EAP7-1571 / WFLY-14156 Remove MicroProfile REST Client from WildFly EE



This is about removing the MicroProfile REST Client functionalities from WildFly EE

Issue Metadata

QE Contacts:

Affected Projects or Components:

  • WildFly

  • RESTEasy


  • The MicroProfile REST Client functionalities is provided in the full 'wildfly' feature pack only

  • Making rest-client api optional in 'resteasy-cdi' and removing it from the 'jaxrs' subsystem

  • Adding a new 'microprofile-rest-client' in the microprofile galleon pack

  • All RESTEasy functionalities unrelated to MicroProfile keep on working

Test Plan

The application server testsuite against the full feature pack distribution will keep on passing.

Testing By

[X] Engineering

[ ] QE

Community Documentation

Likely a note in the documentation of MicroProfile REST Client