wildfly-dist should generate and deploy a zipped maven repo for galleon

In  wf-galleon


Offer the ability to package all Galleon required artifacts to provision WildFly server.

Issue Metadata


Dev Contacts

Testing By

[ ] Engineering

[X] QE

Affected Projects or Components

  • OpenShift

Other Interested Projects


In order to address this requirement, we are defining a new WildFly Maven plugin (org.wildfly.galleon-plugins:wildfly-galleon-maven-plugin) goal named generate-all-artifacts-list. This goal aggregates all offliner files that have been generated when each Wildfly galleon feature-pack is built.

offliner file == list of artifacts == "sha-256 checksum, artifact path inside maven repo" per line.

When building the wildfly-dist module with release profile (-Drelease=true), this plugin is called to generate /target/wildfly-galleon-${project.version}-all-artifacts-list.txt directory.

The file is deployed with other maven artifacts as wildfly-dist-${project.version}-artifact-list.txt

Then the workflow to produce a maven repository to provision WildFly is:

1) Retrieve the org.wildfly:wildfly-dist-${project.version}-artifact-list.txt from maven repository

2) Use offliner runtime (https://github.com/release-engineering/offliner) to download all files to populate a local maven repository.

Hard Requirements

  • Generate and deploy the file with valid sha-256 checksum and paths for all required artifacts.

Nice-to-Have Requirements


Implementation Plan

  • Add the goal to WildFly galleon-plugins project.

  • Evolve dist/pom.xml to call the plugin.

Test Plan

  • Use the generated file to populate a maven local repo.

  • Test that wildfly can be provisioned from the resulting repo.

Community Documentation

This file could be treated as an implementation detail and not be documented.