Delete RHOSAK support in MicroProfile Reactive Messaging



For EAP XP 4.0 we added support for Kafka provided by RHOSAK (Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka) to MicroProfile Reactive Messaging.

The support consisted of:

  • Integrate MicroProfile Reactive Messaging with RHOSAK (WFLY-15006) - This was an 'umbrella' issue for the introduction of RHOSAK as a technology preview. No work was needed in the server codebase specifically to support RHOSAK, apart from:

    • Configure Reactive Messaging Kafka connector to use SSLContext from the Elytron subsystem and allow SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols (WFLY-14987) - While this was needed to support RHOSAK, it is also needed to connect to secured Kafka on bare metal, or to AMQ Streams on OpenShift.

  • Modernise the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging QuickStart for Reactive Messaging 2.0 (WFLY-14800) - As well as updating the example to support MicroProfile Reactive Messaging 2.0, the OpenShift examples were enhanced to show how to connect to RHOSAK. The existing examples of how to connect to AMQ Streams were kept.

  • Full Support for RHOSAK integration (WFLY-15019) - The intent here was to add automated tests for RHOSAK. As this issue has been open for a long time, this has not happened. Apart from that it built on the work done for (WFLY-14987).

Issue Metadata


Previous work, as mentioned in the introduction:

  • Integrate MicroProfile Reactive Messaging with RHOSAK (WFLY-15006)

  • Configure Reactive Messaging Kafka connector to use SSLContext from the Elytron subsystem and allow SASL_PLAINTEXT and SASL_SSL protocols (WFLY-14987)

  • Modernise the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging QuickStart for Reactive Messaging 2.0 (WFLY-14800)

  • Full Support for RHOSAK integration (WFLY-15019)

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

Other Interested Projects

Relevant Installation Types

  • Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)

  • Managed domain

  • OpenShift s2i

  • Bootable jar


Hard Requirements

  • As there are no changes to the WildFly code base nor the WildFly testsuite to implement this change, the changes are to:

    • MicroProfile Reactive Messaging Quickstart:

      • Remove the RHOSAK sections from the MicroProfile Reactive Messaging quickstart

    • QE testsuite:

      • Remove any tests that might exist, possibly for (WFLY-15019)

    • Product Docs:

      • Remove any mentions of RHOSAK

Nice-to-Have Requirements


  • It is not necessary to undo the work to connect to secured Kafka (WFLY-14987), since that is useful in other scenarios:

    • Connecting to secure Kafka on bare metal

    • Connecting to AMQ Streams on OpenShift

Backwards Compatibility

The backwards compatibility issue is due to the removal of RHOSAK support. If it were to resurface, WildFly will contain everything needed.

From a configuration perspective, RHOSAK support consisted of microprofile property entries to connect to a secure Kafka instance. Whether that secure Kafka instance is provided by RHOSAK or by other means, makes no difference to the application server or the user applications.

Default Configuration


Importing Existing Configuration






Security Considerations

No security implications to consider

Test Plan

Community Documentation

The documentation in this area mentions 'secure Kafka' rather than RHOSAK, so no changes are needed.

The quickstarts will need updating as mentioned.

Release Note Content

Support for RHOSAK has been withdrawn. The MicroProfile Reactive Messaging for Kafka quickstart has been updated to no longer include instructions for how to connect to RHOSAK.