Class CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder<T extends CommandConfiguration.AbstractBuilder<T>>

    • Method Detail

      • setFork

        public T setFork​(boolean fork)
        Sets whether or not the commands should be executed in a new process.

        Note that is CommandConfiguration.isOffline() is set to true this has no effect.

        fork - true if commands should be executed in a new process
        this configuration
      • setOffline

        public T setOffline​(boolean offline)
        Sets whether a client should be associated with the CLI context.

        Note this launches CLI in a new process.

        offline - true if this should be an offline process
        this configuration
      • setAutoReload

        public T setAutoReload​(boolean autoReload)
        Set to true if a reload should execute after the commands are complete. The reload will only execute if CommandConfiguration.isOffline() is false and the server state is in reload-required.
        autoReload - true to enable auto-reload
        this configuration