Add option to start stopped servers in suspended mode



This RFE is about adding an option to the dropdown menu to start servers in suspended mode.

Issue Metadata

  • n/a

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

[x] Engineering [ ] QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly

  • HAL


There are different places in the UI to start a server:

  • Topology drop down menu for a server group

  • Topology drop down menu for a server

  • Server group dropdown menu in Runtime / Server Groups

  • Server dropdown menu in Runtime / Server Groups / Server

  • Server dropdown menu in Runtime / Host / Server

For all these dropdown menus an additional item "Start in suspended mode" needs to be added.

Affected UI

  • Runtime / Topology

  • Runtime / Server Groups

  • Runtime / Server Groups / Server

  • Runtime / Host / Server

Affected Resources

  • /host=<host>/server=<server>

Test Plan

Tests will be added to the test suite that click on the new "Start in suspended mode" item and make sure the server in the right state.

Community Documentation

See the official HAL website at