[PREVIEW]  Add the ability to specify that the OIDC Authentication Request should include request and request_uri parameters

In  elytron security


OpenID Connect is an authentication mechanism that builds on OAuth 2.0 and allows a user to login to a web application using credentials established by an OpenID provider. Authentication requests sent using OpenID Connect can be signed and optionally encrypted by encoding query parameters in a JWT. This can be achieved using one of two auth request parameters: request and request_uri, which are both optional. The current version of elytron-oidc-client does not allow the user to specify request or request_uri. Instead, all requests are sent in using the OAuth 2.0 request syntax.

This RFE will add an attribute to the elytron-oidc-client subsystem called authentication-request-format, which can allow the user to specify if they will use either of the request parameters. Additionally, we will be adding supporting attributes called request-object-signing-algorithm, request-object-encryption-alg-value and request-object-encryption-enc-value, which will be used to specify if and how the request parameters will be signed and/or encrypted. All of these attributes will be added to the secure-server, secure-deployment, provider and realm resources, which the user can configure using either the elytron-oidc-client subsystem, or using a json file in deployment configuration.

We will also be adding some keystore attributes, such as, request-object-signing-keystore-file, request-object-signing-keystore-password, request-object-signing-key-password, request-object-signing-key-alias and request-object-signing-keystore-type to the resources mentioned above. There are similar attributes that are currently available under the credential attribute. However, when they are configured outside of the credentials attribute, they will be used to sign Request Objects.

According to the OpenID docs, requests using request and request_uri parameters are represented as JWTs, which are respectively passed by value or by reference. Depending on the OpenID Provider, support for these parameters may or may not be available.

Issue Metadata


Stability Level

  • Experimental

  • Preview

  • Community

  • default

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly

  • WildFly Elytron

Other Interested Projects


Relevant Installation Types

  • Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)

  • Managed domain

  • OpenShift s2i

  • Bootable jar


Hard Requirements

  • Some new attributes named authentication-request-format, request-object-signing-algorithm, request-object-encryption-alg-value and request-object-encryption-enc-value will be added to the secure-deployment, secure-server, realm and provider resources under the elytron-oidc-client subsystem. The value for the authentication-request-format attribute will be a String with 3 acceptable values:

    • oauth2: Indicating that the query parameters will be sent as usual following the oauth2 syntax.

    • request: Indicating that the query will be sent as a JWT by value.

    • request_uri: Indicating that the query will be sent as a reference to the JWT.

  • The authentication-request-format attribute will specify if either request or the request_uri should be added to the auth request. This will be an optional attribute. The default value for this attribute will be set to oauth2, indicating that the request parameters will be sent regularly following the OAuth2 syntax.

    • For multiple secure-server or secure-deployment resources using the same realm or provider, the authentication-request-format can be specified at the higher level resource, such as, provider or realm.

    • For multiple secure-server or secure-deployment resources using the same higher level resource, if the Request Object type is not the same for each deployment, then the authentication-request-format attribute can be set accordingly for the individual lower level resources.

  • According to the OIDC specs, only one of the two parameters can be specified at a time. If request is added, then request_uri MUST NOT be used in the same request. However, the user can choose to specify neither by setting authentication-request-format to oauth2 or not setting it at all.

  • The request and request_uri parameters MUST NOT be included in Request Objects.

  • The Request Object MAY be signed or unsigned (plaintext) and can be specified by value or by reference. The user can specify the algorithm used to sign the JWT request using the request-object-signing-algorithm attribute which will also be added to the resources specified above. This algorithm must be one of the Request Object signature algorithms supported by the OpenID provider.

    • The values for request-object-signing-algorithm attribute are of type String. Default value for this attribute would be none, specifying that the request would be sent as a plaintext. In order to sign the jwt using an algorithm other than none, the user must specify the KeyPair used. This can be done using the request-object-signing-keystore-file, request-object-signing-keystore-password, request-object-signing-key-password, request-object-signing-key-alias and request-object-signing-keystore-type attributes. The algorithm for the KeyPair must match the algorithm used to sign the JWT. The keystore should be of type JKS or type PKCS12 and can be generated using keytool on the linux terminal.

    • The certificate for the KeyPair used to sign the JWT must be shared with the OpenID provider either by importing it from the keystore, or by uploading a jwksUrl.

    • When configuring the client in deployment or subsystem settings, the public-client attribute must be set to false and client credentials must be specified as well using the credentials attribute. Client keys must be uploaded to the admin console of the OpenID Provider.

  • The request object may also be encrypted. To specify that the Request Object will be encrypted, the user needs to specify the relevant algorithms using request-object-encryption-alg-value and request-object-encryption-enc-value. Encryption is done using JWE.

    • The values for the request-object-encryption-alg-value and the request-object-encryption-enc-value attributes are of type String. The default value for the attributes are undefined, which specifies that the request object will not be encrypted.

    • The request object will only be encrypted if both request-object-encryption-alg-value and request-object-encryption-enc-value are specified. The values for these attributes must be part of the encryption algorithms and content encryption methods supported by the OpenID provider. These values can also be found by sending a GET request to the discovery url or by looking at the client configurations on the admin console of the OpenID provider. An example of what the GET request would return can be seen below (diaplaying attributes relevant to Request Objects only):

  • The JWT must be signed first and then encrypted to make a nested JWT and the key used to encrypt the JWT must be the realm public key shared by the OpenID provider. The key algorithm must be the same as the encrypting algorithm. Signing and encrypting algorithms can be of different types (i. e. ES-256 for signing and RSA-OAEP for encrypting is allowed). The realm key for encrypting the JWT can be obtained by sending a GET request to the jwksUri obtained from the discoveryUrl(http://localhost:8080/realms/myrealm/.well-known/openid-configuration). For more information about how Keycloak supports Request Object Encryption, please refer to this issue and the following changes made to the Keycloak source code:

  • An example of the attributes obtained from the jwksUri of an OpenID provider can be seen below. Please note that the actual values for some of the fields have been truncated for readability:


  • The authentication request can send the Request Object in one of two ways:

    • By value: The request parameter is added to the query and its value is the Request Object itself.

    • The request string can be added to the auth request by adding the whole string:

  • By reference: This is useful when the request string is too large and a number of other reasons. In this case, the Request Object is passed as a reference parameter string using the request_uri parameter. The url references the Request Object, which the OpenID provider can use to download the Request Object itself. The entire Request_URI MUST NOT exceed 512 ASCII characters.

  • The request_uri value can be obtained by sending POST request to the pushed_authentication_request_endpoint of the OpenID provider. This can be also obtained using the discoveryUrl. The content for the POST request contains the value of the signed and/or encrypted Request Object and the content type for this request is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

  • Please see the following resources for more information on Keycloak’s implemetation of PAR.

  • A successful request will return 201 http code along with a JWT, which contains the value of the request_uri and its expiry time.

  • When included in the auth request, the request_uri would be specified as:

  • The base64-encoded SHA-256 hash 23GkurKxf5T0Y-mnPFCHqWOMiZi4VS138cQO_V7PZHAdM will allow the provider to cache the token for future use. It is a hash of the contents of the Request Object.

    • According to the OpenID docs, if the same parameter exists both in the Request Object and the OAuth Authorization Request parameters, the parameter in the Request Object is used.

    • The feature must deal with cases where the OpenId Provider does not support request parameters by recognizing request_not_supported error and dealing with it accordingly.

    • It should be possible to specify that these parameters should be included in the Authentication Request via deployment configuration using the oidc.json file inside the WEB-INF directory of the web application and elytron-oidc-client subsystem configuration.

The request attribute is specified through the deployment configuration as follows:

    "client-id" : "myclient",
    "provider-url" : "${env.OIDC_PROVIDER_URL:http://localhost:8080}/realms/myrealm",
    "public-client" : "false",
    "authentication-request-format" : "request",
    "principal-attribute" : "preferred_username",
    "ssl-required" : "EXTERNAL"
    "credentials" : {
        "secret" : "CLIENT_SECRET"

The request attribute is specified through the elytron-oidc-client subsystem as follows:

    /subsystem=elytron-oidc-client/secure-deployment:add(client_id=myclient, provider-url="http://localhost:8090/", authentication-request-format="request")

The request_uri attribute is specified through the deployment configuration as follows:

    "client-id" : "myclient",
    "provider-url" : "${env.OIDC_PROVIDER_URL:http://localhost:8080}/realms/myrealm",
    "public-client" : "false",
    "authentication-request-format" : "request_uri",
    "principal-attribute" : "preferred_username",
    "ssl-required" : "EXTERNAL"
    "credentials" : {
        "secret" : "CLIENT_SECRET"

The request attribute is specified through the elytron-oidc-client subsystem as follows:

    /subsystem=elytron-oidc-client/secure-deployment:add(client_id=myclient, provider-url="http://localhost:8090/", authentication-request-format="request_uri")

Nice-to-Have Requirements




Backwards Compatibility


Default Configuration

By default, neither request or request_uri would be specified and the value for authentication-request-format would be oauth2.

Test Plan

  • WildFly Elytron Tests: Integration test cases implemented for functionality.

  • WildFly Testsuite: Test cases will be added to check for subsystem parsing.

    • Additional integration tests will be added to test the full functionality of the elytron-oidc-subsystem when request or request_uri are configured.

    • Tests will be performed using signed (using symmetric and asymmetric keys), unsigned, encrypted and plaintext JWT requests, with the request specified both by value and by reference.

  • Tests will be added for both subsystem and deployment configurations.

  • Tests may be added to ensure that server configuration fails when the stability level is not specified appropriately.

Community Documentation

Documentation for the new request and request_uri attributes will be added to Elytron OpenID Connect Client Subsystem Configuration.

Release Note Content

This feature allows authentication requests to be sent as a signed and encrypted request object using request and request_uris.