[Community] Publish WildFly channel manifest

In  wf-galleon maven


Wildfly-channels added ability to create channels defining component versions used to provision WildFly. This ability is being used in component testing and by provisioning projects like Galleon plugins and Prospero.

This proposal describes how the WildFly manifests should be published at build time.

Channels overview

A channel consists of a manifest and a set of artifact repositories. The manifest itself is an YAML file either deployed in one of the channel’s repositories or referenced via an URL. This discussion will focus only on the former option.

A manifest published in an an artifact repository, can be referenced using one of two options - either using a full Maven GAV, or as a stream of manifests, using just the GA part of the Maven coordinates. When using a full GAV of a manifest, the channel will always retrieve artifact versions associated with this version. On the other hand, when using only a GA, the channel will try to resolve the latest available version of the manifest, therefore providing the latest available components. The later scenario is used by provisioning tools like Prospero to provide updates for provisioned servers.

If the channel is required to provide backwards compatibility guarantee, this should be enforced using either groupId or artifactId naming convention. For example, if a project provides two concurrent versions (e.g. 1.2.x and 2.0.x), and wants to provide independent updates to both, it could create two separate channels org.test:project-1.2 and org.test:project-2.0.

On the other hand, if the channel wants to simply provide access to the latest project state, it can create a single manifest stream with coordinates like org.test:project. In this case, the newly published manifest might contain a non-backwards compatible upgrade (e.g. from version 1.2 to 2.0).

The actual versions that the manifest is published with are not relevant, as long as they are incremental. However, if the manifest is tied to a project release (i.e. it can only be updated by releasing a new version of the project), using the same versions as the project will make it easier for the users to find correct manifest versions.

Issue Metadata


Stability Level

  • Experimental

  • Preview

  • [X] Community

  • default

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

  • N/A

Testing By

  • [X] Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

Other Interested Projects


Relevant Installation Types

  • Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)

  • Managed domain

  • OpenShift s2i

  • Bootable jar


WildFly project currently creates three feature packs: wildfly-ee, wildfly and wildfly-preview. Those feature packs can require different versions of the same component being provisioned. To provide this flexibility each feature packs has to have a separate channel associated with it.

A channel consists of a stream of manifests with the current manifest being determined by its Maven version. When a new version of WildFly is published a new manifest with the same version as WildFly release will be added to the channel. The backwards compatibility of a channel is achieved through a naming convention where the supported version range is added to the artifactId of the manifest (e.g. org.wildfly:wildfly-32.0).

For this proposal we will publish the latest manifest with no backwards compatibility guarantee, meaning each channel will always contain components of the latest released version of WildFly.

Following three channels will be created as part of this proposal:

Manifest GA


Depends on


wildfly-ee and its dependencies



wildfly and its dependencies



wildfly-preview and its dependencies


Manifest metadata Requirements

The manifest file defines a few metadata fields: * name - human readable name of the manifest. Should contain the version of the server. * id - identifier of the manifest used to resolve manifest dependencies. Should be the same as the GA of the manifest. * description - human readable description of the manifest. * requires - id and optionally maven coordinates of dependency manifests.

Hard Requirements

  • WildFly manifests are published in Maven repository during release.

  • Provisioning tools using wildfly-channels can use the published manifest to provision and update WildFly server.

  • Different WildFly features packs created in the project are able to use different versions of the same artifacts.

  • The versions of the manifests correspond to WildFly releases. When using version 32.0.0.Final, the user should receive manifest for WildFly 32.0.0 Final

Nice-to-Have Requirements


  • The WildFly channels do not guarantee backwards compatibility.

  • Using the WildFly channels to perform a major version upgrade is possible, but not supported.

  • Publishing a channel definition (channel.yaml file)

Future Work


Backwards Compatibility

Publishing the manifests adds new capability for provisioning and testing tools, but doesn’t affect existing features.

Default Configuration


Importing Existing Configuration






Security Considerations


Test Plan

  • Existing WildFly tests already use the channels

  • Add test in Prospero to provision the latest WildFly version

Community Documentation

Update Prospero documentation and examples with provisioning WildFly server using published manifests.

Add an example of provisioning WildFly server using a channel to wildfly-maven-plugin documentation.

Release Note Content

Publishing WildFly channels used by provisioning and testing tools.