Interface ContainerDescription

  • public interface ContainerDescription
    Information about the running container.
    James R. Perkins
    • Method Detail

      • getProductName

        String getProductName()
        Returns the name of the product.
        the name of the product
      • getProductVersion

        String getProductVersion()
        Returns the product version, if defined, or null if the product version was not defined.
        the product version or null if not defined
      • getReleaseVersion

        String getReleaseVersion()
        Returns the release version, if defined, or null if the release version was not defined.

        Note that in WildFly 9+ this is usually the version for WildFly Core. In WildFly 8 this is the full version.

        the release version or null if not defined
      • getLaunchType

        String getLaunchType()
        Returns the type of the server that was launched.
        the type of the server that was launched or null if not defined
      • isDomain

        boolean isDomain()
        Checks if the server is a managed domain server.
        true if this is a managed domain, otherwise false
      • lookup

        static ContainerDescription lookup​( client)
                                    throws IOException,
        Queries the running container and attempts to lookup the information from the running container.
        client - the client used to execute the management operation
        the container description
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
        OperationExecutionException - if the operation used to query the container fails