Class DeploymentOperations

  • public class DeploymentOperations
    extends Object
    A helper to create deployment operations.

    Note that when creating operations deployment operations the deployments server-groups are used to determine if the deployment is for a managed domain. If the server groups are is empty the standalone deployment operations will be created. Otherwise deployment operations for managed domains will be created.

    All operations create will be composite operations for consistency of parsing the result of executing the operation.

    James R. Perkins
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeploymentOperations

        public DeploymentOperations()
    • Method Detail

      • createAddDeploymentOperation

        public static createAddDeploymentOperation​(Deployment deployment)
        Creates an operation to add deployment content to a running server. If the deployment is set to be enabled the content will also be deployed.
        deployment - the deployment to deploy
        the deploy operation
        See Also:
      • createAddDeploymentOperation

        public static createAddDeploymentOperation​(Set<Deployment> deployments)
        Creates an operation to add deployment content to a running server for each deployment. If the deployment is set to be enabled the content will also be deployed.
        deployments - a set of deployments to deploy
        the deploy operation
        See Also:
      • createDeployOperation

        public static createDeployOperation​(DeploymentDescription deployment)
        Creates an operation to deploy existing deployment content to the runtime.
        deployment - the deployment to deploy
        the deploy operation
      • createDeployOperation

        public static createDeployOperation​(Set<DeploymentDescription> deployments)
        Creates an option to deploy existing content to the runtime for each deployment
        deployments - a set of deployments to deploy
        the deploy operation
      • createReplaceOperation

        public static createReplaceOperation​(Deployment deployment)
        Creates an operation to replace deployment content to a running server. The previous content is undeployed, then the new content is deployed, followed by the previous content being removed.
        deployment - the deployment used to replace an existing deployment
        the deploy operation
      • createReplaceOperation

        public static createReplaceOperation​(Set<Deployment> deployments)
        Creates an operation to replace deployment content to a running server. The previous content is undeployed, then the new content is deployed, followed by the previous content being removed.
        deployments - the set deployment used to replace existing deployments which match the same name
        the deploy operation
      • createRedeployOperation

        public static createRedeployOperation​(DeploymentDescription deployment)
        Creates a redeploy operation for the deployment.

        Note this does not upload new content. To add new content and deploy the new content see createReplaceOperation(Deployment).

        deployment - the deployment to redeploy
        the redeploy operation
      • createRedeployOperation

        public static createRedeployOperation​(Set<DeploymentDescription> deployments)
        Creates a redeploy operation for the deployment.

        Note this does not upload new content. To add new content and deploy the new content see createReplaceOperation(Set).

        deployments - the set of deployments to redeploy
        the redeploy operation
      • createUndeployOperation

        public static createUndeployOperation​(UndeployDescription undeployDescription)
        Creates an undeploy operation.

        If the UndeployDescription.isRemoveContent() returns true the content will also be removed from the content repository. Otherwise the content will remain on the server and only the undeploy operation will be executed.

        Note that the failOnMissing is ignored and the operation will fail if any deployments being undeployed are missing.

        undeployDescription - the description used to crate the operation
        the undeploy operation
      • createUndeployOperation

        public static createUndeployOperation​(Set<UndeployDescription> undeployDescriptions)
        Creates an undeploy operation for each deployment description.

        If the UndeployDescription.isRemoveContent() returns true the content will also be removed from the content repository. Otherwise the content will remain on the server and only the undeploy operation will be executed.

        Note that the failOnMissing is ignored and the operation will fail if any deployments being undeployed are missing.

        undeployDescriptions - the set of descriptions used to crate the operation
        the undeploy operation