Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What versions of maven will the plugin work with?
  2. Why are archived server downloads being deprecated?
  3. Why is my server reloading after I execute CLI commands?
What versions of maven will the plugin work with?

The plugin requires maven 3.3.1 or higher.


Why are archived server downloads being deprecated?

In 3.0.0 new goals will be introduced to allow provisioning a server. WildFly Galleon has come a long way and it is the preferred means of creating a server. For this reason, the downloading of a server by means of a Maven artifact will be removed in 3.0.0.


Why is my server reloading after I execute CLI commands?

In 4.2.1 a new configuration parameter, auto-reload, was added which automatically reloads the running server if offline is set to false and the command left the server in a state of reload-required. If you previously had a reload operation or command in your script or command list, you can now remove it. The other option would be to set the auto-reload configuration to false.
