Class StandaloneManager

    • Constructor Detail

      • StandaloneManager

        protected StandaloneManager​(ProcessHandle process,
    • Method Detail

      • client

        public client()
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Returns the client associated with this server manager.
        a client to communicate with the server
      • serverState

        public String serverState()
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Gets the "server-state" for standalone servers or the "host-state" for domain servers.
        the server-state or "failed" if an error occurred
      • executeReload

        public void executeReload()
                           throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Reloads the server and returns immediately.
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • reloadIfRequired

        public void reloadIfRequired​(long timeout,
                                     TimeUnit unit)
                              throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case, executes reload and waits for completion.
        timeout - the time to wait for the server to reload
        unit - the time unit for the timeout argument
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • isRunning

        public boolean isRunning()
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Checks to see if a server is running.
        true if the server is running, otherwise false
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Shuts down the server.
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown​(long timeout)
                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Shuts down the server.
        timeout - the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of -1 will wait indefinitely and a value of 0 will not attempt a graceful shutdown
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • launchType

        public String launchType()
        Determines the servers "launch-type".
        Specified by:
        launchType in interface ServerManager
        the servers launch-type or "unknown" if it could not be determined
      • waitFor

        public boolean waitFor​(long startupTimeout,
                               TimeUnit unit)
                        throws InterruptedException
        Description copied from interface: ServerManager
        Waits the given amount of time for a server to start.

        If the process is not null and a timeout occurs the process will be destroyed.

        Specified by:
        waitFor in interface ServerManager
        startupTimeout - the time, to wait for the server start
        unit - the time unit for the startupTimeout argument
        true if the server is up and running, false if a timeout occurred waiting for the server to be in a running state
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for the server to start
      • takeSnapshot

        public String takeSnapshot()
                            throws IOException
        Takes a snapshot of the current servers configuration and returns the relative file name of the snapshot.

        This simply executes the take-snapshot operation with no arguments.

        Specified by:
        takeSnapshot in interface ServerManager
        the file name of the snapshot configuration file
        IOException - if an error occurs executing the operation
      • executeReload

        public void executeReload​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode reloadOp)
        Reloads the server and returns immediately.
        Specified by:
        executeReload in interface ServerManager
        reloadOp - the reload operation to execute