[Preview]Make ReuseXForwarded and RewriteHost configurable



In some scenarios it is a requirement to reuse x forwarded or rewrite host header. Currently ProxyHandler flags controlling both are hardcoded to 'false', meaning mentioned functionality is not accessible. This RFE adress this by introduction of model values that control mentioned flags.

Issue Metadata


Stability Level

  • Experimental

  • [X] Preview

  • Community

  • default

Dev Contacts

QE Contacts

Testing By

  • Engineering

  • QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • Web/Undertow

Other Interested Projects

Relevant Installation Types

  • Traditional standalone server (unzipped or provisioned by Galleon)

  • Managed domain

  • OpenShift s2i

  • Bootable jar


Hard Requirements

  • Being able to configure both flags via model:

    • reuse-x-forwarded-header

    • rewrite-host-header

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:14.0" default-server="some-server" default-servlet-container="myContainer" default-virtual-host="default-virtual-host" instance-id="some-id" statistics-enabled="true">
            <file case-sensitive="false" directory-listing="true" follow-symlink="true" name="welcome-content" path="${jboss.home.dir}" safe-symlink-paths="/path/to/folder /second/path"/>
            <reverse-proxy ... reuse-x-forwarded-header="true" rewrite-host-header="false">
Parameters will be present in reverse-proxy element(for standalone: /subsystem=undertow/configuration=handler/reverse-proxy=my-handler):
* reuse-x-forwarded-header
** Default: false
** Type: boolean
** Description: if true append(reuse existing) remote hop to x-forwarded-* headers, if not, previous value is discarded and remote hop becomes the value, otherwise set it to remote host.
* rewrite-host-header
** Default: false
** Type: boolean
** Description: if true set host header to connection remote end and create x-forwarded-host header.

Nice-to-Have Requirements


Backwards Compatibility

Subsystem transformers should be able to handle it.

Default Configuration

No change.

Importing Existing Configuration

No steps, transformers should handle purging default value for previous configs.


No. Default is still false for both, so there should be no change in behavior.


Not affected.

Security Considerations

Test Plan

Community Documentation

Should be part of model reference. Possibly could be documented in Undertow as well?

Release Note Content

See Overview