The mail
quickstart demonstrates how to send and receive emails using CDI and JSF and with custom Mail provider configured in WildFly.
What is it?
The mail
quickstart demonstrates sending and receiving emails with the use of CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) and JSF (JavaServer Faces) in WildFly Application Server.
The mail provider is configured in the mail
subsystem of the WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
configuration file if you are running a standalone server or in the WILDFLY_HOME/domain/configuration/domain.xml
configuration file if you are running in a managed domain.
You can use the default mail provider that comes out of the box with WildFly. It uses your local mail relay and the default SMTP port of 25. However, this quickstart demonstrates how to define and use a custom mail provider.
This example is a web application that takes To
, From
, Subject
, and Message Body
input and sends mail using SMTP. These emails can be later read by using IMAP or POP3. The front end is a JSF page with a simple POJO backing, leveraging CDI for resource injection.
System Requirements
The application this project produces is designed to be run on WildFly Application Server 35 or later.
All you need to build this project is Java SE 17.0 or later, and Maven 3.6.0 or later. See Configure Maven to Build and Deploy the Quickstarts to make sure you are configured correctly for testing the quickstarts.
In the following instructions, replace WILDFLY_HOME
with the actual path to your WildFly installation. The installation path is described in detail here: Use of WILDFLY_HOME and JBOSS_HOME Variables.
When you see the replaceable variable QUICKSTART_HOME, replace it with the path to the root directory of all of the quickstarts.
Configure a Mail Server on Your Local Machine
To run the Mail Quickstart, you need a Mail Server configured with the following protocols and ports:
SMTP port:1025
POP3 port:1110
IMAP port:1143
In addition, the Mail Subsystem configuration and the test cases expect you have the following Mail accounts configured on your Mail Server:
You can use any Mail Server you consider, although to facilitate this task, you will find under the Mail Quickstart root directory a docker compose file prepared to launch an Apache James Mail server with all the required configuration. You will need to have installed a Container Engine capable of work with Docker compose files and Linux images. The following command assumes you have Podman and Podman Compose installed in your local environment.
To launch the Apache James Mail server, open the terminal and navigate to the Mail Quickstart root directory and execute the following:
$ podman compose up --wait
>>>> Executing external compose provider "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose". Please refer to the documentation for details. <<<<
[+] Running 1/1
✔ Container apache-james Healthy
The Apache James server is configured without allowing the relay of the emails to external addresses that are not configured in the server. When you are sending / receiving emails with this server, you have to use the accounts shipped with the apache James demo image. These are the accounts available out of the box: user01@james.local, user02@james.local and user03@james.local.
All accounts use the same password: 1234
Once you have finished with the Mail Quickstart, you can shutdown and remove the Apache James Mail server with the following command:
$ podman compose down --volumes
>>>> Executing external compose provider "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose". Please refer to the documentation for details. <<<<
[+] Running 2/1
✔ Container apache-james Removed
✔ Network mail_default Removed
Back Up the WildFly Standalone Server Configuration
Before you begin, back up your server configuration file.
If it is running, stop the WildFly server.
Back up the
After you have completed testing this quickstart, you can replace this file to restore the server to its original configuration.
Start the WildFly Standalone Server
Open a terminal and navigate to the root of the WildFly directory.
Start the WildFly server with the default profile by typing the following command.
NoteFor Windows, use the WILDFLY_HOME\bin\standalone.bat
Configure the Server
You configure the custom mail session in WildFly by running Management CLI commands. For your convenience, this quickstart batches the commands into a configure-mail-session.cli
script provided in the root directory of this quickstart.
Before you begin, make sure you do the following:
Back up the WildFly standalone server configuration as described above.
Start the WildFly server with the standalone default profile as described above.
Review the
file in the root of this quickstart directory. This script creates custom outbound socket binding port for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP. It then creates the customMyOtherMail
mail session and configures it to use the custom outbound socket binding ports and default user credentials for SMTP and IMAP. -
Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing
with the path to your server:$ WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=configure-mail-session.cli
NoteFor Windows, use the WILDFLY_HOME\bin\jboss-cli.bat
script.You should see the following result when you run the script.
The batch executed successfully process-state: reload-required
Stop the WildFly server.
Review the Modified Server Configuration
After stopping the server, open the WILDFLY_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
file and review the changes.
The following outbound-socket-binding
groups are added to the standard-sockets
<socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets" default-interface="public" port-offset="${jboss.socket.binding.port-offset:0}">
<outbound-socket-binding name="my-imap-binding">
<remote-destination host="localhost" port="1143"/>
<outbound-socket-binding name="my-pop3-binding">
<remote-destination host="localhost" port="1110"/>
<outbound-socket-binding name="my-smtp-binding">
<remote-destination host="localhost" port="1025"/>
The MyOtherMail
mail session is added to the mail
subsystem and configured to use the custom outbound socket binding ports.
<subsystem xmlns="{MailSubsystemNamespace}">
<mail-session name="default" jndi-name="java:jboss/mail/Default">
<smtp-server outbound-socket-binding-ref="mail-smtp"/>
<mail-session name="MyOtherMail" debug="true" jndi-name="java:jboss/mail/MyOtherMail">
<smtp-server outbound-socket-binding-ref="my-smtp-binding" username="user01@james.local" password="1234"/>
<pop3-server outbound-socket-binding-ref="my-pop3-binding"/>
<imap-server outbound-socket-binding-ref="my-imap-binding" username="user02@james.local" password="1234"/>
Build and Deploy the Quickstart
Make sure WildFly server is started.
Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
Type the following command to build the quickstart.
$ mvn clean package
Type the following command to deploy the quickstart.
$ mvn wildfly:deploy
This deploys the mail/target/mail.war
to the running instance of the server.
You should see a message in the server log indicating that the archive deployed successfully.
Access the Application
The application will be running at the following URL: http://localhost:8080/mail/.
If you see Error processing request in the browser when you access the application and attempt to send email, followed by jakarta.servlet.ServletException: MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 1025; timeout -1; nested exception is: Connection refused , make sure you followed the instructions above to Configure an SMTP Server on Your Local Machine.
If you are using the Mail server shipped with this Quickstart and see Error sending the Email. Invalid Addresses in the browser when you attempt to send email, make sure you are sending your email to an existing account configured in the Mail Server since by default Apache James demo image is shipped with relay disabled. By default, Apache James demo image has the following accounts configured: user01@james.local, user02@james.local and user03@james.local.
Run the Integration Tests
This quickstart includes integration tests, which are located under the src/test/
directory. The integration tests verify that the quickstart runs correctly when deployed on the server.
Follow these steps to run the integration tests.
Make sure WildFly server is started.
Make sure the quickstart is deployed.
Type the following command to run the
goal with theintegration-testing
profile activated.$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
Undeploy the Quickstart
When you are finished testing the quickstart, follow these steps to undeploy the archive.
Make sure WildFly server is started.
Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
Type this command to undeploy the archive:
$ mvn wildfly:undeploy
Restore the WildFly Standalone Server Configuration
You can restore the original server configuration using either of the following methods.
You can run the
script provided in the root directory of this quickstart. -
You can manually restore the configuration using the backup copy of the configuration file.
Restore the WildFly Standalone Server Configuration by Running the JBoss CLI Script
Start the WildFly server as described above.
Open a new terminal, navigate to the root directory of this quickstart, and run the following command, replacing
with the path to your server:$ WILDFLY_HOME/bin/ --connect --file=remove-mail-session.cli
NoteFor Windows, use the WILDFLY_HOME\bin\jboss-cli.bat
This script removes the custom MyOtherMail
session from the mail
subsystem in the server configuration. file You should see the following result when you run the script:
The batch executed successfully
process-state: reload-required
Restore the WildFly Standalone Server Configuration Manually
When you have completed testing the quickstart, you can restore the original server configuration by manually restoring the backup copy the configuration file.
If it is running, stop the WildFly server.
Replace the
file with the backup copy of the file.
Building and running the quickstart application with provisioned WildFly server
Instead of using a standard WildFly server distribution, you can alternatively provision a WildFly server to deploy and run the quickstart. The functionality is provided by the WildFly Maven Plugin, and you may find its configuration in the quickstart pom.xml
When built, the provisioned WildFly server can be found in the target/server
directory, and its usage is similar to a standard server distribution, with the simplification that there is never the need to specify the server configuration to be started.
Follow these steps to run the quickstart using the provisioned server.
Make sure the server is provisioned.
$ mvn clean package
Start the WildFly provisioned server, using the WildFly Maven Plugin
goal.$ mvn wildfly:start
Type the following command to run the integration tests.
$ mvn verify -Pintegration-testing
Shut down the WildFly provisioned server.
$ mvn wildfly:shutdown
WildFly for OpenShift Incompatibility
This quickstart is not compatible with WildFly for OpenShift.