Class CLIWrapper

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CLIWrapper
    extends Object
    implements AutoCloseable
    A CLI executor, resolving CLI classes from the provided Classloader. We can't have cli/embedded/jboss modules in plugin classpath, it causes issue because we are sharing the same jboss module classes between execution run inside the same JVM.

    > CLI dependencies are retrieved from provisioned server artifacts list and resolved using maven. In addition jboss-modules.jar located in the provisioned server is added.

    jdenise, James R. Perkins
    • Constructor Detail

      • CLIWrapper

        public CLIWrapper​(Path jbossHome,
                          boolean resolveExpression,
                          ClassLoader loader)
        Creates a new CLIWrapper with a null BootLoggingConfiguration.

        Note, when this constructor is used, the generateBootLoggingConfig() cannot be invoked.

        jbossHome - the servers home directory
        resolveExpression - true if parameters in commands should be resolved before sending the command to the server
        loader - the class loader to use for loading the CLI context
        RuntimeException - if an error occurs creating the CLI context
      • CLIWrapper

        public CLIWrapper​(Path jbossHome,
                          boolean resolveExpression,
                          ClassLoader loader,
                          BootLoggingConfiguration bootLoggingConfiguration)
        Creates a new CLIWrapper with a null BootLoggingConfiguration.

        Note, if the bootLoggingConfiguration is null, the generateBootLoggingConfig() cannot be invoked.

        jbossHome - the servers home directory
        resolveExpression - true if parameters in commands should be resolved before sending the command to the server
        loader - the class loader to use for loading the CLI context
        bootLoggingConfiguration - the boot logging configuration generator, or null to not allow boot logging configuration
        RuntimeException - if an error occurs creating the CLI context
    • Method Detail

      • handle

        public void handle​(String command)
                    throws Exception
        Handles invoking the command.
        command - the command to invoke
        Exception - if an error occurs handling the command
      • handleSafe

        public void handleSafe​(String command)
        Safely handle invoking the command.
        command - the command to invoke
      • bindClient

        public void bindClient​( client)
                        throws Exception
        Binds the client to the CLI context.
        client - the client to bind
        Exception - if an error occurs binding the client to the context
      • getOutput

        public String getOutput()
        Returns the output from the CLI context.
        the CLI output