Make implementing Configurable interface optional for configurable components

In  elytron


Presently custom components within the Elytron subsystem are required to implement the Configurable interface (in wildfy-core) if they wish to support receiving a Map of configuration Strings.

This means that the custom component needs to depend on both the WildFly Elytron project and the subsystem.

It should be possible for components to add the following method without implementing the interface and be configurable.

void initialize(final Map<String, String> configuration);

We also have a long standing issue in that if we add a new component to WildFly Elytron it can not be used until we can add a resource to configure it. By supporting configurable custom components without needing a dependency on the subsystem new components added to WildFly Elytron could be usable whilst the subsystem definitions catch up.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

  • TBD

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly Core


Hard Requirements

  • It will be possible to use class implementing required method (without any configuring-related interface) as configurable custom Elytron component.

Test Plan

  • Should be added test trying to add custom elytron security realm with configuration. Configuration params can be used to pass testing identity username/password and secured servlet can be used to test it is used and configured ok.