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AbstractBuilder() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
AbstractCommandExecutor<T> - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
An abstract command executor for executing CLI commands.
AbstractCommandExecutor() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.AbstractCommandExecutor
AbstractServerConnection - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.common
The default implementation for connecting to a running WildFly instance
AbstractServerConnection() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
AbstractServerStartMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
AbstractServerStartMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
AbstractStartMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
AbstractStartMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
actOnServerState(ModelControllerClient, ServerContext) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
Checks the current state of the server.
ADD_RESOURCE_FORCE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
addCLIArguments(String...) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Adds the CLI arguments used if running in a forked process.
addCommands(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Adds the commands to the CLI commands that should be executed.
addEnvironmentVariable(String, String) - Method in class
Adds an environment variable to the process being created.
addEnvironmentVariables(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Adds the environment variables to the process being created.
addJvmOptions(String...) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Adds the JVM options used if running in a forked process.
addPropertiesFiles(Collection<File>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Adds the properties files to use when executing CLI scripts or commands.
AddResourceMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource
Adds a resource
AddResourceMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.AddResourceMojo
addScripts(Collection<File>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Adds the scripts to be executed.
addServerGroup(String) - Method in class
Adds a server group for the deployment.
addServerGroup(String) - Method in class
Adds a server group for the deployment description.
addServerGroup(String) - Method in class
Adds a server group for the deployment description.
addServerGroups(String...) - Method in class
Adds the server groups for the deployment.
addServerGroups(String...) - Method in class
Adds the server groups for the deployment description.
addServerGroups(String...) - Method in class
Adds the server groups for the deployment description.
addServerGroups(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Adds the server groups for the deployment.
addServerGroups(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Adds the server groups for the deployment description.
addServerGroups(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Adds the server groups for the deployment description.
addSystemProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Adds to the system properties to set before the CLI commands are executed.
AddUser - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
Used to describe the users that should be added the server.
AddUser() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AddUser
ALL - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MatchPatternStrategy
Undeploy all deployments matching the pattern.
ApplicationImageInfo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ApplicationImageInfo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
ApplicationImageMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
Build (and push) an application image containing the provisioned server and the deployment.
ApplicationImageMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageMojo
ARCHIVE - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
artifactResolver - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageMojo
artifactResolver - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
artifactResolver - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
asManaged() - Method in interface
Returns an instance of this server manager which does not allow the shutting down the server.
asModelNode() - Method in class
The result from the deployment operation.
Assertions - Class in
A utility for assertions.
Assertions() - Constructor for class
assertSuccess() - Method in class
Checks to see if the deployment was successful and if not throws a DeploymentException with the failure message.
AUTO_RELOAD - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames


BaseCommandConfiguration - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
The configuration used to execute forked offline CLI commands.
BaseCommandConfiguration(BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder<?>) - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder<T> - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
BaseCommandConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
BATCH - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
bindClient(ModelControllerClient) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
bindClient(ModelControllerClient) - Method in class
Binds the client to the CLI context.
BOOTABLE_JAR - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
BOOTABLE_JAR_INSTALL_CLASSIFIER - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
BOOTABLE_JAR_NAME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
BOOTABLE_JAR_NAME_RADICAL - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BOOTABLE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class
BootableJarSupport - Class in
Various utilities for packing a bootable JAR.
BootableJarSupport() - Constructor for class
BootLoggingConfiguration - Class in
Generates a new file based on the logging subsystem model.
BootLoggingConfiguration() - Constructor for class
Creates a configuration generator.
build - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
Whether the application image should be built (default is true).
build() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
build() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
build() - Method in class
buildConfig(GalleonBuilder, List<GalleonFeaturePack>, List<String>, List<String>, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class
Build a Galleon provisioning configuration.
buildDefaultConfig() - Static method in class
Build a default WildFly provisioning config.
buildDefaultConfig(String, String) - Static method in class
Build a default server provisioning config.
builder() - Static method in interface
Creates a builder to build a server manager.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder(Configuration<?>) - Constructor for class
builderInstance() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
builderInstance() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.Builder
builderInstance() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration.Builder
buildGalleonConfig(GalleonBuilder) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
buildGalleonConfig(GalleonBuilder) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
buildJar(Path, Path, ScannedArtifacts, MavenRepoManager) - Static method in class
Builds a JAR file for the bootable JAR.
BYTES - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations


ChannelConfiguration - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
A channel configuration.
ChannelConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelConfiguration
ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager(List<ChannelConfiguration>, RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession, List<RemoteRepository>, Log, boolean) - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
CHANNELS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
CHECK_PACKAGING - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
CLI_ECHO_COMMAND_ARG - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.core.Constants
CLI_RESOLVE_PARAMETERS_VALUES - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.core.Constants
client() - Method in class
client() - Method in class
client() - Method in class
The client set on the configuration or a new client.
client() - Method in interface
Returns the client associated with this server manager.
client(ModelControllerClient) - Method in class
Sets the client to use for the server manager.
client(ModelControllerClient) - Method in class
Sets the client to use for the server manager.
ClientCallbackHandler - Class in
A CallbackHandler implementation to supply the username and password if required when connecting to the server - if these are not available the user will be prompted to supply them.
ClientCallbackHandler() - Constructor for class
Creates a new client call back prompting the user for a username and password.
ClientCallbackHandler(String, char[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new client call back with the given username and password.
ClientCallbackHandler(String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new client call back with the given username and password.
CLIForkedBootConfigGenerator - Class in
Generate boot logging config forked process entry point.
CLIForkedBootConfigGenerator() - Constructor for class
CliSession - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
A CLI execution.
CliSession() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
CLIWrapper - Class in
A CLI executor, resolving CLI classes from the provided Classloader.
CLIWrapper(Path, boolean, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CLIWrapper with a null BootLoggingConfiguration.
CLIWrapper(Path, boolean, ClassLoader, BootLoggingConfiguration) - Constructor for class
Creates a new CLIWrapper with a null BootLoggingConfiguration.
close() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
COLLECTING - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
The output stream data has been collected and can be queried.
commandBuilder() - Method in interface org.wildfly.plugin.server.ServerContext
The command builder used to start the server.
commandBuilder() - Method in class
The command builder used to create the launcher.
CommandConfiguration - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
The configuration used to execute CLI commands.
CommandConfiguration(CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder<?>) - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration
CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder<T> - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
CommandConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
CommandExecutor - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
A command executor for executing CLI commands.
CommandExecutor() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandExecutor
COMMANDS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
compare(String, String) - Method in class
compareTo(PackageType) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
compareTo(ContainerDescription.ModelVersion) - Method in class
compareTo(Deployment) - Method in class
compareTo(SimpleDeploymentDescription) - Method in class
compareTo(UndeployDescription) - Method in class
compareVersion(boolean, String, String) - Static method in class
Compares the first version against the second version optionally ignoring if either version has a SNAPSHOT release extension.
compareVersion(String, String) - Static method in class
Compares the first version against the second version.
complete(ProgressTracker<T>) - Method in class
Configuration<T> - Class in
The configuration used when starting a server.
Configuration(CommandBuilder) - Constructor for class
Configuration.LaunchType - Enum in
ConsoleConsumer - Class in
A utility which will consume output from an InputStream and write it to an OutputStream.
ConsoleConsumer(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a new console consumer which will pipe the InputStream to the OutputStream.
Constants - Interface in org.wildfly.plugin.core
consumeStderr() - Method in class
Checks if the error stream (stderr) needs to be consumed.
consumeStdout() - Method in class
Checks if the output stream (stdout) needs to be consumed.
containerDescription() - Method in class
containerDescription() - Method in class
containerDescription() - Method in interface
Returns the container description for the running server.
ContainerDescription - Interface in
Information about the running container.
ContainerDescription.ModelVersion - Class in
Describes the model version.
copyExtraContent(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
create(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in interface
Creates a new deployment manager.
create(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
create(BootableJarCommandBuilder) - Static method in class
Creates a standalone configuration to launch a standalone server via the bootable JAR.
create(DomainCommandBuilder) - Static method in class
Creates a domain configuration to launch a domain server
create(StandaloneCommandBuilder) - Static method in class
Creates a standalone configuration to launch a standalone server.
createAddDeploymentOperation(Set<Deployment>) - Static method in class
Creates an operation to add deployment content to a running server for each deployment.
createAddDeploymentOperation(Deployment) - Static method in class
Creates an operation to add deployment content to a running server.
createAddress(String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Creates an address from the consecutive pairs.
createAddress(String, String) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
createClient() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
Creates a new client.
createCommandBuilder(Path) - Method in class
createCommandBuilder(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
createCommandBuilder(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.RunMojo
createCommandBuilder(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartJarMojo
createCommandBuilder(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartMojo
createCommandBuilder(T, Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.AbstractCommandExecutor
createDeployment() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
createDeployment() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
createDeployment() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
createDeployment() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
createDeployment() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
createDeployOperation(Set<DeploymentDescription>) - Static method in class
Creates an option to deploy existing content to the runtime for each deployment
createDeployOperation(DeploymentDescription) - Static method in class
Creates an operation to deploy existing deployment content to the runtime.
createDomainCommandBuilder(Path, String, String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
createListDeploymentsOperation() - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Creates an operation to list the deployments.
createMavenRepoManager() - Method in class
createMavenRepoManager() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
createOperation(String, ModelNode, boolean) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Creates an operation.
createReadAttributeOperation(String) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Creates an operation to read the attribute represented by the attributeName parameter.
createRedeployOperation(Set<DeploymentDescription>) - Static method in class
Creates a redeploy operation for the deployment.
createRedeployOperation(DeploymentDescription) - Static method in class
Creates a redeploy operation for the deployment.
createRemoveOperation(ModelNode, boolean) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Creates a remove operation.
createReplaceOperation(Set<Deployment>) - Static method in class
Creates an operation to replace deployment content to a running server.
createReplaceOperation(Deployment) - Static method in class
Creates an operation to replace deployment content to a running server.
createStandaloneCommandBuilder(Path, String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
createUndeployOperation(Set<UndeployDescription>) - Static method in class
Creates an undeploy operation for each deployment description.
createUndeployOperation(UndeployDescription) - Static method in class
Creates an undeploy operation.


debug - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
Starts the server with debugging enabled.
DEBUG_MESSAGE_NO_CREDS - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
DEBUG_MESSAGE_NO_ID - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
DEBUG_MESSAGE_NO_SERVER_SECTION - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
DEBUG_MESSAGE_NO_SETTINGS_FILE - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
DEBUG_MESSAGE_POM_HAS_CREDS - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
DEBUG_MESSAGE_SETTINGS_HAS_CREDS - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
DEBUG_MESSAGE_SETTINGS_HAS_ID - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
debugHost - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
Sets the hostname to listen on for debugging.
debugPort - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
Sets the port the debugger should listen on.
debugSuspend - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
Indicates whether the server should suspend itself until a debugger is attached.
deploy(Set<Deployment>) - Method in interface
Deploys the content of each deployment to the server.
deploy(Deployment) - Method in interface
Deploys the content to the server.
DEPLOY_FORCE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
DeployArtifactMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Deploys an arbitrary artifact to the WildFly application server
DeployArtifactMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
Deployment - Class in
Represents a deployment to be deployed or redeployed to a server.
DEPLOYMENT_CONTENT_URL - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
DEPLOYMENT_FILENAME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
DEPLOYMENT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
DEPLOYMENT_RUNTIME_NAME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_DIR - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
DeploymentDescription - Interface in
Represents a default description for a deployment.
DeploymentException - Exception Class in
An exception that represents a deployment error.
DeploymentException(String) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new deployment exception.
DeploymentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new deployment exception.
DeploymentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new deployment exception.
deploymentManager() - Method in class
deploymentManager() - Method in class
deploymentManager() - Method in interface
Returns the deployment manager for the server.
DeploymentManager - Interface in
Allows deployment operations to be executed on a running server.
DeploymentManager.Factory - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
DeploymentOperations - Class in
A helper to create deployment operations.
DeploymentOperations() - Constructor for class
DeploymentResult - Class in
Represents the results of a deployment.
DeployMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Deploys the application to the WildFly Application Server.
DeployMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
DeployOnlyMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Deploys only the application to the WildFly Application Server without first invoking the the execution of the lifecycle phase 'package' prior to executing itself.
DeployOnlyMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
deployToRuntime(Set<DeploymentDescription>) - Method in interface
Deploys existing deployment content to the runtime for each deployment description.
deployToRuntime(DeploymentDescription) - Method in interface
Deploys existing deployment content to the runtime.
destroyProcess(Process) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Kill the process, if still alive, kill it forcibly
determineHostAddress() - Method in class
Determines the address for the host being used.
determineHostAddress(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Determines the address for the host being used.
DevMojo - Class in
Starts a standalone instance of WildFly and deploys the application to the server.
DevMojo() - Constructor for class
directory(File) - Method in class
Sets the working directory for the process created.
directory(String) - Method in class
Sets the working directory for the process created.
directory(Path) - Method in class
Sets the working directory for the process created.
DISCARDING - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
The output stream data has been discarded.
DOCKER_CMD_CHECK_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageMojo
dockerBinary - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
The binary used to build and push images.
doLog(Logger.Level, String, Object, Object[], Throwable) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenJBossLogger
doLogf(Logger.Level, String, String, Object[], Throwable) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenJBossLogger
domain() - Method in class
Creates a DomainManager based on the builders settings.
DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.server.ServerType
DOMAIN - Enum constant in enum
DOMAIN_CONFIG - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
DomainConfiguration - Class in
Represents the configuration used to boot a domain server.
DomainConfiguration(CommandBuilder) - Constructor for class
DomainManager - Class in
A utility for executing management operations on domain servers.
done(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager


ENABLE - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
ENABLED - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
enrich(MavenSession, MavenProject, List<RemoteRepository>) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenRepositoriesEnricher
enrichRepositories() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageMojo
enrichRepositories() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
enrichRepositories() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
Environment - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.common
Utilities for the environment.
Environment() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Environment
equals(Object) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
equals(Object) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
error(Object) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.GlowMavenMessageWriter
exec(OutputStream, File, String, String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Execute the specified command from within the specified directory.
exec(OutputStream, String, String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Execute the specified command from within the current directory.
exec(Log, File, String, String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Execute the specified command from within the specified directory.
exec(Log, String, String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Execute the specified command from within the current directory.
execSilentWithTimeout(Duration, String, String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Execute silently the specified command until the given timeout from within the current directory.
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.ExecuteCommandsMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.AddResourceMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.UndeployArtifactMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.UndeployMojo
execute() - Method in class
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.generated.HelpMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.RunMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.ShutdownMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartJarMojo
execute() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartMojo
execute(List<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
execute(BaseCommandConfiguration, MavenRepoManager) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.OfflineCommandExecutor
Executes forked offline CLI commands based on the configuration.
execute(CommandConfiguration, MavenRepoManager) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandExecutor
Executes CLI commands based on the configuration.
execute(T, MavenRepoManager) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.AbstractCommandExecutor
Executes CLI commands based on the configuration.
executeBatch(Collection<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
executeCommands(Iterable<String>, boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
ExecuteCommandsMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
Execute commands to the running WildFly Application Server.
ExecuteCommandsMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.ExecuteCommandsMojo
executeDeployment(DeploymentManager, Deployment) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
executeDeployment(DeploymentManager, Deployment) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
executeDeployment(DeploymentManager, Deployment) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
executeInNewProcess(BaseCommandConfiguration, Path, StandardOutput) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.OfflineCommandExecutor
executeInNewProcess(CommandConfiguration, Path, StandardOutput) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandExecutor
executeInNewProcess(T) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.AbstractCommandExecutor
executeInNewProcess(T, Path, StandardOutput) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.AbstractCommandExecutor
executeOperation(Operation) - Method in interface
Executes the operation with the ServerManager.client() returning the result or throwing an OperationExecutionException if the operation failed.
executeOperation(ModelNode) - Method in interface
Executes the operation with the ServerManager.client() returning the result or throwing an OperationExecutionException if the operation failed.
executeReload() - Method in class
executeReload() - Method in interface
Reloads the server and returns immediately.
executeReload() - Method in class
executeReload(ModelControllerClient, ModelNode) - Static method in class
Reloads the server and returns immediately.
executeReload(ModelNode) - Method in class
Reloads the server and returns immediately.
executeReload(ModelNode) - Method in class
Reloads the server and returns immediately.
executeReload(ModelNode) - Method in interface
Reloads the server and returns immediately.
ExecUtil - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
ExecUtil() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
execWithTimeout(Log, File, Duration, String, String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Execute the specified command until the given timeout from within the specified directory.


Factory() - Constructor for class
FAIL - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MatchPatternStrategy
Fail if more than one deployment matches the pattern.
FAIL_ON_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
file() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
file() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
file() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
file() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
file() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
FILE - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
The output stream will be redirected to a file.
findProcess() - Static method in interface
Attempts to find the controlling process.
FIRST - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MatchPatternStrategy
Undeploy the first matching deployment.
forceDeploy(Set<Deployment>) - Method in interface
Deploys the content to the server if it does not already exist on the server.
forceDeploy(Deployment) - Method in interface
Deploys the content to the server if it does not already exist on the server.
fork(String[], Class<?>, Path, Path, String...) - Static method in class
Forks a CLI process.
fork(Collection<String>, Class<?>, Path, Path, String...) - Static method in class
Forks a CLI process.
FORK_EMBEDDED_PROCESS_OPTION - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.core.Constants
ForkedCLIUtil - Class in
A utility for forking a CLI process.
ForkedCLIUtil() - Constructor for class


GA_REPO_URL - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenRepositoriesEnricher
GalleonUtils - Class in
Utilities for provisioning a server with Galleon.
GalleonUtils() - Constructor for class
generate(Path, ModelControllerClient) - Method in class
Generates a file based on the logging configuration.
generateBootLoggingConfig() - Method in class
Generate boot logging.
generateBootLoggingConfig(String[], Path, Path) - Static method in class
Generate the logging configuration in a forked process.
getAddOns() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
getAddress() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.Resource
The address for the resource.
getAllVersions(MavenArtifact) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
getAllVersions(MavenArtifact, Pattern, Pattern) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
getBoot() - Method in class
Returns the artifact used for booting.
getChildAddress(ModelNode) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Finds the last entry of the address list and returns it as a property.
getCLIArguments() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Returns the CLI arguments used if running in a forked process.
getCliArtifacts() - Method in class
Returns an immutable set of CLI artifacts.
getClient() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration
Returns the management client.
getClientConfiguration() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration
Returns the management client configuration.
getClientConfiguration() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
Gets a client configuration used to create a new ModelControllerClient.
getCommands() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Returns the commands to be executed.
getCommands() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Get the list of CLI commands to execute.
getContainerDescription(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Returns the description of the running container.
getContext() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
getDefaultConfig() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
getDefaultConfig() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
getDefaultFeaturePackLocation() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
Returns the default feature pack location if not defined in the configuration.
getDeploymentContent() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
getDeploymentNames() - Method in interface
Returns the names of deployed content.
getDeployments() - Method in interface
Returns the available deployments.
getDeployments(String) - Method in interface
Returns all the deployments on the specified server-group.
getDeploymentTargetName() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
Return the file name of the deployment to put in the server deployment directory
getExcludedArchives() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
getExecutionResult() - Method in exception class
Returns the result from the operation executed.
getFailureDescriptionAsString(ModelNode) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Parses the result and returns the failure description.
getFailureMessage() - Method in class
Returns the failure message if the deployment was not successful.
getFileExtension() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
Returns the file extension that should be used.
getGoal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageMojo
getGoal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
getGoal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
getGroups() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
Returns a collection of groups the user belongs to.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Returns an instance of a version comparator.
getInstance(boolean) - Static method in class
Returns an instance of a version comparator which optionally ignore the SNAPSHOT release extension.
getJavaCommand(Path) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Environment
Returns the Java command to use.
getJavaOpts() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Get the list of JVM options to pass to CLI process.
getJBossHome() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Returns the JBoss Home directory.
getJbossModules() - Method in class
Returns the JBoss Modules artifact.
getJvmOptions() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Returns the JVM options used if running in a forked process.
getLatestVersion(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
getLatestVersion(MavenArtifact) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
getLatestVersion(MavenArtifact, String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
getLatestVersion(MavenArtifact, String, Pattern, Pattern) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
getLaunchType() - Method in interface
Returns the type of the server that was launched.
getLayersForJndi() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
getManagementHostName() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.ExecuteCommandsMojo
getManagementHostName() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
getManagementHostName() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
getManagementPort() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.ExecuteCommandsMojo
getManagementPort() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
getManagementPort() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
getManifest() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelConfiguration
getModelVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the root model version.
getModularJvmArguments() - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Environment
Returns the default JVM arguments for a modular environment.
getModulePaths() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.ModulesPath
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface
Returns the name for this deployment.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getOutput() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
getOutput() - Method in class
Returns the output from the CLI context.
getPackaging() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
Returns the raw packaging type.
getParentAddress(ModelNode) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Finds the parent address, everything before the last address part.
getPassword() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
Returns the password for the user.
getProductName() - Method in interface
Returns the name of the product.
getProductVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the product version, if defined, or null if the product version was not defined.
getProfile() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
getProperties() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.Resource
The properties for the resource.
getPropertiesFiles() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
The properties files to use when executing CLI scripts or commands.
getPropertiesFiles() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Get the properties files used when executing the CLI.
getRealm() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
Returns the realm the user belongs to.
getRedirect() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
An option redirect for the stdout.
getReleaseVersion() - Method in interface
Returns the release version, if defined, or null if the release version was not defined.
getResolveExpression() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Get the expression resolution value.
getResources() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.Resource
Returns an array of resources that depend on this resource.
getRuntimeName() - Method in class
Returns the runtime name set for the deployment which may be null.
getScripts() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Returns the scripts to be executed.
getScripts() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Get the list of CLI script files to execute.
getServerGroups() - Method in class
getServerGroups() - Method in interface
Returns the server groups for this deployment.
getServerGroups() - Method in class
getServerGroups() - Method in class
getServerHome() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
getServerHome() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
getServerHome() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartJarMojo
getSpaces() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
getStdout() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
The pattern used to determine how standard out is handled for a new CLI process.
getStdoutPath() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
The path to the file where the data was written.
getSystemProperties() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Returns the system properties to set before CLI commands are executed.
getTarget() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
The target the data was written to.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Gets the timeout, in seconds, used for the management connection.
getUsername() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
Returns the username for the user.
getVersion() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
GlowConfig - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
GlowConfig() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
GlowMavenMessageWriter - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.common
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.ExecuteCommandsMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
The goal of the deployment.
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.AddResourceMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.UndeployArtifactMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.UndeployMojo
goal() - Method in class
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.RunMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.ShutdownMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartJarMojo
goal() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartMojo
GOAL - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.AddResourceMojo
group - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
The group part of the name of the application image.


handle(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
handle(String) - Method in class
Handles invoking the command.
handle(Callback[]) - Method in class
handle(WatchContext, WatchEvent<Path>, Path) - Method in interface
handleSafe(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
handleSafe(String) - Method in class
Safely handle invoking the command.
hasDeployment(String) - Method in interface
Checks if the deployment content is on the server.
hasDeployment(String, String) - Method in interface
Checks if the deployment content is on the server.
hashCode() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
hashCode() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
HelpMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.generated
Display help information on wildfly-maven-plugin.
Call mvn wildfly:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
HelpMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.generated.HelpMojo
HOST_CONFIG - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
HOSTNAME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames


ID - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
IGNORE_MISSING_DEPLOYMENT - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
info(Object) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.GlowMavenMessageWriter
INHERIT - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
The output stream for a process will be inherited from this parent process.
init() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
initTrackers(Provisioning, Logger) - Static method in class
Creates a logging ProgressTracker.
INPUT_STREAM_INDEX - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
install(MavenArtifact, Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
isAddIfAbsent() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.Resource
Whether or not we should add only if the resource is absent.
isAppend() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Is output appended to file.
isApplicationUser() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
Indicates whether or not this is an application user.
isAutoReload() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration
Indicants if the server should be reloaded if the server is in the reload-required state and CommandConfiguration.isOffline() is false.
isBatch() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Indicates whether the commands should be run in a batch or not.
isClosed() - Method in class
isClosed() - Method in class
isClosed() - Method in interface
Checks if this server manager has been closed.
isDomain() - Method in interface
Checks if the server is a managed domain server.
isDomainRunning(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Checks to see if the domain is running.
isEnabled() - Method in class
Indicates whether or not the deployment should be enabled by default.
isEnabled(String) - Method in interface
Checks if the deployment has been deployed to the runtime.
isEnabled(String, String) - Method in interface
Checks if the deployment has been deployed to the runtime.
isEnabled(Logger.Level) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenJBossLogger
isExpressionResolved() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Is expression resolved.
isFailOnError() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration
Indicates whether or not CLI commands should fail if the command ends in an error or not.
isFailOnMissing() - Method in class
Indicates whether or not a failure should occur if the deployment does not exist on the container.
isFailsOnError() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
isFile(String) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
isFork() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration
Indicates whether or not CLI commands should be executed in a new process.
isIgnored() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
Checks the packaging type to see if it should be ignored or not.
isIgnoreDeployment() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
isLatestVersionResolved(MavenArtifact, String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
isModularJvm(Path) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Environment
Checks to see if the javaHome is a modular JVM.
isNotNullOrEmpty(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Utils
Tests if the character sequence is not null and not empty.
isNotNullOrEmpty(Object[]) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Utils
Tests if the arrays is not null and not empty.
isOffline() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration
Indicates whether or not this should be an offline process.
isPreview() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
isRemoveContent() - Method in class
Indicates whether or not the content should be removed from the content repository.
isResolved(MavenArtifact) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
isRunning() - Method in class
Checks to see if the domain is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface
Checks to see if a server is running.
isRunning() - Method in class
isRunning(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in interface
Checks if a server is running regardless if it is a standalone or domain server.
isStandaloneRunning(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Checks to see if a standalone server is running.
isSuggest() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
isValidHomeDirectory(String) - Static method in interface
Checks whether the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
isValidHomeDirectory(String) - Static method in class
Checks whether or not the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
isValidHomeDirectory(Path) - Static method in interface
Checks whether the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
isValidHomeDirectory(Path) - Static method in class
Checks whether or not the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
isVerbose() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
isWindows() - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Environment
Determines if this is a Windows environment.


JAR - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
JAVA_HOME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
JAVA_OPTS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
javaHome - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
The JAVA_HOME to use for launching the server.
javaOpts - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
The JVM options to use.
JBOSS_HOME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
JBOSS_MODULES_ARTIFACT_ID - Static variable in class
JBOSS_MODULES_GROUP_ID - Static variable in class
jbossHome - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
The WildFly Application Server's home directory.
jbossHome() - Method in interface org.wildfly.plugin.server.ServerContext
The directory used to start the server.
jdkVersion - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
Determine which WildFly runtime image to use so that the application runs with the specified JDK.


kill() - Method in class
kill() - Method in class
kill() - Method in interface
If a process is available and alive, the process is attempted to be killed.


LAUNCH_TYPE - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
launcher() - Method in class
A configured launcher for create the server process.
launchProcess(CliCommandBuilder, T, StandardOutput) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.AbstractCommandExecutor
launchType() - Method in class
Determines the servers "launch-type".
launchType() - Method in class
Determines the servers "launch-type".
launchType() - Method in class
The type of the server to launch.
launchType() - Method in class
launchType() - Method in interface
Determines the servers "launch-type".
launchType() - Method in class
launchType(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in interface
Returns the "launch-type" attribute of a server.
launchType(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Determines the servers "launch-type".
local(Path) - Static method in class
Creates a new deployment for the path.
LocalCLIExecutor - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
A CLI executor, resolving CLI artifact from Maven.
LocalCLIExecutor(Path, boolean, MavenRepoManager) - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.LocalCLIExecutor
lookup(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in interface
Queries the running container and attempts to lookup the information from the running container.


main(String[]) - Static method in class
major() - Method in class
The major version of the model.
managementAddress() - Method in class
The management address set or if not set.
managementAddress(String) - Method in class
The management address to use for the client if the client has not been set.
managementAddress(String) - Method in class
The management address to use for the client if the client has not been set.
managementPort() - Method in class
The management port or 9990 if set to 0 or less.
managementPort(int) - Method in class
The management port to use for the client if the client has not been set.
managementPort(int) - Method in class
The management port to use for the client if the client has not been set.
MatchPatternStrategy - Enum in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
The strategy used when using a pattern to undeploy deployments.
MavenJBossLogger - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.core
A logger which delegates to a Log.
MavenJBossLogger(Log) - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenJBossLogger
mavenRepoManager - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
MavenRepositoriesEnricher - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.core
Add required repositories if not present.
MavenRepositoriesEnricher() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenRepositoriesEnricher
mavenSession - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
micro() - Method in class
THe micro version of the model.
minor() - Method in class
The minor version of the model.
MODULE_OPTS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
moduleOptions - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
Options passed to JBoss Modules.
MODULES_PATH - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
ModulesPath - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
Represents a module path element.
ModulesPath() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.ModulesPath
MojoDeploymentException - Exception Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Wrapped exception for MojoExecutionException.
MojoDeploymentException(Exception, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MojoDeploymentException
MojoDeploymentException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MojoDeploymentException
MojoDeploymentException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MojoDeploymentException
MojoDeploymentException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MojoDeploymentException
MojoDeploymentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MojoDeploymentException
MojoDeploymentException(Throwable, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MojoDeploymentException


name - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
The name part of the application image.
NEXUS_REPO_URL - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.core.MavenRepositoriesEnricher


of(File) - Static method in class
Creates a new deployment for the file.
of(InputStream, String) - Static method in class
Creates a new deployment for the input stream.
of(String) - Static method in class
Creates a simple deployment description with an empty set of server groups.
of(String) - Static method in class
Creates a new undeploy description.
of(String, Set<String>) - Static method in class
Creates a simple deployment description.
of(URL) - Static method in class
Creates a new deployment for the URL.
of(Path) - Static method in class
Creates a new deployment for the path.
of(Supplier<ModelControllerClient>, Supplier<ModelControllerClientConfiguration>) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration
Creates a new command configuration Builder.
of(DeploymentDescription) - Static method in class
Creates a new undeploy description.
OFFLINE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
OfflineCommandExecutor - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.cli
A command executor for executing offline CLI commands.
OfflineCommandExecutor() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.OfflineCommandExecutor
OperationExecutionException - Exception Class in
An error indicating an operation has failed to execute.
OperationExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new exception with the failure message from the result.
OperationExecutionException(String, Operation, ModelNode) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new exception with the failure message from the result.
OperationExecutionException(String, ModelNode, ModelNode) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new exception with the failure message from the result.
OperationExecutionException(Operation, ModelNode) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new exception with the failure message from the result.
OperationExecutionException(ModelNode, ModelNode) - Constructor for exception class
Creates a new exception with the failure message from the result.
org.wildfly.plugin.cli - package org.wildfly.plugin.cli
org.wildfly.plugin.common - package org.wildfly.plugin.common
org.wildfly.plugin.core - package org.wildfly.plugin.core
org.wildfly.plugin.deployment - package org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource - package org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource - package
org.wildfly.plugin.generated - package org.wildfly.plugin.generated
org.wildfly.plugin.provision - package org.wildfly.plugin.provision
org.wildfly.plugin.server - package org.wildfly.plugin.server - package - package - package - package - package - package


packageBootableJar(Path, Path, GalleonProvisioningConfig, Path, MavenRepoManager, MessageWriter) - Static method in class
Package a server as a bootable JAR.
PackageServerMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
Provision a server, copy extra content and deploy primary artifact if it exists.
PackageServerMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
PackageType - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Date: 29.06.2011
parse(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
Parses the string and attempts to determine where the data for the stream should be written.
parse(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
Parses the string and attempts to determine where the data for the stream should be written.The following are the options for the value: none indicates the data for this stream will be consumed and StandardOutput.toString() will return the data of the discardNone parameter is false, otherwise the data will be discarded System.out or System.err to write to the respective stream Any other value is assumed to be the path to a file and the data will written to the file
password - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
The user password to login to the container registry.
PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
PLUGIN_PROVISIONING_FILE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.core.Constants
PluginProgressTracker<T> - Class in
A ProgressCallback which logs the status.
PORT - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
process - Variable in class
process - Variable in class
process() - Method in interface org.wildfly.plugin.server.ServerContext
The running process.
process(Process) - Method in class
The process to associate with the server manager.
process(ProcessHandle) - Method in class
The process handle to associate with the server manager.
processed(ProgressTracker<T>) - Method in class
processing(ProgressTracker<T>) - Method in class
PROFILE - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
PROFILES - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
project - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
project - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
project - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
project - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
project - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
project - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.UndeployArtifactMojo
project - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
propertiesFile - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
The path to the system properties file to load.
PropertyNames - Interface in org.wildfly.plugin.common
PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
provision(Path, String, String, MavenRepoManager) - Static method in class
Galleon provisioning of a default server.
provisionIfRequired(Path) - Method in class
provisionIfRequired(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
provisioningDir - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageMojo
The path to the directory where to provision the server.
provisioningDir - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
The path to the directory where to provision the server.
provisioningDir - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
The path to the directory where to provision the server.
ProvisionServerMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.provision
Provision a server.
ProvisionServerMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
pulse(ProgressTracker<T>) - Method in class
push - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
Whether the application image should be pushed (default is false).


READ_CHILDREN_NAMES - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
READ_RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
readResultAsString(ModelNode) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
Reads the result of an operation and returns the result as a string.
redeploy(Set<Deployment>) - Method in interface
Redeploys the content to the server.
redeploy(Deployment) - Method in interface
Redeploys the content to the server.
RedeployMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Redeploys the application to the WildFly Application Server.
RedeployMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
RedeployOnlyMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Redeploys only the application to the WildFly Application Server without first invoking the the execution of the lifecycle phase 'package' prior to executing itself.
RedeployOnlyMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
redeployToRuntime(Set<DeploymentDescription>) - Method in interface
Redeploys existing deployment content to the runtime for each deployment description.
redeployToRuntime(DeploymentDescription) - Method in interface
Redeploys existing deployment content to the runtime.
redirectError(File) - Method in class
Redirects the error stream of the process to a file.
redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect) - Method in class
Redirects the error stream of the process to the destination provided.
redirectErrorStream(boolean) - Method in class
Set to true if the error stream should be redirected to the output stream.
redirectOutput(File) - Method in class
Redirects the output of the process to a file.
redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect) - Method in class
Redirects the output of the process to the destination provided.
redirectOutput(Path) - Method in class
Redirects the output of the process to a file.
registry - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
The container registry.
RELOAD - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
RELOAD - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
reloadIfRequired() - Method in interface
Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case, executes reload and waits for completion with a 60-second timeout.
reloadIfRequired(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
reloadIfRequired(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case, executes reload and waits for completion.
reloadIfRequired(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
reloadIfRequired(ModelControllerClient, long) - Static method in class
Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case executes reload and waits for completion.
repositories - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
repoSystem - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
requiresCopyResources() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the resources should be copied.
requiresNotNullOrNotEmptyParameter(String, String) - Static method in class
Checks if the parameter is null or empty and throws an IllegalArgumentException if it is.
requiresNotNullOrNotEmptyParameter(String, T) - Static method in class
Checks if the parameter is null or empty and throws an IllegalArgumentException if it is.
requiresRecompile() - Method in interface
Indicates whether a recompile is required.
requiresRedeploy() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the deployment should be redeployed is required.
requiresRepackage() - Method in interface
Indicates whether the deployment should be repackaged.
resolve(MavenProject) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
Resolves the package type from the maven project.
resolve(MavenArtifact) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
RESOLVE_EXPRESSIONS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
resolveImageBinary() - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Resolves which image binary to use.
resolveLatestVersion(MavenArtifact) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
resolveLatestVersion(MavenArtifact, String, boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
resolveLatestVersion(MavenArtifact, String, Pattern, Pattern) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelMavenArtifactRepositoryManager
Resource - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource
Defines a resource.
Resource() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.resource.Resource
Default constructor.
run() - Method in class
RunMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
Starts a standalone instance of WildFly and deploys the application to the server.
RunMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.RunMojo
runtimeName - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
use the name property instead to change the name of the deployment.


scanArtifacts(Provisioning, GalleonProvisioningConfig, MessageWriter) - Static method in class
Scans the provisioning session for required artifacts.
scanDeployment(GlowConfig, List<String>, List<String>, List<GalleonFeaturePack>, boolean, Log, List<Path>, MavenRepoManager, Path, GalleonBuilder, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Utils
ScannedArtifacts - Class in
Describes the artifacts required for the bootable JAR.
ScannedArtifacts(MavenArtifact, MavenArtifact, Set<MavenArtifact>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new scanned artifact description
SCRIPTS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
self() - Method in class
This instance.
self() - Method in class
self() - Method in class
SERVER_ARGS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
SERVER_CONFIG - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
SERVER_GROUPS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
serverArgs - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
The arguments to be passed to the server.
ServerContext - Interface in org.wildfly.plugin.server
The context of a server that has been started.
ServerHelper - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use the ServerManager, StandaloneManager and DomainManager utilities as replacements.
ServerHelper() - Constructor for class
serverManager - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
ServerManager - Interface in
A simple manager for various interactions with a potentially running server.
ServerManager.Builder - Class in
A builder used to build a ServerManager.
ServerManagerException - Exception Class in
An exception that represents some sort of failure within the server manager.
ServerOperations - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.common
A helper for creating operations.
ServerOperations() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.common.ServerOperations
serverProvisioned(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
serverProvisioned(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ProvisionServerMojo
serverState() - Method in class
serverState() - Method in interface
Gets the "server-state" for standalone servers or the "host-state" for domain servers.
serverState() - Method in class
serverState(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Gets the "server-state" for a standalone server.
serverType - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartMojo
The type of server to start.
ServerType - Enum in org.wildfly.plugin.server
The type of server.
session - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
set(File) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.ModulesPath
Sets the modules path.
set(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelConfiguration
set(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AddUser
Allows a user to be set by a string value.
set(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
Allows a user to be set by a string value.
setAddOns(Set<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setAppend(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
If true append output to file, otherwise a new file is created.
setAutoReload(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Set to true if a reload should execute after the commands are complete.
setBatch(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets whether or not the commands should be executed in a batch or not.
setCommands(List<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Set the list of CLI commands to execute.
setContext(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether or not the deployment should be enabled.
setExcludedArchives(Set<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets whether or not CLI commands should fail if the command ends in an error or not.
setFailOnMissing(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether or not a failure should occur if the deployment does exist on the container.
setFailsOnError(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setFork(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets whether or not the commands should be executed in a new process.
setIgnoreDeployment(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setIgnorePatterns(String) - Method in class
Allows the DevMojo.ignorePatterns to be set as a string.
setJavaOpts(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.ExecuteCommandsMojo
Allows the ExecuteCommandsMojo.javaOpts to be set as a string.
setJavaOpts(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
Allows the AbstractStartMojo.javaOpts to be set as a string.
setJavaOpts(String[]) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Set the list of JVM options to pass to CLI process.
setJBossHome(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets the JBoss Home directory.
setJBossHome(Path) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets the JBoss Home directory.
setLayersForJndi(Set<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setManifest(ChannelManifestCoordinate) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelConfiguration
setModulesOptions(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
Allows the AbstractServerStartMojo.moduleOptions to be set as a string.
setName(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelConfiguration
Set the name of the channel.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name for the deployment.
setOffline(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets whether a client should be associated with the CLI context.
setPreview(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setProfile(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setPropertiesFiles(List<File>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Set the properties files used when executing the CLI.
setRemoveContent(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether or not the content should be removed after the undeploy operation.
setResolveExpression(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Set to true to resolve expressions prior to sending the operation to the server.
setResolveExpressions(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
By default, the CLI doesn't resolve expressions located in scripts locally.
setRuntimeName(String) - Method in class
Sets the runtime name for the deployment.
setScripts(List<File>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.CliSession
Set the list of CLI script files to execute.
setServerGroups(String...) - Method in class
Sets the server groups for the deployment.
setServerGroups(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Sets the server groups for the deployment.
setSpaces(Set<String>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setStdout(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets how the standard output stream should be handled if running in a forked process.
setSuggest(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.cli.BaseCommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder
Sets the timeout, in seconds, used for the management client connection.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
setWebExtensions(String) - Method in class
Allows the DevMojo.webExtensions to be set as a string.
shutdown() - Method in interface
Shuts down the server without a graceful shutdown timeout and wait for the server to be shutdown.
shutdown(long) - Method in class
shutdown(long) - Method in class
shutdown(long) - Method in interface
Shuts down the server and wait for the servers to be shutdown.
shutdownAsync() - Method in interface
Shuts down the server without a graceful shutdown timeout.
shutdownAsync(long) - Method in class
shutdownAsync(long) - Method in class
shutdownAsync(long) - Method in interface
Shuts down the server.
shutdownDomain(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Shuts down a managed domain container.
shutdownDomain(ModelControllerClient, int) - Static method in class
Shuts down a managed domain container.
ShutdownMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
Shuts down a running WildFly Application Server.
ShutdownMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.ShutdownMojo
shutdownOnClose() - Method in class
Indicates if the server should be shutdown when the ServerManager is closed.
shutdownOnClose(boolean) - Method in class
When set to true the server will be shutdown when the server manager is closed.
shutdownOnClose(boolean) - Method in class
When set to true the server will be shutdown when the server manager is closed.
shutdownStandalone(ModelControllerClient) - Static method in class
Shuts down a standalone server.
shutdownStandalone(ModelControllerClient, int) - Static method in class
Shuts down a standalone server.
SimpleDeploymentDescription - Class in
A simple deployment description.
skip - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
Set to true if you want to skip this goal, otherwise false.
SKIP - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
SKIP_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
SKIP_PACKAGE_DEPLOYMENT - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
SKIP_PROVISION - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
skipDeployment - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.PackageServerMojo
Skip deploying the deployments after the server is provisioned (false by default).
skipExecution() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
skipExecution() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
skipExecution() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
skipExecution() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
skipExecution() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
splitArguments(CharSequence) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Utils
Splits the arguments into a list.
splitArguments(CharSequence) - Static method in class
Splits the arguments into a list.
standalone() - Method in class
Creates a StandaloneManager based on the builders settings.
STANDALONE - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.server.ServerType
STANDALONE - Enum constant in enum
STANDALONE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.core.Constants
STANDALONE_XML - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.core.Constants
StandaloneConfiguration - Class in
Represents the configuration used to boot a standalone server.
StandaloneConfiguration(CommandBuilder) - Constructor for class
StandaloneManager - Class in
A utility for managing a standalone server.
standardOutput() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
standardOutput() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartJarMojo
standardOutput() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartMojo
StandardOutput - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.common
Information on how the stdout should be consumed.
StandardOutput.Target - Enum in org.wildfly.plugin.common
The target for the the output stream.
start(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Creates and starts a daemon thread which pipes int InputStream to the OutputStream.
start(Process, OutputStream) - Static method in class
Creates and starts a daemon thread which consumes a processes stdout stream and pipes the date to the output stream.
start(DomainConfiguration) - Static method in interface
Starts a domain server based on the command builder and waits until the server is started.
start(StandaloneConfiguration) - Static method in interface
Starts a standalone server based on the command builder.
startConsumer(Process) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
If the processes stdout should be consumed a thread which consumes it will be started.
starting(ProgressTracker<T>) - Method in class
StartJarMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
Starts a WildFly Application Server packaged as Bootable JAR.
StartJarMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartJarMojo
StartMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
Starts a standalone instance of WildFly Application Server.
StartMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.StartMojo
startProcess(File, String, String...) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ExecUtil
Start a process executing given command with arguments within the specified directory.
startServer(ServerType) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractStartMojo
STARTUP_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
STDOUT - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
successful() - Method in class
Determines if the deployment was successful or not.
SYSTEM_ERR - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
The output stream will be redirected to System.err.
SYSTEM_OUT - Enum constant in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
The output stream will be redirected to System.out.


tag - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
The tag part of the application image (default is @{code latest}.
takeSnapshot() - Method in class
Takes a snapshot of the current servers configuration and returns the relative file name of the snapshot.
takeSnapshot() - Method in class
Takes a snapshot of the current servers configuration and returns the relative file name of the snapshot.
takeSnapshot() - Method in interface
Takes a snapshot of the current servers configuration and returns the relative file name of the snapshot.
targetDir - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AbstractServerStartMojo
The target directory the application to be deployed is located.
timeout - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.AbstractServerConnection
The timeout, in seconds, to wait for a management connection.
TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface
A 60-second default timeout which can be overridden with the system property.
toArguments(List<Path>, Path, String) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.GlowConfig
toChannel(List<RemoteRepository>) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ChannelConfiguration
toString() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput
toString() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.PackageType
toString() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.AddUser
toString() - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString(Iterable<?>, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Utils
Converts an iterable to a delimited string.
trace(Object) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.GlowMavenMessageWriter


undeploy(Set<UndeployDescription>) - Method in interface
Undeploys the deployment from the server.
undeploy(UndeployDescription) - Method in interface
Undeploys the deployment from the server.
UndeployArtifactMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Undeploys (removes) an arbitrary artifact to the WildFly application server
UndeployArtifactMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.UndeployArtifactMojo
UndeployDescription - Class in
Represents the description for undeploying content from a running container.
UndeployMojo - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.deployment
Undeploys the application to the WildFly Application Server.
UndeployMojo() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.UndeployMojo
unzipCloudExtension(Path, String, MavenRepoManager) - Static method in class
Resolves the cloud extension for the version provided.
user - Variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.provision.ApplicationImageInfo
The user name to login to the container registry.
User - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.server
Represents a user for the server.
User() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.server.User
USERNAME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
Utils - Class in org.wildfly.plugin.common
A simple utility class.
Utils - Class in
Utils() - Constructor for class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Utils
Utils() - Constructor for class


validate(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployMojo
Validates the deployment.
validate(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployOnlyMojo
Validates the deployment.
validate(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployMojo
Validates the deployment.
validate(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.RedeployOnlyMojo
Validates the deployment.
validate(boolean) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.DeployArtifactMojo
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MatchPatternStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.wildfly.plugin.server.ServerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.wildfly.plugin.common.StandardOutput.Target
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.wildfly.plugin.deployment.MatchPatternStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.wildfly.plugin.server.ServerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VersionComparator - Class in
Compares two versions.
VersionComparator() - Constructor for class
Creates a new version comparator.


waitFor(long) - Method in interface
Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a server to start.
waitFor(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
waitFor(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
waitFor(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface
Waits the given amount of time for a server to start.
waitForDomain(Process, ModelControllerClient, long) - Static method in class
Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a managed domain to start.
waitForDomain(ModelControllerClient, long) - Static method in class
Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a managed domain to start.
waitForStandalone(Process, ModelControllerClient, long) - Static method in class
Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.
waitForStandalone(ModelControllerClient, long) - Static method in class
Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.
warn(Object) - Method in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.GlowMavenMessageWriter
WatchHandler - Interface in
A handler for changes that happen to source files.
WatchHandler.Result - Interface in
The result of handling the changed source file.
WILDFLY_AUTH_CLIENT_CONFIG - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_DEFAULT_DIR - Static variable in class org.wildfly.plugin.common.Utils
WILDFLY_FEATURE_PACK_LOCATION - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_IMAGE_BINARY - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_LAYERS_CONFIGURATION_FILE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_ORIGINAL_ARTIFACT_VERSION_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PACKAGING_EXTRA_CONTENT_DIRS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_DIR - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_FEATURE_PACKS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_FILE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_LAYERS - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_LAYERS_EXCLUDED - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_LOG_TIME - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_OFFLINE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_OVERWRITE_PROVISIONED_SERVER - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_PROVISIONING_RECORD_STATE - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames
WILDFLY_VERSION - Static variable in interface org.wildfly.plugin.common.PropertyNames


zipServer(Path, Path) - Static method in class
Creates a ZIP archive for the server.
zipServer(Path, Path, String) - Static method in class
Creates a ZIP archive for the server.
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