Full name:
Provision a server.
- Requires a Maven project to be executed.
- Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: compile+runtime.
- Since version: 3.0.
- Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: package.
Optional Parameters
Name | Type | Since | Description |
<channels> | List | 3.0 | (no description) Alias is: channels. |
<excludedLayers> | List | 3.0 | A list of Galleon layers to exclude. Can be used when feature-pack-location or feature-packs are set. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.layers.excluded to provide a comma separated list of layers to exclude. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.layers.excluded. Alias is: excluded-layers. |
<featurePacks> | List | 3.0 | A list of feature-pack configurations to install, can be combined with layers. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.feature-packs to provide a comma separated list of feature-packs. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.feature-packs. Alias is: feature-packs. |
<galleonOptions> | Map | 3.0 | Arbitrary Galleon options used when provisioning the server. In case you are building a large amount of server in the same maven session, it is strongly advised to set 'jboss-fork-embedded' option to 'true' in order to fork Galleon provisioning and CLI scripts execution in dedicated processes. For example:
<galleon-options> <jboss-fork-embedded>true</jboss-fork-embedded> </galleon-options> Alias is: galleon-options. |
<layers> | List | 3.0 | A list of Galleon layers to provision. Can be used when feature-pack-location or feature-packs are set. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.layers to provide a comma separated list of layers. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.layers. Alias is: layers. |
<layersConfigurationFileName> | String | 3.0 | The name of the configuration file generated from layers. Default value is standalone.xml. If no layers have been configured, setting this parameter is invalid. Default value is: standalone.xml. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.layers.configuration.file.name. Alias is: layers-configuration-file-name. |
<logProvisioningTime> | boolean | 3.0 | Whether to log provisioning time at the end Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.log.time. Alias is: log-provisioning-time. |
<offlineProvisioning> | boolean | 3.0 | Whether to use offline mode when the plugin resolves an artifact. In offline mode the plugin will only use the local Maven repository for an artifact resolution. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.offline. Alias is: offline-provisioning. |
<overwriteProvisionedServer> | boolean | 3.0 | Set to true if you want to delete the existing server referenced from the provisioningDir and provision a new one, otherwise false. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.overwrite-provisioned-server. Alias is: overwrite-provisioned-server. |
<provisioningDir> | String | 3.0 | The path to the directory where to provision the server. Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the buildDir. By default the server is provisioned into the target/server directory. Default value is: server. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.dir. Alias is: provisioning-dir. |
<provisioningFile> | File | 3.0 | The path to the provisioning.xml file to use. Note that this cannot be used with the feature-packs or configurations. If the provisioning file is not absolute, it has to be relative to the project base directory. Default value is: ${project.basedir}/galleon/provisioning.xml. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.file. Alias is: provisioning-file. |
<recordProvisioningState> | boolean | 3.0 | Whether to record provisioning state in .galleon directory. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.provisioning.record.state. Alias is: record-provisioning-state. |
<skip> | boolean | 3.0 | Set to true if you want the goal to be skipped, otherwise false. Default value is: false. User property is: wildfly.provision.skip. |
Parameter Details
(no description)
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- Alias: channels
A list of Galleon layers to exclude. Can be used when feature-pack-location or feature-packs are set. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.layers.excluded to provide a comma separated list of layers to exclude.
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.layers.excluded
- Alias: excluded-layers
A list of feature-pack configurations to install, can be combined with layers. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.feature-packs to provide a comma separated list of feature-packs.
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.feature-packs
- Alias: feature-packs
Arbitrary Galleon options used when provisioning the server. In case you are building a large amount of server in the same maven session, it is strongly advised to set 'jboss-fork-embedded' option to 'true' in order to fork Galleon provisioning and CLI scripts execution in dedicated processes. For example:
<galleon-options> <jboss-fork-embedded>true</jboss-fork-embedded> </galleon-options>
- Type: java.util.Map
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- Alias: galleon-options
A list of Galleon layers to provision. Can be used when feature-pack-location or feature-packs are set. Use the System property wildfly.provisioning.layers to provide a comma separated list of layers.
- Type: java.util.List
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.layers
- Alias: layers
The name of the configuration file generated from layers. Default value is standalone.xml. If no layers have been configured, setting this parameter is invalid.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.layers.configuration.file.name
- Default: standalone.xml
- Alias: layers-configuration-file-name
Whether to log provisioning time at the end
- Type: boolean
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.log.time
- Default: false
- Alias: log-provisioning-time
Whether to use offline mode when the plugin resolves an artifact. In offline mode the plugin will only use the local Maven repository for an artifact resolution.
- Type: boolean
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.offline
- Default: false
- Alias: offline-provisioning
Set to true if you want to delete the existing server referenced from the provisioningDir and provision a new one, otherwise false.
- Type: boolean
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.overwrite-provisioned-server
- Default: false
- Alias: overwrite-provisioned-server
The path to the directory where to provision the server. Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the buildDir. By default the server is provisioned into the target/server directory.
- Type: java.lang.String
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.dir
- Default: server
- Alias: provisioning-dir
The path to the provisioning.xml file to use. Note that this cannot be used with the feature-packs or configurations. If the provisioning file is not absolute, it has to be relative to the project base directory.
- Type: java.io.File
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.file
- Default: ${project.basedir}/galleon/provisioning.xml
- Alias: provisioning-file
Whether to record provisioning state in .galleon directory.
- Type: boolean
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provisioning.record.state
- Default: false
- Alias: record-provisioning-state
Set to true if you want the goal to be skipped, otherwise false.
- Type: boolean
- Since: 3.0
- Required: No
- User Property: wildfly.provision.skip
- Default: false