Adding Resources Examples

The add-resources goal allows you to add resources such as datsources etc to a running WildFly instance.

Adding datasources

This can be combined with the add-resource goal to automatically deploy the datasource drivers.

The example below shows how to add a datasource that uses the default h2 database:


The example below shows how to configure a postgresql XA data source, including deploying the driver. The postgresql driver module must be listed in the <dependencies> section of the pom.


The xml tags in the <properties> element correspond directly to the DMR nodes in the corresponding management operation. If you need to use DMR nodes of a non-primitive type then you must prefix the value with the !! escape sequence, which will cause the value to be interpreted as a string representation of a DMR node. For example in the <xa-data-source-properties> element about <xa-datasource-properties> is a DMR property list.

Adding other resources

It is also possible to deploy resources other than datasources, the example below shows how to deploy a JMS queue:

                                        <entries>!!["java:jboss/myJmsQueue", "java:jboss/myJmsQueueAlias"]</entries>

Adding resources in domain mode

Adding resources in domain mode works the same as the examples above, except you need to add the <profiles> property as well as specify at least one profile.
