[COMMUNITY]  [WFCORE-6830] Additional management attributes to contrain HTTP management interface resource utilisation.

In  management
Tracked by https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/issues/586


Previously under WFCORE-6825 an update was made to the HTTP management interface to allow the following system properties to be set to configure the constraints applied to the HTTP management interface:

  • org.wildfly.management.backlog

  • org.wildfly.management.connection-high-water

  • org.wildfly.management.connection-low-water

  • org.wildfly.management.no-request-timeout

    If the system properties were not set these would default to:
  • backlog = 50

  • connection-high-water = 100

  • connection-low-water = 75

  • no-request-timeout = 60000

This proposal is to add attributes to the management model for the HTTP management interface at the "Community" stability level to enable these to be configured directly in the management model.

Issue Metadata


  • WFCORE-6825 - The original issue to add the system properties.

  • WFCORE-6829 - A new community level schema for the core management model.

  • WFLY-19715 - Task to document the new attributes.

Stability Level

  • Experimental

  • Preview

  • Community

  • default

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • WildFly Core

  • WildFly

Other Interested Projects

The Creaper project is also impacted by the changes as adding a community level schema impacts version detection in this project as reported under Issue#236.

Relevant Installation Types

  • Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)

  • Managed domain

  • OpenShift s2i

  • Bootable jar


Hard Requirements

Four new attributes will be added to the HTTP management interface to configure the supported resource constraints that can be applied:

  • backlog

  • connection-high-water

  • connection-low-water

  • no-request-timeout

    The resulting resource will look like:
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "allowed-origins" => undefined,
        "backlog" => 50,
        "connection-high-water" => 100,
        "connection-low-water" => 75,
        "console-enabled" => true,
        "constant-headers" => undefined,
        "http-authentication-factory" => "management-http-authentication",
        "http-upgrade" => {
            "enabled" => true,
            "sasl-authentication-factory" => "management-sasl-authentication"
        "http-upgrade-enabled" => true,
        "no-request-timeout" => 60000,
        "sasl-protocol" => "remote",
        "secure-socket-binding" => undefined,
        "server-name" => undefined,
        "socket-binding" => "management-http",
        "ssl-context" => undefined

When persisted to the configuration file the resulting XML will look like:

    <http-interface http-authentication-factory="management-http-authentication"
        backlog="51" no-request-timeout="60001"
        connection-high-water="101" connection-low-water="76">

        <http-upgrade enabled="true" sasl-authentication-factory="management-sasl-authentication"/>
        <socket-binding http="management-http"/>

Nice-to-Have Requirements



The purpose of this feature request is to expose management model attributes to configure existing behaviour within the application server, this feature request is not intended to revisit the existing behaviour which is already available at all stability levels.

Future Work

The only possible future work could be to promote one or all of these new attributes to a higher stability level.

A change such as this should likely be constrained to:

  • Removing the stability level qualifier from the attribute definitions allowing them to be used at the default stability level.

  • Moving the XML schema definitions and parsing to an appropriate schema at the default stability level.

  • The community documentation can be simplified to remove references to the stability level Community once supported at all stability levels.

Backwards Compatibility

In considering backwards compatibility if an attribute is defined on the HTTP management interface AND the corresponding system property is set then the system property should take precedence.

For each of the system properties if defined and if the attribute is supported at the current stability level a message in the following format will be logged to inform the administrator that they should move to using the new attribute definitions.

14:58:13,878 INFO  [org.jboss.as.controller.management-deprecated] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0515: The system
property 'org.wildfly.management.backlog' is deprecated and may be removed in a future version, attribute 'backlog' on
resource '/core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface' should be used instead.

Default Configuration

The new attributes will not be present in the default configuration, instead the default values will remain in use.

Importing Existing Configuration

As the attributes are optional and defined with default values the changes here will not impact the ability to import and existing configuration.





Admin Clients

The JBoss CLI utilises low level management operations when updating the http-management-interface, these dynamically take into account the results of calling :read-resource-description so these new attributes will be automatically supported by the CLI when the server is running at the Community stability level or lower.

The admin console does contain a screen dedicated to the management of the HTTP management interface available at HTTP Management Interface. This screen is dynamically rendered based on the attributes defined on the HTTP management interface resource, this means that when the server is running at a stability level that supports these new attributes the admin console will automatically support them - in other cases they will not be present in the view.

No follow up tasks are required for either admin client.

Security Considerations

Security constraints are already defined on the management interfaces, these new attributes do not require further constraints.

Test Plan

The original issue WFCORE-6825 already added a test case to the manualmode testsuite org.wildfly.core.test.standalone.mgmt.ManagementInterfaceResourcesTestCase, this test uses the system properties to define the resource constraints and then checks that the constraints are applied. This test will be enhanced so that in addition to the testing it performs using system properties the same tests are repeated setting the constraints as attributes in the management model.

WildFly Core also contains two test cases which test the parsing and marshalling of the management model from XML and back for the management interfaces:

  • org.jboss.as.core.model.test.mgmt_interfaces.StandaloneMgmtInterfacesTestCase

  • org.jboss.as.core.model.test.mgmt_interfaces.HostMgmtInterfacesTestCase

These test cases will both have a test added to parse and marshall a configuration with all of the new attributes defined.

Community Documentation

Under WFLY-19715 documented will be added describing the new attributes and how they can be used.

The documentation will also clarify that the default values are still applicable when running at the stability level of Default and include information about the system properties that can be used.

Release Note Content

Previously under WFCORE-6825 four system properties with default values were added to enable the constraints affecting the HTTP management interface to be configured. Under WFCORE-6830 four new attributes have been added to the HTTP management interface (backlog, connection-high-water, connection-low-water, no-request-timeout) to allow these constraints to be configured directly in the management model.

These new attributes are available for servers running at the Community stability level or lower.