In this document we provide an example of how to extend the kernel functionality of WildFly via an extension and the subsystem it installs. The WildFly kernel is very simple and lightweight; most of the capabilities people associate with an application server are provided via extensions and their subsystems. The WildFly distribution includes many extensions and subsystems; the webserver integration is via a subsystem; the transaction manager integration is via a subsystem, the Jakarta Enterprise Beans container integration is via a subsystem, etc.
This document is divided into two main sections. The first is focused on learning by doing. This section will walk you through the steps needed to create your own subsystem, and will touch on most of the concepts discussed elsewhere in this guide. The second focuses on a conceptual overview of the key interfaces and classes described in the example. Readers should feel free to start with the second section if that better fits their learning style. Jumping back and forth between the sections is also a good strategy.
1. Target Audience
1.1. Prerequisites
You should know how to download, install and run WildFly. If not please consult the Getting Started Guide. You should also be familiar with the management concepts from the Admin Guide, particularly the Core management concepts section and you need Java development experience to follow the example in this guide.
2. Example subsystem
Our example subsystem will keep track of all deployments of certain types containing a special marker file, and expose operations to see how long these deployments have been deployed.
2.1. Create the skeleton project
To make your life easier we have provided a maven archetype which will create a skeleton project for implementing subsystems.
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=wildfly-subsystem \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.wildfly.archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=26.1.0.Final \
Maven will download the archetype and it’s dependencies, and ask you some questions:
$ mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=wildfly-subsystem \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.wildfly.archetype \
-DarchetypeVersion=26.1.0.Final \
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Define value for property 'module': com.acme.corp.tracker
Define value for property 'groupId': com.acme.corp
Define value for property 'artifactId': acme-subsystem
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: :
Define value for property 'package': com.acme.corp: : com.acme.corp.tracker
[INFO] Using property: name = WildFly subsystem project
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: com.acme.corp
artifactId: acme-subsystem
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: com.acme.corp.tracker
module: com.acme.corp.tracker
name: WildFly subsystem project
Y: : Y
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:42.563s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Jul 08 14:30:09 BST 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instruction | |
1 |
Enter the module name you wish to use for your extension. |
2 |
Enter the groupId you wish to use |
3 |
Enter the artifactId you wish to use |
4 |
Enter the version you wish to use, or just hit Enter if you wish to accept the default 1.0-SNAPSHOT |
5 |
Enter the java package you wish to use, or just hit Enter if you wish to accept the default (which is copied from groupId ). |
6 |
Finally, if you are happy with your choices, hit Enter and Maven will generate the project for you. |
We now have a skeleton project that you can use to
implement a subsystem. Import the acme-subsystem
project into your
favourite IDE. A nice side-effect of running this in the IDE is that you
can see the javadoc of WildFly classes and interfaces imported by the
skeleton code. If you do a mvn install
in the project it will work if
we plug it into WildFly, but before doing that we will change it to do
something more useful.
The rest of this section modifies the skeleton project created by the archetype to do something more useful, and the full code can be found in
If you do a mvn install
in the created project, you will see some
tests being run
$mvn install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Surefire report directory: /Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem/target/surefire-reports
Running com.acme.corp.tracker.extension.SubsystemBaseParsingTestCase
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.424 sec
Running com.acme.corp.tracker.extension.SubsystemParsingTestCase
Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.074 sec
Results :
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
We will talk about these later in the #Testing the parsers section.
2.2. Create the schema
First, let us define the schema for our subsystem. Rename
. Then open acme.xsd
and modify it
to the following
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<!-- The subsystem root element -->
<xs:element name="subsystem" type="subsystemType"/>
<xs:complexType name="subsystemType">
<xs:element name="deployment-types" type="deployment-typesType"/>
<xs:complexType name="deployment-typesType">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="deployment-type" type="deployment-typeType"/>
<xs:complexType name="deployment-typeType">
<xs:attribute name="suffix" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="tick" type="xs:long" use="optional" default="10000"/>
Note that we modified the xmlns
and targetNamespace
values to
. Our new subsystem
element has a child
called deployment-types
, which in turn can have zero or more children
called deployment-type
. Each deployment-type
has a required suffix
attribute, and a tick
attribute which defaults to true.
Now modify the com.acme.corp.tracker.extension.SubsystemExtension
class to contain the new namespace.
public class SubsystemExtension implements Extension {
/** The name space used for the {@code substystem} element */
public static final String NAMESPACE = "urn:com.acme.corp.tracker:1.0";
2.3. Design and define the model structure
The following example xml contains a valid subsystem configuration, we will see how to plug this in to WildFly later in this tutorial.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:com.acme.corp.tracker:1.0">
<deployment-type suffix="sar" tick="10000"/>
<deployment-type suffix="war" tick="10000"/>
Now when designing our model, we can either do a one to one mapping
between the schema and the model or come up with something slightly or
very different. To keep things simple, let us stay pretty true to the
schema so that when executing a :read-resource(recursive=true)
our subsystem we’ll see something like:
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {"type" => {
"sar" => {"tick" => "10000"},
"war" => {"tick" => "10000"}
Each deployment-type
in the xml becomes in the model a child resource
of the subsystem’s root resource. The child resource’s child-type is
, and it is indexed by its suffix
. Each type
resource then
contains the tick
We also need a name for our subsystem, to do that change
public class SubsystemExtension implements Extension {
/** The name of our subsystem within the model. */
public static final String SUBSYSTEM_NAME = "tracker";
Modify the src/main/resources/com/acme/corp/tracker/
with the new extension name, too
tracker=My Tracker subsystem
tracker.add=Operation Adds subsystem
tracker.remove=Operation Removes subsystem
tracker.type=The type of file
tracker.type.add=Operation Adds type child
tracker.type.remove=Operation Removes type child
tracker.type.tick=The tick time in millis
Once we are finished our subsystem will be available under
The SubsystemExtension.initialize()
method defines the model,
currently it sets up the basics to add our subsystem to the model:
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {
//register subsystem with its model version
final SubsystemRegistration subsystem = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME, ModelVersion.create(1, 0));
//register subsystem model with subsystem definition that defines all attributes and operations
final ManagementResourceRegistration registration = subsystem.registerSubsystemModel(SubsystemDefinition.INSTANCE);
//register describe operation, note that this can be also registered in SubsystemDefinition
registration.registerOperationHandler(GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler.DEFINITION, GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler.INSTANCE);
//we can register additional submodels here
The registerSubsystem()
call registers our subsystem with the
extension context. At the end of the method we register our parser with
the returned SubsystemRegistration
to be able to marshal our
subsystem’s model back to the main configuration file when it is
modified. We will add more functionality to this method later.
2.3.1. Registering the core subsystem model
Next we obtain a ManagementResourceRegistration
by registering the
subsystem model. This is a compulsory step for every new subsystem.
final ManagementResourceRegistration registration = subsystem.registerSubsystemModel(SubsystemDefinition.INSTANCE);
Its parameter is an implementation of the ResourceDefinition
interface, which means that when you call
the information you see
comes from model that is defined by SubsystemDefinition.INSTANCE
public class SubsystemDefinition extends PersistentResourceDefinition {
static final AttributeDefinition[] ATTRIBUTES = { /* you can include attributes here */ };
static final SubsystemDefinition INSTANCE = new SubsystemDefinition();
private SubsystemDefinition() {
//We always need to add an 'add' operation
//Every resource that is added, normally needs a remove operation
public void registerOperations(ManagementResourceRegistration resourceRegistration) {
//you can register additional operations here
public Collection<AttributeDefinition> getAttributes() {
return Arrays.asList(ATTRIBUTES);
Since we need child resource type
we need to add new
The ManagementResourceRegistration
obtained in
is then used to add additional
operations or to register submodels to the /subsystem=tracker
Every subsystem and resource must have an ADD
method which can be
achieved by providing it in constructor of your ResourceDefinition
just as we did in example above.
Let us first look at the description provider which is quite simple, it provides information (description, list of attributes, list of children) describing the structure of an addressable model node or operation.
There are three way to define DescriptionProvider
, one is by defining it
by hand using ModelNode, but as this has show to be very error prone
there are lots of helper methods to help you automatically describe the
model. Following example is done by manually defining Description
provider for ADD operation handler
* Used to create the description of the subsystem add method
public static DescriptionProvider SUBSYSTEM_ADD = new DescriptionProvider() {
public ModelNode getModelDescription(Locale locale) {
//The locale is passed in so you can internationalize the strings used in the descriptions
final ModelNode subsystem = new ModelNode();
subsystem.get(DESCRIPTION).set("Adds the tracker subsystem");
return subsystem;
You can also use API that helps you do that for you. SimpleOperationDefinitionBuilder
is the class for the case. With a set of fields to build operation’s definitions.
In case you use PersistentResourceDefinition
even that part is hidden from you.
// Registration of an add operation
resourceRegistration.registerOperationHandler(new SimpleOperationDefinitionBuilder(ModelDescriptionConstants.ADD, SubsystemExtension.getResourceDescriptionResolver(null)).build(), SubsystemAdd.INSTANCE);
// Registration of a remove operation
resourceRegistration.registerOperationHandler(new SimpleOperationDefinitionBuilder(ModelDescriptionConstants.REMOVE, SubsystemExtension.getResourceDescriptionResolver(null)).build(), SubsystemAdd.INSTANCE);
// Registration of a custom operation
resourceRegistration.registerOperationHandler(new SimpleOperationDefinitionBuilder("mime-type", SubsystemExtension.getResourceDescriptionResolver("container.mime-mapping")).build(), new MimeTypeStepOperationHandler());
The last one is implicit used when you pass the operation handler through the
class constructor. A DefaultResourceAddDescriptionProvider
will be create under the hood. For this reason, you don’t need to add a description
provider explicit in this example
// The framework will take care to handle a default `DescriptionProvider`
private SubsystemDefinition() {
//We always need to add an 'add' operation
//Every resource that is added, normally needs a remove operation
Next we have the actual operation handler instance, note that we have
changed its populateModel()
method to initialize the type
child of
the model.
class SubsystemAdd extends AbstractBoottimeAddStepHandler {
static final SubsystemAdd INSTANCE = new SubsystemAdd();
private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SubsystemAdd.class);
private SubsystemAdd() {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected void populateModel(ModelNode operation, ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {"Populating the model");
//Initialize the 'type' child node
also has a performBoottime()
method which is used for
initializing the deployer chain associated with this subsystem. We will
talk about the deployers later on. However, the basic idea for all
operation handlers is that we do any model updates before changing the
actual runtime state.
extends AbstractRemoveStepHandler
which takes care
of removing the resource from the model so we don’t need to override its
operation, also the add handler did not install any
services (services will be discussed later) so we can delete the methods
and recoverServices()
generated by the archetype.
class SubsystemRemove extends AbstractRemoveStepHandler {
static final SubsystemRemove INSTANCE = new SubsystemRemove();
private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SubsystemRemove.class);
private SubsystemRemove() {
The description provider for the remove operation is simple and quite similar to that of the add handler where just name of the method changes.
2.3.2. Registering the subsystem child
The type
child does not exist in our skeleton project so we need to
implement the operations to add and remove them from the model.
Create two constant in SubsystemExtension with the the name and property of the new child, and mount child path
class SubsystemExtension extends Extension {
protected static final String TICK = "tick";
protected static final String TYPE = "type";
protected static final PathElement TYPE_PATH = PathElement.pathElement(TYPE);
Now, we need an add operation to add the type
child. Create a class
called com.acme.corp.tracker.extension.TypeAddHandler
. In this case we
extend the
is the main
interface for the operation handlers, and AbstractAddStepHandler
is an
implementation of that which does the plumbing work for adding a
resource to the model.
class TypeAddHandler extends AbstractAddStepHandler {
public static final TypeAddHandler INSTANCE = new TypeAddHandler();
private TypeAddHandler() {
Then we define subsystem model. Lets call it TypeDefinition
and for
ease of use let declare just the tick attribute.
public class TypeDefinition {
public static final TypeDefinition INSTANCE = new TypeDefinition();
//we define attribute named tick
protected static final SimpleAttributeDefinition TICK =
new SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder(SubsystemExtension.TICK, ModelType.LONG)
.setDefaultValue(new ModelNode(1000))
Which will take care of describing the model for us. As you can see in
example above we define SimpleAttributeDefinition
named TICK
, this
is a mechanism to define Attributes in more type safe way and to add
more common API to manipulate attributes. As you can see here we define
default value of 1000 as also other constraints and capabilities. There
could be other properties set such as validators, alternate names, xml
name, flags for marking it attribute allows expressions and more.
Then we do the work of updating the model by implementing the
method from the AbstractAddStepHandler
, which
populates the model’s attribute from the operation parameters. First we
get hold of the model relative to the address of this operation (we will
see later that we will register it against /subsystem=tracker/type=*
so we just specify an empty relative address, and we then populate our
model with the parameters from the operation. There is operation
on AttributeDefinition
that helps us validate and set
the model based on definition of the attribute.
public class TypeAddHandler extends AbstractAddStepHandler {
protected void populateModel(ModelNode operation, ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {
We then override the performRuntime()
method to perform our runtime
changes, which in this case involves installing a service into the
controller at the heart of WildFly. (
is similar to
in that the model is
updated before runtime changes are made.
public class TypeAddHandler extends AbstractAddStepHandler {
protected void performRuntime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {
String suffix = PathAddress.pathAddress(operation.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.ADDRESS)).getLastElement().getValue();
long tick = TypeDefinition.TICK.resolveModelAttribute(context,model).asLong();
TrackerService service = new TrackerService(suffix, tick);
ServiceName serviceName = TrackerService.createServiceName(suffix);
Since the add methods will be of the format
, we look for the last
element of the operation address, which is war
in the example just
given and use that as our suffix. We then create an instance of
TrackerService and install that into the service target
of the context
and add the created service controller
to the newControllers
The tracker service is quite simple. All services installed into WildFly
must implement the org.jboss.msc.Service
public class TrackerService implements Service {
We then have some fields to keep the tick count and a thread which when run outputs all the deployments registered with our service.
private AtomicLong tick = new AtomicLong(10000);
private Set<String> deployments = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
private Set<String> coolDeployments = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>());
private final String suffix;
private Thread OUTPUT = new Thread() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
System.out.println("Current deployments deployed while " + suffix + " tracking active:\n" + deployments
+ "\nCool: " + coolDeployments.size());
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public TrackerService(String suffix, long tick) {
this.suffix = suffix;
Next we have three methods which come from the Service
returns this service, start()
is called when the service
is started by the controller, stop
is called when the service is
stopped by the controller, and they start and stop the thread outputting
the deployments.
public TrackerService getValue() throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
return this;
public void start(StartContext context) throws StartException {
public void stop(StopContext context) {
Next we have a utility method to create the ServiceName
which is used
to register the service in the controller.
public static ServiceName createServiceName(String suffix) {
return ServiceName.JBOSS.append("tracker", suffix);
Finally we have some methods to add and remove deployments, and to set
and read the tick
. The 'cool' deployments will be explained later.
public void addDeployment(String name) {
public void addCoolDeployment(String name) {
public void removeDeployment(String name) {
void setTick(long tick) {
public long getTick() {
return this.tick.get();
}//TrackerService - end
Since we are able to add type
children, we need a way to be able to
remove them, so we create a
. In this case we
extend AbstractRemoveStepHandler
which takes care of removing the
resource from the model so we don’t need to override its
operation. Once the add handler installs the TrackerService,
we need to remove that in the performRuntime()
public class TypeRemoveHandler extends AbstractRemoveStepHandler {
public static final TypeRemoveHandler INSTANCE = new TypeRemoveHandler();
private TypeRemoveHandler() {
protected void performRuntime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {
String suffix = PathAddress.pathAddress(operation.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.ADDRESS)).getLastElement().getValue();
ServiceName name = TrackerService.createServiceName(suffix);
So far TypeDefinition
is just a simple Java class, however, it must be an
addressable management resource. Modify this class to extend SimpleResourceDefinition
register the Add and Remove handlers created before and register the TICK
public class TypeDefinition extends SimpleResourceDefinition {
public static final TypeDefinition INSTANCE = new TypeDefinition();
protected static final SimpleAttributeDefinition TICK =
new SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder(SubsystemExtension.TICK, ModelType.LONG)
.setDefaultValue(new ModelNode(1000))
public TypeDefinition() {
public void registerAttributes(ManagementResourceRegistration resourceRegistration) {
resourceRegistration.registerReadWriteAttribute(TICK, null, TrackerTickHandler.INSTANCE);
Then finally we need to specify that our new type
child and associated
handlers go under /subsystem=tracker/type=*
in the model by adding
registering it with the model in SubsystemExtension.initialize()
. So
we add the following just before the end of the method.
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context){
final SubsystemRegistration subsystem = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME, ModelVersion.create(1, 0));
final ManagementResourceRegistration registration = subsystem.registerSubsystemModel(SubsystemExtension.INSTANCE);
registration.registerOperationHandler(GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler.DEFINITION, GenericSubsystemDescribeHandler.INSTANCE);
//Add the type child
ManagementResourceRegistration typeChild = registration.registerSubModel(TypeDefinition.INSTANCE);
The above first creates a child of our main subsystem registration for
the relative address type=*
, and gets the typeChild
To this we add the TypeAddHandler
and TypeRemoveHandler
The add variety is added under the name add
and the remove handler
under the name remove
, and for each registered operation handler we
use the handler singleton instance as both the handler parameter and as
the DescriptionProvider
Finally, we register tick
as a read/write attribute, the null
parameter means we don’t do anything special with regards to reading it,
for the write handler we supply it with an operation handler called
Registering it as a read/write attribute means we can use the
operation to modify the value of the parameter, and
it will be handled by TrackerTickHandler
Not registering a write attribute handler makes the attribute read only.
extends AbstractWriteAttributeHandler
directly, and so must implement its applyUpdateToRuntime
This takes care of model manipulation (validation, setting) but leaves
us to do just to deal with what we need to do.
class TrackerTickHandler extends AbstractWriteAttributeHandler<Void> {
public static final TrackerTickHandler INSTANCE = new TrackerTickHandler();
private TrackerTickHandler() {
protected boolean applyUpdateToRuntime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, String attributeName,
ModelNode resolvedValue, ModelNode currentValue, HandbackHolder<Void> handbackHolder) throws OperationFailedException {
modifyTick(context, operation, resolvedValue.asLong());
return false;
protected void revertUpdateToRuntime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, String attributeName, ModelNode valueToRestore, ModelNode valueToRevert, Void handback){
modifyTick(context, operation, valueToRestore.asLong());
private void modifyTick(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, long value) throws OperationFailedException {
final String suffix = PathAddress.pathAddress(operation.get(ModelDescriptionConstants.ADDRESS)).getLastElement().getValue();
TrackerService service = (TrackerService) context.getServiceRegistry(true).getRequiredService(TrackerService.createServiceName(suffix)).getValue();
The operation used to execute this will be of the form
) so
we first get the suffix
from the operation address, and the tick
value from the operation parameter’s resolvedValue
parameter, and use
that to update the model.
2.4. Parsing and marshalling of the subsystem xml
WildFly uses the Stax API to parse the xml files. This is initialized in
by mapping our parser onto our namespace:
public class SubsystemExtension implements Extension {
/** The name space used for the {@code subsystem} element */
public static final String NAMESPACE = "urn:com.acme.corp.tracker:1.0";
protected static final PathElement SUBSYSTEM_PATH = PathElement.pathElement(SUBSYSTEM, SUBSYSTEM_NAME);
protected static final PathElement TYPE_PATH = PathElement.pathElement(TYPE);
/** The parser used for parsing our subsystem */
private final SubsystemParser parser = new SubsystemParser();
public void initializeParsers(ExtensionParsingContext context) {
context.setSubsystemXmlMapping(NAMESPACE, parser);
We then need to write the parser. The contract is that we read our
subsystem’s xml and create the operations that will populate the model
with the state contained in the xml. These operations will then be
executed on our behalf as part of the parsing process. The entry point
is the readElement()
public class SubsystemExtension implements Extension {
* The subsystem parser, which uses stax to read and write to and from xml
private static class SubsystemParser implements XMLStreamConstants, XMLElementReader<List<ModelNode>>, XMLElementWriter<SubsystemMarshallingContext> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void readElement(XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, List<ModelNode> list) throws XMLStreamException {
// Require no attributes
//Add the main subsystem 'add' operation
final ModelNode subsystem = new ModelNode();
//Read the children
while (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != END_ELEMENT) {
if (!reader.getLocalName().equals("deployment-types")) {
throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader);
while (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != END_ELEMENT) {
if (reader.isStartElement()) {
readDeploymentType(reader, list);
private void readDeploymentType(XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, List<ModelNode> list) throws XMLStreamException {
if (!reader.getLocalName().equals("deployment-type")) {
throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader);
ModelNode addTypeOperation = new ModelNode();
String suffix = null;
for (int i = 0; i < reader.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String attr = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i);
if (attr.equals("tick")) {
TypeDefinition.TICK.parseAndSetParameter(value, addTypeOperation, reader);
} else if (attr.equals("suffix")) {
suffix = value;
} else {
throw ParseUtils.unexpectedAttribute(reader, i);
if (suffix == null) {
throw ParseUtils.missingRequiredElement(reader, Collections.singleton("suffix"));
//Add the 'add' operation for each 'type' child
PathAddress addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(SUBSYSTEM_PATH, PathElement.pathElement(TYPE, suffix));
So in the above we always create the add operation for our subsystem.
Due to its address /subsystem=tracker
will trigger the SubsystemAdd
we created earlier when we invoke
. We then parse the child elements and create an
add operation for the child address for each type
child. Since the
address will for example be /subsystem=tracker/type=sar
(defined by
) and TypeAddHandler
is registered for all type
subaddresses the TypeAddHandler
will get invoked for those operations.
Note that when we are parsing attribute tick
we are using definition
of attribute that we defined in TypeDefintion to parse attribute value
and apply all rules that we specified for this attribute, this also
enables us to property support expressions on attributes.
The parser is also used to marshal the model to xml whenever something
modifies the model, for which the entry point is the writeContent()
private static class SubsystemParser implements XMLStreamConstants, XMLElementReader<List<ModelNode>>, XMLElementWriter<SubsystemMarshallingContext> {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void writeContent(final XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, final SubsystemMarshallingContext context) throws XMLStreamException {
//Write out the main subsystem element
context.startSubsystemElement(SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE, false);
ModelNode node = context.getModelNode();
ModelNode type = node.get(TYPE);
for (Property property : type.asPropertyList()) {
//write each child element to xml
writer.writeAttribute("suffix", property.getName());
ModelNode entry = property.getValue();
TypeDefinition.TICK.marshallAsAttribute(entry, true, writer);
//End deployment-types
//End subsystem
Then we have to implement the SubsystemDescribeHandler
translates the current state of the model into operations similar to the
ones created by the parser. The SubsystemDescribeHandler
is only used
when running in a managed domain, and is used when the host controller
queries the domain controller for the configuration of the profile used
to start up each server. In our case the SubsystemDescribeHandler
the operation to add the subsystem and then adds the operation to add
each type
child. Since we are using ResourceDefinitinon for defining
subsystem all that is generated for us, but if you want to customize
that you can do it by implementing it like this.
private static class SubsystemDescribeHandler implements OperationStepHandler, DescriptionProvider {
static final SubsystemDescribeHandler INSTANCE = new SubsystemDescribeHandler();
public void execute(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
//Add the main operation
//Add the operations to create each child
ModelNode node = context.readModel(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
for (Property property : node.get("type").asPropertyList()) {
ModelNode addType = new ModelNode();
PathAddress addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(SUBSYSTEM_PATH, PathElement.pathElement("type", property.getName()));
if (property.getValue().hasDefined("tick")) {
2.4.1. Testing the parsers
From 7.0.1 the testing framework is now brought in via the
maven artifact, and the test’s
superclass is
. The
concepts are the same but more and more functionality will be available
as JBoss AS 7 is developed.
Now that we have modified our parsers we need to update our tests to
reflect the new model. There are currently three tests testing the basic
functionality, something which is a lot easier to debug from your IDE
before you plug it into the application server. We will talk about these
tests in turn and they all live in
extends AbstractSubsystemTest
which does a
lot of the setup for you and contains utility methods for verifying
things from your test. See the javadoc of that class for more
information about the functionality available to you. And by all means
feel free to add more tests for your subsystem, here we are only testing
for the best case scenario while you will probably want to throw in a
few tests for edge cases.
The first test we need to modify is testParseSubsystem()
. It tests
that the parsed xml becomes the expected operations that will be parsed
into the server, so let us tweak this test to match our subsystem. First
we tell the test to parse the xml into operations
public void testParseSubsystem() throws Exception {
//Parse the subsystem xml into operations
String subsystemXml =
"<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
" <deployment-types>" +
" <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
" </deployment-types>" +
List<ModelNode> operations = super.parse(subsystemXml);
There should be one operation for adding the subsystem itself and an
operation for adding the deployment-type
, so check we got two
///Check that we have the expected number of operations
Assert.assertEquals(2, operations.size());
Now check that the first operation is add
for the address
//Check that each operation has the correct content
//The add subsystem operation will happen first
ModelNode addSubsystem = operations.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(ADD, addSubsystem.get(OP).asString());
PathAddress addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(addSubsystem.get(OP_ADDR));
Assert.assertEquals(1, addr.size());
PathElement element = addr.getElement(0);
Assert.assertEquals(SUBSYSTEM, element.getKey());
Assert.assertEquals(SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, element.getValue());
Then check that the second operation is add
for the address
, and that 12345
was picked up for the value of
the tick
//Then we will get the add type operation
ModelNode addType = operations.get(1);
Assert.assertEquals(ADD, addType.get(OP).asString());
Assert.assertEquals(12345, addType.get("tick").asLong());
addr = PathAddress.pathAddress(addType.get(OP_ADDR));
Assert.assertEquals(2, addr.size());
element = addr.getElement(0);
Assert.assertEquals(SUBSYSTEM, element.getKey());
Assert.assertEquals(SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, element.getValue());
element = addr.getElement(1);
Assert.assertEquals("type", element.getKey());
Assert.assertEquals("tst", element.getValue());
The second test we need to modify is testInstallIntoController()
tests that the xml installs properly into the controller. In other words
we are making sure that the add
operations we created earlier work
properly. First we create the xml and install it into the controller.
Behind the scenes this will parse the xml into operations as we saw in
the last test, but it will also create a new controller and boot that up
using the created operations
public void testInstallIntoController() throws Exception {
//Parse the subsystem xml and install into the controller
String subsystemXml =
"<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
" <deployment-types>" +
" <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
" </deployment-types>" +
KernelServices services = super.createKernelServicesBuilder(null).setSubsystemXml(subsystemXml).build();
The returned KernelServices
allow us to execute operations on the
controller, and to read the whole model.
//Read the whole model and make sure it looks as expected
ModelNode model = services.readWholeModel();
//Useful for debugging :-)
Now we make sure that the structure of the model within the controller has the expected format and values
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME).hasDefined("type"));
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type").hasDefined("tst"));
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst").hasDefined("tick"));
Assert.assertEquals(12345, model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst", "tick").asLong());
The last test provided is called testParseAndMarshalModel()
. It’s main
purpose is to make sure that our SubsystemParser.writeContent()
as expected. This is achieved by starting a controller in the same way
as before
public void testParseAndMarshalModel() throws Exception {
//Parse the subsystem xml and install into the first controller
String subsystemXml =
"<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
" <deployment-types>" +
" <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
" </deployment-types>" +
KernelServices servicesA = super.createKernelServicesBuilder(null).setSubsystemXml(subsystemXml).build();
Now we read the model and the xml that was persisted from the first controller, and use that xml to start a second controller
//Get the model and the persisted xml from the first controller
ModelNode modelA = servicesA.readWholeModel();
String marshalled = servicesA.getPersistedSubsystemXml();
//Install the persisted xml from the first controller into a second controller
KernelServices servicesB = super.createKernelServicesBuilder(null).setSubsystemXml(marshalled).build();
Finally we read the model from the second controller, and make sure that
the models are identical by calling compare()
on the test superclass.
ModelNode modelB = servicesB.readWholeModel();
//Make sure the models from the two controllers are identical, modelB);
To test the removal of the the subsystem and child resources we modify
the testSubsystemRemoval()
test provided by the archetype:
* Tests that the subsystem can be removed
public void testSubsystemRemoval() throws Exception {
//Parse the subsystem xml and install into the first controller
We provide xml for the subsystem installing a child, which in turn installs a TrackerService
String subsystemXml =
"<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
" <deployment-types>" +
" <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
" </deployment-types>" +
KernelServices services = super.createKernelServicesBuilder(null).setSubsystemXml(subsystemXml).build();
Having installed the xml into the controller we make sure the TrackerService is there
//Sanity check to test the service for 'tst' was there
This call from the subsystem test harness will call remove for each
level in our subsystem, children first and validate
that the subsystem model is empty at the end.
//Checks that the subsystem was removed from the model
Finally we check that all the services were removed by the remove handlers
//Check that any services that were installed were removed here
try {
services.getContainer().getRequiredService(TrackerService.createServiceName("tst"));"Should have removed services");
} catch (Exception expected) {
For good measure let us throw in another test which adds a
and also changes its attribute at runtime. So first of
all boot up the controller with the same xml we have been using so far
public void testExecuteOperations() throws Exception {
String subsystemXml =
"<subsystem xmlns=\"" + SubsystemExtension.NAMESPACE + "\">" +
" <deployment-types>" +
" <deployment-type suffix=\"tst\" tick=\"12345\"/>" +
" </deployment-types>" +
KernelServices services = super.createKernelServicesBuilder(null).setSubsystemXml(subsystemXml).build();
Now create an operation which does the same as the following CLI command
//Add another type
PathAddress fooTypeAddr = PathAddress.pathAddress(
PathElement.pathElement(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME),
PathElement.pathElement("type", "foo"));
ModelNode addOp = new ModelNode();
Execute the operation and make sure it was successful
ModelNode result = services.executeOperation(addOp);
Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, result.get(OUTCOME).asString());
Read the whole model and make sure that the original data is still there
(i.e. the same as what was done by testInstallIntoController()
ModelNode model = services.readWholeModel();
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME).hasDefined("type"));
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type").hasDefined("tst"));
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst").hasDefined("tick"));
Assert.assertEquals(12345, model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "tst", "tick").asLong());
Then make sure our new type
has been added:
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type").hasDefined("foo"));
Assert.assertTrue(model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "foo").hasDefined("tick"));
Assert.assertEquals(1000, model.get(SUBSYSTEM, SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, "type", "foo", "tick").asLong());
Then we call write-attribute
to change the tick
value of
//Call write-attribute
ModelNode writeOp = new ModelNode();
result = services.executeOperation(writeOp);
Assert.assertEquals(SUCCESS, result.get(OUTCOME).asString());
To give you exposure to other ways of doing things, now instead of
reading the whole model to check the attribute, we call read-attribute
instead, and make sure it has the value we set it to.
//Check that write attribute took effect, this time by calling read-attribute instead of reading the whole model
ModelNode readOp = new ModelNode();
result = services.executeOperation(readOp);
Assert.assertEquals(3456, checkResultAndGetContents(result).asLong());
Since each type
installs its own copy of TrackerService
, we get the
for type=foo
from the service container exposed by
the kernel services and make sure it has the right value
TrackerService service = (TrackerService)services.getContainer().getService(TrackerService.createServiceName("foo")).getValue();
Assert.assertEquals(3456, service.getTick());
2.5. Add the deployers
When discussing SubsystemAdd
we did not mention the work done
to install the deployers, which is done in the following method:
public void performBoottime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, ModelNode model,
ServiceVerificationHandler verificationHandler, List<ServiceController<?>> newControllers)
throws OperationFailedException {"Populating the model");
//Add deployment processors here
//Remove this if you don't need to hook into the deployers, or you can add as many as you like
//see SubDeploymentProcessor for explanation of the phases
context.addStep(new AbstractDeploymentChainStep() {
public void execute(DeploymentProcessorTarget processorTarget) {
processorTarget.addDeploymentProcessor(SubsystemExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, SubsystemDeploymentProcessor.PHASE, SubsystemDeploymentProcessor.PRIORITY, new SubsystemDeploymentProcessor());
}, OperationContext.Stage.RUNTIME);
This adds an extra step which is responsible for installing deployment
processors. You can add as many as you like, or avoid adding any all
together depending on your needs. Each processor has a Phase
and a
. Phases are sequential, and a deployment passes through each
phases deployment processors. The priority
specifies where within a
phase the processor appears. See
for more information about phases.
In our case we are keeping it simple and staying with one deployment processor with the phase and priority created for us by the maven archetype. The phases will be explained in the next section. The deployment processor is as follows:
public class SubsystemDeploymentProcessor implements DeploymentUnitProcessor {
public void deploy(DeploymentPhaseContext phaseContext) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException {
String name = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit().getName();
TrackerService service = getTrackerService(phaseContext.getServiceRegistry(), name);
if (service != null) {
ResourceRoot root = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit().getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
VirtualFile cool = root.getRoot().getChild("META-INF/cool.txt");
if (cool.exists()) {
public void undeploy(DeploymentUnit context) {
String name = context.getName();
TrackerService service = getTrackerService(context.getServiceRegistry(), name);
if (service != null) {
private TrackerService getTrackerService(ServiceRegistry registry, String name) {
int last = name.lastIndexOf(".");
String suffix = name.substring(last + 1);
ServiceController<?> container = registry.getService(TrackerService.createServiceName(suffix));
if (container != null) {
TrackerService service = (TrackerService)container.getValue();
return service;
return null;
The deploy()
method is called when a deployment is being deployed. In
this case we look for the TrackerService
instance for the service name
created from the deployment’s suffix. If there is one it means that we
are meant to be tracking deployments with this suffix (i.e.
was called for this suffix), and if we find one we add
the deployment’s name to it. Similarly undeploy()
is called when a
deployment is being undeployed, and if there is a TrackerService
instance for the deployment’s suffix, we remove the deployment’s name
from it.
2.5.1. Deployment phases and attachments
The code in the SubsystemDeploymentProcessor uses an attachment, which
is the means of communication between the individual deployment
processors. A deployment processor belonging to a phase may create an
attachment which is then read further along the chain of deployment unit
processors. In the above example we look for the
attachment, which is a view of the file
structure of the deployment unit put in place before the chain of
deployment unit processors is invoked.
As mentioned above, the deployment unit processors are organized in
phases, and have a relative order within each phase. A deployment unit
passes through all the deployment unit processors in that order. A
deployment unit processor may choose to take action or not depending on
what attachments are available. Let’s take a quick look at what the
deployment unit processors for in the phases described in
The deployment unit processors in this phase determine the structure of a deployment, and looks for sub deployments and metadata files.
In this phase the deployment unit processors parse the deployment
descriptors and build up the annotation index. Class-Path
entries from
the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF are added.
Extra class path dependencies are added. For example if deploying a
file, the commonly needed dependencies for a web application are
In this phase the modular class loader for the deployment is created. No attempt should be made loading classes from the deployment until after this phase.
Now that our class loader has been constructed we have access to the
classes. In this stage deployment processors may use the
attachment which is a deployment index
used to obtain members of classes in the deployment, and to invoke upon
them, bypassing the inefficiencies of using java.lang.reflect
2.6. Integrate with WildFly
Now that we have all the code needed for our subsystem, we can build our
project by running mvn install
[kabir ~/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem]
$mvn install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[delete] Deleting: /Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem/null1004283288
[delete] Deleting directory /Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem/target/module
[copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem/target/module/com/acme/corp/tracker/main
[copy] Copying 1 file to /Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem/target/module/com/acme/corp/tracker/main
[echo] Module com.acme.corp.tracker has been created in the target/module directory. Copy to your JBoss AS 7 installation.
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ acme-subsystem ---
[INFO] Installing /Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem/target/acme-subsystem.jar to /Users/kabir/.m2/repository/com/acme/corp/acme-subsystem/1.0-SNAPSHOT/acme-subsystem-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /Users/kabir/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/acme-subsystem/pom.xml to /Users/kabir/.m2/repository/com/acme/corp/acme-subsystem/1.0-SNAPSHOT/acme-subsystem-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5.851s
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Jul 11 23:24:58 BST 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 7M/81M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This will have built our project and assembled a module for us that can
be used for installing it into WildFly. If you go to the target/module
folder where you built the project you will see the module
$ls target/module/com/acme/corp/tracker/main/
acme-subsystem.jar module.xml
The module.xml
comes from src/main/resources/module/main/module.xml
and is used to define your module. It says that it contains the
<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.9" name="com.acme.corp.tracker">
<resource-root path="acme-subsystem.jar"/>
And has a default set of dependencies needed by every subsystem created. If your subsystem requires additional module dependencies you can add them here before building and installing.
<module name=""/>
<module name="org.jboss.staxmapper"/>
<module name=""/>
<module name=""/>
<module name="org.jboss.modules"/>
<module name="org.jboss.msc"/>
<module name="org.jboss.logging"/>
<module name="org.jboss.vfs"/>
Note that the name of the module corresponds to the directory structure
containing it. Now copy the target/module/com/acme/corp/tracker/main/
directory and its contents to
(where $WFLY
is the root
of your WildFly install).
Next we need to modify $WFLY/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
First we need to add our new module to the <extensions>
<extension module=""/>
<extension module="com.acme.corp.tracker"/>
And then we have to add our subsystem to the <profile>
<subsystem xmlns="urn:com.acme.corp.tracker:1.0">
<deployment-type suffix="sar" tick="10000"/>
<deployment-type suffix="war" tick="10000"/>
Adding this to a managed domain works exactly the same apart from in
this case you need to modify $WFLY/domain/configuration/domain.xml
Now start up WildFly by running $WFLY/bin/
and you should
see messages like these after the server has started, which means our
subsystem has been added and our TrackerService
is working:
15:27:33,838 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final "Lightning" started in 2861ms - Started 94 of 149 services (55 services are passive or on-demand) 15:27:42,966 INFO [stdout] (Thread-8) Current deployments deployed while sar tracking active: 15:27:42,966 INFO [stdout] (Thread-8) [] 15:27:42,967 INFO [stdout] (Thread-8) Cool: 0 15:27:42,967 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Current deployments deployed while war tracking active: 15:27:42,967 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) [] 15:27:42,967 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Cool: 0 15:27:52,967 INFO [stdout] (Thread-8) Current deployments deployed while sar tracking active: 15:27:52,967 INFO [stdout] (Thread-8) [] 15:27:52,967 INFO [stdout] (Thread-8) Cool: 0
If you run the command line interface you can execute some commands to see more about the subsystem. For example
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/:read-resource-description(recursive=true, operations=true)
will return a lot of information, including a description of our subsystem
generated automatically by a DescriptionProvider
To see the current subsystem state you can execute
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/:read-resource(recursive=true)
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {"type" => {
"war" => {"tick" => 10000L},
"sar" => {"tick" => 10000L}
We can remove both the deployment types which removes them from the model:
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/type=sar:remove
{"outcome" => "success"}
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/type=war:remove
{"outcome" => "success"}
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/:read-resource(recursive=true)
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {"type" => undefined}
You should now see the output from the TrackerService
instances having
Now, let’s add the war tracker again:
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/type=war:add
{"outcome" => "success"}
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/:read-resource(recursive=true)
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {"type" => {"war" => {"tick" => 10000L}}}
and the WildFly console should show the messages coming from the war
Now let us deploy something. You can find two maven projects for test
wars already built at and If you download them and
extract them to /Downloads/test1
and /Downloads/test2
, you can see
that /Downloads/test1/target/test1.war
contains a META-INF/cool.txt
while /Downloads/test2/target/test2.war
does not contain that file.
From CLI deploy test1.war
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] deploy ~/Downloads/test1/target/test1.war
'test1.war' deployed successfully.
And you should now see the output from the war TrackerService
list the
15:35:03,712 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-2) Starting deployment of "test1.war" 15:35:03,988 INFO [org.jboss.web] (MSC service thread 1-1) registering web context: /test1 15:35:03,996 INFO [] (pool-2-thread-9) Deployed "test1.war" 15:35:13,056 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Current deployments deployed while war tracking active: 15:35:13,056 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) [test1.war] 15:35:13,057 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Cool: 1
So our test1.war
got picked up as a 'cool' deployment. Now if we
deploy test2.war
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] deploy ~/sourcecontrol/temp/archetype-test/test2/target/test2.war
'test2.war' deployed successfully.
You will see that deployment get picked up as well but since there is no
it is not marked as a 'cool' deployment:
15:37:05,634 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) Starting deployment of "test2.war" 15:37:05,699 INFO [org.jboss.web] (MSC service thread 1-1) registering web context: /test2 15:37:05,982 INFO [] (pool-2-thread-15) Deployed "test2.war" 15:37:13,075 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Current deployments deployed while war tracking active: 15:37:13,075 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) [test1.war, test2.war] 15:37:13,076 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Cool: 1
An undeploy
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] undeploy test1.war
Successfully undeployed test1.war.
is also reflected in the TrackerService
15:38:47,901 INFO [] (pool-2-thread-21) Undeployed "test1.war" 15:38:47,934 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-3) Stopped deployment test1.war in 40ms 15:38:53,091 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Current deployments deployed while war tracking active: 15:38:53,092 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) [test2.war] 15:38:53,092 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Cool: 0
Finally, we registered a write attribute handler for the tick
of the type
so we can change the frequency
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /subsystem=tracker/type=war:write-attribute(name=tick,value=1000)
{"outcome" => "success"}
You should now see the output from the TrackerService
happen every
15:39:43,100 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Current deployments deployed while war tracking active: 15:39:43,100 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) [test2.war] 15:39:43,101 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Cool: 0 15:39:44,101 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Current deployments deployed while war tracking active: 15:39:44,102 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) [test2.war] 15:39:44,105 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Cool: 0 15:39:45,106 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) Current deployments deployed while war tracking active: 15:39:45,106 INFO [stdout] (Thread-9) [test2.war]
If you open $WFLY/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
you can see
that our subsystem entry reflects the current state of the subsystem:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:com.acme.corp.tracker:1.0">
<deployment-type suffix="war" tick="1000"/>
2.7. Expressions
Expressions are mechanism that enables you to support variables in your attributes, for instance when you want the value of attribute to be resolved using system / environment properties.
An example expression is
which means that the value should be taken from a system property named
and if it is not defined use
2.7.1. What expression types are supported
System properties, which are resolved using
java.lang.System.getProperty(String key)
Environment properties, which are resolved using
java.lang.System.getEnv(String name)
. -
Encrypted expressions, resolved against the expression resolver in the
In all cases, the syntax for the expression is
For an expression meant to be resolved against environment properties,
the expression_to_resolve
must be prefixed with env.
. The portion
after env.
will be the name passed to
java.lang.System.getEnv(String name)
Encrypted expressions do not support default values (i.e. the
in the
2.7.2. How to support expressions in subsystems
The easiest way is by using AttributeDefinition, which provides support for expressions just by using it correctly.
When we create an AttributeDefinition all we need to do is mark that is allows expressions. Here is an example how to define an attribute that allows expressions to be used.
SimpleAttributeDefinition MY_ATTRIBUTE =
new SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder("my-attribute", ModelType.INT, true)
.setDefaultValue(new ModelNode(1))
Then later when you are parsing the xml configuration you should use the MY_ATTRIBUTE attribute definition to set the value to the management operation ModelNode you are creating.
String attr = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i);
if (attr.equals("my-attribute")) {
MY_ATTRIBUTE.parseAndSetParameter(value, operation, reader);
} else if (attr.equals("suffix")) {
Note that this just helps you to properly set the value to the model
node you are working on, so no need to additionally set anything to the
model for this attribute. Method parseAndSetParameter parses the value
that was read from xml for possible expressions in it and if it finds
any it creates special model node that defines that node is of type
Later in your operation handlers where you implement populateModel and have to store the value from the operation to the configuration model you also use this MY_ATTRIBUTE attribute definition.
protected void populateModel(ModelNode operation, ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {
This will make sure that the attribute that is stored from the operation
to the model is valid and nothing is lost. It also checks the value
stored in the operation ModelNode
, and if it isn’t already
, it checks if the value is a string that contains
the expression syntax. If so, the value stored in the model will be of
type ModelType.EXPRESSION
. Doing this ensures that expressions are
properly handled when they appear in operations that weren’t created by
the subsystem parser, but are instead passed in from CLI or admin
console users.
As last step we need to use the value of the attribute. This is usually
needed inside of the performRuntime
protected void performRuntime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, ModelNode model, ServiceVerificationHandler verificationHandler, List<ServiceController<?>> newControllers) throws OperationFailedException {
final int attributeValue = MY_ATTRIBUTE.resolveModelAttribute(context, model).asInt();
As you can see resolving of attribute’s value is not done until it is needed for use in the subsystem’s runtime services. The resolved value is not stored in the configuration model, the unresolved expression is. That way we do not lose any information in the model and can assure that also marshalling is done properly, where we must marshall back the unresolved value.
Attribute definitinon also helps you with that:
public void writeContent(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, SubsystemMarshallingContext context) throws XMLStreamException {
MY_ATTRIBUTE.marshallAsAttribute(sessionData, writer);
MY_OTHER_ATTRIBUTE.marshallAsElement(sessionData, false, writer);
3. Working with WildFly Capabilities
An extension to WildFly will likely want to make use of services provided by the WildFly kernel, may want to make use of services provided by other subsystems, and may wish to make functionality available to other extensions. Each of these cases involves integration between different parts of the system. In releases prior to WildFly 10, this kind of integration was done on an ad-hoc basis, resulting in overly tight coupling between different parts of the system and overly weak integration contracts. For example, a service installed by subsystem A might depend on a service installed by subsystem B, and to record that dependency A’s authors copy a ServiceName from B’s code, or even refer to a constant or static method from B’s code. The result is B’s code cannot evolve without risking breaking A. And the authors of B may not even intend for other subsystems to use its services. There is no proper integration contract between the two subsystems.
Beginning with WildFly Core 2 and WildFly 10 the WildFly kernel’s management layer provides a mechanism for allowing different parts of the system to integrate with each other in a loosely coupled manner. This is done via WildFly Capabilities. Use of capabilities provides the following benefits:
A standard way for system components to define integration contracts for their use by other system components.
A standard way for system components to access integration contracts provided by other system components.
A mechanism for configuration model referential integrity checking, such that if one component’s configuration has an attribute that refers to an other component (e.g. a
attribute in a subsystem that opens a socket referring to that socket’s configuration), the validity of that reference can be checked when validating the configuration model.
3.1. Capabilities
A capability is a piece of functionality used in a WildFly Core based process that is exposed via the WildFly Core management layer. Capabilities may depend on other capabilities, and this interaction between capabilities is mediated by the WildFly Core management layer.
Some capabilities are automatically part of a WildFly Core based process, but in most cases the configuration provided by the end user (i.e. in standalone.xml, domain.xml and host.xml) determines what capabilities are present at runtime. It is the responsibility of the handlers for management operations to register capabilities and to register any requirements those capabilities may have for the presence of other capabilities. This registration is done during the MODEL stage of operation execution
A capability has the following basic characteristics:
It has a name.
It may install an MSC service that can be depended upon by services installed by other capabilities. If it does, it provides a mechanism for discovering the name of that service.
It may expose some other API not based on service dependencies allowing other capabilities to integrate with it at runtime.
It may depend on, or require other capabilities.
During boot of the process, and thereafter whenever a management operation makes a change to the process' configuration, at the end of the MODEL stage of operation execution the kernel management layer will validate that all capabilities required by other capabilities are present, and will fail any management operation step that introduced an unresolvable requirement. This will be done before execution of the management operation proceeds to the RUNTIME stage, where interaction with the process' MSC Service Container is done. As a result, in the RUNTIME stage the handler for an operation can safely assume that the runtime services provided by a capability for which it has registered a requirement are available.
3.1.1. Comparison to other concepts
Capabilities vs modules
A JBoss Modules module is the means of making resources available to the classloading system of a WildFly Core based process. To make a capability available, you must package its resources in one or more modules and make them available to the classloading system. But a module is not a capability in and of itself, and simply copying a module to a WildFly installation does not mean a capability is available. Modules can include resources completely unrelated to management capabilities.
Capabilities vs Extensions
An extension is the means by which the WildFly Core management layer is made aware of manageable functionality that is not part of the WildFly Core kernel. The extension registers with the kernel new management resource types and handlers for operations on those resources. One of the things a handler can do is register or unregister a capability and its requirements. An extension may register a single capability, multiple capabilities, or possibly none at all. Further, not all capabilities are registered by extensions; the WildFly Core kernel itself may register a number of different capabilities.
3.1.2. Capability Names
Capability names are simple strings, with the dot character serving as a separator to allow namespacing.
The 'org.wildfly' namespace is reserved for projects associated with the WildFly organization on github (
3.1.3. Statically vs Dynamically Named Capabilities
The full name of a capability is either statically known, or it may include a statically known base element and then a dynamic element. The dynamic part of the name is determined at runtime based on the address of the management resource that registers the capability. For example, the management resource at the address '/socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=web' will register a dynamically named capability named ''. The '' portion is the static part of the name.
All dynamically named capabilities that have the same static portion of their name should provide a consistent feature set and set of requirements.
3.1.4. Service provided by a capability
Typically a capability functions by registering a service with the WildFly process' MSC ServiceContainer, and then dependent capabilities depend on that service. The WildFly Core management layer orchestrates registration of those services and service dependencies by providing a means to discover service names.
3.1.5. Custom integration APIs provided by a capability
Instead of or in addition to providing MSC services, a capability may expose some other API to dependent capabilities. This API must be encapsulated in a single class (although that class can use other non-JRE classes as method parameters or return types).
3.1.6. Capability Requirements
A capability may rely on other capabilities in order to provide its functionality at runtime. The management operation handlers that register capabilities are also required to register their requirements.
There are three basic types of requirements a capability may have:
Hard requirements. The required capability must always be present for the dependent capability to function.
Optional requirements. Some aspect of the configuration of the dependent capability controls whether the depended on capability is actually necessary. So the requirement cannot be known until the running configuration is analyzed.
Runtime-only requirements. The dependent capability will check for the presence of the depended upon capability at runtime, and if present it will utilize it, but if it is not present it will function properly without the capability. There is nothing in the dependent capability’s configuration that controls whether the depended on capability must be present. Only capabilities that declare themselves as being suitable for use as a runtime-only requirement should be depended upon in this manner.
Hard and optional requirements may be for either statically named or dynamically named capabilities. Runtime-only requirements can only be for statically named capabilities, as such a requirement cannot be specified via configuration, and without configuration the dynamic part of the required capability name is unknown.
Supporting runtime-only requirements
Not all capabilities are usable as a runtime-only requirement.
Any dynamically named capability is not usable as a runtime-only requirement.
For a capability to support use as a runtime-only requirement, it must guarantee that a configuration change to a running process that removes the capability will not impact currently running capabilities that have a runtime-only requirement for it. This means:
A capability that supports runtime-only usage must ensure that it never removes its runtime service except via a full process reload.
A capability that exposes a custom integration API generally is not usable as a runtime-only requirement. If such a capability does support use as a runtime-only requirement, it must ensure that any functionality provided via its integration API remains available as long as a full process reload has not occurred.
3.2. Capability Contract
A capability provides a stable contract to users of the capability. The contract includes the following:
The name of the capability (including whether it is dynamically named).
Whether it installs an MSC Service, and if it does, the value type of the service. That value type then becomes a stable API users of the capability can rely upon.
Whether it provides a custom integration API, and if it does, the type that represents that API. That type then becomes a stable API users of the capability can rely upon.
Whether the capability supports use as a runtime-only requirement.
Developers can learn about available capabilities and the contracts they provide by reading the WildFly capabilty registry.
3.3. Capability Registry
The WildFly organization on github maintains a git repo where information about available capabilities is published.
Developers can learn about available capabilities and the contracts they provide by reading the WildFly capabilty registry.
The file at the root of that repo explains the how to find out information about the registry.
Developers of new capabilities are strongly encouraged to document and register their capability by submitting a pull request to the wildfly-capabilities github repo. This both allows others to learn about your capability and helps prevent capability name collisions. Capabilities that are used in the WildFly or WildFly Core code base itself must have a registry entry before the code referencing them will be merged.
External organizations that create capabilities should include an organization-specific namespace as part their capability names to avoid name collisions.
3.4. Using Capabilities
Now that all the background information is presented, here are some specifics about how to use WildFly capabilities in your code.
3.4.1. Basics of Using Your Own Capability
Creating your capability
A capability is an instance of the immutable
class. A
capability is usually registered by a resource, so the usual way to use
one is to store it in constant in the resource’s ResourceDefinition
Use a RuntimeCapability.Builder
to create one.
class MyResourceDefinition extends SimpleResourceDefinition {
static final RuntimeCapability<Void> FOO_CAPABILITY = RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("").build();
. . .
That creates a statically named capability named
If the capability is dynamically named, add the dynamic
parameter to
state this:
static final RuntimeCapability<Void> FOO_CAPABILITY =
RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("", true).build();
Most capabilities install a service that requiring capabilities can
depend on. If your capability does this, you need to declare the
service’s value type (the type of the object returned by
). For example, if FOO_CAPABILITY
provides a Service<javax.sql.DataSource>
static final RuntimeCapability<Void> FOO_CAPABILITY =
RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("", DataSource.class).build();
For a dynamic capability:
static final RuntimeCapability<Void> FOO_CAPABILITY =
RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("", true, DataSource.class).build();
If the capability provides a custom integration API, you need to instantiate an instance of that API:
public class JTSCapability {
static final JTSCapability INSTANCE = new JTSCapability();
private JTSCapability() {}
* Gets the names of the {@link org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitializer} implementations that should be included
* as part of the {@link org.omg.CORBA.ORB#init(String[], java.util.Properties) initialization of an ORB}.
* @return the names of the classes implementing {@code ORBInitializer}. Will not be {@code null}.
public List<String> getORBInitializerClasses() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(
and provide it to the builder:
static final RuntimeCapability<JTSCapability> FOO_CAPABILITY =
RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("", JTSCapability.INSTANCE).build();
For a dynamic capability:
static final RuntimeCapability<JTSCapability> FOO_CAPABILITY = RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("", true, JTSCapability.INSTANCE).build();
A capability can provide both a custom integration API and install a service:
static final RuntimeCapability<JTSCapability> FOO_CAPABILITY =
RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("", JTSCapability.INSTANCE)
Registering and unregistering your capability
Once you have your capability, you need to ensure it gets registered
with the WildFly Core kernel when your resource is added. This is easily
done simply by providing a reference to the capability to the resource’s
. This assumes your resource definition is a
subclass of the standard
provides a Parameters
class that provides a
builder-style API for setting up all the data needed by your definition.
This includes a setCapabilities
method that can be used to declare the
capabilities provided by resources of this type.
class MyResourceDefinition extends SimpleResourceDefinition {
. . .
MyResourceDefinition() {
super(new SimpleResourceDefinition.Parameters(PATH, RESOLVER)
Your add handler needs to extend the standard
class or one of its
class MyAddHandler extends AbstractAddStepHandler() {
`AbstractAddStepHandler’s logic will register the capability when it executes.
Your remove handler must also extend of the standard
or one of its
class MyRemoveHandler extends AbstractRemoveStepHandler() {
`AbstractRemoveStepHandler’s logic will deregister the capability when it executes.
If for some reason you cannot base your ResourceDefinition
or your handlers on AbstractAddStepHandler
and AbstractRemoveStepHandler
then you will need to take
responsibility for registering the capability yourself. This is not
expected to be a common situation. See the implementation of those
classes to see how to do it.
Installing, accessing and removing the service provided by your
If your capability installs a service, you should use the
when you need to determine the service’s name. For
example in the Stage.RUNTIME
handling of your "add" step handler.
Here’s an example for a statically named capability:
class MyAddHandler extends AbstractAddStepHandler() {
. . .
protected void performRuntime(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation,
final Resource resource) throws OperationFailedException {
ServiceName serviceName = FOO_CAPABILITY.getCapabilityServiceName();
Service<DataSource> service = createDataSourceService(context, resource);
context.getServiceTarget().addService(serviceName, service).install();
If the capability is dynamically named, get the dynamic part of the name
from the OperationContext
and use that when getting the service name:
class MyAddHandler extends AbstractAddStepHandler() {
. . .
protected void performRuntime(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation,
final Resource resource) throws OperationFailedException {
String myName = context.getCurrentAddressValue();
ServiceName serviceName = FOO_CAPABILITY.getCapabilityServiceName(myName);
Service<DataSource> service = createDataSourceService(context, resource);
context.getServiceTarget().addService(serviceName, service).install();
The same patterns should be used when accessing or removing the service
in handlers for remove
, write-attribute
and custom operations.
If you use ServiceRemoveStepHandler
for the remove
operation, simply
provide your RuntimeCapability
to the ServiceRemoveStepHandler
constructor and it will automatically remove your capability’s service
when it executes.
3.4.2. Basics of Using Other Capabilities
When a capability needs another capability, it only refers to it by its
string name. A capability should not reference the RuntimeCapability
object of another capability.
Before a capability can look up the service name for a required capability’s service, or access its custom integration API, it must first register a requirement for the capability. This must be done in Stage.MODEL, while service name lookups and accessing the custom integration API is done in Stage.RUNTIME.
Registering a requirement for a capability is simple.
Registering a hard requirement for a static capability
If your capability has a hard requirement for a statically named
capability, simply declare that to the builder for your
. For example, WildFly’s JTS capability requires both
a basic transaction support capability and IIOP capabilities:
static final RuntimeCapability<JTSCapability> JTS_CAPABILITY =
RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("org.wildfly.transactions.jts", new JTSCapability())
.addRequirements("org.wildfly.transactions", "org.wildfly.iiop.orb", "org.wildfly.iiop.corba-naming")
When your capability is registered with the system, the WildFly Core kernel will automatically register any static hard requirements declared this way.
Registering a requirement for a dynamically named capability
If the capability you require is dynamically named, usually your
capability’s resource will include an attribute whose value is the
dynamic part of the required capability’s name. You should declare this
fact in the AttributeDefinition
for the attribute using the
For example, the WildFly "remoting" subsystem’s "org.wildfly.remoting.connector" capability has a requirement for a dynamically named socket-binding capability:
public class ConnectorResource extends SimpleResourceDefinition {
. . .
static final String SOCKET_CAPABILITY_NAME = "";
static final RuntimeCapability<Void> CONNECTOR_CAPABILITY =
RuntimeCapability.Builder.of("org.wildfly.remoting.connector", true)
. . .
static final SimpleAttributeDefinition SOCKET_BINDING =
new SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder(CommonAttributes.SOCKET_BINDING, ModelType.STRING, false)
If the "add" operation handler for your resource extends
and the handler for write-attribute
, the declaration above is sufficient to
ensure that the appropriate capability requirement will be registered
when the attribute is modified.
Depending upon a service provided by another capability
Once the requirement for the capability is registered, your
can use the OperationContext
to discover the
name of the service provided by the required capability.
For example, the "add" handler for a remoting connector uses the
to find the name of the needed \{{SocketBinding}
final String socketName = ConnectorResource.SOCKET_BINDING.resolveModelAttribute(context, fullModel).asString();
final ServiceName socketBindingName = context.getCapabilityServiceName(ConnectorResource.SOCKET_CAPABILITY_NAME, socketName, SocketBinding.class);
That service name is then used to add a dependency on the
service to the remoting connector service.
If the required capability isn’t dynamically named, OperationContext
exposes an overloaded getCapabilityServiceName
variant. For example,
if a capability requires a remoting Endpoint:
ServiceName endpointService = context.getCapabilityServiceName("org.wildfly.remoting.endpoint", Endpoint.class);
Using a custom integration API provided by another capability
In your Stage.RUNTIME
handler, use
to get a reference to the
required capability’s custom integration API. Then use it as necessary.
List<String> orbInitializers = new ArrayList<String>();
. . .
JTSCapability jtsCapability = context.getCapabilityRuntimeAPI(IIOPExtension.JTS_CAPABILITY, JTSCapability.class);
Runtime-only requirements
If your capability has a runtime-only requirement for another
capability, that means that if that capability is present in
you’ll use it, and if not you won’t. There is nothing
about the configuration of your capability that triggers the need for
the other capability; you’ll just use it if it’s there.
In this case, use OperationContext.hasOptionalCapability
in your
handler to check if the capability is present:
protected void performRuntime(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation, final ModelNode model) throws OperationFailedException {
ServiceName myServiceName = MyResource.FOO_CAPABILITY.getCapabilityServiceName();
Service<DataSource> myService = createService(context, model);
ServiceBuilder<DataSource> builder = context.getTarget().addService(myServiceName, myService);
// Inject a "Bar" into our "Foo" if bar capability is present
if (context.hasOptionalCapability("", MyResource.FOO_CAPABILITY.getName(), null) {
ServiceName barServiceName = context.getCapabilityServiceName("", Bar.class);
builder.addDependency(barServiceName, Bar.class, myService.getBarInjector());
The WildFly Core kernel will not register a requirement for the "" capability, so if a configuration change occurs that means that capability will no longer be present, that change will not be rolled back. Because of this, runtime-only requirements can only be used with capabilities that declare in their contract that they support such use.
Using a capability in a DeploymentUnitProcessor
A DeploymentUnitProcessor
is likely to have a need to interact with
capabilities, in order to create service dependencies from a deployment
service to a capability provided service or to access some aspect of a
capability’s custom integration API that relates to deployments.
If a DeploymentUnitProcessor
associated with a capability
implementation needs to utilize its own capability object, the
authors should simply provide it with a
reference to the RuntimeCapability
instance. Service name lookups or
access to the capabilities custom integration API can then be performed
by invoking the methods on the RuntimeCapability
If you need to access service names or a custom integration API
associated with a different capability, you will need to use the
associated with the deployment unit. This can be found as an attachment
to the DeploymentPhaseContext
class MyDUP implements DeploymentUntiProcessor {
public void deploy(DeploymentPhaseContext phaseContext) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException {
AttachmentKey<CapabilityServiceSupport> key =;
CapabilityServiceSupport capSvcSupport = phaseContext.getAttachment(key);
Once you have the CapabilityServiceSupport
you can use it to look up
service names:
ServiceName barSvcName = capSvcSupport.getCapabilityServiceName("");
// Determine what 'baz' the user specified in the deployment descriptor
String bazDynamicName = getSelectedBaz(phaseContext);
ServiceName bazSvcName = capSvcSupport.getCapabilityServiceName("com.example.baz", bazDynamicName);
It’s important to note that when you request a service name associated
with a capability, the CapabilityServiceSupport will give you one
regardless of whether the capability is actually registered with the
kernel. If the capability isn’t present, any service dependency your DUP
creates using that service name will eventually result in a service
start failure, due to the missing dependency. This behavior of not
failing immediately when the capability service name is requested is
deliberate. It allows deployment operations that use the
rollback-on-runtime-failure=false header to successfully install (but
not start) all of the services related to a deployment. If a subsequent
operation adds the missing capability, the missing service dependency
problem will then be resolved and the MSC service container will
automatically start the deployment services.
You can also use the CapabilityServiceSupport
to obtain a reference to
the capability’s custom integration API:
// We need custom integration with the baz capability beyond service injection
BazIntegrator bazIntegrator;
try {
bazIntegrator = capSvcSupport.getCapabilityRuntimeAPI("com.example.baz", bazDynamicName, BazIntegrator.class);
} catch (NoSuchCapabilityException e) {
String msg = String.format("Deployment %s requires use of the 'bar' capability but it is not currently registered",
throw new DeploymentUnitProcessingException(msg);
Note that here, unlike the case with service name lookups, the
will throw a checked exception if the desired
capability is not installed. This is because the kernel has no way to
satisfy the request for a custom integration API if the capability is
not installed. The DeploymentUnitProcessor
will need to catch and
handle the exception.
3.4.3. Detailed API
The WildFly Core kernel’s API for using capabilities is covered in detail in the javadoc for the RuntimeCapability and RuntimeCapability.Builder classes and the OperationContext and CapabilityServiceSupport interfaces.
Many of the methods in OperationContext
related to capabilities have
to do with registering capabilities or registering requirements for
capabilities. Typically non-kernel developers won’t need to worry about
these, as the abstract OperationStepHandler
implementations provided
by the kernel take care of this for you, as described in the preceding
sections. If you do find yourself in a situation where you need to use
these in an extension, please read the javadoc thoroughly.
4. Domain Mode Subsystem Transformers
A WildFly domain may consist of a new Domain Controller (DC) controlling secondary Host Controllers (HC) running older versions. Each secondary HC maintains a copy of the centralized domain configuration, which they use for controlling their own servers. In order for the secondary HCs to understand the configuration from the DC, transformation is needed, whereby the DC translates the configuration and operations into something the secondary HCs can understand.
4.1. Background
WildFly comes with a domain mode which allows you to have one Host Controller acting as the Domain Controller. The Domain Controller’s job is to maintain the centralized domain configuration. Another term for the DC is 'Primary Host Controller'. Before explaining why transformers are important and when they should be used, we will revisit how the domain configuration is used in domain mode.
The centralized domain configuration is stored in domain.xml
. This is
only ever parsed on the DC, and it has the following structure:
- contains:-
- a references to a module that bootstraps
implementation used to bootstrap your subsystem parsers and initialize the resource definitions for your subsystems.
- contains:-
- a named set of:-
- contains the configuration for a subsystem, using the parser initialized by the subsystem’s extension.
- contains:-
- a named set of:-
- A named port on an interface which can be referenced from thesubsystem
configurations for subsystems opening sockets.
- contains-
- this has a name and references aprofile
and asocket-binding-group
. The HCs then reference theserver-group
name from their<servers>
section inhost.xml
When the DC parses domain.xml
, it is transformed into add
(and in
some cases write-attribute
) operations just as explained in
Parsing and
marshalling of the subsystem xml. These operations build up the model
on the DC.
A HC wishing to join the domain and use the DC’s centralized
configuration is known as a 'secondary HC'. A secondary HC maintains a copy of
the DC’s centralized domain configuration. This copy of the domain
configuration is used to start its servers. This is done by asking the
domain model to describe
itself, which in turn asks the subsystems to
themselves. The describe
operation for a subsystem looks at
the state of the subsystem model and produces the add
necessary to create the subsystem on the server. The same mechanism also
takes place on the DC (bear in mind that the DC is also a HC, which can
have its own servers), although of course its copy of the domain
configuration is the centralized one.
There are two steps involved in keeping the secondary HC’s domain configuration in sync with the centralized domain configuration.
getting the initial domain model
an operation changes something in the domain configuration
Let’s look a bit closer at what happens in each of these steps.
4.1.1. Getting the initial domain model
When a secondary HC connects to the DC it obtains a copy of the domain model
from the DC. This is done in a simpler serialized format, different from
the operations that built up the model on the DC, or the operations
resulting from the describe
step used to bootstrap the servers. They
describe each address that exists in the DC’s model, and contain the
attributes set for the resource at that address. This serialized form
looks like this:
"domain-resource-address" => [],
"domain-resource-model" => {
"management-major-version" => 2,
"management-minor-version" => 0,
"management-micro-version" => 0,
"release-version" => "8.0.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT",
"release-codename" => "WildFly"
"domain-resource-address" => [("extension" => "")],
"domain-resource-model" => {"module" => ""}
--SNIP - the rest of the extensions --
"domain-resource-address" => [("extension" => "")],
"domain-resource-model" => {"module" => ""}
"domain-resource-address" => [("system-property" => "")],
"domain-resource-model" => {
"value" => "true",
"boot-time" => undefined
"domain-resource-address" => [("profile" => "full-ha")],
"domain-resource-model" => undefined
"domain-resource-address" => [
("profile" => "full-ha"),
("subsystem" => "logging")
"domain-resource-model" => {}
"domain-resource-address" => [sss|WFLY8:Example subsystem],
"domain-resource-model" => {
"level" => "INFO",
"enabled" => undefined,
"encoding" => undefined,
"formatter" => "%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n",
"filter-spec" => undefined,
"autoflush" => undefined,
"target" => undefined,
"named-formatter" => undefined
The secondary HC then applies these one at a time and builds up the initial domain model. It needs to do this before it can start any of its servers.
4.1.2. An operation changes something in the domain configuration
Once a domain is up and running we can still change things in the domain configuration. These changes must happen when connected to the DC, and are then propagated to the secondary HCs, which then in turn propagate the changes to any servers running in a server group affected by the changes made. In this example:
[disconnected /] connect
[domain@localhost:9990 /] /profile=full/subsystem=datasources/data-source=ExampleDS:write-attribute(name=enabled,value=false)
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => undefined,
"server-groups" => {"main-server-group" => {"host" => {
"secondary" => {"server-one" => {"response" => {
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => undefined,
"response-headers" => {
"operation-requires-restart" => true,
"process-state" => "restart-required"
"primary" => {
"server-one" => {"response" => {
"outcome" => "success",
"response-headers" => {
"operation-requires-restart" => true,
"process-state" => "restart-required"
"server-two" => {"response" => {
"outcome" => "success",
"response-headers" => {
"operation-requires-restart" => true,
"process-state" => "restart-required"
the DC propagates the changes to itself host=primary
, which in turn
propagates it to its two servers belonging to main-server-group
uses the full
profile. More interestingly, it also propagates it to
which updates its local copy of the domain model, and then
propagates the change to its server-one
which belongs to
which uses the full
4.2. Versions and backward compatibility
A HC and its servers will always be the same version of WildFly (they use the same module path and jars). However, the DC and the secondary HCs do not necessarily need to be the same version. One of the points in the original specification for WildFly is that
A Domain Controller should be able to manage secondary Host Controllers older than itself. |
This means that for example a WildFly 10.1 DC should be able to work with secondary HCs running WildFly 10. The opposite is not true, the DC must be the same or the newest version in the domain.
4.2.1. Versioning of subsystems
To help with being able to know what is compatible we have versions within the subsystems, this is stored in the subsystem’s extension. When registering the subsystem you will typically see something like:
public class SomeExtension implements Extension {
private static final String SUBSYSTEM_NAME = "my-subsystem"'
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MINOR_VERSION = 0;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MICRO_VERSION = 0;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {
// IMPORTANT: Management API version != xsd version! Not all Management API changes result in XSD changes
SubsystemRegistration registration = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME, MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION,
//Register the resource definitions
Which sets the ModelVersion
of the subsystem.
Whenever something changes in the subsystem, such as: |
an attribute is added or removed from a resource
a attribute is renamed in a resource
an attribute has its type changed
an attribute or operation parameter’s nillable or allows expressions is changed
an attribute or operation parameter’s default value changes
a child resource type is added or removed
an operation is added or removed
an operation has its parameters changed
and the current version of the subsystem has been part of a Final release of WildFly, we must bump the version of the subsystem.
Once it has been increased you can of course make more changes until the
next Final release without more version bumps. It is also worth noting
that a new WildFly release does not automatically mean a new version for
the subsystem, the new version is only needed if something was changed.
For example the jaxrs
subsystem remained on 1.0.0 for all versions
of WildFly and JBoss AS 7 through Wildfly 18.
You can find the ModelVersion
of a subsystem by querying its
domain@localhost:9990 /] /
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"module" => "",
"subsystem" => {"infinispan" => {
"management-major-version" => 2,
"management-micro-version" => 0,
"management-minor-version" => 0,
"xml-namespaces" => [jboss:domain:infinispan:1.0",
4.3. The role of transformers
Now that we have mentioned the secondary HCs registration process with the DC, and know about ModelVersions, it is time to mention that when registering with the DC, the secondary HC will send across a list of all its subsystem ModelVersions. The DC maintains this information in a registry for each secondary HC, so that it knows which transformers (if any) to invoke for a legacy secondary. We will see how to write and register transformers later on in #How do I write a transformer. secondary HCs from version 7.2.0 onwards will also include a list of resources that they ignore (see #Ignoring resources on legacy hosts), and the DC will maintain this information in its registry. The DC will not send across any resources that it knows a secondary ignores during the initial domain model transfer. When forwarding operations onto the secondary HCs, the DC will skip forwarding those to secondary HCs ignoring those resources.
There are two kinds of transformers:
resource transformers
operation transformers
The main function of transformers is to transform a subsystem to something that the legacy secondary HC can understand, or to aggressively reject things that the legacy secondary HC will not understand. Rejection, in this context, essentially means, that the resource or operation cannot safely be transformed to something valid on the secondary HC, so the transformation fails. We will see later how to reject attributes in #Rejecting attributes, and child resources in #Reject child resource.
Both resource and operation transformers are needed, but take effect at
different times. Let us use the weld
subsystem, which is relatively
simple, as an example. In JBoss AS 7.2.0 and lower it had a ModelVersion
of 1.0.0, and its resource description was as follows:
"description" => "The configuration of the weld subsystem.",
"attributes" => {},
"operations" => {
"remove" => {
"operation-name" => "remove",
"description" => "Operation removing the weld subsystem.",
"request-properties" => {},
"reply-properties" => {}
"add" => {
"operation-name" => "add",
"description" => "Operation creating the weld subsystem.",
"request-properties" => {},
"reply-properties" => {}
"children" => {}
In WildFly 33, it has a ModelVersion of 2.0.0 and has added two
attributes, require-bean-descriptor
and non-portable
"description" => "The configuration of the weld subsystem.",
"attributes" => {
"require-bean-descriptor" => {
"type" => BOOLEAN,
"description" => "If true then implicit bean archives without bean descriptor file (beans.xml) are ignored by Weld",
"expressions-allowed" => true,
"nillable" => true,
"default" => false,
"access-type" => "read-write",
"storage" => "configuration",
"restart-required" => "no-services"
"non-portable-mode" => {
"type" => BOOLEAN,
"description" => "If true then the non-portable mode is enabled. The non-portable mode is suggested by the specification to overcome problems with legacy applications that do not use CDI SPI properly and may be rejected by more strict validation in CDI 1.1.",
"expressions-allowed" => true,
"nillable" => true,
"default" => false,
"access-type" => "read-write",
"storage" => "configuration",
"restart-required" => "no-services"
"operations" => {
"remove" => {
"operation-name" => "remove",
"description" => "Operation removing the weld subsystem.",
"request-properties" => {},
"reply-properties" => {}
"add" => {
"operation-name" => "add",
"description" => "Operation creating the weld subsystem.",
"request-properties" => {
"require-bean-descriptor" => {
"type" => BOOLEAN,
"description" => "If true then implicit bean archives without bean descriptor file (beans.xml) are ignored by Weld",
"expressions-allowed" => true,
"required" => false,
"nillable" => true,
"default" => false
"non-portable-mode" => {
"type" => BOOLEAN,
"description" => "If true then the non-portable mode is enabled. The non-portable mode is suggested by the specification to overcome problems with legacy applications that do not use CDI SPI properly and may be rejected by more strict validation in CDI 1.1.",
"expressions-allowed" => true,
"required" => false,
"nillable" => true,
"default" => false
"reply-properties" => {}
"children" => {}
In the rest of this section we will assume that we are running a DC running WildFly 33 so it will have ModelVersion 2.0.0 of the weld subsystem, and that we are running a secondary HC using ModelVersion 1.0.0 of the weld subsystem.
Transformation always takes place on the Domain Controller, and is done when sending across the initial domain model AND forwarding on operations to legacy secondary HCs. |
4.3.1. Resource transformers
When copying over the centralized domain configuration as mentioned in
the initial domain model, we need to make sure that the copy of the
domain model is something that the servers running on the legacy secondary
HC understand. So if the centralized domain configuration had any of the
two new attributes set, we would need to reject the transformation in
the transformers. One reason for this is to keep things consistent, it
doesn’t look good if you connect to the secondary HC and find attributes
and/or child resources when doing :read-resource
which are not there
when you do :read-resource-description
. Also, to make life easier for
subsystem writers, most instances of the describe
operation use a
standard implementation which would include these attributes when
creating the add
operation for the server, which could cause problems
Another, more concrete example from the logging subsystem is that it
allows a ' %K{…
}' in the pattern formatter which makes the formatter
use color:
<pattern-formatter pattern="%K{level}%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n"/>
This ' %K{…
}' however was introduced in JBoss AS < 7.1.3
(ModelVersion 1.2.0), so if that makes it across to a secondary HC running
an older version, the servers will fail to start up. So the logging
extension registers transformers to strip out the ' %K{…
}' from the
attribute value (leaving ' %-5p
`(%t) %s%E%n"’) so that the old
secondary HC’s servers can understand it.
Rejection in resource transformers
Only secondary HCs from JBoss AS 7.2.0 and newer inform the DC about their ignored resources (see #Ignoring resources on legacy hosts). This means that if a transformer on the DC rejects transformation for a legacy secondary HC, exactly what happens to the secondary HC depends on the version of the secondary HC. If the secondary HC is:
older than 7.2.0 - the DC has no means of knowing if the secondary HC has ignored the resource being rejected or not. So we log a warning on the DC, and send over the serialized part of that model anyway. If the secondary HC has ignored the resource in question, it does not apply it. If the secondary HC has not ignored the resource in question, it will apply it, but no failure will happen until it tries to start a server which references this bad configuration.
7.2.0 or newer - If a resource is ignored on the secondary HC, the DC knows about this, and will not attempt to transform or send the resource across to the secondary HC. If the resource transformation is rejected, we know the resource was not ignored on the secondary HC and so we can aggressively fail the transformation, which in turn will cause the secondary HC to fail to start up.
4.3.2. Operation transformers
When #An operation changes something in the domain configuration the operation gets sent across to the secondary HCs to update their copies of the domain model. The secondary HCs then forward this operation onto the affected servers. The same considerations as in #Resource transformers are true, although operation transformers give you quicker 'feedback' if something is not valid. If you try to execute:
/profile=full/subsystem=weld:write-attribute(name=require-bean-descriptor, value=false)
This will fail on the legacy secondary HC since its version of the subsystem does not contain any such attribute. However, it is best to aggressively reject in such cases.
Rejection in operation transformers
For transformed operations we can always know if the operation is on an ignored resource in the legacy secondary HC. In 7.2.0 onwards, we know this through the DC’s registry of ignored resources on the secondary HC. In older versions of secondary HCs, we send the operation across to the secondary HC, which tries to invoke the operation. If the operation is against an ignored resource we inform the DC about this fact. So as part of the transformation process, if something gets rejected we can (and do!) fail the transformation aggressively. If the operation invoked on the DC results in the operation being sent across to 10 secondary HCs and one of them has a legacy version which ends up rejecting the transformation, we rollback the operation across the whole domain.
4.3.3. Different profiles for different versions
Now for the weld
example we have been using there is a slight twist.
We have the new require-bean-descriptor
and non-portable-mode
attributes. These have been added in WildFly 33 which supports Jakarta EE,
and thus CDI.
In CDI 1.1 the values of these attributes are tweakable, so they can be set
to either true
or false
. The default behaviour for these in CDI 1.1,
if not set, is that they are false
. However, for CDI 1.0 these were
not tweakable, and with the way the subsystem in JBoss AS 7.x worked is
similar to if they are set to true
The above discussion implies that to use the weld subsystem on a legacy
secondary HC, the domain.xml
configuration for it must look like:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:weld:2.0"
We will see the exact mechanics for how this is actually done later but
in short when pushing this to a legacy secondary HC we register transformers
which reject the transformation if these attributes are not set to
since that implies some behavior not supported on the legacy
secondary HC. If they are true
, all is well, and the transformers discard,
or remove, these attributes since they don’t exist in the legacy model.
This removal is fine since they have the values which would result in
the behavior assumed on the legacy secondary HC.
That way the older secondary HCs will work fine. However, we might also have WildFly 33 secondary HCs in our domain, and they are missing out on the new features introduced by the attributes introduced in ModelVersion 2.0.0. If we do
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:weld:2.0"
then it will fail when doing transformation for the legacy controller.
The solution is to put these in two different profiles in domain.xml
<profile name="full">
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:weld:2.0"
<profile name="full-legacy">
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:weld:2.0"
<server-group name="main-server-group" profile="full">
<server-group name="main-server-group-legacy" profile="full-legacy">
Then have the HCs using WildFly 33 make their servers reference the
server group, and the HCs using older versions of
WildFly 33 make their servers reference the main-server-group-legacy
server group.
Ignoring resources on legacy hosts
Booting the above configuration will still cause problems on legacy
secondary HCs, especially if they are JBoss AS 7.2.0 or later. The reason
for this is that when they register themselves with the DC it lets the
DC know which ignored resources
they have. If the DC comes to
transform something it should reject for a secondary HC and it is not part
of its ignored resources it will aggressively fail the transformation.
Versions of JBoss AS older than 7.2.0 still have this ignored resources
mechanism, but don’t let the DC know about what they have ignored so the
DC cannot reject aggressively - instead it will log some warnings.
However, it is still good practice to ignore resources you are not
interested in regardless of which legacy version the secondary HC is
To ignore the profile we cannot understand we do the following in the
legacy secondary HC’s host.xml
<host xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:1.3" name="secondary">
<remote host="${}" port="${jboss.domain.primary.port:9999}" authentication-context="primary-context">
<ignored-resources type="profile">
<instance name="full-legacy"/>
Any top-level resource type can be ignored profile , extension ,
server-group etc. Ignoring a resource instance ignores that resource,
and all its children.
4.4. How do I know what needs to be transformed?
There is a set of related classes in the org.wildfly.legacy.util
package to help you determine this. These now live at
They are all runnable in your IDE, just start the WildFly or JBoss AS 7
instances as described below.
4.4.1. Getting data for a previous version contains the output for the previous WildFly/JBoss AS 7 versions, so check if the files for the version you want to check backwards compatibility are there yet. If not, then you need to do the following to get the subsystem definitions:
Start the old version of WildFly/JBoss AS 7 using
, which will output the subsystem versions totarget/standalone-model-versions-running.dmr
which will output the full resource definition totarget/standalone-resource-definition-running.dmr
Stop the running version of WildFly/JBoss AS 7
4.4.2. See what changed
To do this follow the following steps
Start the new version of WildFly using
and answer the following questions"-
Enter Legacy AS version:
If it is known version in the
folder, enter the version number. -
If it is a not known version, and you got the data yourself in the last step, enter ' `running’
Enter type:
Answer ' `S’
Read from target directory or from the legacy-models directory:
If it is known version in the
folder, enter ' `l’. -
If it is a not known version, and you got the data yourself in the last step, enter ' `t’
Report on differences in the model when the management versions are different?:
Answer ' `y’
Here is some example output, as a subsystem developer you can ignore
everything down to ======= Comparing subsystem models ======
Enter legacy AS version: 7.2.0.Final
Using target model: 7.2.0.Final
Enter type [S](standalone)/H(host)/D(domain)/F(domain + host):S
Read from target directory or from the legacy-models directory - t/[l]:
Report on differences in the model when the management versions are different? y/[n]: y
Reporting on differences in the model when the management versions are different
Loading legacy model versions for 7.2.0.Final....
Loaded legacy model versions
Loading model versions for currently running server...
Oct 01, 2013 6:26:03 PM org.xnio.Xnio <clinit>
INFO: XNIO version 3.1.0.CR7
Oct 01, 2013 6:26:03 PM org.xnio.nio.NioXnio <clinit>
INFO: XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.1.0.CR7
Oct 01, 2013 6:26:03 PM org.jboss.remoting3.EndpointImpl <clinit>
INFO: JBoss Remoting version 4.0.0.Beta1
Loaded current model versions
Loading legacy resource descriptions for 7.2.0.Final....
Loaded legacy resource descriptions
Loading resource descriptions for currently running STANDALONE...
Loaded current resource descriptions
Starting comparison of the current....
======= Comparing core models ======
-- SNIP --
======= Comparing subsystem models ======
-- SNIP --
======= Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "remoting"] - Current version: 2.0.0; legacy version: 1.2.0 =======
--- Problems for relative address to root []:
Missing child types in current: []; missing in legacy [http-connector]
--- Problems for relative address to root ["remote-outbound-connection" => "*"]:
Missing attributes in current: []; missing in legacy [protocol]
Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: []; missing in legacy [protocol]
-- SNIP --
======= Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "weld"] - Current version: 2.0.0; legacy version: 1.0.0 =======
--- Problems for relative address to root []:
Missing attributes in current: []; missing in legacy [require-bean-descriptor, non-portable-mode]
Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: []; missing in legacy [require-bean-descriptor, non-portable-mode]
Done comparison of STANDALONE!
So we can see that for the remoting
subsystem, we have added a child
type called http-connector
, and we have added an attribute called
(they are missing in legacy).
in the weld
subsystem, we have added the require-bean-descriptor
attributes in the current version. It will also
point out other issues like changed attribute types, changed defaults
Note that CompareModelVersionsUtil simply inspects the raw resource descriptions of the specified legacy and current models. Its results show the differences between the two. They do not take into account whether one or more transformers have already been written for those versions differences. You will need to check that transformers are not already in place for those versions. |
One final point to consider are that some subsystems register
runtime-only resources and operations. For example the modcluster
subsystem has a stop
method. These do not get registered on the DC
e.g. there is no /profile=full-ha/subsystem=modcluster:stop
it only exists on the servers, for example
. What this means
is that you don’t have to transform such operations and resources. The
reason is they are not callable on the DC, and so do not need
propagation to the servers in the domain, which in turn means no
transformation is needed.
4.5. How do I write a transformer?
There are two APIs available to write transformers for a resource. There
is the original low-level API where you register transformers directly,
the general idea is that you get hold of a TransformersSubRegistration
for each level and implement the ResourceTransformer
and PathAddressTransformer
interfaces directly.
It is, however, a pretty complex thing to do, so we recommend the other
approach. For completeness here is the entry point to handling
transformation in this way.
public class SomeExtension implements Extension {
private static final String SUBSYSTEM_NAME = "my-subsystem"'
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MINOR_VERSION = 0;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MICRO_VERSION = 0;
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {
SubsystemRegistration registration = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME, MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION,
//Register the resource definitions
static void registerTransformers(final SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
* Registers transformers from the current version to ModelVersion 1.1.0
private static void registerTransformers_1_1_0(final SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
final ModelVersion version = ModelVersion.create(1, 1, 0);
//The default resource transformer forwards all operations
final TransformersSubRegistration registration = subsystem.registerModelTransformers(version, ResourceTransformer.DEFAULT);
final TransformersSubRegistration child = registration.registerSubResource(PathElement.pathElement("child"));
//We can do more things on the TransformersSubRegistation instances
Having implemented a number of transformers using the above approach, we
decided to simplify things, so we introduced the
API. It is a lot simpler and avoids a lot of the duplication of
functionality required by the low-level API approach. While it doesn’t
give you the full power that the low-level API does, we found that there
are very few places in the WildFly codebase where this does not work, so
we will focus on the ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder
here. (If you come across a problem where this does not work, get in
touch with someone from the WildFly Domain Management Team and we should
be able to help). The builder API makes all the nasty calls to
for you under the hood. It also allows you
to fall back to the low-level API in places, although that will not be
covered in the current version of this guide. The entry point for using
the builder API here is taken from the WeldExtension (in current WildFly
this has ModelVersion 2.0.0).
private void registerTransformers(SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
//These new attributes are assumed to be 'true' in the old version but default to false in the current version. So discard if 'true' and reject if 'undefined'.
.setDiscard(new DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker(false, false, new ModelNode(true)),
.addRejectCheck(new RejectAttributeChecker.DefaultRejectAttributeChecker() {
public String getRejectionLogMessage(Map<String, ModelNode> attributes) {
return WeldMessages.MESSAGES.rejectAttributesMustBeTrue(attributes.keySet());
protected boolean rejectAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue,
TransformationContext context) {
//This will not get called if it was discarded, so reject if it is undefined (default==false) or if defined and != 'true'
return !attributeValue.isDefined() || !attributeValue.asString().equals("true");
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystem, ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0));
Here we register a discard check
and a reject check
. As mentioned in
transformation lifecycle all attributes are inspected for whether they
should be discarded first. Then all attributes which were not discarded
are checked for if they should be rejected. We will dig more into what
this code means in the next few sections, but in short it means that we
discard the require-bean-descriptor
and non-portable
attributes on
the weld
subsystem resource if they have the value true
. If they
have any other value, they will not get discarded and so reach the
reject check, which will reject the transformation of the attributes if
they have any other value.
Here we are saying that we should discard the require-bean-descriptor
and non-portable-mode
attributes on the weld
subsystem resource if
they are undefined, and reject them if they are defined. So that means
that if the weld subsystem looks like
"non-portable-mode" => false,
"require-bean-descriptor" => false
"non-portable-mode" => undefined,
"require-bean-descriptor" => undefined
or any other combination (the default values for these attributes if
undefined is false
) we will reject the transformation for the secondary
legacy HC.
If the resource has true for these attributes:
"non-portable-mode" => true,
"require-bean-descriptor" => true
they both get discarded (i.e. removed), so they will not get inspected for rejection, and an empty model not containing these attributes gets sent to the legacy HC.
Here we will discuss this API a bit more, to outline the most important features/most commonly needed tasks.
4.5.1. ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder
The ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder
contains transformations
for a resource type. The initial one is for the subsystem, obtained by
the following call:
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder subsystemBuilder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
The ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder
contains functionality
for how to handle child resources, which we will look at in this
section. It is also the entry point to how to handle transformation of
attributes as we will see in
Also, it allows you to further override operation transformation as
discussed in
When we have finished with our builder, we register it with the
against the target ModelVersion.
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystem, ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0));
If you have several old ModelVersions you could be transforming to, you need a separate builder for each of those. |
Silently discard child resources
To make the ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder
do something, we
need to call some of its methods. For example, if we want to silently
discard a child resource, we can do
subsystemBuilder.discardChildResource(PathElement.pathElement("child", "discarded"));
This means that any usage of /subsystem=my-subsystem/child=discarded
never make it to the legacy secondary HC running ModelVersion 1.0.0. During
the initial domain model transfer, that part of the serialized domain
model is stripped out, and any operations on this address are not
forwarded on to the legacy secondary HCs running that version of the
subsystem. (For brevity this section will leave out the leading
part used in domain mode, and use
as the 'top-level' address).
Note that discarding, although the simplest option in theory, is rarely the right thing to do. |
The presence of the defined child normally implies some behaviour on the DC, and that behaviour is not available on the legacy secondary HC, so normally rejection is a better policy for those cases. Remember we can have different profiles targeting different groups of versions of legacy secondary HCs.
Reject child resource
If we want to reject transformation if a child resource exists, we can do
subsystemBuilder.rejectChildResource(PathElement.pathElement("child", "reject"));
Now, if there are any legacy secondary HCs running ModelVersion 1.0.0, any
usage of /subsystem=my-subsystem/child=reject
will get rejected for
those secondary HCs. Both during the initial domain model transfer, and if any
operations are invoked on that address. For example the remoting
subsystem did not have a http-connector=*
child until ModelVersion
2.0.0, so it is set up to reject that child when transforming to legacy
HCs for all previous ModelVersions (1.1.0, 1.2.0 and 1.3.0). (See
in resource transformers and
in operation transformers for exactly what happens when something is
Redirect address for child resource
Sometimes we rename the addresses for a child resource between model
versions. To do that we use one of the addChildRedirection()
note that these also return a builder for the child resource (since we
are not rejecting or discarding it), we can do this for all children of
a given type:
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder childBuilder =
subsystemBuilder.addChildRedirection(PathElement.pathElement("newChild"), PathElement.pathElement("oldChild");
Now, in the initial domain transfer
. Similarly all operations
against the former address get mapped to the latter when executing
operations on the DC before sending them to the legacy secondary HC running
ModelVersion 1.1.0 of the subsystem.
We can also rename a specific named child:
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder childBuilder =
subsystemBuilder.addChildRedirection(PathElement.pathElement("newChild", "newName"), PathElement.pathElement("oldChild", "oldName");
Now, /subsystem=my-subsystem/newChild=newName
both in the initial domain
transfer, and when mapping operations to the legacy secondary HC. For example,
under the web
subsystem ssl=configuration
got renamed to
in later versions, meaning we need a redirect from
to ssl=configuration
in its transformers.
Getting a child resource builder
Sometimes we don’t want to transform the subsystem resource, but we want to transform something in one of its child resources. Again, since we are not discarding or rejecting, we get a reference to the builder for the child resource.
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder childBuilder =
//We don't actually want to transform anything in /subsystem-my-subsystem/some-child=* either :-)
//We are interested in /subsystem-my-subsystem/some-child=*/another-level
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder anotherBuilder =
//Use anotherBuilder to add child-resource and/or attribute transformation
4.5.2. AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder
To transform attributes you call
returns you a AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder
which is used
to define transformation for the resource’s attributes. For example this
gets the attribute builder for the subsystem resource:
AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder attributeBuilder = subSystemBuilder.getAttributeBuilder();
or we could get it for one of the child resources:
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder childBuilder =
AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder attributeBuilder = childBuilder.getAttributeBuilder();
The attribute transformations defined by the
will also impact the
parameters to all operations defined on the resource. This means that if
you have defined the example
attribute of
to reject transformation if its
value is true
, the inital domain transfer will reject if it is true
also the transformation of the following operations will reject:
/subsystem=my-subsystem:write-attribute(name=example, value=true)
The following operations will pass in this example, since the example
attribute is not getting set to true
/subsystem=my-subsystem/some-child=test:add() //Here it 'example' is simply left undefined
/subsystem=my-subsystem:write-attribute(name=example, value=false)
/subsystem=my-subsystem:undefine-attribute(name=example) //Again this makes 'example' undefined
For the rest of the examples in this section we assume that the
is for /subsystem=my-subsystem
Attribute transformation lifecycle
There is a well defined lifecycle used for attribute transformation that is worth explaining before jumping into specifics. Transformation is done in the following phases, in the following order:
- All attributes in the domain model transfer or invoked operation that have been registered for a discard check, are checked to see if the attribute should be discarded. If an attribute should be discarded, it is removed from the resource’s attributes/operation’s parameters and it does not get passed to the next phases. Once discarded it does not get sent to the legacy secondary HC. -
- All attributes that have been registered for a reject check (and which not have been discarded) are checked to see if the attribute should be rejected. As explained in #Rejection in resource transformers and #Rejection in operation transformers exactly what happens when something is rejected varies depending on whether we are transforming a resource or an operation, and the version of the legacy secondary HC we are transforming for. If a transformer rejects an attribute, all other reject transformers still get invoked, and the next phases also get invoked. This is because we don’t know in all cases what will happen if a reject happens. Although this might sound cumbersome, in practice it actually makes it easier to write transformers since you only need one kind regardless of if it is a resource, an operation, and legacy secondary HC version. However, as we will see in Common transformation use-cases, it means some extra checks are needed when writing reject and convert transformers. -
- All attributes that have been registered for conversion are checked to see if the attribute should be converted. If the attribute does not exist in the original operation/resource it may be introduced. This is useful for setting default values for the target legacy secondary HC. -
- All attributes registered for renaming are renamed.
Next, let us have a look at how to register attributes for each of these phases.
Discarding attributes
The general idea behind a discard is that we remove attributes which do not exist in the legacy secondary HC’s model. However, as hopefully described below, we normally can’t simply discard everything, we need to check the values first.
To discard an attribute we need an instance of
and call the following method on the
DiscardAttributeChecker discardCheckerA = ....;
attributeBuilder.setDiscard(discardCheckerA, "attr1", "attr2");
As shown, you can register the DiscardAttributeChecker
for several
attributes at once, in the above example both attr1
and attr2
checked for if they should be discarded. You can also register different
instances for different attributes:
DiscardAttributeChecker discardCheckerA = ....;
DiscardAttributeChecker discardCheckerB = ....;
attributeBuilder.setDiscard(discardCheckerA, "attr1");
attributeBuilder.setDiscard(discardCheckerA, "attr2");
Note that you can only have one DiscardAttributeChecker
per attribute,
so the following would cause an error (if running with assertions
enabled, otherwise discardCheckerB
will overwrite discardCheckerA
DiscardAttributeChecker discardCheckerA = ....;
DiscardAttributeChecker discardCheckerB = ....;
attributeBuilder.setDiscard(discardCheckerA, "attr1");
attributeBuilder.setDiscard(discardCheckerB, "attr1");
The DiscardAttributeChecker interface
contains both the DiscardAttributeChecker
and some helper
implementations. The implementations of this interface get called for
each attribute they are registered against. The interface itself is
quite simple:
public interface DiscardAttributeChecker {
* Returns {@code true} if the attribute should be discarded if expressions are used
* @return whether to discard if expressions are used
boolean isDiscardExpressions();
Return true
here to discard the attribute if it is an expression. If
it is an expression, and this method returns true
, the
and isResourceAttributeDiscardable
methods will not get called.
* Returns {@code true} if the attribute should be discarded if it is undefined
* @return whether to discard if the attribute is undefined
boolean isDiscardUndefined();
Return true
here to discard the attribute if it is undefined
. If it
is undefined
, and this method returns true
, the
, isOperationParameterDiscardable
methods will not get called.
* Gets whether the given operation parameter can be discarded
* @param address the address of the operation
* @param attributeName the name of the operation parameter.
* @param attributeValue the value of the operation parameter.
* @param operation the operation executed. This is unmodifiable.
* @param context the context of the transformation
* @return {@code true} if the operation parameter value should be discarded, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean isOperationParameterDiscardable(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, ModelNode operation, TransformationContext context);
If we are transforming an operation, this method gets called for each
operation parameter. We have access to the address of the operation, the
name and value of the operation parameter, an unmodifiable copy of the
original operation and the TransformationContext
. The
allows you access to the original resource the
operation is working on before any transformation happened, which is
useful if you want to check other values in the resource if this is, say
a write-attribute
operation. Return true
to discard the operation.
* Gets whether the given attribute can be discarded
* @param address the address of the resource
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute
* @param attributeValue the value of the attribute
* @param context the context of the transformation
* @return {@code true} if the attribute value should be discarded, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean isResourceAttributeDiscardable(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context);
If we are transforming a resource, this method gets called for each
attribute in the resource. We have access to the address of the
resource, the name and value of the attribute, and the
. Return true
to discard the operation.
DiscardAttributeChecker helper classes/implementations
contains a few helper implementations for the
most common cases to save you writing the same stuff again and again.
is an abstract
convenience class. In most cases you don’t need a separate check for if
an operation or a resource is being transformed, so it makes both the
methods call the following method.
protected abstract boolean isValueDiscardable(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context);
All you lose, in the case of an operation transformation, is the name of
the transformed operation. The constructor of
also allows you
to define values for isDiscardExpressions()
This is another convenience class, which allows you to discard an
attribute if it has one or more values. Here is a real-world example
from the jpa
private void initializeTransformers_1_1_0(SubsystemRegistration subsystemRegistration) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
new DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker(new ModelNode(ExtendedPersistenceInheritance.DEEP.toString())),
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystemRegistration, ModelVersion.create(1, 1, 0));
We will come back to the reject checks in the
attributes section. We are saying that we should discard the
attribute if it
has the value deep
. The reasoning here is that this attribute did not
exist in the old model, but the legacy secondary HCs implied behaviour is
that this was deep
. In the current version we added the possibility to
toggle this setting, but only deep
is consistent with what is
available in the legacy secondary HC. In this case we are using the
constructor for DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker
which says don’t discard if it uses expressions, and discard if it is
. If it is undefined
in the current model, looking at the
default value of
, it is deep
so a discard is in line with the implied legacy behaviour. If an
expression is used, we cannot discard since we have no idea what the
expression will resolve to on the secondary HC.
will always discard an attribute. Use
this sparingly, since normally the presence of an attribute in the
current model implies some behaviour should be turned on, and if that
does not exist in the legacy model it implies that that behaviour does
not exist in the legacy secondary HC and its servers. Normally the legacy
secondary HC’s subsystem has some implied behaviour which is better checked
for by using a DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker
One valid use for DiscardAttributeChecker.ALWAYS
can be found in the
private static void registerTransformers_1_1_0(SubsystemRegistration subsystemRegistration) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance()
// We can always discard this attribute, because it's meaningless without the security-manager subsystem, and
// a legacy secondary HC can't have that subsystem in its profile.
.setDiscard(DiscardAttributeChecker.ALWAYS, EJB3SubsystemRootResourceDefinition.DISABLE_DEFAULT_EJB_PERMISSIONS)
As the comment says, this attribute only makes sense with the
security-manager susbsystem, which does not exist on legacy secondary HCs
running ModelVersion 1.1.0 of the ejb3
will discard an attribute if it is
. This is normally safer than
since the attribute is not set in the
current model, we don’t need to send it to the legacy model. However,
you should check that this attribute not existing in the legacy secondary
HC, implies the same functionality as being undefined in the current DC.
Rejecting attributes
The next step is to check attributes and values which we know for sure will not work on the target legacy secondary HC.
To reject an attribute we need an instance of
and call the following method on the
RejectAttributeChecker rejectCheckerA = ....;
attributeBuilder.addRejectCheck(rejectCheckerA, "attr1", "attr2");
As shown you can register the RejectAttributeChecker
for several
attributes at once, in the above example both attr1
and attr2
checked for if they should be discarded. You can also register different
instances for different attributes:
RejectAttributeChecker rejectCheckerA = ....;
RejectAttributeChecker rejectCheckerB = ....;
attributeBuilder.addRejectCheck(rejectCheckerA, "attr1");
attributeBuilder.addRejectCheck(rejectCheckerB, "attr2");
You can also register several RejectAttributeChecker
instances per
RejectAttributeChecker rejectCheckerA = ....;
RejectAttributeChecker rejectCheckerB = ....;
attributeBuilder.addRejectCheck(rejectCheckerA, "attr1");
attributeBuilder.addRejectCheck(rejectCheckerB, "attr1, "attr2");
In this case attr1
gets both rejectCheckerA
and rejectCheckerB
For attributes with several RejectAttributeChecker
registered, they
get processed in the order that they have been added. So when checking
for rejection, rejectCheckerA
gets run before
. As mentioned in
transformation lifecycle, if an attribute is rejected, we still invoke
the rest of the reject checkers.
The RejectAttributeChecker interface
contains both the RejectAttributeChecker
and some helper
implementations. The implementations of this interface get called for
each attribute they are registered against. The interface itself is
quite simple, and its main methods are similar to
public interface RejectAttributeChecker {
* Determines whether the given operation parameter value is not understandable by the target process and needs
* to be rejected.
* @param address the address of the operation
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute
* @param attributeValue the value of the attribute
* @param operation the operation executed. This is unmodifiable.
* @param context the context of the transformation
* @return {@code true} if the parameter value is not understandable by the target process and so needs to be rejected, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean rejectOperationParameter(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, ModelNode operation, TransformationContext context);
If we are transforming an operation, this method gets called for each
operation parameter. We have access to the address of the operation, the
name and value of the operation parameter, an unmodifiable copy of the
original operation and the TransformationContext
. The
allows you access to the original resource the
operation is working on before any transformation happened, which is
useful if you want to check other values in the resource if this is, say
a write-attribute
operation. Return true
to reject the operation.
* Gets whether the given resource attribute value is not understandable by the target process and needs
* to be rejected.
* @param address the address of the resource
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute
* @param attributeValue the value of the attribute
* @param context the context of the transformation
* @return {@code true} if the attribute value is not understandable by the target process and so needs to be rejected, {@code false} otherwise.
boolean rejectResourceAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context);
If we are transforming a resource, this method gets called for each
attribute in the resource. We have access to the address of the
resource, the name and value of the attribute, and the
. Return true
to discard the operation.
* Returns the log message id used by this checker. This is used to group it so that all attributes failing a type of rejection
* end up in the same error message
* @return the log message id
String getRejectionLogMessageId();
Here we need a unique id for the log message from the
. It is used to group rejected attributes by
their log message. A typical implementation will contain \{\{return
getRejectionLogMessage(Collections.<String, ModelNode>emptyMap());}
* Gets the log message if the attribute failed rejection
* @param attributes a map of all attributes failed in this checker and their values
* @return the formatted log message
String getRejectionLogMessage(Map<String, ModelNode> attributes);
Here we return a message saying why the attributes were rejected, with the possibility to format the message to include the names of all the rejected attributes and the values they had.
RejectAttributeChecker helper classes/implementations
contains a few helper classes for the most
common scenarios to save you from writing the same stuff again and
is an abstract
convenience class. In most cases you don’t need a separate check for if
an operation or a resource is being transformed, so it makes both the
and rejectResourceAttribute()
call the following method.
protected abstract boolean rejectAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context);
Like DefaultDiscardAttributeChecker
, all you loose is the name of the
transformed operation, in the case of operation transformation.
is used to reject any attribute that
has a defined value. Normally this is because the attribute does not
exist on the target legacy secondary HC. A typical use case for these is for
the implied behavior example we looked at in the jpa
subsystem in
private void initializeTransformers_1_1_0(SubsystemRegistration subsystemRegistration) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
new DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker(new ModelNode(ExtendedPersistenceInheritance.DEEP.toString())),
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystemRegistration, ModelVersion.create(1, 1, 0));
So we discard the
value if it is
not an expression, and also has the value deep
. Now if it was not
discarded, it would will still be defined so we reject it.
Reject and discard often work in pairs. |
can be used to reject an
attribute that contains expressions. This was used a lot for
transformations to subsystems in JBoss AS 7.1.x, since we had not fully
realized the importance of where to support expressions until JBoss AS
7.2.0 was released, so a lot of attributes in earlier versions were
missing expressions support.
RejectAttributeChecker}}s we have seen so far work on simple attributes, i.e. where the attribute has a ModelType which is one of the primitives. We also have a {{RejectAttributeChecker.ListRejectAttributeChecker
which allows you to define a checker for the elements of a list, when
the type of an attribute is ModelType.LIST
.addRejectCheck(new ListRejectAttributeChecker(RejectAttributeChecker.EXPRESSIONS), "attr1");
For attr1
it will check each element of the list and run
to check that each element is not
an expression. You can of course pass in another kind of
to check the elements as well.
For attributes where the type is ModelType.OBJECT
we have
which allows
you to register different reject checkers for the different fields of
the registered object.
Map<String, RejectAttributeChecker> fieldRejectCheckers = new HashMap<String, RejectAttributeChecker>();
fieldRejectCheckers.put("time", RejectAttributeChecker.SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS);
fieldRejectCheckers.put("unit", "Lunar Month");
.addRejectCheck(new ObjectFieldsRejectAttributeChecker(fieldRejectCheckers), "attr1");
Now if attr1
is a complex type where
attr1.get("time").getType() == ModelType.EXPRESSION
attr1.get("unit").asString().equals("Lunar Month")
we reject the
Converting attributes
To convert an attribute you register an
instance against the attributes you want to convert:
AttributeConverter converterA = ...;
AttributeConverter converterB = ...;
.setValueConverter(converterA, "attr1", "attr2");
.setValueConverter(converterB, "attr3");
Now if attr1
and attr2
get converted with converterA
, while
gets converted with converterB
The AttributeConverter interface
The AttributeConverter
interface gets called for each attribute for
which the AttributeConverter
has been registered
public interface AttributeConverter {
* Converts an operation parameter
* @param address the address of the operation
* @param attributeName the name of the operation parameter
* @param attributeValue the value of the operation parameter to be converted
* @param operation the operation executed. This is unmodifiable.
* @param context the context of the transformation
void convertOperationParameter(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, ModelNode operation, TransformationContext context);
If we are transforming an operation, this method gets called for each
operation parameter for which the con. We have access to the address of
the operation, the name and value of the operation parameter, an
unmodifiable copy of the original operation and the
. The TransformationContext
allows you access
to the original resource the operation is working on before any
transformation happened, which is useful if you want to check other
values in the resource if this is, say a write-attribute operation. To
change the attribute value, you modify the attributeValue
* Converts a resource attribute
* @param address the address of the operation
* @param attributeName the name of the attribute
* @param attributeValue the value of the attribute to be converted
* @param context the context of the transformation
void convertResourceAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context);
If we are transforming a resource, this method gets called for each
attribute in the resource. We have access to the address of the
resource, the name and value of the attribute, and the
. To change the attribute value, you modify the
A hypothetical example is if the current and legacy subsystems both
contain an attribute called timeout
. In the legacy model this was
specified to be milliseconds, however in the current model it has been
changed to be seconds, hence we need to convert the value when sending
it to secondary HCs using the legacy model:
AttributeConverter secondsToMs = new AttributeConverter.DefaultAttributeConverter() {
protected void convertAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue,
TransformationContext context) {
if (attributeValue.isDefined()) {
int seconds = attributeValue.asInt();
int milliseconds = seconds * 1000;
.setValueConverter(secondsToMs , "timeout")
We need to be a bit careful here. If the timeout
attribute is an
expression our nice conversion will not work, so we need to add a reject
check to make sure it is not an expression as well:
.addRejectCheck(SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS, "timeout")
.setValueConverter(secondsToMs , "timeout")
Now it should be fine.
is is an abstract
convenience class. In most cases you don’t need a separate check for if
an operation or a resource is being transformed, so it makes both the
convertOperationParameter() and convertResourceAttribute() methods call
the following method.
protected abstract void convertAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context);
Like DefaultDiscardAttributeChecker
, all you loose is the name of the
transformed operation, in the case of operation transformation.
Say both the current and the legacy models have an attribute called
. In the legacy version this attribute had to be specified, and
the default xml configuration had 1234
for its value. In the current
version this attribute has been made optional with a default value of
so that it does not need to be specified. When transforming to a
secondary HC using the old version we will need to introduce this attribute
if the new model does not contain it:
setValueConverter(AttributeConverter.Factory.createHardCoded(new ModelNode(1234) true), "port");
So what this factory method does is to create an implementation of
where in
we set attributeValue
to have the value 1234
it is undefined
. As long as attributeValue
gets set in that method
it will get set in the model, regardless of if it existed already or
Renaming attributes
To rename an attribute, you simply do
attributeBuilder.addRename("my-name", "legacy-name");
Now, in the initial domain transfer to the legacy secondary HC, we rename
/subsystem=my-subsystem’s `my-name
attribute to legacy-name
. Also,
the operations involving this attribute are affected, so
/subsystem=my-subsystem/:add(my-name=true) ->
/subsystem=my-subsystem:write-attribute(name=my-name, value=true) ->
/subsystem=my-subsystem:write-attribute(name=legacy-name, value=true)
/subsystem=my-subsystem:undefine-attribute(name=my-name) ->
4.5.3. OperationTransformationOverrideBuilder
All operations on a resource automatically get the same transformations
on their parameters as set up by the
. In some cases you might
want to change this, so you can use the
, which is got from:
OperationTransformationOverrideBuilder operationBuilder = subSystemBuilder.addOperationTransformationOverride("some-operation");
In this case the operation will now no longer inherit the
attribute/operation parameter transformations, so they are effectively
turned off. In other cases you might want to include them by calling
, and to include some more checks
(the OperationTransformationBuilder
interface has all the methods
found in AttributeTransformationBuilder
OperationTransformationOverrideBuilder operationBuilder = subSystemBuilder.addOperationTransformationOverride("some-operation");
operationBuilder.setValueConverter(AttributeConverter.Factory.createHardCoded(new ModelNode(1234) true), "port");
You can also rename operations, in this case the operation
gets renamed to legacy-operation
before getting sent
to the legacy secondary HC.
OperationTransformationOverrideBuilder operationBuilder = subSystemBuilder.addOperationTransformationOverride("some-operation");
4.6. Evolving transformers with subsystem ModelVersions
Say you have a subsystem with ModelVersions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0. There will (hopefully!) already be transformers in place for 1.1.0 to 1.0.0 transformations. Let’s say that the transformers registration looks like:
public class SomeExtension implements Extension {
private static final String SUBSYSTEM_NAME = "my-subsystem"'
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION = 1;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MINOR_VERSION = 1;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MICRO_VERSION = 0;
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {
SubsystemRegistration registration = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME, MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION,
//Register the resource definitions
private void registerTransformers(final SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
* Registers transformers from the current version to ModelVersion 1.0.0
private void registerTransformers_1_0_0(SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
.addRejectCheck(RejectAttributeChecker.DEFINED, "attr1")
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystem, ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0));
Now say we want to do a new version of the model. This new version contains a new attribute called 'new-attr' which cannot be defined when transforming to 1.1.0, we bump the model version to 2.0.0:
public class SomeExtension implements Extension {
private static final String SUBSYSTEM_NAME = "my-subsystem"'
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MINOR_VERSION = 0;
private static final int MANAGEMENT_API_MICRO_VERSION = 0;
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {
SubsystemRegistration registration = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME, MANAGEMENT_API_MAJOR_VERSION,
//Register the resource definitions
There are a few ways to evolve your transformers:
4.6.1. The old way
This is the way that has been used up to WildFly 33.x. However, in WildFly 9 and later, it is strongly recommended to migrate to what is mentioned in #Chained transformers
Now we need some new transformers from the current ModelVersion to 1.1.0
where we reject any defined occurrances of our new attribute new-attr
private void registerTransformers(final SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
* Registers transformers from the current version to ModelVersion 1.1.0
private void registerTransformers_1_1_0(SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
.addRejectCheck(RejectAttributeChecker.DEFINED, "new-attr")
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystem, ModelVersion.create(1, 1, 0));
So that is all well and good, however we also need to take into account
that new-attr
does not exist in ModelVersion 1.0.0 either, so we
need to extend our transformer for 1.0.0 to reject it there as well. As
you can see 1.0.0 also rejects a defined 'attr1' in addition to the
'new-attr'(which is rejected in both versions).
* Registers transformers from the current version to ModelVersion 1.0.0
private void registerTransformers_1_0_0(SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
.addRejectCheck(RejectAttributeChecker.DEFINED, "attr1", "new-attr")
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystem, ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0));
Now new-attr
will be rejected if defined for all previous model
4.6.2. Chained transformers
Since 'The old way' had a lot of duplication of code, since WildFly 9 we
now have chained transformers. You obtain a
which is a different entry
point to the ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder
we have seen
earlier. Each ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder
deals with
transformation across one version delta.
private void registerTransformers(SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
ModelVersion version1_1_0 = ModelVersion.create(1, 1, 0);
ModelVersion version1_0_0 = ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0);
ChainedTransformationDescriptionBuilder chainedBuilder =
//Differences between the current version and 1.1.0
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder110 =
chainedBuilder.create(subsystem.getSubsystemVersion(), version1_1_0);
.addRejectCheck(RejectAttributeChecker.DEFINED, "new-attr")
//Differences between the 1.1.0 and 1.0.0
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder100 =
chainedBuilder.create(subsystem.getSubsystemVersion(), version1_0_0);
.addRejectCheck(RejectAttributeChecker.DEFINED, "attr1")
chainedBuilder.buildAndRegister(subsystem, new ModelVersion[]{version1_0_0, version1_1_0});
The buildAndRegister(ModelVersion[]… chains)
method registers a
chain consisting of the built builder110
and builder100
transformation to 1.0.0, and a chain consisting of the built
for transformation to 1.1.0. It allows you to specify more
than one chain.
Now when transforming from the current version to 1.0.0, the resource is
first transformed from the current version to 1.1.0 (which rejects a
defined new-attr
) and then it is transformed from 1.1.0 to 1.0.0
(which rejects a defined attr1
). So when evolving transformers you
should normally only need to add things to the last version delta. The
full current-to-1.1.0 transformation is run before the 1.1.0-to-1.0.0
transformation is run.
One thing worth pointing out that the value returned by
TransformationContext.readResource(PathAddress address)
TransformationContext.readResourceFromRoot(PathAddress address)
you can use from your custom RejectAttributeChecker
and AttributeConverter
behaves slightly
differently depending on if you are transforming an operation or a
During resource transformation this will be the latest model, so in our above example, in the current-to-1.1.0 transformation it will be the original model. In the 1.1.0-to-1.0.0 transformation, it will be the result of the current-to-1.1.0 transformation.
During operation transformation these methods will always return the original model (we are transforming operations, not resources!).
In WildFly 9 we are now less aggressive about transforming to all previous versions of WildFly, however we still have a lot of good tests for running against 7.1.x, 8. Also, for Red Hat employees we have tests against EAP versions. These tests no longer get run by default, to run them you need to specify some system properties when invoking maven. They are:
- enables the non-default subsystem tests. -
-Djboss.test.transformers.eap - (Red Hat developers only), enables the eap tests, but only the ones run by default. If run in conjunction with
you get all the possible subsystem tests run. -
-Djboss.test.transformers.core.old - enables the non-default core model tests.
4.7. Testing transformers
To test transformation you need to extend
. Then, in order
to have the best test coverage possible, you should test the fullest
configuration that will work, and you should also test configurations
that don’t work if you have rejecting transformers registered. The
following example is from the threads subsystem, and I have only
included the tests against 7.1.2 - there are more! First we need to set
up our test:
public class ThreadsSubsystemTestCase extends AbstractSubsystemBaseTest {
public ThreadsSubsystemTestCase() {
super(ThreadsExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, new ThreadsExtension());
protected String getSubsystemXml() throws IOException {
return readResource("threads-subsystem-1_1.xml");
So we say that this test is for the threads
subsystem, and that it is
implemented by ThreadsExtension
. This is the same test framework as we
use in
subsystem#Testing the parsers, but we will only talk about the parts
relevant to transformers here.
4.7.1. Testing a configuration that works
To test a configuration xxx
public void testTransformerAS712() throws Exception {
* Tests transformation of model from 1.1.0 version into 1.0.0 version.
* @throws Exception
private void testTransformer_1_0(ModelTestControllerVersion controllerVersion) throws Exception {
String subsystemXml = "threads-transform-1_0.xml"; //This has no expressions not understood by 1.0
ModelVersion modelVersion = ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0); //The old model version
//Use the non-runtime version of the extension which will happen on the HC
KernelServicesBuilder builder = createKernelServicesBuilder(AdditionalInitialization.MANAGEMENT)
final PathAddress subsystemAddress = PathAddress.pathAddress(PathElement.pathElement(SUBSYSTEM, mainSubsystemName));
// Add legacy subsystems
builder.createLegacyKernelServicesBuilder(null, controllerVersion, modelVersion)
.addOperationValidationResolve("add", subsystemAddress.append(PathElement.pathElement("thread-factory")))
.addMavenResourceURL("" + controllerVersion.getMavenGavVersion())
KernelServices mainServices =;
KernelServices legacyServices = mainServices.getLegacyServices(modelVersion);
checkSubsystemModelTransformation(mainServices, modelVersion);
What this test does is get the builder to configure the test controller
using threads-transform-1_0.xml
. This main builder works with the
current subsystem version, and the jars in the WildFly checkout.
Next we configure a 'legacy' controller. This will run the version of
the core libraries (e.g the controller
module) as found in the
targeted legacy version of JBoss AS/WildFly), and the subsystem. We need
to pass in that it is using the core AS version 7.1.2.Final (i.e. the
part) and that that version is
ModelVersion 1.0.0. Next we have some addMavenResourceURL()
passing in the Maven GAVs of the old version of the subsystem and any
dependencies it has needed to boot up. Normally, specifying just the
Maven GAV of the old version of the subsystem is enough, but that
depends on your subsystem. In this case the old subsystem GAV is enough.
When booting up the legacy controller the framework uses the parsed
operations from the main controller and transforms them using the 1.0.0
transformer in the threads subsystem. The
and excludeFromParent()
calls are
not normally necessary, see the javadoc for more examples.
The call to
will build both the main
controller and the legacy controller. As part of that it also boots up a
second copy of the main controller using the transformed operations to
make sure that the 'old' ops to boot our subsystem will still work on
the current controller, which is important for backwards compatibility
of CLI scripts. To tweak how that is done if you see failures there, see
. The
is what gets returned by
Finally we call checkSubsystemModelTransformation()
which reads the
full legacy subsystem model. The legacy subsystem model will have been
built up from the transformed boot operations from the parsed xml. The
operations get transformed by the operation transformers. Then it takes
the model of the current subsystem and transforms that using the
resource transformers. Then it compares the two models, which should be
the same. In some rare cases it is not possible to get those two models
exactly the same, so there is a version of this method that takes a
to make adjustments. The
method also makes sure that the
legacy model is valid according to the legacy subsystem’s resource
The legacy subsystem resource definitions are read on demand from the
legacy controller when the tests run. In some older versions of
subsystems (before we converted everything to use ResourceDefinition,
and DescriptionProvider implementations were coded by hand) there were
occasional problems with the resource definitions and they needed to be
touched up. In this case you can generate a new one, touch it up and
store the result in a file in the test resources under
- model-version
This will then prefer the file read from the file system to the one read
at runtime. To generate the .dmr file, you need to generate it by adding
a temporary test (make sure that you adjust controllerVersion
to what you want to generate):
public void deleteMeWhenDone() throws Exception {
ModelTestControllerVersion controllerVersion = ModelTestControllerVersion.V7_1_2_FINAL;
ModelVersion modelVersion = ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0);
KernelServicesBuilder builder = createKernelServicesBuilder(null);
builder.createLegacyKernelServicesBuilder(null, controllerVersion, modelVersion)
.addMavenResourceURL("" + controllerVersion.getMavenGavVersion());
KernelServices services =;
generateLegacySubsystemResourceRegistrationDmr(services, modelVersion);
Now run the test and delete it. The legacy .dmr file should be in
Copy this .dmr file to the correct location in your project’s test
4.7.2. Testing a configuration that does not work
The threads
subsystem (like several others) did not support the use of
expression values in the version that came with JBoss AS 7.1.2.Final. So
we have a test that attempts to use expressions, and then fixes each
resource and attribute where expressions were not allowed.
public void testRejectExpressionsAS712() throws Exception {
private void testRejectExpressions_1_0_0(ModelTestControllerVersion controllerVersion) throws Exception {
// create builder for current subsystem version
KernelServicesBuilder builder = createKernelServicesBuilder(createAdditionalInitialization());
// create builder for legacy subsystem version
ModelVersion version_1_0_0 = ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0);
builder.createLegacyKernelServicesBuilder(null, controllerVersion, version_1_0_0)
.addMavenResourceURL("" + controllerVersion.getMavenGavVersion())
KernelServices mainServices =;
KernelServices legacyServices = mainServices.getLegacyServices(version_1_0_0);
Assert.assertTrue("main services did not boot", mainServices.isSuccessfulBoot());
List<ModelNode> xmlOps = builder.parseXmlResource("expressions.xml");
ModelTestUtils.checkFailedTransformedBootOperations(mainServices, version_1_0_0, xmlOps, getConfig());
Again we boot up a current and a legacy controller. However, note in
this case that they are both empty, no xml was parsed on boot so there
are no operations to boot up the model. Instead once the controllers
have been booted, we call KernelServicesBuilder.parseXmlResource()
which gets the operations from expressions.xml
. expressions.xml
expressions in all the places they were not allowed in 7.1.2.Final. For
each resource ModelTestUtils.checkFailedTransformedBootOperations()
will check that the add
operation gets rejected, and then correct one
attribute at a time until the resource has been totally corrected. Once
the add
operation is totally correct, it will check that the add
operation no longer is rejected. The configuration for this is the
returned by the getConfig()
private FailedOperationTransformationConfig getConfig() {
PathAddress subsystemAddress = PathAddress.pathAddress(ThreadsExtension.SUBSYSTEM_PATH);
FailedOperationTransformationConfig.RejectExpressionsConfig allowedAndKeepalive =
new FailedOperationTransformationConfig.RejectExpressionsConfig(PoolAttributeDefinitions.ALLOW_CORE_TIMEOUT, PoolAttributeDefinitions.KEEPALIVE_TIME);
return new FailedOperationTransformationConfig()
So what this means is that we expect the allow-core-timeout
attributes for the
and bounded-queue-thread-pool=
add operations to use expressions in the parsed xml. We then expect them
to fail since there should be transformers in place to reject
expressions, and correct them one at a time until the add operation
should pass. As well as doing the add
operations the
method will also
try calling write-attribute
for each attribute, correcting as it goes
along. As well as allowing you to test rejection of expressions
also has some helper classes to
help testing rejection of other scenarios.
4.8. Common transformation use-cases
Most transformations are quite similar, so this section covers some of the actual transformation patterns found in the WildFly codebase. We will look at the output of CompareModelVersionsUtil, and see what can be done to transform for the older secondary HCs. The examples come from the WildFly codebase but are stripped down to focus solely on the use-case being explained in an attempt to keep things as clear/simple as possible.
4.8.1. Child resource type does not exist in legacy model
Looking at the model comparison between WildFly and JBoss AS 7.2.0,
there is a change to the remoting
subsystem. The relevant part of the
output is:
======= Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "remoting"] - Current version: 2.0.0; legacy version: 1.2.0 =======
--- Problems for relative address to root []:
Missing child types in current: []; missing in legacy [http-connector]
So our current model has added a child type called http-connector
which was not there in 7.2.0. This is configurable, and adds new
behavior, so it can not be part of a configuration sent across to a
legacy secondary HC running version 1.2.0. So we add the following to
to reject all instances of that child type against
ModelVersion 1.2.0.
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {
if (context.isRegisterTransformers()) {
private void registerTransformers_1_2(SubsystemRegistration registration) {
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(get1_2_0_1_3_0Description(), registration, VERSION_1_2);
private static TransformationDescription get1_2_0_1_3_0Description() {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
Since this child resource type also does not exist in ModelVersion 1.1.0 we need to reject it there as well using a similar mechanism.
4.8.2. Attribute does not exist in the legacy subsystem
Default value of the attribute is the same as legacy implied
This example also comes from the remoting
subsystem, and is probably
the most common type of transformation. The comparison tells us that
there is now an attribute under
called protocol
which did not exist in the older version:
======= Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "remoting"] - Current version: 2.0.0; legacy version: 1.2.0 =======
--- Problems for relative address to root []:
--- Problems for relative address to root ["remote-outbound-connection" => "*"]:
Missing attributes in current: []; missing in legacy [protocol]
Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: []; missing in legacy [protocol]
This difference also affects the add
operation. Looking at the current
model the valid values for the protocol
attribute are remote
and https-remoting
. The last two are new protocols
introduced in WildFly 33, meaning that the implied behaviour in JBoss
7.2.0 and earlier is the remote
protocol. Since this attribute does
not exist in the legacy model we want to discard this attribute if it is
or if it has the value remote
, both of which are in line
with what the legacy secondary HC is hardwired to use. Also we want to
reject it if it has a value different from remote
. So what we need to
do when registering transformers against ModelVersion 1.2.0 to handle
this attribute:
private void registerTransformers_1_2(SubsystemRegistration registration) {
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(get1_2_0_1_3_0Description(), registration, VERSION_1_2);
private static TransformationDescription get1_2_0_1_3_0Description() {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
private static AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder protocolTransform(AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder) {
builder.setDiscard(new DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker(new ModelNode(Protocol.REMOTE.toString())), RemoteOutboundConnectionResourceDefinition.PROTOCOL)
.addRejectCheck(RejectAttributeChecker.DEFINED, RemoteOutboundConnectionResourceDefinition.PROTOCOL);
return builder;
So the first thing to happens is that we register a
which discards
the attribute if it is either undefined
(the default value in the
current model is remote
), or defined
and has the value remote
Remembering that the discard
phase always happens before the reject
phase, the reject checker checks that the protocol
attribute is
defined, and rejects it if it is. The only reason it would be defined
in the reject check, is if it was not discarded by the discard check.
Hopefully this example shows that the discard and reject checkers often
work in pairs.
An alternative way to write the protocolTransform()
method would be:
private static AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder protocolTransform(AttributeTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder) {
builder.setDiscard(new DiscardAttributeChecker.DefaultDiscardAttributeChecker() {
protected boolean isValueDiscardable(final PathAddress address, final String attributeName, final ModelNode attributeValue, final TransformationCon
return !attributeValue.isDefined() || attributeValue.asString().equals(Protocol.REMOTE.toString());
}, RemoteOutboundConnectionResourceDefinition.PROTOCOL)
.addRejectCheck(RejectAttributeChecker.DEFINED, RemoteOutboundConnectionResourceDefinition.PROTOCOL);
return builder;
The reject check remains the same, but we have implemented the discard
check by using DiscardAttributeChecker.DefaultDiscardAttributeChecker
instead. However, the effect of the discard check is exactly the same as
when we used DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker
Default value of the attribute is different from legacy implied
We touched on this in the weld subsystem example we used earlier in this
guide, but let’s take a more thorough look. Our comparison tells us that
we have two new attributes require-bean-descriptor
====== Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "weld"] - Current version: 2.0.0; legacy version: 1.0.0 ======= --- Problems for relative address to root []: Missing attributes in current: []; missing in legacy [require-bean-descriptor, non-portable-mode] Missing parameters for operation 'add' in current: []; missing in legacy [require-bean-descriptor, non-portable-mode]
Now when we look at this we see that the default value for both of the
attributes in the current model is false
, which allows us more
flexible behavior introduced in CDI 1.1 (which was introduced with this
version of the subsystem). The old model does not have these attributes,
and implements CDI 1.0, which under the hood (using our weld subsystem
expertise knowledge) implies the values true
for both of these. So our
transformer must reject anything that is not true
for these
attributes. Let us look at the transformer registered by the
private void registerTransformers(SubsystemRegistration subsystem) {
ResourceTransformationDescriptionBuilder builder = TransformationDescriptionBuilder.Factory.createSubsystemInstance();
//These new attributes are assumed to be 'true' in the old version but default to false in the current version. So discard if 'true' and reject if 'undefined'.
.setDiscard(new DiscardAttributeChecker.DiscardAttributeValueChecker(false, false, new ModelNode(true)),
.addRejectCheck(new RejectAttributeChecker.DefaultRejectAttributeChecker() {
public String getRejectionLogMessage(Map<String, ModelNode> attributes) {
return WeldMessages.MESSAGES.rejectAttributesMustBeTrue(attributes.keySet());
protected boolean rejectAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue,
TransformationContext context) {
//This will not get called if it was discarded, so reject if it is undefined (default==false) or if defined and != 'true'
return !attributeValue.isDefined() || !attributeValue.asString().equals("true");
TransformationDescription.Tools.register(, subsystem, ModelVersion.create(1, 0, 0));
This looks a bit more scary than the previous transformer we have seen,
but isn’t actually too bad. The first thing we do is register a
which will
discard the attribute if it has the value true
. It will not discard if
it is undefined
since that defaults to false
. This is registered for
both attributes.
If the attributes had the value true
they will get discarded we will
not hit the reject checker since discarded attributes never get checked
for rejection. If on the other hand they were an expression (since we
are interested in the actual value, but cannot evaluate what value an
expression will resolve to on the target from the DC running the
transformers), false
, or undefined
(which will then default to
) they will not get discarded and will need to be rejected. So
method will return true
(i.e. reject) if the attribute value is
(since that defaults to false
) or if it is defined and
'not equal to `true’. It is better to check for 'not equal to `true’
than to check for 'equal to `false’ since if an expression was used we
still want to reject, and only the 'not equal to `true’ check would
actually kick in in that case.
The other thing we need in our
is to override
the getRejectionLogMessage()
method to get the message to be displayed
when rejecting the transformation. In this case it says something along
the lines "These attributes must be 'true' for use with CDI 1.0 '%s'",
with the names of the attributes having been rejected substituting the
4.8.3. Attribute has a different default value
(The gist of this is to use a value converter, such that if the attribute is undefined, and hence the default value will take effect, then the value gets converted to the current version’s default value. This ensures that the legacy HC will use the same effective setting as current version HCs.
Note however that a change in default values is a form of incompatible API change, since CLI scripts written assuming the old defaults will now produce a configuration that behaves differently. Transformers make it possible to have a consistently configured domain even in the presence of this kind of incompatible change, but that doesn’t mean such changes are good practice. They are generally unacceptable in WildFly’s own subsystems.
One trick to ameliorate the impact of a default value change is to
modify the xml parser for the old schema version such that if the xml
attribute is not configured, the parser sets the old default value for
the attribute, instead of undefined
. This approach allows the parsing
of old config documents to produce results consistent with what happened
when they were created. It does not help with CLI scripts though.)
4.8.4. Attribute has a different type
Here the example comes from the capacity
parameter some way into the
subsystem, and the legacy version is AS 7.1.2.Final. There
are quite a few differences, so I am only showing the ones relevant for
this example:
====== Resource root address: ["subsystem" => "modcluster"] - Current version: 2.0.0; legacy version: 1.2.0 ======= ... --- Problems for relative address to root ["mod-cluster-config" => "configuration","dynamic-load-provider" => "configuration","custom-load-m etric" => "*"]: Different 'type' for attribute 'capacity'. Current: DOUBLE; legacy: INT Different 'expressions-allowed' for attribute 'capacity'. Current: true; legacy: false ... Different 'type' for parameter 'capacity' of operation 'add'. Current: DOUBLE; legacy: INT Different 'expressions-allowed' for parameter 'capacity' of operation 'add'. Current: true; legacy: false
So as we can see expressions are not allowed for the capacity
attribute, and the current type is double
while the legacy subsystem
is int
. So this means that if the value is for example 2.0
we can
convert this to 2
, but 2.5
cannot be converted. The way this is
solved in the ModClusterExtension is to register the following some
other attributes are registered here, but hopefully it is clear anyway:
.addRejectCheck(CapacityCheckerAndConverter.INSTANCE, CAPACITY)
.setValueConverter(CapacityCheckerAndConverter.INSTANCE, CAPACITY)
So we register that we should reject expressions, and we also register
the CapacityCheckerAndConverter
for capacity
extends the convenience class
which implements the
, RejectAttributeChecker
, and
interfaces. We have seen DiscardAttributeChecker
and RejectAttributeChecker
in previous examples. Since we now need to
convert a value we need an instance of AttributeConverter
static class CapacityCheckerAndConverter extends DefaultCheckersAndConverter {
static final CapacityCheckerAndConverter INSTANCE = new CapacityCheckerAndConverter();
We should not discard so isValueDiscardable()
always returns false
protected boolean isValueDiscardable(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context) {
//Not used for discard
return false;
public String getRejectionLogMessage(Map<String, ModelNode> attributes) {
return ModClusterMessages.MESSAGES.capacityIsExpressionOrGreaterThanIntegerMaxValue(attributes.get(CAPACITY.getName()));
Now we check to see if we can convert the attribute to an int
reject if not. Note that if it is an expression, we have no idea what
its value will resolve to on the target host, so we need to reject it.
Then we try to change it into an int
, and reject if that was not
protected boolean rejectAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context) {
if (checkForExpression(attributeValue)
|| (attributeValue.isDefined() && !isIntegerValue(attributeValue.asDouble()))) {
return true;
Long converted = convert(attributeValue);
return (converted != null && (converted > Integer.MAX_VALUE || converted < Integer.MIN_VALUE));
And then finally we do the conversion:
protected void convertAttribute(PathAddress address, String attributeName, ModelNode attributeValue, TransformationContext context) {
Long converted = convert(attributeValue);
if (converted != null && converted <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && converted >= Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
private Long convert(ModelNode attributeValue) {
if (attributeValue.isDefined() && !checkForExpression(attributeValue)) {
double raw = attributeValue.asDouble();
if (isIntegerValue(raw)) {
return Math.round(raw);
return null;
private boolean isIntegerValue(double raw) {
return raw == Double.valueOf(Math.round(raw)).doubleValue();
References in this document to Java Persistence API (JPA) refer to the Jakarta Persistence unless otherwise noted. |
5. Key Interfaces and Classes Relevant to Extension Developers
In the first major section of this guide, we provided an example of how to implement an extension to the AS. The emphasis there was learning by doing. In this section, we’ll focus a bit more on the major WildFly interfaces and classes that most are relevant to extension developers. The best way to learn about these interfaces and classes in detail is to look at their javadoc. What we’ll try to do here is provide a brief introduction of the key items and how they relate to each other.
Before digging into this section, readers are encouraged to read the "Core Management Concepts" section of the Admin Guide.
5.1. Extension Interface
interface is the hook by which
your extension to the AS kernel is able to integrate with the AS. During
boot of the AS, when the <extension>
element in the AS’s xml
configuration file naming your extension is parsed, the JBoss Modules
module named in the element’s name attribute is loaded. The standard JDK
mechanism is then used to load your module’s
implementation of this interface.
The function of an Extension
implementation is to register with the
core AS the management API, xml parsers and xml marshallers associated
with the extension module’s subsystems. An Extension
can register
multiple subsystems, although the usual practice is to register just one
per extension.
Once the Extension
is loaded, the core AS will make two invocations
upon it:
void initializeParsers(ExtensionParsingContext context)
When this is invoked, it is the Extension
responsibility to initialize the XML parsers for this extension’s
subsystems and register them with the given ExtensionParsingContext
The parser’s job when it is later called is to create
objects representing WildFly management API
operations needed make the AS’s running configuration match what is
described in the xml. Those management operation ModelNode
s are added
to a list passed in to the parser.
A parser for each version of the xml schema used by a subsystem should be registered. A well behaved subsystem should be able to parse any version of its schema that it has ever published in a final release.
void initialize(ExtensionContext context)
When this is invoked, it is the Extension
responsibility to register with the core AS the management API for its
subsystems, and to register the object that is capable of marshalling
the subsystem’s in-memory configuration back to XML. Only one XML
marshaller is registered per subsystem, even though multiple XML parsers
can be registered. The subsystem should always write documents that
conform to the latest version of its XML schema.
The registration of a subsystem’s management API is done via the
interface. Before discussing that
interface in detail, let’s describe how it (and the related Resource
interface) relate to the notion of managed resources in the AS.
5.2. WildFly Managed Resources
Each subsystem is responsible for managing one or more management resources. The conceptual characteristics of a management resource are covered in some detail in the Admin Guide; here we’ll just summarize the main points. A management resource has
An address consisting of a list of key/value pairs that uniquely identifies a resource
Zero or more attributes , the value of which is some sort of
Zero or more supported operations . An operation has a string name and zero or more parameters, each of which is a key/value pair where the key is a string naming the parameter and the value is some sort of
Zero or more children , each of which in turn is a managed resource
The implementation of a managed resource is somewhat analogous to the implementation of a Java object. A managed resource will have a "type", which encapsulates API information about that resource and logic used to implement that API. And then there are actual instances of the resource, which primarily store data representing the current state of a particular resource. This is somewhat analogous to the "class" and "object" notions in Java.
A managed resource’s type is encapsulated by the
core AS creates when the type is registered. The data for a particular
instance is encapsulated in an implementation of the
5.3. ManagementResourceRegistration Interface
In the Java analogy used above, the ManagementResourceRegistration
analogous to the "class", while the Resource
discussed below is
analogous to an instance of that class.
A ManagementResourceRegistration
represents the specification for a
particular managed resource type. All resources whose address matches
the same pattern will be of the same type, specified by the type’s
. The MRR encapsulates:
showing the address pattern that matches resources of that type. ThisPathAddress
can and typically does involve wildcards in the value of one or more elements of the address. In this case there can be more than one instance of the type, i.e. differentResource
instances. -
Definition of the various attributes exposed by resources of this type, including the
implementations used for reading and writing the attribute values. -
Definition of the various operations exposed by resources of this type, including the
implementations used for handling user invocations of those operations. -
Definition of child resource types.
instances form a tree. -
Definition of management notifications emitted by resources of this type.
Definition of capabilities provided by resources of this type.
Definition of RBAC access constraints that should be applied by the management kernel when authorizing operations against resources of this type.
Whether the resource type is an alias to another resource type, and if so information about that relationship. Aliases are primarily used to preserve backwards compatibility of the management API when the location of a given type of resources is moved in a newer release.
The ManagementResourceRegistration
interface is a subinterface of
, which provides a read-only
view of the information encapsulated by the MRR. The MRR subinterface
adds the methods needed for registering the attributes, operations,
children, etc.
Extension developers do not directly instantiate an MRR. Instead they
create a ResourceDefinition
for the root resource type for each
subsystem, and register it with the ExtensionContext
passed in to
their Extension
implementation’s initialize
public void initialize(ExtensionContext context) {
SubsystemRegistration subsystem = context.registerSubsystem(SUBSYSTEM_NAME, CURRENT_VERSION);
ResourceDefinition rd = getOurSubsystemDefinition();
ManagementResourceRegistration mrr = subsystem.registerSubsystemModel(rd));
The kernel uses the provided ResourceDefinition
to construct a
and then passes that MRR to the various
methods implemented by the ResourceDefinition
, giving it
the change to record the resource type’s attributes, operations and
5.4. ResourceDefinition Interface
An implementation of ResourceDefinition
is the primary class used by
an extension developer when defining a managed resource type. It
provides basic information about the type, exposes a
used to generate a DMR description of the type,
and implements callbacks the kernel can invoke when building up the
to ask for registration of definitions
of attributes, operations, children, notifications and capabilities.
Almost always an extension author will create their ResourceDefinition
by creating a subclass of the
class or of its
subclass. Both of these classes have
constructors that take a Parameters
object, which is a simple builder
class to use to provide most of the key information about the resource
type. The extension-specific subclass would then take responsibility for
any additional behavior needed by overriding the registerAttributes
, registerNotifications
and registerChildren
callbacks to do whatever is needed beyond what is provided by the
For example, to add a writable attribute:
public void registerAttributes(ManagementResourceRegistration resourceRegistration) {
// Now we register the 'foo' attribute
AttributeDefinition ad = FOO; // constant declared elsewhere
OperationStepHandler writeHandler = new FooWriteAttributeHandler();
resourceRegistration.registerReadWriteHandler(ad, null, writeHandler); // null read handler means use default read handling
To register a custom operation:
public void registerOperations(ManagementResourceRegistration resourceRegistration) {
// Now we register the 'foo-bar' custom operation
OperationDefinition od = FooBarOperationStepHandler.getDefinition();
OperationStepHandler osh = new FooBarOperationStepHandler();
resourceRegistration.registerOperationHandler(od, osh);
To register a child resource type:
public void registerChildren(ManagementResourceRegistration resourceRegistration) {
// Now we register the 'baz=*' child type
ResourceDefinition rd = new BazResourceDefinition();
5.4.1. ResourceDescriptionResolver
One of the things a ResourceDefinition
must be able to do is provide a
that provides a proper DMR description of the
resource to use as the output for the standard
management operation. Since you are almost
certainly going to be using one of the standard ResourceDefinition
implementations like SimpleResourceDefinition
, the creation of this
is largely handled for you. The one thing that is
not handled for you is providing the localized free form text
descriptions of the various attributes, operations, operation
parameters, child types, etc used in creating the resource description.
For this you must provide an implementation of the
interface, typically passed to the
object provided to the SimpleResourceDefinition
constructor. This interface has various methods that are invoked when a
piece of localized text description is needed.
Almost certainly you’ll satisfy this requirement by providing an
instance of the StandardResourceDescriptionResolver
uses a ResourceBundle
to load
text from a properties file available on the classpath. The keys in the
properties file must follow patterns expected by
. See the
javadoc for further details.
The biggest task here is to create the properties file and add the text
descriptions. A text description must be provided for everything. The
typical thing to do is to store this properties file in the same package
as your Extension
implementation, in a file named
5.5. AttributeDefinition Class
The AttributeDefinition
class is used to create the static definition
of one of a managed resource’s attributes. It’s a bit poorly named
though, because the same interface is used to define the details of
parameters to operations, and to define fields in the result of of
The definition includes all the static information about the
attribute/operation parameter/result field, e.g. the DMR ModelType
its value, whether its presence is required, whether it supports
expressions, etc. See
Description of the
Management Model for a description of the metadata available. Almost
all of this comes from the AttributeDefinition
Besides basic metadata, the AttributeDefinition
can also hold custom
logic the kernel should use when dealing with the attribute/operation
parameter/result field. For example, a ParameterValidator
to use to
perform special validation of values (beyond basic things like DMR type
checks and defined/undefined checks), or an AttributeParser
to use to perform customized parsing from and
marshaling to XML.
WildFly Core’s controller
module provides a number of subclasses of
used for the usual kinds of attributes. For each
there is an associated builder class which you should use to build the
. Most commonly used are
, built by the associated
. This is used for attributes whose
values are analogous to java primitives, String
or byte[]. For
collections, there are various subclasses of ListAttributeDefinition
and MapAttributeDefinition
. All have a Builder
inner class. For
complex attributes, i.e. those with a fixed set of fully defined fields,
use ObjectTypeAttributeDefinition
. (Each field in the complex type is
itself specified by an AttributeDefinition
.) Finally there’s
and ObjectMapAttributeDefinition
lists whose elements are complex types and maps whose values are complex
types respectively.
Here’s an example of creating a simple attribute definition with extra validation of the range of allowed values:
static final AttributeDefinition QUEUE_LENGTH = new SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder("queue-length", ModelType.INT)
.setValidator(new IntRangeValidator(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE))
.setRestartAllServices() // means modification after resource add puts the server in reload-required
Via a bit of dark magic, the kernel knows that the IntRangeValidator
defined here is a reliable source of information on min and max values
for the attribute, so when creating the read-resource-description
output for the attribute it will use it and output min
and max
metadata. For STRING attributes, StringLengthValidator
can also be
used, and the kernel will see this and provide min-length
metadata. In both cases the kernel is checking for the
presence of a MinMaxValidator
and if found it provides the appropriate
metadata based on the type of the attribute.
Use EnumValidator
to restrict a STRING attribute’s values to a set of
legal values:
static final SimpleAttributeDefinition TIME_UNIT = new SimpleAttributeDefinitionBuilder("unit", ModelType.STRING)
.setValidator(new EnumValidator<TimeUnit>(TimeUnit.class))
is an implementation of AllowedValuesValidator
works with Java enums. You can use other implementations or write your
own to do other types of restriction to certain values.
Via a bit of dark magic similar to what is done with MinMaxValidator
the kernel recognizes the presence of an AllowedValuesValidator
uses it to seed the allowed-values
metadata in
5.5.1. Key Uses of AttributeDefinition
Your AttributeDefinition
instances will be some of the most commonly
used objects in your extension code. Following are the most typical
uses. In each of these examples assume there is a
stored in a constant FOO_AD that is
available to the code. Typically FOO_AD would be a constant in the
relevant ResourceDefinition
implementation class. Assume FOO_AD
represents an INT attribute.
Note that for all of these cases except for "Use in Extracting Data from
the Configuration Model for Use in Runtime Services" there may be
utility code that handles this for you. For example
can handle the XML cases, and
can handle the "Use in Storing Data Provided by
the User to the Configuration Model" case.
Use in XML Parsing
Here we have your extension’s implementation of
that is being used to parse the xml
for your subsystem and add ModelNode
operations to the list that will
be used to boot the server.
public void readElement(final XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, final List<ModelNode> operationList) throws XMLStreamException {
// Create a node for the op to add our subsystem
ModelNode addOp = new ModelNode();
addOp.get("address").add("subsystem", "mysubsystem");
for (int i = 0; i < reader.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
final String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i);
final String attribute = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i);
if (FOO_AD.getXmlName().equals(attribute) {
FOO_AD.parseAndSetParameter(value, addOp, reader);
} else ....
... more parsing
Note that the parsing code has deliberately been abbreviated. The key
point is the parseAndSetParameter
call. FOO_AD will validate the
read from XML, throwing an XMLStreamException with a useful
message if invalid, including a reference to the current location of the
. If valid, value
will be converted to a DMR ModelNode
the appropriate type and stored as a parameter field of addOp
. The
name of the parameter will be what FOO_AD.getName()
If you use PersistentResourceXMLParser
this parsing logic is handled
for you and you don’t need to write it yourself.
Use in Storing Data Provided by the User to the Configuration Model
Here we illustrate code in an OperationStepHandler
that extracts a
value from a user-provided operation
and stores it in the internal
public void execute(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
// Get the Resource targeted by this operation
Resource resource = context.readResourceForUpdate(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
ModelNode model = resource.getModel();
// Store the value of any 'foo' param to the model's 'foo' attribute
FOO_AD.validateAndSet(operation, model);
... do other stuff
As the name implies validateAndSet
will validate the value in
before setting it. A validation failure will result in an
with an appropriate message, which the kernel
will use to provide a failure response to the user.
Note that validateAndSet
will not perform expression resolution.
Expression resolution is not appropriate at this stage, when we are just
trying to store data to the persistent configuration model. However, it
will check for expressions and fail validation if found and FOO_AD
wasn’t built with setAllowExpressions(true)
This work of storing data to the configuration model is usually done in
handlers for the add
and write-attribute
operations. If you base
your handler implementations on the standard classes provided by WildFly
Core, this part of the work will be handled for you.
Use in Extracting Data from the Configuration Model for Use in
Runtime Services
This is the example you are most likely to use in your code, as this is where data needs to be extracted from the configuration model and passed to your runtime services. What your services need is custom, so there’s no utility code we provide.
Assume as part of … do other stuff
in the last example that your
handler adds a step to do further work once operation execution proceeds
to RUNTIME state (see Operation Execution and the OperationContext
more on what this means):
context.addStep(new OperationStepHandler() {
public void execute(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException {
// Get the Resource targetted by this operation
Resource resource = context.readResource(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS);
ModelNode model = resource.getModel();
// Extract the value of the 'foo' attribute from the model
int foo = FOO_AD.resolveModelAttribute(context, model).asInt();
Service<XyZ> service = new MyService(foo);
... do other stuff, like install 'service' with MSC
}, Stage.RUNTIME);
Use resolveModelAttribute
to extract data from the model. It does a
number of things:
reads the value from the model
if it’s an expression and expressions are supported, resolves it
if it’s undefined and undefined is allowed but FOO_AD was configured with a default value, uses the default value
validates the result of that (which is how we check that expressions resolve to legal values), throwing OperationFailedException with a useful message if invalid
returns that as a
If when you built FOO_AD you configured it such that the user must
provide a value, or if you configured it with a default value, then you
know the return value of resolveModelAttribute
will be a defined
. Hence you can safely perform type conversions with it, as
we do in the example above with the call to asInt()
. If FOO_AD was
configured such that it’s possible that the attribute won’t have a
defined value, you need to guard against that, e.g.:
ModelNode node = FOO_AD.resolveModelAttribute(context, model);
Integer foo = node.isDefined() ? node.asInt() : null;
Use in Marshaling Configuration Model Data to XML
Your Extension
must register an
for each subsystem. This
is used to marshal the subsystem’s configuration to XML. If you don’t
use PersistentResourceXMLParser
for this you’ll need to write your own
marshaling code, and AttributeDefinition
will be used.
public void writeContent(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, SubsystemMarshallingContext context) throws XMLStreamException {
context.startSubsystemElement(Namespace.CURRENT.getUriString(), false);
ModelNode subsystemModel = context.getModelNode();
// we persist foo as an xml attribute
FOO_AD.marshalAsAttribute(subsystemModel, writer);
// We also have a different attribute that we marshal as an element
BAR_AD.marshalAsElement(subsystemModel, writer);
The SubsystemMarshallingContext
provides a ModelNode
that represents
the entire resource tree for the subsystem (including child resources).
Your XMLElementWriter
should walk through that model, using
or marshalAsElement
to write the attributes in
each resource. If the model includes child node trees that represent
child resources, create child xml elements for those and continue down
the tree.
5.6. OperationDefinition and OperationStepHandler Interfaces
defines an operation, particularly its name, its
parameters and the details of any result value, with
instances used to define the parameters and result
details. The OperationDefinition
is used to generate the
output for the operation, and in some cases
is also used by the kernel to decide details as to how to execute the
Typically SimpleOperationDefinitionBuilder
is used to create an
. Usually you only need to create an
for custom operations. For the common add
operations, if you provide minimal information about your
handlers to your SimpleResourceDefinition
implementation via the
object passed to its constructor, then
can generate a correct OperationDefinition
for those operations.
The OperationStepHandler
is what contains the actual logic for doing
what the user requests when they invoke an operation. As its name
implies, each OSH is responsible for doing one step in the overall
sequence of things necessary to give effect to what the user requested.
One of the things an OSH can do is add other steps, with the result that
an overall operation can involve a great number of OSHs executing. (See
Operation Execution and the OperationContext
for more on this.)
Each OSH is provided in its execute
method with a reference to the
that is controlling the overall operation, plus an
that represents the operation that particular
OSH is being asked to deal with. The operation
node will be of
with the following key/value pairs:
a key named
with a value ofModelType.STRING
that represents the name of the operation. Typically an OSH doesn’t care about this information as it is written for an operation with a particular name and will only be invoked for that operation. -
a key named
with a value ofModelType.LIST
with list elements ofModelType.PROPERTY
. This value represents the address of the resource the operation targets. If this key is not present or the value is undefined or an empty list, the target is the root resource. Typically an OSH doesn’t care about this information as it can more efficiently get the address from theOperationContext
via itsgetCurrentAddress()
method. -
other key/value pairs that represent parameters to the operation, with the key the name of the parameter. This is the main information an OSH would want from the
There are a variety of situations where extension code will instantiate
an OperationStepHandler
When registering a writable attribute with a
(typically in an implementation ofResourceDefinition.registerAttributes
), an OSH must be provided to handle thewrite-attribute
operation. -
When registering a read-only or read-write attribute that needs special handling of the
operation, an OSH must be provided. -
When registering a metric attribute, an OSH must be provided to handle the
operation. -
Most resources need OSHs created for the
operations. These are passed to theParameters
object given to theSimpleResourceDefinition
constructor, for use by theSimpleResourceDefinition
in its implementation of theregisterOperations
method. -
If your resource has custom operations, you will instantiate them to register with a
, typically in an implementation ofResourceDefinition.registerOperations
If an OSH needs to tell the
to add additional steps to do further handling, the OSH will create another OSH to execute that step. This second OSH is typically an inner class of the first OSH.
5.7. Operation Execution and the OperationContext
When the ModelController
at the heart of the WildFly Core management
layer handles a request to execute an operation, it instantiates an
implementation of the OperationContext
interface to do the work. The
is configured with an initial list of operation steps
it must execute. This is done in one of two ways:
During boot, multiple steps are configured, one for each operation in the list generated by the parser of the xml configuration file. For each operation, the
finds theManagementResourceRegistration
that matches the address of the operation and finds theOperationStepHandler
registered with that MRR for the operation’s name. A step is added to theOperationContext
for each operation by providing the operationModelNode
itself, plus theOperationStepHandler
. -
After boot, any management request involves only a single operation, so only a single step is added. (Note that a
operation is still a single operation; it’s just one that internally executes via multiple steps.)
The ModelController
then asks the OperationContext
to execute the
The OperationContext
acts as both the engine for operation execution,
and as the interface provided to OperationStepHandler
to let them interact with the rest of the system.
5.7.1. Execution Process
Operation execution proceeds via execution by the OperationContext
a series of "steps" with an OperationStepHandler
doing the key work
for each step. As mentioned above, during boot the OC is initially
configured with a number of steps, but post boot operations involve only
a single step initially. But even a post-boot operation can end up
involving numerous steps before completion. In the case of a
operation, thousands of steps might
execute. This is possible because one of the key things an
can do is ask the OperationContext
to add
additional steps to execute later.
Execution proceeds via a series of "stages", with a queue of steps
maintained for each stage. An OperationStepHandler
can tell the
to add a step for any stage equal to or later than
the currently executing stage. The instruction can either be to add the
step to the head of the queue for the stage or to place it at the end of
the stage’s queue.
Execution of a stage continues until there are no longer any steps in the stage’s queue. Then an internal transition task can execute, and the processing of the next stage’s steps begins.
Here is some brief information about each stage:
This stage is concerned with interacting with the persistent configuration model, either making changes to it or reading information from it. Handlers for this stage should not make changes to the runtime, and handlers running after this stage should not make changes to the persistent configuration model.
If any step fails during this stage, the operation will automatically roll back. Rollback of MODEL stage failures cannot be turned off. Rollback during boot results in abort of the process start.
The initial step or steps added to the OperationContext
by the
all execute in Stage.MODEL. This means that all
instances your extension registers with a
must be designed for execution in
. If you need work done in later stages your Stage.MODEL
handler must add a step for that work.
When this stage completes, the OperationContext
internally performs
model validation work before proceeding on to the next stage. Validation
failures will result in rollback.
This stage is concerned with interacting with the server runtime, either
reading from it or modifying it (e.g. installing or removing services or
updating their configuration.) By the time this stage begins, all model
changes are complete and model validity has been checked. So typically
handlers in this stage read their inputs from the model, not from the
original operation
provided by the user.
Most OperationStepHandler
logic written by extension authors will be
for Stage.RUNTIME. The vast majority of Stage.MODEL handling can best be
performed by the base handler classes WildFly Core provides in its
module. (See below for more on those.)
During boot failures in Stage.RUNTIME
will not trigger rollback and
abort of the server boot. After boot, by default failures here will
trigger rollback, but users can prevent that by using the
header. However, a RuntimeException thrown
by a handler will trigger rollback.
At the end of Stage.RUNTIME
, the OperationContext
blocks waiting for
the MSC service container to stabilize (i.e. for all services to have
reached a rest state) before moving on to the next stage.
Service container verification work is performed in this stage, checking
that any MSC changes made in Stage.RUNTIME
had the expected effect.
Typically extension authors do not add any steps in this stage, as the
steps automatically added by the OperationContext
itself are all that
are needed. You can add a step here though if you have an unusual use
case where you need to verify something after MSC has stabilized.
Handlers in this stage should not make any further runtime changes; their purpose is simply to do verification work and fail the operation if verification is unsuccessful.
During boot failures in Stage.VERIFY
will not trigger rollback and
abort of the server boot. After boot, by default failures here will
trigger rollback, but users can prevent that by using the
header. However, a RuntimeException thrown
by a handler will trigger rollback.
There is no special transition work at the end of this stage.
Extension authors should not add steps in this stage; it is only for use by the kernel.
Steps needed to execute rollout across the domain of an operation that affects multiple processes in a managed domain run here. This stage is only run on Host Contoller processes, never on servers.
Stage.DONE and ResultHandler / RollbackHandler Execution
This stage doesn’t maintain a queue of steps; no OperationStepHandler
executes here. What does happen here is persistence of any configuration
changes to the xml file and commit or rollback of changes affecting
multiple processes in a managed domain.
While no OperationStepHandler
executes in this stage, following
persistence and transaction commit all ResultHandler
callbacks registered with the OperationContext
the steps that executed are invoked. This is done in the reverse order
of step execution, so the callback for the last step to run is the first
to be executed. The most common thing for a callback to do is to respond
to a rollback by doing whatever is necessary to reverse changes made in
. (No reversal of Stage.MODEL
changes is needed,
because if an operation rolls back the updated model produced by the
operation is simply never published and is discarded.)
Tips About Adding Steps
Here are some useful tips about how to add steps:
Add a step to the head of the current stage’s queue if you want it to execute next, prior to any other steps. Typically you would use this technique if you are trying to decompose some complex work into pieces, with reusable logic handling each piece. There would be an
for each part of the work, added to the head of the queue in the correct sequence. This would be a pretty advanced use case for an extension author but is quite common in the handlers provided by the kernel. -
Add a step to the end of the queue if either you don’t care when it executes or if you do care and want to be sure it executes after any already registered steps.
A very common example of this is a
handler adding a step for its associatedStage.RUNTIME
work. If there are multiple model steps that will execute (e.g. at boot or as part of handling acomposite
), each will want to add a runtime step, and likely the best order for those runtime steps is the same as the order of the model steps. So if each adds its runtime step at the end, the desired result will be achieved. -
A more sophisticated but important scenario is when a step may or may not be executing as part of a larger set of steps, i.e. it may be one step in a
or it may not. There is no way for the handler to know. But it can assume that if it is part of a composite, the steps for the other operations in the composite are already registered in the queue. (The handler for thecomposite
op guarantees this.) So, if it wants to do some work (say validation of the relationship between different attributes or resources) the input to which may be affected by possible other already registered steps, instead of doing that work itself, it should register a different step at the end of the queue and have that step do the work. This will ensure that when the validation step runs, the other steps in thecomposite
will have had a chance to do their work. Rule of thumb: always doing any extra validation work in an added step.
Passing Data to an Added Step
Often a handler author will want to share state between the handler for a step it adds and the handler that added it. There are a number of ways this can be done:
Very often the
for the added class is an inner class of the handler that adds it. So here sharing state is easily done using final variables in the outer class. -
The handler for the added step can accept values passed to its constructor which can serve as shared state.
includes an Attachment API which allows arbitary data to be attached to the context and retrieved by any handler that has access to the attachment key. -
methods include overloaded variants where the caller can pass in anoperation
that will in turn be passed to theexecute
method of the handler for the added step. So, state can be passed via thisModelNode
. It’s important to remember though that theaddress
field of theoperation
will govern what theOperationContext
sees as the target of operation when that added step’s handler executes.
Controlling Output from an Added Step
When an OperationStepHandler
wants to report an operation result, it
calls the OperationContext.getResult()
method and manipulates the
returned ModelNode
. Similarly for failure messages it can call
. The usual assumption when
such a call is made is that the result or failure description being
modified is the one at the root of the response to the end user. But
this is not necessarily the case.
When an OperationStepHandler
adds a step it can use one of the
overloaded OperationContext.addStep
variants that takes a response
parameter. If it does, whatever ModelNode
it passes in
will be what is updated as a result of OperationContext.getResult()
and OperationContext.getFailureDescription()
calls by the step’s
handler. This node does not need to be one that is directly associated
with the response to the user.
How then does the handler that adds a step in this manner make use of whatever results the added step produces, since the added step will not run until the adding step completes execution? There are a couple of ways this can be done.
The first is to add yet another step, and provide it a reference to the
node used by the second step. It will execute after the
second step and can read its response and use it in formulating its own
The second way involves using a ResultHandler
. The ResultHandler
a step will execute after any step that it adds executes. And, it is
legal for a ResultHandler
to manipulate the "result" value for an
operation, or its "failure-description" in case of failure. So, the
handler that adds a step can provide to its ResultHandler
a reference
to the response
node it passed to addStep
, and the ResultHandler
can in turn and use its contents to manipulate its own response.
This kind of handling wouldn’t commonly be done by extension authors and great care needs to be taken if it is done. It is often done in some of the kernel handlers.
5.7.2. OperationStepHandler use of the OperationContext
All useful work an OperationStepHandler
performs is done by invoking
methods on the OperationContext
. The OperationContext
interface is
extensively javadoced, so this section will just provide a brief partial
overview. The OSH can use the OperationContext
Learn about the environment in which it is executing (
) -
Learn about the operation (
) -
Read the
tree (readResource
) -
Manipulate the
tree (createResource
) -
Read the resource type information (
) -
Manipulate the resource type information (
) -
Read the MSC service container (
) -
Manipulate the MSC service container (
) -
Manipulate the process state (
Resolve expressions (
) -
Manipulate the operation response (
) -
Force operation rollback (
) -
Add other steps (
) -
Share data with other steps (
) -
Work with capabilities (numerous methods)
Emit notifications (
) -
Request a callback to a
5.7.3. Locking and Change Visibility
The ModelController
and OperationContext
work together to ensure
that only one operation at a time is modifying the state of the system.
This is done via an exclusive lock maintained by the ModelController
Any operation that does not need to write never requests the lock and is
able to proceed without being blocked by an operation that holds the
lock (i.e. writes do not block reads.) If two operations wish to
concurrently write, one or the other will get the lock and the loser
will block waiting for the winner to complete and release the lock.
The OperationContext
requests the exclusive lock the first time any of
the following occur:
A step calls one of its methods that indicates a wish to modify the resource tree (
) -
A step calls one of its methods that indicates a wish to modify the
tree (getResourceRegistrationForUpdate
) -
A step calls one of its methods that indicates a desire to change MSC services (
with themodify
param set totrue
) -
A step calls one of its methods that manipulates the capability registry (various)
A step explicitly requests the lock by calling the
method (doing this is discouraged)
The step that acquired the lock is tracked, and the lock is released
when the ResultHandler
added by that step has executed. (If the step
doesn’t add a result handler, a default no-op one is automatically
When an operation first expresses a desire to manipulate the Resource
tree or the capability registry, a private copy of the tree or registry
is created and thereafter the OperationContext
works with that copy.
The copy is published back to the ModelController
in Stage.DONE
the operation commits. Until that happens any changes to the tree or
capability registry made by the operation are invisible to other
threads. If the operation does not commit, the private copies are simply
However, the OperationContext
does not make a private copy of the
tree before manipulating it, nor is
there a private copy of the MSC service container. So, any changes made
by an operation to either of those are immediately visible to other
5.8. Resource Interface
An instance of the Resource
interface holds the state for a particular
instance of a type defined by a ManagementResourceRegistration
Referring back to the analogy mentioned earlier the
is analogous to a Java class while the
is analogous to an instance of that class.
The Resource
makes available state information, primarily
Some descriptive metadata, such as its address, whether it is runtime-only and whether it represents a proxy to a another primary resource that resides on another process in a managed domain
whose keys are the resource’s attributes and whose values are the attribute values -
Links to child resources such that the resources form a tree
5.8.1. Creating Resources
Typically extensions create resources via OperationStepHandler
to the OperationContext.createResource
method. However it is allowed
for handlers to use their own Resource
implementations by
instantiating the resource and invoking OperationContext.addResource
The AbstractModelResource
class can be used as a base class.
5.8.2. Runtime-Only and Synthetic Resources and the PlaceholderResourceEntry Class
A runtime-only resource is one whose state is not persisted to the xml
configuration file. Many runtime-only resources are also "synthetic"
meaning they are not added or removed as a result of user initiated
management operations. Rather these resources are "synthesized" in order
to allow users to use the management API to examine some aspect of the
internal state of the process. A good example of synthetic resources are
the resources in the /core-service=platform-mbeans
branch of the
resource tree. There are resources there that represent various aspects
of the JVM (classloaders, memory pools, etc) but which resources are
present entirely depends on what the JVM is doing, not on any management
action. Another example are resources representing "core queues" in the
WildFly messaging and messaging-artemismq subsystems. Queues are created
as a result of activity in the message broker which may not involve
calls to the management API. But for each such queue a management
resource is available to allow management users to perform management
operations against the queue.
It is a requirement of execution of a management operation that the
can navigate through the resource tree to a
object located at the address specified. This requirement
holds true even for synthetic resources. How can this be handled, given
the fact these resources are not created in response to management
The trick involves using special implementations of Resource
. Let’s
imagine a simple case where we have a parent resource which is fairly
normal (i.e. it holds persistent configuration and is added via a user’s
operation) except for the fact that one of its child types
represents synthetic resources (e.g. message queues). How would this be
First, the parent resource would require a custom implementation of the
interface. The OperationStepHandler
for the add
would instantiate it, providing it with access to whatever API is needed
for it to work out what items exist for which a synthetic resource
should be made available (e.g. an API provided by the message broker
that provides access to its queues). The add
handler would use the
method to tie this custom resource into
the overall resource tree.
The custom Resource
implementation would use special implementations
of the various methods that relate to accessing children. For all calls
that relate to the synthetic child type (e.g. core-queue) the custom
implementation would use whatever API call is needed to provide the
correct data for that child type (e.g. ask the message broker for the
names of queues).
A nice strategy for creating such a custom resource is to use
delegation. Use Resource.Factory.create}()
to create a standard
resource. Then pass it to the constructor of your custom resource type
for use as a delegate. The custom resource type’s logic is focused on
the synthetic children; all other work it passes on to the delegate.
What about the synthetic resources themselves, i.e. the leaf nodes in
this part of the tree? These are created on the fly by the parent
resource in response to getChild
, requireChild
, getChildren
calls that target the synthetic resource type. These
created-on-the-fly resources can be very lightweight, since they store
no configuration model and have no children. The
class is perfect for this. It’s a very
lightweight Resource
implementation with minimal logic that only
stores the final element of the resource’s address as state.
See LoggingResource
in the WildFly Core logging subsystem for an
example of this kind of thing. Searching for other uses of
will show other examples.
5.10. Useful classes for implementing OperationStepHandler
The WildFly Core controller
module includes a number of
implementations that in some cases you can use
directly, and that in other cases can serve as the base class for your
own handler implementation. In all of these a general goal is to
eliminate the need for your code to do anything in Stage.MODEL
providing support for whatever is appropriate for Stage.RUNTIME
5.10.1. Add Handlers
is a base class for handlers for add
operations. There are a number of ways you can configure its behavior,
the most commonly used of which are to:
Configure its behavior in
by passing to its constructorAttributeDefinition
instances for the attributes and capabilities provided by the resource. The handler will automatically validate the operation parameters whose names match the provided attributes and store their values in the model of the newly addedResource
. It will also record the presence of the given capabilities. -
Control whether a
step for the operation needs to be added, by overriding theprotected boolean requiresRuntime(OperationContext context)
method. Doing this is atypical; the standard behavior in the base class is appropriate for most cases. -
Implement the primary logic of the
step by overriding theprotected void performRuntime(final OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation, final Resource resource)
method. This is typically the bulk of the code in anAbstractAddStepHandler
subclass. This is where you read data from theResource
model and use it to do things like configure and install MSC services. -
Handle any unusual needs of any rollback of the
step by overridingprotected void rollbackRuntime(OperationContext context, final ModelNode operation, final Resource resource)
. Doing this is not typically needed, since if the rollback behavior needed is simply to remove any MSC services installed inperformRuntime
, theOperationContext
will do this for you automatically.
is a subclass of
meant for use by add
operations that should
only do their normal Stage.RUNTIME
work in server, boot, with the
server being put in reload-required
if executed later. Primarily this
is used for add
operations that register DeploymentUnitProcessor
implementations, as this can only be done at boot.
Usage of AbstractBoottimeAddStepHandler
is the same as for
except that instead of overriding
you override
protected void performBoottime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, Resource resource)
A typical thing to do in performBoottime
is to add a special step that
registers one or more DeploymentUnitProcessor
public void performBoottime(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation, final Resource resource)
throws OperationFailedException {
context.addStep(new AbstractDeploymentChainStep() {
protected void execute(DeploymentProcessorTarget processorTarget) {
processorTarget.addDeploymentProcessor(RequestControllerExtension.SUBSYSTEM_NAME, Phase.STRUCTURE, Phase.STRUCTURE_GLOBAL_REQUEST_CONTROLLER, new RequestControllerDeploymentUnitProcessor());
}, OperationContext.Stage.RUNTIME);
... do other things
5.10.4. Reload-required handlers
Use these for cases where, post-boot, the change to the configuration model made by the operation cannot be reflected in the runtime until the process is reloaded. These handle the mechanics of recording the need for reload and reverting it if the operation rolls back.
5.10.5. Restart Parent Resource Handlers
Use these in cases where a management resource doesn’t directly control any runtime services, but instead simply represents a chunk of configuration that a parent resource uses to configure services it installs. (Really, this kind of situation is now considered to be a poor management API design and is discouraged. Instead of using child resources for configuration chunks, complex attributes on the parent resource should be used.)
These handlers help you deal with the mechanics of the fact that, post-boot, any change to the child resource likely requires a restart of the service provided by the parent.
5.10.6. Model Only Handlers
Use these for cases where the operation never affects the runtime, even at boot. All it does is update the configuration model. In most cases such a thing would be odd. These are primarily useful for legacy subsystems that are no longer usable on current version servers and thus will never do anything in the runtime. However, current version Domain Controllers must be able to understand the subsystem’s configuration model to allow them to manage older Host Controllers running previous versions where the subsystem is still usable by servers. So these handlers allow the DC to maintain the configuration model for the subsystem.
5.10.7. Misc
is used for custom operations that don’t
involve the configuration model. Create a subclass and implement the
protected abstract void executeRuntimeStep(OperationContext context, ModelNode operation)
method. The superclass takes care of adding a Stage.RUNTIME
step that
calls your method.
is for cases where a resource
type includes a 'name' attribute whose value is simply the value of the
last element in the resource’s address. There is no need to store the
value of such an attribute in the resource’s model, since it can always
be determined from the resource address. But, if the value is not stored
in the resource model, when the attribute is registered with
to handle the read-attribute
operation must be
provided. Use ReadResourceNameOperationStepHandler
for this. (Note
that including such an attribute in your management API is considered to
be poor practice as it’s just redundant data.)
6. WildFly JNDI Implementation
6.1. Introduction
This page proposes a reworked WildFly JNDI implementation, and new/updated APIs for WildFly subsystem and EE deployment processors developers to bind new resources easier.
To support discussion in the community, the content includes a big focus on comparing WildFly 33 JNDI implementation with the new proposal, and should later evolve to the prime guide for WildFly developers needing to interact with JNDI at subsystem level.
6.2. Architecture
WildFly relies on MSC to provide the data source for the JNDI tree. Each resource bound in JNDI is stored in a MSC service (BinderService), and such services are installed as children of subsystem/deployment services, for an automatically unbound as consequence of uninstall of the parent services.
Since there is the need to know what entries are bound, and MSC does not provides that, there is also the (ServiceBased)NamingStore concept, which internally manage the set of service names bound. There are multiple naming stores in every WildFly instance, serving different JNDI namespaces:
java:comp - the standard EE namespace for entries scoped to a specific component, such as a Jakarta Enterprise Beans bean
java:module - the standard EE namespace for entries scoped to specific module, such as a Jakarta Enterprise Beans jar, and shared by all components in it
java:app - the standard EE namespace for entries scoped to a specific application, i.e. EAR, and shared by all modules in it
java:global - the standard EE namespace for entries shared by all deployments
java:jboss - a proprietary namespace "global" namespace
java:jboss/exported - a proprietary "global" namespace which entries are exposed to remote JNDI
java: - any entries not in the other namespaces
One particular implementation choice, to save resources, is that JNDI contexts by default are not bound, the naming stores will search for any entry bound with a name that is a child of the context name, if found then its assumed the context exists.
The reworked implementation introduces shared/global java:comp, java:module and java:app namespaces. Any entry bound on these will automatically be available to every EE deployment scoped instance of these namespaces, what should result in a significant reduction of binder services, and also of EE deployment processors. Also, the Naming subsystem may now configure bind on these shared contexts, and these contexts will be available when there is no EE component in the invocation, which means that entries such as java:comp/DefaultDatasource will always be available.
6.3. Binding APIs
WildFly Naming subsystem exposes high level APIs to bind new JNDI resources, there is no need to deal with the low level BinderService type anymore.
6.3.1. Subsystem
At the lowest level a JNDI entry is bound by installing a BinderService to a ServiceTarget:
* Binds a new entry to JNDI.
* @param serviceTarget the binder service's target
* @param name the new JNDI entry's name
* @param value the new JNDI entry's value
private ServiceController<?> bind(ServiceTarget serviceTarget, String name, Object value) {
// the bind info object provides MSC service names to use when creating the binder service
final ContextNames.BindInfo bindInfo = ContextNames.bindInfoFor(name);
final BinderService binderService = new BinderService(bindInfo.getBindName());
// the entry's value is provided by a managed reference factory,
// since the value may need to be obtained on lookup (e.g. EJB reference)
final ManagedReferenceFactory managedReferenceFactory = new ImmediateManagedReferenceFactory(value);
return serviceTarget
// add binder service to specified target
.addService(bindInfo.getBinderServiceName(), binderService)
// when started the service will be injected with the factory
.addInjection(binderService.getManagedObjectInjector(), managedReferenceFactory)
// the binder service depends on the related naming store service,
// and on start/stop will add/remove its service name
But the example above is the simplest usage possible, it may become quite complicated if the entry’s value is not immediately available, for instance it is a value in another MSC service, or is a value in another JNDI entry. It’s also quite easy to introduce bugs when working with the service names, or incorrectly assume that other MSC functionality, such as alias names, may be used.
Using the new high level API, it’s as simple as:
// bind an immediate value
ContextNames.bindInfoFor("java:comp/ORB").bind(serviceTarget, this.orb);
// bind value from another JNDI entry (an alias/linkref)
ContextNames.bindInfoFor("java:global/x").bind(serviceTarget, new JndiName("java:jboss/x"));
// bind value obtained from a MSC service
ContextNames.bindInfoFor("java:global/z").bind(serviceTarget, serviceName);
If there is the need to access the binder’s service builder, perhaps to add a service verification handler or simply not install the binder service right away:
ContextNames.bindInfoFor("java:comp/ORB").builder(serviceTarget, verificationHandler, ServiceController.Mode.ON_DEMAND).installService(this.orb);
6.3.2. EE Deployment
With respect to EE deployments, the subsystem API should not be used, since bindings may need to be discarded/overridden, thus a EE deployment processor should add a new binding in the form of a BindingConfiguration, to the EeModuleDescription or ComponentDescription, depending if the bind is specific to a component or not. An example of a deployment processor adding a binding:
public class ModuleNameBindingProcessor implements DeploymentUnitProcessor {
// jndi name objects are immutable
private static final JndiName JNDI_NAME_java_module_ModuleName = new JndiName("java:module/ModuleName");
public void deploy(DeploymentPhaseContext phaseContext) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException {
final DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit();
// skip deployment unit if it's the top level EAR
if (DeploymentTypeMarker.isType(DeploymentType.EAR, deploymentUnit)) {
// the module's description is in the DUs attachments
final EEModuleDescription moduleDescription = deploymentUnit
if (moduleDescription == null) {
// add the java:module/ModuleName binding
// the value's injection source for an immediate available value
final InjectionSource injectionSource = new ImmediateInjectionSource(moduleDescription.getModuleName());
// add the binding configuration to the module's description bindings configurations
.addDeploymentBinding(new BindingConfiguration(JNDI_NAME_java_module_ModuleName, injectionSource));
When adding the binding configuration use: |
addDeploymentBinding() for a binding that may not be overriden, such as the ones found in xml descriptors
addPlatformBinding() for a binding which may be overriden by a deployment descriptor bind or annotation, for instance java:comp/DefaultDatasource
A deployment processor may now also add a binding configuration to all components in a module:
In the reworked implementation there is now no need to behave differently considering the deployment type, for instance if deployment is a WAR or app client, the Module/Component BindingConfigurations objects handle all of that. The processor should simply go for the 3 use cases: module binding, component binding or binding shared by all components. |
All deployment binding configurations MUST be added before INSTALL phase, this is needed because on such phase, when the bindings are actually done, there must be a final set of deployment binding names known, such information is need to understand if a resource injection targets entries in the global or scoped EE namespaces. |
Most cases for adding bindings to EE deployments are in the context of a processor deploying a XML descriptor, or scanning deployment classes for annotations, and there abstract types, such as the AbstractDeploymentDescriptorBindingsProcessor, which simplifies greatly the processor code for such use cases.
One particular use case is the parsing of EE Resource Definitions, and the reworked implementation provides high level abstract deployment processors for both XML descriptor and annotations, an example for each:
* Deployment processor responsible for processing administered-object deployment descriptor elements
* @author Eduardo Martins
public class AdministeredObjectDefinitionDescriptorProcessor extends ResourceDefinitionDescriptorProcessor {
protected void processEnvironment(RemoteEnvironment environment, ResourceDefinitionInjectionSources injectionSources) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException {
final AdministeredObjectsMetaData metaDatas = environment.getAdministeredObjects();
if (metaDatas != null) {
for(AdministeredObjectMetaData metaData : metaDatas) {
private ResourceDefinitionInjectionSource getResourceDefinitionInjectionSource(final AdministeredObjectMetaData metaData) {
final String name = metaData.getName();
final String className = metaData.getClassName();
final String resourceAdapter = metaData.getResourceAdapter();
final AdministeredObjectDefinitionInjectionSource resourceDefinitionInjectionSource = new AdministeredObjectDefinitionInjectionSource(name, className, resourceAdapter);
if (metaData.getDescriptions() != null) {
return resourceDefinitionInjectionSource;
* Deployment processor responsible for processing {@link jakarta.resource.AdministeredObjectDefinition} and {@link jakarta.resource.AdministeredObjectDefinitions}.
* @author Jesper Pedersen
* @author Eduardo Martins
public class AdministeredObjectDefinitionAnnotationProcessor extends ResourceDefinitionAnnotationProcessor {
private static final DotName ANNOTATION_NAME = DotName.createSimple(AdministeredObjectDefinition.class.getName());
private static final DotName COLLECTION_ANNOTATION_NAME = DotName.createSimple(AdministeredObjectDefinitions.class.getName());
protected DotName getAnnotationDotName() {
protected DotName getAnnotationCollectionDotName() {
protected ResourceDefinitionInjectionSource processAnnotation(AnnotationInstance annotationInstance) throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException {
final String name = AnnotationElement.asRequiredString(annotationInstance, AnnotationElement.NAME);
final String className = AnnotationElement.asRequiredString(annotationInstance, "className");
final String ra = AnnotationElement.asRequiredString(annotationInstance, "resourceAdapter");
final AdministeredObjectDefinitionInjectionSource directAdministeredObjectInjectionSource =
new AdministeredObjectDefinitionInjectionSource(name, className, ra);
return directAdministeredObjectInjectionSource;
The abstract processors with respect to Resource Definitions are already submitted through WFLY-3292’s PR. |
7. CLI extensibility for layered products
In addition to supporting the ServiceLoader extension mechanism to load command handlers coming from outside of the CLI codebase, starting from the wildfly-core-1.0.0.Beta1 release the CLI running in a modular classloading environment can be extended with commands exposed in server extension modules. The CLI will look for and register extension commands when it (re-)connects to the controller by iterating through the registered by that time extensions and using the ServiceLoader mechanism on the extension modules. (Note, that this mechanism will work only for extensions available in the server installation the CLI is launched from.)
Here is an example of a simple command handler and its integration.
package;public class ExtCommandHandler extends {
public class ExtCommandHandler extends {
public static final String NAME = "ext-command";
public static final String OUTPUT = "hello world!";
public CliExtCommandHandler() {
super(NAME, false);
protected void doHandle(CommandContext ctx) throws CommandLineException {
The command will simply print a message to the terminal. The next step is to implement the CLI CommandHandlerProvider interface.
public class ExtCommandHandlerProvider implements {
public CommandHandler createCommandHandler(CommandContext ctx) {
return new ExtCommandHandler();
* Whether the command should be available in tab-completion.
public boolean isTabComplete() {
return true;
* Command name(s).
public String[] getNames() {
return new String[]{ExtCommandHandler.NAME};
The final step is to include META-INF/services/ entry into the JAR file containing the classes above with value