Class ApplicationImageInfo

  • @Deprecated(forRemoval=true)
    public class ApplicationImageInfo
    extends Object
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    This class holds all configuration to build and push application image from the image goal.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected boolean build
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Whether the application image should be built (default is true).
      protected String dockerBinary
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      The binary used to build and push images.
      protected String group
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      The group part of the name of the application image.
      protected String jdkVersion
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Determine which WildFly runtime image to use so that the application runs with the specified JDK.
      protected String name
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      The name part of the application image.
      protected String password
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      The user password to login to the container registry.
      protected boolean push
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Whether the application image should be pushed (default is false).
      protected String registry
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      The container registry.
      protected String tag
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      The tag part of the application image (default is @{code latest}.
      protected String user
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      The user name to login to the container registry.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    • Field Detail

      • build

        protected boolean build
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Whether the application image should be built (default is true).
      • push

        protected boolean push
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Whether the application image should be pushed (default is false).
      • jdkVersion

        protected String jdkVersion
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Determine which WildFly runtime image to use so that the application runs with the specified JDK. If the value is not set, the `latest` tag of the WildFly runtime image is used. Accepted values are "11", "17".
      • group

        protected String group
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        The group part of the name of the application image.
      • name

        protected String name
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        The name part of the application image. If not set, the value of the artifactId (in lower case) is used.
      • tag

        protected String tag
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        The tag part of the application image (default is @{code latest}.
      • registry

        protected String registry
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        The container registry. If set, the registry is added to the application name. If the image is pushed and the registry is not set, it defaults to "" to login to the registry.
      • user

        protected String user
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        The user name to login to the container registry.
      • password

        protected String password
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        The user password to login to the container registry.
      • dockerBinary

        protected String dockerBinary
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        The binary used to build and push images. If not explicitly set, there will be an attempt to determine the binary to use. The first attempt will be to check the docker command. If that command is not available, podman is attempted. If neither is available null will be set as the default and an error will occur if attempting to build or push an image.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ApplicationImageInfo

        public ApplicationImageInfo()
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.