan.commons.marshall.MarshallingException Converting from unwrapped protostream payload requires the 'type' parameter to be supplied in the destination MediaType
ISPN000578 INFO Migrating '%s' persisted data to new format...
ISPN000579 INFO '%s' persisted data successfully migrated.
ISPN000580 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Failed to migrate '%s' persisted data.
ISPN000581 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The indexing 'enabled' and the legacy 'index' configs attributes are mutually exclusive
ISPN000582 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A single indexing directory provider is allowed per cache configuration. Setting multiple individual providers for the indexes belonging to a cache is not allowed.
ISPN000583 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot configure both maxCount and maxSize in memory configuration
ISPN000584 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The memory attribute(s) %s have been deprecated and cannot be used in conjunction with the new configuration
ISPN000585 WARN Single media-type was specified for keys and values, ignoring individual configurations
ISPN000586 WARN The memory configuration element '%s' has been deprecated. Please update your configuration
ISPN000587 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot change max-size since max-count is already defined
ISPN000588 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot change max-count since max-size is already defined
ISPN000589 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A store cannot be configured with both preload and purgeOnStartup
ISPN000590 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store cannot be configured with both read and write only!
ISPN000591 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store cannot be configured with purgeOnStartup, shared or passivation if it is read only!
ISPN000592 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store cannot be configured with fetchPersistenceState or preload if it is write only!
ISPN000593 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store %s cannot be configured to be %s as the implementation specifies it is already %s!
ISPN000594 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException At most one store can be set to 'preload'!
ISPN000595 WARN ClusterLoader has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version with no direct replacement
ISPN000596 WARN Indexing auto-config attribute is deprecated. Please check the upgrade guide.
ISPN000597 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store %s cannot be configured to be transactional as it does not contain the TRANSACTIONAL characteristic
ISPN000598 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store must specify a location when global state is disabled
ISPN000598 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store '%s' must specify the '%s' attribute when global state is disabled
ISPN000599 WARN Configuration for cache '%s' does not define the encoding for keys or values. If you use operations that require data conversion or queries, you should configure the cache with a specific MediaType for keys or values.
ISPN000600 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store %s cannot be configured to be shared as it does not contain the SHARED characteristic
ISPN000601 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Store %s cannot be configured to be segmented as it does not contain the SEGMENTABLE characteristic
ISPN000602 WARN Conversions between JSON and Java Objects are deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To read/write values as JSON, it is recommended to define a protobuf schema and store data in the cache using 'application/x-protostream' as MediaType
ISPN000603 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot handle cross-site request from site '%s'. Cache '%s' not found.
ISPN000604 org.infinispan.commons.CrossSiteIllegalLifecycleStateException Cannot handle cross-site request from site '%s'. Cache '%s' is stopped.
ISPN000605 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot handle cross-site request from site '%s'. Cache '%s' is not clustered.
ISPN000606 ERROR Remote site '%s' has an invalid cache configuration. Taking the backup location offline.
ISPN000607 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The XSiteEntryMergePolicy is missing. The cache configuration must include a merge policy.
ISPN000608 FATAL [IRAC] Unexpected error occurred.
ISPN000609 DEBUG Cannot obtain cache '%s' as it is in FAILED state. Please check the configuration
ISPN000610 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cache configuration must not declare indexed entities if it is not indexed
ISPN000611 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid index storage
ISPN000612 WARN Indexing configuration using properties has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please consult the docs for the replacements. The following properties have been found: '%s'
ISPN000613 WARN Indexing configuration using properties has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version, please use the and elements to configure indexing behavior.
ISPN000614 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException It is not allowed to have different indexing configuration for each indexed type in a cache.
ISPN000615 org.infinispan.commons.marshall.MarshallingException Unable to unmarshall '%s' as a marshaller is not present in the user or global SerializationContext
ISPN000616 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Unsupported persisted data version: %s
ISPN000617 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Site '%s' not found.
ISPN000618 WARN Cleanup failed for cross-site state transfer. Invoke the cancel-push-state(%s) command if any nodes indicate pending operations to push state.
ISPN000619 WARN Cleanup failed for cross-site state transfer. Invoke the cancel-receive(%s) command in site %s if any nodes indicate pending operations to receive state.
ISPN000620 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Cross-site state transfer to '%s' already started
ISPN000621 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Element '%1$s' has been removed at %3$s. Please use element '%2$s' instead
ISPN000622 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Element '%s' at %s has been removed with no replacement
ISPN000623 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Attribute '%1$s' has been removed at %3$s. Please use attribute '%2$s' instead
ISPN000624 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Attribute '%s' at %s has been removed with no replacement
ISPN000625 WARN Index path not provided and global state disabled, will use the current working directory for storage.
ISPN000626 WARN Index path '%s' is not absolute and global state is disabled, will use a dir relative to the current working directory.
ISPN000627 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid cache loader configuration for '%s'. This implementation only supports being segmented!
ISPN000628 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid cache roles '%s'
ISPN000629 WARN Exception completing partial completed transaction %s. Retrying later.
ISPN000633 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cross-site state transfer mode cannot be null.
ISPN000634 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cross-site automatic state transfer is not compatible with SYNC backup strategy.
ISPN000635 WARN [%s] Failed to receive a response from any nodes. Automatic cross-site state transfer to site '%s' is not started.
ISPN000636 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException State transfer timeout (%d) must be greater than or equal to the remote timeout (%d)
ISPN000637 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timeout waiting for topology %d, current topology is %d
ISPN000638 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Timeout waiting for topology %d transaction data
ISPN000640 WARN SingleFileStore has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version, replaced by SoftIndexFileStore
ISPN000641 org.infinispan.transaction.xa.InvalidTransactionException The transaction %s is already rolled back
ISPN000642 INFO Attempting to recover possibly corrupted data file %s
ISPN000643 INFO '%s' persisted data successfully recovered %d entries.
ISPN000644 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Failed to recover '%s' persisted data.
ISPN000645 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Asynchronous cache modes, such as %s, cannot use SYNC touch mode for maximum idle expiration.
ISPN000646 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException capacityFactor must be positive
ISPN000647 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The configuration for internal cache '%s' cannot be modified
ISPN000648 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Cache '%s' is non empty, cannot add store.
ISPN000649 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException SingleFileStore does not support max-entries when segmented
ISPN000650 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Read invalid data in SingleFileStore file %s, please remove the file and retry
ISPN000651 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Max idle is not allowed while using a store without passivation
ISPN000652 WARN Max idle is not supported when using a store
ISPN000653 WARN The '%s' attribute on the '%s' element has been deprecated. Please use the '%s' attribute instead
ISPN000654 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Problem encountered when preloading key %s!
ISPN000655 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Unable to convert text content to JSON: '%s'
ISPN000656 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The backup '%s' configuration 'failure-policy=%s' is not valid with an ASYNC backup strategy.
ISPN000657 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The backup '%s' configuration 'failure-policy-class' is not compatible with 'failure-policy=%s'. Use 'failure-policy="CUSTOM"'
ISPN000658 org.infinispan.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Initial state transfer timed out for cache %s on %s
ISPN000659 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Component %s failed to start
ISPN000660 ERROR %s start failed, stopping any running components
ISPN000661 WARN '%s' has been deprecated with no replacement.
ISPN000662 WARN Failed to transfer cross-site tombstones to %s for segments %s.
ISPN000663 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Name must be less than 256 bytes, current name '%s' exceeds the size.
ISPN000664 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid index startup mode: %s
ISPN000665 ERROR There was an error in submitted periodic task with %s, not rescheduling.
ISPN000666 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Transport clusterName cannot be null.
ISPN000667 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Transport node-name is not set.
ISPN000668 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Transport node-name must be present in raft-members: %s
ISPN000669 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException FORK protocol required on JGroups channel.
ISPN000670 ERROR Error creating fork channel for %s
ISPN000671 WARN RAFT protocol is not available. Reason: %s
ISPN000672 INFO RAFT protocol is available.
ISPN000673 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot persist RAFT data as global state is disabled
ISPN000674 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException There was an error when resetting the SIFS index for cache %s
ISPN000675 ERROR Caught exception while invoking a event logger listener!
ISPN000676 WARN Store '%s'#isAvailable check threw Exception
ISPN000677 WARN Store '%s'#isAvailable completed Exceptionally
ISPN000678 WARN Persistence is unavailable because of store %s
ISPN000679 INFO Persistence is now available
ISPN000680 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Expiration (Max idle or Lifespan) is not allowed while using a store '%s' that does not support expiration, unless it is configured as read only
ISPN000681 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Missing required property '%s' for attribute '%s' at %s
ISPN000686 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Attribute '%2$s' of element '%1$s' has an illegal value '%3$s' at %4$s: %5$s
ISPN000687 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Attribute '%2$s' of element '%1$s' has an illegal value '%3$s' at %5$s. Expecting one of %4$s.
ISPN000688 WARN Attribute '%s' of element '%s' has been deprecated since schema version %d.%d. Refer to the upgrade guide
ISPN000689 WARN Recovering cache '%s' but there are missing members, known members %s of a total of %s
ISPN000690 DEBUG We cannot find a configuration for the cache '%s' in the available configurations: '%s'. This cache has been probably removed by another thread. Skip to writing it.
ISPN000691 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Indexed entity name must not be null or empty
ISPN000692 INFO Flushed ACL Cache
ISPN000693 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Dangling lock file '%s' in persistent global state, probably left behind by an unclean shutdown.
ISPN000694 org.infinispan.topology.MissingMembersException Cache '%s' has number of owners %d but is missing too many members (%d/%d) to reinstall topology
ISPN000695 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Query module not found. Add infinispan-query or infinispan-query-core to the classpath.
ISPN000901 WARN Property %s could not be replaced as intended!
ISPN000902 WARN Invocation of %s threw an exception %s. Exception is ignored.
ISPN000904 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Error while initializing SSL context
ISPN000905 ERROR Unable to load %s from any of the following classloaders: %s
ISPN000906 WARN Unable to convert string property [%s] to an int! Using default value of %d
ISPN000907 WARN Unable to convert string property [%s] to a long! Using default value of %d
ISPN000908 WARN Unable to convert string property [%s] to a boolean! Using default value of %b
ISPN000909 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unwrapping %s to a type of %s is not a supported
ISPN000910 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Illegal value for thread pool parameter(s) %s, it should be: %s
ISPN000911 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unwrapping of any instances in %s to a type of %s is not a supported
ISPN000912 java.lang.IllegalStateException Expecting a protected configuration for %s
ISPN000913 java.lang.IllegalStateException Expecting an unprotected configuration for %s
ISPN000914 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Duplicate attribute '%s' in attribute set '%s'
ISPN000915 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No such attribute '%s' in attribute set '%s'
ISPN000916 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No attribute copier for type '%s'
ISPN000918 java.io.IOException Cannot find resource '%s'
ISPN000919 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Multiple errors encountered while validating configuration
ISPN000920 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Unable to load file using scheme %s
ISPN000921 java.lang.SecurityException The alias '%s' does not exist in the key store '%s'
ISPN000922 ERROR Exception during rollback
ISPN000923 ERROR Error enlisting resource
ISPN000924 ERROR beforeCompletion() failed for %s
ISPN000925 ERROR Unexpected error from resource manager!
ISPN000926 ERROR afterCompletion() failed for %s
ISPN000927 WARN exception while committing
ISPN000928 ERROR end() failed for %s
ISPN000929 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Media type cannot be empty or null!
ISPN000930 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid media type '%s': must contain a type and a subtype separated by '/'
ISPN000931 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid media type '%s': invalid param '%s'
ISPN000932 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid media type list '%s': comma expected
ISPN000933 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid media type list '%s': type expected after comma
ISPN000934 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Errors converting '%s' from '%s' to '%s'
ISPN000935 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid Weight '%s'. Supported values are between 0 and 1.0
ISPN000936 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Class '%s' blocked by deserialization allow list. Adjust the configuration serialization allow list regular expression to include this class.
ISPN000937 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid media type. Expected '%s' but got '%s'
ISPN000938 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid text content '%s'
ISPN000939 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Conversion of content '%s' from '%s' to '%s' not supported
ISPN000940 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded content: '%s'
ISPN000941 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Error encoding content '%s' to '%s'
ISPN000942 WARN Unable to convert property [%s] to an enum! Using default value of %d
ISPN000944 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Feature %s is disabled!
ISPN000946 INFO Using OpenSSL Provider
ISPN000947 INFO Using Java SSL Provider
ISPN000948 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Unsupported conversion of '%s' from '%s' to '%s'
ISPN000949 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Unsupported conversion of '%s' to '%s'
ISPN000950 org.infinispan.commons.dataconversion.EncodingException Encoding '%s' is not supported
ISPN000951 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid value %s for attribute %s: must be a number greater than zero
ISPN000952 INFO OpenTelemetry tracing instance loaded: %s
ISPN000953 INFO OpenTelemetry tracing integration is disabled
ISPN000954 WARN OpenTelemetry tracing cannot be configured.
ISPN000955 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' is not a valid boolean value (true|false|yes|no|y|n|on|off)
ISPN000956 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' is not one of %s
ISPN000957 ERROR Cannot load %s
ISPN000958 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot parse bytes quantity %s
ISPN000959 WARN Property '%s' has been deprecated. Please use '%s' instead.
ISPN000960 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No attribute '%s' in '%s'
ISPN000961 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Incompatible attribute '%s.%s' existing value='%s', new value='%s'
ISPN000962 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot modify protected attribute '%s'
ISPN000963 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid configuration in '%s'
ISPN000968 ERROR Failed creating initial JNDI context
ISPN000969 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Simple caches do not support queries. Use standard caches for querying.
ISPN000970 WARN Failed to register metrics with id %s. Reason: %s
ISPN000971 org.infinispan.commons.CrossSiteIllegalLifecycleStateException Cannot handle cross-site request from site '%s'. CacheManager isn't started yet.
ISPN004001 WARN Could not find '%s' file in classpath, using defaults.
ISPN004002 INFO Cannot perform operations on a cache associated with an unstarted RemoteCacheManager. Use RemoteCacheManager.start before using the remote cache.
ISPN004003 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.InvalidResponseException Invalid magic number. Expected %#x and received %#x
ISPN004005 WARN Error received from the server: %s
ISPN004006 INFO Server sent new topology view (id=%d, age=%d) containing %d addresses: %s
ISPN004007 ERROR Exception encountered. Retry %d out of %d
ISPN004011 WARN No hash function configured for version: %d
ISPN004014 INFO New server added(%s), adding to the pool.
ISPN004015 WARN Failed adding new server %s
ISPN004016 INFO Server not in cluster anymore(%s), removing from the pool.
ISPN004021 INFO Infinispan version: %s
ISPN004024 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException SSL Enabled but no TrustStore specified
ISPN004025 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A password is required to open the KeyStore '%s'
ISPN004026 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A password is required to open the TrustStore '%s'
ISPN004027 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot configure custom KeyStore and/or TrustStore when specifying a SSLContext
ISPN004028 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Unable to parse server IP address %s
ISPN004029 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid max_retries (value=%s). Value should be greater or equal than zero.
ISPN004030 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot enable authentication without specifying either a username, a token, a client Subject or a CallbackHandler
ISPN004031 java.lang.SecurityException The selected authentication mechanism '%s' is not among the supported server mechanisms: %s
ISPN004034 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException Unable to unmarshall bytes %s
ISPN004035 org.infinispan.commons.CacheListenerException Caught exception [%s] while invoking method [%s] on listener instance: %s
ISPN004036 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException Methods annotated with %s must accept exactly one parameter, of assignable from type %s
ISPN004037 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException Methods annotated with %s should have a return type of void.
ISPN004038 ERROR Unexpected error consuming event %s
ISPN004039 WARN Unable to complete reading event from server %s
ISPN004040 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException Cache listener class %s must be annotated with org.infinispan.client.hotrod.annotation.ClientListener
ISPN004041 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException Unknown event type %s received
ISPN004042 ERROR Unable to set method %s accessible
ISPN004045 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException When enabling near caching, number of max entries must be configured
ISPN004046 DEBUG Successfully closed remote iterator '%s'
ISPN004047 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid iteration id '%s'
ISPN004048 java.util.NoSuchElementException Invalid iteration id '%s'
ISPN004050 INFO Switched to cluster '%s'
ISPN004051 INFO Switched back to main cluster
ISPN004052 INFO Manually switched to cluster '%s'
ISPN004053 INFO Manually switched back to main cluster
ISPN004054 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Name of the failover cluster needs to be specified
ISPN004055 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Host needs to be specified in server definition of failover cluster
ISPN004056 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException At least one server address needs to be specified for failover cluster %s
ISPN004057 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Duplicate failover cluster %s has been specified
ISPN004058 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException The client listener must use raw data when it uses a query as a filter: %s
ISPN004059 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.event.IncorrectClientListenerException The client listener must use the '%s' filter/converter factory
ISPN004061 WARN Ignoring error when closing iteration '%s'
ISPN004062 DEBUG Started iteration '%s'
ISPN004063 DEBUG Channel to %s obtained for iteration '%s'
ISPN004064 TRACE Tracking key %s belonging to segment %d, already tracked? = %b
ISPN004067 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot specify both a callback handler and a username/token for authentication
ISPN004069 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.TransportException Connection to %s is not active.
ISPN004070 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException Failed to add client listener %s, server responded with status %d
ISPN004071 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.TransportException Connection to %s was closed while waiting for response.
ISPN004072 ERROR Cannot create another async thread. Please increase 'infinispan.client.hotrod.default_executor_factory.pool_size' (current value is %d).
ISPN004074 INFO Native Epoll transport not available, using NIO instead: %s
ISPN004075 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException TrustStoreFileName and TrustStorePath are mutually exclusive
ISPN004076 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown message id %d; cannot find matching request
ISPN004077 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.TransportException Closing channel %s due to error in unknown operation.
ISPN004078 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException This channel is about to be closed and does not accept any further operations.
ISPN004079 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected listenerId %s
ISPN004080 java.lang.IllegalStateException Event should use messageId of previous Add Client Listener operation but id is %d and operation is %s
ISPN004082 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException TransactionMode must be non-null.
ISPN004083 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException TransactionManagerLookup must be non-null
ISPN004084 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.CacheNotTransactionalException Cache %s doesn't support transactions. Please check the documentation how to configure it properly.
ISPN004085 ERROR Error checking server configuration for transactional cache %s
ISPN004086 WARN Exception caught while preparing transaction %s
ISPN004087 WARN Use of maxIdle expiration with a near cache is unsupported.
ISPN004088 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException Transactions timeout must be positive
ISPN004089 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException TransactionTable is not started!
ISPN004090 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.InvalidResponseException [%s] Invalid response operation. Expected %#x and received %#x
ISPN004091 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException MBean registration failed
ISPN004092 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException MBean unregistration failed
ISPN004093 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException OAUTHBEARER mechanism selected without providing a token
ISPN004094 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot specify both template name and configuration for '%s'
ISPN004095 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Not a Hot Rod URI: %s
ISPN004096 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid property format in URI: %s
ISPN004097 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal attempt to redefine an already existing cache configuration: %s
ISPN004098 WARN Closing connection %s due to transport error
ISPN004099 WARN Remote iteration over the entire result set of query '%s' without using pagination options is inefficient for large result sets. Please consider using 'startOffset' and 'maxResults' options.
ISPN004100 WARN Error reaching the server during iteration
ISPN004101 WARN Configuration property '%s' has been deprecated
ISPN004102 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Near cache number of max entries must be a positive number when using bloom filter optimization, it was %d
ISPN004103 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Near cache with bloom filter requires pool max active to be 1, was %s, and exhausted action to be WAIT, was %s
ISPN004104 WARN Failed to load and create an optional ProtoStream serialization context initializer: %s
ISPN004105 WARN Reverting to the initial server list for caches %s
ISPN004106 WARN Invalid active count after closing channel %s
ISPN004107 WARN Invalid created count after closing channel %s
ISPN004108 INFO Native IOUring transport not available, using NIO instead: %s
ISPN004109 TRACE OpenTelemetry API is not present in the classpath. Client context tracing will not be propagated.
ISPN004110 TRACE OpenTelemetry API is present in the classpath and the tracing propagation is enabled. Client context tracing will be propagated.
ISPN004111 TRACE OpenTelemetry API is present in the classpath, but the tracing propagation is not enabled. Client context tracing will not be propagated.
ISPN004112 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The SNI hostname is required when hostname validation is enabled
ISPN004115 WARN Unexpected error while creating the tracing propagation context. Client context tracing will not be propagated.
ISPN004116 WARN Client cannot marshall the server's key media type ('%s'). This could cause poor performance.
ISPN004117 WARN Cache '%s' with marshaller %s does not handle server storage type '%s'. Configure the cache or default marshaller.
ISPN008001 ERROR Failed clearing cache store
ISPN008003 ERROR SQL failure while integrating state into store
ISPN008009 ERROR I/O error while unmarshalling from stream
ISPN008010 ERROR *UNEXPECTED* ClassNotFoundException.
ISPN008011 ERROR Error while creating table; used DDL statement: '%s'
ISPN008015 ERROR Could not find a connection in jndi under the name '%s'
ISPN008016 ERROR Could not lookup connection with datasource %s
ISPN008017 WARN Failed to close naming context.
ISPN008018 ERROR Sql failure retrieving connection from datasource
ISPN008019 ERROR Issues while closing connection %s
ISPN008022 WARN Unexpected sql failure
ISPN008023 WARN Failure while closing the connection to the database
ISPN008024 ERROR Error while storing string key to database; key: '%s'
ISPN008025 ERROR Error while removing string keys from database
ISPN008026 ERROR In order for JdbcStringBasedStore to support %s, the Key2StringMapper needs to implement TwoWayKey2StringMapper. You should either make %s implement TwoWayKey2StringMapper or disable the sql. See [https://jira.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-579] for more details.
ISPN008027 ERROR SQL error while fetching stored entry with key: %s, lockingKey: %s
ISPN008028 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Attribute '%2$s' has not been set on '%1$s'
ISPN008029 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A ConnectionFactory has not been specified for this store
ISPN008031 ERROR Error committing JDBC transaction
ISPN008032 ERROR Error during rollback of JDBC transaction
ISPN008033 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Exception encountered when preparing JDBC store Tx
ISPN008036 WARN Unable to notify the PurgeListener of expired cache entries as the configured key2StringMapper does not implement %s
ISPN008037 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Error while writing entries in batch to the database:
ISPN008038 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Error whilst removing keys in batch from the database. Keys: %s
ISPN008039 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The existing store was created without segmentation enabled
ISPN008040 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The existing store was created with %d segments configured, but the cache is configured with %d
ISPN008041 ERROR Error retrieving JDBC metadata
ISPN008042 ERROR SQL failure while retrieving size
ISPN008043 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Primary key has multiple columns but no key message schema defined, which is required when there is more than one key column
ISPN008044 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Multiple non key columns but no value message schema defined, which is required when there is more than one value column
ISPN008045 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Primary key %s was not found in the key schema %s
ISPN008046 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Additional value columns %s found that were not part of the schema, make sure the columns returned match the value schema %s
ISPN008047 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Schema not found for : %s
ISPN008048 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Key cannot be embedded when the value schema %s is an enum
ISPN008049 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Repeated fields are not supported, found %s in schema %s
ISPN008050 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Duplicate name %s found for nested schema: %s
ISPN008051 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Schema contained a field %s that is required but wasn't found in the query for schema %s
ISPN008052 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Primary key %s was found in the value schema %s but embedded key was not true
ISPN008053 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Delete and select queries do not have matching arguments. Delete was %s and select was %s
ISPN008054 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Named parameter %s in upsert statement [%s] is not available in columns from selectAll statement [%s]
ISPN008055 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No parameters are allowed for select all statement %s
ISPN008056 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No parameters are allowed for delete all statement %s
ISPN008057 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No parameters are allowed for sizer statement %s
ISPN008058 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Not all key columns %s were returned from select all statement %s
ISPN008059 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Select parameter %s is not returned from select all statement %s, select statement is %s
ISPN008060 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Non-terminated named parameter declaration at position %d in statement: %s
ISPN008061 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Invalid character %s at position %d in statement: %s
ISPN008062 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Unnamed parameters are not allowed, found one at %d in statement %s
ISPN008063 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Provided table name %s is not in form of (.) where SCHEMA is optional
ISPN008064 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No primary keys found for table %s, check case sensitivity
ISPN008065 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException No column found that wasn't a primary key for table: %s
ISPN008066 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Unable to detect database dialect from JDBC driver name or connection metadata. Please provide this manually using the 'dialect' property in your configuration. Supported database dialect strings are %s
ISPN008067 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The size, select and select all attributes must be set for a query store
ISPN008068 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The delete, delete all and upsert attributes must be set for a query store that allows writes
ISPN008069 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Key columns are required for QueryStore
ISPN008070 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Message name must not be null if embedded key is true
ISPN008071 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Table name must be non null
ISPN008072 WARN There was no JDBC metadata present in table %s, unable to confirm if segments are properly configured! Segments are assumed to be properly configured.
ISPN010005 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Cannot enable HotRod wrapping if a marshaller and/or an entryWrapper have already been set
ISPN010007 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException The RemoteCacheStore for cache %s should be configured with hotRodWrapping enabled
ISPN010008 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException RemoteStore only supports segmentation when using at least protocol version %s or higher
ISPN010009 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException A RemoteStore must be shared in a cache that is clustered
ISPN010010 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Segmentation is not supported for a RemoteStore when the configured segments %d do not match the remote servers amount %s
ISPN010011 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Segmentation is not supported for a RemoteStore when the configured key media type %s does not match the remote servers key media type %s
ISPN010012 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException The RemoteCacheStore cannot be segmented when grouping is enabled
ISPN014001 ERROR Could not locate key class %s
ISPN014002 ERROR Cannot instantiate Transformer class %s
ISPN014003 INFO Registering Query interceptor for cache %s
ISPN014004 DEBUG Custom commands backend initialized backing index %s
ISPN014009 WARN Indexed type '%1$s' is using a default Transformer. This is slow! Register a custom implementation using @Transformable
ISPN014013 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Cache named '%1$s' is being shut down. No longer accepting remote commands.
ISPN014014 INFO Reindexed %1$d entities in %2$d ms
ISPN014015 DEBUG %1$d documents indexed in %2$d ms
ISPN014016 INFO Purging instances of '%s' from the index
ISPN014017 INFO Flushing index '%s'
ISPN014019 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot run Lucene queries on a cache '%s' that does not have indexing enabled
ISPN014021 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Queries containing grouping and aggregation functions must use projections.
ISPN014022 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot have aggregate functions in GROUP BY clause
ISPN014023 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Using the multi-valued property path '%s' in the GROUP BY clause is not currently supported
ISPN014024 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException The property path '%s' cannot be used in the ORDER BY clause because it is multi-valued
ISPN014025 java.lang.IllegalStateException The query must not use grouping or aggregation
ISPN014026 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException The expression '%s' must be part of an aggregate function or it should be included in the GROUP BY clause
ISPN014027 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException The property path '%s' cannot be projected because it is multi-valued
ISPN014033 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Unable to resume suspended transaction %s
ISPN014034 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Unable to suspend transaction
ISPN014036 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Prefix, wildcard or regexp queries cannot be fuzzy: %s
ISPN014039 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Queries containing groups or aggregations cannot be converted to an indexed query
ISPN014040 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Unable to define filters, please use filters in the query string instead.
ISPN014042 org.infinispan.partitionhandling.AvailabilityException Cannot execute query: cluster is operating in degraded mode and partition handling configuration doesn't allow reads and writes.
ISPN014043 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Cannot find an appropriate Transformer for key type %s. Indexing only works with entries keyed on Strings, primitives, byte[], UUID, classes that have the @Transformable annotation or classes for which you have defined a suitable Transformer in the indexing configuration. Alternatively, see org.infinispan.query.spi.SearchManagerImplementor.registerKeyTransformer.
ISPN014044 ERROR Failed to parse system property %s
ISPN014046 INFO Setting org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount from system property %s to value %d
ISPN014047 WARN Ignoring system property %s because the value %d is smaller than the current value (%d) of org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount()
ISPN014050 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Interrupted while waiting for completions of some batch indexing operations.
ISPN014051 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException %1$s entities could not be indexed. See the logs for details. First failure on entity '%2$s': %3$s
ISPN014052 java.lang.String Indexing instance of entity '%s' during mass indexing
ISPN014053 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Invalid property key '%1$s`, it's not a string.
ISPN014054 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Trying to execute query `%1$s`, but no type is indexed on cache.
ISPN014055 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Cannot index entry since the search mapping failed to initialize.
ISPN014056 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Only DELETE statements are supported by executeStatement
ISPN014057 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException DELETE statements cannot use paging (firstResult/maxResults)
ISPN014058 org.infinispan.commons.CacheException Projections are not supported with entryIterator()
ISPN014059 WARN The indexing engine is restarting, index updates will be skipped for the current data changes.
ISPN014060 INFO We're getting some errors from Hibernate Search or Lucene while we compute the index count/size for statistics. There is probably a concurrent reindexing ongoing.
ISPN014061 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Failed to load declared indexed class '%s'
ISPN014062 DEBUG Search engine is reloaded before the reindexing.
ISPN014063 INFO Reindexing starting.
ISPN014064 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Multiple knn predicates are not supported at the moment.
ISPN014065 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Boolean predicates containing knn predicates are not supported at the moment.
ISPN014066 WARN Failed to purge index for segments %s
ISPN014501 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Exception while retrieving the type model for '%1$s'.
ISPN014502 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Multiple entity types configured with the same name '%1$s': '%2$s', '%3$s'
ISPN014503 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Infinispan Search Mapper does not support named types. The type with name '%1$s' does not exist.
ISPN014504 org.hibernate.search.engine.environment.classpath.spi.ClassLoadingException Unable to load class [%1$s]
ISPN014505 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Unknown entity name: '%1$s'.
ISPN014506 org.hibernate.search.util.common.SearchException Invalid type for '%1$s': the entity type must extend '%2$s', but entity type '%3$s' does not.
ISPN014507 ERROR Error processing indexing operation.
ISPN014801 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Argument cannot be null
ISPN014802 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' must be an instance of java.lang.Comparable
ISPN014803 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Parameter name cannot be null or empty
ISPN014804 java.lang.IllegalStateException Query does not have parameters
ISPN014805 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No parameter named '%s' was found
ISPN014806 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No parameters named '%s' were found
ISPN014807 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The list of values for 'in(..)' cannot be null or empty
ISPN014808 java.lang.IllegalStateException operator was already specified
ISPN014809 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The given condition was created by another factory
ISPN014810 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The given condition is already in use by another builder
ISPN014811 java.lang.IllegalStateException Sentence already started. Cannot use '%s' again.
ISPN014812 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s cannot be null
ISPN014813 java.lang.IllegalStateException This query already belongs to another query builder
ISPN014814 java.lang.IllegalStateException This sub-query does not belong to a parent query builder yet
ISPN014815 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Grouping cannot be null or empty
ISPN014816 java.lang.IllegalStateException Grouping can be specified only once
ISPN014817 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Expecting a java.lang.Collection or an array of java.lang.Object
ISPN014818 java.lang.IllegalStateException Incomplete sentence. Missing attribute path or operator.
ISPN014819 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot visit an incomplete condition.
ISPN014820 java.lang.IllegalStateException Old child condition not found in parent condition
ISPN014821 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Projection cannot be null or empty
ISPN014822 java.lang.IllegalStateException Projection can be specified only once
ISPN014823 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException maxResults must be greater than 0
ISPN014824 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException startOffset cannot be less than 0
ISPN014825 java.lang.IllegalStateException Query parameter '%s' was not set
ISPN014826 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Left and right condition cannot be the same
ISPN014827 WARN Distributed sort not supported for non-indexed query '%s'. Consider using an index for optimal performance.
ISPN017001 INFO Infinispan CDI extension version: %s
ISPN017002 INFO Configuration for cache '%s' has been defined in cache manager '%s'
ISPN017003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s parameter must not be null
ISPN017003 INFO Overriding default embedded configuration not found - adding default implementation
ISPN017004 INFO Overriding default embedded cache manager not found - adding default implementation
ISPN017004 INFO Overriding default remote cache manager not found - adding default implementation
ISPN028501 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException The type %s does not have an accessible property named '%s'.
ISPN028502 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Unknown alias: %s.
ISPN028503 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Property %2$s can not be selected from type %1$s since it is an embedded entity.
ISPN028504 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException The property %s is an embedded entity and does not allow comparison predicates
ISPN028505 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Invalid numeric literal '%s'
ISPN028506 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Invalid date literal '%s'
ISPN028507 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Invalid boolean literal '%s'
ISPN028508 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Invalid enum literal '%s' for enum type %s
ISPN028509 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Filters cannot use grouping or aggregations
ISPN028510 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown entity name %s
ISPN028511 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException namedParameters cannot be null
ISPN028512 java.lang.IllegalStateException Aggregation %s is not supported
ISPN028513 java.lang.IllegalStateException Aggregation AVG cannot be applied to property of type %s
ISPN028514 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException %s aggregation can only be applied to property references.
ISPN028515 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Cannot have aggregate functions in the WHERE clause : %s.
ISPN028516 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Cannot have aggregate functions in the GROUP BY clause : %s.
ISPN028517 java.lang.IllegalStateException The predicate %s can not be added since there may be only one root predicate.
ISPN028518 java.lang.IllegalStateException The predicate %s can not be added since there may be only one sub-predicate in a NOT predicate.
ISPN028519 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Cannot apply predicates directly to an entity alias: %s
ISPN028520 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Full-text queries are not allowed in the HAVING clause
ISPN028521 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Full-text queries cannot be applied to property '%2$s' in type %1$s unless the property is indexed and analyzed.
ISPN028522 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException No relational queries can be applied to property '%2$s' in type %1$s since the property is analyzed.
ISPN028523 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Filters cannot use full-text searches
ISPN028524 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Left side argument must be a property path
ISPN028525 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Invalid query: %s
ISPN028526 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Invalid query: %s; Parser error messages: %s.
ISPN028527 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Full-text queries cannot be applied to property '%2$s' in type %1$s unless the property is indexed.
ISPN028528 org.infinispan.objectfilter.ParsingException Error parsing content. Data not stored as protobuf?
ISPN029001 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Max size of index node (%d) is limited to 32767 bytes.
ISPN029001 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException The lock was deleted.
ISPN029002 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Min size of index node (%d) must be less or equal to max size (%d).
ISPN029003 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Calculation of size has been interrupted.
ISPN029003 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException LOCK[%s] Unlock failed from node %s
ISPN029004 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException Missing name for the clustered lock
ISPN029005 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException Invalid number of owner. It must be higher than zero or -1 but it was %s
ISPN029006 WARN Cannot truncate index
ISPN029006 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException Invalid reliability mode. Modes are AVAILABLE or CONSISTENT
ISPN029007 ERROR Unexpected error in index updater thread.
ISPN029007 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException Invalid scope for tag . Expected CACHE_CONTAINER but was %s
ISPN029008 ERROR Failed to close the index file.
ISPN029008 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException Cannot create clustered locks when clustering is not enabled
ISPN029009 ERROR Unexpected error in data compactor.
ISPN029009 INFO Configuration is not clustered, clustered locks are disabled
ISPN029010 org.infinispan.lock.exception.ClusteredLockException MBean registration failed
ISPN029011 ERROR Cannot close data file.
ISPN029012 org.infinispan.commons.CacheConfigurationException Compaction threshold (%f) should be between 0 (exclusively) and 1 (inclusively).
ISPN029013 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Cannot open index on %s
ISPN029014 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Interrupted while stopping the store
ISPN029015 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Interrupted while pausing the index for clear.
ISPN029016 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Cannot clear/reopen index.
ISPN029017 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Cannot clear data directory.
ISPN029018 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException The serialized form of key %s is too long (%d); with maxNodeSize=%d bytes you can use only keys serialized to at most %d bytes.
ISPN029019 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Cannot load key %s from index.
ISPN029020 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Index looks corrupt.
ISPN029021 ERROR File id %s encountered an exception while compacting, file may be orphaned
ISPN029022 WARN Compaction skipping a corrupted entry for key %s, at %s:%s|%s that doesn't have enough bytes for header %s
ISPN029023 FATAL Error encountered with index, SIFS may not operate properly.
ISPN029024 WARN Clear encountered an exception, size stats for future invocations may be incorrect
ISPN029025 org.infinispan.persistence.spi.PersistenceException Failed acquiring lock '%s' for SIFS
ISPN029501 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterOutOfBoundsException %s reached.
ISPN029503 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException The counter name is missing.
ISPN029504 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Invalid storage mode. It must be non-null
ISPN029505 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Invalid storage mode. PERSISTENT is not allowed without global state enabled in cache container.
ISPN029506 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Invalid number of owner. It must be higher than zero but it was %s
ISPN029507 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Invalid reliability mode. It must be non-null
ISPN029508 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Invalid initial value for counter. It must be between %s and %s (inclusive) but was %s
ISPN029509 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Invalid concurrency-level. It must be higher than zero but it was %s
ISPN029514 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterException Invalid counter type. Expected=%s but got %s
ISPN029515 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterException Unable to fetch counter manager caches.
ISPN029516 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterException Counter '%s' is not defined.
ISPN029516 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterNotFoundException Counter '%s' is not defined.
ISPN029517 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Duplicated counter name found. Counter '%s' already exists.
ISPN029518 java.lang.IllegalStateException Metadata not found but counter exists. Counter=%s
ISPN029520 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Invalid scope for tag . Expected CACHE_CONTAINER but was %s
ISPN029522 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterException WEAK and BOUNDED encoded flag isn't supported!
ISPN029524 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Lower bound (%s) and upper bound (%s) can't be the same.
ISPN029525 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Cannot rename file %s to %s
ISPN029526 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Error while persisting counter's configurations
ISPN029527 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterConfigurationException Error while reading counter's configurations
ISPN029528 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterException CounterManager hasn't started yet or has been stopped.
ISPN029529 org.infinispan.counter.exception.CounterException MBean registration failed
ISPN290010 ERROR Cannot close/delete data file %d.


Code Level Return Type Message
JBERET000001 WARN Failed to run batchlet %s
JBERET000002 WARN A step cannot contain both chunk type and batchlet type: %s
JBERET000003 WARN A concrete step must contain either a chunk or batchlet type: %s
JBERET000004 WARN Unrecognized property category: %s, variable name: %s in property value: %s
JBERET000005 WARN Invalid exception filter class '%s'
JBERET000006 TRACE The job: %s already exists in the job repository and will not be added.
JBERET000007 ERROR Failed to run job %s, %s, %s
JBERET000008 WARN Possible syntax errors in property: %s
JBERET000009 WARN A decision cannot be the first element: %s
JBERET000010 DEBUG Could not resolve expression because: %s
JBERET000011 WARN Failed to stop the job %s, %s, %s
JBERET000012 WARN Failed to clone %s when running job [%s] and step [%s]
JBERET000013 WARN Failed to destroy artifact %s
JBERET000014 DEBUG Tables created for batch job repository with DDL file %s
JBERET000015 DEBUG Adding ddl entry for batch job repository:%n %s
JBERET000016 WARN Failed to close %s: %s
JBERET000017 DEBUG Persisted %s with id %s
JBERET000018 WARN Could not find the original step execution to restart. Current step execution id: %s, step name: %s
JBERET000019 WARN Encountered errors when creating batch job repository tables.
JBERET000020 WARN Failed to get database product name from connection %s
JBERET000021 INFO About to initialize batch job repository with ddl-file: %s for database %s
JBERET000022 TRACE %s is not implemented for local transactions
JBERET000023 INFO Removing %s %s
JBERET000024 INFO About to mark it FAILED before restarting job execution %s, job name %s, batch status %s, restart mode %s
JBERET000025 WARN Failed to set attributes to script context for engine %s, script type %s, and some data will not be passed to script
JBERET000026 INFO job %s is added to waiting queue due to low number of available threads: %s
JBERET000027 INFO job %s is taken from waiting queue and resubmitted
JBERET000028 WARN Failed to serialize exception: %s
JBERET000029 INFO Applied custom restart position: %s, instead of the default restart position: %s
JBERET000030 INFO Resolved job %s
JBERET000031 WARN Problem finalizing partition execution in step execution %s
JBERET000032 WARN Failed to get executions for job %s; instead got cached executions: %s
JBERET000033 INFO Stopping job execution: %s
JBERET000034 DEBUG The number of job executions read from the job repository is limited to %d.


Code Level Return Type Message
JBREM-00001 java.io.IOException Internal Error: received a message with a duplicate ID
JBREM-00001 TRACE Message with unknown protocol ID %d received
JBREM-00001 TRACE Rejected invalid SASL mechanism %s
JBREM000200 DEBUG Remote connection failed: %s
JBREM000201 java.io.IOException Received invalid message on %s
JBREM000202 java.io.IOException Abrupt close on %s
JBREM000203 WARN Message missing protocol byte
JBREM000204 WARN Buffer underflow parsing message with protocol ID %02x
JBREM000205 DEBUG Failed to accept a connection: %s
JBREM000206 org.jboss.remoting3.NotOpenException Channel is not open
JBREM000207 org.jboss.remoting3.ChannelBusyException Failed to send a message (channel is busy)
JBREM000208 java.io.InterruptedIOException Write operation interrupted
JBREM000209 ERROR An exception occurred in a message handler
JBREM000210 FATAL Internal Error: received a message with duplicate ID %d from %s
JBREM000211 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid XNIO worker; the worker must match the Remoting Endpoint worker
JBREM000212 java.io.IOException Failed to configure SSL context
JBREM000300 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Authentication failed due to I/O error
JBREM000301 java.io.IOException Mechanism name "%s" is too long
JBREM000302 java.io.IOException Authentication message too large
JBREM000303 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Authentication protocol failed (extra response)
JBREM000304 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Server rejected authentication
JBREM000305 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Authentication failed (connection closed)
JBREM000306 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Authentication failed (SASL client construction failure)
JBREM000307 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Authentication interrupted
JBREM000308 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Authentication failed (no mechanisms left), tried: %s
JBREM000309 org.wildfly.security.auth.AuthenticationException Authentication not supported for this peer


Code Level Return Type Message
JBTHR-0001 INFO JBoss Threads version %s
JBTHR00001 org.jboss.threads.ThreadCreationException Thread factory did not produce a thread
JBTHR00002 java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException Task limit reached
JBTHR00003 java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Operation timed out
JBTHR00004 java.util.concurrent.CancellationException Operation was cancelled
JBTHR00005 java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException Operation failed
JBTHR00006 org.jboss.threads.ThreadCreationException Unable to add new thread to the running set
JBTHR00007 org.jboss.threads.ExecutionInterruptedException Task execution interrupted
JBTHR00008 java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException Task rejected
JBTHR00009 org.jboss.threads.StoppedExecutorException Executor has been shut down
JBTHR00010 org.jboss.threads.ExecutionTimedOutException Task execution timed out
JBTHR00011 ERROR Task execution failed for task %s
JBTHR00012 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot await termination of a thread pool from one of its own threads
JBTHR00013 java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException No executors available to run task
JBTHR00014 ERROR Error submitting task %s to executor
JBTHR00100 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Keep-alive may only be set to 0 for this executor type
JBTHR00101 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot reduce maximum threads below current thread number of running threads
JBTHR00102 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Empty array parameter is not empty
JBTHR00103 java.lang.IllegalStateException The current thread does not support interrupt handlers
JBTHR00104 java.lang.IllegalStateException Executor is not shut down
JBTHR00105 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException Concurrent modification of collection detected
JBTHR00106 java.util.NoSuchElementException No such element (iteration past end)
JBTHR00107 java.lang.RuntimeException Unknown throwable received
JBTHR00108 ERROR Interrupt handler %s threw an exception
JBTHR00200 java.lang.SecurityException %s() not allowed on container-managed executor


Code Level Return Type Message
JBWEB005000 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam keepgenerated. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005001 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam trimSpaces. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005002 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam enablePooling. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005003 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam mappedfile. Will use the default value of "true"
JBWEB005004 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam sendErrToClient. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005005 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam classdebuginfo. Will use the default value of "true"
JBWEB005006 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam checkInterval. Will disable periodic checking
JBWEB005007 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam modificationTestInterval. Will use the default value of "4" seconds
JBWEB005008 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam recompileOnFail. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005009 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam development. Will use the default value of "true"
JBWEB005010 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam suppressSmap. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005011 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam dumpSmap. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005012 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam genStrAsCharArray. Will use the default value of "false"
JBWEB005013 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam errorOnUseBeanInvalidClassAttribute. Will use the default value of "true"
JBWEB005014 ERROR The JSP container needs a work directory
JBWEB005015 ERROR The JSP container needs a valid work directory [%s]
JBWEB005016 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam fork. Will use the default value of "true"
JBWEB005017 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam xpoweredBy. Will use the default value of "true"
JBWEB005018 WARN Invalid %s value for the initParam displaySourceFragment. Will use the default value of "true"
JBWEB005019 WARN Failed loading Java compiler %s
JBWEB005020 WARN Failed loading custom options class %s
JBWEB005021 ERROR File "%s" not found
JBWEB005022 ERROR Error destroying JSP Servlet instance
JBWEB005023 WARN Bad value %s in the url-pattern subelement in the webapp descriptor
JBWEB005024 DEBUG Exception closing reader
JBWEB005025 DEBUG Parent class loader is: %s
JBWEB005026 DEBUG Compilation classpath: %s
JBWEB005027 ERROR Error reading source file %s
JBWEB005028 ERROR Error reading class file %s
JBWEB005029 WARN Unknown source JVM %s ignored
JBWEB005030 WARN Unknown target JVM %s ignored
JBWEB005031 ERROR Error creating compiler report
JBWEB005032 ERROR Compiler error
JBWEB005033 ERROR Exception initializing page context
JBWEB005034 ERROR Error loading core class
JBWEB005035 WARN Invalid value '%s' for the initParam maxLoadedJsps. Will use the default value of '-1
JBWEB005036 WARN Invalid value '%s' for the initParam jspIdleTimeout. Will use the default value of '-1'
JBWEB005037 WARN Failed to delete generated Java file '%s'
JBWEB005038 WARN Failed to delete generated class file(s)
JBWEB005039 ERROR Invalid optimizeScriptlets value %s, must be true or false
JBWEB005040 WARN The "isThreadSafe" page directive attribute used in %s has been deprecated and will be removed in version 4.0 of the JSP specification
JBWEB005041 WARN Unsupported source VM %s requested, using %s
JBWEB005042 WARN Unsupported target VM %s requested, using %s


Code Level Return Type Message
JBWS020003 TRACE Ignore attribute: [uri=%s, qname=%s, value=%s]
JBWS020005 ERROR Cannnot parse: %s
JBWS020006 TRACE createElement {%s}%s
JBWS020007 TRACE createElement {%s}%s:%s
JBWS020008 TRACE pushGroupID: %s (%s)
JBWS020009 TRACE peekGroupID: %s (%s)
JBWS020010 TRACE popGroupID: %s (%s)
JBWS020012 WARN Non-standard method: %s
JBWS020015 TRACE Could not get %s module classloader: %s
JBWS021003 WARN %s element not supported
JBWS021005 ERROR Cannot get port component name {%s}, we have: %s
JBWS021006 WARN Element in webservices.xml not namespace qualified: %s
JBWS021010 WARN Multiple matching port-component-ref: sei={%s} port={%s}
JBWS021017 ERROR Cannot get children for resource %s
JBWS021018 ERROR Cannot get name for resource %s
JBWS021019 TRACE Cannot get URL for %s
JBWS022001 ERROR Cannot get children for resource %s
JBWS022002 ERROR Cannot get name for resource %s
JBWS022010 TRACE Class %s is not assignable from %s due to conflicting classloaders: %s and %s
JBWS022011 TRACE Could not clear blacklist for classloader %s
JBWS022012 DEBUG Could not load %s
JBWS022013 ERROR Cannot parse: %s
JBWS022021 ERROR Cannot read resource: %s
JBWS022022 WARN Cannot load ID '%s' as URL (protocol = %s)
JBWS022025 DEBUG WSDL import published to %s
JBWS022026 DEBUG XMLSchema import published to %s
JBWS022027 WARN Cannot delete published wsdl document: %s
JBWS022042 DEBUG Cannot register processor %s with JMX server, will be trying using the default managed implementation.
JBWS022043 ERROR Cannot register processor %s with JMX server
JBWS022044 ERROR Cannot unregister processor %s with JMX server
JBWS022052 INFO Starting %s %s
JBWS022053 DEBUG Unable to calculate webservices port, using default %s
JBWS022054 DEBUG Unable to calculate webservices secure port, using default %s
JBWS022055 DEBUG Using undefined webservices host: %s
JBWS022056 DEBUG Setting webservices host to localhost: %s
JBWS022057 DEBUG Could not get address for host: %s
JBWS022058 WARN Could not get port for webservices configuration from configured HTTP connector
JBWS022059 WARN Unable to read from the http servlet request
JBWS022060 ERROR Cannot trace SOAP message
JBWS022061 WARN Method invocation failed with exception
JBWS022090 TRACE Cannot get %s from root file, trying with additional metadata files
JBWS022098 TRACE Cannot get %s from %s
JBWS022099 DEBUG Error during deployment: %s
JBWS022100 ERROR Error while destroying deployment %s due to previous exception
JBWS022102 ERROR Cannot stop endpoint in state %s: %s
JBWS022103 ERROR Cannot start endpoint in state %s: %s
JBWS022110 WARN Could not add handler %s as part of client or endpoint configuration
JBWS022111 WARN PortNamePattern and ServiceNamePattern filters not supported; adding handlers anyway
JBWS022112 WARN Init params not supported; adding handler anyway
JBWS022113 ERROR Error closing JAXBIntro configuration stream: %s
JBWS022114 TRACE %s doesn't work on %s
JBWS022115 TRACE Cannot get URL for %s
JBWS022116 TRACE Could not find %s in the additional metadatafiles
JBWS022118 WARN Cannot obtain host for vituralHost %s, use default host
JBWS022119 WARN Cannot obtain port for vituralHost %s, use default port
JBWS024015 INFO Cannot use the bus associated to the current deployment for starting a new endpoint, creating a new bus...
JBWS024016 TRACE Unable to retrieve server config; this is an expected condition for jboss-modules enabled client.
JBWS024018 WARN Unable to retrieve port QName from %s, trying matching port using endpoint interface name only.
JBWS024033 DEBUG Setting new service endpoint address in wsdl: %s
JBWS024034 DEBUG WSDL service endpoint address rewrite required because of server configuration: %s
JBWS024035 DEBUG WSDL service endpoint address rewrite required because of invalid URL: %s
JBWS024036 DEBUG WSDL service endpoint address rewrite not required: %s
JBWS024037 DEBUG Rewritten new candidate WSDL service endpoint address '%s' to '%s'
JBWS024038 DEBUG Invalid url '%s' provided, using original one without rewriting: %s
JBWS024040 TRACE About to authenticate, using security domain %s
JBWS024041 TRACE Authenticated, principal=%s
JBWS024042 TRACE Security context propagated for principal %s
JBWS024054 ERROR User principal is not available on the current message
JBWS024059 WARN %s cannot open stream for resource: %s
JBWS024060 DEBUG %s cannot resolve resource: %s
JBWS024061 INFO Adding service endpoint metadata: %s
JBWS024062 DEBUG id %s, overriding portName %s with %s
JBWS024063 DEBUG id %s, overriding portName %s with %s
JBWS024064 DEBUG id %s, enabling MTOM...
JBWS024065 DEBUG id %s, enabling Addressing...
JBWS024066 DEBUG id %s, enabling RespectBinding...
JBWS024067 DEBUG id %s, overriding wsdlFile location with %s
JBWS024068 WARN Handler chain deployment descriptor contribution: PortNamePattern, ServiceNamePattern and ProtocolBindings filters not supported; adding handlers anyway.
JBWS024069 WARN Init params not supported, handler: %s
JBWS024073 ERROR Error registering bus for management: %s
JBWS024074 INFO WSDL published to: %s
JBWS024077 WARN Cannot get wsdl publish location for null wsdl location and serviceName
JBWS024078 WARN WSDL publisher not configured, unable to publish contract for endpoint class %s
JBWS024080 DEBUG Actual configuration from file: %s
JBWS024086 TRACE Error while getting default WSSConfig
JBWS024087 WARN Could not early initialize security engine
JBWS024089 TRACE Unable to load additional configuration from %s
JBWS024091 DEBUG Could not get WSDL from %s, aborting soap:address rewrite.
JBWS024092 INFO Adding %s policy attachment with id='%s' to honor requirement from %s.
JBWS024095 WARN Unknown strategy '%s' requested for selecting the Apache CXF Bus to be used for building JAXWS clients; default strategy will be used.
JBWS024097 WARN Could not delete wsdl file %s
JBWS024098 DEBUG Deleted wsdl file %s
JBWS024099 WARN Could not create wsdl data path.
JBWS024100 WARN Could not delete wsdl directory %s
JBWS024102 DEBUG JASPI authentication isn't enabled, can not find JASPI modules and classes
JBWS024103 DEBUG Could not load BouncyCastle security provider; either setup your classpath properly or prevent loading by using the '%s' system property.
JBWS024105 WARN Could not create instance of specified ClientBusSelector: %s
JBWS024106 WARN Could not remove previuosly set features on client: %s
JBWS024110 ERROR Unable to process handler element: %s
JBWS024112 WARN Could not construct reference for config: %s
JBWS024114 ERROR No security domain associated
JBWS024115 ERROR Failed to compute UsernameToken profile digest from expected password
JBWS024116 TRACE Plain text password for principal: %s must be recoverable when UsernameToken Profile is used with PasswordDigest
JBWS024117 TRACE Security realm is not available, could not authenticate a user, principal=%s


Code Level Return Type Message
JIPI020200 WARN Could not load entity class '%s', ignoring this error and continuing with application deployment
JIPI020201 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot change input stream reference.
JIPI020202 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Parameter %s is empty
JIPI020203 java.lang.RuntimeException Missing PersistenceUnitMetadata (thread local wasn't set)
JIPI020204 java.lang.RuntimeException Not yet implemented
JIPI020205 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Parameter %s is null
JIPI020250 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to open VirtualFile-based InputStream %s
JIPI020251 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException URI syntax error
JIPI020252 WARN second level cache not integrated - %s


Code Level Return Type Message
JIPIORMV6020260 INFO Second level cache enabled for %s
JIPIORMV6020261 java.lang.IllegalStateException Hibernate ORM did not register LifeCycleListener
JIPIORMV6020262 WARN Application custom cache region setting is ignored %s=%s
JIPIORMV6020263 java.lang.IllegalStateException hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings set to false is not supported, remove the setting or set to true. Refer to Hibernate ORM migration documentation for how to update the next id state in the application database.
JIPIORMV6020264 org.hibernate.boot.archive.spi.ArchiveException Unable to open VirtualFile-based InputStream


Code Level Return Type Message
JIPISEARCH020290 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to parse property '%2$s' while integrating Hibernate Search into persistence unit '%1$s


Code Level Return Type Message
JNDIWFHTTP000001 javax.naming.NamingException Unexpected data in response
JNDIWFHTTP000002 javax.naming.NamingException At least one URI must be provided
JNDIWFHTTP000003 java.io.InvalidClassException Exception resolving class %s for unmarshalling; it has either been blocklisted or not allowlisted


Code Level Return Type Message
KEYCLOAK000001 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The migrate operation can not be performed: the server must be in admin-only mode
KEYCLOAK000002 java.lang.String Migration failed, see results for more details.


Code Level Return Type Message
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000000 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to instantiate object from class {0} via no-args constructor. The exception was: {1}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000001 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected extension method argument: {0}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000002 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException {0} methods can't declare a parameter of type {1}, found at {2}. Method name - {3}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000003 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unknown declaration {0}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000004 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Observer method without an @Observes parameter: {0}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000005 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unknown primitive type: {0}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000006 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Zero or more than one parameter of type {0} for method {1} with declaring class {2}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000007 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unknown query parameter: {0}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000008 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to invoke extension method {0} with arguments {1}. The exception was: {2}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000009 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to load class with name {0}. The exception was: {1}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000010 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unrecognized parameter of type {0} declared in class {1}#{2}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000011 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unknown reflection type {0}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000012 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unknown annotation member {0}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000013 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Not {0}:{1}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000014 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Unable to access annotation member(s) for annotation {0}. The exception was: {1}
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000015 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Provided type {0} is illegal because it doesn't match an of known annotation member types.
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000016 WARN AnnotationBuilderFactoryImpl wasn't initialized properly before using it. This can be caused by attempted usage outside of build compatible extension cycle. The init process will use a fallback method.
LITE-EXTENSION-TRANSLATOR-000017 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException There was a problem executing Build Compatible Extension method {0} during phase {1}. The exception was: {2}


Code Level Return Type Message
LRA025001 java.lang.String LRA created with an unexpected status code: %d, coordinator response '%s'
LRA025002 java.lang.String Leaving LRA: %s, ends with an unexpected status code: %d, coordinator response '%s'
LRA025003 java.lang.String LRA participant class '%s' with asynchronous temination but no @Status or @Forget annotations
LRA025004 java.lang.String LRA finished with an unexpected status code: %d, coordinator response '%s'
LRA025005 java.lang.String LRA coordinator '%s' returned an invalid status code '%s' for LRA '%s'
LRA025006 java.lang.String LRA coordinator '%s' returned no content on #getStatus call for LRA '%s'
LRA025007 java.lang.String LRA coordinator '%s' returned an invalid status for LRA '%s'
LRA025008 java.lang.String Too late to join with the LRA '%s', coordinator response: '%s'
LRA025009 java.lang.String Failed enlisting to LRA '%s', coordinator '%s' responded with status '%s'
LRA025010 java.lang.String Error when converting String '%s' to URL
LRA025011 java.lang.String Invalid LRA id format to create LRA record from LRA id '%s', link URI '%s' (reason: %s)
LRA025012 java.lang.String Cannot found compensator url '%s' for lra '%s'
LRA025013 WARN Could not recreate abstract record '%s'
LRA025014 WARN reason '%s': container request for method '%s': lra: '%s'
LRA025015 WARN LRA participant completion for asynchronous method %s#%s should return %d and not %d
LRA025016 java.lang.String Cannot get status of nested lra '%s' as outer one '%s' is still active
LRA025017 java.lang.String Invalid recovery url '%s' to join lra '%s'
LRA025018 ERROR Invalid format of lra id '%s' to replace compensator '%s'
LRA025019 WARN LRA participant `%s` returned immediate state (Compensating/Completing) from CompletionStage. LRA id: %s
LRA025020 ERROR Cannot process non JAX-RS LRA participant
LRA025021 java.lang.String Invalid format of LRA id to be converted to LRA coordinator url, was '%s'
LRA025022 java.lang.String Failed enlisting to LRA '%s', coordinator '%s' responded with status '%d (%s)'. Returning '%d (%s)'.
LRA025023 java.lang.String Could not %s LRA '%s': coordinator '%s' responded with status '%s'
LRA025024 java.lang.String Error when encoding parent LRA id URL '%s' to String
LRA025025 java.lang.String Unable to process LRA annotations: %s'
LRA025026 WARN Unable to remove the failed duplicate failed LRA record (Uid: '%s') (which is already present in the failedLRA record location type: '%s'.) from LRA Record location: '%s'
LRA025027 WARN An exception was thrown while moving failed LRA record (Uid: '%s'). Reason: '%s'
LRA025028 java.lang.String Demanded API version '%s' is not in the list of the supported versions '%s'. Please, provide the right version for the API.
LRA025029 WARN Cannot notify AfterLRA URL at %s
LRA025030 java.lang.String %s: Invalid link URI (%s): %s
LRA025031 java.lang.String %s: Invalid link URI (%s): missing compensator or after LRA callback
LRA025032 WARN LRA Record: Cannot save state (reason: %s
LRA025033 WARN LRA Record: Cannot restore state (reason: %s)
LRA025034 WARN LRA Recovery cannot remove LRA id %s from the object store. The uid segment '%s' is probably invalid.
LRA025035 WARN The start LRA call failed with cause: %s
LRA025036 WARN CDI Context not available: %s
LRA025037 WARN Participant `%s` is not registered
LRA025038 java.lang.String Invalid participant enlistment with LRA %s: participant data is disabled
LRA025039 java.lang.String Invalid argument passed to method: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
LRAPROXY025001 ERROR Participant '%s' serialization problem
LRAPROXY025002 ERROR Participant '%s' exception during completion
LRAPROXY025003 java.lang.String Cannot get status of participant '%s' of lra id '%s'


Code Level Return Type Message
MODCLUSTER000001 INFO Initializing mod_cluster version %s
MODCLUSTER000002 INFO Initiating mod_cluster shutdown
MODCLUSTER000003 DEBUG Received server start event
MODCLUSTER000004 DEBUG Received server stop event
MODCLUSTER000005 DEBUG Received add context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000006 DEBUG Received remove context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000007 DEBUG Received start context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000008 DEBUG Received stop context event for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000009 DEBUG Sending %s for %s
MODCLUSTER000010 DEBUG Sending %s for %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000011 INFO %s will use %s as jvm-route
MODCLUSTER000012 INFO %s connector will use %s
MODCLUSTER000020 DEBUG Waiting to drain %d pending requests from %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000021 INFO All pending requests drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000022 WARN Failed to drain %d remaining pending requests from %s:%s within %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000023 DEBUG Waiting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s
MODCLUSTER000024 INFO All active sessions drained from %s:%s in %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000025 WARN Failed to drain %d remaining active sessions from %s:%s within %.1f seconds
MODCLUSTER000031 WARN Could not bind multicast socket to %s (%s address): %s; make sure your multicast address is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6). Multicast socket will not be bound to an address, but this may lead to cross talking (see https://developer.jboss.org/docs/DOC-9469 for details).
MODCLUSTER000032 INFO Listening to proxy advertisements on %s
MODCLUSTER000034 ERROR Failed to start advertise listener
MODCLUSTER000040 ERROR Failed to parse response header from %2$s for %1$s command
MODCLUSTER000041 ERROR Unrecoverable syntax error %s sending %s command to %s: %s
MODCLUSTER000042 ERROR Error %s sending %s command to %s, configuration will be reset: %s
MODCLUSTER000043 ERROR Failed to send %s command to %s: %s
MODCLUSTER000045 WARN %s is not supported on this system and will be disabled.
MODCLUSTER000046 INFO Starting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s in %d seconds.
MODCLUSTER000048 java.lang.RuntimeException Multiple connectors match specified host:port (%s)! Ensure connectorPort and/or connectorAddress are configured.
MODCLUSTER000049 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not resolve configured connector address (%d)!
MODCLUSTER000050 java.lang.RuntimeException Initial load must be within the range [0..100] or -1 to not prepopulate with initial load, but was: %d
MODCLUSTER000051 java.lang.RuntimeException No valid advertise interface configured! Disabling multicast advertise mechanism.
MODCLUSTER000052 java.lang.RuntimeException Attempted to create multicast socket without multicast address specified! Disabling multicast advertise mechanism.
MODCLUSTER000053 java.lang.RuntimeException Attempted to create multicast socket with unicast address (%s)! Disabling multicast advertise mechanism.
MODCLUSTER000054 INFO Starting to drain %d active sessions from %s:%s waiting indefinitely until all remaining sessions are drained or expired.
MODCLUSTER000055 WARN No configured connector for engine %s. If this engine should be used with mod_cluster check connector, connectorPort and/or connectorAddress configuration.


Code Level Return Type Message
MSC-00001 INFO JBoss MSC version %s
MSC000001 ERROR Failed to start %s
MSC000002 ERROR Invocation of listener "%s" failed
MSC000003 WARN Exception thrown after start was already completed in %s
MSC000004 WARN Failure during stop of %s
MSC000005 WARN Unexpected disappearance of %s during stop
MSC000006 WARN Uninjection "%2$s" of %1$s failed unexpectedly
MSC000007 WARN An internal service error has occurred while processing an operation on %s
MSC000008 ERROR Worker thread %s threw an uncaught exception
MSC000009 WARN An error occurred while trying to close the profile output file: %s
MSC000010 ERROR Failed to register MBean with MBeanServer
MSC000011 java.lang.IllegalStateException Service not started
MSC000012 ERROR Injection failed for service %s
MSC000013 WARN Failed to retrieve platform MBeanServer


Code Level Return Type Message
RESTEASY-00001 DEBUG Unable to extract parameter from http request: %s value is '%s' for %s
RESTEASY-00001 ERROR Error processing request %s
RESTEASY002000 ERROR Error resuming failed async operation
RESTEASY002005 ERROR Failed executing {0} {1}
RESTEASY002010 ERROR Failed to execute
RESTEASY002015 ERROR Failed to invoke asynchronously
RESTEASY002020 ERROR Unhandled asynchronous exception, sending back 500
RESTEASY002025 ERROR Unknown exception while executing {0} {1}
RESTEASY002030 DEBUG Failed to write event {0}
RESTEASY002035 ERROR Cannot register {0} as HeaderDelegate: it has no type parameter
RESTEASY002040 ERROR GET method returns the patch/merge json object target for request {0} not found
RESTEASY002041 ERROR Failed to get the patch/merge target for request {0}
RESTEASY002050 ERROR The set instance of %s for property %s is not a valid %s.
RESTEASY002100 WARN Accept extensions not supported.
RESTEASY002105 WARN Ambiguity constructors are found in %s. More details please refer to http://jsr311.java.net/nonav/releases/1.1/spec/spec.html
RESTEASY002110 WARN Attempting to register empty contracts for %s
RESTEASY002115 WARN Attempting to register unassignable contract for %s
RESTEASY002117 WARN Charset %s unavailable.
RESTEASY002120 WARN ClassNotFoundException: Unable to load builtin provider {0} from {1}
RESTEASY002123 WARN Could not bind to specified download directory %s so will use temp dir.
RESTEASY002125 WARN Marking file '%s' to be deleted, as it could not be deleted while processing request:
RESTEASY002130 WARN Failed to parse request.
RESTEASY002135 WARN Ignoring unsupported locale: %s
RESTEASY002137 WARN Invalid format for {0}, using default value {1}
RESTEASY002138 WARN Invalid regex for {0}: {2}
RESTEASY002140 WARN Qualifying annotations found at non-public method: {0}.{1}(); Only public methods may be exposed as resource methods.
RESTEASY002142 WARN Multiple resource methods match request {0}. Selecting one. Matching methods: {1}
RESTEASY002145 WARN NoClassDefFoundError: Unable to load builtin provider {0} from {1}
RESTEASY002150 WARN %s is no longer supported. Use a servlet 3.0 container and the ResteasyServletInitializer
RESTEASY002155 WARN Provider class {0} is already registered. 2nd registration is being ignored.
RESTEASY002160 WARN Provider instance {0} is already registered. 2nd registration is being ignored.
RESTEASY002165 WARN No valueOf() method available for %s, trying constructor...
RESTEASY002170 WARN A reader for {0} was not found. This provider is currently configured to handle only {1}
RESTEASY002172 WARN Singleton {0} object class {1} already deployed. Singleton ignored.
RESTEASY002175 WARN The use of %s is deprecated, please use jakarta.ws.rs.Application as a context-param instead
RESTEASY002180 WARN Skip illegal field [%s] in value: [%s]
RESTEASY002185 WARN Skip unknown field [%s]
RESTEASY002186 WARN Failed to set servlet request into asynchronous mode, server sent events may not work
RESTEASY002190 WARN Annotation, @PreMaching, not valid on ClientRequestFilter implementation, [%s]. Annotation is being ignored.
RESTEASY002195 WARN The following sub-resource methods and sub-resource locators have the same path, [%s]. The paths should be unique. [%s]
RESTEASY002196 WARN Component of type %s can't be dynamically bound to a resource method as a %s provider.
RESTEASY002197 WARN The previous response status was {0} {1}. The status should be changed before the entity is set.
RESTEASY002200 INFO Adding class resource {0} from Application {1}
RESTEASY002205 INFO Adding provider class {0} from Application {1}
RESTEASY002210 INFO Adding provider singleton {0} from Application {1}
RESTEASY002215 INFO Adding singleton provider {0} from Application {1}
RESTEASY002220 INFO Adding singleton resource {0} from Application {1}
RESTEASY002225 INFO Deploying {0}: {1}
RESTEASY002227 INFO MediaType {0} on {1}() lacks charset. Consider setting charset or turning on context parameter resteasy.add.charset
RESTEASY002230 INFO Unable to close entity stream
RESTEASY002235 INFO Unable to decode GZIP compressed Base64 data
RESTEASY002300 DEBUG Creating context object <{0} : {1}>
RESTEASY002305 DEBUG Failed executing {0} {1}
RESTEASY002307 DEBUG Failed to execute
RESTEASY002315 DEBUG PathInfo: %s
RESTEASY002322 DEBUG Temporary file %s has been created. Consider deleting after it has been used.
RESTEASY002325 DEBUG Unable to retrieve config: disableDTDs defaults to true
RESTEASY002330 DEBUG Unable to retrieve config: expandEntityReferences defaults to false
RESTEASY002335 DEBUG Unable to retrieve config: enableSecureProcessingFeature defaults to true
RESTEASY002340 DEBUG Client receive processing failure.
RESTEASY002350 WARN Failed to reset the context on thread: %s
RESTEASY002360 WARN Failed to look up JNDI resource "%s". Using a default ExecutorService.
RESTEASY002370 WARN Failed to load: %s
RESTEASY002375 ERROR Error processing unknown request.
RESTEASY004671 DEBUG Ignoring exception thrown within InvocationCallback
RESTEASY004672 DEBUG Client send processing failure.
RESTEASY004687 WARN Closing a %s instance for you. Please close clients yourself.


Code Level Return Type Message
RESTEASY-JACKSON000000 java.lang.String Not able to deserialize data provided.
RESTEASY-JACKSON000100 ERROR Not able to deserialize data provided


Code Level Return Type Message
RESTEASY-MPRC000100 WARN Unable to obtain %s instance.


Code Level Return Type Message
SRCFG01000 WARN Unable to get context classloader instance
SRCFG01001 DEBUG The config %s was loaded from %s with the value %s
SRCFG01002 DEBUG The config %s was not found
SRCFG01003 WARN Unable to get declared constructor for class %s with arguments %s
SRCFG01004 WARN Unable to set accessible flag on %s
SRCFG01005 WARN Could not find sources with %s in %s
SRCFG01006 DEBUG Loaded ConfigSource %s with ordinal %d
SRCFG03000 WARN Unable to read content from file %s. Exception: %s
SRCFG04000 WARN An exception was logged by the exception consumer


Code Level Return Type Message
SRFTL00000 DEBUG Found event loop integration %s
SRFTL00000 DEBUG No event loop integration found
SRFTL00000 TRACE Timer %s created
SRFTL00000 TRACE Timer %s shut down
SRFTL00000 TRACE Scheduled timer task %s to run in %s millis
SRFTL00000 TRACE Running timer task %s
SRFTL00000 TRACE Cancelled timer task %s
SRFTL00000 TRACE AsyncTimeoutTask %s created
SRFTL00000 TRACE AsyncTimeoutTask %s completing with %s
SRFTL00000 TRACE AsyncTimeout rethrowing %s
SRFTL00001 INFO MicroProfile: Fault Tolerance activated (SmallRye Fault Tolerance version: %s)
SRFTL00002 jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException Multiple circuit breakers have the same name '%s': %s
SRFTL00003 jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException Backoff annotation @%s present on '%s', but @Retry is missing
SRFTL00004 jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException Both @Blocking and @NonBlocking present on '%s'
SRFTL00005 jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException Both @Asynchronous and @AsynchronousNonBlocking present on '%s'
SRFTL00006 jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException @RetryWhen present on '%s', but @Retry is missing
SRFTL00007 jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.DefinitionException @BeforeRetry present on '%s', but @Retry is missing
SRFTL11000 WARN Unexpected exception in timer loop, ignoring


Code Level Return Type Message
SRHCK01000 ERROR Error processing Health Checks
SRHCK01001 INFO Reporting health down status: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
SRJWT01000 ERROR path.%s configuration will be ignored because the path depth is too large: %d, maximum depth is %d.
SRJWT01001 ERROR Token header is not 'Cookie', the cookie name value will be ignored
SRJWT01002 ERROR Algorithm %s not supported
SRJWT01003 DEBUG Trying to create a key from the encoded PEM key...
SRJWT01004 DEBUG Failed to create a key from the encoded PEM key
SRJWT01005 DEBUG Trying to create a key from the encoded PEM certificate...
SRJWT01006 DEBUG Failed to to create a key from the encoded PEM certificate
SRJWT01007 DEBUG Trying to load the local JWK(S)...
SRJWT01008 DEBUG Failed to load the JWK(S)
SRJWT01009 DEBUG Failed to parse the JWK JSON representation
SRJWT03000 DEBUG init, mpJwtPublicKey=%s, mpJwtIssuer=%s, mpJwtLocation=%s
SRJWT03001 DEBUG Neither mpJwtPublicKey nor mpJwtLocation properties are configured, JWTAuthContextInfo will not be available
SRJWT03002 DEBUG mpJwtPublicKey parsed as JWK(S)
SRJWT03003 DEBUG mpJwtPublicKey failed as JWK(S), %s
SRJWT03004 DEBUG mpJwtPublicKey parsed as PEM
SRJWT03005 DEBUG Unsupported key format
SRJWT03006 WARN '%s' property is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use '%s ' property instead
SRJWT06000 DEBUG tokenHeaderName = %s
SRJWT06001 DEBUG Header %s was null
SRJWT06002 DEBUG tokenCookieName = %s
SRJWT06003 DEBUG Cookie %s was null
SRJWT06004 DEBUG Authorization header does not contain a Bearer prefix
SRJWT06005 DEBUG Authorization header was null
SRJWT08000 DEBUG getAudience failure
SRJWT08001 WARN getGroups failure:
SRJWT08002 WARN getClaimValue failure for: %s
SRJWT08003 WARN replaceClaimValueWithJsonValue failure for: %s
SRJWT08004 DEBUG Token is invalid
SRJWT08005 DEBUG Verification key is unresolvable
SRJWT08006 DEBUG Claim value at the path %s is not a String
SRJWT08007 DEBUG Claim value at the path %s is not an array of strings
SRJWT08008 DEBUG Claim value at the path %s is neither an array of strings nor string
SRJWT08009 TRACE Updated groups to: %s
SRJWT08010 DEBUG Failed to access rolesMapping claim
SRJWT08011 DEBUG No claim exists at the path %s at segment %s
SRJWT08012 DEBUG Claim value at the path %s is not a json object
SRJWT08014 DEBUG Required claims %s are not present in the JWT
SRJWT08015 DEBUG loadSpi, cl=%s, u=%s, sl=%s
SRJWT08016 WARN Multiple JWTCallerPrincipalFactory implementations found: %s and %s
SRJWT08017 DEBUG sl=%s, loaded=%s
SRJWT08018 WARN Failed to locate JWTCallerPrincipalFactory provider
SRJWT08019 DEBUG AuthContextInfo is: %s
SRJWT08020 DEBUG Failed to create a key from the HTTPS JWK Set
SRJWT08021 DEBUG JWK with a matching 'kid' is not available, refreshing HTTPS JWK Set
SRJWT08022 DEBUG Failed to refresh HTTPS JWK Set
SRJWT08023 DEBUG JWK with a matching 'kid' is not available but HTTPS JWK Set has been refreshed less than %d minutes ago, trying to create a key from the HTTPS JWK Set one more time
SRJWT08024 DEBUG Trying to create a key from the HTTPS JWK Set after the refresh
SRJWT08025 DEBUG Failed to create a key from the HTTPS JWK Set after the refresh
SRJWT08026 DEBUG Trying to create a key from the JWK(S)
SRJWT08027 DEBUG Failed to create a key from the JWK(S)
SRJWT08028 DEBUG Invalid token 'kid' header: %s, expected: %s
SRJWT08029 DEBUG Trying to load the keys from the HTTPS JWK(S)
SRJWT08030 DEBUG Checking if the key content is a JWK key or JWK key set
SRJWT08031 DEBUG Checking if the key content is a Base64URL encoded JWK key or JWK key set
SRJWT08032 DEBUG Unable to decode content using Base64 decoder
SRJWT08033 DEBUG Key has been created from the encoded JWK key or JWK key set
SRJWT08034 DEBUG Key has been created from the JWK key or JWK key set
SRJWT08035 DEBUG Checking if the key content is a Base64 encoded PEM key
SRJWT08036 DEBUG Key has been created from the encoded PEM key
SRJWT08037 DEBUG The key content is not a valid encoded PEM key
SRJWT08038 DEBUG Checking if the key content is a Base64 encoded PEM certificate
SRJWT08039 DEBUG PublicKey has been created from the encoded PEM certificate
SRJWT08040 DEBUG The key content is not a valid encoded PEM certificate
SRJWT08041 DEBUG Decryption key is unresolvable
SRJWT08042 DEBUG Encrypted token sequence is invalid
SRJWT08043 DEBUG Trying to create a key from the HTTPS JWK(S)
SRJWT08044 DEBUG Encrypted token headers must contain a content type header
SRJWT11000 DEBUG Success
SRJWT11001 DEBUG Unable to validate bearer token
SRJWT11002 DEBUG No usable bearer token was found in the request, continuing unauthenticated
SRJWT11003 DEBUG Failed to resolve the key. Either corrupt or unavailable.
SRJWT11004 DEBUG JWK set does not contain provided token 'kid'
SRJWT12000 DEBUG getValue(%s), null JsonWebToken
SRJWT12001 DEBUG Failed to find Claim for: %s
SRJWT12002 DEBUG getValue(%s), isOptional=%s, claimValue=%s
SRJWT12003 DEBUG JsonValueProducer(%s).produce
SRJWT12004 DEBUG getOptionalString(%s)
SRJWT12005 DEBUG getOptionalStringSet(%s)
SRJWT12006 DEBUG getOptionalLong(%s)
SRJWT12007 DEBUG getOptionalBoolean(%s)
SRJWT12008 DEBUG addTypeToClaimProducer(%s)
SRJWT12009 DEBUG Checking Provider Claim(%s), ip: %s
SRJWT12010 DEBUG pip: %s
SRJWT12011 DEBUG getClaimAsSet(%s)
SRJWT12012 DEBUG getClaimAsString(%s)
SRJWT12013 DEBUG getClaimAsLong(%s)
SRJWT12014 DEBUG getClaimAsDouble(%s)
SRJWT12015 DEBUG getClaimAsBoolean(%s)
SRJWT12016 DEBUG getOptionalValue(%s)
SRJWT12017 DEBUG beforeBeanDiscovery(%s)
SRJWT12018 DEBUG EE Security is available, JWTHttpAuthenticationMechanism has been registered
SRJWT12019 INFO EE Security is NOT available, JWTAuthenticationFilter has been registered
SRJWT12020 DEBUG Added type: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
SRMSG00200 ERROR The method %s has thrown an exception
SRMSG00201 ERROR Error caught while processing a message in method %s
SRMSG00202 INFO Created new Vertx instance
SRMSG00203 INFO Created worker pool named %s with concurrency of %d
SRMSG00204 WARN Multiple publisher found for %s, using the merge policy `ONE` takes the first found
SRMSG00205 DEBUG Strict mode enabled
SRMSG00206 DEBUG Scanning Type: %s
SRMSG00207 WARN %s
SRMSG00208 WARN The connector '%s' has no downstreams
SRMSG00209 DEBUG Beginning graph resolution, number of components detected: %d
SRMSG00210 DEBUG Graph resolution completed in %d ns
SRMSG00211 ERROR Unable to create invoker instance of %s
SRMSG00212 ERROR Unable to initialize mediator: %s
SRMSG00224 INFO Analyzing mediator bean: %s
SRMSG00226 DEBUG Found incoming connectors: %s
SRMSG00227 DEBUG Found outgoing connectors: %s
SRMSG00228 INFO No MicroProfile Config found, skipping
SRMSG00229 DEBUG Channel manager initializing...
SRMSG00230 ERROR Unable to create the publisher or subscriber during initialization
SRMSG00231 INFO Incoming channel `%s` disabled by configuration
SRMSG00232 INFO Outgoing channel `%s` disabled by configuration
SRMSG00233 WARN Unable to extract the ingested payload type for method `%s`, the reason is: %s
SRMSG00234 WARN Failed to emit a Message to the channel
SRMSG00235 DEBUG Beginning materialization
SRMSG00236 DEBUG Materialization completed in %d ns
SRMSG00237 WARN Use of @jakarta.inject.Named in Reactive Messaging is deprecated, use @io.smallrye.common.annotation.Identifier instead
SRMSG00238 INFO No ExecutionHolder, disabling @Blocking support
SRMSG00239 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot specify both client-options-name and client-ssl-context-name
SRMSG00240 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find an SSLContext bean with the @Identifier=%s
SRMSG00241 DEBUG Pausing polling messages for channel %s, queue size %s >= %s
SRMSG00242 DEBUG Resuming polling messages for channel %s, queue size %s <= %s
SRMSG16200 DEBUG Creating AMQP client from bean named '%s'
SRMSG16201 INFO AMQP broker configured to %s:%d for channel %s
SRMSG16202 ERROR Unable to create client
SRMSG16203 INFO AMQP Receiver listening address %s
SRMSG16204 ERROR AMQP Receiver error
SRMSG16205 ERROR Unable to retrieve messages from AMQP, retrying...
SRMSG16206 ERROR Unable to retrieve messages from AMQP, no more retry
SRMSG16207 ERROR The AMQP message has not been sent, the client is closed
SRMSG16208 ERROR Unable to send the AMQP message
SRMSG16209 WARN Unable to use the address configured in the message (%s) - the connector is not using an anonymous sender, using %s instead
SRMSG16210 ERROR The AMQP message to address `%s` has not been sent, the client is closed
SRMSG16211 DEBUG Sending AMQP message to address `%s`
SRMSG16212 INFO Establishing connection with AMQP broker
SRMSG16213 INFO Connection with AMQP broker established
SRMSG16214 ERROR AMQP Connection failure
SRMSG16215 ERROR Unable to connect to the broker, retry will be attempted
SRMSG16216 ERROR Unable to recover from AMQP connection disruption
SRMSG16217 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, ignoring the failure and marking the AMQP message as accepted
SRMSG16218 DEBUG The full ignored failure is
SRMSG16219 ERROR A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, rejecting the AMQP message and fail-stop
SRMSG16220 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, ignoring the failure and marking the AMQP message as rejected
SRMSG16221 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, ignoring the failure and marking the AMQP message as released
SRMSG16222 DEBUG Retrieved credits for channel `%s`: %s
SRMSG16223 DEBUG No more credit for channel %s, requesting more credits
SRMSG16224 ERROR The AMQP message to address `%s` has not been sent, the client is closed
SRMSG16225 ERROR Failure reported for channel `%s`, closing client
SRMSG16226 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, ignoring the message and marking the AMQP message as modified with `delivery-failed`
SRMSG16227 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, ignoring the message and marking the AMQP message as modified with `delivery-failed` and `undeliverable-here`
SRMSG16228 ERROR Unable to serialize message on channel `%s`, message has been nacked
SRMSG16229 ERROR Unable to deserialize AMQP message on channel `%s`, message ignored
SRMSG16230 INFO No credits for channel %s, checking periodically for credits
SRMSG18201 DEBUG Dead queue letter configured with: topic: `%s`, key serializer: `%s`, value serializer: `%s`
SRMSG18202 INFO A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, sending the record to a dead letter topic %s
SRMSG18203 ERROR A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, fail-stop
SRMSG18204 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, ignored failure is: %s.
SRMSG18205 DEBUG The full ignored failure is
SRMSG18206 ERROR Unable to write to Kafka from channel %s (topic: %s)
SRMSG18206 ERROR Unable to write to Kafka from channel %s (no topic set)
SRMSG18207 ERROR Unable to dispatch message to Kafka
SRMSG18209 DEBUG Sending message %s from channel '%s' to Kafka topic '%s'
SRMSG18210 ERROR Unable to send a record to Kafka
SRMSG18211 DEBUG Message %s from channel '%s' sent successfully to Kafka topic-partition '%s-%d', with offset %d
SRMSG18212 ERROR Message %s from channel '%s' was not sent to Kafka topic '%s' - nacking message
SRMSG18213 INFO Setting %s to %s
SRMSG18214 INFO Key deserializer omitted, using String as default
SRMSG18215 DEBUG An error has been caught while closing the Kafka Write Stream
SRMSG18216 WARN No `group.id` set in the configuration, generate a random id: %s
SRMSG18217 ERROR Unable to read a record from Kafka topics '%s'
SRMSG18218 DEBUG An exception has been caught while closing the Kafka consumer
SRMSG18219 INFO Loading KafkaConsumerRebalanceListener from configured name '%s'
SRMSG18220 INFO Loading KafkaConsumerRebalanceListener from group id '%s'
SRMSG18222 ERROR Unable to execute consumer revoked re-balance listener for group '%s'
SRMSG18224 INFO Executing consumer revoked re-balance listener for group '%s'
SRMSG18225 INFO Executed consumer assigned re-balance listener for group '%s'
SRMSG18226 INFO Executed consumer revoked re-balance listener for group '%s'
SRMSG18227 WARN Re-enabling consumer for group '%s'. This consumer was paused because of a re-balance failure.
SRMSG18228 WARN A failure has been reported for Kafka topics '%s'
SRMSG18229 INFO Configured topics for channel '%s': %s
SRMSG18230 INFO Configured topics matching pattern for channel '%s': %s
SRMSG18231 WARN The record %d from topic-partition '%s' has waited for %s seconds to be acknowledged. This waiting time is greater than the configured threshold (%d ms). At the moment %d messages from this partition are awaiting acknowledgement. The last committed offset for this partition was %d. This error is due to a potential issue in the application which does not acknowledged the records in a timely fashion. The connector cannot commit as a record processing has not completed.
SRMSG18232 DEBUG Will commit for group '%s' every %d milliseconds.
SRMSG18233 ERROR Invalid value serializer to write a structured Cloud Event. Found %s, expected the org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer
SRMSG18234 DEBUG Auto-commit disabled for channel %s
SRMSG18235 WARN Will not health check throttled commit strategy for group '%s'.
SRMSG18236 DEBUG Will mark throttled commit strategy for group '%s' as unhealthy if records go more than %d milliseconds without being processed.
SRMSG18237 DEBUG Setting client.id for Kafka producer to %s
SRMSG18239 DEBUG Received acknowledgement for record %d on '%s' (consumer group: '%s'). Ignoring it because the partition is not assigned to the consume anymore. Record will likely be processed again. Current assignments are %s.
SRMSG18240 DEBUG '%s' commit strategy used for channel '%s'
SRMSG18241 FATAL The deserialization failure handler `%s` throws an exception
SRMSG18242 WARN A failure has been reported during a rebalance - the operation will be retried: '%s'
SRMSG18243 DEBUG Shutting down - Pausing all topic-partitions
SRMSG18244 DEBUG Shutting down - Waiting for message processing to complete, %d messages still in processing
SRMSG18245 WARN There are still %d unprocessed messages after the closing timeout
SRMSG18246 DEBUG Pausing Kafka consumption for client %s (%s), queue size %s >= %s
SRMSG18247 DEBUG Resuming Kafka consumption for channel %s (%s), queue size %s <= %s
SRMSG18248 DEBUG Key serializer omitted, using String as default
SRMSG18249 ERROR Unable to recover from the deserialization failure (topic: %s), configure a DeserializationFailureHandler to recover from errors.
SRMSG18250 WARN The configuration property '%s' is deprecated and is replaced by '%s'.
SRMSG18251 DEBUG Committed %s
SRMSG18252 WARN Failed to commit %s, it will be re-attempted
SRMSG18253 DEBUG Removing topic-partition '%s' from the store - the partition is not assigned to the consumer anymore. Current assignments are: %s
SRMSG18254 DEBUG Topic-partition '%s' has been revoked - going to commit offset %d
SRMSG18255 DEBUG Received a record from topic-partition '%s' at offset %d, while the last committed offset is %d - Ignoring record
SRMSG18256 INFO Initialize record store for topic-partition '%s' at position %d.
SRMSG18257 INFO Kafka consumer %s, connected to Kafka brokers '%s', belongs to the '%s' consumer group and is configured to poll records from %s
SRMSG18258 INFO Kafka producer %s, connected to Kafka brokers '%s', is configured to write records to '%s'
SRMSG18259 WARN Kafka latest commit strategy failed to commit record from topic-partition '%s' at offset %d
SRMSG18260 ERROR Unable to recover from the serialization failure (topic: %s), configure a SerializationFailureHandler to recover from errors.
SRMSG18261 ERROR Unable to initialize producer from channel %s.
SRMSG18262 WARN Aborting transaction for producer id %s in channel %s.
SRMSG18263 FATAL The serialization failure handler `%s` throws an exception
SRMSG18264 WARN No `checkpoint.state-store` given to use with checkpoint commit strategy. `file` will be used.
SRMSG18265 WARN Will not health check checkpoint commit strategy for consumer '%s'.
SRMSG18266 DEBUG Will mark checkpoint commit strategy for consumer '%s' as unhealthy if processing state go more than %d milliseconds without being persisted.
SRMSG18267 DEBUG Partitions assigned to client %s : %s with initial state %s
SRMSG18268 ERROR Failed fetching state on partitions assigned to client %s : %s
SRMSG18269 DEBUG Partitions revoked from client %s: %s with state to persist %s
SRMSG18270 DEBUG Persisted state for client %s : %s
SRMSG18271 WARN Failed persisting state for %s : %s
SRMSG18272 DEBUG Failed persisting state but can be retried for %s : %s
SRMSG18273 WARN Checkpoint commit strategy processing state type not found for channel %s : %s
SRMSG18274 INFO Error caught in producer interceptor `onSend` for channel %s
SRMSG18275 INFO Error caught in producer interceptor `onAcknowledge` for channel %s
SRMSG18276 TRACE Error caught in producer interceptor `close` for channel %s
SRMSG18277 INFO Delayed retry topics configured for channel `%s` with topics `%s`, max retries, `%d`, timeout `%d`ms, dlq topic `%s`
SRMSG18278 INFO A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked, sending the record to topic %s
SRMSG18279 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` reached delayed retry timeout `%s` milliseconds reached for record `%s`
SRMSG18280 WARN A message sent to channel `%s` has been nacked and won't be retried again. Configure `dead-letter-queue.topic` for sending the record to a dead letter topic
SRMSG18281 INFO The topics configuration `%s` for channel `%s` will be ignored because the consumer will be assigned to partitions %s
SRMSG18282 DEBUG Ignored reply from channel `%s` to topic `%s` with correlation id %s
SRMSG18283 ERROR Failure from channel `%s` request/reply consumer for topic `%s`
SRMSG18284 WARN Transaction commit failed for channel, aborting the transaction


Code Level Return Type Message
SROAP01000 ERROR Failed to introspect BeanInfo for: %s
SROAP01001 INFO Schema with zero references removed from #/components/schemas: %s
SROAP01002 INFO Cyclic object reference detected in OpenAPI model, skipping current node
SROAP01003 WARN Merge of property would result in cyclic object reference in OpenAPI model, skipping property '%s' in type %s
SROAP02000 DEBUG Processing a map of %s annotations.
SROAP02001 DEBUG Processing a json map of %s nodes.
SROAP02002 DEBUG Processing a list of %s annotations.
SROAP02003 DEBUG Processing a json list of %s.
SROAP02004 DEBUG Processing a single %s annotation.
SROAP02005 DEBUG Processing an %s annotation.
SROAP02006 DEBUG Processing a single %s annotation as a %s.
SROAP02007 DEBUG Processing a single %s json node.
SROAP02008 DEBUG Processing an %s json node.
SROAP02009 DEBUG Processing a single %s json object.
SROAP02010 DEBUG Processing a json map of %s.
SROAP02011 ERROR Error reading a CallbackOperation annotation.
SROAP02012 DEBUG Processing a list of %s annotations into an %s.
SROAP02013 DEBUG Processing an enum %s
SROAP02014 DEBUG Processing an array of %s annotations.
SROAP02015 DEBUG Processing a json array of %s json nodes.
SROAP04000 DEBUG Scanning deployment for %s Annotations.
SROAP04001 DEBUG Starting processing with root: %s
SROAP04002 DEBUG Getting all fields for: %s in class: %s
SROAP04003 WARN Configured schema for %s could not be parsed
SROAP04004 INFO Configured schema for %s has been registered
SROAP04005 WARN Could not find schema class in index: %s
SROAP04006 WARN Configured schema type %s is not a valid type signature
SROAP06000 DEBUG Processing @Schema annotation %s on a field %s
SROAP06001 DEBUG Annotation value has invalid format: %s
SROAP06002 DEBUG Possible cycle was detected at: %s. Will not search further.
SROAP06003 DEBUG Adding child node to path: %s
SROAP06004 DEBUG Path: %s
SROAP06005 DEBUG Ignoring type that is member of ignore set: %s
SROAP06006 DEBUG Ignoring type and adding to ignore set: %s
SROAP06007 DEBUG Processing an array %s
SROAP06008 DEBUG Processing parameterized type %s
SROAP06009 DEBUG Processing %s. Will treat as an %s.
SROAP07900 WARN Value '%s' is not a valid %s default
SROAP07901 WARN Matrix parameter references missing path segment: %s
SROAP07902 DEBUG @Parameter annotation found without %s parameter. Class: %s, Method: %s, Parameter.name: %s, Parameter.in: %s
SROAP07903 WARN Duplicate operationId: %s produced by Class: %s, Method: %s and Class: %s, Method: %s
SROAP08500 DEBUG Fall back to reflection: %s instanceof %s
SROAP08501 DEBUG Search annotation %s for %s
SROAP10000 DEBUG Processing a JAX-RS resource class: %s
SROAP10001 DEBUG Processing JaxRs method: %s
SROAP10002 WARN Matrix parameter references missing path segment: %s
SROAP10003 WARN Value '%s' is not a valid %s default
SROAP31010 DEBUG Processing an enum %s
SROAP31011 DEBUG Encountered type not in Jandex index that is not well-known type. Will not traverse it: %s
SROAP31012 DEBUG Resolved type %s -> %s
SROAP31013 DEBUG Is a terminal type %s
SROAP31014 DEBUG Attempting to do TYPE_VARIABLE substitution: %s -> %s
SROAP31015 DEBUG Class for type %s not available
SROAP31016 ERROR Unanticipated mismatch between type arguments and type variables Args: %s Vars:%s
SROAP31017 WARN Failed to read enumeration values from enum %s method %s with `@JsonValue`: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
TXNWFHTTP000001 jakarta.transaction.SystemException The protocol operation was interrupted locally
TXNWFHTTP000002 jakarta.transaction.RollbackException Rollback-only transaction rolled back
TXNWFHTTP000003 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid transaction state
TXNWFHTTP000004 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Transaction operation failed due to thread interruption


Code Level Return Type Message
UT005001 ERROR An exception occurred processing the request
UT005003 ERROR IOException reading from channel
UT005005 ERROR Cannot remove uploaded file %s
UT005006 DEBUG Connection from %s terminated as request header was larger than %s
UT005007 DEBUG Request was not fully consumed
UT005008 DEBUG An invalid token '%s' with value '%s' has been received.
UT005009 DEBUG A mandatory token %s is missing from the request.
UT005010 DEBUG Verification of authentication tokens for user '%s' has failed using mechanism '%s'.
UT005011 ERROR Ignoring AJP request with prefix %s
UT005013 DEBUG An IOException occurred
UT005014 DEBUG Failed to parse request
UT005015 ERROR Error rotating access log
UT005016 ERROR Error writing access log
UT005017 ERROR Unknown variable %s. For the literal percent character use two percent characters: '%%'
UT005018 ERROR Exception invoking close listener %s
UT005020 ERROR Error writing JDBC log
UT005022 ERROR Exception generating error page %s
UT005023 ERROR Exception handling request to %s
UT005024 ERROR Could not register resource change listener for caching resource manager, automatic invalidation of cached resource will not work
UT005027 ERROR Timing out request to %s
UT005028 ERROR Proxy request to %s failed
UT005031 ERROR Proxy request to %s could not connect to backend server %s
UT005032 ERROR Listener not making progress on framed channel, closing channel to prevent infinite loop
UT005034 ERROR Remote endpoint failed to send initial settings frame in HTTP2 connection, frame type %s
UT005035 DEBUG Closing channel because of parse timeout for remote address %s
UT005036 ERROR ALPN negotiation failed for %s and no fallback defined, closing connection
UT005037 WARN Name of the cookie containing the session id, %s, had been too long and was truncated to: %s
UT005038 DEBUG Balancer created: id: %s, name: %s, stickySession: %s, stickySessionCookie: %s, stickySessionPath: %s, stickySessionRemove: %s, stickySessionForce: %s, waitWorker: %s, maxattempts: %s
UT005039 INFO Undertow starts mod_cluster proxy advertisements on %s with frequency %s ms
UT005040 DEBUG Gonna send payload: %s
UT005041 ERROR Cannot send advertise message. Address: %s
UT005042 DEBUG Undertow mod_cluster proxy MCMPHandler created
UT005043 ERROR Error in processing MCMP commands: Type:%s, Mess: %s
UT005044 INFO Removing node %s
UT005045 INFO Registering context %s, for node %s
UT005046 DEBUG Registering context %s, for node %s, with aliases %s
UT005047 INFO Unregistering context %s, from node %s
UT005048 DEBUG Node %s in error
UT005049 DEBUG NodeConfig created: connectionURI: %s, balancer: %s, load balancing group: %s, jvmRoute: %s, flushPackets: %s, flushwait: %s, ping: %s,ttl: %s, timeout: %s, maxConnections: %s, cacheConnections: %s, requestQueueSize: %s, queueNewRequests: %s
UT005050 ERROR Failed to process management request
UT005051 ERROR Failed to send ping response
UT005052 DEBUG Failed to send ping response, node.getJvmRoute(): %s, jvmRoute: %s
UT005053 INFO Registering node %s, connection: %s
UT005054 DEBUG MCMP processing, key: %s, value: %s
UT005055 DEBUG HttpClientPingTask run for connection: %s
UT005056 DEBUG Received node load in STATUS message, node jvmRoute: %s, load: %s
UT005057 DEBUG Sending MCMP response to destination: %s, HTTP status: %s, Headers: %s, response: %s
UT005058 WARN Could not bind multicast socket to %s (%s address): %s; make sure your multicast address is of the same type as the IP stack (IPv4 or IPv6). Multicast socket will not be bound to an address, but this may lead to cross talking (see http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9469 for details).
UT005060 WARN Predicate %s uses old style square braces to define predicates, which will be removed in a future release. predicate[value] should be changed to predicate(value)
UT005061 java.lang.IllegalStateException More than %s restarts detected, breaking assumed infinite loop
UT005062 ERROR Pattern parse error
UT005063 ERROR Unable to decode with rest of chars starting: %s
UT005064 ERROR No closing ) found for in decode
UT005065 ERROR The next characters couldn't be decoded: %s
UT005066 ERROR X param for servlet request, couldn't decode value: %s
UT005067 ERROR X param in wrong format. Needs to be 'x-#(...)'
UT005068 INFO Pattern was just empty or whitespace
UT005069 ERROR Failed to write JDBC access log
UT005070 ERROR Failed to write pre-cached file
UT005071 ERROR Undertow request failed %s
UT005072 WARN Thread %s (id=%s) has been active for %s milliseconds (since %s) to serve the same request for %s and may be stuck (configured threshold for this StuckThreadDetectionValve is %s seconds). There is/are %s thread(s) in total that are monitored by this Valve and may be stuck.
UT005073 WARN Thread %s (id=%s) was previously reported to be stuck but has completed. It was active for approximately %s milliseconds. There is/are still %s thread(s) that are monitored by this Valve and may be stuck.
UT005074 ERROR Failed to invoke error callback %s for SSE task
UT005075 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to resolve mod_cluster management host's address for '%s'
UT005076 ERROR SSL read loop detected. This should not happen, please report this to the Undertow developers. Current state %s
UT005077 ERROR SSL unwrap buffer overflow detected. This should not happen, please report this to the Undertow developers. Current state %s
UT005079 ERROR ALPN negotiation on %s failed
UT005080 ERROR HttpServerExchange cannot have both async IO resumed and dispatch() called in the same cycle
UT005081 ERROR Response has already been started, cannot proxy request %s
UT005082 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Configured mod_cluster management host address cannot be a wildcard address (%s)!
UT005083 java.io.IOException Unexpected end of compressed input
UT005084 java.io.IOException Attempted to write %s bytes however content-length has been set to %s
UT005085 DEBUG Connection %s for exchange %s was not closed cleanly, forcibly closing connection
UT005086 ERROR Failed to accept SSL request
UT005088 ERROR Failed to execute ServletOutputStream.closeAsync() on IO thread
UT005089 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method parameter '%s' cannot be null
UT005090 ERROR Unexpected failure
UT005091 ERROR Failed to initialize DirectByteBufferDeallocator
UT005092 DEBUG Failed to free direct buffer
UT005093 DEBUG Blocking read timed out
UT005094 DEBUG Blocking write timed out
UT005095 DEBUG SSLEngine delegated task was rejected
UT005096 DEBUG Authentication failed for digest header %s in %s
UT005097 DEBUG Failed to obtain subject for %s
UT005098 DEBUG GSSAPI negotiation failed for %s
UT005099 WARN Failed to create SSO for session '%s'
UT005100 DEBUG Failed to list paths for '%s'
UT005101 DEBUG No source to list resources from
UT005102 WARN Flushing waiting in a frame more than %s miliseconds. The framed channel will be forcibly closed.
UT005103 WARN Cache TTL set to wrong value '%sms'. Defaulting to '%sms'.
UT005104 WARN Could not register resource change listener for caching resource manager, automatic invalidation of cached resource will not work. TTL value configured '%sms'. Defaulting to '%sms'.
UT005105 WARN Cache entry content mismatch for '%s'. Expected length '%s', but was '%s'.
UT005106 WARN Content mismatch for '%s'. Expected length '%s', but was '%s'.
UT005107 WARN Failed to set web socket timeout.
UT015002 ERROR Stopping servlet %s due to permanent unavailability
UT015003 ERROR Stopping servlet %s till %s due to temporary unavailability
UT015005 ERROR Error invoking method %s on listener %s
UT015006 ERROR IOException dispatching async event
UT015007 WARN Stack trace on error enabled for deployment %s, please do not enable for production use
UT015008 WARN Failed to load development mode persistent sessions
UT015009 WARN Failed to persist session attribute %s with value %s for session %s
UT015010 WARN Failed to persist sessions
UT015012 ERROR Failed to generate error page %s for original exception: %s. Generating error page resulted in a %s.
UT015014 ERROR Error reading rewrite configuration
UT015015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Error reading rewrite configuration: %s
UT015016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid rewrite map class: %s
UT015017 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Error reading rewrite flags in line %s as %s
UT015018 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Error reading rewrite flags in line %s
UT015019 ERROR Failed to destroy %s
UT015020 WARN Path %s is secured for some HTTP methods, however it is not secured for %s
UT015021 ERROR Failure dispatching async event
UT015022 WARN Requested resource at %s does not exist for include method
UT015023 java.lang.IllegalStateException This Context has been already destroyed
UT015024 ERROR Servlet %s init() method in web application %s threw exception
UT025003 DEBUG Decoding WebSocket Frame with opCode %s
UT025007 ERROR Unhandled exception for annotated endpoint %s
UT025008 WARN Incorrect parameter %s for extension
UT026001 ERROR Unable to instantiate endpoint
UT026002 ERROR Unable to instantiate server configuration %s
UT026003 INFO Adding annotated server endpoint %s for path %s
UT026004 INFO Adding annotated client endpoint %s
UT026005 INFO Adding programmatic server endpoint %s for path %s
UT026006 ERROR Exception running web socket method
UT026007 WARN On Endpoint class %s path param %s on method %s does not reference a valid parameter, valid parameters are %s.
UT026008 ERROR Could not close endpoint on undeploy.
UT026009 WARN XNIO worker was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, the default worker will be used
UT026010 WARN Buffer pool was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, the default pool will be used
UT026011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException XNIO worker was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, and there is no default to use
UT026012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Buffer pool was not set on WebSocketDeploymentInfo, and there is no default to use


Code Level Return Type Message
VFS000001 WARN A VFS mount (%s) was leaked!
VFS000002 INFO Failed to clean existing content for temp file provider of type %s. Enable DEBUG level log to find what caused this


Code Level Return Type Message
WELD-000000 TRACE No PAT observers resolved for {0}. Skipping.
WELD-000000 TRACE Sending PAT using the default event resolver: {0}
WELD-000000 TRACE Sending PAT using the fast event resolver: {0}
WELD-000000 DEBUG Catching
WELD-000001 TRACE Exactly one constructor ({0}) annotated with @Inject defined, using it as the bean constructor for {1}
WELD-000002 TRACE Exactly one constructor ({0}) defined, using it as the bean constructor for {1}
WELD-000004 TRACE Exactly one post construct method ({0}) for {1}
WELD-000006 TRACE Exactly one pre destroy method ({0}) for {1}
WELD-000007 TRACE Created session bean proxy for {0}
WELD-000008 TRACE Called {0} on {1} with parameters {2} which returned {3}
WELD-000009 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Dynamic lookup of {0} is not supported
WELD-000010 TRACE Using qualifiers {0} for {1}
WELD-000012 TRACE Building bean metadata for {0}
WELD-000014 TRACE Using name {0} for {1}
WELD-000016 TRACE Using scope {0} for {1}
WELD-000018 WARN Executing producer field or method {0} on incomplete declaring bean {1} due to circular injection
WELD-000019 ERROR Error destroying an instance {0} of {1}
WELD-000023 java.lang.String Type parameter must be a concrete type: {0}
WELD-000025 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Tried to create an EEResourceProducerField, but no @Resource, @PersistenceContext, @PersistenceUnit, @WebServiceRef or @EJB is present: {0}
WELD-000026 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Security Services not available - unable to obtain the Principal
WELD-000027 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Transaction Services not available - unable to obtain the UserTransaction
WELD-000028 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Interception model must not be null
WELD-000029 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException InterceptionType must not be null
WELD-000030 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Method must not be null
WELD-000031 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException InterceptionType must not be lifecycle, but it is {0}
WELD-000032 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException InterceptionType must be lifecycle, but it is {0}
WELD-000033 java.lang.String Could not instantiate client proxy for {0}
WELD-000034 java.lang.String Could not access bean correctly when creating client proxy for {0}
WELD-000035 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException There was an error creating an id for {0}
WELD-000036 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unexpected unwrapped custom decorator instance: {0}
WELD-000037 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException Cannot call EJB remove method directly on non-dependent scoped bean {0}
WELD-000038 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A bean class that is not a decorator has an injection point annotated @Delegate at injection point {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000039 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException @Typed class {0} not present in the set of bean types of {1} [{2}]
WELD-000040 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException All stereotypes must specify the same scope or the bean must declare a scope - declared on {0}, declared stereotypes [{1}], possible scopes {2}{3}
WELD-000041 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Specializing bean may not declare a bean name if it is declared by specialized bean specializing: {0} specialized: {1}
WELD-000042 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Cannot operate on non container provided decorator {0}
WELD-000043 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException The following bean is not an EE resource producer: {0}
WELD-000044 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.NullInstanceException Unable to obtain instance from {0}
WELD-000045 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InvalidObjectException Unable to deserialize object - serialization proxy is required
WELD-000046 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException At most one scope may be specified on {0}
WELD-000047 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Specializing bean must extend another bean: {0}
WELD-000048 java.lang.String Conflicting interceptor bindings found on {0}
WELD-000049 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Unable to invoke {0} on {1}
WELD-000050 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Cannot cast producer type {0} to bean type {1}
WELD-000052 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException Cannot return null from a non-dependent producer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000053 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException Producers cannot declare passivating scope and return a non-serializable class: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000054 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException Producers cannot produce unserializable instances for injection into an injection point that requires a passivation capable dependency Producer: {0} at {1} Injection Point: {2} at {3} StackTrace:
WELD-000059 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException No delegate injection point defined for {0}
WELD-000060 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Too many delegate injection points defined for {0}
WELD-000061 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException The delegate type does not extend or implement the decorated type. Decorated type: {0} Decorator: {1}
WELD-000064 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to process decorated type: {0}
WELD-000066 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} has more than one @Dispose parameter at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000067 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} is not allowed on same method as {1}, see {2} at {3} StackTrace:
WELD-000068 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} method {1} is not a business method of {2} at {3} StackTrace:
WELD-000070 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Simple bean {0} cannot be a non-static inner class
WELD-000071 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Managed bean with a parameterized bean class must be @Dependent: {0}
WELD-000072 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Bean declaring a passivating scope must be passivation capable. Bean: {0}
WELD-000073 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Bean class which has decorators cannot be declared final: {0}
WELD-000075 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Normal scoped managed bean implementation class has a public field: {0}
WELD-000076 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Bean constructor must not have a parameter annotated with {0}: {1} at {2} StackTrace:
WELD-000077 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot declare multiple disposal methods for this producer method. Producer method: {0} Disposal methods: {1}
WELD-000078 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Specialized producer method does not override another producer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000079 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.CreationException Could not instantiate a proxy for a session bean: {0} Proxy: {1}
WELD-000080 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Enterprise beans cannot be interceptors: {0}
WELD-000081 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Enterprise beans cannot be decorators: {0}
WELD-000082 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Scope {0} is not allowed on stateless session beans for {1}. Only @Dependent is allowed.
WELD-000083 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Scope {0} is not allowed on singleton session beans for {1}. Only @Dependent and @ApplicationScoped is allowed.
WELD-000084 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Specializing enterprise bean must extend another enterprise bean: {0}
WELD-000085 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot destroy null instance of {0}
WELD-000086 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot destroy session bean instance not created by the container: {0}
WELD-000087 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Message driven beans cannot be Managed Beans: {0}
WELD-000088 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method must be static or local business method: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000089 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to determine EJB for {0}, multiple EJBs with that class: {1}
WELD-000090 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A decorator has an abstract method that is not declared by any decorated type Method: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000094 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Injected field {0} cannot be annotated @Produces on {1}
WELD-000095 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Session bean with generic class {0} must be @Dependent scope
WELD-000096 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Producer fields on session beans must be static. Field {0} declared on {1}
WELD-000097 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A producer method with a parameterized return type with a type variable must be declared @Dependent scoped: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000098 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A producer method return type may not contain a wildcard: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000099 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Cannot load class {0} during deserialization of proxy
WELD-000100 DEBUG Weld initialized. Validating beans
WELD-000101 INFO Transactional services not available. Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be invoked synchronously.
WELD-000103 DEBUG Enabled alternatives for {0}: {1}
WELD-000104 DEBUG Enabled decorator types for {0}: {1}
WELD-000105 DEBUG Enabled interceptor types for {0}: {1}
WELD-000106 DEBUG Bean: {0}
WELD-000107 DEBUG Interceptor: {0}
WELD-000108 DEBUG Decorator: {0}
WELD-000109 DEBUG ObserverMethod: {0}
WELD-000110 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot set the annotation type to null (if you want to stop the type being used, call veto()): {0}
WELD-000111 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Bean type is not STATELESS, STATEFUL or SINGLETON: {0}
WELD-000112 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Class {0} has both @Interceptor and @Decorator annotations
WELD-000113 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException BeanDeploymentArchive must not be null: {0}
WELD-000114 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Must start the container with a deployment
WELD-000116 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Manager has not been initialized
WELD-000117 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Required service {0} has not been specified for {1}
WELD-000118 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Only normal scopes can be passivating. Scope {0}
WELD-000119 INFO Not generating any bean definitions from {0} because of underlying class loading error: Type {1} not found. If this is unexpected, enable DEBUG logging to see the full error.
WELD-000123 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Error loading {0} defined in {1}
WELD-000124 DEBUG Using {0} threads for bootstrap
WELD-000125 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Invalid thread pool size: {0}
WELD-000126 WARN Timeout shutting down thread pool {0} at {1}
WELD-000127 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Invalid thread pool type: {0}
WELD-000128 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Invalid value for property {0}: {1}
WELD-000130 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot replace AnnotatedType for {0} with AnnotatedType for {1}
WELD-000132 DEBUG Disabled alternative (ignored): {0}
WELD-000133 DEBUG Specialized bean (ignored): {0}
WELD-000134 DEBUG Producer (method or field) of specialized bean (ignored): {0}
WELD-000135 WARN Legacy deployment metadata provided by the integrator. Certain functionality will not be available.
WELD-000136 ERROR Exception(s) thrown during observer of BeforeShutdown:
WELD-000137 TRACE Exception while loading class '{0}' : {1}
WELD-000138 TRACE Error while loading class '{0}' : {1}
WELD-000139 WARN Ignoring portable extension class {0} because of underlying class loading error: Type {1} not found. Enable DEBUG logging level to see the full error.
WELD-000140 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Calling Bootstrap method after container has already been initialized. For correct order, see CDI11Bootstrap's documentation.
WELD-000141 INFO Falling back to the default observer method resolver due to {0}
WELD-000142 DEBUG Exception loading annotated type using ClassFileServices. Falling back to the default implementation. {0}
WELD-000143 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Container lifecycle event method invoked outside of extension observer method invocation.
WELD-000144 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException CDI API version mismatch. CDI 1.0 API detected on classpath. Weld requires version 1.1 or better.
WELD-000145 DEBUG Bean identifier index built: {0}
WELD-000146 WARN BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType(AnnotatedType) used for {0} is deprecated from CDI 1.1!
WELD-000147 WARN Decorator {0} declares inappropriate constructor therefore will not available as a managed bean!
WELD-000148 DEBUG ProcessAnnotatedType.setAnnotatedType() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2}
WELD-000149 DEBUG ProcessBeanAttributes.setBeanAttributes() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2}
WELD-000150 DEBUG ProcessInjectionPoint.setInjectionPoint() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2}
WELD-000151 DEBUG ProcessInjectionTarget.setInjectionTarget() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2}
WELD-000152 DEBUG ProcessProducer.setProducer() called by {0}: {1} replaced by {2}
WELD-000153 DEBUG AfterTypeDiscovery.addAnnotatedType() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000154 DEBUG AfterBeanDiscovery.addBean() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000155 DEBUG AfterBeanDiscovery.addObserverMethod() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000156 DEBUG AfterBeanDiscovery.addContext() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000157 DEBUG AfterBeanDiscovery.addDefinitionError() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000158 DEBUG BeforeBeanDiscovery.addQualifier() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000159 DEBUG BeforeBeanDiscovery.addScope() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000160 DEBUG BeforeBeanDiscovery.addStereoType() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000161 DEBUG BeforeBeanDiscovery.addInterceptorBindingCalled() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000162 DEBUG BeforeBeanDiscovery.addAnnotatedType() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000163 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Non-unique bean deployment identifier detected: {0}
WELD-000164 DEBUG ProcessAnnotatedType.veto() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000165 DEBUG ProcessBeanAttributes.veto() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000166 DEBUG AfterTypeDiscovery.{3} modified by {0} {2} {1}
WELD-000167 WARN Class {0} is annotated with @{1} but it does not declare an appropriate constructor therefore is not registered as a bean!
WELD-000168 DEBUG Extension bean deployed: {0}
WELD-000169 INFO Jandex cannot distinguish inner and static nested classes! Update Jandex to 2.0.3.Final version or newer to improve scanning performance.
WELD-000170 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException {0} observer cannot call both the configurator and set methods. Extension {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000171 DEBUG BeforeBeanDiscovery.configureQualifier() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000172 DEBUG BeforeBeanDiscovery.configureInterceptorBinding() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000173 DEBUG ProcessProducer.configureProducer() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000174 DEBUG ProcessBeanAttributes.configureBeanAttributes() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000175 DEBUG ProcessBeanAttributes.isIgnoreFinalMethods() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000176 DEBUG ProcessAnnotatedType.configureAnnotatedType() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000177 DEBUG ProcessObserverMethod.configureObserverMethod() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000178 DEBUG ProcessInjectionPoint.configureInjectionPoint() called by {0} for {1}
WELD-000179 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException {0} created by {1} cannot be processed
WELD-000180 DEBUG Drop unused bean metadata: {0}
WELD-000181 WARN org.jboss.weld.executor.threadPoolType=COMMON detected but ForkJoinPool.commonPool() does not work with SecurityManager enabled, switching to {0} thread pool
WELD-000183 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Multiple different @Priority values derived from stereotype annotations for annotated type - {0}
WELD-000200 TRACE Looked for {0} and got {1} in {2}
WELD-000201 TRACE Context {0} cleared
WELD-000202 TRACE Added {0} with key {1} to {2}
WELD-000203 TRACE Removed {0} from {1}
WELD-000211 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException The delimiter "{0}" should not be in the prefix "{1}"
WELD-000212 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException No contextual specified to retrieve (null)
WELD-000213 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException No bean store available for {0}
WELD-000215 TRACE Bean store {0} is detached
WELD-000216 TRACE Updating underlying store with contextual {0} under ID {1}
WELD-000217 TRACE Adding detached contextual {0} under ID {1}
WELD-000218 TRACE Removed {0} from session {1}
WELD-000219 TRACE Unable to remove {0} from non-existent session
WELD-000220 TRACE Added {0} to session {1}
WELD-000221 TRACE Unable to add {0} to session as no session could be obtained
WELD-000222 TRACE Loading bean store {0} map from session {1}
WELD-000223 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Context.getScope() returned null for {0}
WELD-000224 WARN Unable to clear the bean store {0}.
WELD-000225 WARN Bean store leak detected during {0} association: {1}
WELD-000226 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Cannot register additional context for scope: {0}, {1}
WELD-000227 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Bean identifier index inconsistency detected - the distributed container probably does not work with identical applications Expected hash: {0} Current index: {1}
WELD-000228 DEBUG Bean store leak detected during {0} association - instances of beans with the following identifiers might not be destroyed correctly: {1}
WELD-000229 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Contextual reference of {0} is not valid after container {1} shutdown
WELD-000304 TRACE Cleaning up conversation {0}
WELD-000313 TRACE Lock acquired on conversation {0}
WELD-000314 TRACE Lock released on conversation {0}
WELD-000315 WARN Failed to acquire conversation lock in {0} ms for {1}
WELD-000316 WARN Attempt to release lock on conversation {0} failed because {1}
WELD-000317 DEBUG Promoted conversation {0} to long-running
WELD-000318 DEBUG Returned long-running conversation {0} to transient
WELD-000320 TRACE Cleaning up transient conversation
WELD-000321 org.jboss.weld.contexts.NonexistentConversationException No conversation found to restore for id {0}
WELD-000322 org.jboss.weld.contexts.BusyConversationException Conversation lock timed out: {0}
WELD-000326 TRACE Found conversation id {0} in request parameter
WELD-000327 DEBUG Resuming conversation with id {0}
WELD-000328 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attempt to call begin() on a long-running conversation
WELD-000329 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attempt to call end() on a transient conversation
WELD-000332 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Conversation ID {0} is already in use
WELD-000333 java.lang.IllegalStateException Must call associate() before calling activate()
WELD-000334 java.lang.IllegalStateException Must call associate() before calling deactivate()
WELD-000335 WARN Conversation context is already active, most likely it was not cleaned up properly during previous request processing: {0}
WELD-000336 java.lang.IllegalStateException Conversation context is not active
WELD-000337 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to find ConversationNamingScheme in the request, this conversation wasn't transient at the start of the request
WELD-000338 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to locate ConversationIdGenerator
WELD-000339 java.lang.IllegalStateException A request must be associated with the context in order to generate a conversation id
WELD-000340 java.lang.IllegalStateException A request must be associated with the context in order to load the known conversations
WELD-000341 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to load the conversations from the associated request - {0}: {1}, request: {2}
WELD-000342 WARN Going to end a locked conversation with id {0}
WELD-000343 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to load the current conversation from the associated request - {0}: {1}, request: {2}
WELD-000400 DEBUG Sending event {0} directly to observer {1}
WELD-000401 ERROR Failure while notifying an observer {0} of event {1}. {2}
WELD-000403 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InvalidObjectException Proxy required
WELD-000404 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Conditional observer method cannot be declared by a @Dependent scoped bean: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000405 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method cannot have more than one event parameter annotated with @Observes or @ObservesAsync: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000406 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method cannot have a parameter annotated with @Disposes: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000407 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method cannot be annotated with @Produces: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000408 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method cannot be annotated with @Inject, observer methods are automatically injection points: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000409 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method for container lifecycle event can only inject BeanManager: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000410 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method cannot define @WithAnnotations: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000411 INFO Observer method {0} receives events for all annotated types. Consider restricting events using @WithAnnotations or a generic type with bounds.
WELD-000412 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException ObserverMethod.{0}() returned null for {1}
WELD-000413 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} cannot be replaced by an observer method with a different bean class {1}
WELD-000414 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method for container lifecycle event cannot be asynchronous. {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000415 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Custom implementation of observer method does not override either notify(T) or notify(EventContext): {0}
WELD-000416 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException None or multiple event parameters declared on: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000417 WARN The original observed type {0} is not assignable from {1} set by extension {2} - the observer method invocation may result in runtime exception!
WELD-000418 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Observer method for container lifecycle event cannot be static. {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000419 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException {0} is not a valid notification mode for asynchronous observers
WELD-000420 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Asynchronous observer notification with timeout option requires an implementation of ExecutorServices which provides an instance of ScheduledExecutorServices.
WELD-000421 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Invalid input value for asynchronous observer notification timeout. Has to be parseable String, java.lang.Long or long. Original exception: {0}
WELD-000422 java.lang.IllegalStateException WeldEvent.select(Type subtype, Annotation... qualifiers) can be invoked only on an instance of WeldEvent.
WELD-000600 DEBUG {0} is missing @Retention(RUNTIME). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable.
WELD-000601 DEBUG {0} is missing @Target. Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable.
WELD-000602 DEBUG {0} is not declared @Target(TYPE, METHOD) or @Target(TYPE). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable.
WELD-000604 DEBUG {0} is not declared @Target(METHOD, FIELD, TYPE). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable.
WELD-000605 DEBUG {0} is not declared @Target(METHOD, FIELD, TYPE, PARAMETER), @Target(METHOD, TYPE), @Target(METHOD), @Target(TYPE) or @Target(FIELD). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable.
WELD-000606 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unable to determine name of parameter
WELD-000607 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException annotationMap cannot be null
WELD-000608 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException declaredAnnotationMap cannot be null
WELD-000610 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Unable to deserialize constructor. Declaring class {0}, index {1}
WELD-000611 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Unable to deserialize method. Declaring class {0}, index {1}
WELD-000612 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Unable to deserialize field. Declaring class {0}, field name {1}
WELD-000614 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Incorrect number of AnnotatedParameters {0} on AnnotatedMethod {1}. AnnotatedMethod has {2} as parameters but should have {3} as parameters
WELD-000616 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Instantiation through ReflectionFactory of {0} failed
WELD-000617 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Instantiation through Unsafe of {0} failed
WELD-000619 WARN A lifecycle callback interceptor declares an interceptor binding with target other than ElementType.TYPE {0} Binding: {1} Target: {2}
WELD-000620 DEBUG {0} is not declared @Target(METHOD, FIELD, PARAMETER, TYPE). Weld will use this annotation, however this may make the application unportable.
WELD-000621 WARN Interceptor binding {0} with @Target defined as {1} should not be applied on interceptor binding {2} with @Target definition: {3}
WELD-000622 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException IllegalArgumentException invoking {2} on {1} ({0}) with parameters {3}
WELD-000623 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unknown type {0}.
WELD-000624 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Invalid type argument combination: {0}; {1}.
WELD-000625 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Unable to locate method: {0}
WELD-000707 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Non Http-Servlet lifecycle not defined
WELD-000708 TRACE Initializing request {0}
WELD-000709 TRACE Destroying request {0}
WELD-000710 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Cannot inject {0} outside of a Servlet request
WELD-000711 WARN Context activation pattern {0} ignored as it is overriden by the integrator.
WELD-000712 WARN Unable to dissociate context {0} from the storage {1}
WELD-000713 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to inject ServletContext. None is associated with {0}, {1}
WELD-000714 WARN HttpContextLifecycle guard leak detected. The Servlet container is not fully compliant. The value was {0}
WELD-000715 WARN HttpContextLifecycle guard not set. The Servlet container is not fully compliant.
WELD-000716 INFO Running in Servlet 2.x environment. Asynchronous request support is disabled.
WELD-000717 WARN Unable to deactivate context {0} when destroying request {1}
WELD-000718 WARN No EEModuleDescriptor defined for bean archive with ID: {0}. @Initialized and @Destroyed events for ApplicationScoped may be fired twice.
WELD-000719 DEBUG An active HttpSessionDestructionContext detected. This is likely a leftover from previous sessions that ended exceptionally. This context will be terminated.
WELD-000804 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException {0} is not an enum
WELD-000805 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot have more than one post construct method annotated with @PostConstruct for {0}
WELD-000806 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot have more than one pre destroy method annotated @PreDestroy for {0}
WELD-000807 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Initializer method cannot be annotated @Produces {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000808 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Initializer method cannot have parameters annotated @Disposes: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000810 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot place qualifiers on final fields: {0}
WELD-000812 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot determine constructor to use for {0}. Possible constructors {1}
WELD-000813 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException injectableFields and initializerMethods must have the same size. Injectable Fields: {0} InitializerMethods: {1}
WELD-000814 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Annotation {0} is not a qualifier
WELD-000815 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Qualifier {0} is already present in the set {1}
WELD-000816 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot determine constructor to use for {0}
WELD-000817 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to find Bean Deployment Archive for {0}
WELD-000818 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Event type {0} is not allowed
WELD-000819 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot provide an event type parameterized with a type parameter {0}
WELD-000820 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot proxy non-Class Type {0}
WELD-000824 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Error getting field {0} on {1}
WELD-000826 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Cannot access values() on annotation
WELD-000827 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Initializer method may not be a generic method: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-000833 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Resource injection point represents a method which doesn't follow JavaBean conventions {0}
WELD-000834 WARN Unable to inject resource - most probably incorrect InjectionServices SPI implementation: {0} at {1}
WELD-000900 INFO {0}
WELD-001001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot pass null expressionFactory
WELD-001002 TRACE Looking for EL property {0}
WELD-001003 TRACE EL property {0} resolved to {1}
WELD-001100 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} can only be applied to an annotation. It was applied to {1}
WELD-001101 WARN Member of array type or annotation type must be annotated @NonBinding: {0}
WELD-001102 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Stereotype {0} not registered with container
WELD-001103 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot declare qualifiers on stereotype {0}
WELD-001104 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot specify a value for @Named stereotype {0}
WELD-001105 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException At most one scope type may be specified for {0}
WELD-001106 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException BeanAttributes.getStereotypes() returned null for {0}
WELD-001107 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0}() returned null for {1}
WELD-001108 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException BeanAttributes.getTypes() returned null for {0}
WELD-001109 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException BeanAttributes.getScope() returned null for {0}
WELD-001110 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} defined on {1} is not a stereotype
WELD-001111 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} defined on {1} is not a qualifier
WELD-001112 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException BeanAttributes.getTypes() may not return an empty set {0}
WELD-001113 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} defined on {1} is not a scope annotation
WELD-001114 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException {0} returned null for {1}
WELD-001115 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Parameter position {0} of parameter {1} is not valid
WELD-001116 WARN AnnotatedType ({0}) without a constructor
WELD-001117 WARN Member {0} ({1}) does not belong to the actual class hierarchy of the annotatedType {2} ({3}) at {4}
WELD-001118 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A type variable is not a valid bean type. Bean type {0} of bean {1}
WELD-001119 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A parameterized type containing wildcard parameters is not a valid bean type. Bean type {0} of bean {1}
WELD-001120 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A bean that has a parameterized bean type containing type variables must be @Dependent scoped. Bean type {0} of bean {1}
WELD-001121 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Member of array type or annotation type must be annotated @NonBinding: {0}
WELD-001122 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Failed to deserialize annotated type identified with {0}
WELD-001123 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} defined on {1} is not an interceptor binding
WELD-001124 WARN Context.getScope() returned {0} which is not a scope annotation. Context: {1}
WELD-001125 INFO Illegal bean type {0} ignored on {1}
WELD-001126 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException BeanAttributesConfigurator is not able to read {0} - missing BeanManager
WELD-001200 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Error configuring XML parser
WELD-001201 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Error loading beans.xml {0}
WELD-001202 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Error parsing {0}
WELD-001203 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException can only be specified once, but appears multiple times: {0}
WELD-001204 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException can only be specified once, but is specified multiple times: {0}
WELD-001205 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException can only be specified once, but it is specified multiple times: {0}
WELD-001207 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException can only be specified once, but it is specified multiple times: {0}
WELD-001208 WARN Error when validating {0}@{1} against xsd. {2}
WELD-001210 WARN Warning when validating {0}@{1} against xsd. {2}
WELD-001300 javax.naming.NamingException Unable to locate BeanManager
WELD-001301 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Annotation {0} is not a qualifier
WELD-001302 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Duplicate qualifiers: {0}
WELD-001303 org.jboss.weld.contexts.ContextNotActiveException No active contexts for scope type {0}
WELD-001304 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException More than one context active for scope type {0}
WELD-001305 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException The given type {0} is not a type of the bean {1}
WELD-001307 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException Unable to resolve any beans of type {0} with qualifiers {1}
WELD-001308 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException Unable to resolve any beans for {0}
WELD-001310 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException No decorator types were specified in the set
WELD-001311 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Interceptor bindings list cannot be empty
WELD-001312 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Duplicate interceptor binding type {0} found
WELD-001313 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Trying to resolve interceptors with non-binding type {0}
WELD-001314 java.lang.String {0} is expected to be a normal scope type
WELD-001316 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException {0} is not an interceptor binding type
WELD-001317 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException {0} is not a stereotype
WELD-001318 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.AmbiguousResolutionException Cannot resolve an ambiguous dependency between: {0}
WELD-001319 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Bean manager ID must not be null
WELD-001325 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException No instance of an extension {0} registered with the deployment
WELD-001326 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot create bean attributes - the argument must be either an AnnotatedField or AnnotatedMethod but {0} is not
WELD-001327 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to identify the correct BeanManager. The calling class {0} is placed in multiple bean archives
WELD-001328 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to identify the correct BeanManager. The calling class {0} is not placed in bean archive
WELD-001329 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to identify the correct BeanManager
WELD-001330 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException BeanManager is not available.
WELD-001331 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Declaring bean cannot be null for the non-static member {0}
WELD-001332 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException BeanManager method {0} is not available during application initialization. Container state: {1}
WELD-001333 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException BeanManager method {0} is not available after shutdown
WELD-001334 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsatisfiedResolutionException Unsatisfied dependencies for type {1} with qualifiers {0} {2}
WELD-001335 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.AmbiguousResolutionException Ambiguous dependencies for type {1} with qualifiers {0} Possible dependencies: {2}
WELD-001336 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException InjectionTargetFactory.configure() may not be called after createInjectionTarget() invocation. AnnotatedType used: {0}
WELD-001401 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InconsistentSpecializationException Two beans cannot specialize the same bean {0}
WELD-001402 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-serializable interceptor {1}
WELD-001403 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-serializable decorator {1}
WELD-001404 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException The injection point is annotated with @New which cannot be combined with other qualifiers: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001405 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot inject {0} in a class which is not a bean at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001406 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot inject injection point metadata in a non @Dependent scoped bean: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001407 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot declare an injection point with a type variable: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001408 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Unsatisfied dependencies for type {2} with qualifiers {1} at injection point {0} at {3} {4}
WELD-001409 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Ambiguous dependencies for type {2} with qualifiers {1} at injection point {0} at {3} Possible dependencies: {4}
WELD-001410 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException The injection point has non-proxyable dependencies: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001413 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a non-passivation-capable dependency {1}
WELD-001414 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Bean name is ambiguous. Name {0} resolves to beans: {1}
WELD-001415 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Bean name is identical to a bean name prefix used elsewhere. Name {0}
WELD-001416 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled interceptor class {0} specified twice: - {1}, - {2}
WELD-001417 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled interceptor class {0} ({1}) does not match an interceptor bean: the class is not found, or not annotated with @Interceptor and still not registered through a portable extension, or not annotated with @Dependent inside an implicit bean archive
WELD-001418 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled decorator class {0} specified twice: - {1}, - {2}
WELD-001419 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled decorator class {0} is not the bean class of at least one decorator bean (detected decorator beans: {1})
WELD-001420 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled alternative {0} is not a stereotype
WELD-001421 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Cannot enable the same alternative stereotype {0} in beans.xml: - {1}, - {2}
WELD-001422 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled alternative class {0} ({1}) does not match any bean, or is not annotated with @Alternative or an @Alternative stereotype, or does not declare a producer annotated with @Alternative or an @Alternative stereotype
WELD-001424 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException The following disposal methods were declared but did not resolve to a producer method: {0}
WELD-001425 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException An injection point cannot have a wildcard type parameter: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001426 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException An injection point must have a type parameter: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001427 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Only field injection points can use the @Named qualifier with no value: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001428 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A decorator cannot have producer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001429 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A decorator cannot have producer fields, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001430 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A decorator cannot have disposer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001431 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException An interceptor cannot have producer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001432 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException An interceptor cannot have producer fields, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001433 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException An interceptor cannot have disposer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001434 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable for an unknown reason - {1}.
WELD-001435 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException Normal scoped bean {0} is not proxyable because it has no no-args constructor - {1}.
WELD-001436 java.lang.String Type {0} is not proxyable because it has a private constructor {1} - {2}.
WELD-001437 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it is final - {1}.
WELD-001438 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it is a primitive - {1}.
WELD-001439 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it is an array type - {1}.
WELD-001440 WARN Scope type {0} used on injection point {1} at {2} StackTrace
WELD-001441 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled alternative {0} is not a class
WELD-001442 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Enabled alternative {0} is not annotated @Alternative
WELD-001443 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Pseudo scoped bean has circular dependencies. Dependency path: {0}
WELD-001445 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException An interceptor cannot have observer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001446 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A decorator cannot have observer methods, but at least one was found on {0}.
WELD-001447 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not return {3} at {4} StackTrace
WELD-001448 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have exactly one parameter at {3} StackTrace
WELD-001449 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but its single parameter is not a {3} at {4} StackTrace
WELD-001451 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction cannot be injected into an enterprise bean with container-managed transactions: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001452 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} is not a valid type for a Bean metadata injection point {1} at {2} StackTrace
WELD-001453 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} is not a valid type argument for a Bean metadata injection point {1} at {2} StackTrace
WELD-001454 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} cannot be used at a Bean metadata injection point of a bean which is not {1}, {2} at {3} StackTrace
WELD-001455 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} does not declare any decorated types.
WELD-001456 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Argument {0} must not be null
WELD-001457 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Cannot enable the same alternative class {0} in beans.xml: - {1}, - {2}
WELD-001463 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Bean declaring a passivating scope must be passivation capable. Bean: {0}
WELD-001465 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException {0} for a built-in bean {1} must be passivation capable.
WELD-001466 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Invalid injection point found in a disposer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001467 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not return {3} or {4}. at {5} StackTrace
WELD-001468 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have a {3} return type. at {4} StackTrace
WELD-001469 WARN Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} but it does not have zero parameters.
WELD-001471 WARN Interceptor method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It should not throw {2}, which is a checked exception. at {3} StackTrace
WELD-001472 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException EventMetadata can only be injected into an observer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001473 WARN jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean implementation {0} declared a normal scope but does not implementjakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.PassivationCapable. It won'''t be possible to inject this bean into a bean with a passivating scope (@SessionScoped, @ConversationScoped). This can be fixed by assigning the Bean implementation a unique id by implementing the PassivationCapable interface.
WELD-001474 java.lang.String Class {0} is on the classpath, but was ignored because a class it references was not found: {1}.
WELD-001475 java.lang.String The following beans match by type, but none have matching qualifiers:{0}
WELD-001476 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException {0} must be @Dependent
WELD-001477 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnserializableDependencyException The bean {0} declares a passivating scope but has a(n) {1} with a non-passivation-capable dependency {2}
WELD-001478 WARN Interceptor {0} is enabled for the application and for the bean archive {1}. It will only be invoked in the @Priority part of the chain.
WELD-001479 WARN Decorator {0} is enabled for the application and for the bean archive {1}. It will only be invoked in the @Priority part of the chain.
WELD-001480 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnproxyableResolutionException Bean type {0} is not proxyable because it contains a final method {1} - {2}.
WELD-001481 WARN Final method will be ignored during proxy generation and should never be invoked upon the proxy instance! {0} - {1}.
WELD-001482 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException InterceptionFactory can only be injected in a parameter of a producer method: {0} at {1} StackTrace
WELD-001483 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Argument must not be null
WELD-001485 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Method {0} defined on class {1} is not defined according to the specification. It is annotated with @{2} and it declares more than one parameter. at {3} StackTrace
WELD-001500 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Failed to deserialize proxy object with beanId {0}
WELD-001501 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Method call requires a BeanInstance which has not been set for this proxy {0}
WELD-001502 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Resource producer field [{0}] must be @Dependent scoped
WELD-001503 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Bean class which has interceptors cannot be declared final: {0}
WELD-001504 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Intercepted bean method {0} (intercepted by {1}) cannot be declared final
WELD-001505 WARN Method {0} cannot be intercepted by {1} - will be ignored by interceptors and should never be invoked upon the proxy instance!
WELD-001506 TRACE Created new client proxy of type {0} for bean {1} with ID {2}
WELD-001507 TRACE Located client proxy of type {0} for bean {1}
WELD-001508 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Cannot create an InjectionTarget from {0} as it is an interface
WELD-001510 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Non passivation capable bean serialized with ProxyMethodHandler
WELD-001511 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Specializing bean {0} does not have bean type {1} of specialized bean {2}
WELD-001512 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException {0} cannot be constructed for {1}
WELD-001513 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException An implementation of AnnotatedCallable must implement either AnnotatedConstructor or AnnotatedMethod, {0}
WELD-001514 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException An implementation of AnnotatedMember must implement either AnnotatedConstructor, AnnotatedMethod or AnnotatedField, {0}
WELD-001515 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to load annotated member {0}
WELD-001516 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Resource producer field [{0}] must not have an EL name
WELD-001517 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException The type of the resource producer field [{0}] does not match the resource type {1}
WELD-001518 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot create Producer implementation. Declaring bean missing for a non-static member {0}
WELD-001519 DEBUG An InjectionTarget is created for an abstract {0}. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type!
WELD-001520 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Beans with different bean names {0}, {1} cannot be specialized by a single bean {2}
WELD-001521 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException InjectionPoint.getAnnotated() must return either AnnotatedParameter or AnnotatedField but {0} was returned for {1}
WELD-001522 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to restore InjectionPoint. No matching InjectionPoint found on {0}
WELD-001523 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to restore InjectionPoint. Multiple matching InjectionPoints found on {0}: - {1}, - {2}
WELD-001524 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Unable to load proxy class for bean {0} with class {1}
WELD-001525 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException Instance.destroy() is not supported. The underlying context {0} does not support destroying of contextual instances
WELD-001526 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Managed bean declaring a passivating scope has a non-passivation capable decorator. Bean: {0} Decorator: {1}
WELD-001527 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Managed bean declaring a passivating scope has a non-serializable interceptor. Bean: {0} Interceptor: {1}
WELD-001529 DEBUG An InjectionTarget is created for a {0} which does not have any appropriate constructor. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type!
WELD-001530 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.CreationException Cannot produce an instance of {0}.
WELD-001531 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException Instance.iterator().remove() is not supported.
WELD-001532 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException A passivation capable bean cannot have a null id: {0}
WELD-001533 DEBUG An InjectionTarget is created for a non-static inner {0}. It will not be possible to produce instances of this type!
WELD-001534 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Bean class which has decorators must have a public constructor without parameters: {0}
WELD-001535 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException Constructor without parameters cannot be private in bean class which has decorators: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-001536 TRACE Found {0} constructors annotated with @Inject for {1}
WELD-001537 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException An InjectionTarget is created for a {0} which does not have any appropriate constructor.
WELD-001538 TRACE Created context instance for bean {0} identified as {1}
WELD-001539 TRACE Created MH initializer body for decorator proxy: {0}
WELD-001540 TRACE Adding method to enterprise proxy: {0}
WELD-001541 TRACE Adding method to proxy: {0}
WELD-001542 TRACE Retrieving/generating proxy class {0}
WELD-001543 TRACE Created Proxy class of type {0} supporting interfaces {1}
WELD-001544 TRACE MethodHandler processing returning bean instance for {0}
WELD-001545 TRACE MethodHandler processing call to {0} for {1}
WELD-001546 TRACE Setting new MethodHandler with bean instance for {0} on {1}
WELD-001547 TRACE Invoking interceptor chain for method {0} on {1}
WELD-001548 TRACE Invoking method {0} directly on {1}
WELD-001549 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Unable to determine parent creational context of {0}
WELD-001550 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A producer field with a parameterized type with a type variable must be declared @Dependent scoped: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-001551 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A producer field type may not contain a wildcard: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-001552 WARN An extension ({0}) has a non-static public field ({1}).
WELD-001553 TRACE Proxy activated after passivation for {0}
WELD-001554 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Bean.{0}() returned null for {1}
WELD-001555 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Decorator.{0}() returned null for {1}
WELD-001556 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Specializing {0} cannot specialize a non-managed bean {1}
WELD-001557 WARN Unable to dump the proxy class file for {0}
WELD-001558 WARN Unable to create directory {0} to dump the proxy classes.
WELD-001559 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Bean builder {0} does not define a create lifecycle callback.
WELD-001560 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Bean builder {0} does not define a destroy lifecycle callback.
WELD-001561 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Bean builder {0} does not define a BeanManager.
WELD-001562 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A producer method return type may not be a type variable or an array type whose component type is a type variable: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-001563 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException A producer field type may not be a type variable or an array type whose component type is a type variable: {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-001564 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Injection point metadata injected into a stateless session bean may only be accessed within its business method invocation
WELD-001565 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Interceptor builder {0} does not define an interception function.
WELD-001566 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Interceptor builder {0} does not define any InterceptionType.
WELD-001567 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Cannot create contextual instance of {0}
WELD-001568 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to create ClassFile for: {1}.
WELD-001569 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException Cannot inject injection point metadata in a non @Dependent bean: {0}
WELD-001570 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Invalid BeanConfigurator setup - no callback was specified for {0}
WELD-001571 INFO Proxy for {0} created in {1} because {2}.
WELD-001572 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.CreationException Cannot create instance of session bean from Annotated Type {0} before AfterDeploymentValidation phase.
WELD-001573 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Cannot obtain contextual reference for {0} - producing WeldInstance does not exist anymore
WELD-001574 WARN Cannot destroy contextual instance for {0} - producing WeldInstance does not exist anymore
WELD-001575 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException WeldInstance.select(Type subtype, Annotation... qualifiers) can be invoked only on an instance of WeldInstance.
WELD-001576 DEBUG Using {1} to instantiate a shared proxy class {0}; the deployment implementation [{2}] does not match the instantiator the proxy was created with
WELD-001577 INFO Detected private final method: {1} on an intercepted bean: {0} Weld will ignore this method during interception.
WELD-001578 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException WeldDefaultProxyServices failed to load/define a class with name {0} whose original class was {1} because all attempts to determine a class loader ended with null.
WELD-001579 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalArgumentException An instance of ProxyFactory.ProxyNameHolder has to contain a class name. This instance was created for bean class: {1}
WELD-001580 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Cannot obtain contextual reference for {0} - a previously obtained reference has already been destroyed.
WELD-001601 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot extract rawType from {0}
WELD-001602 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.WeldException Cannot create qualifier instance model for {0} at {1} StackTrace:
WELD-001700 WARN Interceptor annotation class {0} not found, interception based on it is not enabled
WELD-001701 TRACE Invoking next interceptor in chain: {0}
WELD-001702 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DefinitionException Interceptor.getInterceptorBindings() returned null for {0}
WELD-001703 INFO Unable to determine the @Intercepted Bean for {0}
WELD-001704 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException @Intercepted Bean can only be injected into an interceptor: {0}
WELD-001705 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.CreationException Target instance not created - one of the interceptor methods in the AroundConstruct chain did not invoke InvocationContext.proceed() for: {0}
WELD-001706 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException InterceptionFactory.createInterceptedInstance() may only be called once
WELD-001707 DEBUG InterceptionFactory.configure() was invoked for AnnotatedType: {0}
WELD-001708 DEBUG InterceptionFactory.ignoreFinalMethods() was invoked for AnnotatedType: {0}. Final methods will be ignored during proxy generation!
WELD-001709 DEBUG InterceptionFactory skipped wrapper creation for AnnotatedType {0} because no @AroundInvoke interceptor was bound to it.
WELD-001710 DEBUG InterceptionFactory skipped wrapper creation for an internal container construct of type {0}
WELD-001711 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException InterceptionFactory is not supported on interfaces. Check InterceptionFactory<{0}>
WELD-001800 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Unable to get bean identifier at position {0} from {1}
WELD-001801 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.InvalidObjectException Unable to deserialize {0}
WELD-001900 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Invalid configuration property value {0} for key {1}
WELD-001901 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Configuration property type {0} does not match the required type {1} for configuration key {2}
WELD-001902 DEBUG Following configuration was detected and applied: {0}
WELD-001903 DEBUG Configuration key {0} already set to {1} in a source with higher priority, value {2} from {3} is ignored
WELD-001904 WARN Unsupported configuration key found and ignored: {0}
WELD-001905 org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalStateException Configuration key {0} set to different values in the same source: - {1} - {2}
WELD-001906 DEBUG ResourceLoader not specified for {0}, file properties will not be loaded
WELD-001907 DEBUG Reading properties file: {0}
WELD-001908 WARN Configuration property {0} can only be set by integrator - value {1} ignored


Code Level Return Type Message
WFHTTP000002 org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException Port value %s out of range
WFHTTP000003 ERROR Failed to acquire session
WFHTTP000004 java.io.IOException Invalid response type %s
WFHTTP000005 java.io.IOException Invalid response code %s (full response %s)
WFHTTP000006 ERROR Failed to write exception
WFHTTP000007 java.io.IOException Invalid content encoding %s
WFHTTP000008 java.lang.SecurityException Authentication failed
WFHTTP000009 java.lang.RuntimeException Unsupported qop version in digest auth
WFHTTP000010 ERROR Error parsing authentication-info header
WFHTTP000011 java.io.IOException Stream is closed
WFHTTP000012 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attempted to do blocking IO from the IO thread. This is prohibited as it may result in deadlocks
WFHTTP000013 javax.naming.AuthenticationException Authentication failed (full response %s)
WFHTTP000014 DEBUG JavaEE to JakartaEE backward compatibility layer have been installed


Code Level Return Type Message
WFHTTPEJB000001 java.io.IOException Unexpected data in response
WFHTTPEJB000002 java.io.IOException No session id in response
WFHTTPEJB000003 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not resolve target for locator %s
WFHTTPEJB000004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could create HTTP EJBReceiver for protocol %s
WFHTTPEJB000006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException EJB not stateful
WFHTTPEJB000007 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Session was not active
WFHTTPEJB000008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Session was not active
WFHTTPEJB000009 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Wrong view type
WFHTTPEJB000010 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot enlist in transaction
WFHTTPEJB000011 java.io.IOException Invalid transaction type %s
WFHTTPEJB000012 ERROR Unable to perform EJB discovery
WFHTTPEJB000013 INFO HTTP discovery has been interrupted
WFHTTPEJB000014 java.io.InvalidClassException Exception resolving class %s for unmarshalling; it has either been blocklisted or not allowlisted


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Name of the app client configuration file to use (default is "appclient.xml")
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Display this message and exit
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Set the url of the application server instance to connect to
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Load ejb-client.properties file from the given url
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Load system properties from the given url
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Set a system property
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Print version and exit
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String Runs the container with the security manager enabled.
WFLYAC0000 java.lang.String The appclient script starts an application client which can be used to test and access the deployed Jakarta Enterprise Beans.
WFLYAC0002 ERROR %s running app client main
WFLYAC0004 java.lang.String You must specify the application client to execute
WFLYAC0005 java.lang.String Argument expected for option %s
WFLYAC0006 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not find application client jar in deployment
WFLYAC0007 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find application client %s
WFLYAC0008 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load application client main class
WFLYAC0010 java.lang.String Unable to load properties from URL %s
WFLYAC0011 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not start app client %s as no main class was found
WFLYAC0012 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not start app client %s as no main method was found on main class %s
WFLYAC0013 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate subsystem declaration
WFLYAC0015 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to parse %s
WFLYAC0016 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to parse %s at [%d,%d]
WFLYAC0017 java.lang.String Malformed URL provided for option %s
WFLYAC0018 java.lang.RuntimeException More than one application client found and no app client name specified
WFLYAC0020 java.lang.String Unknown option %s
WFLYAC0021 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load callback-handler class %s
WFLYAC0022 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not create instance of callback-handler class %s
WFLYAC0023 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not find application client %s
WFLYAC0024 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot specify both a host to connect to and an ejb-client.properties file.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYAG0001 INFO Adding deployment processors for DataSourceDefinition annotation and resource-ref entries
WFLYAG0101 INFO Started datasource '%s' bound to [%s]
WFLYAG0102 INFO Stopped datasource '%s'
WFLYAG0103 INFO Started xa-datasource '%s' bound to [%s]
WFLYAG0104 INFO Stopped xa-datasource '%s'
WFLYAG0105 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Exception starting datasource '%s'
WFLYAG0106 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Exception starting xa-datasource '%s'
WFLYAG0107 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Invalid connection provider. Either a java.sql.Driver or javax.sql.DataSource implementation is required. Fix the connection-provider for the driver
WFLYAG0108 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException An xa-datasource requires a javax.sql.XADataSource as connection provider. Fix the connection-provider for the driver
WFLYAG0109 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Could not start datasource: transaction manager is missing
WFLYAG0110 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Error obtaining credentials from authentication context for datasource '%s'
WFLYAG0111 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException CredentialSourceSupplier for datasource '%s' is invalid
WFLYAG0201 INFO Performing flush operation, mode %s
WFLYAG0301 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unknown datasource service of type: %s
WFLYAG0302 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid connection in '%s'
WFLYAG0303 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException JNDI name have to start with java:/ or java:jboss/
WFLYAG0304 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException JNDI name shouldn't include '//' or end with '/'
WFLYAG0401 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Invalid connection provider. Either a java.sql.Driver or javax.sql.DataSource implementation is required. Fix the connection-provider for the driver
WFLYAG0402 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to load connection provider class '%s'
WFLYAG0403 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Element must provide attribute '%s'
WFLYAG0501 INFO Loaded class %s for driver '%s'
WFLYAG0502 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to load driver module '%s'
WFLYAG0503 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to load driver class '%s'
WFLYAG0601 WARN %s: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYBATCH000001 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Error processing META-INF/batch-jobs directory.
WFLYBATCH000002 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resources of type %s cannot be removed
WFLYBATCH000003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not find deployment name: %s
WFLYBATCH000004 java.lang.IllegalStateException The service JobOperatorService has been stopped and cannot execute operations.
WFLYBATCH000005 jakarta.batch.operations.NoSuchJobException The job name '%s' was not found for the deployment.
WFLYBATCH000006 jakarta.batch.operations.JobStartException Could not find the job XML file in the deployment: %s
WFLYBATCH000007 WARN Failed processing the job XML file %s. Attempting to execute this job may result in errors.
WFLYBATCH000008 WARN Empty job-repository element found in deployment descriptor. Using the default job repository for deployment %s.
WFLYBATCH000009 java.lang.IllegalStateException Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed
WFLYBATCH000011 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to create %s job repository.
WFLYBATCH000013 ERROR Only one job repository can be defined in the jboss-all.xml deployment descriptor. The first job repository will be used.
WFLYBATCH000014 WARN Stopping execution %d of %s for deployment %s
WFLYBATCH000015 ERROR Failed to stop execution %d for job %s on deployment %s
WFLYBATCH000016 ERROR Failed to restart execution %d for job %s on deployment %s
WFLYBATCH000017 INFO Restarting previously stopped batch job %s. Previous execution id %d. New execution id %d.
WFLYBATCH000019 jakarta.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException No batch environment was found for class loader: %s
WFLYBATCH000020 jakarta.batch.operations.JobSecurityException Permission denied. User %s does not have %s permissions.
WFLYBATCH000021 java.lang.IllegalStateException Duplicate virtual file %s.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCC0001 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot add deployment actions after starting creation of a rollout plan
WFLYCC0002 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot add deployment actions after starting creation of a rollout plan
WFLYCC0003 java.lang.String Cannot convert %s to %s
WFLYCC0004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot derive a deployment name from %s -- use an overloaded method variant that takes a 'name' parameter
WFLYCC0005 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot use a DeploymentPlan not created by this manager
WFLYCC0007 java.lang.String Deployment with name %s already present in the domain
WFLYCC0008 java.lang.String failed
WFLYCC0009 java.lang.IllegalStateException Global rollback is not compatible with a server restart
WFLYCC0010 java.lang.IllegalStateException Graceful shutdown already configured with a timeout of %d ms
WFLYCC0011 java.lang.String Only one version of deployment with a given unique name can exist in the domain. The deployment plan specified that a new version of deployment %s replace an existing deployment with the same unique name, but did not apply the replacement to all server groups. Missing server groups were: %s
WFLYCC0012 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid action type %s
WFLYCC0013 java.lang.IllegalStateException Preceding action was not a %s
WFLYCC0014 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is not a valid URI
WFLYCC0015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal %s value %d -- must be greater than %d
WFLYCC0016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal %s value %d -- must be greater than %d and less than %d
WFLYCC0017 java.lang.RuntimeException Screen real estate is expensive; displayUnits must be 5 characters or less
WFLYCC0019 java.lang.String No failure details provided
WFLYCC0020 java.lang.IllegalStateException No %s is configured
WFLYCC0022 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is closed
WFLYCC0023 java.lang.RuntimeException Operation outcome is %s
WFLYCC0024 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s operations are not allowed after content and deployment modifications
WFLYCC0025 org.jboss.as.controller.client.helpers.domain.RollbackCancelledException Rollback was cancelled
WFLYCC0026 org.jboss.as.controller.client.helpers.domain.RollbackCancelledException Rollback was itself rolled back
WFLYCC0027 org.jboss.as.controller.client.helpers.domain.RollbackCancelledException Rollback timed out
WFLYCC0028 java.lang.String Deployment with name %s already present in the server
WFLYCC0029 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown action type %s
WFLYCC0030 org.jboss.as.controller.client.logging.ControllerClientLogger$LeakDescription Allocation stack trace:
WFLYCC0031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No failure description as the operation was successful.
WFLYCC0032 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The operation name was not defined.
WFLYCC0033 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The address must be of type ModelType.LIST.
WFLYCC0034 WARN Closing leaked controller client
WFLYCC0035 WARN Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit
WFLYCC0036 java.io.IOException Stream was closed
WFLYCC0037 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to parse the configuration file: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLCOM0001 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %2$g is not a valid value for parameter %1$s. The value must be %3$s %4$g
WFLYCLCOM0002 WARN Failed to close %s
WFLYCLCOM0003 java.lang.String The following attributes do not support negative values: %s
WFLYCLCOM0004 java.lang.String The following attributes do not support zero values: %s
WFLYCLCOM0005 java.lang.String Legacy host does not support multiple values for attributes: %s
WFLYCLCOM0006 WARN The '%s' attribute of the '%s' element is no longer supported and will be ignored
WFLYCLCOM0007 WARN The '%s' element is no longer supported and will be ignored
WFLYCLCOM0008 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s:%s operation is only supported in admin-only mode.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLEJBINF0003 WARN Failed to expire stateful session bean %s
WFLYCLEJBINF0010 WARN Disabling expiration for '%s'. SFSB expiration should be configured per §4.3.11 of the Jakarta Enterprise Beans specification.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLI0001 INFO Processing CLI script %s
WFLYCLI0002 ERROR Error processing CLI script %s
WFLYCLI0003 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not find CLI properties file %s
WFLYCLI0004 ERROR CLI execution output:
WFLYCLI0005 INFO Done processing CLI script %s
WFLYCLI0006 DEBUG Executing CLI command %s
WFLYCLI0007 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected exception while processing CLI commands from %s
WFLYCLI0008 java.lang.IllegalStateException Error processing CLI script %s. The Operations were executed but there were unexpected values. See list of errors in %s
WFLYCLI0009 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected exception while processing CLI command %s from %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLINF0001 INFO Activating Infinispan subsystem.
WFLYCLINF0002 INFO Started %s cache from %s container
WFLYCLINF0003 INFO Stopped %s cache from %s container
WFLYCLINF0010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is not a valid cache store
WFLYCLINF0029 INFO Started remote cache container '%s'.
WFLYCLINF0030 INFO Stopped remote cache container '%s'.
WFLYCLINF0031 org.infinispan.client.hotrod.exceptions.HotRodClientException Specified HotRod protocol version %s does not support creating caches automatically. Cache named '%s' must be already created on the Infinispan Server!
WFLYCLINF0033 WARN Attribute '%s' is configured to use a deprecated value: %s; use one of the following values instead: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLJG0001 INFO Activating JGroups subsystem. JGroups version %s
WFLYCLJG0007 java.lang.String Failed to parse %s
WFLYCLJG0008 java.lang.String Failed to locate %s
WFLYCLJG0010 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Transport for stack %s is not defined. Please specify both a transport and protocol list, either as optional parameters to add() or via batching.
WFLYCLJG0015 java.lang.String Unknown metric %s
WFLYCLJG0016 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load protocol class %s
WFLYCLJG0022 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s entry not found in configured key store
WFLYCLJG0023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s key store entry is not of the expected type: %s
WFLYCLJG0025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Configured credential source does not reference a clear-text password credential
WFLYCLJG0028 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not resolve destination address for outbound socket binding named '%s'
WFLYCLJG0030 WARN Protocol %s is obsolete and will be auto-updated to %s
WFLYCLJG0031 WARN Ignoring unrecognized %s property: %s
WFLYCLJG0032 INFO Connecting '%s' channel. '%s' joining cluster '%s' via %s
WFLYCLJG0033 INFO Connected '%s' channel. '%s' joined cluster '%s' with view: %s
WFLYCLJG0034 INFO Disconnecting '%s' channel. '%s' leaving cluster '%s' with view: %s
WFLYCLJG0035 INFO Disconnected '%s' channel. '%s' left cluster '%s'


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLSN0001 INFO This node will now operate as the singleton provider of the %s service
WFLYCLSN0002 INFO This node will no longer operate as the singleton provider of the %s service
WFLYCLSN0003 INFO %s elected as the singleton provider of the %s service
WFLYCLSN0004 java.lang.IllegalStateException No response received from primary provider of the %s service, retrying...
WFLYCLSN0005 ERROR Failed to start %s service
WFLYCLSN0006 WARN Failed to reach quorum of %2$d for %1$s service. No primary singleton provider will be elected.
WFLYCLSN0007 INFO Just reached required quorum of %2$d for %1$s service. If this cluster loses another member, no node will be chosen to provide this service.
WFLYCLSN0008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Detected multiple primary providers for %s service: %s
WFLYCLSN0009 java.lang.IllegalStateException Singleton service %s is not started.
WFLYCLSN0010 WARN No node was elected as the singleton provider of the %s service
WFLYCLSN0011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Specified quorum %d must be greater than zero


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLSNG0001 INFO Singleton deployment detected. Deployment will reset using %s policy.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCLWEBUT0001 java.lang.IllegalStateException Session %s is invalid
WFLYCLWEBUT0002 java.lang.IllegalStateException Session %s already exists
WFLYCLWEBUT0003 java.lang.IllegalStateException Session manager was stopped
WFLYCLWEBUT0004 WARN Legacy overriding attached distributable session management provider for %s
WFLYCLWEBUT0005 WARN No distributable session management provider found for %s; using legacy provider based on
WFLYCLWEBUT0007 WARN No routing provider found for %s; using legacy provider based on static configuration
WFLYCLWEBUT0008 WARN No distributable single sign-on management provider found for %s; using legacy provider based on static configuration
WFLYCLWEBUT0009 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalidation attempted for session %s after the response was committed (e.g. after HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect or sendError)


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCM0002 java.lang.String Error initializing the process state listener %s
WFLYCM0003 ERROR Error invoking the process state listener %s
WFLYCM0004 ERROR The process state listener %s took to much time to complete.
WFLYCM0005 ERROR Error cleaning up for the process state listener %s
WFLYCM0006 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Error to load module %s
WFLYCM0007 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Error to load class %s from module %s
WFLYCM0008 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Error to instantiate instance of class %s from module %s
WFLYCM0009 java.lang.String %s contains usage of annotations which indicate unstable API.
WFLYCM0010 java.lang.String %s extends %s which has been annotated with %s
WFLYCM0011 java.lang.String %s implements %s which has been annotated with %s
WFLYCM0012 java.lang.String %s references field %s.%s which has been annotated with %s
WFLYCM0013 java.lang.String %s references method %s.%s%s which has been annotated with %s
WFLYCM0014 java.lang.String %s references class %s which has been annotated with %s
WFLYCM0015 java.lang.String Class %s is annotated with one or more annotations which in turn have been annotated with annotations indicating unstable api: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCNT0001 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid hash '%s' for content at address %s; current hash is '%s' -- perhaps the content has been updated by another caller?
WFLYCNT0002 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot obtain Message Digest algorithm SHA-1
WFLYCNT0003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal child type %s -- must be %s
WFLYCNT0004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal child resource class %s
WFLYCNT0005 java.lang.IllegalStateException No content found with hash %s
WFLYCNT0006 java.lang.IllegalStateException null parent


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCONF0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile Config Subsystem
WFLYCONF0002 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load class %s from module %s
WFLYCONF0003 DEBUG Use directory for MicroProfile Config Source: %s
WFLYCONF0004 DEBUG Use class for MicroProfile Config Source: %s
WFLYCONF0009 DEBUG Use directory for MicroProfile Config Source Root: %s
WFLYCONF0010 INFO The MicroProfile Config Source root directory '%s' contains the following directories which will be used as MicroProfile Config Sources: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYCTL-001 ERROR Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s
WFLYCTL-001 DEBUG Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s%s
WFLYCTL-001 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Failed to load module %s
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String Operation %s
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String %nService %s was depended upon by
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String is missing [%s]
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String %s (missing) dependents: %s %n
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String %s (no longer required)%n
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String %s (new available)%n
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String Services that were unable to start:
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String Services that may be the cause:
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String attributes %s
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String capability '%s' requires it for address '%s'
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String capability '%s' requires it for attribute '%s' at address '%s'
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String %s
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String %s in context '%s'
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String ; Possible registration points for this capability: %s
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String ; There are no known registration points which can provide this capability.
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String ; This unresolvable capability likely is due to the use of an expression string in a configuration attribute that does not support expressions.
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String Couldn't convert %s to %s
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String While constructing a mapping; %s; expected a mapping for merging, but found %s
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String The yaml configuration files for customizing the configuration. Paths can be absolute, relative to the current execution directory or relative to the standalone configuration directory.
WFLYCTL0000 java.lang.String Thus ignoring element '%s'.
WFLYCTL0001 WARN Cannot resolve address %s, so cannot match it to any InetAddress
WFLYCTL0002 ERROR Error booting the container
WFLYCTL0003 ERROR Error booting the container due to insufficient stack space for the thread used to execute boot operations. The thread was configured with a stack size of [%1$d]. Setting system property %2$s to a value higher than [%1$d] may resolve this problem.
WFLYCTL0004 ERROR %s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s
WFLYCTL0005 ERROR Failed executing operation %s at address %s
WFLYCTL0006 ERROR Failed executing subsystem %s boot operations
WFLYCTL0007 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
WFLYCTL0008 ERROR Failed to persist configuration change
WFLYCTL0009 ERROR Failed to store configuration to %s
WFLYCTL0010 ERROR Invalid value %s for system property %s -- using default value [%d]
WFLYCTL0011 WARN Address %1$s is a wildcard address, which will not match against any specific address. Do not use the '%2$s' configuration element to specify that an interface should use a wildcard address; use '%3$s'
WFLYCTL0013 ERROR Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s)
WFLYCTL0015 WARN Wildcard address detected - will ignore other interface criteria.
WFLYCTL0016 ERROR Received no final outcome response for operation %s with address %s from remote process at address %s. The result of this operation will only include the remote process' preliminary response to the request.
WFLYCTL0017 DEBUG Operation (%s) failed - address: (%s) - failure description: %s
WFLYCTL0019 WARN Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests did not complete within [%d] ms but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding
WFLYCTL0020 WARN Graceful shutdown of the handler used for native management requests failed but shutdown of the underlying communication channel is proceeding
WFLYCTL0021 WARN Invalid value '%s' for system property '%s' -- value must be convertible into an int
WFLYCTL0022 WARN Multiple addresses or network interfaces matched the selection criteria for interface '%s'. Matching addresses: %s. Matching network interfaces: %s. The interface will use address %s and network interface %s.
WFLYCTL0023 WARN Value '%s' for interface selection criteria 'inet-address' is ambiguous, as more than one address or network interface available on the machine matches it. Because of this ambiguity, no address will be selected as a match. Matching addresses: %s. Matching network interfaces: %s.
WFLYCTL0024 ERROR Could not read target definition!
WFLYCTL0027 ERROR Operation was interrupted before service container stability could be reached. Process should be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s'
WFLYCTL0028 INFO Attribute '%s' in the resource at address '%s' is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version. See the attribute description in the output of the read-resource-description operation to learn more about the deprecation.
WFLYCTL0029 WARN Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit
WFLYCTL0030 java.lang.String No resource definition is registered for address %s
WFLYCTL0031 java.lang.String No operation named '%s' exists at address %s
WFLYCTL0032 WARN There were problems during the transformation process for target host: '%s' %nProblems found: %n%s
WFLYCTL0033 INFO Extension '%s' is deprecated and may not be supported in future versions
WFLYCTL0034 INFO Subsystems %s provided by legacy extension '%s' are not supported on servers running this version. The extension is only supported for use by hosts running a previous release in a mixed-version managed domain. On this server the extension will not register any subsystems, and future attempts to create or address subsystem resources on this server will result in failure.
WFLYCTL0035 ERROR Update of the management operation audit log failed
WFLYCTL0036 ERROR [%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred; disabling audit logging
WFLYCTL0037 ERROR Update of the management operation audit log failed in handler '%s'
WFLYCTL0038 ERROR [%d] consecutive management operation audit logging failures have occurred in handler '%s'; disabling this handler for audit logging
WFLYCTL0039 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException %s already defined
WFLYCTL0041 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException A %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s
WFLYCTL0042 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException A %s or a %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s
WFLYCTL0043 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException An %s named '%s' is already registered at location '%s'
WFLYCTL0044 java.lang.IllegalStateException Ambiguous configuration file name '%s' as there are multiple files in %s that end in %s
WFLYCTL0045 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Ambiguous name '%s' in %s: %s
WFLYCTL0048 java.lang.String Attribute %s is not writable
WFLYCTL0050 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to determine a default name based on the local host name
WFLYCTL0051 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create %s
WFLYCTL0052 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not delete %s
WFLYCTL0053 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot register submodels with a null PathElement
WFLYCTL0055 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException Cannot remove %s
WFLYCTL0056 ERROR Could not rename %s to %s
WFLYCTL0057 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot write to %s
WFLYCTL0058 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Child %s of element %s already declared
WFLYCTL0059 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not get canonical file for boot file: %s
WFLYCTL0060 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not get canonical file for main file: %s
WFLYCTL0062 java.lang.String Composite operation failed and was rolled back. Steps that failed:
WFLYCTL0063 java.lang.String Composite operation was rolled back
WFLYCTL0064 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Configuration files whose complete name is %s are not allowed
WFLYCTL0065 java.lang.IllegalStateException No configuration file ending in %s found in %s
WFLYCTL0066 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No directory %s was found
WFLYCTL0067 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Either a %s or %s domain controller configuration must be declared.
WFLYCTL0068 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException An attribute named '%s' has already been declared
WFLYCTL0069 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate %s declaration
WFLYCTL0070 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate %s declaration %s
WFLYCTL0071 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException Duplicate path element '%s' found
WFLYCTL0072 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate interface declaration
WFLYCTL0073 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException An element of this type named '%s' has already been declared
WFLYCTL0075 java.lang.IllegalStateException Duplicate resource %s
WFLYCTL0076 java.lang.IllegalStateException Duplicate resource type %s
WFLYCTL0079 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed initializing module %s
WFLYCTL0080 java.lang.String Failed services
WFLYCTL0081 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to back up %s
WFLYCTL0082 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to create backup copies of configuration file %s
WFLYCTL0083 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Failed to load module
WFLYCTL0084 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to marshal configuration
WFLYCTL0085 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to parse configuration
WFLYCTL0086 java.lang.String Failed to persist configuration change: %s
WFLYCTL0088 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to take a snapshot of %s to %s
WFLYCTL0089 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to write configuration
WFLYCTL0090 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s does not exist
WFLYCTL0091 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No files beginning with '%s' found in %s
WFLYCTL0092 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s cannot be used except in a full server boot
WFLYCTL0094 java.lang.String Illegal interface criteria type %s; must be %s
WFLYCTL0095 java.lang.String Illegal value %s for interface criteria %s; must be %s
WFLYCTL0096 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resource is immutable
WFLYCTL0097 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Wrong type for '%s'. Expected %s but was %s
WFLYCTL0099 java.lang.String %s is invalid
WFLYCTL0100 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException %d is not a valid %s
WFLYCTL0101 java.lang.String Invalid address %s (%s)
WFLYCTL0102 java.lang.String Invalid 'value' %s -- must be of the form address/mask
WFLYCTL0103 java.lang.String Invalid mask %s (%s)
WFLYCTL0104 java.lang.String Invalid address %s (%s)
WFLYCTL0105 java.lang.String %s is invalid in combination with %s
WFLYCTL0106 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Invalid value '%s' for attribute '%s'
WFLYCTL0109 java.lang.String Invalid pattern %s for interface criteria %s
WFLYCTL0110 java.lang.String Invalid resource address element '%s'. The key '%s' is not valid for an element in a resource address.
WFLYCTL0111 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Load factor must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1
WFLYCTL0112 java.lang.String '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a maximum length of %d characters
WFLYCTL0113 java.lang.String '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a minimum length of %d characters
WFLYCTL0114 java.lang.String [%d] is an invalid size for parameter %s. A maximum length of [%d] is required
WFLYCTL0115 java.lang.String [%d] is an invalid size for parameter %s. A minimum length of [%d] is required
WFLYCTL0116 java.lang.String %d is an invalid value for parameter %s. A maximum value of %d is required
WFLYCTL0117 java.lang.String %d is an invalid value for parameter %s. A minimum value of %d is required
WFLYCTL0118 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid modification after completed step
WFLYCTL0119 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid multicast address
WFLYCTL0120 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException An outbound socket binding: %s cannot have both %s as well as a %s at the same time
WFLYCTL0121 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is not a valid value for parameter %s -- must be one of %s
WFLYCTL0122 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Value %s for attribute %s does not represent a properly hex-encoded SHA1 hash
WFLYCTL0123 java.lang.IllegalStateException Stage %s is not valid for context process type %s
WFLYCTL0124 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid step stage specified
WFLYCTL0126 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can not have a negative size table!
WFLYCTL0127 java.lang.String Invalid type %s
WFLYCTL0128 java.lang.String Invalid resource address element '%s'. The value '%s' is not valid for an element in a resource address. Character '%s' is not allowed.
WFLYCTL0129 java.lang.String Invalid value %s for %s; legal values are %s
WFLYCTL0132 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Must include one of the following elements: %s
WFLYCTL0133 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Missing required attribute(s): %s
WFLYCTL0134 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Missing required element(s): %s
WFLYCTL0135 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Interrupted awaiting loading of module %s
WFLYCTL0136 java.lang.RuntimeException Interrupted awaiting initialization of module %s
WFLYCTL0137 java.lang.IllegalStateException Model contains multiple %s nodes
WFLYCTL0138 java.lang.String Namespace with prefix %s already registered with schema URI %s
WFLYCTL0139 java.lang.String No namespace with URI %s found
WFLYCTL0140 java.lang.String Nested %s not allowed
WFLYCTL0144 java.lang.IllegalStateException No active step
WFLYCTL0147 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException No child type %s
WFLYCTL0149 java.lang.String No interface criteria was provided
WFLYCTL0150 java.lang.String No operation handler
WFLYCTL0152 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is not a directory
WFLYCTL0153 java.lang.IllegalStateException No %s%s found for %s
WFLYCTL0154 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot execute asynchronous operation without an executor
WFLYCTL0155 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException '%s' may not be null
WFLYCTL0157 java.lang.IllegalStateException Operation already complete
WFLYCTL0158 java.lang.String Operation handler failed: %s
WFLYCTL0160 java.lang.String Operation rolling back
WFLYCTL0161 java.lang.String Operation succeeded, committing
WFLYCTL0162 java.lang.String There is no operation %s registered at address %s
WFLYCTL0165 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException No configuration persister was injected
WFLYCTL0169 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A proxy handler is already registered at location '%s'
WFLYCTL0171 java.lang.String Removing services has lead to unsatisfied dependencies:
WFLYCTL0172 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s is required
WFLYCTL0173 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException %s is reserved
WFLYCTL0175 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException Resource %s does not exist; a resource at address %s cannot be created until all ancestor resources have been added
WFLYCTL0176 java.lang.IllegalStateException rollback() has already been invoked
WFLYCTL0177 java.lang.String Schema with URI %s already registered with location %s
WFLYCTL0178 java.lang.String No schema location with URI %s found
WFLYCTL0179 java.util.concurrent.CancellationException Service install was cancelled
WFLYCTL0180 java.lang.String Services with missing/unavailable dependencies
WFLYCTL0181 java.lang.IllegalStateException Get service registry only supported in runtime operations
WFLYCTL0182 java.lang.IllegalStateException Service removal only supported in runtime operations
WFLYCTL0183 java.lang.String Service status report%n
WFLYCTL0184 java.lang.String New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:%n
WFLYCTL0185 java.lang.String Newly corrected services:%n
WFLYCTL0186 java.lang.String Services which failed to start:
WFLYCTL0187 java.lang.IllegalStateException Get service target only supported in runtime operations
WFLYCTL0188 java.lang.IllegalStateException Stage %s is already complete
WFLYCTL0190 java.lang.String Step handler %s for operation %s at address %s failed -- %s
WFLYCTL0191 java.lang.String Interrupted awaiting subsystem boot operation execution
WFLYCTL0192 java.lang.String Boot operations for subsystem %s failed without explanation
WFLYCTL0193 java.lang.String Failed executing subsystem %s boot operations
WFLYCTL0194 java.lang.IllegalStateException Table is full!
WFLYCTL0195 java.lang.RuntimeException Interrupted awaiting transaction commit or rollback
WFLYCTL0197 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected attribute '%s' encountered
WFLYCTL0198 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected element '%s' encountered
WFLYCTL0199 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected end of element '%s' encountered
WFLYCTL0201 java.lang.String Unknown attribute '%s'
WFLYCTL0202 java.lang.String No known child type named %s
WFLYCTL0203 java.lang.RuntimeException Unknown property in interface criteria list: %s
WFLYCTL0204 java.lang.String Unknown interface criteria type %s
WFLYCTL0205 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unknown interface %s %s must be declared in element %s
WFLYCTL0206 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unknown %s %s %s must be declared in element %s
WFLYCTL0207 java.lang.String Validation failed for %s
WFLYCTL0208 java.lang.String ... and %s more
WFLYCTL0209 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Invalid value '%s' for attribute '%s' -- valid values are %s
WFLYCTL0210 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException Caught SecurityException attempting to resolve expression '%s' -- %s
WFLYCTL0211 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException Cannot resolve expression '%s'
WFLYCTL0212 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException Duplicate resource %s
WFLYCTL0214 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not load configuration file: %s. The configuration file argument must specify the path to a file located in the configuration directory. The path must be a relative path, and must be relative to the configuration directory %s.
WFLYCTL0215 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not load configuration file: %s. The configuration file argument must specify one of the following: 1) an absolute path to an existing file; 2) a relative path to an existing file, relative to the current working directory; or 3) a relative path to a file located in the configuration directory. In the latter case, it must be a path relative to the configuration directory %s.
WFLYCTL0216 org.jboss.as.controller.registry.Resource$NoSuchResourceException Management resource '%s' not found
WFLYCTL0217 java.lang.String Child resource '%s' not found
WFLYCTL0218 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A node is already registered at '%s'
WFLYCTL0219 java.lang.IllegalStateException An attempt was made to unregister extension %s which still has subsystem %s registered
WFLYCTL0220 java.lang.IllegalStateException An override model registration is not allowed for the root model registration
WFLYCTL0221 java.lang.IllegalStateException An override model registration is not allowed for non-wildcard model registrations. This registration is for the non-wildcard name '%s'.
WFLYCTL0222 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A registration named '*' is not an override model and cannot be unregistered via the unregisterOverrideModel API.
WFLYCTL0223 java.lang.IllegalStateException The root resource registration does not support overrides, so no override can be removed.
WFLYCTL0224 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException There is no operation %s registered at address %s
WFLYCTL0225 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to recover services during operation rollback
WFLYCTL0226 java.lang.IllegalStateException A subsystem named '%s' cannot be registered by extension '%s' -- a subsystem with that name has already been registered by extension '%s'.
WFLYCTL0227 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Operation has no '%s' field. %s
WFLYCTL0228 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Operation has a null or empty name. %s
WFLYCTL0229 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No operation called '%s' at '%s'. %s
WFLYCTL0230 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Operation contains a parameter '%s' which is not one of the expected parameters %s. %s
WFLYCTL0231 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Required parameter %s is not present. %s
WFLYCTL0232 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Alternative parameter '%s' for required parameter '%s' was used. Please use one or the other. %s
WFLYCTL0233 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not convert the parameter '%s' to a %s. %s
WFLYCTL0234 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is smaller than the minimum value '%s'. %s
WFLYCTL0235 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is bigger than the maximum value '%s'. %s
WFLYCTL0236 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is shorter than the minimum length '%s'. %s
WFLYCTL0237 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The value '%s' passed in for '%s' is longer than the maximum length '%s'. %s
WFLYCTL0238 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is expected to be a list of %s. %s
WFLYCTL0239 java.lang.String 'required' parameter: '%s' must be a boolean in the description of the operation at %s: %s
WFLYCTL0240 java.lang.String Undefined request property '%s' in description of the operation at %s: %s
WFLYCTL0241 java.lang.String There is no type for parameter '%s' in the description of the operation at %s: %s
WFLYCTL0242 java.lang.String Could not determine the type of parameter '%s' in the description of the operation at %s: %s
WFLYCTL0243 java.lang.String The '%s' attribute of the '%s' parameter can not be converted to its type: %s in the description of the operation at %s: %s
WFLYCTL0244 java.lang.String The '%s' attribute of the '%s' parameter can not be converted to an integer in the description of the operation at %s: %s
WFLYCTL0245 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Illegal '%s' value %s -- must be a valid port number
WFLYCTL0246 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot resolve the localhost address to create a UUID-based name for this process
WFLYCTL0247 java.lang.IllegalStateException Do not call ServiceController.setMode(REMOVE), use OperationContext.removeService() instead.
WFLYCTL0248 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid value %s for %s; legal values are %s
WFLYCTL0249 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException Operation '%s' targeted at resource '%s' was directly invoked by a user. User operations are not permitted to directly update the persistent configuration of a server in a managed domain.
WFLYCTL0250 java.lang.IllegalStateException An operation handler attempted to access the operation response server results object on a process type other than '%s'. The current process type is '%s'
WFLYCTL0251 java.lang.String Can't have both loopback and inet-address criteria
WFLYCTL0253 java.lang.String Can't have same criteria for both not and inclusion %s
WFLYCTL0254 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid value '%s' for attribute '%s' -- no interface configuration with that name exists
WFLYCTL0256 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not find a path called '%s'
WFLYCTL0257 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Path entry is read-only: '%s'
WFLYCTL0258 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException There is already a path entry called: '%s'
WFLYCTL0260 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid relativePath value '%s'
WFLYCTL0261 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' is a Windows absolute path
WFLYCTL0262 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Path '%s' is read-only; it cannot be removed
WFLYCTL0263 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Path '%s' is read-only; it cannot be modified
WFLYCTL0264 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s may not be ModelType.EXPRESSION
WFLYCTL0265 java.lang.IllegalStateException PathManager not available on processes of type '%s'
WFLYCTL0266 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid multicast address
WFLYCTL0267 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Path '%s' cannot be removed, since the following paths depend on it: %s
WFLYCTL0268 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to rename temp file %s to %s
WFLYCTL0269 java.lang.String Invalid locale format: %s
WFLYCTL0271 java.lang.String Operation cancelled
WFLYCTL0272 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationCancellationException Operation cancelled asynchronously
WFLYCTL0273 java.io.IOException Stream was killed
WFLYCTL0274 java.io.IOException Stream was closed
WFLYCTL0275 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot define both '%s' and '%s'
WFLYCTL0276 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to delete file %s
WFLYCTL0277 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException An alias is already registered at location '%s'
WFLYCTL0279 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Alias target address not found: %s
WFLYCTL0280 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No operation called '%s' found for alias address '%s' which maps to '%s'
WFLYCTL0281 java.lang.IllegalStateException Resource registration is not an alias
WFLYCTL0282 java.lang.RuntimeException Model contains fields that are not known in definition, fields: %s, path: %s
WFLYCTL0283 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Could not marshal attribute as element: %s
WFLYCTL0284 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Could not marshal attribute as attribute: %s
WFLYCTL0285 java.lang.String Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at address %s with failure description %s
WFLYCTL0286 java.lang.String Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at address %s. See the operation result for details.
WFLYCTL0287 java.lang.String Operation %s invoked against multiple target addresses failed at addresses %s. See the operation result for details.
WFLYCTL0288 java.lang.String One or more services were unable to start due to one or more indirect dependencies not being available.
WFLYCTL0289 java.lang.String No operation entry called '%s' registered at '%s'
WFLYCTL0290 java.lang.String No operation handler called '%s' registered at '%s'
WFLYCTL0291 java.lang.IllegalStateException There is no registered path to resolve with path attribute '%s' and/or relative-to attribute '%s on: %s
WFLYCTL0292 java.lang.String Attributes do not support expressions in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.
WFLYCTL0293 java.lang.String Attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.
WFLYCTL0294 java.lang.String Transforming resource %s to core model version '%s' -- %s %s
WFLYCTL0295 java.lang.String Transforming operation %s at resource %s to core model version '%s' -- %s %s
WFLYCTL0296 java.lang.String Transforming resource %s to subsystem '%s' model version '%s' -- %s %s
WFLYCTL0297 java.lang.String Transforming operation %s at resource %s to subsystem '%s' model version '%s' -- %s %s
WFLYCTL0298 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Node contains an unresolved expression %s -- a resolved model is required
WFLYCTL0299 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Transforming resource %s for host controller '%s' to core model version '%s' -- there were problems with some of the attributes and this resource will need to be ignored on that host. Details of the problems: %s
WFLYCTL0300 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Transforming resource %s for host controller '%s' to subsystem '%s' model version '%s' --there were problems with some of the attributes and this resource will need to be ignored on that host. Details of problems: %s
WFLYCTL0301 java.lang.String The following attributes do not support expressions: %s
WFLYCTL0302 java.lang.String The following attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host: %s
WFLYCTL0303 java.lang.String Resource %s is rejected on the target host, and will need to be ignored on the host
WFLYCTL0304 java.lang.String Operation %2$s at %1s is rejected on the target host and will need to be ignored on the host
WFLYCTL0305 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unless the Host Controller is started with command line option %s and the %s attribute is not set to %s, %s must be declared or the %s and the %s need to be provided.
WFLYCTL0306 java.lang.IllegalStateException read only context
WFLYCTL0307 java.lang.String We are trying to read data from the domain controller, which is currently busy executing another set of operations. This is a temporary situation, please retry
WFLYCTL0309 java.lang.String Legacy extension '%s' is not supported on servers running this version. The extension is only supported for use by hosts running a previous release in a mixed-version managed domain
WFLYCTL0310 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException Extension module %s not found
WFLYCTL0311 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to load Extension module %s
WFLYCTL0312 java.lang.IllegalStateException no context to delegate with id: %s
WFLYCTL0313 org.jboss.as.controller.UnauthorizedException Unauthorized to execute operation '%s' for resource '%s' -- %s
WFLYCTL0314 java.lang.SecurityException Users with multiple roles are not allowed
WFLYCTL0317 java.lang.IllegalStateException There is no handler called '%s'
WFLYCTL0318 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The operation context is not an AbstractOperationContext
WFLYCTL0319 java.lang.IllegalStateException The handler is referenced by %s and so cannot be removed
WFLYCTL0320 java.lang.IllegalStateException The resolved file %s either does not exist or is a directory
WFLYCTL0321 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not back up '%s' to '%s'
WFLYCTL0322 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attempt was made to both remove and add a handler from a composite operation - update the handler instead
WFLYCTL0323 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attempt was made to both add and remove a handler from a composite operation
WFLYCTL0324 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attempt was made to both update and remove a handler from a composite operation
WFLYCTL0325 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attempt was made to both remove and add a handler reference from a composite operation
WFLYCTL0327 org.jboss.as.controller.access.rbac.UnknowRoleException Unknown role '%s'
WFLYCTL0328 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot remove standard role '%s'
WFLYCTL0329 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown base role '%s'
WFLYCTL0330 java.lang.IllegalStateException Role '%s' is already registered
WFLYCTL0331 java.lang.IllegalStateException Can only create child audit logger for main audit logger
WFLYCTL0332 java.lang.String Permission denied
WFLYCTL0333 java.lang.SecurityException Cannot add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection
WFLYCTL0334 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Incompatible permission type %s
WFLYCTL0335 java.lang.String Management resource '%s' not found
WFLYCTL0336 java.lang.String The following attributes are nillable in the current model but must be defined in the target model version: %s
WFLYCTL0337 java.io.IOException Unsupported Identity type '%X' received.
WFLYCTL0338 java.io.IOException Unsupported Identity parameter '%X' received parsing identity type '%X'.
WFLYCTL0339 java.lang.String The following attributes must be defined as %s in the current model: %s
WFLYCTL0340 java.lang.String The following attributes must NOT be defined as %s in the current model: %s
WFLYCTL0341 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException A uri with bad syntax '%s' was passed for validation.
WFLYCTL0342 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Illegal value %d for operation header %s; value must be greater than zero
WFLYCTL0343 java.lang.String The service container has been destabilized by a previous operation and further runtime updates cannot be processed. Restart is required.
WFLYCTL0344 java.lang.String Operation timed out awaiting service container stability
WFLYCTL0345 java.lang.IllegalStateException Timeout after %d seconds waiting for existing service %s to be removed so a new instance can be installed.
WFLYCTL0346 ERROR Invalid value %s for property %s; must be a numeric value greater than zero. Default value of %d will be used.
WFLYCTL0347 DEBUG Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for initial service container stability before allowing runtime changes for operation '%s' at address '%s'. Operation will roll back; process restart is required.
WFLYCTL0348 ERROR Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s'
WFLYCTL0349 ERROR Timeout after [%d] seconds waiting for service container stability while finalizing an operation. Process must be restarted. Step that first updated the service container was '%s' at address '%s'
WFLYCTL0350 INFO Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' interrupted while awaiting initial response; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
WFLYCTL0351 INFO Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' interrupted while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation
WFLYCTL0352 INFO Cancelling operation '%s' with id '%d' running on thread '%s'
WFLYCTL0353 java.io.IOException No response handler for request %s
WFLYCTL0354 INFO Attempting reconnect to syslog handler '%s; after timeout of %d seconds
WFLYCTL0355 INFO Reconnecting to syslog handler '%s failed
WFLYCTL0356 WARN Failed to emit notification %s
WFLYCTL0357 java.lang.String Notification of type %s is not described for the resource at the address %s
WFLYCTL0358 java.lang.String The resource was added at the address %s.
WFLYCTL0359 java.lang.String The resource was removed at the address %s.
WFLYCTL0360 java.lang.String The attribute %s value has been changed from %s to %s.
WFLYCTL0361 java.lang.IllegalStateException Capabilities cannot be queried in stage '%s'; they are not available until stage '%s'.
WFLYCTL0362 java.lang.String Capabilities required by resource '%s' are not available:
WFLYCTL0363 java.lang.IllegalStateException Capability '%s' is already registered in context '%s'.
WFLYCTL0364 java.lang.IllegalStateException Capability '%s' is unknown.
WFLYCTL0365 java.lang.IllegalStateException Capability '%s' is unknown in context '%s'.
WFLYCTL0366 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Capability '%s' does not expose a runtime API.
WFLYCTL0367 java.lang.String Cannot remove capability '%s' as it is required by other capabilities:
WFLYCTL0368 java.lang.String Cannot remove capability '%s' from context '%s' as it is required by other capabilities:
WFLYCTL0369 java.lang.String Required capabilities are not available:
WFLYCTL0370 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException Incomplete expression: %s
WFLYCTL0371 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException The element '%s' is no longer supported, please use '%s' instead
WFLYCTL0372 java.lang.String List attribute '%s' contains duplicates, which are not allowed
WFLYCTL0373 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Deployment resource must be runtime only
WFLYCTL0374 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to resolve expressions at this location.
WFLYCTL0375 WARN Update of the management operation audit log failed on the handler '%s' due to '%s'. Please make sure that the syslog server is running and reachable
WFLYCTL0376 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected attribute '%s' encountered. Valid attributes are: '%s'
WFLYCTL0377 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected element '%s' encountered. Valid elements are: '%s'
WFLYCTL0378 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Attribute '%s' is not of type '%s', it is type '%s'
WFLYCTL0379 java.lang.String System boot is in process; execution of remote management operations is not currently available
WFLYCTL0380 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Attribute '%s' needs to be set or passed before attribute '%s' can be correctly set
WFLYCTL0381 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal permission name '%s'
WFLYCTL0382 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal permission actions '%s'
WFLYCTL0383 java.lang.String No operation is defined %s
WFLYCTL0385 java.lang.IllegalStateException An attempt was made to register the non-host capable subsystem '%s' from extension module '%s' in the host model.
WFLYCTL0386 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The host controller info can only be accessed after the model stage on boot
WFLYCTL0387 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal path address '%s' , it is not in a correct CLI format
WFLYCTL0388 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create empty configuration file %s
WFLYCTL0389 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create an empty configuration at file %s as there is an existing non-empty configuration there
WFLYCTL0391 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not resolve attribute expression: '%s', invalid index '%d'
WFLYCTL0392 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not resolve attribute expression: '%s', type is not a list
WFLYCTL0393 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not resolve attribute expression: '%s'
WFLYCTL0394 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Capability '%s' does not provide services of type '%s'
WFLYCTL0395 INFO Operation %s against the resource at address %s is deprecated, and it might be removed in future version. See the the output of the read-operation-description operation to learn more about the deprecation.
WFLYCTL0396 java.lang.String Resource %s is discarded on the target host %s
WFLYCTL0397 java.lang.IllegalStateException Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed
WFLYCTL0398 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException An attempt was made to rename the resource found at %s to %s. However, '%s' is one of the resource types defined to be ordered on the parent resource %s
WFLYCTL0399 java.lang.String The capability '%s' required by capability '%s' in context '%s' is available in one or more socket binding groups, but not all socket binding capabilities required by '%s' can be resolved from a single socket binding group, so this configuration is invalid
WFLYCTL0400 ERROR Capability '%s' in context '%s' associated with resource '%s' requires capability '%s'. It is available in one or more socket binding groups, but not all socket binding capabilities required by '%s' can be resolved from a single socket binding group, so this configuration is invalid
WFLYCTL0401 java.lang.RuntimeException Couldn't build the report
WFLYCTL0402 ERROR Subsystems %s provided by legacy extension '%s' are not supported on servers running this version. Both the subsystem and the extension must be removed or migrated before the server will function.
WFLYCTL0403 ERROR Unexpected failure during execution of the following operation(s): %s
WFLYCTL0404 java.lang.String Unexpected exception during execution: %s
WFLYCTL0405 WARN Couldn't find a transformer to %s, falling back to %s
WFLYCTL0406 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not convert the attribute '%s' to a %s
WFLYCTL0407 ERROR Failed sending completed response %s for %d
WFLYCTL0408 ERROR Failed sending failure response %s for %d
WFLYCTL0409 java.lang.String Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' timed out after %d ms while awaiting initial response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation
WFLYCTL0410 INFO Execution of operation '%s' on remote process at address '%s' timed out after %d ms while awaiting final response; remote process has been notified to terminate operation
WFLYCTL0411 WARN Failed to parse element '%s', ignoring ...
WFLYCTL0412 java.lang.String Required services that are not installed:
WFLYCTL0413 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The deprecated parameter %s has been set in addition to the current parameter %s but with different values
WFLYCTL0414 WARN Could not create a timestamped backup of current history dir %s, so it may still include versions from the previous boot.
WFLYCTL0415 java.lang.String Modification of the runtime service container by a management operation has begun
WFLYCTL0416 java.lang.String Modification of the runtime service container by a management operation has completed
WFLYCTL0417 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add more than one jvm. Add of '%s' attempted, but '%s' already exists
WFLYCTL0418 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException A %s or a %s %s already declared has already been declared in %s %s
WFLYCTL0419 java.lang.String '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a maximum length of %d bytes
WFLYCTL0420 java.lang.String '%s' is an invalid value for parameter %s. Values must have a minimum length of %d bytes
WFLYCTL0421 java.lang.String Exploded deployment is not supported by some servers
WFLYCTL0422 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load module '%s' for transformers
WFLYCTL0423 java.io.IOException Masked password command has the wrong format.%nUsage: MASK-;; where =UTF-8 characters, =reasonable sized positive integer
WFLYCTL0433 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException '%s' is not a valid representation of a resource address
WFLYCTL0434 java.lang.String Boot complete
WFLYCTL0435 java.lang.RuntimeException Attribute %s of resource %s was not marked as reload required, either set the RESTART_ALL_SERVICES flag, or register a custom write handler.
WFLYCTL0436 org.jboss.as.controller._private.OperationFailedRuntimeException Cannot register capability '%s' at location '%s' as it is already registered in context '%s' at location(s) '%s'
WFLYCTL0437 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate extension: an %s element with %s attribute value '%s' has already been parsed
WFLYCTL0438 java.lang.String Couldn't convert '%s' into proper warning level, threshold falling back to 'ALL'. Possible values: SEVERE,WARNING,INFO,CONFIG,FINE,FINER,FINEST,ALL,OFF
WFLYCTL0439 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value %s for attribute %s is not a valid subnet format
WFLYCTL0440 WARN Cannot delete file or directory %s
WFLYCTL0441 java.lang.String Operation has resulted in failed or missing services %n
WFLYCTL0442 WARN Error stopping server
WFLYCTL0443 WARN Error getting the password from the supplier %s
WFLYCTL0444 INFO The handler for operation '%s' at address '%s' attempted to add a stage %s step. This is not valid for a 'profile' resource on process type %s so this step will not be executed.
WFLYCTL0445 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s with value '%s' in attribute %s is already defined
WFLYCTL0446 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s or alternative(s) %s is required
WFLYCTL0447 WARN Attribute '%s' in the resource at address '%s' has been configured with an expression, but support for use of expressions in this attribute's value may be removed in a future version. This attribute configures whether a capability that can be required by other parts of the configuration is present or itself configures a requirement for a capability provided by another part of the configuration. Full support for this kind of configuration cannot be provided when an expression is used.
WFLYCTL0448 java.lang.String %s additional services are down due to their dependencies being missing or failed
WFLYCTL0449 java.lang.String Operation %s against the resource at address %s is deprecated, and it might be removed in future version. See the the output of the read-operation-description operation to learn more about the deprecation.
WFLYCTL0450 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to clone the repository %s
WFLYCTL0451 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to publish configuration to %s because of %s
WFLYCTL0452 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to persist configuration to %s because of %s
WFLYCTL0453 ERROR Failed to delete configuration snapshot %s
WFLYCTL0454 ERROR Failed to list configuration snapshots %s
WFLYCTL0455 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Can't take snapshot %s because it already exists
WFLYCTL0456 WARN System property "%s" is already set in the section of the configuration file. The value set in the command line will be overridden by that value.
WFLYCTL0457 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid HTTP Header name '%s'
WFLYCTL0458 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Disallowed HTTP Header name '%s'
WFLYCTL0459 ERROR Triggering roll back due to missing management services.
WFLYCTL0460 java.lang.IllegalStateException The system property '%s' can only be used with a standalone or embedded server
WFLYCTL0461 java.lang.IllegalStateException The system property '%s' can only be used with an admin-only server
WFLYCTL0462 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find the directory '%s' specified by the system property '%s'. Please make sure it exists
WFLYCTL0463 java.lang.IllegalStateException More than one instance of AdditionalBootCliScriptInvoker found. Have: '%s'; found: '%s
WFLYCTL0464 java.lang.IllegalStateException If using %s=true, when you use -D%s you need to set -D%s
WFLYCTL0465 INFO Initialised the additional boot CLI script functionality. The CLI commands will be read from %s. The server will remain running in admin-only mode after these have been executed, and the result of the cli operations will be written to %s
WFLYCTL0466 INFO Initialised the additional boot CLI script functionality. The CLI commands will be read from %s. The server will be rebooted to normal mode after these have been executed
WFLYCTL0467 INFO Running the additional commands from the CLI script %s against the server which is running in admin-only mode
WFLYCTL0468 INFO Completed running the commands from the CLI script
WFLYCTL0469 INFO Restarting the server since the additional commands from the CLI script requires a restart. This will record that the restart has been initiated in the marker file %s since the restart mechanism will preserve all properties pertaining to the additional boot CLI script functionality (%s, %s, %s). The restart maintains the admin-only running mode, so a subsequent reload will happen
WFLYCTL0470 INFO Reloading the server to normal mode after execution of the additional commands from the CLI script. This will clear the properties triggering the additional boot cli script functionality if they were set (%s, %s, %s), and delete the marker file indicating the server was restarted
WFLYCTL0471 INFO Reloading the server to normal mode after restart follwoing execution of the additional commands from the CLI script. This will clear the properties triggering the additional boot cli script functionality if they were set (%s, %s, %s)
WFLYCTL0472 INFO Checking for presence of marker file indicating that the server has been restarted following execution of the additional commands from the CLI script
WFLYCTL0473 INFO Marker file indicating that the server has been restarted following execution of the additional commands from the CLI script found at %s
WFLYCTL0474 INFO No marker file found indicating that the server has been restarted following execution of the additional commands from the CLI script
WFLYCTL0475 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value for attribute '%s' is invalid.
WFLYCTL0476 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value for attribute '%s' is invalid: either '%s' must be specified on its own or '%s' needs to be specified with at least one of '%s' or '%s'
WFLYCTL0477 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Parameter name '%s' is invalid.
WFLYCTL0478 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to create command based CredentialSource for credential reference.
WFLYCTL0479 java.lang.String Attribute '%s' at resource '%s' with unresolved value '%s' cannot be resolved using the non-security-sensitive resolution sources supported by the 'resolve' parameter. Response will report the unresolved value.
WFLYCTL0480 java.lang.String Expression '%s' cannot be resolved using the non-security-sensitive resolution sources supported by the '%s' operation. Response will report the unresolved value.
WFLYCTL0481 WARN The runtime dependency package '%s' is already registered at location '%s'
WFLYCTL0482 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value '%s' is not a legal charset name
WFLYCTL0483 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Charset '%s' is not supported in this instance of the Java Virtual Machine
WFLYCTL0484 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Attribute definition of attribute '%s' is null
WFLYCTL0485 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Error parsing yaml file %s
WFLYCTL0486 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Missing yaml file %s
WFLYCTL0487 DEBUG It took %s ms to load and parse the following yaml files [%s]
WFLYCTL0488 WARN No registration found for address %s - Ignoring the subtree
WFLYCTL0489 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can't undefine attribute %s since there is no resource at %s
WFLYCTL0490 WARN A YAML resource has been defined for the address %s without any attribute. No actions will be taken.
WFLYCTL0491 WARN We have an unexpected value %s for address %s and name %s
WFLYCTL0492 WARN Couldn't find a resource registration for address %s with current registration %s
WFLYCTL0493 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException The attribute %s hasn't a valueType properly defined.
WFLYCTL0494 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionServerException Resolution of extension expression '%s' is not allowed at this point.
WFLYCTL0495 INFO "fetch-from-master" is a deprecated value for "domain-controller.remote.admin-only-policy", "fetch-from-domain-controller" will be used instead.
WFLYCTL0496 WARN Thread dump: ******************************************************************************* {0} =============================================================================== End Thread dump *******************************************************************************
WFLYCTL0497 WARN Deadlock detected! ******************************************************************************* {0} =============================================================================== End Deadlock *******************************************************************************
WFLYCTL0498 WARN Exception thrown during generation of thread dump
WFLYCTL0499 java.lang.IllegalStateException There is no satisfactory capability '%s' available to resources with capability scope '%s'. This capability is registered at address(es) '%s', and are not accessible to resources with scope '%s'.
WFLYCTL0500 WARN There is no UUID string at '%s'. A new value will be generated.
WFLYCTL0501 WARN An invalid UUID string '%s' was found at '%s'. A new value will be generated.
WFLYCTL0502 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No child resource called '%s' could be found at address '%s'.
WFLYCTL0503 org.jboss.as.controller.persistence.ConfigurationPersistenceException Failed to publish configuration, because the remote name %s is not valid.
WFLYCTL0504 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException The operation %s is not defined for resource %s.
WFLYCTL0505 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException %s subsystem namespace %s is not enabled by the current stability level
WFLYCTL0506 WARN Extension %s from module %s is not enabled by the current stability level
WFLYCTL0507 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsuported deployment yaml file %s with attributes %s
WFLYCTL0508 java.lang.String The yaml element '%s' and its sub-elements are ignored.
WFLYCTL0509 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No attribute called '%s' is defined at address '%s'.
WFLYCTL0510 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No operation %s can be executed for attribute called '%s' is defined at address '%s'.
WFLYCTL0511 WARN No value is defined for attribute '%s' at address '%s'.
WFLYCTL0512 WARN No resource exists at address '%s'. Ignoring the remove opreation.
WFLYCTL0513 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException The XML namespace of %s is no longer supported.
WFLYCTL0514 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Management namespace %s is not enabled by the current stability level
WFLYCTL0515 INFO The system property '%s' is deprecated and may be removed in a future version, attribute '%s' on resource '%s' should be used instead.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYDC0001 WARN Ignoring 'include' child of 'socket-binding-group' %s
WFLYDC0003 INFO Interrupted awaiting final response from server %s on host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
WFLYDC0004 WARN Caught exception awaiting final response from server %s on host %s
WFLYDC0005 INFO Interrupted awaiting final response from host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
WFLYDC0006 WARN Caught exception awaiting final response from host %s
WFLYDC0007 WARN Caught exception closing input stream
WFLYDC0008 INFO Domain model has changed on re-connect. The following servers will need to be restarted for changes to take affect: %s
WFLYDC0009 ERROR %s caught %s waiting for task %s. Cancelling task
WFLYDC0011 ERROR No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure.
WFLYDC0012 WARN failed to set server (%s) into a restart required state
WFLYDC0013 java.lang.String Registration of remote hosts is not supported on secondary host controllers
WFLYDC0014 java.lang.String The primary host controller cannot register secondary host controllers as its current running mode is '%s'
WFLYDC0015 java.lang.String There is already a registered host named '%s'
WFLYDC0016 java.lang.String %s is missing %s: %s
WFLYDC0017 java.lang.String %s recognizes only %s as children: %s
WFLYDC0018 java.lang.String in-series is missing groups: %s
WFLYDC0019 java.lang.String server-group expects one and only one child: %s
WFLYDC0020 java.lang.String One of the groups does not define neither server-group nor concurrent-groups: %s
WFLYDC0021 java.lang.String Unexplained failure
WFLYDC0022 java.lang.String Operation failed or was rolled back on all servers.
WFLYDC0023 java.lang.String Interrupted waiting for result from server %s
WFLYDC0024 java.lang.String Exception getting result from server %s: %s
WFLYDC0025 java.lang.String Invalid rollout plan. %s is not a valid child of node %s
WFLYDC0026 java.lang.String Invalid rollout plan. Plan operations affect server groups %s that are not reflected in the rollout plan
WFLYDC0027 java.lang.String Invalid rollout plan. Server group %s appears more than once in the plan.
WFLYDC0028 java.lang.String Invalid rollout plan. Server group %s has a %s value of %s; must be between 0 and 100.
WFLYDC0029 java.lang.String Invalid rollout plan. Server group %s has a %s value of %s; cannot be less than 0.
WFLYDC0030 java.lang.String Interrupted waiting for result from host %s
WFLYDC0032 java.lang.String Operation %s for address %s can only be handled by the Domain Controller; this host is not the Domain Controller
WFLYDC0033 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Operation targets host %s but that host is not registered
WFLYDC0034 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Caught %s storing deployment content -- %s
WFLYDC0035 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected initial path key %s
WFLYDC0036 java.lang.String Null stream at index %d
WFLYDC0037 java.lang.String Invalid byte stream.
WFLYDC0038 java.lang.String Invalid url stream.
WFLYDC0039 java.lang.String Only 1 piece of content is currently supported (AS7-431)
WFLYDC0040 java.lang.String No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository.
WFLYDC0041 java.lang.String A secondary Host Controller cannot accept deployment content uploads
WFLYDC0042 java.lang.String No deployment with name %s found
WFLYDC0043 java.lang.String Cannot remove deployment %s from the domain as it is still used by server groups %s
WFLYDC0044 java.lang.String Invalid '%s' value: %d, the maximum index is %d
WFLYDC0045 java.lang.String %s is not a valid URL -- %s
WFLYDC0046 java.lang.String Error obtaining input stream from URL %s -- %s
WFLYDC0047 java.lang.String Invalid content declaration
WFLYDC0049 java.lang.String Cannot use %s with the same value for parameters %s and %s. Use %s to redeploy the same content or %s to replace content with a new version with the same name.
WFLYDC0050 java.lang.String Deployment %s is already started
WFLYDC0051 java.lang.String Unknown %s %s
WFLYDC0052 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown server group %s
WFLYDC0053 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown server %s
WFLYDC0054 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid code %d
WFLYDC0055 java.lang.IllegalStateException Repository does not contain any deployment with hash %s
WFLYDC0056 java.lang.IllegalStateException Expected only one deployment, found %d
WFLYDC0057 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No profile called: %s
WFLYDC0058 java.lang.String No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment '%s'. This is a fatal boot error. To correct the problem, either restart with the --admin-only switch set and use the CLI to install the missing content or remove it from the configuration, or remove the deployment from the xml configuraiton file and restart.
WFLYDC0059 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to load module '%s'.
WFLYDC0060 java.lang.String Invalid Jakarta Server Faces slot value: '%s'. The host controller is not able to use a Jakarta Server Faces slot value different from its default. This resource will be ignored on that host
WFLYDC0061 java.lang.String Operation '%s' fails because the attributes are not known from the subsytem '%s' model version '%s': %s
WFLYDC0062 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No socket-binding-group named: %s
WFLYDC0063 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException There is already a deployment called %s with the same runtime name %s on server group %s
WFLYDC0064 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot remove server-group '%s' since it's still in use by servers %s
WFLYDC0065 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Wildcard operations are not supported as part of composite operations
WFLYDC0066 java.lang.String Failed to send message: %s
WFLYDC0067 java.lang.String Failed to send response header: %s
WFLYDC0068 java.lang.String Host registration task got interrupted
WFLYDC0069 java.lang.String Host registration task failed: %s
WFLYDC0070 INFO %s interrupted awaiting server prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for servers %s
WFLYDC0071 INFO Interrupted awaiting host prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for hosts %s
WFLYDC0072 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Caught IOException reading uploaded deployment content
WFLYDC0073 WARN %s deployment has been re-deployed, its content will not be removed. You will need to restart it.
WFLYDC0074 java.lang.String Operation failed or was rolled back on all servers. Server failures:
WFLYDC0075 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot synchronize the model due to missing extensions: %s
WFLYDC0076 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate included profile '%s'
WFLYDC0077 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate included socket binding group '%s'
WFLYDC0078 java.lang.String The profile clone operation is not available on the host '%s'. To be able to use it in a domain containing older secondary hosts which do not support the profile clone operation, you need to either: a) Make sure that all older secondary hosts with a model version smaller than 4.0.0 ignore the cloned profile and the profile specified in the 'to-profile' parameter. b) Reload the domain controller into admin-only mode, perform the clone, then reload the domain controller into normal mode again, and check whether the secondary hosts need reloading.
WFLYDC0079 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting host prepared response(s) from hosts %s -- cancelling updates for hosts %s
WFLYDC0080 java.lang.String Timed out after %d ms awaiting host prepared response(s) -- remote host %s has been notified to cancel operation
WFLYDC0081 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting final response from host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
WFLYDC0082 INFO %s timed out after %d ms awaiting server prepared response(s) -- cancelling updates for servers %s
WFLYDC0083 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting final response from server %s on host %s; remote process has been notified to cancel operation
WFLYDC0084 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYDC0085 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode an unmanaged deployment
WFLYDC0086 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode an already exploded deployment
WFLYDC0087 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode an already deployed deployment
WFLYDC0088 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add content to a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYDC0089 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add content to an unmanaged deployment
WFLYDC0090 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add content to an unexploded deployment
WFLYDC0091 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot remove content from a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYDC0092 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot remove content from an unmanaged deployment
WFLYDC0093 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot remove content from an unexploded deployment
WFLYDC0094 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot read content from a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYDC0095 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot read content from an unmanaged deployment
WFLYDC0096 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot read content from an unexploded deployment
WFLYDC0097 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode a subdeployment of an unexploded deployment
WFLYDC0098 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The following servers %s are starting; execution of remote management operations is not currently available


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Enter the details of the new user to add.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Realm (%s)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Username
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Username (%s)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Password
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Re-enter Password
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String About to add user '%s' for realm '%s'
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Is this correct
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The username '%s' is easy to guess
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Are you sure you want to add user '%s' yes/no?
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Added user '%s' to file '%s'
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Error
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String yes/no?
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String What type of user do you wish to add? %n a) Management User (mgmt-users.properties) %n b) Application User (application-users.properties)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String What groups do you want this user to belong to? (Please enter a comma separated list, or leave blank for none)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Added user '%s' with groups %s to file '%s'
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String User '%s' already exists and is enabled, would you like to... %n a) Update the existing user password and roles %n b) Disable the existing user %n c) Type a new username
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String User '%s' already exists and is disabled, would you like to... %n a) Update the existing user password and roles %n b) Enable the existing user %n c) Type a new username
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Updated user '%s' to file '%s'
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Updated user '%s' with groups %s to file '%s'
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The password must be different from the username
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The password should be different from the username
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The password must not be one of the following restricted values {%s}
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The password should not be one of the following restricted values {%s}
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String %s characters
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String %d alphabetic character(s)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String %d digit(s)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String %s non-alphanumeric symbol(s)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The password must contain at least %s
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The password should contain at least %s
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Are you sure you want to use the password entered yes/no?
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The add-user script is a utility for adding new users to the properties files for out-of-the-box authentication. It can be used to manage users in ManagementRealm and ApplicationRealm.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Usage: ./add-user.sh [args...]%nwhere args include:
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String If set add an application user instead of a management user
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Define the location of the domain config directory.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Define the location of the server config directory.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The file name of the user properties file which can be an absolute path.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The file name of the group properties file which can be an absolute path. (If group properties is specified then user properties MUST also be specified).
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Password of the user, this will be checked against the password requirements defined within the add-user.properties configuration
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Name of the user
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Name of the realm used to secure the management interfaces (default is "ManagementRealm")
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Activate the silent mode (no output to the console)
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Comma-separated list of roles for the user.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Comma-separated list of groups for the user.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Enable the user
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Disable the user
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Automatically confirm warning in interactive mode
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Display this message and exit
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String yes
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String y
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String no
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String n
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String The realm name supplied must match the name used by the server configuration which by default would be '%s'
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Are you sure you want to set the realm to '%s'
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Password requirements are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the add-user.properties configuration file.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Password recommendations are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the add-user.properties configuration file.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Using realm '%s' as specified on the command line.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.String Using realm '%s' as discovered from the existing property files.
WFLYDM0000 java.io.IOException Users properties file '%s' contains multiple realm name declarations
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException The callback handler is not initialized for domain server %s.
WFLYDM0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to obtain credential for server %s
WFLYDM0001 WARN Properties file defined with default user and password, this will be easy to guess.
WFLYDM0017 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to load properties
WFLYDM0020 javax.naming.NamingException User '%s' not found in directory.
WFLYDM0021 java.lang.IllegalStateException No java.io.Console available to interact with user.
WFLYDM0023 java.lang.String No %s files found.
WFLYDM0024 java.lang.String No Username entered, exiting.
WFLYDM0025 java.lang.String No Password entered, exiting.
WFLYDM0026 java.lang.String The passwords do not match.
WFLYDM0028 java.lang.String Username must be alphanumeric with the exception of the following accepted symbols (%s)
WFLYDM0029 java.lang.String Invalid response. (Valid responses are %s and %s)
WFLYDM0030 java.lang.String Unable to add user to %s due to error %s
WFLYDM0031 java.lang.String Unable to add load users from %s due to error %s
WFLYDM0033 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple username/password based authentication mechanisms (%s). Only one is allowed
WFLYDM0034 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException One of '%s' or '%s' required.
WFLYDM0035 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Only one of '%s' or '%s' is required.
WFLYDM0037 java.lang.String No security context has been established.
WFLYDM0039 java.lang.String Invalid response. (Valid responses are A, a, B, or b)
WFLYDM0040 java.lang.String Unable to update user to %s due to error %s
WFLYDM0041 java.io.IOException The user '%s' is not allowed in a local authentication.
WFLYDM0042 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Multiple CallbackHandlerServices for the same mechanism (%s)
WFLYDM0043 java.lang.IllegalStateException No CallbackHandler available for mechanism %s in realm %s
WFLYDM0044 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No plug in providers found for module name %s
WFLYDM0045 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to load plug-in for module %s due to error (%s)
WFLYDM0046 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No authentication plug-in found for name %s
WFLYDM0047 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to initialise plug-in %s due to error %s
WFLYDM0048 java.lang.String Password is not strong enough, it is '%s'. It should be at least '%s'.
WFLYDM0049 org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException Password must not be equal to '%s', this value is restricted.
WFLYDM0050 java.lang.String Password must have at least %d digit.
WFLYDM0051 java.lang.String Password must have at least %s non-alphanumeric symbol.
WFLYDM0052 java.lang.String Password must have at least %d alphanumeric character.
WFLYDM0053 org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException Password must have at least %s characters!
WFLYDM0054 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to load key trust file.
WFLYDM0055 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to operate on trust store.
WFLYDM0056 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to create delegate trust manager.
WFLYDM0057 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException The syslog-handler can only contain one protocol %s
WFLYDM0058 java.lang.IllegalStateException There is no handler called '%s'
WFLYDM0059 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException There is already a protocol configured for the syslog handler at %s
WFLYDM0060 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No syslog protocol was given
WFLYDM0061 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException There is no formatter called '%s'
WFLYDM0062 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Can not remove formatter, it is still referenced by the handler '%s'
WFLYDM0063 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Handler names must be unique. There is already a handler called '%s' at %s
WFLYDM0064 java.lang.String Different realm names detected '%s', '%s' reading user property files, all realms must be equal.
WFLYDM0065 java.lang.String The user supplied realm name '%s' does not match the realm name discovered from the property file(s) '%s'.
WFLYDM0066 java.lang.String A group properties file '%s' has been specified, however no user properties has been specified.
WFLYDM0067 java.lang.String A realm name must be specified.
WFLYDM0068 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The current operation(s) would result in role based access control being enabled but leave it impossible for authenticated users to be assigned roles.
WFLYDM0069 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The runtime role mapping configuration is inconsistent, the server must be restarted.
WFLYDM0070 java.lang.String Invalid response. (Valid responses are A, a, B, b, C or c)
WFLYDM0071 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Role '%s' already contains an %s for type=%s, name=%s, realm=%s.
WFLYDM0072 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple authorization configurations (%s). Only one is allowed
WFLYDM0073 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple username-to-dn resources within the authorization=ldap resource (%s). Only one is allowed
WFLYDM0074 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Configuration for security realm '%s' does not contain any group-search resource within the authorization=ldap resource.
WFLYDM0075 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple group-search resources within the authorization=ldap resource (%s). Only one is allowed
WFLYDM0076 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The role name '%s' is not a valid standard role.
WFLYDM0077 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The role name '%s' is not a valid standard role and is not a host scoped role or a server group scoped role.
WFLYDM0078 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The scoped role '%s' can not be removed as a role mapping still exists.
WFLYDM0079 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException A %s already exists with name '%s'
WFLYDM0080 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The name '%s' conflicts with the standard role name of '%s' - comparison is case insensitive.
WFLYDM0081 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The base-role '%s' is not one of the standard roles for the current authorization provider.
WFLYDM0082 org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException The password must be different from the username
WFLYDM0083 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException The KeyStore %s does not contain any keys.
WFLYDM0084 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException The alias specified '%s' is not a Key, valid aliases are %s
WFLYDM0085 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException The alias specified '%s' does not exist in the KeyStore, valid aliases are %s
WFLYDM0086 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException The KeyStore can not be found at %s
WFLYDM0087 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Configuration for security realm '%s' includes multiple cache definitions at the same position in the hierarchy. Only one is allowed
WFLYDM0088 javax.naming.NamingException Unable to load username for supplied username '%s'
WFLYDM0089 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No operation was found that has been holding the operation execution write lock for long than [%d] seconds
WFLYDM0090 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Invalid Keytab path
WFLYDM0091 java.lang.IllegalStateException logout has already been called on this SubjectIdentity.
WFLYDM0092 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to obtain Kerberos TGT
WFLYDM0093 ERROR Login failed using Keytab for principal '%s' to handle request for host '%s'
WFLYDM0094 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Kerberos is enabled for authentication on security realm '%s' but no Keytab has been added to the server-identity.
WFLYDM0095 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException No cipher suites in common, supported=(%s), requested=(%s)
WFLYDM0096 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException No protocols in common, supported=(%s), requested=(%s)
WFLYDM0097 org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException Password should not be equal to '%s', this value is restricted.
WFLYDM0098 org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException The password should be different from the username
WFLYDM0099 org.jboss.as.domain.management.security.password.PasswordValidationException Password should have at least %s characters!
WFLYDM0100 java.lang.String Password should have at least %d alphanumeric character.
WFLYDM0101 java.lang.String Password should have at least %d digit.
WFLYDM0102 java.lang.String Password should have at least %s non-alphanumeric symbol.
WFLYDM0103 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid size %s
WFLYDM0104 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The suffix (%s) can not contain seconds or milliseconds.
WFLYDM0105 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The suffix (%s) is invalid. A suffix must be a valid date format.
WFLYDM0106 java.lang.String File permissions problems found while attempting to update %s file.
WFLYDM0107 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Operation '%s' has been holding the operation execution write lock for longer than [%d] seconds, but it is part of the rollout of a domain-wide operation with domain-uuid '%s' that has other operations that are alsonot progressing. Their ids are: %s. Cancellation of the operation on the domain controller is recommended.
WFLYDM0108 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported resource '%s'
WFLYDM0109 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException The Keytab file '%s' does not exist.
WFLYDM0110 javax.naming.NamingException Unable to load a simple name for group '%s'
WFLYDM0111 WARN Keystore %s not found, it will be auto-generated on first use with a self-signed certificate for host %s
WFLYDM0112 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to generate self-signed certificate
WFLYDM0113 WARN Generated self-signed certificate at %s. Please note that self-signed certificates are not secure, and should only be used for testing purposes. Do not use this self-signed certificate in production.%nSHA-1 fingerprint of the generated key is %s%nSHA-256 fingerprint of the generated key is %s
WFLYDM0114 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to lazily initialize SSL context
WFLYDM0135 java.lang.String The resource %s wasn't working properly and has been removed.
WFLYDM0139 java.security.GeneralSecurityException No SubjectIdentity found for %s/%s.
WFLYDM0140 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException You shouldn't use the system property "%s" as it is deprecated. Use the management model configuration instead.
WFLYDM0142 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Following mechanisms configured on the server (%s) are not supported by the realm '%s'.
WFLYDM0143 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid sensitive classification attribute '%s'
WFLYDM0144 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Sensitivity constraint %s contains imcompatible attribute value to other sensitive classification constraints.
WFLYDM0145 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Security realms are no longer supported, please remove them from the configuration.
WFLYDM0146 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Outbound connections are no longer supported, please remove them from the configuration.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYDMHTTP0001 ERROR Unexpected error executing model request
WFLYDMHTTP0002 ERROR Unexpected error executing deployment upload request
WFLYDMHTTP0003 WARN Unable to load console module for slot %s, disabling console
WFLYDMHTTP0004 ERROR Unable to load error context for slot %s, disabling error context.
WFLYDMHTTP0005 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid operation '%s'
WFLYDMHTTP0006 java.lang.String The security realm is not ready to process requests, see %s
WFLYDMHTTP0007 org.jboss.modules.ModuleNotFoundException No console module available with module name %s
WFLYDMHTTP0010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid Credential Type '%s'
WFLYDMHTTP0011 INFO Management interface is using different addresses for HTTP (%s) and HTTPS (%s). Redirection of HTTPS requests from HTTP socket to HTTPS socket will not be supported.
WFLYDMHTTP0012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A secure socket has been defined for the HTTP interface, however the referenced security realm is not supplying a SSLContext.
WFLYDMHTTP0013 java.lang.String Invalid useStreamIndex value '%d'. The operation response had %d streams attached.
WFLYDMHTTP0014 java.lang.IllegalStateException The ManagementHttpServer has already been built using this Builder.
WFLYDMHTTP0015 java.lang.IllegalStateException No SecurityRealm or SSLContext has been provided.
WFLYDMHTTP0016 java.lang.String Your Application Server is running. However you have not yet added any users to be able to access the HTTP management interface. To add a new user execute the %s script within the bin folder of your WildFly installation and enter the requested information. By default the realm name used by WildFly is 'ManagementRealm' and this is already selected by default by the add-user tool.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYDR0001 INFO Content added at location %s
WFLYDR0002 INFO Content removed from location %s
WFLYDR0003 WARN Cannot delete temp file %s, will be deleted on exit
WFLYDR0004 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot create directory %s
WFLYDR0005 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot obtain SHA-1 %s
WFLYDR0006 java.lang.IllegalStateException Directory %s is not writable
WFLYDR0007 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is not a directory
WFLYDR0009 INFO Content %s is obsolete and will be removed
WFLYDR0010 ERROR Couldn't delete content %s
WFLYDR0011 INFO Couldn't list directory files for %s
WFLYDR0012 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot hash current deployment content %s
WFLYDR0013 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Access denied to the content at %s in the deployment
WFLYDR0014 ERROR Error deleting deployment %s
WFLYDR0015 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is not an archive file
WFLYDR0016 org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException Achive file %s not found
WFLYDR0017 INFO Content exploded at location %s
WFLYDR0018 org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException Error exploding content for %s
WFLYDR0019 org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException Deployment is locked by another operation
WFLYDR0020 org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException Error accessing deployment files
WFLYDR0021 org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException Error updating content of exploded deployment
WFLYDR0022 org.jboss.as.repository.ExplodedContentException Error copying files of exploded deployment to %s
WFLYDR0023 ERROR Error deleting file %s
WFLYDR0024 ERROR Error copying file %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYDS0000 java.lang.String A previous version of this content was deployed and remains deployed.
WFLYDS0001 WARN Cannot delete deployment progress marker file %s
WFLYDS0002 WARN Cannot remove extraneous deployment marker file %s
WFLYDS0003 WARN Deployment of '%s' requested, but the deployment is not present
WFLYDS0004 INFO Found %1$s in deployment directory. To trigger deployment create a file called %1$s%2$s
WFLYDS0005 ERROR Caught exception writing deployment marker file %s
WFLYDS0006 WARN Reliable deployment behaviour is not possible when auto-deployment of exploded content is enabled (i.e. deployment without use of "%s"' marker files). Configuration of auto-deployment of exploded content is not recommended in any situation where reliability is desired. Configuring the deployment scanner's %s setting to "false" is recommended.
WFLYDS0007 WARN The deployment scanner found that the content for exploded deployment %1$s has been deleted, but auto-deploy/undeploy for exploded deployments is not enabled and the %1$s%2$s marker file for this deployment has not been removed. As a result, the deployment is not being undeployed, but resources needed by the deployment may have been deleted and application errors may occur. Deleting the %1$s%2$s marker file to trigger undeploy is recommended.
WFLYDS0008 ERROR Failed checking whether %s was a complete zip
WFLYDS0009 ERROR File system deployment service failed
WFLYDS0010 INFO Scan found incompletely copied file content for deployment %s. Deployment changes will not be processed until all content is complete.
WFLYDS0011 ERROR The deployment scanner found a directory named %1$s that was not inside a directory whose name ends with .ear, .jar, .rar, .sar or .war. This is likely the result of unzipping an archive directly inside the %2$s directory, which is a user error. The %1$s directory will not be scanned for deployments, but it is possible that the scanner may find other files from the unzipped archive and attempt to deploy them, leading to errors.
WFLYDS0012 ERROR Scan of %s threw Exception
WFLYDS0013 INFO Started %s for directory %s
WFLYDS0014 WARN Scan found content configured for auto-deploy that could not be safely auto-deployed. See details above. Deployment changes will not be processed until all problematic content is either removed or whether to deploy the content or not is indicated via a %s or %s marker file. Problematic deployments are %s
WFLYDS0015 INFO Re-attempting failed deployment %s
WFLYDS0016 ERROR Failed checking whether %s was a complete XML
WFLYDS0017 ERROR Initial deployment scan failed
WFLYDS0018 INFO Deployment %s was previously deployed by this scanner but has been undeployed by another management tool. Marker file %s is being added to record this fact.
WFLYDS0019 INFO Deployment %s was previously deployed by this scanner but has been removed from the server deployment list by another management tool. Marker file %s is being added to record this fact.
WFLYDS0021 java.lang.String Deployment content %s appears to be incomplete and is not progressing toward completion. This content cannot be auto-deployed.%s
WFLYDS0022 java.lang.String Did not receive a response to the deployment operation within the allowed timeout period [%d seconds]. Check the server configuration file and the server logs to find more about the status of the deployment.
WFLYDS0025 java.lang.String File %s cannot be scanned because it does not begin with a ZIP file format local file header signature
WFLYDS0026 java.lang.String File %s cannot be scanned because it uses the currently unsupported ZIP64 format
WFLYDS0030 java.lang.String File %2$s was configured for auto-deploy but could not be safely auto-deployed. The reason the file could not be auto-deployed was: %1$s. To enable deployment of this file create a file called %2$s%3$s
WFLYDS0031 java.lang.IllegalStateException Extension with module 'org.jboss.as.deployment-scanner' cannot be installed in a managed domain. Please remove it and any subsystem referencing it
WFLYDS0032 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to list files in directory %s. Check that the contents of the directory are readable.
WFLYDS0033 INFO Deployment %s was previously undeployed by this scanner but has been redeployed by another management tool. Marker file %s is being removed to record this fact.
WFLYDS0034 ERROR Failed synchronizing status of deployment %s.
WFLYDS0035 java.lang.String Scan found %s which is not well-formed at lineNumber: %s, columnNumber: %s. Either the file was incompletely copied at the time of the scanning or it is just wrong.
WFLYDS0036 java.lang.RuntimeException Deployment model operation failed. %s
WFLYDS0037 WARN %s does not exist
WFLYDS0038 WARN %s is not a directory
WFLYDS0039 WARN %s is not writable
WFLYDS0040 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not find relative-to path entry for %s
WFLYDS0041 WARN %s is not readable
WFLYDS0042 ERROR Boot-time scan failed due to inaccessible deployment directory: %s
WFLYDS0043 WARN Deployment directory scan failed due to inaccessible deployment directory: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYEE0002 WARN Could not resolve %s %s
WFLYEE0006 WARN Failed to destroy component instance %s
WFLYEE0007 WARN Not installing optional component %s due to an exception (enable DEBUG log level to see the cause)
WFLYEE0009 WARN [Managed Bean spec, section %s] Managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be an interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a managed bean.
WFLYEE0010 WARN [Managed Bean spec, section %s] Managed bean implementation class MUST NOT be abstract or final - %s won't be considered as a managed bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement.
WFLYEE0011 WARN Exception while invoking pre-destroy interceptor for component class: %s
WFLYEE0014 WARN %s in subdeployment ignored. jboss-ejb-client.xml is only parsed for top level deployments.
WFLYEE0015 WARN Transaction started in EE Concurrent invocation left open, starting rollback to prevent leak.
WFLYEE0016 WARN Failed to rollback transaction.
WFLYEE0017 WARN Failed to suspend transaction.
WFLYEE0018 WARN System error while checking for transaction leak in EE Concurrent invocation.
WFLYEE0019 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find alternate deployment descriptor %s specified for %s
WFLYEE0020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s annotations must provide a %s.
WFLYEE0021 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot add any more items once getSortedItems() has been called
WFLYEE0022 java.lang.RuntimeException %s may not be empty
WFLYEE0023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s cannot be null or empty: %s
WFLYEE0024 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not configure component %s
WFLYEE0025 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not determine type for resource-env-ref %s
WFLYEE0026 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not determine type for %s %s please specify the %s.
WFLYEE0027 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load %s referenced in env-entry
WFLYEE0028 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load interceptor class %s
WFLYEE0029 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load interceptor class %s on component %s
WFLYEE0030 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load view class %s for component %s
WFLYEE0031 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Unable to process modules in application.xml for EAR [%s], module file %s not found
WFLYEE0032 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Unable to parse resource-ref URI: %s
WFLYEE0033 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not resolve injection point %s on class %s specified in web.xml
WFLYEE0034 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not resolve method %s on class %s with annotations %s
WFLYEE0036 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Cannot specify both a %s and a %s in an environment entry.
WFLYEE0037 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Circular dependency installing %s
WFLYEE0038 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException %s annotation is only allowed on a class. %s is not a class.
WFLYEE0040 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Component '%s' in class '%s' is already defined in class '%s'
WFLYEE0041 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Component class %s for component %s has errors: %n%s
WFLYEE0042 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to construct component instance
WFLYEE0043 org.jboss.as.ee.component.ComponentIsStoppedException Component is stopped
WFLYEE0044 java.lang.IllegalStateException Component not available (interrupted)
WFLYEE0045 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No component found for type '%s'
WFLYEE0046 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to instantiate component view
WFLYEE0047 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Incompatible conflicting binding at %s source: %s
WFLYEE0048 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find default constructor for %s
WFLYEE0050 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No default constructor for interceptor class %s on component %s
WFLYEE0051 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s elements must provide a %s.
WFLYEE0052 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to install component %s
WFLYEE0053 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to parse %s
WFLYEE0054 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to process children for EAR [%s]
WFLYEE0055 java.lang.String Failed to read %s entries for application [%s]
WFLYEE0056 java.lang.String Failed to read %s entries for module [%s, %s]
WFLYEE0057 java.lang.String Failed to read %s entries for component [%s, %s, %s]
WFLYEE0058 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No matching field found for '%s'
WFLYEE0059 java.lang.IllegalStateException No injection target found
WFLYEE0060 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException %s of type java.lang.Character is not exactly one character long %s
WFLYEE0061 java.lang.RuntimeException %s is not a valid descriptor
WFLYEE0062 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Injection target %s on class %s is not compatible with the type of injection: %s
WFLYEE0063 java.lang.String Invalid number of arguments for method %s annotated with %s on class %s
WFLYEE0064 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A return type of %s is required for method %s annotated with %s on class %s
WFLYEE0065 java.lang.String Invalid signature for method %s annotated with %s on class %s, signature must be '%s'
WFLYEE0066 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Invalid value: %s for '%s' element
WFLYEE0067 java.lang.IllegalStateException Method does not exist %s
WFLYEE0068 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No matching method found for method %s (%s) on %s
WFLYEE0069 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @%s is only valid on method targets.
WFLYEE0070 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Multiple components found for type '%s'
WFLYEE0071 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException More than one matching method found for method '%s (%s) on %s
WFLYEE0072 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Multiple setter methods for %s on class %s found when applying for env-entry
WFLYEE0073 java.lang.IllegalStateException No component instance associated
WFLYEE0074 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Binding name must not be null: %s
WFLYEE0075 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Managed bean class name cannot be null or empty
WFLYEE0076 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Resource reference type cannot be null or empty
WFLYEE0077 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot register a null resource reference processor
WFLYEE0078 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is null
WFLYEE0079 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can't add %s, priority 0x%s is already taken by %s
WFLYEE0082 java.lang.IllegalStateException Service not started
WFLYEE0083 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s injection target is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed: %s
WFLYEE0084 java.lang.RuntimeException Unknown AnnotationTarget type: %s
WFLYEE0085 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Unknown %s type %s
WFLYEE0086 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not find method %s %s on view %s of %s
WFLYEE0088 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected element '%s' encountered
WFLYEE0089 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to process jboss-ejb-client.xml
WFLYEE0090 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Exception while parsing jboss-ejb-client.xml file found at %s
WFLYEE0091 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException %s
WFLYEE0092 java.lang.String No message destination with name %s for binding %s
WFLYEE0093 java.lang.String More than one message destination with name %s for binding %s destinations: %s
WFLYEE0094 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to load jboss.properties
WFLYEE0095 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Unsupported ear module type: %s
WFLYEE0096 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException library-directory of value / is not supported
WFLYEE0097 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Module may not be a child of the EAR's library directory. Library directory: %s, module file name: %s
WFLYEE0098 java.lang.RuntimeException ManagedReference was null and injection is not optional for injection into field %s
WFLYEE0100 java.lang.String Global modules may not specify 'annotations', 'meta-inf' or 'services'.
WFLYEE0102 java.lang.IllegalStateException EE Concurrent Service's value uninitialized.
WFLYEE0103 java.io.IOException EE Concurrent ContextHandle serialization must be handled by the factory.
WFLYEE0104 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The EE Concurrent Context %s already has a factory named %s
WFLYEE0105 java.io.IOException EE Concurrent Context %s does not has a factory named %s
WFLYEE0106 java.io.IOException EE Concurrent Context %s service not installed.
WFLYEE0107 java.lang.IllegalStateException EE Concurrent Transaction Setup Provider service not installed.
WFLYEE0108 java.lang.IllegalStateException Instance data can only be set during construction
WFLYEE0109 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException A class must not declare more than one AroundInvoke method. %s has %s methods annotated.
WFLYEE0110 ERROR Failed to run scheduled task: %s
WFLYEE0111 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot run scheduled task %s as container is suspended
WFLYEE0112 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The core-threads value must be greater than 0 when the queue-length is %s
WFLYEE0113 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The max-threads value %d cannot be less than the core-threads value %d.
WFLYEE0114 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Class does not implement all of the provided interfaces
WFLYEE0115 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The name of the %s is null
WFLYEE0116 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is null in the %s %s
WFLYEE0117 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Field %s cannot be set - object of %s loaded by %s is not assignable to %s loaded by %s
WFLYEE0120 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to locate executor service '%s'
WFLYEE0121 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYEE0122 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Directory path %s in %s global-directory resource does not point to a valid directory.
WFLYEE0123 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Global directory %s cannot be added, because global directory %s is already defined.
WFLYEE0124 WARN Error deleting Jakarta Authorization Policy
WFLYEE0125 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to start the %s service
WFLYEE0126 java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException Rejected due to maximum number of requests
WFLYEE0127 WARN Invalid '%s' name segment for env, name can't start with '/' prefix, prefix has been removed
WFLYEE0128 WARN Failure when terminating %s hung task %s
WFLYEE0129 INFO %s hung task %s cancelled
WFLYEE0130 INFO %s hung task %s not cancelled
WFLYEE0131 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException The attribute %s is no longer supported.
WFLYEE0132 java.lang.RuntimeException ManagedReference was null and injection is not optional for injection into method %s
WFLYEE0133 ERROR A JNDI binding for component '%s' has already been installed under JNDI name '%s' in accordance with Jakarta EE specifications. The conflicting class is %s. Solutions include providing an alternate name for the component or renaming the class.
WFLYEE0134 java.lang.IllegalStateException Multiple uses of ContextServiceDefinition.ALL_REMAINING
WFLYEE0135 WARN Failed to resume transaction.
WFLYEE0136 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to run scheduled task: %s
WFLYEE0137 java.lang.RuntimeException Error equals() cannot be called before resolve()
WFLYEE0138 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException hungTaskTerminationPeriod is not > 0
WFLYEE0139 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot add a remoting receiver which references a null/empty outbound connection
WFLYEE0140 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot add a HTTP connection which references a null/empty URI
WFLYEE0141 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Running with a SecurityManager enabled is not allowed in a Jakarta EE 11 or later environment


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYEJB0004 ERROR failed to get tx manager status; ignoring
WFLYEJB0005 ERROR failed to set rollback only; ignoring
WFLYEJB0006 WARN ActivationConfigProperty %s will be ignored since it is not allowed by resource adapter: %s
WFLYEJB0007 ERROR Discarding stateful component instance: %s due to exception
WFLYEJB0010 WARN Default interceptor class %s is not listed in the section of ejb-jar.xml and will not be applied
WFLYEJB0015 WARN Unknown timezone id: %s found in schedule expression. Ignoring it and using server's timezone: %s
WFLYEJB0016 WARN Timer persistence is not enabled, persistent timers will not survive JVM restarts
WFLYEJB0017 INFO Next expiration is null. No tasks will be scheduled for timer %S
WFLYEJB0018 ERROR Ignoring exception during setRollbackOnly
WFLYEJB0020 ERROR Error invoking timeout for timer: %s
WFLYEJB0021 INFO Timer: %s will be retried
WFLYEJB0022 ERROR Error during retrying timeout for timer: %s
WFLYEJB0023 INFO Retrying timeout for timer: %s
WFLYEJB0024 INFO Timer is not active, skipping retry of timer: %s
WFLYEJB0026 WARN Could not read timer information for Jakarta Enterprise Beans component %s
WFLYEJB0028 ERROR %s is not a directory, could not restore timers
WFLYEJB0029 ERROR Could not restore timer from %s
WFLYEJB0030 ERROR error closing file
WFLYEJB0031 ERROR Could not restore timers for %s
WFLYEJB0032 ERROR Could not create directory %s to persist Jakarta Enterprise Beans timers.
WFLYEJB0034 ERROR Jakarta Enterprise Beans Invocation failed on component %s for method %s
WFLYEJB0035 WARN Could not find Jakarta Enterprise Beans bean for locator %s, Jakarta Enterprise Beans client proxy will not be replaced
WFLYEJB0036 WARN Jakarta Enterprise Beans bean %s is not being replaced with a Stub as it is not exposed over IIOP
WFLYEJB0037 ERROR Dynamic stub creation failed for class %s
WFLYEJB0042 INFO Started message driven bean '%s' with '%s' resource adapter
WFLYEJB0043 WARN A previous execution of timer %s is still in progress, skipping this overlapping scheduled execution at: %s.
WFLYEJB0044 java.lang.IllegalStateException Resource adapter repository is not available
WFLYEJB0045 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not find an Endpoint for resource adapter %s
WFLYEJB0046 java.lang.IllegalStateException Endpoint is not available for message driven component %s
WFLYEJB0047 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not deactivate endpoint for message driven component %s
WFLYEJB0049 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create an instance of cluster node selector %s for cluster %s
WFLYEJB0050 WARN Failed to parse property %s due to %s
WFLYEJB0051 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find view %s for Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s
WFLYEJB0052 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot perform asynchronous local invocation for component that is not a session bean
WFLYEJB0053 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is not a Stateful Session bean in app: %s module: %s distinct-name: %s
WFLYEJB0054 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to marshal Jakarta Enterprise Beans parameters
WFLYEJB0055 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException No matching deployment for Jakarta Enterprise Beans: %s
WFLYEJB0056 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException Could not find Jakarta Enterprise Beans in matching deployment: %s
WFLYEJB0057 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s annotation is only valid on method targets
WFLYEJB0058 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method %s, on class %s, annotated with @jakarta.interceptor.AroundTimeout is expected to accept a single param of type jakarta.interceptor.InvocationContext
WFLYEJB0059 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method %s, on class %s, annotated with @jakarta.interceptor.AroundTimeout must return Object type
WFLYEJB0060 java.lang.IllegalStateException Wrong tx on thread: expected %s, actual %s
WFLYEJB0061 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown transaction attribute %s on invocation %s
WFLYEJB0062 jakarta.ejb.EJBTransactionRequiredException Transaction is required for invocation %s
WFLYEJB0063 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Transaction present on server in Never call (Enterprise Beans 3
WFLYEJB0064 ERROR Failed to set transaction for rollback only
WFLYEJB0065 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException View interface cannot be null
WFLYEJB0068 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load view class for component %s
WFLYEJB0073 jakarta.ejb.RemoveException Illegal call to EJBHome.remove(Object) on a session bean
WFLYEJB0074 java.lang.IllegalStateException Enterprise Beans 3.1 FR setRollbackOnly is not allowed with SUPPORTS transaction attribute
WFLYEJB0075 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Cannot call getPrimaryKey on a session bean
WFLYEJB0076 java.lang.RuntimeException Singleton beans cannot have Enterprise Beans 2.x views
WFLYEJB0078 java.lang.IllegalStateException Bean %s does not have an EJBLocalObject
WFLYEJB0079 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException [Enterprise Beans 3.1 spec, section 14.1.1] Class: %s cannot be marked as an application exception because it is not of type java.lang.Exception
WFLYEJB0080 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException [Enterprise Beans 3.1 spec, section 14.1.1] Exception class: %s cannot be marked as an application exception because it is of type java.rmi.RemoteException
WFLYEJB0081 java.lang.RuntimeException %s annotation is allowed only on classes. %s is not a class
WFLYEJB0082 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Bean %s specifies @Remote annotation, but does not implement 1 interface
WFLYEJB0083 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Bean %s specifies @Local annotation, but does not implement 1 interface
WFLYEJB0084 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not analyze remote interface for %s
WFLYEJB0085 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Exception while parsing %s
WFLYEJB0086 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to install management resources for %s
WFLYEJB0087 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load view %s
WFLYEJB0088 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not determine type of ejb-ref %s for injection target %s
WFLYEJB0089 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not determine type of ejb-local-ref %s for injection target %s
WFLYEJB0090 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException @EJB injection target %s is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed
WFLYEJB0091 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @EJB attribute 'name' is required for class level annotations. Class: %s
WFLYEJB0092 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @EJB attribute 'beanInterface' is required for class level annotations. Class: %s
WFLYEJB0093 java.lang.IllegalStateException Module hasn't been attached to deployment unit %s
WFLYEJB0094 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Enterprise Beans 3.1 FR 5.4.2 MessageDrivenBean %s does not implement 1 interface nor specifies message listener interface
WFLYEJB0095 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown session bean type %s
WFLYEJB0096 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException More than one method found with name %s on %s
WFLYEJB0097 java.lang.RuntimeException Unknown Jakarta Enterprise Beans locator type %s
WFLYEJB0098 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create CORBA object for %s
WFLYEJB0099 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Provided locator %s was not for Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s
WFLYEJB0100 java.io.IOException Failed to lookup java:comp/ORB
WFLYEJB0101 java.io.IOException %s is not an ObjectImpl
WFLYEJB0102 jakarta.resource.spi.UnavailableException Message endpoint %s has already been released
WFLYEJB0107 java.lang.IllegalStateException Timer invocation failed, invoker is not started
WFLYEJB0109 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid value for second: %s
WFLYEJB0110 org.jboss.as.ejb3.tx.TimerTransactionRolledBackException Timer invocation failed, transaction rolled back
WFLYEJB0111 INFO No jndi bindings will be created for Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s since no views are exposed
WFLYEJB0118 WARN [Enterprise Beans 3.1 spec, section 4.9.2] Session bean implementation class MUST NOT be a interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a session bean
WFLYEJB0119 WARN [Enterprise Beans 3.1 spec, section 4.9.2] Session bean implementation class MUST be public, not abstract and not final - %s won't be considered as a session bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement
WFLYEJB0120 WARN [Enterprise Beans 3.1 spec, section 5.6.2] Message driven bean implementation class MUST NOT be a interface - %s is an interface, hence won't be considered as a message driven bean
WFLYEJB0121 WARN [Enterprise Beans 3.1 spec, section 5.6.2] Message driven bean implementation class MUST be public, not abstract and not final - %s won't be considered as a message driven bean, since it doesn't meet that requirement
WFLYEJB0125 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not create an instance of deployment node selector %s
WFLYEJB0127 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s of type %s must have public default constructor
WFLYEJB0128 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s of type %s must not be inner class
WFLYEJB0129 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s of type %s must be declared public
WFLYEJB0130 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s of type %s must not be declared final
WFLYEJB0131 WARN Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s should not have a final or static method (%s)
WFLYEJB0132 java.lang.IllegalStateException @PostConstruct method of Jakarta Enterprise Beans singleton %s of type %s has been recursively invoked
WFLYEJB0137 java.lang.IllegalStateException Only session and message-driven beans with bean-managed transaction demarcation are allowed to access UserTransaction
WFLYEJB0139 java.lang.String The timer service has been disabled. Please add a entry into the Jakarta Enterprise Beans section of the server configuration to enable it.
WFLYEJB0140 java.lang.String This Jakarta Enterprise Beans does not have any timeout methods
WFLYEJB0141 ERROR Exception calling deployment added listener
WFLYEJB0142 ERROR Exception calling deployment removal listener
WFLYEJB0143 ERROR Failed to remove management resources for %s -- %s
WFLYEJB0144 INFO CORBA interface repository for %s: %s
WFLYEJB0145 ERROR Cannot unregister EJBHome from CORBA naming service
WFLYEJB0146 ERROR Cannot deactivate home servant
WFLYEJB0147 ERROR Cannot deactivate bean servant
WFLYEJB0150 ERROR Could not write method invocation failure for method %s on bean named %s for appname %s modulename %s distinctname %s due to
WFLYEJB0151 ERROR Exception while generating session id for component %s with invocation %s
WFLYEJB0157 ERROR Failed to get status
WFLYEJB0158 ERROR Failed to rollback
WFLYEJB0159 ERROR BMT stateful bean '%s' did not complete user transaction properly status=%s
WFLYEJB0161 WARN Failed to reinstate timer '%s' (id=%s) from its persistent state
WFLYEJB0162 WARN A previous execution of timer %s is being retried, skipping this scheduled execution at: %s
WFLYEJB0163 ERROR Cannot create table for timer persistence
WFLYEJB0164 ERROR Exception running timer task for timer %s on Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s
WFLYEJB0166 WARN The @%s annotation is deprecated and will be ignored.
WFLYEJB0167 WARN The <%2$s xmlns="%1$s"/> element will be ignored.
WFLYEJB0168 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException Could not find Jakarta Enterprise Beans with id %s
WFLYEJB0169 java.lang.IllegalStateException Component not set in InterceptorContext: %s
WFLYEJB0170 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method name cannot be null
WFLYEJB0171 java.lang.IllegalStateException Bean %s does not have a Home interface
WFLYEJB0172 java.lang.IllegalStateException Bean %s does not have a Local Home interface
WFLYEJB0173 java.lang.IllegalStateException Enterprise Beans 3.1 FR 13.6.1 Only beans with container-managed transaction demarcation can use getRollbackOnly.
WFLYEJB0174 java.lang.IllegalStateException getRollbackOnly() not allowed without a transaction.
WFLYEJB0175 java.lang.IllegalStateException getRollbackOnly() not allowed after transaction is completed (EJBTHREE-1445)
WFLYEJB0177 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException jndi name cannot be null during lookup
WFLYEJB0178 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No NamespaceContextSelector available, cannot lookup %s
WFLYEJB0179 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not lookup jndi name: %s
WFLYEJB0180 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot lookup jndi name: %s since it doesn't belong to java:app, java:module, java:comp or java:global namespace
WFLYEJB0181 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not lookup jndi name: %s in context: %s
WFLYEJB0182 java.lang.IllegalStateException Enterprise Beans 3.1 FR 13.6.1 Only beans with container-managed transaction demarcation can use setRollbackOnly.
WFLYEJB0183 java.lang.IllegalStateException setRollbackOnly() not allowed without a transaction.
WFLYEJB0184 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException EjbJarConfiguration cannot be null
WFLYEJB0185 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot set security roles to null
WFLYEJB0193 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot link from a null or empty security role: %s
WFLYEJB0194 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot link to a null or empty security role: %s
WFLYEJB0195 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException EjbJarConfiguration not found as an attachment in deployment unit: %s
WFLYEJB0196 java.lang.IllegalStateException ComponentViewInstance not available in interceptor context: %s
WFLYEJB0199 java.lang.IllegalStateException No resource adapter registered with resource adapter name %s
WFLYEJB0202 java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Task did not complete in %s %S
WFLYEJB0203 java.util.concurrent.CancellationException Task was cancelled
WFLYEJB0206 java.lang.IllegalStateException Not implemented yet
WFLYEJB0213 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected component: %s component Expected %s
WFLYEJB0214 java.lang.IllegalStateException EjbJarConfiguration hasn't been set in %s Cannot create component create service for Jakarta Enterprise Beans %S
WFLYEJB0218 java.lang.IllegalStateException PoolConfig cannot be null or empty
WFLYEJB0220 java.lang.IllegalStateException [Enterprise Beans 3.1 spec, section 4.9.7] - Can't add view class: %s as local view since it's already marked as remote view for bean: %s
WFLYEJB0221 java.lang.IllegalStateException Business interface type cannot be null
WFLYEJB0222 java.lang.IllegalStateException Bean %s does not have an %s
WFLYEJB0223 java.lang.IllegalStateException Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.1 FR getRollbackOnly is not allowed with SUPPORTS attribute
WFLYEJB0224 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Not a business method %s. Do not call non-public methods on Jakarta Enterprise Beans's
WFLYEJB0225 java.lang.Exception Component instance isn't available for invocation: %s
WFLYEJB0228 jakarta.ejb.ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException Enterprise Beans 3.1 FR concurrent access timeout on %s - could not obtain lock within %s %s
WFLYEJB0234 java.lang.IllegalStateException Session id hasn't been set for stateful component: %s
WFLYEJB0235 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException @Remove method identifier cannot be null
WFLYEJB0236 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Component %s with component class: %s%n isn't a %s component
WFLYEJB0237 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException both methodIntf and className are set on %s
WFLYEJB0238 jakarta.ejb.IllegalLoopbackException Enterprise Beans 3.1 PFD2 upgrading from read to write lock is not allowed
WFLYEJB0239 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s cannot be null
WFLYEJB0240 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invocation context: %s cannot be processed because it's not applicable for a method invocation
WFLYEJB0241 jakarta.ejb.ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException Enterprise Beans 3.1 PFD2 concurrent access timeout on %s - could not obtain lock within %s
WFLYEJB0242 java.lang.IllegalStateException Illegal lock type %s on %s for component %s
WFLYEJB0244 java.lang.IllegalStateException No asynchronous invocation in progress
WFLYEJB0255 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException cannot be null or empty in %nfor bean: %s
WFLYEJB0256 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Default interceptors cannot specify a method to bind to in ejb-jar.xml
WFLYEJB0258 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Two ejb-jar.xml bindings for %s specify an absolute order
WFLYEJB0259 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find method %s.%s referenced in ejb-jar.xml
WFLYEJB0260 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException More than one method %s found on class %s referenced in ejb-jar.xml. Specify the parameter types to resolve the ambiguity
WFLYEJB0261 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find method %s.%s with parameter types %s referenced in ejb-jar.xml
WFLYEJB0262 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load component class for component %s
WFLYEJB0264 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not merge data for %s
WFLYEJB0265 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load Jakarta Enterprise Beans class %s
WFLYEJB0266 java.lang.RuntimeException Only one %s method is allowed on bean %s
WFLYEJB0267 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not determine type of corresponding implied Enterprise Beans 2.x local interface (see Enterprise Beans 3.1 21.4.5)%n due to multiple create* methods with different return types on home %s
WFLYEJB0268 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s referenced by @DependsOn annotation in %s
WFLYEJB0269 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException More than one Jakarta Enterprise Beans called %s referenced by @DependsOn annotation in %s Components:%s
WFLYEJB0270 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Async method %s does not return void or Future
WFLYEJB0271 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load application exception class %s in ejb-jar.xml
WFLYEJB0272 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s entity bean %s implemented TimedObject, but has a different timeout method specified either via annotations or via the deployment descriptor
WFLYEJB0273 java.lang.RuntimeException %s does not have an Enterprise Beans 2.x local interface
WFLYEJB0274 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Local Home not allowed for %s
WFLYEJB0275 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not resolve corresponding ejbCreate or @Init method for home interface method %s on Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s
WFLYEJB0276 java.lang.IllegalStateException EJBComponent has not been set in the current invocation context %s
WFLYEJB0286 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid schedule %s value: %s
WFLYEJB0291 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid value: %s since %s doesn't support values of types %s
WFLYEJB0292 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A list value can only contain either a range or an individual value. Invalid value: %s
WFLYEJB0294 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid value: %s Valid values are between %s and %s
WFLYEJB0303 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invoker cannot be null
WFLYEJB0305 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Executor cannot be null
WFLYEJB0306 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid timer parameter: %s = %s
WFLYEJB0325 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot invoke timer service methods in lifecycle callback of non-singleton beans
WFLYEJB0326 java.lang.IllegalStateException Timer cannot be null
WFLYEJB0327 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s Timer handles are only available for persistent timers.
WFLYEJB0328 jakarta.ejb.NoMoreTimeoutsException No more timeouts for timer %s
WFLYEJB0329 java.lang.IllegalStateException Timer %s is not a calendar based timer
WFLYEJB0330 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException Timer %s has expired
WFLYEJB0331 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException Timer %s was canceled
WFLYEJB0338 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Timerservice with timedObjectId: %s is not registered
WFLYEJB0339 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException Timer for handle with timer id: %s, timedObjectId: %s is not active
WFLYEJB0341 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot invoke getTimeoutMethod on a timer which is not an auto-timer
WFLYEJB0342 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load declaring class: %s of timeout method
WFLYEJB0343 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot invoke timeout method because method %s is not a timeout method
WFLYEJB0344 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create timer file store directory %s
WFLYEJB0345 java.lang.RuntimeException Timer file store directory %s does not exist
WFLYEJB0346 java.lang.RuntimeException Timer file store directory %s is not a directory
WFLYEJB0347 java.lang.IllegalStateException Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s are enabled for security but doesn't have a security domain set
WFLYEJB0348 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is not a Jakarta Enterprise Beans component
WFLYEJB0349 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load view class for ejb %s
WFLYEJB0350 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Component named %s with component class %s is not a Jakarta Enterprise Beans component
WFLYEJB0356 java.lang.IllegalStateException Jakarta Enterprise Beans component type %s does not support pools
WFLYEJB0357 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown Jakarta Enterprise Beans Component type %s
WFLYEJB0363 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s cannot handle method %s of view class %s.Expected view method to be %s on view class %s
WFLYEJB0364 jakarta.ejb.EJBAccessException Invocation on method: %s of bean: %s is not allowed
WFLYEJB0365 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown Jakarta Enterprise Beans Component description type %s
WFLYEJB0366 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown attribute %s
WFLYEJB0367 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown operation %s
WFLYEJB0368 java.lang.String No Jakarta Enterprise Beans component registered for address %s
WFLYEJB0369 java.lang.String No Jakarta Enterprise Beans component is available for address %s
WFLYEJB0370 java.lang.String Jakarta Enterprise Beans component for address %s is in %n state %s, must be in state %s
WFLYEJB0372 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Component class %s has multiple @Timeout annotations
WFLYEJB0373 java.lang.IllegalStateException Current component is not a Jakarta Enterprise Beans bean %s
WFLYEJB0374 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s not allowed in lifecycle methods
WFLYEJB0376 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot call %s when invoking through %s or %s
WFLYEJB0377 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is not allowed from stateful beans
WFLYEJB0378 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Failed to acquire a permit within %s %s
WFLYEJB0379 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Acquire semaphore was interrupted
WFLYEJB0382 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not determine ClassLoader for stub %s
WFLYEJB0383 java.lang.IllegalStateException No message listener of type %s found in resource adapter %s
WFLYEJB0384 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find method %s from view %s on Jakarta Enterprise Beans class %s
WFLYEJB0385 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s cannot be null or empty
WFLYEJB0386 jakarta.ejb.RemoveException Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.6.4 Cannot remove Jakarta Enterprise Beans via Enterprise Beans 2.x remove() method while participating in a transaction
WFLYEJB0387 java.rmi.RemoteException Transaction propagation over IIOP is not supported
WFLYEJB0388 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot call method %s in afterCompletion callback
WFLYEJB0389 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot call %s when state is %s
WFLYEJB0390 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is already associated with serialization group %s
WFLYEJB0391 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is not compatible with serialization group %s
WFLYEJB0392 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cache entry %s is in use
WFLYEJB0393 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cache entry %s is not in use
WFLYEJB0394 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to acquire lock on %s
WFLYEJB0395 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is already a member of serialization group %s
WFLYEJB0396 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is not a member of serialization group %s
WFLYEJB0397 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s already exists in cache
WFLYEJB0398 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is missing from cache
WFLYEJB0399 java.lang.IllegalStateException Incompatible cache implementations in nested hierarchy
WFLYEJB0400 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to passivate %s
WFLYEJB0401 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to activate %s
WFLYEJB0402 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create passivation directory: %s
WFLYEJB0403 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create passivation directory: %s
WFLYEJB0404 java.lang.IllegalStateException Group creation context already exists
WFLYEJB0405 java.lang.String No Jakarta Enterprise Beans found with interface of type '%s' and name '%s' for binding %s
WFLYEJB0406 java.lang.String No Jakarta Enterprise Beans found with interface of type '%s' for binding %s
WFLYEJB0407 java.lang.String More than one Jakarta Enterprise Beans found with interface of type '%s' and name '%s' for binding %s. Found: %s
WFLYEJB0408 java.lang.String More than one Jakarta Enterprise Beans found with interface of type '%s' for binding %s. Found: %s
WFLYEJB0409 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @Clustered annotation cannot be used with message driven beans. %s failed since %s bean is marked with @Clustered on class %s
WFLYEJB0410 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @Clustered annotation cannot be used with entity beans. %s failed since %s bean is marked with @Clustered on class %s
WFLYEJB0411 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @Clustered annotation is currently not supported for singleton Jakarta Enterprise Beans. %s failed since %s bean is marked with @Clustered on class %s
WFLYEJB0412 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException %s failed since @Clustered annotation cannot be used for %s bean on class %s
WFLYEJB0413 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException not specified for Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s. This must be present in ejb-jar.xml
WFLYEJB0414 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Default interceptors cannot specify an element in ejb-jar.xml
WFLYEJB0416 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s cannot be null
WFLYEJB0419 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Pool name cannot be empty string for bean %s
WFLYEJB0420 java.lang.IllegalStateException No EjbContext available as no Jakarta Enterprise Beans invocation is active
WFLYEJB0421 org.jboss.as.ejb3.component.EJBComponentUnavailableException Invocation cannot proceed as component is shutting down
WFLYEJB0423 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create session for stateful bean %s
WFLYEJB0436 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown channel creation option type %s
WFLYEJB0437 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not determine remote interface from home interface %s for bean %s
WFLYEJB0438 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not determine local interface from local home interface %s for bean %s
WFLYEJB0442 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Unexpected Error
WFLYEJB0443 java.lang.String Enterprise Beans 3.1 FR 13.3.3: BMT bean %s should complete transaction before returning.
WFLYEJB0445 java.lang.IllegalStateException Detected asymmetric usage of cache
WFLYEJB0446 java.lang.IllegalStateException The timer %s is already active.
WFLYEJB0447 jakarta.transaction.RollbackException Transaction '%s' was already rolled back
WFLYEJB0448 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Transaction '%s' is in unexpected state (%s)
WFLYEJB0449 java.lang.String Timerservice API is not allowed on stateful session bean %s
WFLYEJB0450 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Entity Beans are no longer supported, beans %s cannot be deployed
WFLYEJB0451 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Attribute '%s' is not supported on current version servers; it is only allowed if its value matches '%s'
WFLYEJB0453 ERROR Failed to persist timer %s
WFLYEJB0454 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Only one instance on with an ejb-name of * can be present.
WFLYEJB0455 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException elements that use the wildcard Jakarta Enterprise Beans name * can only use a method name of *
WFLYEJB0456 ERROR Failed to refresh timers for %s
WFLYEJB0457 jakarta.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException Unexpected Error
WFLYEJB0459 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Module %s containing bean %s is not deployed in ear but it specifies resource adapter name '%s' in a relative format.
WFLYEJB0460 WARN The transaction isolation need to be equal or stricter than READ_COMMITTED to ensure that the timer run once-and-only-once
WFLYEJB0461 ERROR Update timer failed and it was not possible to rollback the transaction!
WFLYEJB0462 WARN Timer service database-data-store database attribute is not configured, and is not detected from connection metadata or JDBC driver name.
WFLYEJB0463 WARN Invalid transaction attribute type %s on SFSB lifecycle method %s of class %s, valid types are REQUIRES_NEW and NOT_SUPPORTED. Method will be treated as NOT_SUPPORTED.
WFLYEJB0464 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The "disable-default-ejb-permissions" attribute may not be set to true
WFLYEJB0465 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Invalid client descriptor configuration: 'profile' and 'remoting-ejb-receivers' cannot be used together
WFLYEJB0466 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to process business interfaces for Jakarta Enterprise Beans class %s
WFLYEJB0467 org.jboss.as.ejb3.component.EJBComponentUnavailableException The request was rejected as the container is suspended
WFLYEJB0468 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Timer invocation failed
WFLYEJB0469 java.lang.IllegalStateException Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed
WFLYEJB0471 java.lang.RuntimeException RMI/IIOP Violation: %s%n
WFLYEJB0472 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot obtain exception repository id for %s:%n%s
WFLYEJB0473 INFO JNDI bindings for session bean named '%s' in deployment unit '%s' are as follows:%s
WFLYEJB0474 ERROR Attribute '%s' is not supported on current version servers; it is only allowed if its value matches '%s'. This attribute should be removed.
WFLYEJB0475 INFO MDB delivery started: %s,%s
WFLYEJB0476 INFO MDB delivery stopped: %s,%s
WFLYEJB0477 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException MDB delivery group is missing: %s
WFLYEJB0480 ERROR Loaded timer (%s) for Jakarta Enterprise Beans (%s) and this node that is marked as being in a timeout. The original timeout may not have been processed. Please use graceful shutdown to ensure timeout tasks are finished before shutting down.
WFLYEJB0481 INFO Strict pool %s is using a max instance size of %d (per class), which is derived from thread worker pool sizing.
WFLYEJB0482 INFO Strict pool %s is using a max instance size of %d (per class), which is derived from the number of CPUs on this host.
WFLYEJB0483 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Attributes are mutually exclusive: %s, %s
WFLYEJB0485 WARN Transaction type %s is unspecified for the %s method of the %s message-driven bean. It will be handled as NOT_SUPPORTED.
WFLYEJB0486 INFO Parameter 'default-clustered-sfsb-cache' was defined for the 'add' operation for resource '%s'. This parameter is deprecated and its previous behavior has been remapped to attribute 'default-sfsb-cache'. As a result the 'default-sfsb-cache' attribute has been set to '%s' and the 'default-sfsb-passivation-disabled-cache' attribute has been set to '%s'.
WFLYEJB0487 ERROR Unexpected invocation state %s
WFLYEJB0489 ERROR Timer %s not running as transaction could not be started
WFLYEJB0490 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Multiple security domains not supported
WFLYEJB0491 jakarta.ejb.EJBException The transaction begin request was rejected as the container is suspended
WFLYEJB0492 INFO Jakarta Enterprise Beans subsystem suspension waiting for active transactions, %d transaction(s) remaining
WFLYEJB0493 INFO Jakarta Enterprise Beans subsystem suspension complete
WFLYEJB0494 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to obtain SSLContext
WFLYEJB0495 WARN Ignoring the persisted start or end date for scheduled expression of timer ID:%s as it is not valid : %s.
WFLYEJB0496 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not create an instance of Jakarta Enterprise Beans client interceptor %s
WFLYEJB0497 WARN Failed to persist timer %s on startup. This is likely due to another cluster member making the same change, and should not affect operation.
WFLYEJB0499 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot read derived size - service %s unreachable
WFLYEJB0501 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to activate MDB %s
WFLYEJB0502 ERROR Exception checking if timer %s should run
WFLYEJB0503 WARN [Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 spec, section 5.6.4] Message Driven Bean 'onMessage' method can not be final (MDB: %s).
WFLYEJB0504 WARN [Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 spec, section 5.6.4] Message Driven Bean 'onMessage' method can not be private (MDB: %s).
WFLYEJB0505 WARN [Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 spec, section 5.6.4] Message Driven Bean 'onMessage' method can not be static (MDB: %s).
WFLYEJB0506 WARN [Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 spec, section 5.6.2] Message Driven Bean can not have a 'finalize' method. (MDB: %s)
WFLYEJB0507 ERROR Failed to persist timer's state %s. Timer has to be restored manually
WFLYEJB0508 WARN Failed to persist timer's state %s due to %s
WFLYEJB0509 WARN Clustered Jakarta Enterprise Beans in Node: %s are bound to INADDR_ANY(%s). Either use a non-wildcard server bind address or add client-mapping entries to the relevant socket-binding for the Remoting connector
WFLYEJB0510 WARN @RunAs annotation is required when using @RunAsPrincipal on class %s
WFLYEJB0511 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot build reflection index for server interceptor class %s
WFLYEJB0512 java.lang.RuntimeException Server interceptor class %s does not have a no parameter constructor
WFLYEJB0513 java.lang.RuntimeException Method %s in server interceptor %s annotated with %s has invalid signature
WFLYEJB0514 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot load server interceptor module %s
WFLYEJB0515 WARN [Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 spec, section 4.9.2] Singleton session beans are not allowed to implement 'jakarta.ejb.SessionBean' interface. This interface on bean '%s' is going to be ignored and should be removed.
WFLYEJB0516 INFO IIOP bindings for session bean named '%s' in deployment unit '%s' are as follows: %s
WFLYEJB0517 ERROR [Jakarta Enterprise Beans 3.2 spec, section 4.1] Spec violation for class %s. Session Jakarta Enterprise Beans should have only one of the following types : Stateful, Stateless, Singleton.
WFLYEJB0518 java.io.InvalidClassException Exception resolving class %s for unmarshalling; it has either been blocklisted or not allowlisted
WFLYEJB0519 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid unmarshalling filter specification %s; specifications must describe class or package name matching patterns
WFLYEJB0521 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Some classes referenced by annotation: %s in class: %s are missing.
WFLYEJB0522 WARN The default pool name %s could not be resolved from its value: %s
WFLYEJB0523 WARN Timer %s has not been deployed
WFLYEJB0524 java.lang.RuntimeException Timer %s cannot be added
WFLYEJB0525 WARN The 'mappedName' in Jakarta Enterprise Beans annotations is not supported. Value of '%s' for Jakarta Enterprise Beans '%s' will be ignored.
WFLYEJB0526 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Timer %s does not exist
WFLYEJB0527 ERROR Remoting connector (address %s, port %s) is not correctly configured for EJB client invocations, the connector must be listed in 'connectors' attribute to receive EJB client invocations
WFLYEJB0528 DEBUG Jakarta Enterprise Beans business method %s must be public
WFLYEJB0529 WARN Failed to retrieve info from database for timer: %s
WFLYEJB0530 java.lang.IllegalStateException The deployment is configured to use a legacy security domain '%s' which is no longer supported.
WFLYEJB0531 WARN No client mappings registry provider found for %s; using legacy provider based on static configuration
WFLYEJB0532 WARN Database detected from configuration is: '%s'. If this is incorrect, please specify the correct database.
WFLYEJB0533 java.rmi.RemoteException Invocation failed
WFLYEJB0534 java.lang.SecurityException Authentication failed
WFLYEJB0535 java.lang.IllegalStateException Message endpoint %s has already been released
WFLYEJB0536 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported EJB receiver protocol %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYELY00000 java.lang.String Reload dependent services which might already have cached the secret value
WFLYELY00000 java.lang.String Update dependent resources as alias '%s' does not exist anymore
WFLYELY00002 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Can not inject the same realm '%s' in a single security domain.
WFLYELY00003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The operation did not contain an address with a value for '%s'.
WFLYELY00004 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to start the service.
WFLYELY00005 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to access KeyStore to complete the requested operation.
WFLYELY00007 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The required service '%s' is not UP, it is currently '%s'.
WFLYELY00008 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid operation name '%s', expected one of '%s'
WFLYELY00009 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to complete operation. '%s'
WFLYELY00010 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to save KeyStore - KeyStore file '%s' does not exist.
WFLYELY00012 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException No suitable provider found for type '%s'
WFLYELY00013 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The default-realm '%s' is not in the list of realms [%s] referenced by this domain.
WFLYELY00014 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to load the properties files required to start the properties file backed realm: Users file: '%s' Groups file: '%s'
WFLYELY00015 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException The custom component implementation '%s' does not implement method initialize(Map), however configuration has been supplied.
WFLYELY00016 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The supplied regular expression '%s' is invalid.
WFLYELY00017 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Property file referenced in properties-realm does not exist: %s
WFLYELY00018 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to create %s for algorithm '%s'.
WFLYELY00019 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException No '%s' found in injected value.
WFLYELY00020 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to reload the properties files required to by the properties file backed realm.
WFLYELY00021 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Exception while creating the permission object for the permission mapping. Please check [class-name], [target-name] (name of permission) and [action] of [%s].
WFLYELY00022 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException KeyStore file '%s' does not exist and required.
WFLYELY00023 WARN KeyStore file '%s' does not exist. Used blank.
WFLYELY00024 WARN Certificate [%s] in KeyStore is not valid
WFLYELY00025 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Referenced property file is invalid: %s
WFLYELY00027 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to obtain OID for X.500 attribute '%s'
WFLYELY00028 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The X.500 attribute must be defined by name or by OID
WFLYELY00029 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to parse URL '%s'
WFLYELY00030 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Realm '%s' does not support cache
WFLYELY00031 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to access CRL file.
WFLYELY00032 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to reload CRL file.
WFLYELY00033 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to access entry [%s] from key store [%s].
WFLYELY00034 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException A principal query can only have a single key mapper
WFLYELY00035 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load module '%s'.
WFLYELY00036 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Security realm '%s' has been referenced twice in the same security domain.
WFLYELY00037 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Injected value is not of '%s' type.
WFLYELY00038 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Could not load permission class '%s'
WFLYELY00039 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to reload CRL file - TrustManager is not reloadable
WFLYELY00040 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to load the permission module '%s' for the permission mapping
WFLYELY00041 java.lang.String Unable to transform configuration to the target version - attribute '%s' is different from '%s'
WFLYELY00042 java.lang.String Unable to transform multiple 'authorization-realms' to the single value
WFLYELY00043 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException A cycle has been detected initialising the resources - %s
WFLYELY00044 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected name of servicename's parent - %s
WFLYELY00045 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to load CallbackHandler from the provided module.
WFLYELY00046 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Provided path '%s' to JAAS configuration file does not exist.
WFLYELY00047 WARN LDAP Realm is configured to use direct-verification and user-password-mapper which is invalid configuration.
WFLYELY00048 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A string representation of an X.500 distinguished name is required: %s
WFLYELY00049 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Entry is not defined.
WFLYELY00909 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Credential store '%s' does not support given credential store entry type '%s'
WFLYELY00910 java.io.IOException Password cannot be resolved for key-store '%s'
WFLYELY00911 java.io.IOException Credential store '%s' protection parameter cannot be resolved
WFLYELY00913 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Credential alias '%s' of credential type '%s' already exists in the store
WFLYELY00914 java.security.NoSuchProviderException Provider loader '%s' cannot supply Credential Store provider of type '%s'
WFLYELY00916 java.lang.IllegalStateException Credential cannot be resolved
WFLYELY00917 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Password cannot be resolved for dir-context
WFLYELY00920 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Credential alias '%s' of credential type '%s' does not exist in the store
WFLYELY00921 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Location parameter is not specified for filebased keystore type '%s'
WFLYELY00922 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException Unable to load credential from credential store.
WFLYELY00923 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to encrypt the supplied clear text.
WFLYELY00924 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to create immediately available credential store.
WFLYELY00925 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to reload the credential store.
WFLYELY00926 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to initialize the credential store.
WFLYELY00927 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The secret key operation '%s' failed to complete due to '%s'.
WFLYELY01000 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Identity with name [%s] already exists.
WFLYELY01001 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create identity with name [%s].
WFLYELY01002 java.lang.String Identity with name [%s] not found.
WFLYELY01003 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not delete identity with name [%s].
WFLYELY01004 java.lang.String Identity with name [%s] not authorized.
WFLYELY01005 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not read identity [%s] from security domain [%s].
WFLYELY01007 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not read identity with name [%s].
WFLYELY01008 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to obtain the authorization identity.
WFLYELY01009 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to add attribute.
WFLYELY01010 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to remove attribute.
WFLYELY01011 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create password.
WFLYELY01012 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unexpected password type [%s].
WFLYELY01013 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Pattern [%s] requires a capture group
WFLYELY01014 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid [%s] definition. Only one of '%s' or '%s' can be set in one Object in the list of filters.
WFLYELY01015 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to perform automatic outflow for '%s'
WFLYELY01016 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Server '%s' not known
WFLYELY01017 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid value for cipher-suite-filter. %s
WFLYELY01018 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid size %s
WFLYELY01019 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The suffix (%s) can not contain seconds or milliseconds.
WFLYELY01020 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The suffix (%s) is invalid. A suffix must be a valid date format.
WFLYELY01022 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to set policy [%s]
WFLYELY01023 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Could not find policy provider with name [%s]
WFLYELY01024 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to register policy context handlers
WFLYELY01025 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create policy [%s]
WFLYELY01026 WARN Element '%s' with attribute '%s' set to '%s' is unused. Since unused policy configurations can no longer be stored in the configuration model this item is being discarded.
WFLYELY01027 java.io.IOException Key password cannot be resolved for key-store '%s'
WFLYELY01028 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid value for not-before. %s
WFLYELY01029 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Alias '%s' does not exist in KeyStore
WFLYELY01030 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Alias '%s' does not identify a PrivateKeyEntry in KeyStore
WFLYELY01031 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to obtain PrivateKey for alias '%s'
WFLYELY01032 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to obtain Certificate for alias '%s'
WFLYELY01033 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No certificates found in certificate reply
WFLYELY01034 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Public key from certificate reply does not match public key from certificate in KeyStore
WFLYELY01035 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Certificate reply is the same as the certificate from PrivateKeyEntry in KeyStore
WFLYELY01036 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Alias '%s' already exists in KeyStore
WFLYELY01037 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Top-most certificate from certificate reply is not trusted. Inspect the certificate carefully and if it is valid, execute import-certificate again with validate set to false.
WFLYELY01038 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Trusted certificate is already in KeyStore under alias '%s'
WFLYELY01039 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Trusted certificate is already in cacerts KeyStore under alias '%s'
WFLYELY01040 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to determine if the certificate is trusted. Inspect the certificate carefully and if it is valid, execute import-certificate again with validate set to false.
WFLYELY01041 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Certificate file does not exist
WFLYELY01042 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to obtain Entry for alias '%s'
WFLYELY01043 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to create an account with the certificate authority: %s
WFLYELY01044 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to change the account key associated with the certificate authority: %s
WFLYELY01045 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to deactivate the account associated with the certificate authority: %s
WFLYELY01046 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to obtain certificate authority account Certificate for alias '%s'
WFLYELY01047 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to obtain certificate authority account PrivateKey for alias '%s'
WFLYELY01048 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to update certificate authority account key store: %s
WFLYELY01049 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Unable to respond to challenge from certificate authority: %s
WFLYELY01050 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Invalid certificate authority challenge
WFLYELY01051 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid certificate revocation reason '%s'
WFLYELY01052 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to instantiate AcmeClientSpi implementation
WFLYELY01053 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to update the account with the certificate authority: %s
WFLYELY01054 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to get the metadata associated with the certificate authority: %s
WFLYELY01055 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid key size: %d
WFLYELY01056 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException A certificate authority account with this account key already exists. To update the contact information associated with this existing account, use %s. To change the key associated with this existing account, use %s.
WFLYELY01057 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create ServerAuthModule [%s] using module '%s'
WFLYELY01058 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to parse PEM public key with kid: %s
WFLYELY01059 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to detect KeyStore '%s'
WFLYELY01060 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Fileless KeyStore needs to have a defined type.
WFLYELY01061 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid value of host context map: '%s' is not valid hostname pattern.
WFLYELY01062 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value for attribute '%s' is invalid.
WFLYELY01063 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException LetsEncrypt certificate authority is configured by default.
WFLYELY01064 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to load OCSP responder certificate '%s'.
WFLYELY01065 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Multiple maximum-cert-path definitions found.
WFLYELY01066 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid value for cipher-suite-names. %s
WFLYELY01067 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Value '%s' is not valid regex.
WFLYELY01068 java.lang.IllegalStateException Duplicate PolicyContextHandler found for key '%s'.
WFLYELY01069 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid %s loaded, expected %s but received %s.
WFLYELY01079 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to load module '%s'.
WFLYELY01080 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Non existing key store needs to have defined type.
WFLYELY01081 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to lazily initialize key manager
WFLYELY01082 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to store generated self-signed certificate
WFLYELY01083 java.lang.RuntimeException No '%s' found in injected value.
WFLYELY01084 WARN KeyStore %s not found, it will be auto-generated on first use with a self-signed certificate for host %s
WFLYELY01085 WARN Generated self-signed certificate at %s. Please note that self-signed certificates are not secure and should only be used for testing purposes. Do not use this self-signed certificate in production. SHA-1 fingerprint of the generated key is %s SHA-256 fingerprint of the generated key is %s
WFLYELY01086 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to initialize Elytron JACC support while legacy JACC support is enabled.
WFLYELY01087 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Hostname in SNI mapping cannot contain ^ character.
WFLYELY01088 org.wildfly.security.x500.cert.acme.AcmeException Missing certificate authority challenge
WFLYELY01089 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid file encoding '%s'.
WFLYELY01090 WARN Allowed jku values haven't been specified for token realm '%s'. Token validation will fail if the token contains a 'jku' header parameter. The allowed jku values can be specified as a space separated string using the '%s' system property.
WFLYELY01200 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The name of the resolver to use was not specified and no default-resolver has been defined.
WFLYELY01201 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No expression resolver has been defined with the name '%s'.
WFLYELY01202 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException A cycle has been detected initialising the expression resolver for '%s' and '%s'.
WFLYELY01203 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException Expression resolver initialisation has already failed.
WFLYELY01204 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException The expression '%s' does not specify a resolver and no default is defined.
WFLYELY01205 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException The expression '%s' specifies a resolver configuration which does not exist.
WFLYELY01206 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException Unable to decrypt expression '%s'.
WFLYELY01207 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionServerException Resolution of credential store expressions is not supported in the MODEL stage of operation execution.
WFLYELY01208 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionServerException Unable to resolve CredentialStore %s -- %s
WFLYELY01209 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionUserException Unable to initialize CredentialStore %s -- %s
WFLYELY01210 org.jboss.as.controller.ExpressionResolver$ExpressionResolutionServerException Initialisation of an %s without an active management OperationContext is not allowed.
WFLYELY01211 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load the credential store.
WFLYELY01212 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException KeyStore does not contain a PrivateKey for KeyStore: [%s] and alias: [%s].
WFLYELY01213 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException KeyStore does not contain a PublicKey for KeyStore: [%s] and alias: [%s].
WFLYELY01214 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to verify the integrity of the filesystem realm: %s
WFLYELY01215 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Filesystem realm is missing key pair configuration, integrity checking is not enabled
WFLYELY01216 java.lang.RuntimeException Filesystem realm is unable to obtain key store password
WFLYELY01217 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Realm verification failed, invalid signatures for the identities: %s
WFLYELY01218 java.security.KeyStoreException Keystore used by filesystem realm does not contain the alias: %s
WFLYELY01219 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Integrity keypair cannot be added to non-empty filesystem realm after initialization. To upgrade a filesystem realm, use Elytron Tool command `filesystem-realm-integrity`
WFLYELY01220 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Encryption secret key cannot be added to non-empty filesystem realm after initialization. To upgrade a filesystem realm, use Elytron Tool command `filesystem-realm-encrypt`


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String To make use of the WildFly Elytron Tool, the elytron-tool script should be used instead of wildfly-elytron-tool.jar. Run elytron-tool.sh, elytron-tool.bat, or elytron-tool.ps1 with the same arguments that were previously passed when using wildfly-elytron-tool.jar. For example, run: %s
WFLYELYTOOL00000 java.lang.String To make use of the WildFly Elytron Tool, the elytron-tool script should be used instead of wildfly-elytron-tool.jar. Run elytron-tool.sh, elytron-tool.bat, or elytron-tool.ps1 with the same arguments that were previously passed when using wildfly-elytron-tool.jar.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYEMB0011 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid JBoss home directory: %s
WFLYEMB0014 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot load module %s from: %s
WFLYEMB0015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is null
WFLYEMB0017 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot load embedded server factory: %s
WFLYEMB0018 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot get reflective method '%s' for: %s
WFLYEMB0019 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot create standalone server using factory: %s
WFLYEMB0020 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot setup embedded process
WFLYEMB0021 org.wildfly.core.embedded.EmbeddedProcessStartException Cannot start embedded process
WFLYEMB0022 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot invoke '%s' on embedded process
WFLYEMB0023 java.lang.IllegalStateException The embedded server is stopping and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not available
WFLYEMB0024 java.lang.IllegalStateException The embedded server is reloading and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not yet available
WFLYEMB0026 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot create host controller using factory: %s
WFLYEMB0027 java.lang.IllegalStateException The embedded server is stopped and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not available
WFLYEMB0028 java.lang.RuntimeException Error copying '%s' to '%s' (%s)
WFLYEMB0029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -D%s=%s is not a directory
WFLYEMB0143 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No directory called '%s' exists under '%s'
WFLYEMB0144 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -D%s=%s does not exist
WFLYEMB0145 WARN The module loader has already been configured. Changing the %s property will have no effect.
WFLYEMB0146 ERROR Failed to restore context %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYHC-001 WARN Server '%s' (managed by host '%s') is unstable and should be stopped or restarted. An unstable server may not stop normally, so the 'kill' operation may be required to terminate the server process.
WFLYHC0000 java.lang.String Use %s --help for information on valid command line arguments and their syntax.
WFLYHC0000 java.lang.String - Host Controller configuration files in use: %s, %s
WFLYHC0000 java.lang.String - Host Controller configuration file in use: %s
WFLYHC0000 java.lang.String - Minimum feature stability level: %s
WFLYHC0001 WARN Could not connect to remote domain controller %s
WFLYHC0002 ERROR Could not connect to the domain controller. Error was: %s
WFLYHC0003 INFO Creating http management service using network interface (%s) port (%d) securePort (%d)
WFLYHC0005 WARN Existing server [%s] with status: %s
WFLYHC0008 ERROR Failed to start server (%s)
WFLYHC0009 ERROR Failed to stop server (%s)
WFLYHC0011 WARN Ignoring for jvm '%s' type jvm: %s
WFLYHC0012 ERROR No configuration was provided and the current running mode ('%s') requires access to the Domain Controller host. Startup will be aborted. Use the %s command line argument to start in %s mode if you need to start without a domain controller connection and then use the management tools to configure one.
WFLYHC0013 WARN No security realm defined for http management service, all access will be unrestricted.
WFLYHC0014 ERROR No server called %s available
WFLYHC0015 WARN Connection to remote host-controller closed. Trying to reconnect.
WFLYHC0016 WARN Ignoring
WFLYHC0018 INFO Reconnecting server %s
WFLYHC0019 INFO Registered remote secondary host "%s", %s
WFLYHC0020 INFO Registering server %s
WFLYHC0021 INFO Server [%s] connected using connection [%s]
WFLYHC0023 INFO Starting server %s
WFLYHC0024 INFO Stopping server %s
WFLYHC0026 INFO Unregistered remote secondary host "%s"
WFLYHC0027 INFO Unregistering server %s
WFLYHC0029 INFO Unregistered at domain controller
WFLYHC0030 WARN Connection to remote host "%s" closed unexpectedly
WFLYHC0031 WARN Cannot load the domain model using --backup
WFLYHC0033 ERROR Caught exception during boot
WFLYHC0034 java.lang.String Host Controller boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details. %s
WFLYHC0035 ERROR Installation of the domain-wide configuration has failed. Because the running mode of this Host Controller is ADMIN_ONLY boot has been allowed to proceed. If ADMIN_ONLY mode were not in effect the process would be terminated due to a critical boot failure.
WFLYHC0037 INFO The primary Host Controller has been restarted. Re-registering this secondary Host Controller with the new primary.
WFLYHC0038 WARN The domain controller could not be reached in the last [%d] milliseconds. Re-connecting.
WFLYHC0039 INFO The secondary Host Controller "%s" has been restarted or is attempting to reconnect. Unregistering the current connection to this secondary.
WFLYHC0040 WARN The secondary Host Controller "%s" could not be reached in the last [%d] milliseconds. Unregistering.
WFLYHC0041 java.lang.String Argument expected for option %s. %s
WFLYHC0042 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Attempting to set '%s' when '%s' was already set
WFLYHC0043 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to connect due to authentication failure.
WFLYHC0044 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot access a remote file repository from the domain controller
WFLYHC0045 java.io.IOException Unable to create local directory: %s
WFLYHC0046 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot obtain a valid default address for communicating with the ProcessController using either %s or InetAddress.getLocalHost(). Please check your system's network configuration or use the %s command line switch to configure a valid address
WFLYHC0047 java.lang.String Cannot restart server %s as it is not currently started; it is %s
WFLYHC0048 java.lang.String Cannot start servers when the Host Controller running mode is %s
WFLYHC0049 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Close should be managed by the service
WFLYHC0050 java.lang.IllegalStateException Configuration persister for domain model is already initialized
WFLYHC0051 java.lang.IllegalStateException Interrupted while trying to connect to the domain controller
WFLYHC0052 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not connect to the domain controller in %d attempts within %s ms
WFLYHC0053 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not get the server inventory in %d %s
WFLYHC0054 java.io.IOException Did not read the entire file. Missing: %d
WFLYHC0055 java.lang.RuntimeException Error closing down host
WFLYHC0056 java.lang.String Failed to retrieve profile operations from domain controller
WFLYHC0057 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to get file from remote repository
WFLYHC0058 java.lang.String Failed to get server status
WFLYHC0059 java.lang.String Failed to read authentication key: %s
WFLYHC0061 javax.security.sasl.SaslException Insufficient information to generate hash.
WFLYHC0062 java.lang.String Invalid option '%s'. %s
WFLYHC0063 org.jboss.as.protocol.mgmt.RequestProcessingException Invalid root id [%d]
WFLYHC0064 java.lang.String Value for %s is not an %s -- %s. %s
WFLYHC0065 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invocations of %s after HostController boot are not allowed
WFLYHC0066 java.lang.String Malformed URL provided for option %s. %s
WFLYHC0067 java.lang.IllegalStateException Must call %s before checking for secondary Host Controller status
WFLYHC0068 java.lang.IllegalStateException Must call %s before persisting the domain model
WFLYHC0071 java.lang.IllegalStateException No server inventory
WFLYHC0077 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException There is already a registered server named '%s'
WFLYHC0078 java.lang.String Server (%s) still running
WFLYHC0079 javax.security.sasl.SaslException Unable to generate hash
WFLYHC0080 java.lang.String Unable to load properties from URL %s. %s
WFLYHC0081 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Undefined socket binding group for server %s
WFLYHC0082 java.lang.IllegalStateException Included socket binding group %s is not defined
WFLYHC0084 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown %s %s
WFLYHC0085 java.lang.String Value for %s is not a known host -- %s. %s
WFLYHC0087 java.lang.IllegalStateException Host-Controller is already shutdown.
WFLYHC0090 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException HostControllerEnvironment does not support system property updates
WFLYHC0091 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Resources of type %s cannot be ignored
WFLYHC0092 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException An '%s' element whose 'type' attribute is '%s' has already been found
WFLYHC0093 java.lang.String The JVM input arguments cannot be accessed so system properties passed directly to this Host Controller JVM will not be passed through to server processes. Cause of the problem: %s
WFLYHC0094 java.lang.IllegalStateException Missing configuration value for: %s
WFLYHC0095 java.lang.IllegalStateException Home directory does not exist: %s
WFLYHC0097 java.lang.IllegalStateException Domain base directory does not exist: %s
WFLYHC0098 java.lang.IllegalStateException Domain base directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYHC0099 java.lang.IllegalStateException Configuration directory does not exist: %s
WFLYHC0100 java.lang.IllegalStateException Domain data directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYHC0101 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create domain data directory: %s
WFLYHC0102 java.lang.IllegalStateException Domain content directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYHC0103 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create domain content directory: %s
WFLYHC0104 java.lang.IllegalStateException Log directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYHC0105 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create log directory: %s
WFLYHC0106 java.lang.IllegalStateException Servers directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYHC0107 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create servers directory: %s
WFLYHC0108 java.lang.IllegalStateException Domain temp directory does not exist: %s
WFLYHC0109 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create domain temp directory: %s
WFLYHC0110 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to connect due to SSL failure.
WFLYHC0111 java.lang.IllegalStateException Option '%s' already exists
WFLYHC0113 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Host controller management version %s.%s is too old, Only %s.%s or higher are supported
WFLYHC0114 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to add extensions used by the domain. Failure description: %s
WFLYHC0115 java.lang.String Argument %s has no value. %s
WFLYHC0116 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot access S3 file: %s
WFLYHC0117 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to obtain domain controller data from S3 file
WFLYHC0118 java.io.IOException Cannot write domain controller data to S3 file: %s
WFLYHC0119 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot access S3 bucket '%s': %s
WFLYHC0120 java.lang.IllegalStateException Tried all domain controller discovery option(s) but unable to connect
WFLYHC0121 java.lang.IllegalStateException pre_signed_put_url and pre_signed_delete_url must have the same path
WFLYHC0122 java.lang.IllegalStateException pre_signed_put_url and pre_signed_delete_url must both be set or both unset
WFLYHC0123 java.lang.IllegalStateException pre-signed url %s must point to a file within a bucket
WFLYHC0124 java.lang.IllegalStateException pre-signed url %s is not a valid url
WFLYHC0125 java.lang.IllegalStateException pre-signed url %s may only have a subdirectory under a bucket
WFLYHC0126 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Creating location-constrained bucket with unsupported calling-format
WFLYHC0127 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid location: %s
WFLYHC0128 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid bucket name: %s
WFLYHC0129 java.io.IOException bucket '%s' could not be accessed (rsp=%d (%s)). Maybe the bucket is owned by somebody else or the authentication failed
WFLYHC0130 java.io.IOException Unexpected response: %s
WFLYHC0131 java.lang.RuntimeException HTTP redirect support required
WFLYHC0132 java.lang.RuntimeException Unexpected error parsing bucket listing(s)
WFLYHC0133 java.lang.RuntimeException Couldn't initialize a SAX driver for the XMLReader
WFLYHC0134 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot instantiate discovery option class '%s': %s
WFLYHC0137 ERROR Could not write domain controller data to S3 file. Error was: %s
WFLYHC0138 ERROR Could not remove S3 file. Error was: %s
WFLYHC0140 java.lang.IllegalStateException Can't execute transactional operation '%s' from the secondary Host Controller
WFLYHC0142 ERROR Failed to apply domain-wide configuration from the domain controller
WFLYHC0143 ERROR Failed to apply domain-wide configuration from the Domain Controller. Operation outcome: %s. Failure description %s
WFLYHC0144 ERROR The host cannot start because it was started in running mode '%s' with no access to a local copy of the domain wide configuration policy, the '%s' attribute was set to '%s' and the domain wide configuration policy could not be obtained from the Domain Controller host. Startup will be aborted. Use the '%s' command line argument to start if you need to start without connecting to a domain controller connection.
WFLYHC0145 ERROR The host cannot start because it was started in running mode '%s' with no access to a local copy of the domain wide configuration policy, and the '%s' attribute was set to '%s'. Startup will be aborted. Use the '%s' command line argument to start in running mode '%s'.
WFLYHC0146 WARN Could not discover the domain controller using discovery option %s. Error was: %s
WFLYHC0147 WARN No domain controller discovery options remain.
WFLYHC0148 INFO Connected to the domain controller at %s
WFLYHC0149 INFO Option %s was set; obtaining domain-wide configuration from %s
WFLYHC0150 INFO Trying to reconnect to the domain controller.
WFLYHC0151 ERROR No domain controller discovery configuration was provided and the '%s' attribute was set to '%s'. Startup will be aborted. Use the %s command line argument to start in %s mode if you need to start without a domain controller connection and then use the management tools to configure one.
WFLYHC0152 INFO Server %s will be started with JVM launch command prefix '%s'
WFLYHC0153 java.io.IOException Channel closed
WFLYHC0157 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create domain auto-start directory: %s
WFLYHC0158 INFO Error persisting server autostart status
WFLYHC0159 java.lang.String Invalid discovery type %s
WFLYHC0160 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not read or create the domain UUID in file: %s
WFLYHC0162 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The binding name '%s' in socket binding group '%s' is not unique. Names must be unique across socket-binding, local-destination-outbound-socket-binding and remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding
WFLYHC0163 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Profile '%s' is involved in a cycle
WFLYHC0164 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Profile '%s' defines subsystem '%s' which is also defined in its ancestor profile '%s'. Overriding subsystems is not supported
WFLYHC0165 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Socket binding group '%s' is involved in a cycle
WFLYHC0166 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Socket binding group '%s' defines socket binding '%s' which is also defined in its ancestor socket binding group '%s'. Overriding socket bindings is not supported
WFLYHC0167 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Profile '%s' includes profile '%s' and profile '%s'. Both these profiles define subsystem '%s', which is not supported
WFLYHC0168 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Socket binding group '%s' includes socket binding group '%s' and socket binding group '%s'. Both these socket binding groups define socket binding '%s', which is not supported
WFLYHC0169 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Reload into running mode is not supported with embedded host controller, admin-only=true must be specified.
WFLYHC0170 java.lang.String Error releasing shared lock after host registration for operationID: %s
WFLYHC0171 ERROR Failed getting the response from the suspend listener for server: %s
WFLYHC0172 ERROR Failed executing the suspend operation for server: %s
WFLYHC0173 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException It is not possible to use use-current-host-config=false while specifying a host-config
WFLYHC0174 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException It is not possible to use use-current-domain-config=false while specifying a domain-config
WFLYHC0175 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException domain-config '%s' specified for reload could not be found
WFLYHC0177 WARN No security realm defined for native management service; all access will be unrestricted.
WFLYHC0178 FATAL Aborting with exit code %d
WFLYHC0179 INFO ProcessController has signalled to shut down; shutting down
WFLYHC0180 INFO Shutting down in response to management operation '%s'
WFLYHC0181 INFO Host Controller shutdown has been requested via an OS signal
WFLYHC0182 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting server suspend response(s) for server: %s
WFLYHC0183 java.lang.String Timed out after %d ms awaiting server suspend response(s) for server: %s
WFLYHC0184 INFO %s interrupted awaiting server suspend response(s)
WFLYHC0185 java.lang.String %s interrupted awaiting server suspend response(s)
WFLYHC0186 java.lang.String Failed executing the suspend operation for server: %s
WFLYHC0187 java.lang.String Failed getting the response from the suspend listener for server: %s
WFLYHC0188 INFO Timed out after %d ms awaiting server resume response(s) for server: %s
WFLYHC0189 java.lang.String Timed out after %d ms awaiting server resume response(s) for server: %s
WFLYHC0190 INFO %s interrupted awaiting server resume response(s)
WFLYHC0191 java.lang.String %s interrupted awaiting server resume response(s)
WFLYHC0192 java.lang.String Failed executing the resume operation for server: %s
WFLYHC0193 java.lang.String Failed getting the response from the resume listener for server: %s
WFLYHC0194 ERROR Failed executing the resume operation for server: %s
WFLYHC0195 ERROR Failed getting the response from the resume listener for server: %s
WFLYHC0196 ERROR Cannot move the file %s to %s, unable to persist domain configuration changes: %s
WFLYHC0197 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException If attribute %s is defined an ssl-context must also be defined
WFLYHC0198 WARN Server '%s' is unstable and should be stopped or restarted. An unstable server may not stop normally, so the 'kill' operation may be required to terminate the server process.
WFLYHC0199 WARN Server '%s' (managed by host '%s') has not responded to an operation request within the configured timeout. This may mean the server has become unstable.
WFLYHC0200 ERROR Reporting instability of server '%s' to Domain Controller failed.
WFLYHC0201 java.lang.String Error synchronizing the host model with the domain controller model with failure : %s.
WFLYHC0202 WARN The domain configuration was successfully applied, but reload is required before changes become active.
WFLYHC0203 WARN The domain configuration was successfully applied, but restart is required before changes become active.
WFLYHC0204 WARN No logging configuration file could be found for the servers initial boot. Logging will not be configured until the logging subsystem is activated for the server %s
WFLYHC0205 ERROR An error occurred setting the -Dlogging.configuration property for server %s. Configuration path %s
WFLYHC0206 java.lang.IllegalStateException File %s already exists, you must use --remove-existing-domain-config to overwrite existing files.
WFLYHC0207 java.lang.IllegalStateException File %s already exists, you must use --remove-existing-host-config to overwrite existing files.
WFLYHC0208 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException A host (%s) has already been registered. You must shutdown this host before adding a new one.
WFLYHC0209 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Host name may not be null.
WFLYHC0210 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException A secondary Host Controller may not be added using add(). Please add a host, omitting this parameter, and configure the remote domain controller using write-attribute.
WFLYHC0211 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Boot configuration validation failed
WFLYHC0212 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Fetch of missing configuration from the Domain Controller failed without explanation. Fetch operation outcome was %s
WFLYHC0213 java.lang.IllegalStateException Java home '%s' does not exist.
WFLYHC0214 java.lang.IllegalStateException Java home's bin '%s' does not exist. The home directory was determined to be %s.
WFLYHC0215 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find java executable under %s.
WFLYHC0216 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The module option %s is not allowed.
WFLYHC0217 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Security realms are no longer supported, please migrate references to them from the configuration.
WFLYHC0218 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No %s installation has been prepared.
WFLYHC0219 java.security.GeneralSecurityException Authorization failed for '%s' attempting to connect as a domain server.
WFLYHC0220 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to synchronize server status upon a Host Controller registration. There is no handler registered to manage the operation %s for the server %s.
WFLYHC0221 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s stability level of domain controller does not match %s stability level of connecting host
WFLYHC0222 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s stability level is not supported in %s
WFLYHC0223 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s stability level is only supported on Host Controllers with the same management major and minor version than the Domain Controller. Domain Controller version is %d.%d. Remote Host Controller version is %d.%d


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYHEALTH0001 INFO Activating Base Health Subsystem


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYIIOP0001 INFO Activating IIOP Subsystem
WFLYIIOP0002 ERROR Error fetching CSIv2Policy
WFLYIIOP0003 WARN Caught exception while encoding GSSUPMechOID
WFLYIIOP0004 ERROR Internal error
WFLYIIOP0005 ERROR Failed to create CORBA naming context
WFLYIIOP0006 WARN Unbind failed for %s
WFLYIIOP0007 ERROR Failed to obtain JSSE security domain with name %s
WFLYIIOP0008 INFO CORBA Naming Service started
WFLYIIOP0009 INFO CORBA ORB Service started
WFLYIIOP0010 WARN Compatibility problem: Class javax.rmi.CORBA.ClassDesc does not conform to the Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification (01-06-07), section
WFLYIIOP0011 WARN Could not deactivate IR object
WFLYIIOP0012 WARN Could not deactivate anonymous IR object
WFLYIIOP0013 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException SSL support has been enabled but no security domain or client/server SSL contexts have been specified
WFLYIIOP0014 java.lang.RuntimeException Unexpected exception
WFLYIIOP0015 org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION Unexpected ContextError in SAS reply
WFLYIIOP0016 org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL Could not parse SAS reply: %s
WFLYIIOP0017 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not register initial reference for SASCurrent
WFLYIIOP0018 org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION SAS context does not exist
WFLYIIOP0019 org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION Could not decode initial context token
WFLYIIOP0020 org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION Could not decode target name in initial context token
WFLYIIOP0021 org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION Could not decode incoming principal name
WFLYIIOP0022 java.lang.RuntimeException Exception decoding context data in %s
WFLYIIOP0023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Batch size not numeric: %s
WFLYIIOP0024 javax.naming.NamingException Error getting binding list
WFLYIIOP0025 javax.naming.NamingException Error generating object via object factory
WFLYIIOP0026 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Error constructing context: either ORB or NamingContext must be supplied
WFLYIIOP0027 javax.naming.ConfigurationException %s does not name a NamingContext
WFLYIIOP0028 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Cannot convert IOR to NamingContext: %s
WFLYIIOP0029 javax.naming.ConfigurationException ORB.resolve_initial_references("NameService") does not return a NamingContext
WFLYIIOP0030 javax.naming.NamingException COS Name Service not registered with ORB under the name 'NameService'
WFLYIIOP0031 javax.naming.NamingException Cannot connect to ORB
WFLYIIOP0032 javax.naming.NamingException Invalid IOR or URL: %s
WFLYIIOP0033 javax.naming.NamingException Invalid object reference: %s
WFLYIIOP0034 javax.naming.ConfigurationException %s does not contain an IOR
WFLYIIOP0035 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Only instances of org.omg.CORBA.Object can be bound
WFLYIIOP0036 javax.naming.NamingException No object reference bound for specified name
WFLYIIOP0037 javax.naming.InvalidNameException Invalid empty name
WFLYIIOP0038 javax.naming.InvalidNameException %s: unescaped \ at end of component
WFLYIIOP0039 javax.naming.InvalidNameException %s: Invalid character being escaped
WFLYIIOP0040 java.net.MalformedURLException Invalid %s URL: %s
WFLYIIOP0041 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Problem with PortableRemoteObject.toStub(); object not exported or stub not found
WFLYIIOP0042 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Cannot invoke javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.toStub(java.rmi.Remote)
WFLYIIOP0043 java.lang.IllegalStateException No method definition for javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.toStub(java.rmi.Remote)
WFLYIIOP0044 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Problem invoking javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub.connect()
WFLYIIOP0045 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Cannot invoke javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub.connect()
WFLYIIOP0046 java.lang.IllegalStateException No method definition for javax.rmi.CORBA.Stub.connect(org.omg.CORBA.ORB)
WFLYIIOP0047 java.net.MalformedURLException Invalid IIOP URL version: %s
WFLYIIOP0048 javax.naming.ConfigurationException javax.rmi packages not available
WFLYIIOP0049 java.net.MalformedURLException ISO-Latin-1 decoder unavailable
WFLYIIOP0050 java.net.MalformedURLException Invalid URI encoding: %s
WFLYIIOP0051 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Error configuring domain socket factory: failed to lookup JSSE security domain
WFLYIIOP0052 java.io.IOException keyManager[] is null for security domain %s
WFLYIIOP0053 java.io.IOException Failed to get SSL context
WFLYIIOP0054 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start the JBoss Corba Naming Service
WFLYIIOP0055 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Foreign Transaction
WFLYIIOP0056 java.lang.RuntimeException Exception raised during encoding
WFLYIIOP0057 java.lang.RuntimeException Exception getting slot in TxServerInterceptor
WFLYIIOP0058 java.lang.RuntimeException Exception setting slot in TxServerInterceptor
WFLYIIOP0059 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot analyze a null class
WFLYIIOP0060 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Bad type for a constant: %s
WFLYIIOP0061 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot analyze special class: %s
WFLYIIOP0062 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Not an accessor: %s
WFLYIIOP0063 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Not a class or interface: %s
WFLYIIOP0064 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Class %s is not an interface
WFLYIIOP0065 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Not a primitive type: %s
WFLYIIOP0066 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException Field %s of interface %s is a constant, but it is not primitive or String
WFLYIIOP0067 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException Exception type %s must be a checked exception class
WFLYIIOP0068 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException All interface methods must throw javax.rmi.RemoteException but method %s of interface %s does not
WFLYIIOP0069 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Name cannot be null, empty or qualified
WFLYIIOP0070 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Primitive types have no IR IDs
WFLYIIOP0071 java.lang.RuntimeException No SHA message digest available
WFLYIIOP0072 java.lang.RuntimeException Unknown primitive type: %s
WFLYIIOP0073 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot analyze java.lang.String: it is a special case
WFLYIIOP0074 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot analyze java.lang.Class: it is a special case
WFLYIIOP0075 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException Value type %s cannot implement java.rmi.Remote
WFLYIIOP0076 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException Value type %s cannot be a proxy or inner class
WFLYIIOP0077 java.lang.RuntimeException Error loading class %s
WFLYIIOP0078 java.lang.RuntimeException No read method in helper class %s
WFLYIIOP0079 java.lang.RuntimeException No write method in helper class %s
WFLYIIOP0080 java.lang.RuntimeException Error unmarshaling %s
WFLYIIOP0081 java.lang.RuntimeException Error marshaling %s
WFLYIIOP0082 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot obtain exception repository id for %s
WFLYIIOP0083 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot marshal parameter: unexpected number of parameters
WFLYIIOP0084 org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER Cannot change RMI/IIOP mapping
WFLYIIOP0085 java.lang.RuntimeException Bad kind %d for TypeCode
WFLYIIOP0086 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException Wrong interface repository
WFLYIIOP0087 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException Duplicate repository name
WFLYIIOP0088 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid null class
WFLYIIOP0089 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException Bad class %s for a constant
WFLYIIOP0090 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException TypeCode for class %s is unknown
WFLYIIOP0091 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException TypeCode for class %s already established
WFLYIIOP0092 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException Name collision while creating package
WFLYIIOP0093 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException Class %s is not an array class
WFLYIIOP0094 org.omg.CORBA.BAD_INV_ORDER Cannot destroy RMI/IIOP mapping
WFLYIIOP0095 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException Bad kind for super valuetype of %s
WFLYIIOP0096 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException ValueDef %s unable to resolve reference to implemented interface %s
WFLYIIOP0097 org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir.IRConstructionException ValueDef %s unable to resolve reference to abstract base valuetype %s
WFLYIIOP0098 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to resolve initial reference %s
WFLYIIOP0099 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to create POA from parent
WFLYIIOP0100 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to instantiate POA: either the running ORB or the parent POA must be specified
WFLYIIOP0101 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to activate POA
WFLYIIOP0102 org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL Caught exception destroying Iterator %s
WFLYIIOP0103 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException IOR settings imply ssl connections usage, but secure connections have not been configured
WFLYIIOP0104 java.lang.String Inconsistent transport-config configuration: %s is supported, please configure it to %s value
WFLYIIOP0105 java.lang.String Inconsistent transport-config configuration: %s is not supported, please remove it or configure it to none value
WFLYIIOP0106 java.lang.String Inconsistent transport-config configuration: %s is set to true, please configure %s as required
WFLYIIOP0109 WARN SSL socket is required by server but secure connections have not been configured
WFLYIIOP0110 java.lang.IllegalStateException Client requires SSL but server does not support it
WFLYIIOP0111 java.lang.String SSL has not been configured but ssl-port property has been specified - the connection will use clear-text protocol
WFLYIIOP0113 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Authentication context has been defined but it is ineffective because the security initializer is not set to 'elytron'
WFLYIIOP0114 java.lang.String Elytron security initializer not supported in previous iiop-openjdk versions and can't be converted
WFLYIIOP0115 java.lang.IllegalStateException No IIOP socket bindings have been configured
WFLYIIOP0117 WARN CLEARTEXT in IIOP subsystem won't be used because server-requires-ssl parameter have been set to true
WFLYIIOP0118 java.lang.IllegalStateException Legacy security is no longer supported.
WFLYIIOP0119 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The use of security realms at runtime is unsupported.
WFLYIIOP0120 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The use of security domains at runtime is unsupported.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYIM0000 java.util.zip.ZipException Zip entry %s is outside of the target dir %s.
WFLYIM0000 java.util.zip.ZipException The structure of directories and files in the .zip file is invalid. The '%s' directory cannot be found as a second-level entry in the extracted .zip file.
WFLYIM0001 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException There is an installation prepared and ready to be applied. The current prepared installation can be discarded by using the 'clean' operation.
WFLYIM0002 java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid status change found for the artifact: '%s'
WFLYIM0003 java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid status change found for the configuration change: '%s'
WFLYIM0004 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Channel name is mandatory.
WFLYIM0005 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No repositories have been defined in the '%s' channel.
WFLYIM0006 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The '%s' repository in the channel does not have its URL defined.
WFLYIM0007 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The repository URL '%s' for '%s' channel is invalid.
WFLYIM0008 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The '%s' repository in the channel does not have its ID defined.
WFLYIM0009 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The manifest GAV coordinate '%s' for '%s' channel is invalid.
WFLYIM0010 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The manifest URL '%s' for '%s' channel is invalid.
WFLYIM0011 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException You cannot use the 'local-cache' option when the 'no-resolve-local-cache' option is enabled.
WFLYIM0012 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException You cannot use the 'maven-repo-file' option with the 'repositories' option because they are mutually exclusive.
WFLYIM0013 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid format for the repository URL: '%s'
WFLYIM0014 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException You cannot use the 'work-dir' option with the 'repositories' or 'maven-repo-file' options because they are mutually exclusive.
WFLYIM0015 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Channel with name '%s' cannot be found.
WFLYIM0016 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The manifest maven coordinates for '%s' are invalid. The expected maven coordinates for this manifest are GA (GroupId:ArtifactId).
WFLYIM0017 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The manifest maven coordinates for '%s' are invalid. The expected maven coordinates for this manifest are GAV (GroupId:ArtifactId:Version) where Version is optional.
WFLYIM0018 java.lang.IllegalStateException Installation Manager Service is down.
WFLYIM0019 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Operation has been cancelled.
WFLYIM0020 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No custom patches installed found for the specified manifest maven coordinates: '%s'
WFLYIM0021 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException You cannot use the 'local-cache' option when the 'use-default-local-cache' option is enabled.
WFLYIM0022 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException 'no-resolve-local-cache' and 'use-default-local-cache' are mutually exclusive (specify only one).
WFLYIM0023 INFO Installation was provisioned using the following channel versions: '%s'
WFLYIM0024 ERROR Cannot report installation status. Cannot create an InstallationManager for path '%s': '%s'
WFLYIM0025 ERROR Cannot report installation channels: '%s'


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYIO001 INFO Worker '%s' has auto-configured to %d IO threads with %d max task threads based on your %d available processors
WFLYIO002 INFO Worker '%s' has auto-configured to %d IO threads based on your %d available processors
WFLYIO003 INFO Worker '%s' has auto-configured to %d max task threads based on your %d available processors
WFLYIO004 WARN Worker '%s' would auto-configure to %d max task threads based on %d available processors, however your system does not have enough file descriptors configured to support this configuration. It is likely you will experience application degradation unless you increase your file descriptor limit.
WFLYIO005 WARN Your system is configured with %d file descriptors, but your current application server configuration will require a minimum of %d (and probably more than that); attempting to adjust, however you should expect stability problems unless you increase this number
WFLYIO006 java.lang.String no metrics available
WFLYIO007 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unexpected bind address conflict in resource "%s" when attempting to establish binding for destination %s to %s: a binding of %s already existed
WFLYIO008 WARN The stack-size value of %d bytes for IO worker %s is low and may result in problems. A value of at least 150,000 is recommended.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.bind.address to the given value
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.bind.address. to the given value
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Set a system property
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Display this message and exit
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Load system properties from the given url
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.default.multicast.address to the given value
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Print version and exit
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Activate the SecurityManager
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Runs the server using a specific stability level. Possible values: %s, Default = %s
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Set a security property
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Path to deployment artifact (war,jar,ear or exploded deployment dir) to deploy in hollow jar
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Path to directory in which the server is installed. By default the server is installed in TEMP directory.
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Display the content of the Galleon configuration used to build this bootable JAR
WFLYJAR0000 java.lang.String Path to a CLI script to execute when starting the Bootable JAR
WFLYJAR0001 DEBUG Shutting down
WFLYJAR0002 DEBUG Server stopped, exiting
WFLYJAR0003 DEBUG Server not yet stopped, waiting
WFLYJAR0004 DEBUG Null controller client, exiting
WFLYJAR0005 java.lang.RuntimeException Unexpected exception while shutting down server
WFLYJAR0006 INFO Deployed %s in server
WFLYJAR0007 INFO Installed server and application in %s, took %sms
WFLYJAR0008 INFO Server options: %s
WFLYJAR0009 DEBUG Deleting %s dir
WFLYJAR0010 java.lang.Exception Not an hollow jar, deployment already exists
WFLYJAR0011 java.lang.RuntimeException Unknown argument %s
WFLYJAR0012 java.lang.RuntimeException File %s doesn't exist
WFLYJAR0013 java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid argument %s, no value provided
WFLYJAR0014 java.lang.IllegalStateException The server is stopping and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not available
WFLYJAR0015 java.lang.IllegalStateException The server is reloading and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not yet available
WFLYJAR0016 java.lang.IllegalStateException The server is stopped and invocations on the ModelControllerClient are not available
WFLYJAR0017 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot start server
WFLYJAR0018 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot load module %s from: %s
WFLYJAR0019 WARN Cannot restart server, exiting
WFLYJAR0020 WARN Can't delete %s. Exception %s
WFLYJAR0021 WARN Cannot register JBoss Modules MBeans, %s
WFLYJAR0022 java.lang.IllegalStateException The PID file %s already exists. This may result in the install directory "%s" not being properly deleted.
WFLYJAR0023 WARN Failed to start the cleanup processor. This may result in the install directory "%s" not being properly deleted.
WFLYJAR0024 WARN The container has not properly shutdown within %ds. This may result in the install directory "%s" not being properly deleted.
WFLYJAR0025 DEBUG Failed to initialize a security provider. Reason: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYJCA0001 INFO Bound data source [%s]
WFLYJCA0002 INFO Bound Jakarta Connectors %s [%s]
WFLYJCA0003 WARN Unable to instantiate driver class "%s": %s
WFLYJCA0004 INFO Deploying JDBC-compliant driver %s (version %d.%d)
WFLYJCA0005 INFO Deploying non-JDBC-compliant driver %s (version %d.%d)
WFLYJCA0006 INFO Registered admin object at %s
WFLYJCA0007 INFO Registered connection factory %s
WFLYJCA0009 INFO Starting %s Subsystem (%s)
WFLYJCA0010 INFO Unbound data source [%s]
WFLYJCA0011 INFO Unbound Jakarta Connectors %s [%s]
WFLYJCA0012 WARN in standalone -ds.xml deployments aren't supported: Ignoring %s
WFLYJCA0015 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException the attribute driver-name (%s) cannot be different from driver resource name (%s)
WFLYJCA0016 WARN Method %s on DataSource class %s not found. Ignoring
WFLYJCA0017 DEBUG Forcing ironjacamar.xml descriptor to null
WFLYJCA0018 INFO Started Driver service with driver-name = %s
WFLYJCA0019 INFO Stopped Driver service with driver-name = %s
WFLYJCA0020 WARN Unsupported selector's option: %s
WFLYJCA0021 WARN Unsupported policy's option: %s
WFLYJCA0022 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start JGroups channel %s for distributed workmanager %s
WFLYJCA0023 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot find WorkManager %s or it isn't a distributed workmanager. Only DWM can override configurations
WFLYJCA0024 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start JGroups transport for distributed workmanager %s
WFLYJCA0025 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unsupported selector's option: %s
WFLYJCA0026 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unsupported policy's option: %s
WFLYJCA0027 WARN No ironjacamar.security defined for %s
WFLYJCA0028 WARN @ConnectionFactoryDefinition will have limited management: %s
WFLYJCA0029 WARN @AdministeredObjectDefinition will have limited management: %s
WFLYJCA0030 org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException unable to deploy
WFLYJCA0031 org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException unable to validate and deploy ds or xads
WFLYJCA0033 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Error during the deployment of %s
WFLYJCA0034 java.lang.String Unable to instantiate driver class "%s". See log (WARN) for more details
WFLYJCA0035 java.lang.IllegalStateException Specified driver version doesn't match with actual driver version
WFLYJCA0036 java.lang.String Failed to create %s instance for [%s]%n reason: %s
WFLYJCA0037 java.lang.String failed to get metrics: %s
WFLYJCA0039 org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException failed to get url delimiter
WFLYJCA0040 java.lang.String failed to invoke operation: %s
WFLYJCA0041 java.lang.String Failed to load module for driver [%s]
WFLYJCA0042 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException failed to match pool. Check JndiName: %s
WFLYJCA0043 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to parse service xml [%s]
WFLYJCA0044 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to process RA child archives for [%s]
WFLYJCA0045 java.lang.String failed to set attribute: %s
WFLYJCA0046 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start RA deployment [%s]
WFLYJCA0047 java.lang.IllegalStateException Connection is not valid
WFLYJCA0049 java.lang.IllegalStateException Non-explicit JNDI bindings not supported
WFLYJCA0050 java.lang.String no metrics available
WFLYJCA0051 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s should be an annotation
WFLYJCA0052 java.lang.String %s is null
WFLYJCA0053 java.lang.String %s service [%s] is already started
WFLYJCA0054 java.lang.String %s service [%s] is not available
WFLYJCA0056 java.lang.IllegalStateException Service not started
WFLYJCA0058 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is undefined
WFLYJCA0061 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to load native libraries
WFLYJCA0064 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Exception deploying datasource %s
WFLYJCA0065 java.lang.String No DataSource exists at address %s
WFLYJCA0066 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown attribute %s
WFLYJCA0067 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown operation %s
WFLYJCA0069 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException At least one xa-datasource-property is required for an xa-datasource
WFLYJCA0072 org.jboss.jca.deployers.common.DeployException Deployment %s failed
WFLYJCA0073 java.lang.String Failed to load module for RA [%s] Cause: %s
WFLYJCA0074 java.lang.NoSuchMethodException Method %s not found
WFLYJCA0075 java.lang.NoSuchMethodException Field %s not found
WFLYJCA0076 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown property resolution for property %s
WFLYJCA0077 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException At least one of ARCHIVE or MODULE is required
WFLYJCA0078 java.lang.String Rar are supported only in uncompressed form. Failed to load module for RA [%s]
WFLYJCA0079 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to deploy datasource %s because driver is not specified
WFLYJCA0080 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException RAR '%s' not yet deployed.
WFLYJCA0083 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Connection factory interface (%s) is incorrect for resource adapter '%s' while deploying %s
WFLYJCA0084 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Admin object declared for JCA 1.0 resource adapter '%s' while deploying %s
WFLYJCA0085 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Admin object class (%s) is incorrect for resource adapter '%s' while deploying %s
WFLYJCA0086 WARN Unable to find driver class name in "%s" jar
WFLYJCA0087 ERROR Unable to register recovery: %s (%s)
WFLYJCA0088 java.lang.String Attributes %s rejected. Must be true
WFLYJCA0089 WARN Exception during unregistering deployment
WFLYJCA0090 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Jndi name shouldn't include '//' or end with '/'
WFLYJCA0091 WARN -ds.xml file deployments are deprecated. Support may be removed in a future version.
WFLYJCA0092 java.lang.IllegalStateException Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed
WFLYJCA0093 INFO The '%s' operation is deprecated. Use of the 'add' or 'remove' operations is preferred, or if required the 'write-attribute' operation can used to set the deprecated 'enabled' attribute
WFLYJCA0096 ERROR Error during recovery shutdown
WFLYJCA0097 WARN Exception while stopping resource adapter
WFLYJCA0098 INFO Bound non-transactional data source: %s
WFLYJCA0099 INFO Unbound non-transactional data source: %s
WFLYJCA0100 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Operation %s is not supported
WFLYJCA0101 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Thread pool: %s(type: %s) can not be added for workmanager: %s, only one thread pool is allowed for each type.
WFLYJCA0102 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Attribute %s can only be defined if %s is true
WFLYJCA0103 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Attribute %s can only be defined if %s is undefined or false
WFLYJCA0104 java.lang.String Subject=%s Subject identity=%s
WFLYJCA0106 INFO Elytron handler handle: %s
WFLYJCA0107 java.lang.SecurityException Execution subject was not provided to the callback handler
WFLYJCA0108 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Supplied callback doesn't contain a security domain reference
WFLYJCA0109 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Callback with security domain is required - use createCallbackHandler(Callback callback) instead
WFLYJCA0110 java.lang.IllegalStateException CredentialSourceSupplier is invalid for DSSecurity
WFLYJCA0111 java.lang.IllegalStateException WorkManager hasn't elytron-enabled flag set accordingly with RA one
WFLYJCA0112 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Datasource %s is disabled
WFLYJCA0113 ERROR Unexcepted error during worker execution : %s
WFLYJCA0114 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to load datasource class: %s
WFLYJCA0115 java.lang.String Module for driver [%s] or one of it dependencies is missing: [%s]
WFLYJCA0116 java.lang.String Failed to load module for RA [%s] - the module or one of its dependencies is missing [%s]
WFLYJCA0117 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s is not a valid %s implementation
WFLYJCA0118 INFO Binding connection factory named %s to alias %s
WFLYJCA0119 INFO Unbinding connection factory named %s to alias %s
WFLYJCA0120 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to start the data source '%s' because there are no connection factories, either not defined or failed, please check log.
WFLYJCA0121 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unable to start the data source '%s' because there is more than one(%s) connection factory defined.
WFLYJCA0122 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Thread pool name %s(type: %s) must match the workmanager name %s.
WFLYJCA0123 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Connection definition %s from resource adapter %s is configured to require the legacy security subsystem, which is not present
WFLYJCA0124 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Datasource %s is configured to require the legacy security subsystem, which is not present
WFLYJCA0125 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Datasource %s is configured to require the legacy security subsystem, which is not present
WFLYJCA0126 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Connection definition for %s is configured to require the legacy security subsystem, which is not present
WFLYJCA0127 java.lang.IllegalStateException Connection factory %s is configured to require the legacy security subsystem, which is not present
WFLYJCA0128 java.lang.IllegalStateException Legacy security is not available
WFLYJCA0129 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Wrong module name %s
WFLYJCA0130 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Report directory %s does not exist
WFLYJCA0131 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Legacy security attribute %s is no longer supported. Please use Elytron configuration instead
WFLYJCA0132 java.lang.String Legacy security is no longer supported. Please use Elytron configuration instead
WFLYJCA0133 java.lang.SecurityException Authorization failed
WFLYJCA0134 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException name attribute is mandatory for workmanager element
WFLYJCA0135 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The jdbc driver: %s is not installed


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYJDR0000 java.lang.String Display this message and exit
WFLYJDR0000 java.lang.String hostname that the management api is bound to. (default: localhost)
WFLYJDR0000 java.lang.String port that the management api is bound to. (default: 9990)
WFLYJDR0000 java.lang.String Protocol that is used to connect. Can be remote, http or https (default: http)
WFLYJDR0000 java.lang.String Configuration file of the server if it is not running.
WFLYJDR0000 java.lang.String JBoss Diagnostic Reporter (JDR) is a subsystem built to collect information to aid in troubleshooting. The jdr script is a utility for generating JDR reports.
WFLYJDR0007 java.lang.String Could not create zipfile.
WFLYJDR0008 java.lang.String Could not configure JDR. At least one configuration step failed.
WFLYJDR0009 java.lang.String No JDR commands were loaded. Be sure that a valid Plugin class is specified in plugins.properties.
WFLYJDR0011 ERROR Could not find JDR properties file.
WFLYJDR0012 ERROR Could not create JDR properties file at %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYJMX-001 java.lang.Error Invalid ObjectName: %s,%s; %s
WFLYJMX-001 java.lang.Error Invalid ObjectName: %s,%s,%s; %s
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String entry
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String An entry
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String The key
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String The value
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String A map
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String The map is indexed by 'key'
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String Complex type
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String A complex type
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String This mbean does not support expressions for attributes or operation parameters, even when supported by the underlying model. Instead the resolved attribute is returned, and the real typed value must be used when writing attributes/invoking operations.
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String This mbean supports raw expressions for attributes and operation parameters where supported by the underlying model. If no expression is used, the string representation is converted into the real attribute value.
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String To be able to set and read expressions go to %s
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String To read resolved values and to write typed attributes and use typed operation parameters go to %s
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String This attribute supports expressions
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String This attribute does not support expressions
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String A composite type representing a property
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String The property name
WFLYJMX0000 java.lang.String The property value
WFLYJMX0004 WARN No ObjectName available to unregister
WFLYJMX0005 ERROR Failed to unregister [%s]
WFLYJMX0006 WARN is no longer supporting. should be used instead to allow remote connections via JBoss Remoting.
WFLYJMX0007 javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException Could not find any attribute matching: %s
WFLYJMX0008 javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException Attribute %s is not writable
WFLYJMX0009 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create ObjectName for address %s from string %s
WFLYJMX0010 javax.management.ReflectionException Could not set %s
WFLYJMX0012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s and %s have different lengths
WFLYJMX0013 javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException Bad type for '%s'
WFLYJMX0014 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid key %s for %s
WFLYJMX0015 java.lang.Error Invalid ObjectName: %s; %s
WFLYJMX0017 javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException No MBean found with name %s
WFLYJMX0018 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to register mbean [%s]
WFLYJMX0019 javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException No operation called '%s'
WFLYJMX0020 javax.management.MBeanException No operation called '%s' at %s
WFLYJMX0022 javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException No registration found for path address %s
WFLYJMX0024 java.lang.RuntimeException Unknown type %s
WFLYJMX0025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown value %s
WFLYJMX0026 java.lang.IllegalStateException Need the name parameter for wildcard add
WFLYJMX0029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown domain: %s
WFLYJMX0030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Expression can not be converted into target type %s
WFLYJMX0031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown child %s
WFLYJMX0032 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ObjectName cannot be null
WFLYJMX0036 java.lang.IllegalStateException There is no handler called '%s'
WFLYJMX0037 javax.management.JMRuntimeException Unauthorized access
WFLYJMX0038 javax.management.JMRuntimeException Not authorized to write attribute: '%s'
WFLYJMX0039 javax.management.JMRuntimeException Not authorized to read attribute: '%s'
WFLYJMX0040 javax.management.JMRuntimeException Not authorized to invoke operation: '%s'
WFLYJMX0041 javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException You can't create mbeans under the reserved domain '%s'
WFLYJMX0042 javax.management.OperationsException Don't know how to deserialize
WFLYJMX0043 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException %s is not supported
WFLYJMX0044 java.lang.String You can't register mbeans under the reserved domain '%s'
WFLYJMX0045 java.lang.String You can't unregister mbeans under the reserved domain '%s'
WFLYJMX0046 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The ObjectName coming from MBeanRegistration.preRegister() '%s' is in a reserved JMX domain
WFLYJMX0047 ERROR An error happened unregistering the '%s' MBean registered in a reserved JMX domain
WFLYJMX0048 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Add notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported
WFLYJMX0049 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Remove notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported
WFLYJMX0050 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Add notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported
WFLYJMX0051 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Remove notification listener using ObjectName %s is not supported


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYJPA0001 WARN Duplicate Persistence Unit definition for %s in application. One of the duplicate persistence.xml should be removed from the application. Application deployment will continue with the persistence.xml definitions from %s used. The persistence.xml definitions from %s will be ignored.
WFLYJPA0002 INFO Read persistence.xml for %s
WFLYJPA0003 INFO Starting %s Service '%s'
WFLYJPA0004 INFO Stopping %s Service '%s'
WFLYJPA0006 ERROR Could not load default persistence provider module.
WFLYJPA0007 ERROR Failed to stop persistence unit service %s
WFLYJPA0010 INFO Starting Persistence Unit (phase %d of 2) Service '%s'
WFLYJPA0011 INFO Stopping Persistence Unit (phase %d of 2) Service '%s'
WFLYJPA0012 WARN Unexpected problem gathering statistics
WFLYJPA0015 java.lang.IllegalStateException Container managed entity manager can only be closed by the container (will happen when @remove method is invoked on containing SFSB)
WFLYJPA0017 java.lang.IllegalStateException Container managed entity manager can only be closed by the container (auto-cleared at tx/invocation end and closed when owning component is closed.)
WFLYJPA0018 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not create instance of adapter class '%s'
WFLYJPA0019 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not deploy application packaged persistence provider '%s'
WFLYJPA0020 java.lang.RuntimeException Couldn't get Hibernate session factory from entity manager
WFLYJPA0021 java.lang.String Cannot inject RESOURCE_LOCAL container managed EntityManagers using @PersistenceContext
WFLYJPA0025 java.lang.RuntimeException Couldn't load %s from Jakarta Persistence modules classloader
WFLYJPA0027 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Persistence provider module load error %s (class %s)
WFLYJPA0029 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Cannot specify both %s (%s) and %s (%s) in %s for %s
WFLYJPA0030 jakarta.ejb.EJBException Found extended persistence context in SFSB invocation call stack but that cannot be used because the transaction already has a transactional context associated with it. This can be avoided by changing application code, either eliminate the extended persistence context or the transactional context. See JPA spec 2.0 section Scoped persistence unit name=%s, persistence context already in transaction =%s, extended persistence context =%s.
WFLYJPA0031 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not find child '%s' on '%s'
WFLYJPA0032 java.lang.String Class level %s annotation on class %s must provide a %s
WFLYJPA0033 java.lang.String Can't find a persistence unit named %s in %s
WFLYJPA0034 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can't find a persistence unit named %s#%s at %s
WFLYJPA0036 java.lang.IllegalStateException An error occurred while getting the transaction associated with the current thread: %s
WFLYJPA0037 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to get adapter for persistence provider '%s'
WFLYJPA0038 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to add persistence unit service for %s
WFLYJPA0040 java.lang.String Failed to parse %s
WFLYJPA0041 java.lang.RuntimeException Can only inject from a Hibernate EntityManagerFactoryImpl
WFLYJPA0043 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Persistence unit name (%s) contains illegal '%s' character
WFLYJPA0044 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException jboss.as.jpa.scopedname hint (%s) contains illegal '%s' character
WFLYJPA0048 java.lang.RuntimeException Persistence provider adapter module (%s) has more than one adapter
WFLYJPA0053 java.lang.RuntimeException Internal %s error, null %s passed in
WFLYJPA0057 jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException PersistenceProvider '%s' not found
WFLYJPA0058 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not find relative path: %s
WFLYJPA0059 java.lang.String %s injection target is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed: %s
WFLYJPA0060 jakarta.persistence.TransactionRequiredException Transaction is required to perform this operation (either use a transaction or extended persistence context)
WFLYJPA0061 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Persistence unitName was not specified and there are %d persistence unit definitions in application deployment %s. Either change the application deployment to have only one persistence unit definition or specify the unitName for each reference to a persistence unit.
WFLYJPA0062 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not create instance of persistence provider class %s
WFLYJPA0063 java.lang.RuntimeException internal error, the number of stateful session beans (%d) associated with an extended persistence context (%s) cannot be a negative number.
WFLYJPA0064 java.lang.IllegalStateException Jakarta Transactions transaction already has a 'SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED' persistence context (EntityManager) joined to it but a component with a 'SynchronizationType.SYNCHRONIZED' is now being used. Change the calling component code to join the persistence context (EntityManager) to the transaction or change the called component code to also use 'SynchronizationType.UNSYNCHRONIZED'. See JPA spec 2.1 section Scoped persistence unit name=%s.
WFLYJPA0065 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resources of type %s cannot be registered
WFLYJPA0066 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resources of type %s cannot be removed
WFLYJPA0067 java.lang.RuntimeException Classloader '%s' has more than one Persistence provider adapter
WFLYJPA0069 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Persistence provider adapter module load error %s
WFLYJPA0070 java.lang.IllegalStateException A container-managed extended persistence context can only be initiated within the scope of a stateful session bean (persistence unit '%s').
WFLYJPA0071 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment '%s' specified more than one Hibernate Search module name ('%s','%s')
WFLYJPA0073 java.lang.String Bytecode rewrite (transformation) of class %s failed
WFLYJPA0074 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Persistence provider integrator module load error for %s
WFLYJPA0075 java.lang.IllegalStateException Illegal to call this method from injected, managed EntityManager


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYJSF0004 ERROR Failed to parse %s, Jakarta Server Faces artifacts defined in this file will not be available
WFLYJSF0005 WARN Unknown Jakarta Server Faces version '%s'. Default version '%s' will be used instead.
WFLYJSF0006 WARN Jakarta Server Faces version slot '%s' is missing from module %s
WFLYJSF0007 INFO Activated the following Jakarta Server Faces Implementations: %s
WFLYJSF0008 java.lang.String Failed to load annotated class: %s
WFLYJSF0009 java.lang.String Annotation %s in class %s is only allowed on classes
WFLYJSF0014 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Default Jakarta Server Faces implementation slot '%s' is invalid
WFLYJSF0016 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to inject Jakarta Server Faces from slot %s
WFLYJSF0017 DEBUG Faces 1.2 classes detected. Using org.jboss.as.jsf.injection.weld.legacy.WeldApplicationFactoryLegacy.
WFLYJSF0018 DEBUG Faces 1.2 classes not detected. Using org.jboss.as.jsf.injection.weld.WeldApplicationFactory.
WFLYJSF0019 INFO Jakarta Server Faces artifact %s with class %s has no default constructor so it will not be considered for injection
WFLYJSF0020 WARN Lazy bean validation was enabled. This can result in missing @PreDestroy events when distributed web sessions expire.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYJWT0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile JWT Subsystem
WFLYJWT0002 WARN @LoginConfig annotation detected on invalid target "%s".
WFLYJWT0003 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No `authMethod` specified on the @LoginConfig annotation.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYLOG-001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Expected '%s' or '%s' next in filter expression
WFLYLOG0006 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
WFLYLOG0007 WARN The attribute %s could not be set as it is not a configurable property value.
WFLYLOG0008 java.lang.String The path manager service does not appear to be started. Any changes may be lost as a result of this.
WFLYLOG0010 WARN Logging profile '%s' was specified for deployment '%s' but was not found. Using system logging configuration.
WFLYLOG0011 WARN The configuration file in '%s' appears to be a J.U.L. configuration file. The log manager does not allow this type of configuration file.
WFLYLOG0012 WARN Replacing handler '%s' during add operation. Either the handler type or the module name differs from the initial configuration.
WFLYLOG0013 WARN A configurator class, '%s', is not a known configurator and will be replaced.
WFLYLOG0014 ERROR The log context (%s) could not be removed for deployment %s
WFLYLOG0015 WARN The per-logging deployment property (%s) has been deprecated. Please use the %s attribute to enable/disable per-deployment logging.
WFLYLOG0016 WARN The per-logging deployment property (%s) is being ignored because the attribute %s has been set to ignore configuration files in the deployment %s.
WFLYLOG0019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to load module '%s' for %s '%s'
WFLYLOG0021 java.lang.String Class '%s' could not be found.
WFLYLOG0023 java.lang.String Handler %s is already assigned.
WFLYLOG0025 java.lang.String Filter %s is invalid
WFLYLOG0026 java.lang.String Log level %s is invalid.
WFLYLOG0027 java.lang.String Overflow action %s is invalid.
WFLYLOG0028 java.lang.String Invalid size %s
WFLYLOG0035 java.lang.String Logger '%s' was not found.
WFLYLOG0039 java.lang.String An absolute path (%s) cannot be specified for relative-to.
WFLYLOG0041 java.lang.String The suffix (%s) is invalid. A suffix must be a valid date format.
WFLYLOG0042 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to configure logging using '%s' configuration file.
WFLYLOG0043 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Error occurred while searching for logging configuration files.
WFLYLOG0044 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Handler %s is attached to the following handlers and cannot be removed; %s
WFLYLOG0045 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Handler %s is attached to the following loggers and cannot be removed; %s
WFLYLOG0046 java.lang.String Cannot add handler (%s) to itself
WFLYLOG0047 java.lang.IllegalStateException The handler is closed, cannot publish to a closed handler
WFLYLOG0048 java.lang.String Configuration for handler '%s' could not be found.
WFLYLOG0049 java.lang.String Configuration for logger '%s' could not be found.
WFLYLOG0050 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Method %s on class %s is not supported
WFLYLOG0051 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to write configuration file %s
WFLYLOG0061 java.lang.String Formatter '%s' is not found
WFLYLOG0070 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Truncated filter expression string
WFLYLOG0071 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid escape found in filter expression string
WFLYLOG0072 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Filter '%s' is not found
WFLYLOG0073 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Expected identifier next in filter expression
WFLYLOG0074 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Expected string next in filter expression
WFLYLOG0075 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Expected '%s' next in filter expression
WFLYLOG0076 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected end of filter expression
WFLYLOG0078 java.lang.IllegalStateException The logging subsystem requires the log manager to be org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager. The subsystem has not be initialized and cannot be used. To use JBoss Log Manager you must add the system property "java.util.logging.manager" and set it to "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager"
WFLYLOG0079 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to read the log file '%s'
WFLYLOG0080 org.jboss.as.controller.registry.Resource$NoSuchResourceException File '%s' was not found and cannot be found in the %s directory.
WFLYLOG0081 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException File '%s' is not allowed to be read.
WFLYLOG0082 java.lang.String The suffix (%s) can not contain seconds or milliseconds.
WFLYLOG0083 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Path '%s' is a directory and cannot be used as a log file.
WFLYLOG0084 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resources of type %s cannot be registered
WFLYLOG0085 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resources of type %s cannot be removed
WFLYLOG0086 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not determine deployment name from the address %s.
WFLYLOG0087 ERROR Failed to process logging directory %s. Log files cannot be listed.
WFLYLOG0088 ERROR Could not determine %s had any children resources.
WFLYLOG0089 WARN The log manager check was skipped and the log manager system property, "java.util.logging.manager", does not appear to be set to "org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager". The current value is "%s". Some behavior of the logged output such as MDC and NDC may not work as expected.
WFLYLOG0090 WARN The following path expressions could not be resolved while attempting to determine which log files are available to be read: %s
WFLYLOG0091 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Exception output type %s is invalid.
WFLYLOG0092 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid type found. Expected %s but found %s.
WFLYLOG0093 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to configure SSL context for %s %s.
WFLYLOG0094 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Formatter name cannot end with '-wfcore-pattern-formatter'
WFLYLOG0095 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The name %s cannot be used as a filter name as it is a reserved filter name. Reserved names are: %s
WFLYLOG0096 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The name %s cannot be used as a filter name as it starts with an invalid character %s
WFLYLOG0097 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The name %s cannot be used as a filter name as it contains an invalid character %s
WFLYLOG0099 WARN Usage of a log4j appender (%s) found in a custom-handler. Support for using appenders as custom handlers has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
WFLYLOG0100 WARN Usage of a log4j configuration file (%s) was found in deployment %s. Support for log4j configuration files in deployments has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMAIL0001 INFO Bound mail session [%s]
WFLYMAIL0002 INFO Unbound mail session [%s]
WFLYMAIL0003 DEBUG Removed mail session [%s]
WFLYMAIL0004 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException No outbound socket binding configuration '%s' is available.
WFLYMAIL0009 WARN Host name [%s] could not be resolved!


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMETRICS0001 INFO Activating Base Metrics Subsystem
WFLYMETRICS0002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to initialize metrics from JMX MBeans
WFLYMETRICS0003 WARN Unable to read attribute %s on %s: %s.
WFLYMETRICS0004 WARN Unable to convert attribute %s on %s to Double value.
WFLYMETRICS0005 ERROR Malformed name.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMMTREXT0001 INFO Activating Micrometer Subsystem
WFLYMMTREXT0002 INFO Micrometer Subsystem is processing deployment
WFLYMMTREXT0003 DEBUG The deployment does not have Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection enabled. Skipping Micrometer integration.
WFLYMMTREXT0004 DEBUG Deployment %s requires use of the '%s' capability but it is not currently registered
WFLYMMTREXT0005 WARN Unable to read attribute %s on %s: %s.
WFLYMMTREXT0006 WARN Unable to convert attribute %s on %s to Double value.
WFLYMMTREXT0007 ERROR Malformed name.
WFLYMMTREXT0008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to initialize metrics from JMX MBeans
WFLYMMTREXT0009 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException An unsupported metric type was found: %s
WFLYMMTREXT0010 INFO Not activating Micrometer Subsystem
WFLYMMTREXT0011 WARN Micrometer has been enabled, but no endpoint has been configured. A No-op metrics registry has been configured.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMODCLS0001 ERROR Error adding metrics.
WFLYMODCLS0004 ERROR Mod_cluster requires Advertise but Multicast interface is not available.
WFLYMODCLS0005 WARN No mod_cluster load balance factor provider specified for proxy '%s'! Using load balance factor provider with constant factor of '1'.
WFLYMODCLS0006 ERROR Error applying properties to load metric class '%s'. Metric will not be loaded.
WFLYMODCLS0011 java.lang.String Virtual host '%s' or context '%s' not found.
WFLYMODCLS0019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' is not a valid value for excluded-contexts.
WFLYMODCLS0021 WARN Value 'ROOT' for excluded-contexts is deprecated, to exclude the root context use '/' instead.
WFLYMODCLS0023 ERROR Error loading module '%s' to load custom metric from.
WFLYMODCLS0025 WARN The '%s' element is no longer supported and will be ignored.
WFLYMODCLS0026 WARN Attribute '%s' of element '%s' is no longer supported and will be ignored.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMPFTEXT0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile Fault Tolerance subsystem.
WFLYMPFTEXT0002 INFO MicroProfile Fault Tolerance subsystem with use '%s' metrics provider.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMPHEALTH0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile Health Subsystem
WFLYMPHEALTH0002 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment %s requires use of the '%s' capability but it is not currently registered
WFLYMPHEALTH0003 WARN Reporting health down status: %s
WFLYMPHEALTH0007 INFO The deployment %s configuration has specified that default MicroProfile Health procedures should be disabled; server-wide procedures will be disabled.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMPMETRICS0010 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The migrate operation cannot be performed. The server must be in admin-only mode.
WFLYMPMETRICS0011 java.lang.String Migration failed. See results for more details.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMPOAI0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile OpenAPI Subsystem
WFLYMPOAI0002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to load OpenAPI '%s' from deployment '%s'
WFLYMPOAI0003 WARN MicroProfile OpenAPI endpoint already registered for host '%s'. Skipping OpenAPI documentation of '%s'.
WFLYMPOAI0004 INFO Registered MicroProfile OpenAPI endpoint '%s' for host '%s'
WFLYMPOAI0005 INFO Unregistered MicroProfile OpenAPI endpoint '%s' for host '%s'
WFLYMPOAI0006 WARN §5.1 of MicroProfile OpenAPI specification requires that the endpoint be accessible via %2$s, but no such listeners exists for server '%1$s'.
WFLYMPOAI0007 WARN §5.1 of MicroProfile OpenAPI specification requires documentation to be available at '%3$s', but '%1$s' is configured to use '%2$s'
WFLYMPOAI0008 INFO MicroProfile OpenAPI documentation disabled for '%s'


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMPTEL0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile Telemetry Subsystem
WFLYMPTEL0002 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment %s requires use of the '%s' capability but it is not currently registered


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMSGAMQ0001 INFO AIO wasn't located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO.
WFLYMSGAMQ0002 INFO Bound messaging object to jndi name %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0003 ERROR Exception while stopping Jakarta Messaging server
WFLYMSGAMQ0004 WARN Failed to destroy %s: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0005 ERROR %s caught exception attempting to revert operation %s at address %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0006 INFO Unbound messaging object to jndi name %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0007 ERROR Could not close file %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0008 WARN Failed to unbind messaging object bound to jndi name %s in %d %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0011 INFO Started %s %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0012 INFO Stopped %s %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0015 WARN Ignoring %s property that is not a known property for pooled connection factory.
WFLYMSGAMQ0016 INFO Registered HTTP upgrade for %s protocol handled by %s acceptor
WFLYMSGAMQ0018 WARN No connectors were explicitly defined for the pooled connection factory %s. Using %s as the connector.
WFLYMSGAMQ0022 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot bind a null or empty string as jndi name
WFLYMSGAMQ0025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot unbind a null or empty string as jndi name
WFLYMSGAMQ0026 java.lang.String A child resource of type %1$s already exists; the messaging subsystem only allows a single resource of type %1$s
WFLYMSGAMQ0027 java.lang.IllegalStateException Connector %s not defined
WFLYMSGAMQ0028 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to create %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0029 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to find SocketBinding for broadcast binding: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0030 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to find SocketBinding for connector: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0031 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to find SocketBinding for discovery binding: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0032 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to shutdown %s server
WFLYMSGAMQ0033 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start service
WFLYMSGAMQ0036 java.lang.String Illegal value %s for element %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0037 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resource is immutable
WFLYMSGAMQ0038 java.lang.String %s is invalid
WFLYMSGAMQ0039 java.lang.IllegalStateException Attribute %s has unexpected type %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0042 java.lang.IllegalStateException Service %s is not in state %s, it is in state %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0043 java.lang.String JNDI name %s is already registered
WFLYMSGAMQ0045 java.lang.String %s is required
WFLYMSGAMQ0046 java.lang.String Either %s or %s is required
WFLYMSGAMQ0047 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is null
WFLYMSGAMQ0050 java.lang.IllegalStateException Read support for attribute %s was not properly implemented
WFLYMSGAMQ0052 java.lang.IllegalStateException Support for operation %s was not properly implemented
WFLYMSGAMQ0053 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Runtime handling for %s is not implemented
WFLYMSGAMQ0054 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No ActiveMQ Server is available under name %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0055 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not parse file %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0056 java.lang.IllegalStateException Handler cannot handle operation %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0057 java.lang.String No message destination registered at address %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0058 java.lang.IllegalStateException SecurityDomainContext has not been set
WFLYMSGAMQ0060 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to recover %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0063 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resources of type %s cannot be registered
WFLYMSGAMQ0064 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Resources of type %s cannot be removed
WFLYMSGAMQ0066 java.lang.String Resource at the address %s can not be managed, the server is in backup mode
WFLYMSGAMQ0067 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The broadcast group '%s' defines reference to nonexistent connector '%s'. Available connectors '%s'.
WFLYMSGAMQ0071 WARN There is no resource matching the expiry-address %s for the address-settings %s, expired messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost!
WFLYMSGAMQ0072 WARN There is no resource matching the dead-letter-address %s for the address-settings %s, undelivered messages from destinations matching this address-setting will be lost!
WFLYMSGAMQ0073 java.lang.String Can not remove JNDI name %s. The resource must have at least one JNDI name
WFLYMSGAMQ0075 INFO AIO wasn't located on this platform, it will fall back to using pure Java NIO. Your platform is Linux, install LibAIO to enable the AIO journal and achieve optimal performance.
WFLYMSGAMQ0076 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Parameter %s contains duplicate elements [%s]
WFLYMSGAMQ0077 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Can not remove unknown entry %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0078 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Only one %s child resource is allowed, found children: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0079 java.lang.IllegalStateException Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed
WFLYMSGAMQ0080 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Discovery group %s is not defined
WFLYMSGAMQ0081 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unsupported type of broadcast group configuration for legacy resource: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0082 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unsupported type of connector factory for legacy resource: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0083 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The %s operation can not be performed: the server must be in %s mode
WFLYMSGAMQ0084 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The server does not define any in-vm connector. One is required to be able to import a journal
WFLYMSGAMQ0085 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load class %s from module %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0086 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load module %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0087 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load connector service factory class: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0088 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s is an invalid value for parameter %s, it should be multiple of %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0089 WARN Resource at %s is not correctly configured: when its attribute %s is defined, the other attributes %s will not be taken into account
WFLYMSGAMQ0090 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException The Elytron security domain cannot be null
WFLYMSGAMQ0091 DEBUG Failed to authenticate username %s. Exception message: %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0092 DEBUG Failed to authenticate username %s: cannot verify username/password pair
WFLYMSGAMQ0093 DEBUG Failed to authorize username %s: missing permissions
WFLYMSGAMQ0094 WARN Unable to detect database dialect from connection metadata or JDBC driver name. Please configure this manually using the 'journal-database' property in your configuration. Known database dialect strings are %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0095 WARN Multiple client-mapping found in [%s] socket binding used by ActiveMQ [%s] transport configuration. Using address: [host: %s, port %s]
WFLYMSGAMQ0096 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The %s operation can not be performed on a JDBC store journal
WFLYMSGAMQ0097 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException There is no socket-binding or outbound-socket-binding configured with the name %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0098 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to load module %s - the module or one of its dependencies is missing [%s]
WFLYMSGAMQ0099 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Creating the remote destination %s failed with error %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0100 java.lang.RuntimeException Deleting the remote destination %s failed with error %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0101 WARN Invalid value %s for %s, legal values are %s, default value is applied.
WFLYMSGAMQ0102 java.io.IOException HTTP Upgrade request missing Sec-JbossRemoting-Key header
WFLYMSGAMQ0103 java.lang.IllegalStateException Broker is not started. It cannot be managed yet.
WFLYMSGAMQ0104 java.lang.IllegalStateException Legacy security is no longer supported.
WFLYMSGAMQ0105 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The %s %s is configured to use socket-binding %s, but this socket binding doesn't have the multicast-address or a multicast-port attributes configured.
WFLYMSGAMQ0106 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The bridge %s didn't deploy.
WFLYMSGAMQ0107 java.lang.IllegalStateException You must define a elytron security domain when security is enabled.
WFLYMSGAMQ0108 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Either socket-binding or jgroups-cluster attribute is required.
WFLYMSGAMQ0109 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unknown ha policy type.
WFLYMSGAMQ0110 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to find Recovery Registry
WFLYMSGAMQ0111 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No subscriptions with name %s for clientID %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0112 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No subscriptions with name %s
WFLYMSGAMQ0113 org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException Arguments are missing
WFLYMSGAMQ0114 org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException Required parameter --restype is missing.
WFLYMSGAMQ0115 org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException JNDI name is missing.
WFLYMSGAMQ0116 org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException Failed to parse property '%s'
WFLYMSGAMQ0117 org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException Resource type %s isn't supported.
WFLYMSGAMQ0118 org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException name is missing.
WFLYMSGAMQ0119 org.jboss.as.cli.operation.OperationFormatException '%s' wasn't found among existing JMS resources.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYMSGAMQINJ0001 jakarta.jms.IllegalStateRuntimeException It is not permitted to call this method on injected JMSContext (see Jakarta Messaging 2.0 spec, §12.4.5).


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYNAM0001 INFO Activating Naming Subsystem
WFLYNAM0002 WARN Failed to set %s
WFLYNAM0003 INFO Starting Naming Service
WFLYNAM0012 ERROR Failed to release binder service, used for a runtime made JNDI binding
WFLYNAM0013 ERROR Failed to obtain jndi view value for entry %s.
WFLYNAM0014 java.lang.SecurityException Attempt to add a Permission to a readonly PermissionCollection
WFLYNAM0015 java.lang.String %s cannot be null.
WFLYNAM0016 javax.naming.NamingException Could not dereference object
WFLYNAM0017 javax.naming.NamingException Unable to list a non Context binding.
WFLYNAM0018 java.lang.String Could not lookup link
WFLYNAM0020 javax.naming.NamingException Could not resolve service %s
WFLYNAM0021 javax.naming.NamingException Could not resolve service reference to %s in factory %s. Service was in state %s.
WFLYNAM0022 javax.naming.NamingException Could not resolve service reference to %s in factory %s. This is a bug in ServiceReferenceObjectFactory. State was %s.
WFLYNAM0023 java.lang.String Duplicate JNDI bindings for '%s' are not compatible. [%s] != [%s]
WFLYNAM0024 javax.naming.InvalidNameException An empty name is not allowed
WFLYNAM0025 java.lang.IllegalStateException Jndi entry '%s' is not yet registered in context '%s'
WFLYNAM0026 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to destroy root context
WFLYNAM0027 javax.naming.NamingException Failed instantiate %s %s from classloader %s
WFLYNAM0028 java.lang.String Failed to read %s context entries.
WFLYNAM0029 java.lang.String Failed to start %s
WFLYNAM0030 java.lang.RuntimeException Illegal context in name: %s
WFLYNAM0032 javax.naming.NamingException Invalid context reference. Not a '%s' reference.
WFLYNAM0033 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException A valid JNDI name must be provided: %s
WFLYNAM0034 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Load factor must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1
WFLYNAM0035 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException invalid permission, unknown action: %s
WFLYNAM0036 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException invalid permission, unknown action: %s
WFLYNAM0037 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can not have a negative size table!
WFLYNAM0038 java.lang.String Jndi view is only available in runtime mode.
WFLYNAM0039 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException Name '%s' not found in context '%s'
WFLYNAM0041 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is null
WFLYNAM0042 javax.naming.NamingException Failed to create object factory from classloader.
WFLYNAM0043 javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException Naming context is read-only
WFLYNAM0044 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Service with name [%s] already bound.
WFLYNAM0045 java.lang.IllegalStateException Table is full!
WFLYNAM0046 javax.naming.NamingException Thread interrupted while retrieving service reference for service %s
WFLYNAM0047 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Invalid name for context binding %s
WFLYNAM0048 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid binding name %s, name must start with one of %s
WFLYNAM0049 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unknown binding type %s
WFLYNAM0050 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unsupported simple binding type %s
WFLYNAM0051 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to transform URL binding value %s
WFLYNAM0052 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not load module %s
WFLYNAM0053 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not load class %s from module %s
WFLYNAM0054 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not instantiate instance of class %s from module %s
WFLYNAM0055 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Class %s from module %s is not an instance of ObjectFactory
WFLYNAM0059 java.lang.RuntimeException Resource lookup for injection failed: %s
WFLYNAM0060 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Binding type %s requires attribute named %s defined
WFLYNAM0061 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Binding type %s can not take a 'cache' attribute
WFLYNAM0062 javax.naming.NamingException Failed to lookup %s
WFLYNAM0063 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s service not started
WFLYNAM0064 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot rebind external context lookup
WFLYNAM0065 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not load module %s - the module or one of its dependencies is missing [%s]
WFLYNAM0066 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start remote naming service
WFLYNAM0067 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to stop remote naming service


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYOIDC0001 INFO Activating WildFly Elytron OIDC Subsystem
WFLYOIDC0002 INFO Elytron OIDC Client subsystem override for deployment '%s'
WFLYOIDC0003 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot remove credential. No credential defined for deployment '%s'
WFLYOIDC0004 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot update credential. No credential defined for deployment '%s'
WFLYOIDC0005 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot remove redirect rewrite rule. No redirect rewrite defined for deployment '%s'
WFLYOIDC0006 java.lang.RuntimeException Cannot update redirect rewrite. No redirect rewrite defined for deployment '%s'
WFLYOIDC0007 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Must set 'resource' or 'client-id'
WFLYOIDC0008 WARN The 'disable-trust-manager' attribute has been set to 'true' so no trust manager will be used when communicating with the OpenID provider over HTTPS. This value should always be set to 'false' in a production environment.
WFLYOIDC0009 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Oidc attribute '%s' is not supported with the current stability level.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYOTELEXT0001 INFO Activating OpenTelemetry Subsystem
WFLYOTELEXT0004 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment %s requires use of the '%s' capability but it is not currently registered
WFLYOTELEXT0005 ERROR Error resolving the OpenTelemetry instance.
WFLYOTELEXT0008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException An unsupported exporter was specified: '%s'.
WFLYOTELEXT0009 ERROR Error resolving the tracer.
WFLYOTELEXT0010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException An unsupported span processor was specified: '%s'.
WFLYOTELEXT0011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unrecognized value for sampler: '%s'.
WFLYOTELEXT0012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid ratio. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive
WFLYOTELEXT0013 java.lang.String The 'jaeger' exporter is no longer supported. Please update the system to use otlp.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.String Conflicts detected
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException failed to resolve a jboss.home.dir use the --distribution attribute to point to a valid installation
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException No layers directory found at %s
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot find layer '%s' under directory %s
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException no associated module or bundle repository with layer '%s'
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Duplicate %s '%s'
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Not a directory %s
WFLYPAT0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException patch types don't match
WFLYPAT0000 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException invalid rollback information
WFLYPAT0001 WARN Cannot delete file %s
WFLYPAT0002 WARN Cannot invalidate %s
WFLYPAT0003 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Patch does not apply - expected (%s), but was (%s)
WFLYPAT0004 java.io.IOException Failed to delete (%s)
WFLYPAT0005 java.io.IOException Failed to create directory (%s)
WFLYPAT0008 java.lang.String File at path specified by argument %s does not exist
WFLYPAT0011 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Cannot rollback patch (%s)
WFLYPAT0012 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Patch '%s' already applied
WFLYPAT0013 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException There is no layer called %s installed
WFLYPAT0014 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Failed to resolve a valid patch descriptor for %s %s
WFLYPAT0015 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Requires patch '%s'
WFLYPAT0016 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Patch is incompatible with patch '%s'
WFLYPAT0017 org.jboss.as.patching.ContentConflictsException Conflicts detected
WFLYPAT0018 java.io.SyncFailedException copied content does not match expected hash for item: %s
WFLYPAT0019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException invalid patch name '%s'
WFLYPAT0020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot rollback. No patches applied.
WFLYPAT0021 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Patch '%s' not found in history.
WFLYPAT0023 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to show history of patches
WFLYPAT0024 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unable to apply or rollback a patch when the server is in a restart-required state.
WFLYPAT0025 java.lang.String failed to load identity info
WFLYPAT0026 java.lang.String No more patches
WFLYPAT0027 java.lang.String No patch history %s
WFLYPAT0028 java.lang.String Patch is missing file %s
WFLYPAT0029 java.lang.String File is not readable %s
WFLYPAT0030 java.lang.String Layer not found %s
WFLYPAT0031 ERROR failed to undo change for: '%s'
WFLYPAT0032 java.lang.String missing: '%s'
WFLYPAT0033 java.lang.String inconsistent state: '%s'
WFLYPAT0034 java.lang.String in error: '%s'
WFLYPAT0035 WARN Cannot rename file %s
WFLYPAT0036 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot process backup by renaming file %s
WFLYPAT0037 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot process restore by renaming file %s
WFLYPAT0038 java.lang.IllegalStateException Duplicate element patch-id (%s)
WFLYPAT0039 java.lang.String Requested %s version %s did not match the installed version %s
WFLYPAT0040 java.lang.String failed to load %s info
WFLYPAT0041 java.lang.String Patch %s found in more than one stream: %s and %s
WFLYPAT0042 java.lang.String Patch bundle is empty
WFLYPAT0043 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Content item type is missing in '%s'
WFLYPAT0044 java.lang.String Unsupported content type '%s'
WFLYPAT0045 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Unrecognized condition format '%s'
WFLYPAT0046 org.jboss.as.patching.PatchingException Cannot copy files to temporary directory %s: %s. Note that '-Djava.io.tmpdir' switch can be used to set different temporary directory.
WFLYPAT0047 java.io.IOException Cannot copy files from %s to %s: %s
WFLYPAT0048 ERROR Error when restoring file[%s] - %s
WFLYPAT0049 java.io.IOException Some backup files were not removed.
WFLYPAT0050 INFO %s cumulative patch ID is: %s, one-off patches include: %s
WFLYPAT0051 java.io.IOException Invalid zip file. Found an entry that resolves to a path outside of the patch directory: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Usage: %s [args...]%nwhere args include:
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Keep a copy of the persistent domain configuration even if this host is not the Domain Controller. If ignore-unused-configuration is unset in host.xml, then the complete domain configuration will be stored, otherwise the configured value of ignore-unused-configuration will be used.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String If this host is not the Domain Controller and cannot contact the Domain Controller at boot, a locally cached copy of the domain configuration is used for boot (if available, see --backup.) The Domain Controller is background polled until it becomes available. Note that starting a host with --cached-dc when the Domain Controller is available will cache a copy of the domain configuration even if --backup is not used.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Name of the domain configuration file to use (default is "domain.xml") (Same as -c)
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Name of the domain configuration file to use (default is "domain.xml") (Same as --domain-config)
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Name of the domain configuration file to use. This differs from '--domain-config', '-c' and '-domain-config' in that the initial file is never overwritten.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Display this message and exit
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Address on which the host controller should listen for communication from the process controller
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Port on which the host controller should listen for communication from the process controller
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Name of the host configuration file to use (default is "host.xml")
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Name of the host configuration file to use. This differs from '--host-config' in that the initial file is never overwritten.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Address on which the process controller listens for communication from processes it controls
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Port on which the process controller listens for communication from processes it controls
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Load system properties from the given url
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Set a system property
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Print version and exit
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.bind.address to the given value
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.bind.address. to the given value
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.default.multicast.address to the given value
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Set the host controller's running type to ADMIN_ONLY causing it to open administrative interfaces and accept management requests but not start servers or, if this host controller is the primary for the domain, accept incoming connections from secondary host controllers.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.domain.primary.address to the given value. In a default secondary Host Controller config, this is used to configure the address of the primary Host Controller.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.domain.primary.port to the given value. In a default secondary Host Controller config, this is used to configure the port used for native management communication by the primary Host Controller.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Runs the server with a security manager installed.
WFLYPC0000 java.lang.String Runs the server using a specific stability level. Possible values: %s, Default = %s
WFLYPC0001 WARN Attempted to reconnect non-existent process '%s'
WFLYPC0002 WARN Attempted to remove non-existent process '%s'
WFLYPC0003 WARN Attempted to start non-existent process '%s'
WFLYPC0004 WARN Attempted to stop non-existent process '%s'
WFLYPC0005 WARN Attempted to register duplicate named process '%s'
WFLYPC0006 WARN Failed to send authentication key to process '%s': %s
WFLYPC0007 ERROR Failed to send data bytes to process '%s' input stream
WFLYPC0008 ERROR Failed to send reconnect message to process '%s' input stream
WFLYPC0009 ERROR Failed to start process '%s'
WFLYPC0010 ERROR Failed to write %s message to connection: %s
WFLYPC0011 INFO Process '%s' finished with an exit status of %d
WFLYPC0012 WARN Received connection with invalid version from %s
WFLYPC0013 WARN Received unrecognized greeting code 0x%02x from %s
WFLYPC0014 WARN Received connection with unknown credentials from %s
WFLYPC0015 WARN Received unknown message with code 0x%02x
WFLYPC0016 INFO All processes finished; exiting
WFLYPC0017 INFO Shutting down process controller
WFLYPC0018 INFO Starting process '%s'
WFLYPC0019 INFO Stopping process '%s'
WFLYPC0020 ERROR Stream processing failed for process '%s': %s
WFLYPC0021 INFO Waiting %d seconds until trying to restart process %s.
WFLYPC0022 WARN Failed to kill process '%s', trying to destroy the process instead.
WFLYPC0023 java.lang.String No value was provided for argument %s
WFLYPC0025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Authentication key must be 24 bytes long
WFLYPC0029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s length is invalid
WFLYPC0030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid option: %s
WFLYPC0031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Command contains a null component
WFLYPC0033 ERROR Failed to accept a connection
WFLYPC0034 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
WFLYPC0035 ERROR Failed to close the server socket %s
WFLYPC0036 ERROR Failed to close a socket
WFLYPC0039 ERROR Failed to handle incoming connection
WFLYPC0040 ERROR Failed to handle socket failure condition
WFLYPC0041 ERROR Failed to handle socket finished condition
WFLYPC0042 ERROR Failed to handle socket shut down condition
WFLYPC0043 ERROR Failed to read a message
WFLYPC0044 WARN Leaked a message output stream; cleaning
WFLYPC0045 java.io.IOException Failed to create server thread
WFLYPC0046 java.io.IOException Failed to read object
WFLYPC0047 java.io.UTFDataFormatException Invalid byte
WFLYPC0048 java.io.UTFDataFormatException Invalid byte:%s(%d)
WFLYPC0049 java.io.IOException Invalid byte token. Expecting '%s' received '%s'
WFLYPC0050 java.io.IOException Invalid command byte read: %s
WFLYPC0051 java.io.IOException Invalid start chunk start [%s]
WFLYPC0056 java.io.EOFException Read %d bytes.
WFLYPC0058 java.io.IOException Stream closed
WFLYPC0059 java.lang.IllegalStateException Thread creation was refused
WFLYPC0060 java.io.EOFException Unexpected end of stream
WFLYPC0061 java.io.IOException Write channel closed
WFLYPC0062 java.io.IOException Writes are already shut down
WFLYPC0063 INFO Process '%s' did not complete normal stop within %d ms; attempting to kill process using OS calls
WFLYPC0064 INFO Cannot locate process '%s' -- could not find the 'jps' command
WFLYPC0065 INFO No process identifiable as '%s' could be found
WFLYPC0066 INFO Multiple processes identifiable as '%s' found; OS level kill cannot be safely performed
WFLYPC0067 INFO Process '%s' did not complete normal stop within %d ms; attempting to destroy process using java.lang.Process.destroyForcibly()


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYPL0001 INFO Activating PicketLink %s Subsystem
WFLYPL0003 INFO Bound [%s] to [%s]
WFLYPL0007 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load module [%s].
WFLYPL0009 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load class [%s].
WFLYPL0010 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No type provided for %s. You must specify a class-name or code.
WFLYPL0012 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Attribute [%s] is not longer supported.
WFLYPL0013 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException [%s] can only have [%d] child of type [%s].
WFLYPL0014 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid attribute [%s] definition for [%s]. Only one of the following attributes are allowed: [%s].
WFLYPL0015 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Required attribute [%s] for [%s].
WFLYPL0016 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException [%s] requires one of the given attributes [%s].
WFLYPL0017 java.lang.IllegalStateException Type [%s] already defined.
WFLYPL0018 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException [%s] can not be empty.
WFLYPL0019 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException [%s] requires child [%s].
WFLYPL0054 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException You must provide at least one identity configuration.
WFLYPL0055 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException You must provide at least one identity store for identity configuration [%s].
WFLYPL0056 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No supported type provided.
WFLYPL0057 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No mapping was defined.
WFLYPL0101 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No type provided for the handler. You must specify a class-name or code.
WFLYPL0105 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The migrate operation can not be performed: the server must be in admin-only mode
WFLYPL0106 java.lang.String Migration failed, see results for more details.
WFLYPL0107 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot migrate non-empty picketlink-federation subsystem configuration.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYPMB0001 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No known attribute %s
WFLYPMB0002 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException A platform mbean resource does not have a writable model
WFLYPMB0003 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Adding child resources is not supported
WFLYPMB0004 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Removing child resources is not supported
WFLYPMB0005 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No BufferPoolMXBean with name '%s' currently exists
WFLYPMB0006 java.lang.IllegalStateException Read support for attribute %s was not properly implemented
WFLYPMB0007 java.lang.IllegalStateException Write support for attribute %s was not properly implemented
WFLYPMB0008 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No GarbageCollectorMXBean with name %s currently exists
WFLYPMB0009 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No MemoryManagerMXBean with name %s currently exists
WFLYPMB0010 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No MemoryPoolMXBean with name %s currently exists


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYPOJO0001 INFO Found legacy bean/pojo namespace: %s - might be missing some xml features (potential exceptions).
WFLYPOJO0002 WARN Ignoring uninstall action on target: %s
WFLYPOJO0003 WARN Error invoking callback: %s
WFLYPOJO0004 WARN Error invoking incallback: %s
WFLYPOJO0005 WARN Error invoking uncallback: %s
WFLYPOJO0006 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to get module attachment for %s
WFLYPOJO0007 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Missing deployment reflection index for %s
WFLYPOJO0008 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to parse POJO xml [ %s ]
WFLYPOJO0010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot instantiate new collection instance.
WFLYPOJO0011 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot instantiate new map instance.
WFLYPOJO0012 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Too dynamic to determine injected type from factory!
WFLYPOJO0013 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Too dynamic to determine injected type from dependency!
WFLYPOJO0014 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Previous node is not a value config: %s
WFLYPOJO0015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null factory method!
WFLYPOJO0016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null bean info!
WFLYPOJO0017 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid number of type instances match: %s, type: %s
WFLYPOJO0018 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot determine injected type: %s, try setting class attribute (if available).
WFLYPOJO0019 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null or empty alias.
WFLYPOJO0020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null or empty dependency.
WFLYPOJO0021 java.lang.String Missing value
WFLYPOJO0022 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null value
WFLYPOJO0023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null name
WFLYPOJO0024 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null method name!
WFLYPOJO0025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown type: %s
WFLYPOJO0026 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal parameter length: %s
WFLYPOJO0027 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Missing factory method in ctor configuration: %s
WFLYPOJO0028 java.lang.String Missing bean info, set bean's class attribute: %s
WFLYPOJO0029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Wrong types size, doesn't match parameters!
WFLYPOJO0030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null ClassInfo!
WFLYPOJO0031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No such constructor: %s for class %s.
WFLYPOJO0032 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method not found %s%s for class %s.
WFLYPOJO0033 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No such getter: %s on class %s.
WFLYPOJO0034 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No such setter: %s on class %s.
WFLYPOJO0035 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Ambiguous match %s.
WFLYPOJO0036 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Ambiguous match of %s for name %s on class %s.
WFLYPOJO0037 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Field not found %s for class %s.
WFLYPOJO0038 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Exception while parsing POJO descriptor file: %s
WFLYPOJO0039 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot determine type - insufficient info on configuration!


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYPRT0001 WARN Got error closing channel %s
WFLYPRT0003 ERROR Failed to close resource %s
WFLYPRT0004 ERROR Failed to close the server socket %s
WFLYPRT0018 WARN No such request (%d) associated with channel %s
WFLYPRT0023 java.net.ConnectException Could not connect to %s. The connection timed out
WFLYPRT0030 java.io.IOException Invalid byte token. Expecting '%d' received '%d'
WFLYPRT0032 java.io.IOException Invalid signature [%s]
WFLYPRT0034 java.io.IOException Invalid type: %s
WFLYPRT0035 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Type is neither %s or %s: %s
WFLYPRT0051 java.lang.IllegalStateException Operation with id %d already registered
WFLYPRT0052 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null executor
WFLYPRT0053 java.net.ConnectException Could not connect to %s. The connection failed
WFLYPRT0054 java.io.IOException Channel closed
WFLYPRT0055 java.io.IOException no handler registered for request type '%s'.
WFLYPRT0056 java.io.IOException No response handler for request %s
WFLYPRT0057 INFO %s cancelled task by interrupting thread %s
WFLYPRT0058 INFO %s cancelled task before execution began
WFLYPRT0059 INFO You are using a deprecated way to set the client bind address. Please use the "--bind" parameter on the CLI instead of the %s system property.
WFLYPRT0060 java.io.IOException Channel open request timed out


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYREQCON001 WARN Failed to cancel queued task %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYRMT0001 INFO Listening on %s
WFLYRMT0002 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Could not start channel listener
WFLYRMT0004 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException %s
WFLYRMT0005 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start service
WFLYRMT0006 java.lang.IllegalStateException Endpoint is null
WFLYRMT0016 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid QOP value: %s
WFLYRMT0017 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid Strength value: %s
WFLYRMT0018 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot create a valid URI from %s -- %s
WFLYRMT0020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid Strength '%s' string given
WFLYRMT0021 java.io.IOException HTTP Upgrade request missing Sec-JbossRemoting-Key header
WFLYRMT0022 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Worker configuration is no longer used, please use endpoint worker configuration
WFLYRMT0023 java.lang.String Only one of '%s' configuration or '%s' configuration is allowed
WFLYRMT0024 INFO The remoting subsystem is present but no io subsystem was found. An io subsystem was not required when remoting schema '%s' was current but now is, so a default subsystem is being added.
WFLYRMT0025 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Can't remove %s as JMX uses it as a remoting endpoint
WFLYRMT0026 java.lang.String Change of worker to '%s' in remoting might require the same change in linked resources depending on remoting and in definition of http(s) listeners.
WFLYRMT0027 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to obtain SSLContext
WFLYRMT0028 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid option '%s'.
WFLYRMT0029 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The use of security realms at runtime is unsupported.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYRS0001 WARN %s annotation not on Class: %s
WFLYRS0002 WARN %s annotation not on Class or Method: %s
WFLYRS0003 ERROR More than one mapping found for Jakarta RESTful Web Services servlet: %s the second mapping %s will not work
WFLYRS0006 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load Jakarta RESTful Web Services Application class
WFLYRS0010 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Jakarta RESTful Web Services resource %s does not correspond to a view on the Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s. @Path annotations can only be placed on classes or interfaces that represent a local, remote or no-interface view of a Jakarta Enterprise Beans bean.
WFLYRS0011 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Invalid value for parameter %s: %s
WFLYRS0012 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No spring integration jar found
WFLYRS0013 WARN The context param org.jboss.as.jaxrs.disableSpringIntegration is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Please use org.jboss.as.jaxrs.enableSpringIntegration instead
WFLYRS0014 ERROR Failed to register management view for REST resource class: %s
WFLYRS0015 WARN No Servlet declaration found for Jakarta RESTful Web Services application. In %s either provide a class that extends jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application or declare a servlet class in web.xml.
WFLYRS0016 INFO RESTEasy version %s
WFLYRS0017 WARN Failed to read attribute from Jakarta RESTful Web Services deployment at %s with name %s
WFLYRS0018 WARN Explicit usage of Jackson annotation in a Jakarta RESTful Web Services deployment; the system will disable Jakarta JSON Binding processing for the current deployment. Consider setting the '%s' property to 'false' to restore Jakarta JSON Binding.
WFLYRS0019 WARN Error converting default value %s for parameter %s in method %s using param converter %s. Exception: %s : %s
WFLYRS0020 WARN "Error converting default value %s for parameter %s in method %s using method %s. Exception: %s : %s"
WFLYRS0021 ERROR %s %s
WFLYRS0029 WARN The RESTEasy tracing API has been enabled for deployment "%s" and is not meant for production.
WFLYRS0030 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid ConfigurationFactory found %s
WFLYRS0031 WARN Failed to load RESTEasy MicroProfile Configuration: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYRTS0001 java.lang.IllegalStateException Can't import global transaction to wildfly transaction client.
WFLYRTS0002 ERROR Cannot get transaction status on handling response context %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYRXMESS0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Subsystem
WFLYRXMESS0002 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment %s requires use of the '%s' capability but it is not currently registered
WFLYRXMESS0003 INFO Intermediate module %s is not present. Skipping recursively adding modules from it
WFLYRXMESS0004 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Use of -D%s=true is not allowed in this setup
WFLYRXMESS0005 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Use of @%s is not allowed in this setup


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYRXMKAF0001 INFO Found property %s, will use the Elytron client-ssl-context: %s
WFLYRXMKAF0002 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find an Elytron client-ssl-context called: %s
WFLYRXMKAF0003 java.lang.RuntimeException Snappy compression is not supported when running on Windows or Mac OS. The MicroProfile Config property configuring Snappy is: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYRXSTOPS0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile Reactive Streams Operators Subsystem
WFLYRXSTOPS0002 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment %s requires use of the '%s' capability but it is not currently registered


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYRXSTOPSCDI0001 java.lang.IllegalStateException No implementation of the %s found in the classpath


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYSAR0001 java.lang.String Failed to execute legacy service %s method
WFLYSAR0002 WARN Unable to find PropertyEditor for type %s
WFLYSAR0003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Class not found
WFLYSAR0004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Class not instantiated
WFLYSAR0005 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to get %s attachment for %s
WFLYSAR0006 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to parse service xml [%s]
WFLYSAR0007 java.lang.IllegalStateException Method '%s(%s)' not found for: %s
WFLYSAR0008 java.lang.String Missing one or more required attributes:
WFLYSAR0009 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s is null
WFLYSAR0010 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s method for property '%s' not found for: %s
WFLYSAR0011 java.lang.String Unexpected content of type '%s' named '%s', text is: %s
WFLYSAR0012 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to process SAR child archives for [%s]
WFLYSAR0013 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Malformed dependency name %s
WFLYSAR0014 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find default constructor for %s
WFLYSAR0015 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to register mbean [%s]
WFLYSAR0016 WARN No ObjectName available to unregister
WFLYSAR0017 ERROR Failed to unregister [%s]
WFLYSAR0018 java.lang.IllegalStateException Object supplier not available
WFLYSAR0019 java.lang.IllegalStateException Object not available
WFLYSAR0020 java.lang.IllegalStateException Method is not accessible
WFLYSAR0021 java.lang.IllegalStateException Failed to invoke method


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYSEC0007 java.lang.RuntimeException Runtime Exception:
WFLYSEC0015 java.lang.SecurityException Security Exception
WFLYSEC0018 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Use the ResourceDescriptionResolver variant
WFLYSEC0019 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Unsupported Operation
WFLYSEC0022 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException A security domain can have either an or element, not both
WFLYSEC0023 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Missing required attribute: either %s or %s must be present
WFLYSEC0061 java.lang.String again:
WFLYSEC0105 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to initialize legacy JACC support while elytron JACC support is enabled.
WFLYSEC0107 java.lang.String Validation failed for %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYSM0002 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Invalid version found in the permissions element. Found %s, expected %s
WFLYSM0003 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Subsystem configuration error: the following permissions are not implied by the maximum permissions set %s
WFLYSM0004 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment configuration error: the following permissions are not implied by the maximum permissions set %s
WFLYSM0005 java.lang.String Empty maximum sets are not understood in the target model version and must be rejected
WFLYSM0006 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected element '%s' encountered
WFLYSM0007 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected attribute '%s' encountered
WFLYSM0008 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected end of document
WFLYSM0009 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Missing required attribute(s): %s
WFLYSM0010 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Missing required element(s): %s
WFLYSM0011 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected content of type %s
WFLYSM0012 WARN The following permission could not be constructed and will be ignored in the %s: (class="%s" name="%s" actions="%s")


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Name of the server configuration file to use (default is "standalone.xml") (Same as -c)
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Name of the server configuration file to use (default is "standalone.xml") (Same as --server-config)
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Name of the server configuration file to use. This differs from '--server-config' and '-c' in that the original file is never overwritten.
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Display this message and exit
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Load system properties from the given url
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Set a security property
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Set a system property
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Print version and exit
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.bind.address to the given value
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.bind.address. to the given value
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Set system property jboss.default.multicast.address to the given value
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Set the server's running type to ADMIN_ONLY causing it to open administrative interfaces and accept management requests but not start other runtime services or accept end user requests. Cannot be used in conjunction with --start-mode. Deprecated; use --start-mode=admin-only instead.
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Activate debug mode with an optional argument to specify the port. Only works if the launch script supports it.
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Runs the server with a security manager installed.
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Sets the start mode of the server, it can be either 'normal','admin-only' or 'suspend'. If this is 'suspend' the server will start in suspended mode, and will not service requests until it has been resumed. If this is started in admin-only mode the server will only open administrative interfaces and accept management requests but not start other runtime services or accept end user requests. Cannot be used in conjunction with --admin-only.
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Start the server gracefully, queuing or cleanly rejecting requests until the server is fully started
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String The git repository to clone to get the server configuration.
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String The git branch to use to get the server configuration. Default is 'master'
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String The elytron configuration file for managing git credentials. Default is 'null'
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Runs the server using a specific stability level. Possible values: %s, Default = %s
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Configured system properties:
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String VM Arguments: %s
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Configured system environment:
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Notification emitted when the process state changes
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String The attribute '%s' has changed from '%s' to '%s'
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Repository initialized
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String Adding .gitignore
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String - Server configuration file in use: %s
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String - Minimum feature stability level: %s
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String %s started in %dms - Started %d of %d services (%d services are lazy, passive or on-demand) %s
WFLYSRV0000 java.lang.String %s started (with errors) in %dms - Started %d of %d services (%d services failed or missing dependencies, %d services are lazy, passive or on-demand) %s
WFLYSRV0001 WARN %s in subdeployment ignored. jboss-deployment-structure.xml is only parsed for top level deployments.
WFLYSRV0002 WARN Loading failed for the annotation index "%s" with the following exception: %s
WFLYSRV0003 WARN Could not index class %s at %s
WFLYSRV0007 ERROR Undeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
WFLYSRV0008 ERROR Undeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
WFLYSRV0009 INFO Undeployed "%s" (runtime-name: "%s")
WFLYSRV0010 INFO Deployed "%s" (runtime-name : "%s")
WFLYSRV0011 ERROR Redeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
WFLYSRV0012 ERROR Redeploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
WFLYSRV0013 INFO Redeployed "%s"
WFLYSRV0014 ERROR Replacement of deployment "%s" by deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
WFLYSRV0015 ERROR Replacement of deployment "%s" by deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
WFLYSRV0016 INFO Replaced deployment "%s" with deployment "%s"
WFLYSRV0017 WARN Annotations import option %s specified in jboss-deployment-structure.xml for additional module %s has been ignored. Additional modules cannot import annotations.
WFLYSRV0018 WARN Deployment "%s" is using a private module ("%s") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice.
WFLYSRV0019 WARN Deployment "%s" is using an unsupported module ("%s") which may be changed or removed in future versions without notice.
WFLYSRV0020 WARN Exception occurred removing deployment content %s
WFLYSRV0021 ERROR Deploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with the following failure message: %s
WFLYSRV0022 ERROR Deploy of deployment "%s" was rolled back with no failure message
WFLYSRV0023 WARN Failed to parse property (%s), value (%s) as an integer
WFLYSRV0024 ERROR Cannot add module '%s' as URLStreamHandlerFactory provider
WFLYSRV0027 INFO Starting deployment of "%s" (runtime-name: "%s")
WFLYSRV0028 INFO Stopped deployment %s (runtime-name: %s) in %dms
WFLYSRV0034 WARN No security realm or sasl server authentication defined for native management service; all access will be unrestricted.
WFLYSRV0035 WARN No security realm or http server authentication defined for http management service; all access will be unrestricted.
WFLYSRV0039 INFO Creating http management service using socket-binding (%s)
WFLYSRV0040 INFO Creating http management service using secure-socket-binding (%s)
WFLYSRV0041 INFO Creating http management service using socket-binding (%s) and secure-socket-binding (%s)
WFLYSRV0042 WARN Caught exception closing input stream for uploaded deployment content
WFLYSRV0043 ERROR Deployment unit processor %s unexpectedly threw an exception during undeploy phase %s of %s
WFLYSRV0045 WARN Extension %s is missing the required manifest attribute %s-%s (skipping extension)
WFLYSRV0046 WARN Extension %s URI syntax is invalid: %s
WFLYSRV0047 WARN Could not find Extension-List entry %s referenced from %s
WFLYSRV0048 WARN A server name configuration was provided both via system property %s ('%s') and via the xml configuration ('%s'). The xml configuration value will be used.
WFLYSRV0049 INFO %s starting%s
WFLYSRV0050 INFO %s stopped in %dms
WFLYSRV0051 INFO Admin console listening on http://%s:%d
WFLYSRV0052 INFO Admin console listening on https://%s:%d
WFLYSRV0053 INFO Admin console listening on http://%s:%d and https://%s:%d
WFLYSRV0054 INFO Admin console is not enabled
WFLYSRV0055 ERROR Caught exception during boot
WFLYSRV0056 java.lang.String Server boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details. %s
WFLYSRV0057 ERROR No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure.
WFLYSRV0058 WARN Additional resource root %s added via jboss-deployment-structure.xml does not exist
WFLYSRV0059 WARN Class Path entry %s in %s does not point to a valid jar for a Class-Path reference.
WFLYSRV0060 INFO Http management interface listening on http://%s:%d/management
WFLYSRV0061 INFO Http management interface listening on https://%s:%d/management
WFLYSRV0062 INFO Http management interface listening on http://%s:%d/management and https://%s:%d/management
WFLYSRV0063 INFO Http management interface is not enabled
WFLYSRV0064 WARN urn:jboss:deployment-structure namespace found in jboss.xml for a sub deployment %s. This is only valid in a top level deployment.
WFLYSRV0065 WARN Failed to unmount deployment overlay
WFLYSRV0067 WARN jboss-deployment-dependencies cannot be used in a sub deployment, it must be specified at ear level: %s
WFLYSRV0068 ERROR No deployment overlay content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment %s at location %s. Because this Host Controller is booting in ADMIN-ONLY mode, boot will be allowed to proceed to provide administrators an opportunity to correct this problem. If this Host Controller were not in ADMIN-ONLY mode this would be a fatal boot failure.
WFLYSRV0070 INFO Deployment restart detected for deployment %s, performing full redeploy instead.
WFLYSRV0071 WARN The operating system has limited the number of open files to %d for this process; a value of at least 4096 is recommended
WFLYSRV0072 java.lang.String Value expected for option %s
WFLYSRV0073 java.lang.String Invalid option '%s'
WFLYSRV0074 java.lang.String Malformed URL '%s' provided for option '%s'
WFLYSRV0075 java.lang.String Unable to load properties from URL '%s'
WFLYSRV0079 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException hostControllerName must be null if the server is not in a managed domain
WFLYSRV0080 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException hostControllerName may not be null if the server is in a managed domain
WFLYSRV0081 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException An IP address cannot be resolved using the given interface selection criteria. Failure was -- %s
WFLYSRV0082 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException failed to resolve interface %s
WFLYSRV0083 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to start the http-interface service
WFLYSRV0084 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository.
WFLYSRV0085 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No deployment with name %s found
WFLYSRV0086 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot use %s with the same value for parameters %s and %s. Use %s to redeploy the same content or %s to replace content with a new version with the same name.
WFLYSRV0087 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Deployment %s is already started
WFLYSRV0088 java.lang.IllegalStateException Missing configuration value for: %s
WFLYSRV0093 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Caught IOException reading uploaded deployment content
WFLYSRV0094 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Null stream at index [%d]
WFLYSRV0095 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException '%s' is not a valid URL
WFLYSRV0096 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Error obtaining input stream from URL '%s'
WFLYSRV0097 java.lang.IllegalStateException ServiceModuleLoader already started
WFLYSRV0098 java.lang.IllegalStateException ServiceModuleLoader already stopped
WFLYSRV0099 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' cannot be loaded from a ServiceModuleLoader as its name does not start with '%s'
WFLYSRV0100 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to read '%s'
WFLYSRV0101 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Deployment root is required
WFLYSRV0102 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Sub-deployments require a parent deployment unit
WFLYSRV0103 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No Module Identifier attached to deployment '%s'
WFLYSRV0104 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to create VFSResourceLoader for root [%s]
WFLYSRV0105 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to get file from remote repository
WFLYSRV0106 java.io.IOException Unable to create local directory: %s
WFLYSRV0107 java.io.IOException Did not read the entire file. Missing: %d
WFLYSRV0108 java.lang.String No value was provided for argument %s%n
WFLYSRV0109 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find the file repository connection to the host controller.
WFLYSRV0112 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown mount type %s
WFLYSRV0113 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to create temp file provider
WFLYSRV0115 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException System property %s cannot be set via the xml configuration file or from a management client; it's value must be known at initial process start so it can only set from the command line
WFLYSRV0116 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException System property %s cannot be set after the server name has been set via the xml configuration file or from a management client
WFLYSRV0117 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to initialise a basic SSLContext '%s'
WFLYSRV0119 java.lang.IllegalStateException Home directory does not exist: %s
WFLYSRV0121 java.lang.IllegalStateException Configuration directory does not exist: %s
WFLYSRV0122 java.lang.IllegalStateException Server base directory does not exist: %s
WFLYSRV0123 java.lang.IllegalStateException Server data directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYSRV0124 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create server data directory: %s
WFLYSRV0125 java.lang.IllegalStateException Server content directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYSRV0126 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create server content directory: %s
WFLYSRV0127 java.lang.IllegalStateException Log directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYSRV0128 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create log directory: %s
WFLYSRV0129 java.lang.IllegalStateException Server temp directory does not exist: %s
WFLYSRV0130 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create server temp directory: %s
WFLYSRV0131 java.lang.IllegalStateException Controller temp directory does not exist: %s
WFLYSRV0132 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create server temp directory: %s
WFLYSRV0133 java.lang.IllegalStateException Domain base dir does not exist: %s
WFLYSRV0134 java.lang.IllegalStateException Domain config dir does not exist: %s
WFLYSRV0135 java.lang.IllegalStateException Server base directory is not a directory: %s
WFLYSRV0136 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create server base directory: %s
WFLYSRV0137 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No deployment content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment '%s'. This is a fatal boot error. To correct the problem, either restart with the --admin-only switch set and use the CLI to install the missing content or remove it from the configuration, or remove the deployment from the xml configuration file and restart.
WFLYSRV0138 java.lang.IllegalStateException VFS is not available from the configured module loader
WFLYSRV0139 org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceNotFoundException Server controller service was removed
WFLYSRV0140 java.lang.IllegalStateException Root service was removed
WFLYSRV0141 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot start server
WFLYSRV0143 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No directory called '%s' exists under '%s'
WFLYSRV0144 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -D%s=%s does not exist
WFLYSRV0145 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException -D%s=%s is not a directory
WFLYSRV0146 java.lang.RuntimeException Error copying '%s' to '%s'
WFLYSRV0147 java.io.InvalidObjectException %s is null
WFLYSRV0148 java.io.InvalidObjectException portOffset is out of range
WFLYSRV0149 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Invalid '%s' value: %d, the maximum index is %d
WFLYSRV0150 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot create input stream from URL '%s'
WFLYSRV0151 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No bytes available at param %s
WFLYSRV0152 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Only 1 piece of content is current supported (AS7-431)
WFLYSRV0153 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to process phase %s of %s
WFLYSRV0156 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to index deployment root for annotations
WFLYSRV0158 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to instantiate a %s
WFLYSRV0159 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No deployment repository available.
WFLYSRV0160 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to mount deployment content
WFLYSRV0161 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to get manifest for deployment %s
WFLYSRV0163 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot merge resource root for a different file. This: %s mergee: %s
WFLYSRV0164 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to create temp file provider
WFLYSRV0165 java.io.IOException Resource is too large to be a valid class file
WFLYSRV0166 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Sub deployment %s in jboss-deployment-structure.xml was not found. Available sub deployments: %s
WFLYSRV0167 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No jboss-deployment-structure.xml file found at %s
WFLYSRV0168 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Error loading jboss-deployment-structure.xml from %s
WFLYSRV0169 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Sub deployment '%s' is listed twice in jboss-deployment-structure.xml
WFLYSRV0170 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Additional module name '%s' is not valid. Names must start with 'deployment.'
WFLYSRV0171 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException External resource roots not supported, resource roots may not start with a '/' : %s
WFLYSRV0172 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected end of document
WFLYSRV0173 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Missing one or more required attributes:%s
WFLYSRV0174 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Unexpected content of type '%s', name is '%s', text is: '%s'
WFLYSRV0175 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException No method found with id: %s on class (or its super class) %s
WFLYSRV0177 java.lang.RuntimeException Error getting reflective information for %s with ClassLoader %s
WFLYSRV0178 java.lang.IllegalStateException External Module Service already started
WFLYSRV0179 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to load module: %s
WFLYSRV0187 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to get multicast address for %s
WFLYSRV0188 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to get multicast address for %s
WFLYSRV0190 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add more than one socket binding group. Add of '%s' attempted, but '%s' already exists
WFLYSRV0191 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Can't use both --server-config and --initial-server-config
WFLYSRV0192 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Duplicate namespace %s in jboss-all.xml
WFLYSRV0193 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Two different versions of the same namespaces are present in jboss-all.xml, %s and %s are both present
WFLYSRV0194 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Error loading jboss-all.xml from %s
WFLYSRV0195 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot obtain required module for: %s
WFLYSRV0196 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to get content for deployment overlay %s at %s
WFLYSRV0198 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No deployment overlay content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository for deployment overlay '%s' at location %s. This is a fatal boot error. To correct the problem, either restart with the --admin-only switch set and use the CLI to install the missing content or remove it from the configuration, or remove the deployment overlay from the xml configuration file and restart.
WFLYSRV0199 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No deployment overlay content with hash %s is available in the deployment content repository.
WFLYSRV0200 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to read file %s
WFLYSRV0201 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot have more than one of %s
WFLYSRV0202 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Unknown content item key: %s
WFLYSRV0203 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot use %s when %s are used
WFLYSRV0204 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Null '%s'
WFLYSRV0205 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException There is already a deployment called %s with the same runtime name %s
WFLYSRV0206 java.lang.IllegalStateException Multiple deployment unit processors registered with priority %s and class %s
WFLYSRV0207 INFO Starting subdeployment (runtime-name: "%s")
WFLYSRV0208 INFO Stopped subdeployment (runtime-name: %s) in %dms
WFLYSRV0209 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException When specifying a 'module' you also need to specify the 'code'
WFLYSRV0210 java.lang.IllegalStateException Server is already paused
WFLYSRV0211 INFO Suspending server with %d ms timeout.
WFLYSRV0212 INFO Resuming server
WFLYSRV0213 WARN Failed to connect to host-controller, retrying.
WFLYSRV0215 ERROR Failed to resume activity %s. To resume normal operation it is recommended that you restart the server.
WFLYSRV0216 ERROR Error cleaning obsolete content %s
WFLYSRV0219 WARN %s deployment has been re-deployed, its content will not be removed. You will need to restart it.
WFLYSRV0220 INFO Server shutdown has been requested via an OS signal
WFLYSRV0221 WARN Deployment "%s" is using a deprecated module ("%s") which may be removed in future versions without notice.
WFLYSRV0222 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal permission name '%s'
WFLYSRV0223 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Illegal permission actions '%s'
WFLYSRV0224 ERROR Could not mount overlay %s as parent %s is not a directory
WFLYSRV0230 DEBUG Vault is not initialized; resolution of vault expressions is not possible
WFLYSRV0231 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not read or create the server UUID in file: %s
WFLYSRV0232 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Could not get module info for module name: %s
WFLYSRV0233 java.lang.String Undeployed "%s" (runtime-name: "%s")
WFLYSRV0234 java.lang.String Deployed "%s" (runtime-name : "%s")
WFLYSRV0235 INFO Security Manager is enabled
WFLYSRV0236 INFO Suspending server with no timeout.
WFLYSRV0237 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException It is not possible to use use-current-server-config=false while specifying a server-config
WFLYSRV0238 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException server-config '%s' specified for reload could not be found
WFLYSRV0239 FATAL Aborting with exit code %d
WFLYSRV0240 INFO ProcessController has signalled to shut down; shutting down
WFLYSRV0241 INFO Shutting down in response to management operation '%s'
WFLYSRV0242 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYSRV0243 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode an unmanaged deployment
WFLYSRV0244 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode an already exploded deployment
WFLYSRV0245 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode an already deployed deployment
WFLYSRV0246 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add content to a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYSRV0247 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add content to an unmanaged deployment
WFLYSRV0248 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot add content to an unexploded deployment
WFLYSRV0249 ERROR Could not copy files from the managed content repository to the running deployment for %s
WFLYSRV0250 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot remove content from a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYSRV0251 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot remove content from an unmanaged deployment
WFLYSRV0252 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot remove content from an unexploded deployment
WFLYSRV0253 ERROR Could not delete file %s from the running deployment %s
WFLYSRV0254 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot read content from a deployment in a self-contained server
WFLYSRV0255 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot read content from an unmanaged deployment
WFLYSRV0257 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Required system property '%s' not set
WFLYSRV0258 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot explode a subdeployment of an unexploded deployment
WFLYSRV0259 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException If attribute secure-socket-binding is defined ssl-context must also be defined
WFLYSRV0260 INFO Starting server in suspended mode
WFLYSRV0261 java.lang.String Boot complete
WFLYSRV0262 java.lang.String You cannot set both --start-mode and --admin-only
WFLYSRV0263 java.lang.String Unknown start mode %s
WFLYSRV0264 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Cannot specify both admin-only and start-mode
WFLYSRV0265 WARN Invalid value '%s' for system property '%s' -- value must be a non-negative integer
WFLYSRV0267 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Cannot mount resource root '%s', is it really an archive?
WFLYSRV0268 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to pull the repository %s
WFLYSRV0269 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to initialize the repository %s
WFLYSRV0270 ERROR Failed to publish configuration to %s
WFLYSRV0271 ERROR Git error: %s
WFLYSRV0272 INFO Suspending server
WFLYSRV0273 WARN Excluded subsystem %s via jboss-deployment-structure.xml does not exist.
WFLYSRV0274 WARN Excluded dependency %s via jboss-deployment-structure.xml does not exist.
WFLYSRV0275 java.lang.RuntimeException Maximum number of allowed jar resources reached for global-directory module name '%s'. The maximum allowed is %d files
WFLYSRV0276 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException There is an error in opening zip file %s
WFLYSRV0277 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to load SSH Credentials %s
WFLYSRV0278 INFO The configuration history is managed through Git
WFLYSRV0279 INFO Git initialized in %s
WFLYSRV0280 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unable to initialise the git repository.
WFLYSRV0281 WARN System property %s is set. This should only be used for standalone clients. Setting this on the server will override your profile configuration.
WFLYSRV0282 INFO Server is starting with graceful startup disabled; external requests may receive failure responses until startup completes.
WFLYSRV0283 INFO A non-graceful startup was requested in conjunction with a suspended startup. The server will start suspended.
WFLYSRV0284 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to restore the configuration after failing to initialize the repository %s
WFLYSRV0285 WARN Vault support has been removed, no vault resources will be initialised.
WFLYSRV0286 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to index static module %s for annotations
WFLYSRV0287 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException Security realms are no longer supported, please migrate references to them from the configuration.
WFLYSRV0288 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to create tmp dir for auth tokens as file already exists.
WFLYSRV0289 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unable to create auth dir %s.
WFLYSRV0290 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Couldn't find the specified YAML file %s
WFLYSRV0291 java.lang.IllegalStateException The error cause is unknown at this thread. Check other log messages and caller to know the possible cause.
WFLYSRV0292 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException The required service '%s' is not UP, it is currently '%s'.
WFLYSRV0293 WARN The '%s' module alias has been added as a dependency to '%s' deployment via %s. While this is allowed, it is recommended to use its target module instead. Consider replacing this alias with its target module '%s'.
WFLYSRV0294 WARN The '%s' module alias has been excluded from '%s' deployment via %s. While this is allowed, it is recommended to use its target module instead. Consider replacing this alias with its target module '%s'.
WFLYSRV0295 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException No %s installation has been prepared.
WFLYSRV0296 java.lang.IllegalStateException Authentication mechanism authentication is not yet complete
WFLYSRV0297 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism exchange received a message after authentication was already complete
WFLYSRV0298 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism message is too long
WFLYSRV0299 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism server-side authentication failed
WFLYSRV0300 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism token not verified
WFLYSRV0301 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism authorization failed: "%s" running as "%s"
WFLYSRV0302 java.lang.IllegalStateException Authentication mechanism does not support security layer (wrapping/unwrapping)
WFLYSRV0303 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Invalid authentication mechanism negotiation message received
WFLYSRV0304 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No authentication mechanism token was given
WFLYSRV0305 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Authentication mechanism authentication failed due to one or more malformed fields
WFLYSRV0306 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException Callback handler failed for unknown reason
WFLYSRV0307 org.wildfly.security.mechanism.AuthenticationMechanismException No authentication mechanism login name was given
WFLYSRV0308 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to parse property (%s), value (%s) should match one of: %s
WFLYSRV0309 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s stability level is not supported in %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYSYSJMX0001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null method name
WFLYSYSJMX0002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown lifecyle method %s
WFLYSYSJMX0003 java.lang.String Error in destroy %s
WFLYSYSJMX0004 java.lang.String Error in stop %s
WFLYSYSJMX0005 java.lang.String Initialization failed %s
WFLYSYSJMX0006 java.lang.String Starting failed %s
WFLYSYSJMX0007 java.lang.String Stopping failed %s
WFLYSYSJMX0008 java.lang.String Destroying failed %s
WFLYSYSJMX0009 java.lang.String Initialization failed during postRegister


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYTHR0001 WARN The '%s' attribute is no longer supported. The value [%f] of the '%s' attribute is being combined with the value [%f] of the '%s' attribute and the current processor count [%d] to derive a new value of [%d] for '%s'.
WFLYTHR0002 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0003 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0004 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0005 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0006 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0007 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0008 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0009 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0010 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0011 java.lang.IllegalStateException The executor service hasn't been initialized.
WFLYTHR0012 java.lang.IllegalStateException The executor service hasn't been initialized.
WFLYTHR0013 java.lang.IllegalStateException The executor service hasn't been initialized.
WFLYTHR0014 java.lang.IllegalStateException The thread factory service hasn't been initialized.
WFLYTHR0015 java.lang.IllegalStateException The executor service hasn't been initialized.
WFLYTHR0016 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Service '%s' not found.
WFLYTHR0017 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Service '%s' not found.
WFLYTHR0018 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Service '%s' not found.
WFLYTHR0019 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Service '%s' not found.
WFLYTHR0020 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Service '%s' not found.
WFLYTHR0021 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to locate executor service '%s'
WFLYTHR0024 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Missing '%s' for parameter '%s'
WFLYTHR0025 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Missing '%s' for parameter '%s'
WFLYTHR0027 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException %s must be greater than or equal to zero
WFLYTHR0028 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException %s must be greater than or equal to zero
WFLYTHR0029 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Missing '%s' for '%s'
WFLYTHR0030 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Failed to parse '%s', allowed values are: %s
WFLYTHR0031 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported attribute '%s'
WFLYTHR0032 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Service '%s' not found.
WFLYTHR0033 java.lang.IllegalStateException The executor service hasn't been initialized.
WFLYTHR0034 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unsupported metric '%s'


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYTRACEXT0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile OpenTracing Subsystem
WFLYTRACEXT0013 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The migrate operation cannot be performed: the server must be in admin-only mode
WFLYTRACEXT0014 java.lang.String Migration failed. See results for more details.


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYTX0001 ERROR Unable to roll back active transaction
WFLYTX0002 ERROR Unable to get transaction state
WFLYTX0003 ERROR APPLICATION ERROR: transaction still active in request with status %s
WFLYTX0004 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Create failed
WFLYTX0005 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException %s manager create failed
WFLYTX0006 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to configure object store browser bean
WFLYTX0007 java.lang.IllegalStateException Service not started
WFLYTX0008 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Start failed
WFLYTX0009 java.lang.String Unknown metric %s
WFLYTX0010 java.lang.RuntimeException MBean Server service not installed, this functionality is not available if the JMX subsystem has not been installed.
WFLYTX0012 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Attributes %s and %s are alternatives; both cannot be set with conflicting values.
WFLYTX0013 WARN The %s attribute on the %s is set to the default value. This is a danger for environments running multiple servers. Please make sure the attribute value is unique.
WFLYTX0015 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Jndi names have to start with java:/ or java:jboss/
WFLYTX0023 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s must be undefined if %s is 'true'.
WFLYTX0024 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s must be defined if %s is defined.
WFLYTX0025 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Either %s must be 'true' or %s must be defined.
WFLYTX0026 WARN The transaction %s could not be removed from the cache during cleanup.
WFLYTX0027 WARN The pre-Jakarta Connectors synchronization %s associated with tx %s failed during after completion
WFLYTX0028 WARN The Jakarta Connectors synchronization %s associated with tx %s failed during after completion
WFLYTX0029 java.lang.IllegalStateException Syncs are not allowed to be registered when the tx is in state %s
WFLYTX0030 java.lang.IllegalStateException Indexed child resources can only be registered if the parent resource supports ordered children. The parent of '%s' is not indexed
WFLYTX0031 javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException The attribute '%s' is no longer supported
WFLYTX0032 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException %s must be defined if %s is 'true'.
WFLYTX0033 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Only one of %s and %s can be 'true'.
WFLYTX0034 DEBUG relative_to property of the object-store is set to the default value with jboss.server.data.dir
WFLYTX0035 jakarta.resource.spi.work.WorkCompletedException Cannot find or import inflow transaction for xid %s and work %s
WFLYTX0036 jakarta.resource.spi.work.WorkCompletedException Imported Jakarta Connectors inflow transaction with xid %s of work %s is inactive
WFLYTX0037 jakarta.resource.spi.work.WorkCompletedException Unexpected error on resuming transaction %s for work %s
WFLYTX0038 java.lang.RuntimeException Unexpected error on suspending transaction for work %s
WFLYTX0039 WARN A value of zero is not permitted for the maximum timeout, as such the timeout has been set to %s
WFLYTX0040 java.lang.IllegalStateException There is no active transaction at the current context to register synchronization '%s'
WFLYTX0041 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException JMX error: %s
WFLYTX0042 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Transaction discovery error
WFLYTX0043 java.lang.RuntimeException InboundTransactionCurrentImpl unable to determine inbound transaction context
WFLYTX0044 java.lang.RuntimeException InboundTransactionCurrentImpl unable to suspend inbound transaction context
WFLYTX0045 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not register initial reference for InboundTransactionCurrent implementation


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYTXLRACOORD0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile LRA Coordinator Subsystem
WFLYTXLRACOORD0002 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException LRA recovery service start failed
WFLYTXLRACOORD0003 INFO Starting Narayana MicroProfile LRA Coordinator available at path %s/lra-coordinator
WFLYTXLRACOORD0004 ERROR Failed to stop Narayana MicroProfile LRA Coordinator at path %s/lra-coordinator


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYTXLRAPARTICIPANT0001 INFO Activating MicroProfile LRA Participant Subsystem with system property (lra.coordinator.url) value as %s
WFLYTXLRAPARTICIPANT0002 INFO Starting Narayana MicroProfile LRA Participant Proxy available at path %s/lra-participant-narayana-proxy
WFLYTXLRAPARTICIPANT0003 WARN The CDI marker file cannot be created
WFLYTXLRAPARTICIPANT0004 ERROR Failed to stop Narayana MicroProfile LRA Participant Proxy at path %s//lra-participant-narayana-proxy


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYUT0001 ERROR Could not initialize Jakarta Server Pages
WFLYUT0003 INFO Undertow %s starting
WFLYUT0004 INFO Undertow %s stopping
WFLYUT0005 WARN Secure listener for protocol: '%s' not found! Using non secure port!
WFLYUT0006 INFO Undertow %s listener %s listening on %s:%d
WFLYUT0007 INFO Undertow %s listener %s stopped, was bound to %s:%d
WFLYUT0008 INFO Undertow %s listener %s suspending
WFLYUT0009 INFO Could not load class designated by HandlesTypes [%s].
WFLYUT0010 WARN Could not load web socket endpoint %s.
WFLYUT0011 WARN Could not load web socket application config %s.
WFLYUT0012 INFO Started server %s.
WFLYUT0013 WARN Could not create redirect URI.
WFLYUT0014 INFO Creating file handler for path '%s' with options [directory-listing: '%s', follow-symlink: '%s', case-sensitive: '%s', safe-symlink-paths: '%s']
WFLYUT0016 WARN Could not resolve name in absolute ordering: %s
WFLYUT0017 WARN Could not delete servlet temp file %s
WFLYUT0018 INFO Host %s starting
WFLYUT0019 INFO Host %s stopping
WFLYUT0020 WARN Clustering not supported, falling back to non-clustered session manager
WFLYUT0021 INFO Registered web context: '%s' for server '%s'
WFLYUT0022 INFO Unregistered web context: '%s' from server '%s'
WFLYUT0023 INFO Skipped SCI for jar: %s.
WFLYUT0024 WARN Failed to persist session attribute %s with value %s for session %s
WFLYUT0027 java.lang.String Failed to parse XML descriptor %s at [%s,%s]
WFLYUT0028 java.lang.String Failed to parse XML descriptor %s
WFLYUT0029 java.lang.String @WebServlet is only allowed at class level %s
WFLYUT0030 java.lang.String @WebInitParam requires name and value on %s
WFLYUT0031 java.lang.String @WebFilter is only allowed at class level %s
WFLYUT0032 java.lang.String @WebListener is only allowed at class level %s
WFLYUT0033 java.lang.String @RunAs needs to specify a role name on %s
WFLYUT0034 java.lang.String @DeclareRoles needs to specify role names on %s
WFLYUT0035 java.lang.String @MultipartConfig is only allowed at class level %s
WFLYUT0036 java.lang.String @ServletSecurity is only allowed at class level %s
WFLYUT0037 java.lang.RuntimeException %s has the wrong component type, it cannot be used as a web component
WFLYUT0038 java.lang.String TLD file %s not contained in root %s
WFLYUT0039 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Failed to resolve module for deployment %s
WFLYUT0040 java.lang.String Duplicate others in absolute ordering
WFLYUT0041 java.lang.String Invalid relative ordering
WFLYUT0042 java.lang.String Conflict occurred processing web fragment in JAR: %s
WFLYUT0043 java.lang.String Relative ordering processing error with JAR: %s
WFLYUT0044 java.lang.String Ordering includes both before and after others in JAR: %s
WFLYUT0045 java.lang.String Duplicate name declared in JAR: %s
WFLYUT0046 WARN Unknown web fragment name declared in JAR: %s
WFLYUT0047 java.lang.String Relative ordering conflict with JAR: %s
WFLYUT0048 java.lang.String Failed to process WEB-INF/lib: %s
WFLYUT0049 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Error loading SCI from module: %s
WFLYUT0050 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Unable to resolve annotation index for deployment unit: %s
WFLYUT0051 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Deployment error processing SCI for jar: %s
WFLYUT0054 java.lang.String Unknown metric %s
WFLYUT0055 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Null default host
WFLYUT0056 java.lang.IllegalStateException Null host name
WFLYUT0060 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Invalid persistent sessions directory %s
WFLYUT0061 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Failed to create persistent sessions dir %s
WFLYUT0062 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Could not create log directory: %s
WFLYUT0063 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find the port number listening for protocol %s
WFLYUT0064 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to configure handler %s
WFLYUT0065 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Handler class %s was not a handler or a wrapper
WFLYUT0066 java.lang.RuntimeException Failed to configure handler %s
WFLYUT0067 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Servlet class not defined for servlet %s
WFLYUT0069 ERROR Ignoring shared-session-config in jboss-all.xml in deployment %s. This entry is only valid in top level deployments.
WFLYUT0070 java.lang.RuntimeException Could not load handler %s from %s module
WFLYUT0071 WARN No ALPN provider found, HTTP/2 will not be enabled. To remove this message set enable-http2 to false on the listener %s in the Undertow subsystem.
WFLYUT0072 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not find configured external path %s
WFLYUT0073 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException mod_cluster advertise socket binding requires multicast address to be set
WFLYUT0074 ERROR Could not find TLD %s
WFLYUT0078 ERROR Failed to register management view for websocket %s at %s
WFLYUT0080 WARN Valves are no longer supported, %s is not activated.
WFLYUT0081 WARN The deployment %s will not be distributable because this feature is disabled in web-fragment.xml of the module %s.
WFLYUT0082 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Could not start '%s' listener.
WFLYUT0083 java.lang.String %s is not allowed to be null
WFLYUT0087 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Duplicate default web module '%s' configured on server '%s', host '%s'
WFLYUT0089 java.lang.String Predicate %s was not valid, message was: %s
WFLYUT0090 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Key alias %s does not exist in the configured key store
WFLYUT0091 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Key store entry %s is not a private key entry
WFLYUT0092 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Credential alias %s does not exist in the configured credential store
WFLYUT0093 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Credential %s is not a clear text password
WFLYUT0094 WARN Configuration option [%s] ignored when using Elytron subsystem
WFLYUT0095 java.lang.String the path ['%s'] doesn't exist on file system
WFLYUT0097 java.lang.String If http-upgrade is enabled, remoting worker and http(s) worker must be the same. Please adjust values if need be.
WFLYUT0099 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Session manager not available
WFLYUT0100 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Session %s not found
WFLYUT0101 WARN Duplicate servlet mapping %s found
WFLYUT0102 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The pattern %s is not a valid date pattern.
WFLYUT0103 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The time zone id %s is invalid.
WFLYUT0104 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Some classes referenced by annotation: %s in class: %s are missing.
WFLYUT0105 org.jboss.msc.service.DuplicateServiceException Host and context path are occupied, %s can't be registered. Message was: %s
WFLYUT0106 ERROR Unable to generate obfuscated session route from '%s'
WFLYUT0107 INFO Generated obfuscated session route '%s' from '%s'
WFLYUT0108 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException The deployment is configured to use legacy security which is no longer available.
WFLYUT0109 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException The deployment is configured to use legacy security which is no longer supported.
WFLYUT0110 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException The use of security realms at runtime is unsupported.
WFLYUT0111 WARN The annotation: '%s' will have no effect on Servlet: '%s'


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYWELD-001 DEBUG Discovered %s
WFLYWELD0000 DEBUG Unable to load annotation %s
WFLYWELD0001 ERROR Failed to setup Weld contexts
WFLYWELD0002 ERROR Failed to tear down Weld contexts
WFLYWELD0003 INFO Processing weld deployment %s
WFLYWELD0005 ERROR Could not find BeanManager for deployment %s
WFLYWELD0006 DEBUG Starting Services for Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection deployment: %s
WFLYWELD0007 WARN Could not load portable extension class %s
WFLYWELD0008 WARN @Resource injection of type %s is not supported for non-Jakarta Enterprise Beans components. Injection point: %s
WFLYWELD0009 DEBUG Starting weld service for deployment %s
WFLYWELD0010 DEBUG Stopping weld service for deployment %s
WFLYWELD0011 WARN Warning while parsing %s:%s %s
WFLYWELD0012 WARN Warning while parsing %s:%s %s
WFLYWELD0013 WARN Deployment %s contains Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection annotations but no bean archive was found (no beans.xml or class with bean defining annotations was present).
WFLYWELD0014 ERROR Exception tearing down thread state
WFLYWELD0016 ERROR Could not read entries
WFLYWELD0017 WARN URL scanner does not understand the URL protocol %s, Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection beans will not be scanned.
WFLYWELD0018 WARN Found both WEB-INF/beans.xml and WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/beans.xml. It is not portable to use both locations at the same time. Weld is going to use the former location for this deployment.
WFLYWELD0019 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could get beans.xml file as URL when processing file: %s
WFLYWELD0020 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Could not load interceptor class : %s
WFLYWELD0021 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Service %s didn't implement the jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension interface
WFLYWELD0022 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException View of type %s not found on Jakarta Enterprise Beans %s
WFLYWELD0030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown interceptor class for Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection %s
WFLYWELD0031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s cannot be null
WFLYWELD0032 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Injection point represents a method which doesn't follow JavaBean conventions (must have exactly one parameter) %s
WFLYWELD0033 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException %s annotation not found on %s
WFLYWELD0034 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not resolve @EJB injection for %s on %s
WFLYWELD0035 java.lang.IllegalStateException Resolved more than one Jakarta Enterprise Beans for @EJB injection of %s on %s. Found %s
WFLYWELD0036 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Could not determine bean class from injection point type of %s
WFLYWELD0037 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Error injecting persistence unit into Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection managed bean. Can't find a persistence unit named '%s' in deployment %s for injection point %s
WFLYWELD0038 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not inject SecurityManager, security is not enabled
WFLYWELD0039 java.lang.IllegalStateException Singleton not set for %s. This means that you are trying to access a weld deployment with a Thread Context ClassLoader that is not associated with the deployment.
WFLYWELD0040 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is already running
WFLYWELD0041 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s is not started
WFLYWELD0043 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException BeanDeploymentArchive with id %s not found in deployment
WFLYWELD0044 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Error injecting resource into Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection managed bean. Can't find a resource named %s
WFLYWELD0045 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot determine resource name. Both jndiName and mappedName are null
WFLYWELD0046 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot inject injection point %s
WFLYWELD0047 java.lang.IllegalStateException %s cannot be used at runtime
WFLYWELD0048 java.lang.String These attributes must be 'true' for use with CDI 1.0 '%s'
WFLYWELD0049 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Error injecting resource into Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection managed bean. Can't find a resource named %s defined on %s
WFLYWELD0050 org.jboss.weld.resources.spi.ClassFileInfoException %s was not found in composite index
WFLYWELD0051 org.jboss.weld.resources.spi.ClassFileInfoException Cannot load %s
WFLYWELD0052 WARN Using deployment classloader to load proxy classes for module %s. Package-private access will not work. To fix this the module should declare dependencies on %s
WFLYWELD0053 java.lang.IllegalStateException Component interceptor support not available for: %s
WFLYWELD0054 WARN Could not read provided index of an external bean archive: %s
WFLYWELD0055 WARN Could not index class [%s] from an external bean archive: %s
WFLYWELD0056 java.lang.IllegalStateException Weld is not initialized yet
WFLYWELD0057 java.lang.IllegalStateException Persistence unit '%s' failed.
WFLYWELD0058 java.lang.IllegalStateException Persistence unit '%s' removed.
WFLYWELD0059 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown deployment type %s
WFLYWELD0060 java.lang.RuntimeException Error handling file %s
WFLYWELD0061 java.lang.IllegalStateException Exactly one service provider is required for: %s
WFLYWELD0062 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not determine package from corrupted class name
WFLYWELD0063 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Original %s does not have a module
WFLYWELD0064 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Incorrect setup for Weld's LiteExtensionTranslator initialization; a deployment unit has to be specified


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYWELDEJB0001 jakarta.ejb.NoSuchEJBException EJB has been removed: %s


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYWS0001 WARN Cannot load WS deployment aspects from %s
WFLYWS0002 INFO Activating WebServices Extension
WFLYWS0003 INFO Starting %s
WFLYWS0004 INFO Stopping %s
WFLYWS0005 FATAL Error while creating configuration service
WFLYWS0006 ERROR Error while destroying configuration service
WFLYWS0007 WARN Could not read WSDL from: %s
WFLYWS0008 WARN [JAXWS 2.2 spec, section 7.7] The @WebService and @WebServiceProvider annotations are mutually exclusive - %s won't be considered as a webservice endpoint, since it doesn't meet that requirement
WFLYWS0009 WARN WebService endpoint class cannot be final - %s won't be considered as a webservice endpoint
WFLYWS0010 WARN Ignoring without and : %s
WFLYWS0011 ERROR Cannot register record processor in JMX server
WFLYWS0012 ERROR Cannot unregister record processor from JMX server
WFLYWS0013 INFO MBeanServer not available, skipping registration/unregistration of %s
WFLYWS0014 WARN Multiple Enterprise Beans 3 endpoints in the same deployment with different declared security roles; be aware this might be a security risk if you're not controlling allowed roles (@RolesAllowed) on each ws endpoint method.
WFLYWS0015 ERROR Cannot register endpoint: %s in JMX server
WFLYWS0016 ERROR Cannot unregister endpoint: %s from JMX server
WFLYWS0017 WARN Invalid handler chain file: %s
WFLYWS0018 ERROR Web service method %s must not be static or final. See section of "Jakarta Enterprise Web Services 2.0".
WFLYWS0019 ERROR Web service method %s must be public. See section of "Jakarta Enterprise Web Services 2.0".
WFLYWS0020 ERROR Web service implementation class %s does not contain method %s
WFLYWS0021 ERROR Web service implementation class %s does not contain an accessible method %s
WFLYWS0022 ERROR Web service implementation class %s may not declare a finalize() method. See section of "Jakarta Enterprise Web Services 2.0".
WFLYWS0023 java.lang.NullPointerException Null endpoint name
WFLYWS0024 java.lang.NullPointerException Null endpoint class
WFLYWS0025 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot resolve module or classloader for deployment %s
WFLYWS0026 jakarta.xml.ws.WebServiceException Handler chain config file %s not found in %s
WFLYWS0027 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected element: %s
WFLYWS0028 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected end tag: %s
WFLYWS0029 java.lang.IllegalStateException Reached end of xml document unexpectedly
WFLYWS0030 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find class attribute for deployment aspect
WFLYWS0031 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create a deployment aspect of class: %s
WFLYWS0032 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find property name attribute for deployment aspect: %s
WFLYWS0033 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not find property class attribute for deployment aspect: %s
WFLYWS0034 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported property class: %s
WFLYWS0035 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create list of type: %s
WFLYWS0036 java.lang.IllegalStateException Could not create map of type: %s
WFLYWS0037 java.lang.String No metrics available
WFLYWS0038 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot find component view: %s
WFLYWS0039 java.io.IOException Child '%s' not found for VirtualFile: %s
WFLYWS0040 java.lang.Exception Failed to create context
WFLYWS0041 java.lang.Exception Failed to start context
WFLYWS0042 java.lang.Exception Failed to stop context
WFLYWS0043 java.lang.Exception Failed to destroy context
WFLYWS0044 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot create servlet delegate: %s
WFLYWS0045 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot obtain deployment property: %s
WFLYWS0046 java.lang.IllegalStateException Multiple security domains not supported. First domain: '%s' second domain: '%s'
WFLYWS0047 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Web Service endpoint %s with URL pattern %s is already registered. Web service endpoint %s is requesting the same URL pattern.
WFLYWS0048 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @WebServiceRef injection target is invalid. Only setter methods are allowed: %s
WFLYWS0049 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @WebServiceRef attribute 'name' is required for class level annotations.
WFLYWS0050 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException @WebServiceRef attribute 'type' is required for class level annotations.
WFLYWS0051 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Config %s doesn't exist
WFLYWS0052 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException Unsupported handler chain type: %s. Supported types are either %s or %s
WFLYWS0054 org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException Config %s: %s handler chain with id %s doesn't exist
WFLYWS0057 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Unable to get URL for: %s
WFLYWS0058 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Jakarta XML RPC not supported
WFLYWS0059 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException %s library (%s) detected in ws endpoint deployment; either provide a proper deployment replacing embedded libraries with container module dependencies or disable the webservices subsystem for the current deployment adding a proper jboss-deployment-structure.xml descriptor to it. The former approach is recommended, as the latter approach causes most of the webservices Jakarta EE and any JBossWS specific functionality to be disabled.
WFLYWS0060 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Web service endpoint class %s not found
WFLYWS0061 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException The endpointInterface %s declared in the @WebService annotation on web service implementation bean %s was not found.
WFLYWS0062 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Class verification of Java Web Service implementation class %s failed.
WFLYWS0063 org.jboss.as.webservices.config.DisabledOperationException Could not update WS server configuration because of pending former model update(s) requiring reload.
WFLYWS0064 org.jboss.as.webservices.config.DisabledOperationException Could not update WS server configuration because of existing WS deployment on the server.
WFLYWS0065 WARN Annotation '@%s' found on class '%s'. Perhaps you forgot to add a '%s' module dependency to your deployment?
WFLYWS0066 org.jboss.wsf.spi.WSFException Servlet class %s declared in web.xml; either provide a proper deployment relying on JBossWS or disable the webservices subsystem for the current deployment adding a proper jboss-deployment-structure.xml descriptor to it. The former approach is recommended, as the latter approach causes most of the webservices Jakarta EE and any JBossWS specific functionality to be disabled.
WFLYWS0067 ERROR Could not activate the webservices subsystem.
WFLYWS0068 WARN A potentially problematic %s library (%s) detected in ws endpoint deployment; Check if this library can be replaced with container module
WFLYWS0070 DEBUG Authorization failed for user: %s
WFLYWS0071 DEBUG Failed to authenticate username %s:, incorrect username/password
WFLYWS0072 DEBUG Error occured when authenticate username %s. Exception message: %s
WFLYWS0073 java.lang.IllegalStateException The target endpoint %s is undeploying or stopped
WFLYWS0074 java.lang.IllegalStateException The deployment is configured to use legacy security which is no longer supported.
WFLYWS0075 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException only string password accepted


Code Level Return Type Message
WFLYXTS0001 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException TxBridge inbound recovery service start failed
WFLYXTS0002 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException TxBridge outbound recovery service start failed
WFLYXTS0003 org.jboss.msc.service.StartException XTS service start failed
WFLYXTS0004 java.lang.IllegalStateException Service not started
WFLYXTS0009 WARN Rejecting call because it is not part of any XTS transaction
WFLYXTS0010 ERROR Cannot get transaction status on handling context %s
WFLYXTS0011 org.jboss.as.xts.XTSException Unexpected bridge type: '%s'
WFLYXTS0012 org.jboss.as.server.deployment.DeploymentUnitProcessingException Error processing endpoint '%s'


Code Level Return Type Message
WFNAM-0001 TRACE Service configuration failure loading naming providers
WFNAM00000 INFO WildFly Naming version %s
WFNAM00003 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Invalid naming provider URI: %s
WFNAM00004 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException Name "%s" is not found
WFNAM00005 javax.naming.InvalidNameException Invalid empty name
WFNAM00006 javax.naming.NoPermissionException Cannot modify read-only naming context
WFNAM00007 javax.naming.InvalidNameException Invalid URL scheme name "%s"
WFNAM00009 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException Name index %d is out of bounds
WFNAM00010 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid null name segment at index %d
WFNAM00011 javax.naming.InvalidNameException Missing close quote '%s' in name "%s"
WFNAM00012 javax.naming.InvalidNameException Unterminated escape sequence in name "%s"
WFNAM00014 org.wildfly.naming.client.RenameAcrossNamingProvidersException Renaming from "%s" to "%s" across providers is not supported
WFNAM00015 javax.naming.NotContextException Composite name segment "%s" does not refer to a context
WFNAM00016 DEBUG Closing context "%s" failed
WFNAM00017 javax.naming.CommunicationException No JBoss Remoting endpoint has been configured
WFNAM00018 javax.naming.CommunicationException Failed to connect to remote host
WFNAM00019 javax.naming.InterruptedNamingException Naming operation interrupted
WFNAM00020 javax.naming.CommunicationException Remote naming operation failed
WFNAM00022 javax.naming.CommunicationException The server provided no compatible protocol versions
WFNAM00023 javax.naming.CommunicationException Received an invalid response from the server
WFNAM00024 javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException Naming operation not supported
WFNAM00025 INFO org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory is deprecated; new applications should use org.wildfly.naming.client.WildFlyInitialContextFactory instead
WFNAM00026 javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException No provider for found for URI: %s
WFNAM00029 javax.naming.CommunicationException Invalid leading bytes in header
WFNAM00031 java.io.IOException Outcome not understood
WFNAM00032 javax.naming.AuthenticationException Peer authentication failed
WFNAM00033 javax.naming.AuthenticationException Connection sharing not supported
WFNAM00034 ERROR Unexpected parameter type - expected: %d received: %d
WFNAM00035 ERROR Failed to send exception response to client
WFNAM00036 WARN Unexpected internal error
WFNAM00037 ERROR null correlationId so error not sent to client
WFNAM00038 java.io.IOException Unrecognized messageId
WFNAM00039 ERROR Unable to send header, closing channel
WFNAM00040 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported protocol version [ %d ]
WFNAM00041 ERROR Error determining version selected by client
WFNAM00043 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to load callback handler class "%s"
WFNAM00044 javax.naming.NamingException Unable to instantiate callback handler instance of type "%s"
WFNAM00049 INFO Usage of the legacy "remote.connections" property is deprecated; please use javax.naming.Context#PROVIDER_URL instead
WFNAM00051 WARN Provider URLs already given via standard mechanism; ignoring legacy property-based connection configuration
WFNAM00052 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Invalid value given for property "%s": "%s" is not numeric
WFNAM00053 javax.naming.ConfigurationException Failed to synthesize a valid provider URL
WFNAM00054 WARN Ignoring duplicate destination URI "%s"
WFNAM00055 org.wildfly.naming.client.ExhaustedDestinationsException No more destinations are available to attempt the operation (%d blocklisted, %d transiently failed). See suppressed exceptions for details
WFNAM00056 org.wildfly.naming.client.ExhaustedDestinationsException No more destinations are available to attempt the operation.
WFNAM00057 INFO jboss-naming-client.properties is deprecated; new applications should use org.wildfly.naming.client.WildFlyInitialContextFactory instead
WFNAM00058 java.io.InvalidClassException Exception resolving class %s for unmarshalling; it has either been blocklisted or not allowlisted
WFNAM00059 DEBUG JavaEE to JakartaEE backward compatibility layer have been installed


Code Level Return Type Message
WFSM-00001 DEBUG Permission check failed (permission "%s" in code source "%s" of "%s", principals "%s")
WFSM-00001 DEBUG Permission check failed (permission "%s" in code source "%s" of "%s")
WFSM000001 java.security.AccessControlException Permission check failed (permission "%s" in code source "%s" of "%s")
WFSM000002 java.lang.SecurityException Security manager may not be changed
WFSM000003 java.lang.SecurityException Unknown security context type
WFSM000004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unexpected character '%s' at offset %d of '%s'
WFSM000005 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid action '%s' at offset %d of '%s'
WFSM000006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid permission name '%s'
WFSM000007 java.lang.SecurityException Permission collection is read-only
WFSM000008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid permission (expected an instance of %s, but got %s)


Code Level Return Type Message
WFTXN-001 java.lang.String Subordinate XAResource at %s
WFTXN-001 java.lang.String Failed to add XAResource %s with Xid %s pointing to location %s to XAResourceRegistry
WFTXN-001 DEBUG Failed to configure a remote transaction service provider
WFTXN-001 DEBUG Closing the recovery stream after recovery failed threw an exception
WFTXN-001 DEBUG Failed to set transaction timeout of %d
WFTXN-001 TRACE Got exception on inbound message
WFTXN-001 TRACE Got exception on outbound message
WFTXN-001 TRACE Failure on running doRecover during initialization
WFTXN-001 TRACE Created xa resource recovery file: %s
WFTXN-001 TRACE Deleted xa resource recovery file: %s
WFTXN-001 TRACE Reloaded xa resource recovery registry file: %s
WFTXN-001 TRACE Added resource (%s) to xa resource recovery registry %s
WFTXN-001 TRACE Recovered in doubt xa resource (%s) from xa resource recovery registry %s
WFTXN-001 TRACE Unknown xid %s to be removed from the instances known to the wfly txn client
WFTXN0000 java.lang.IllegalStateException No transaction associated with the current thread
WFTXN0001 jakarta.transaction.NotSupportedException A transaction is already in progress
WFTXN0002 jakarta.transaction.InvalidTransactionException Transaction is not a supported instance: %s
WFTXN0003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid transaction location URI (must be absolute): %s
WFTXN0004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No transaction provider installed for URI: %s
WFTXN0005 jakarta.transaction.InvalidTransactionException Transaction not associated with this provider
WFTXN0006 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Negative transaction timeout provided
WFTXN0007 java.lang.IllegalStateException A transaction is already associated with the current thread
WFTXN0008 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Cannot register a synchronization on a remote transaction
WFTXN0009 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Cannot enlist or delist resources on a remote transaction
WFTXN0010 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Failed to receive protocol message from remote peer
WFTXN0011 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Failed to send protocol message to remote peer
WFTXN0012 jakarta.transaction.SystemException The peer threw a SystemException; see peer logs for more information
WFTXN0013 java.lang.SecurityException The peer threw a SecurityException; see peer logs for more information
WFTXN0014 jakarta.transaction.SystemException An unexpected protocol error occurred
WFTXN0015 jakarta.transaction.SystemException The protocol operation was interrupted locally
WFTXN0016 jakarta.transaction.RollbackException The remote peer rolled back the transaction
WFTXN0017 jakarta.transaction.RollbackException Rollback-only transaction rolled back
WFTXN0018 java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid transaction state
WFTXN0019 jakarta.transaction.HeuristicMixedException The peer threw a HeuristicMixedException; see peer logs for more information
WFTXN0020 jakarta.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException The peer threw a HeuristicRollbackException; see peer logs for more information
WFTXN0021 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Failed to acquire a connection for this operation
WFTXN0022 javax.transaction.xa.XAException The resource manager for remote connection to %s was already enlisted in a transaction
WFTXN0023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid flag value
WFTXN0024 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Duplicate transaction encountered for destination %s, transaction ID %s
WFTXN0025 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Failed to receive protocol message from remote peer
WFTXN0026 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Failed to send protocol message to remote peer
WFTXN0027 javax.transaction.xa.XAException The protocol operation was interrupted locally
WFTXN0028 javax.transaction.xa.XAException An unexpected protocol error occurred
WFTXN0029 javax.transaction.xa.XAException The peer threw an XA exception
WFTXN0030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid handle type; expected %s, actually received %s
WFTXN0031 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Commit not allowed on imported transaction
WFTXN0032 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Rollback not allowed on imported transaction
WFTXN0033 java.lang.IllegalStateException Multiple remote transaction providers registered on endpoint: %s
WFTXN0034 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Failed to acquire a connection for this operation
WFTXN0035 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid handle type requested; expected a subtype of Transaction (non-inclusive), got %s
WFTXN0036 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Transaction operation failed due to thread interruption
WFTXN0037 java.lang.IllegalStateException No transaction provider associated with the current thread
WFTXN0038 java.lang.IllegalStateException No local transaction provider associated with the current thread
WFTXN0039 java.lang.NullPointerException Invalid null transaction
WFTXN0040 DEBUG Rollback failed unexpectedly
WFTXN0041 java.lang.IllegalStateException No provider interface matching %s is available from the transaction provider
WFTXN0042 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Connection to remote transaction service failed
WFTXN0043 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Connection to remote transaction service interrupted
WFTXN0044 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Unknown response received from peer
WFTXN0045 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Failed to receive a response from peer
WFTXN0046 java.lang.IllegalStateException The peer threw an IllegalStateException; see peer logs for more information
WFTXN0047 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Unknown XA response received from peer
WFTXN0048 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Failed to receive an XA response from peer
WFTXN0049 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Negative transaction timeout provided
WFTXN0050 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Unrecognized parameter with ID 0x%02x received
WFTXN0051 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Expected parameter with ID 0x%02x, got parameter with ID 0x%02x instead
WFTXN0052 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Expected parameter with ID 0x%02x, got parameter with ID 0x%02x instead
WFTXN0053 org.wildfly.transaction.client.DelayedEnlistmentException Delayed enlistment has failed
WFTXN0054 org.wildfly.transaction.client.SynchronizationException Before-completion failed for resource %s
WFTXN0055 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Two-phase operation on single-phase transaction
WFTXN0056 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown provider for remote transactions with URI scheme "%s"
WFTXN0057 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Attempted to outflow the same transaction from two different transaction managers
WFTXN0058 java.lang.IllegalStateException This delayed enlistment handle was already enlisted
WFTXN0059 java.lang.IllegalStateException This delayed enlistment handle was already forgotten
WFTXN0060 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Transaction timed out
WFTXN0061 jakarta.transaction.RollbackException Transaction is marked rollback-only
WFTXN0062 java.lang.IllegalStateException Transaction is not active
WFTXN0063 java.lang.IllegalStateException Provider created a null transaction
WFTXN0064 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid connection endpoint provided
WFTXN0065 jakarta.transaction.SystemException No transaction for ID %d
WFTXN0066 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Failed to set transaction as rollback-only
WFTXN0067 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Transaction is not active
WFTXN0068 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Subordinate enlistment failed for unknown reason
WFTXN0069 jakarta.transaction.InvalidTransactionException Connection does not match the transaction; the connection may have closed
WFTXN0070 javax.transaction.xa.XAException No such transaction
WFTXN0071 java.lang.IllegalStateException An unexpected failure condition occurred
WFTXN0072 java.lang.IllegalStateException No local transaction provider node name specified in the transaction manager environment
WFTXN0073 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected provider transaction mismatch; expected %s, got %s
WFTXN0074 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Heuristic-mixed outcome
WFTXN0075 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Heuristic-commit outcome
WFTXN0076 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Transaction rolled back
WFTXN0077 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Heuristic-rollback outcome
WFTXN0078 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Invalid transaction state
WFTXN0079 javax.transaction.xa.XAException An unexpected resource manager error occurred
WFTXN0080 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Operation not allowed on non-imported transaction
WFTXN0081 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Invalid transaction state for operation
WFTXN0082 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Cannot import a new transaction on a suspended server
WFTXN0083 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Cannot import a new transaction on a suspended server
WFTXN0084 java.lang.IllegalStateException UserTransaction access is forbidden in the current context
WFTXN0085 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Operation failed with an unexpected exception type
WFTXN0086 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected transaction type encountered; expected %s but encountered %s
WFTXN0087 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown transaction manager type %s
WFTXN0088 java.lang.SecurityException User %s does not have permission %s
WFTXN0089 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Failed to configure transaction timeout of %d
WFTXN0090 java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot assign location "%s" to transaction because it is already located at "%s"
WFTXN0091 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Failed to create xa resource recovery file: %s
WFTXN0092 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Failed to append xa resource (%s) to xa recovery file: %s
WFTXN0093 javax.transaction.xa.XAException Failed to delete xa recovery registry file %s on removal of %s
WFTXN0094 java.io.IOException Failed to read xa resource recovery file %s
WFTXN0095 java.io.IOException Failed to read URI '%s' from xa resource recovery file %s
WFTXN0096 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected exception on XA recovery
WFTXN0097 jakarta.transaction.SystemException Cannot enlist XA resource '%s' to transaction '%s' as timeout already elapsed
WFTXN0098 WARN Unknown I/O error when listing xa resource recovery files in %s (File.list() returned null)
WFTXN0099 WARN Error while removing imported transaction of xid %s from the underlying transaction manager
WFTXN0100 java.lang.IllegalStateException String '%s' has a wrong format to be decoded to SimpleXid. Expected the hexadecimal format separated by '%s' to exactly three parts.
WFTXN0101 java.io.IOException Failed to read Xid '%s' from xa resource recovery file %s


Code Level Return Type Message
XNIO-00001 INFO XNIO NIO Implementation Version %s
XNIO-00001 TRACE Starting up with selector provider %s
XNIO-00001 TRACE Using %s for main selectors and %s for temp selectors
XNIO-00001 INFO XNIO version %s
XNIO-00001 TRACE Closing resource %s
XNIO-00001 TRACE Closing resource %s failed
XNIO-00001 TRACE Shutting down reads on %s failed
XNIO-00001 TRACE Expanded buffer enabled due to overflow with empty buffer, expanded buffer size is %s
XNIO-00001 TRACE Notify read closed for connection %s failed
XNIO-00001 TRACE Notify write closed for connection %s failed
XNIO000000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method parameter '%s' cannot be null
XNIO000001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method parameter '%s' must be greater than %d
XNIO000002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unsupported socket address %s
XNIO000003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Method parameter '%s' contains disallowed null value at index %d
XNIO000004 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Bind address %s is not the same type as destination address %s
XNIO000005 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No such field named "%s" in %s
XNIO000006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Class "%s" not found in %s
XNIO000007 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Field named "%s" is not accessible (public) in %s
XNIO000008 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Field named "%s" is not static in %s
XNIO000009 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Copy with negative count is not supported
XNIO000010 WARN Invalid option '%s' in property '%s': %s
XNIO000011 ERROR Task %s failed with an exception
XNIO000012 java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException Attempt to write to a read-only buffer
XNIO000013 java.nio.BufferUnderflowException Buffer underflow
XNIO000014 java.nio.BufferOverflowException Buffer overflow
XNIO000015 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Parameter '%s' is out of range
XNIO000016 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Mixed direct and heap buffers not allowed
XNIO000017 java.lang.IllegalStateException Buffer was already freed
XNIO000018 java.lang.IllegalStateException Access a thread-local random from the wrong thread
XNIO000019 java.lang.IllegalStateException Channel not available from connection
XNIO000020 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No parser for this option value type
XNIO000021 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid format for property value '%s'
XNIO000022 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Class %s not found
XNIO000023 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Class %s is not an instance of %s
XNIO000024 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid option name '%s'
XNIO000025 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid null option '%s'
XNIO000026 java.io.IOException Read with append is not supported
XNIO000027 java.io.IOException Requested file open mode requires Java 7 or higher
XNIO000028 java.lang.IllegalStateException Current thread is not an XNIO I/O thread
XNIO000029 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Compression format not supported
XNIO000030 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Both channels must come from the same worker
XNIO000031 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException At least one channel must have a connection
XNIO000032 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException At least one channel must be an SSL channel
XNIO000033 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' is not a valid QOP value
XNIO000034 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Failed to instantiate %s
XNIO000035 org.xnio.channels.ConcurrentStreamChannelAccessException Stream channel was accessed concurrently
XNIO000036 java.io.CharConversionException Malformed input
XNIO000037 java.io.CharConversionException Unmappable character
XNIO000038 java.io.CharConversionException Character decoding problem
XNIO000039 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Value for option '%s' is out of range
XNIO000040 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Mismatched IP address type; expected %s but got %s
XNIO000041 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException '%s' is not a valid Strength value
XNIO000042 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot add unresolved address '%s'
XNIO000100 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException 'https' URL scheme chosen but no SSL provider given
XNIO000101 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Unknown URL scheme '%s' given; must be one of 'http' or 'https'
XNIO000200 javax.security.sasl.SaslException Unexpected extra SASL challenge data received
XNIO000201 javax.security.sasl.SaslException Unexpected extra SASL response data received
XNIO000300 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Socket buffer is too small
XNIO000301 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Application buffer is too small
XNIO000302 java.io.IOException SSLEngine required a bigger send buffer but our buffer was already big enough
XNIO000303 java.io.IOException Unexpected wrap result status: %s
XNIO000304 java.io.IOException Unexpected handshake status: %s
XNIO000305 java.io.IOException Unexpected unwrap result status: %s
XNIO000306 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException SSL connection is not from this provider
XNIO000307 DEBUG Failed to close ssl engine when handling exception %s
XNIO000800 org.xnio.channels.ReadTimeoutException Read timed out
XNIO000801 org.xnio.channels.WriteTimeoutException Write timed out
XNIO000802 org.xnio.channels.FixedLengthOverflowException Write past the end of a fixed-length channel
XNIO000803 org.xnio.channels.FixedLengthUnderflowException Close before all bytes were written to a fixed-length channel (%d bytes remaining)
XNIO000804 java.io.IOException Received an invalid message length of %d
XNIO000805 java.io.EOFException Writes have been shut down
XNIO000806 java.io.IOException Transmitted message is too large
XNIO000807 java.io.IOException Unflushed data truncated
XNIO000808 java.io.InterruptedIOException I/O operation was interrupted
XNIO000809 java.io.IOException Cannot flush due to insufficient buffer space
XNIO000810 java.io.IOException Deflater doesn't need input, but won't produce output
XNIO000811 java.io.IOException Inflater needs dictionary
XNIO000812 java.io.EOFException Connection closed unexpectedly
XNIO000813 java.io.IOException The stream is closed
XNIO000814 java.io.IOException Mark not set
XNIO000815 org.xnio.ClosedWorkerException Worker is shut down: %s
XNIO000816 java.lang.String Redirect encountered establishing connection
XNIO000900 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Method '%s' is not supported on this implementation
XNIO001000 java.lang.IllegalStateException Blocking I/O is not allowed on the current thread
XNIO001001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No XNIO provider found
XNIO001002 java.util.concurrent.CancellationException Operation was cancelled
XNIO001003 WARN Running IoFuture notifier %s (with attachment %s) failed
XNIO001004 java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Operation timed out
XNIO001005 java.lang.SecurityException Not allowed to read non-XNIO properties
XNIO001006 ERROR Failed to invoke file watch callback
XNIO001007 ERROR A channel event listener threw an exception
XNIO001008 ERROR A channel exception handler threw an exception
XNIO001009 ERROR Failed to accept a connection on %s
XNIO001010 ERROR Failed to submit task to executor: (closing %s)
XNIO001011 javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException %s, check for missing required intermediate / root certificates in a truststore
XNIO007000 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException No threads configured
XNIO007001 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Balancing token count must be greater than zero and less than thread count
XNIO007002 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Balancing connection count must be greater than zero when tokens are used
XNIO007003 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Buffer is too large
XNIO007004 java.lang.IllegalStateException No functional selector provider is available
XNIO007005 java.lang.IllegalStateException Unexpected exception opening a selector
XNIO007006 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException XNIO IO factory is from the wrong provider
XNIO007007 java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException Thread is terminating
XNIO008000 WARN Received an I/O error on selection: %s
XNIO008001 WARN Socket accept failed, backing off for %2$d milliseconds: %1$s