Interface ServerManager

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static ServerManager.Builder builder()
      Creates a builder to build a server manager. client()
      Returns the client associated with this server manager.
      ContainerDescription containerDescription()
      Returns the container description for the running server.
      DeploymentManager deploymentManager()
      Returns the deployment manager for the server.
      void executeReload()
      Reloads the server and returns immediately.
      void executeReload​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode reloadOp)
      Reloads the server and returns immediately.
      static Optional<ProcessHandle> findProcess()
      Attempts to find the controlling process.
      boolean isRunning()
      Checks to see if a server is running.
      static boolean isRunning​( client)
      Checks if a server is running regardless if it is a standalone or domain server.
      static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(String path)
      Checks whether the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
      static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(Path path)
      Checks whether the directory is a valid home directory for a server.
      String launchType()
      Determines the servers "launch-type".
      static Optional<String> launchType​( client)
      Returns the "launch-type" attribute of a server.
      void reloadIfRequired()
      Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case, executes reload and waits for completion with a 10 second timeout.
      void reloadIfRequired​(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
      Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case, executes reload and waits for completion.
      String serverState()
      Gets the "server-state" for standalone servers or the "host-state" for domain servers.
      void shutdown()
      Shuts down the server.
      void shutdown​(long timeout)
      Shuts down the server.
      String takeSnapshot()
      Takes a snapshot of the current servers configuration and returns the relative file name of the snapshot.
      default boolean waitFor​(long startupTimeout)
      Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a server to start.
      boolean waitFor​(long startupTimeout, TimeUnit unit)
      Waits the given amount of time for a server to start.
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        static ServerManager.Builder builder()
        Creates a builder to build a server manager.
        a new builder
      • findProcess

        static Optional<ProcessHandle> findProcess()
        Attempts to find the controlling process. For a domain server this, returns the process handle for the process controller. For a standalone server, this returns the standalone process handle.

        Please note this method does not work on Windows. The ProcessHandle.Info.arguments() is limited by the operating systems privileges.

        the process handle if one was found running
      • isValidHomeDirectory

        static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(Path path)
        Checks whether the directory is a valid home directory for a server.

        This validates the path is not null, exists, is a directory and contains a jboss-modules.jar.

        path - the path to validate
        true if the path is valid otherwise false
      • isValidHomeDirectory

        static boolean isValidHomeDirectory​(String path)
        Checks whether the directory is a valid home directory for a server.

        This validates the path is not null, exists, is a directory and contains a jboss-modules.jar.

        path - the path to validate
        true if the path is valid otherwise false
      • isRunning

        static boolean isRunning​( client)
        Checks if a server is running regardless if it is a standalone or domain server.
        client - the client used to check the server state
        true if a server is running, otherwise false
      • launchType

        static Optional<String> launchType​( client)
        Returns the "launch-type" attribute of a server.
        client - the client used to check the launch-type attribute
        the servers launch-type
      • client client()
        Returns the client associated with this server manager.
        a client to communicate with the server
      • serverState

        String serverState()
        Gets the "server-state" for standalone servers or the "host-state" for domain servers.
        the server-state or "failed" if an error occurred
      • launchType

        String launchType()
        Determines the servers "launch-type".
        the servers launch-type or "unknown" if it could not be determined
      • takeSnapshot

        String takeSnapshot()
                     throws IOException
        Takes a snapshot of the current servers configuration and returns the relative file name of the snapshot.

        This simply executes the take-snapshot operation with no arguments.

        the file name of the snapshot configuration file
        IOException - if an error occurs executing the operation
      • containerDescription

        ContainerDescription containerDescription()
                                           throws IOException
        Returns the container description for the running server.
        the container description for the running server
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • deploymentManager

        DeploymentManager deploymentManager()
        Returns the deployment manager for the server.
        the deployment manager
      • isRunning

        boolean isRunning()
        Checks to see if a server is running.
        true if the server is running, otherwise false
      • waitFor

        default boolean waitFor​(long startupTimeout)
                         throws InterruptedException
        Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a server to start.

        If the process is not null and a timeout occurs the process will be destroyed.

        startupTimeout - the time, in seconds, to wait for the server start
        true if the server is up and running, false if a timeout occurred waiting for the server to be in a running state
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for the server to start
      • waitFor

        boolean waitFor​(long startupTimeout,
                        TimeUnit unit)
                 throws InterruptedException
        Waits the given amount of time for a server to start.

        If the process is not null and a timeout occurs the process will be destroyed.

        startupTimeout - the time, to wait for the server start
        unit - the time unit for the startupTimeout argument
        true if the server is up and running, false if a timeout occurred waiting for the server to be in a running state
        InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting for the server to start
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
               throws IOException
        Shuts down the server.
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • shutdown

        void shutdown​(long timeout)
               throws IOException
        Shuts down the server.
        timeout - the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of -1 will wait indefinitely and a value of 0 will not attempt a graceful shutdown
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • executeReload

        void executeReload()
                    throws IOException
        Reloads the server and returns immediately.
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • executeReload

        void executeReload​(org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode reloadOp)
                    throws IOException
        Reloads the server and returns immediately.
        reloadOp - the reload operation to execute
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
      • reloadIfRequired

        void reloadIfRequired()
                       throws IOException
        Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case, executes reload and waits for completion with a 10 second timeout.
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server
        See Also:
        reloadIfRequired(long, TimeUnit)
      • reloadIfRequired

        void reloadIfRequired​(long timeout,
                              TimeUnit unit)
                       throws IOException
        Checks if the container status is "reload-required" and if it's the case, executes reload and waits for completion.
        timeout - the time to wait for the server to reload
        unit - the time unit for the timeout argument
        IOException - if an error occurs communicating with the server