Class ServerOperations

  • public class ServerOperations
    A helper for creating operations.
    James R. Perkins
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createAddress​(String... pairs)
      Creates an address from the consecutive pairs.
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createAddress​(String key, String name)  
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createListDeploymentsOperation()
      Creates an operation to list the deployments.
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createOperation​(String operation, org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address, boolean recursive)
      Creates an operation.
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createReadAttributeOperation​(String attributeName)
      Creates an operation to read the attribute represented by the attributeName parameter.
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createRemoveOperation​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address, boolean recursive)
      Creates a remove operation.
      static org.jboss.dmr.Property getChildAddress​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address)
      Finds the last entry of the address list and returns it as a property.
      static String getFailureDescriptionAsString​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode result)
      Parses the result and returns the failure description.
      static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getParentAddress​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address)
      Finds the parent address, everything before the last address part.
      static String readResultAsString​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode result)
      Reads the result of an operation and returns the result as a string.
      • Methods inherited from class

        createAddOperation, createAddress, createCompositeOperation, createOperation, createOperation, createReadAttributeOperation, createReadResourceOperation, createReadResourceOperation, createRemoveOperation, createUndefineAttributeOperation, createWriteAttributeOperation, createWriteAttributeOperation, createWriteAttributeOperation, createWriteAttributeOperation, createWriteAttributeOperation, getFailureDescription, getOperationAddress, getOperationName, isSuccessfulOutcome, readResult
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerOperations

        public ServerOperations()
    • Method Detail

      • getFailureDescriptionAsString

        public static String getFailureDescriptionAsString​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode result)
        Parses the result and returns the failure description. If the result was successful, an empty string is returned.
        result - the result of executing an operation
        the failure message or an empty string
      • createListDeploymentsOperation

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createListDeploymentsOperation()
        Creates an operation to list the deployments.
        the operation
      • createRemoveOperation

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createRemoveOperation​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address,
                                                                    boolean recursive)
        Creates a remove operation.
        address - the address for the operation
        recursive - true if the remove should be recursive, otherwise false
        the operation
      • createReadAttributeOperation

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createReadAttributeOperation​(String attributeName)
        Creates an operation to read the attribute represented by the attributeName parameter.
        attributeName - the name of the parameter to read
        the operation
      • createAddress

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createAddress​(String key,
                                                            String name)
      • createAddress

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createAddress​(String... pairs)
        Creates an address from the consecutive pairs. If there is an odd number of arguments the last argument will be a wildcard (*).
        pairs - the name/value pairs to create the address for
        the address for the arguments
      • createOperation

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode createOperation​(String operation,
                                                              org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address,
                                                              boolean recursive)
        Creates an operation.
        operation - the operation name
        address - the address for the operation
        recursive - whether the operation is recursive or not
        the operation
        IllegalArgumentException - if the address is not of type ModelType.LIST
      • getChildAddress

        public static org.jboss.dmr.Property getChildAddress​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address)
        Finds the last entry of the address list and returns it as a property.
        address - the address to get the last part of
        the last part of the address
        IllegalArgumentException - if the address is not of type ModelType.LIST or is empty
      • getParentAddress

        public static org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode getParentAddress​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode address)
        Finds the parent address, everything before the last address part.
        address - the address to get the parent
        the parent address
        IllegalArgumentException - if the address is not of type ModelType.LIST or is empty
      • readResultAsString

        public static String readResultAsString​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode result)
        Reads the result of an operation and returns the result as a string. If the operation does not have a ClientConstants.RESULT attribute and empty string is returned.
        result - the result of executing an operation
        the result of the operation or an empty string