Full name:
Note that changes to the POM file are not monitored. If changes are made the POM file, the process will need to be terminated and restarted.
- Requires a Maven project to be executed.
- Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: compile+runtime.
- Since version: 4.1.
- Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: package.
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Since | Description |
<addUser> | AddUser | 4.1 | The users to add to the server. User property is: wildfly.add-user. Alias is: add-user. |
<authenticationConfig> | URL | 4.1 | A URL which points to the authentication configuration (wildfly-config.xml) the client uses to authenticate with the server. User property is: wildfly.authConfig. Alias is: authentication-config. |
<channels> | List | 4.1 | A list of channels used for resolving artifacts while provisioning. Alias is: channels. |
<commands> | List | 4.1 | The CLI commands to execute before the deployment is deployed. User property is: wildfly.commands. |
<debug> | boolean | 4.1 | Starts the server with debugging enabled. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.debug. |
<debugHost> | String | 4.1 | Sets the hostname to listen on for debugging. An * means all hosts. Default value is: *. User property is: wildfly.debug.host. |
<debugPort> | int | 4.1 | Sets the port the debugger should listen on. Default value is: 8787. User property is: wildfly.debug.port. |
<debugSuspend> | boolean | 4.1 | Indicates whether the server should suspend itself until a debugger is attached. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.debug.suspend. |
<env> | Map | 4.1 | Specifies the environment variables to be passed to the process being started.
<env> <HOME>/home/wildfly/</HOME> </env> |
<excludedLayers> | List | 4.1 | A list of Galleon layers to exclude. Can be used when feature-pack-location or feature-packs are set. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.layers.excluded to provide a comma separated list of layers to exclude. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.layers.excluded. Alias is: excluded-layers. |
<featurePackLocation> | String | 4.1 | The feature pack location. See the documentation for details on how to format a feature pack location. Note that if you define the version in the feature pack location, e.g. #26.1.1.Final, the version configuration parameter should be left blank. User property is: wildfly.feature-pack.location. Alias is: feature-pack-location. |
<featurePacks> | List | 4.1 | A list of feature-pack configurations to install, can be combined with layers. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.feature-packs to provide a comma separated list of feature-packs. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.feature-packs. Alias is: feature-packs. |
<galleonOptions> | Map | 4.1 | Arbitrary Galleon options used when provisioning the server. In case you are building a large amount of server in the same maven session, it is strongly advised to set 'jboss-fork-embedded' option to 'true' in order to fork Galleon provisioning and CLI scripts execution in dedicated processes. For example:
<galleon-options> <jboss-fork-embedded>true</jboss-fork-embedded> </galleon-options> Alias is: galleon-options. |
<hostname> | String | 4.1 | Specifies the host name of the server where the deployment plan should be executed. Default value is: localhost. User property is: wildfly.hostname. |
<id> | String | 4.1 | Specifies the id of the server if the username and password is to be retrieved from the settings.xml file User property is: wildfly.id. |
<ignorePatterns> | List | 4.1 | File patterns that we should ignore during watch. Hidden files and files ending with '~' are ignored. You can set the system property wildfly.dev.ignore.patterns to a white space separated list of file patterns. User property is: wildfly.dev.ignore.patterns. Alias is: ignore-patterns. |
<javaHome> | String | 4.1 | The JAVA_HOME to use for launching the server. User property is: java.home. Alias is: java-home. |
<javaOpts> | String[] | 4.1 | The JVM options to use. User property is: wildfly.javaOpts. Alias is: java-opts. |
<jbossHome> | String | 4.1 | The WildFly Application Server's home directory. If not used, WildFly will be downloaded. User property is: jboss-as.home. Alias is: jboss-home. |
<layers> | List | 4.1 | A list of Galleon layers to provision. Can be used when feature-pack-location or feature-packs are set. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.layers to provide a comma separated list of layers. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.layers. Alias is: layers. |
<modulesPath> | ModulesPath | 4.1 | The modules path or paths to use. A single path can be used or multiple paths by enclosing them in a paths element. User property is: wildfly.modulesPath. Alias is: modules-path. |
<name> | String | 4.1 | Specifies the name used for the deployment. When the deployment is copied to the server, it is renamed with this name. User property is: wildfly.deployment.name. |
<offlineProvisioning> | boolean | 4.1 | Whether to use offline mode when the plugin resolves an artifact. In offline mode the plugin will only use the local Maven repository for an artifact resolution. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.offline. Alias is: offline-provisioning. |
<overwriteProvisionedServer> | boolean | 4.1 | Set to true if you want to delete the existing server referenced from the provisioningDir and provision a new one, otherwise false. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.overwrite-provisioned-server. Alias is: overwrite-provisioned-server. |
<password> | String | 4.1 | Specifies the password to use if prompted to authenticate by the server. If no password is specified and the server requests authentication the user will be prompted to supply the password, User property is: wildfly.password. |
<port> | int | 4.1 | Specifies the port number the server is listening on. Default value is: 9990. User property is: wildfly.port. |
<propertiesFile> | String | 4.1 | The path to the system properties file to load. User property is: wildfly.propertiesFile. Alias is: properties-file. |
<protocol> | String | 4.1 | The protocol used to connect to the server for management. User property is: wildfly.protocol. |
<provisioningDir> | String | 3.0 | The directory name inside the buildDir where to provision the default server. By default the server is provisioned into the 'server' directory. Default value is: server. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.dir. Alias is: provisioning-dir. |
<remote> | boolean | 4.1 | If set to true a server will not be provisioned or started and the application will be deployed to a remote server. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.dev.remote. |
<scripts> | List | 4.1 | The CLI script files to execute before the deployment is deployed. User property is: wildfly.scripts. |
<serverArgs> | String[] | 4.1 | The arguments to be passed to the server. User property is: wildfly.serverArgs. Alias is: server-args. |
<serverConfig> | String | 4.1 | The path to the server configuration to use. User property is: wildfly.serverConfig. Alias is: server-config. |
<skip> | boolean | 4.1 | Set to true if you want to skip this goal, otherwise false. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.skip. |
<startupTimeout> | long | 4.1 | The timeout value to use when starting the server. Default value is: 60. User property is: wildfly.startupTimeout. Alias is: startup-timeout. |
<timeout> | int | 4.1 | The timeout, in seconds, to wait for a management connection. Default value is: 60. User property is: wildfly.timeout. |
<username> | String | 4.1 | Specifies the username to use if prompted to authenticate by the server. If no username is specified and the server requests authentication the user will be prompted to supply the username, User property is: wildfly.username. |
<version> | String | 4.1 | The version of the WildFly default server to install in case no jboss-home has been set and no server has previously been provisioned. The latest stable version is resolved if left blank. User property is: wildfly.version. |
<webExtensions> | List | 4.1 | Additional extensions of files located in src/webapp directory and its sub-directories that don't require a redeployment on update. The builtin list is html, xhtml, jsp, js, css. You can set the system property wildfly.dev.web.extensions to a white space separated list of file extensions. User property is: wildfly.dev.web.extensions. Alias is: web-extensions. |
Parameter Details
- Type: org.wildfly.plugin.server.AddUser
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.add-user
- Alias: add-user
- Type: java.net.URL
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.authConfig
- Alias: authentication-config
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- Alias: channels
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.commands
- Type: boolean
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.debug
- Default: false
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.debug.host
- Default: *
- Type: int
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.debug.port
- Default: 8787
- Type: boolean
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.debug.suspend
- Default: false
<env> <HOME>/home/wildfly/</HOME> </env>
- Type: java.util.Map
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.layers.excluded
- Alias: excluded-layers
Note that if you define the version in the feature pack location, e.g. #26.1.1.Final, the version configuration parameter should be left blank.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.feature-pack.location
- Alias: feature-pack-location
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.feature-packs
- Alias: feature-packs
<galleon-options> <jboss-fork-embedded>true</jboss-fork-embedded> </galleon-options>
- Type: java.util.Map
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- Alias: galleon-options
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.hostname
- Default: localhost
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.id
Hidden files and files ending with '~' are ignored.
You can set the system property wildfly.dev.ignore.patterns to a white space separated list of file patterns.
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.dev.ignore.patterns
- Alias: ignore-patterns
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: java.home
- Alias: java-home
- Type: java.lang.String[]
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.javaOpts
- Alias: java-opts
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: jboss-as.home
- Alias: jboss-home
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.layers
- Alias: layers
- Type: org.wildfly.plugin.server.ModulesPath
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.modulesPath
- Alias: modules-path
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.deployment.name
- Type: boolean
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.offline
- Default: false
- Alias: offline-provisioning
- Type: boolean
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.overwrite-provisioned-server
- Default: false
- Alias: overwrite-provisioned-server
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.password
- Type: int
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.port
- Default: 9990
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.propertiesFile
- Alias: properties-file
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.protocol
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.dir
- Default: server
- Alias: provisioning-dir
- Type: boolean
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.dev.remote
- Default: false
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.scripts
- Type: java.lang.String[]
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.serverArgs
- Alias: server-args
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.serverConfig
- Alias: server-config
- Type: boolean
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.skip
- Default: false
- Type: long
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.startupTimeout
- Default: 60
- Alias: startup-timeout
- Type: int
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.timeout
- Default: 60
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.username
The latest stable version is resolved if left blank.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.version
The builtin list is html, xhtml, jsp, js, css.
You can set the system property wildfly.dev.web.extensions to a white space separated list of file extensions.
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 4.1
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.dev.web.extensions
- Alias: web-extensions