Class ServerHelper

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode determineHostAddress​( client)
      Determines the address for the host being used.
      static ContainerDescription getContainerDescription​( client)
      Returns the description of the running container.
      static boolean isDomainRunning​( client)
      Checks to see if the domain is running.
      static boolean isStandaloneRunning​( client)
      Checks to see if a standalone server is running.
      static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(String path)
      Checks whether or not the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
      static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(Path path)
      Checks whether or not the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
      static void shutdownDomain​( client)
      Shuts down a managed domain container.
      static void shutdownDomain​( client, int timeout)
      Shuts down a managed domain container.
      static void shutdownStandalone​( client)
      Shuts down a standalone server.
      static void shutdownStandalone​( client, int timeout)
      Shuts down a standalone server.
      static void waitForDomain​(Process process, client, long startupTimeout)
      Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a managed domain to start.
      static void waitForDomain​( client, long startupTimeout)
      Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a managed domain to start.
      static void waitForStandalone​(Process process, client, long startupTimeout)
      Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.
      static void waitForStandalone​( client, long startupTimeout)
      Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerHelper

        public ServerHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • isValidHomeDirectory

        public static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(Path path)
        Checks whether or not the directory is a valid home directory for a server.

        This validates the path is not null, exists, is a directory and contains a jboss-modules.jar.

        path - the path to validate
        true if the path is valid otherwise false
      • isValidHomeDirectory

        public static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(String path)
        Checks whether or not the directory is a valid home directory for a server.

        This validates the path is not null, exists, is a directory and contains a jboss-modules.jar.

        path - the path to validate
        true if the path is valid otherwise false
      • getContainerDescription

        public static ContainerDescription getContainerDescription​( client)
                                                            throws IOException,
        Returns the description of the running container.
        client - the client used to query the server
        the description of the running container
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
        OperationExecutionException - if the operation used to query the container fails
      • waitForDomain

        public static void waitForDomain​( client,
                                         long startupTimeout)
                                  throws InterruptedException,
        Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a managed domain to start. A domain is considered started when each of the servers in the domain are started unless the server is disabled.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        startupTimeout - the time, in seconds, to wait for the server start
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for the server to start
        RuntimeException - if the process has died
        TimeoutException - if the timeout has been reached and the server is still not started
      • waitForDomain

        public static void waitForDomain​(Process process,
                                         long startupTimeout)
                                  throws InterruptedException,
        Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a managed domain to start. A domain is considered started when each of the servers in the domain are started unless the server is disabled.

        If the process is not null and a timeout occurs the process will be destroyed.

        process - the Java process can be null if no process is available
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        startupTimeout - the time, in seconds, to wait for the server start
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for the server to start
        RuntimeException - if the process has died
        TimeoutException - if the timeout has been reached and the server is still not started
      • isDomainRunning

        public static boolean isDomainRunning​( client)
        Checks to see if the domain is running. If the server is not in admin only mode each servers running state is checked. If any server is not in a started state the domain is not considered to be running.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        true if the server is in a running state, otherwise false
      • shutdownDomain

        public static void shutdownDomain​( client)
                                   throws IOException,
        Shuts down a managed domain container. The servers are first stopped, then the host controller is shutdown.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
        OperationExecutionException - if the operation used to shutdown the managed domain failed
      • shutdownDomain

        public static void shutdownDomain​( client,
                                          int timeout)
                                   throws IOException,
        Shuts down a managed domain container. The servers are first stopped, then the host controller is shutdown.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        timeout - the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of -1 will wait indefinitely and a value of 0 will not attempt a graceful shutdown
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
        OperationExecutionException - if the operation used to shutdown the managed domain failed
      • determineHostAddress

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode determineHostAddress​( client)
                                                            throws IOException,
        Determines the address for the host being used.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        the address of the host
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
        OperationExecutionException - if the operation used to determine the host name fails
      • waitForStandalone

        public static void waitForStandalone​( client,
                                             long startupTimeout)
                                      throws InterruptedException,
        Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        startupTimeout - the time, in seconds, to wait for the server start
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for the server to start
        RuntimeException - if the process has died
        TimeoutException - if the timeout has been reached and the server is still not started
      • waitForStandalone

        public static void waitForStandalone​(Process process,
                                             long startupTimeout)
                                      throws InterruptedException,
        Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.

        If the process is not null and a timeout occurs the process will be destroyed.

        process - the Java process can be null if no process is available
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        startupTimeout - the time, in seconds, to wait for the server start
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for the server to start
        RuntimeException - if the process has died
        TimeoutException - if the timeout has been reached and the server is still not started
      • isStandaloneRunning

        public static boolean isStandaloneRunning​( client)
        Checks to see if a standalone server is running.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        true if the server is running, otherwise false
      • shutdownStandalone

        public static void shutdownStandalone​( client)
                                       throws IOException
        Shuts down a standalone server.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • shutdownStandalone

        public static void shutdownStandalone​( client,
                                              int timeout)
                                       throws IOException
        Shuts down a standalone server.
        client - the client used to communicate with the server
        timeout - the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of -1 will wait indefinitely and a value of 0 will not attempt a graceful shutdown
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server